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The effect of continuous (CW; 2.45 GHz carrier frequency) or amplitude-modulated (AM; 50 Hz square wave) microwave radiation on the immune response was tested. CW exposures (6 days, 3 h/day) induced elevations of the number of antibody-producing cells in the spleen of male Balb/c mice (+37%). AM microwave exposure induced elevation of the spleen index (+15%) and antibody-producing cell number (+55%) in the spleen of male mice. No changes were observed in female mice. It is concluded that both types of exposure conditions induced moderate elevation of antibody production only in male mice. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tests of mutagenesis and reproduction were conducted in male rats which were irradiated by 2,450-MHz, continuous-wave (CW) microwaves, 4 hr/day from day 6 of gestation to 90 days of age at 5 mW/cm2; or 5 hr/day for five days beginning on the 90th day of age at 10 mW/cm2; or 4 hr/day, 5 days/ wk for four weeks, beginning on the 90th day of age. During selected weekly periods after treatment, the rats were bred to pairs of untreated, normal female rats that were examined in late pregnancy by means of the dominant lethal assay. The reproductive efficiency of these males, as reflected in their breeding, was also examined for changes relating to their microwave experience. No significant evidence of germ-cell mutagenesis was detected when data of microwave-exposed males were compared with those of sham-exposed males, even though there were significant increases in rectal and intra-testicular temperatures at a power density of 28 mW/cm2. Temporary sterility, as indexed by fewer pregnancies, was seen at the highest power density.  相似文献   

Adult honeybees, confined singly or in small clusters, were exposed for 0.5, 6, and 24 hours to 2.45-GHz continuous wave microwave radiation at power densities of 3, 6, 12, 25, and 50 mW/cm2. Following exposure, bees were held in the incubator for 21 days to determine the consumption of sucrose syrup and to observe mortality. No significant differences were found between microwave-treated and sham-treated or control bees.  相似文献   

Time-bred CD-1 mice (100) were sham-irradiated or irradiated with 2450-MHz (CW) microwaves at 28 mW/cm2 for 100 minutes daily from the 6th through 17th day of gestation. The offspring were examined either as fetuses after hysterotomy on the 18th day of gestation or as naturally born neonates on the 1st and 7th day of age. Fetuses of half of the dams were examined on the 18th day of gestation. The incidence of pregnancy and the numbers of live, dead, resorbed, and total fetuses were similar in both groups. The mean weight was significantly lower (10%) in live microwave-irradiated fetuses, and ossification of sternal centers was significantly delayed. In the offspring that were born naturally, the mean weight of microwave-irradiated 7-day-old suckling mice was significantly lower (10%) than that of the sham-irradiated group. Survival rates of neonates in these two groups were not different. These data demonstrate that the decreased fetal weight seen in microwave-irradiated mice is retained at least 7 days after birth. Evidence from other published studies is presented to show that the retarded growth is persistent and might be interpreted as permanent stunting.  相似文献   

A significant increase was observed in the circulating antibody titers of mice exposed to 9-GHz pulsed microwaves at an average power density of 10 mW/ cm2, two hours per day for five days compared with sham-irradiated animals. The mice were previously immunized with type III pneumococcal polysaccharide. Following irradiation, a portion of the immunized animals were challenged with virulent Streptococcus pneumoniae, type III. Ten days after challenge, mortality was essentially the same in the two groups, but during the ten day period, there was a noticeable increase in the survival time of the irradiated animals compared with the sham-irradiated animals, suggesting that the increased circulating antibody response afforded some degree of temporary protection to the animals.  相似文献   

In order to demonstrate possible specific effects of microwaves at the cellular level V-79 Chinese hamster cells were exposed to 2.45-GHz radiation at power levels of 20–200 mW/cm2 and at specific absorption rates of 10–100 mW/g. Intracellular cytoplasmic changes were observed by fluorescence polarization using a method based on the intracellular enzymatic hydrolysis of nonfluorescent fluorescein diacetate (FDA). At levels of absorbed energy below 90 J/g, modifications of microviscosity and mitochondrial state were absent, but a slight stimulation of enzymatic hydrolysis of FDA was observed which may be explained by microwave-induced alterations of cellular membranes possibly due to differences in heating pattern of microwaves compared to water-bath heating. At levels of absorbed energy above 90 J/g, the decrease of enzymatic hydrolysis of FDA, increase in degree of polarization, and increase of permeation of the fluorescent marker correlated well with the decrease in cell viability as measured by the exclusion of trypan blue. At equal absorbed energy, microwaves were found to exert effects comparable to classical heating except that permeation was slightly more affected by microwave than by classical heating. This suggests that membrane alteration produced by microwaves might differ from those induced by classical heating or that microwaves may have heated the membrane to higher temperatures than did classical heating.  相似文献   

Foraging-experienced honeybees retained normal flight, orientation, and memory functions after 30 minutes' exposure to 2.45-GHz CW microwaves at power densities from 3 to 50 mW/cm2. These experiments were conducted at power densities approximating and exceeding those that would be present above receiving antennas of the proposed solar power satellite (SPS) energy transmission system and for a duration exceeding that which honeybees living outside a rectenna might be expected to spend within the rectenna on individual foraging trips. There was no evidence that airborne invertebrates would be significantly affected during transient passage through microwaves associated with SPS ground-based microwave receiving stations.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the thermal adjustments of squirrel monkeys exposed in a cold environment to relatively high energy levels of microwave fields. The animals (Saimiri sciureus) were equilibrated for 90 min to a cool environment (Ta = 20 degrees C) to elevate metabolic heat production (M). They were then exposed for brief (10-min) or long (30-min) periods to 2,450-MHz continuous-wave microwaves. Power densities (MPD) were 10, 14, 19, and 25 mW/cm2 during brief exposures and 30, 35, 40, and 45 mW/cm2 during long exposures (rate of energy absorption: SAR = 0.15 [W/kg]/[mW/cm2]). Individual exposures were separated by enough time to allow physiological variables to return to baseline levels. The results confirm that each microwave exposure induced a rapid decrease in M. In a 20 degree C environment, the power density of a 10-min exposure required to lower M to approximate the resting level was 35 mW/cm2 (SAR = 5.3 W/kg). During the long exposures, 20 min was needed to decrease M to its lowest level. Cessation of irradiation was associated with persistence of low levels of M for periods that depended on the power density of the preceding microwave exposure. Vasodilation, as indexed by changes in local skin temperature, occurred at a high rate of energy absorption (SAR = 4.5 W/kg) and was sufficient to prevent a dramatic increase in storage of thermal energy by the body; vasoconstriction was reinstated after termination of irradiation. Patterns of thermophysiological responses confirm the influence both of peripheral and of internal inputs to thermoregulation in squirrel monkeys exposed to microwaves in a cool environment.  相似文献   

Fertile eggs of the Coturnix quail were exposed twice a day for 30 min to 2.45-GHz continuous wave radiation at power densities of 25 or 50 mW cm-2 throughout the 17-day incubation period. Other eggs were exposed to 20 degrees C or 24 degrees C temperatures twice daily. Repeated exposures to 20 degrees C, 24 degrees C, or 25 mW cm-2 did not reduce hatchability. Irradiation at 50 mW cm-2 lowered hatchability, probably as a result of high egg temperatures. Hatchlings that had been irradiated by microwaves as embryos had normal growth rates and no obvious developmental abnormalities.  相似文献   

Mice were exposed in the far field in an anechoic chamber to 2,880-MHz pulsed microwaves 3 to 7.5 h daily, 5 days/week for 60 to 360 h. Three experiments were performed at average power densities of 5 mW/cm2 and six at 10 mW/cm2, corresponding to averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) of 2.25 and 4.50 mW/g, respectively. Each experiment consisted of eight mice, with a concurrently sham-exposed group of eight. In two of three studies at 5 mW/cm2, there was a significant increase in bone marrow cellularity in the microwave-exposed groups compared to the sham-exposed groups. Significant differences were occasionally seen in erythrocyte, leukocyte, and platelet values from microwave-exposed groups, but were not consistently observed. In one of six groups exposed at 10 mW/cm2, mean bone marrow cellularity was reduced significantly in the microwave-exposed mice; in another group, the lymphocyte count was increased. In only one exposure (10 mW/cm2 for 360 h) was any significant effect noted on serum proteins: a reduction to 5.1 +/- 0.3 g/dl in the exposed versus 5.6 +/- 0.4 g/dl in the sham-exposed mice. This was due to a decrease in alpha and beta globulins, with no effect on albumin or gamma globulin concentrations. No effect on bone marrow granulocyte/macrophage colony-forming units (CFU) was revealed following exposure of mice to pulsed microwaves at 5 mW/cm2. In one of four exposures at 10 mW/cm2, there was a significant increase in CFU-agar colonies. No significant effects of exposures at 10 mW/cm2 were observed on in vivo and in vitro assays of cell-mediated immune functions. No exposure-related histopathologic lesions were found from examination of several tissues and organs. Results of these series of exposures of mice at SARs of 2.25 and 4.50 mW/g indicated no consistent effects on the hematologic, immunologic, or histopathologic variables examined.  相似文献   

Inter-beat intervals of aggregated cardiac cells from chicken embryos were studied during 190 s exposures to 2.45 GHz microwaves in an open-ended coaxial device. Averaged specific-absorption rates (SARs) and modulation conditions were 1.2–86.9 W/kg continuous-wave (CW). 1.2–12.2 W/kg pulse modulation (PW, duty cycle ∽ 11%). and 12.0–43.5 W/kg square-wave modulation (duty cycle = 50%). The inter-beat interval decreased during microwave exposures at 42.0 W/kg and higher when CW or square-wave modulation was used, which is consistent with established effects of elevated temperatures. However, increases in the inter-beat interval during CW exposures at 1.2–12.2 W/kg, and decreases in the inter-beat interval after PW exposures at 8.4–12.2 W/kg. are not consistent with simple thermal effects. Analysis of variance indicated that SAR. modulation, and the modulation-SAR interaction were all significant factors in altering the interbeat interval. The latter two factors indicated that the cardiac cells were affected by athermal as well as thermal effects of microwave exposure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

Irradiation by pulsed microwaves (9.4 GHz, 1 microsecond pulses at 1,000/s), both with and without concurrent amplitude modulation (AM) by a sinusoid at discrete frequencies between 14 and 41 MHz, was assessed for effects on the immune system of Balb/C mice. The mice were immunized either by sheep red blood cells (SRBC) or by glutaric-anhydride conjugated bovine serum albumin (GA-BSA), then exposed to the microwaves at a low rms power density (30 microW/cm2; whole-body-averaged SAR approximately 0.015 W/kg). Sham exposure or microwave irradiation took place during each of five contiguous days, 10 h/day. The antibody response was evaluated by the plaque-forming cell assay (SRBC experiment) or by the titration of IgM and IgG antibodies (GA-BSA experiment). In the absence of AM, the pulsed field did not greatly alter immune responsiveness. In contrast, exposure to the field under the combined-modulation condition resulted in significant, AM-frequency-dependent augmentation or weakening of immune responses.  相似文献   

Female CD-1 mice immunized against the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae type III were exposed to 9-GHz pulsed microwaves (pulse repetition rate 970-1,000, pulse width 1.0 microseconds, peak power 1 W/cm2) at an average incident power density of 1 mW/cm2 (calculated SAR congruent to 0.47 W/kg) for 2 h per day for 5 days. Circulating antibody titers for the microwave-exposed animals were not significantly different from those of the sham-irradiated animals, and there were no differences in any of the hematological parameters analyzed, indicating that 9-GHz pulsed microwaves at 1 mW/cm2 do not alter the immune response of mice immunized against S pneumoniae.  相似文献   

We have developed a carrousel irradiator for mice which delivers a head‐first and near‐field radiofrequency exposure that more closely simulates cellular telephone and radio use than conventional whole body exposure systems. Mouse cadavers were placed on the carrousel irradiator and exposed with their noses 5 mm from the feedpoint of a 1.6 GHz antenna. Local measured specific absorption rates (SAR) in brain regions corresponding to the frontal cortex, medial caudate putamen, and midhippocampal areas were 2.9, 2.4, and 2.2 W/kg per watt of irradiated power, respectively. In addition, average SAR was estimated to be 3.4 W/kg per watt along the sagittal plane of the brain, 2.0 W/kg per watt along the sagittal plane of the body, and between 6.8 and 8.1 W/kg per watt at peak locations along the sagittal plane at the body surface. This detailed SAR information in mice is critical to the interpretation of biological studies of IRIDIUM exposure, and similar analysis should be included for all studies of in vivo exposure of small animals to microwaves. Bioelectromagnetics 20:42–47, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Male CBA/CAY mice were exposed daily (6 days a week) for 30 minutes in an environmentally controlled waveguide to continuous 2.45 GHz microwave radiation for 2 weeks at average whole body absorbed dose rates of 0.05, 0.5, 10, and 20 mW/g. Shan exposed animals served as controls. Chain translocations were observed at diakinesis at metaphase I in microwave exposed animals. The yield of translocations increased with exposure, and varied nonlinearly with dose rate. An increase in incidence of univalents was seen after exposure at 10 and 20 mW/g. The findings are interpreted to indicate interference with normal spermatogenesis during the exposure period.  相似文献   

A maximum of six live mice, mouse cadavers, prolate spheroids molded from muscle-equivalent tissue, or saline-filled culture flasks, were exposed to continuous wave radiation in a TEM cell at frequencies between 200 and 400 MHz. Whole-body average specific absorption rate (SAR) was determined from power meter measurements of incident, reflected, and transmitted powers. The SARs for both live mice and cadavers were approximately twice that for the prolate spheroid models, and when housed in Plexiglas restraining cages, about 2 1/2 times greater. An error multiplying factor is identified, that quantitatively expresses how SAR data obtained by the three-power-meter method becomes progressively more noisy as the irradiation frequency is lowered or as the TEM cell cross section is increased.  相似文献   

The effects of microwave irradiation at two different frequencies (1.28 and 5.62 GHz) on observing-behavior of rodents were investigated. During daily irradiation, eight male hooded rats performed on a two-lever task; depression of one lever produced one of two different tones and the other lever produced food when depressed in the presence of the appropriate tone. At 5.62 GHz, the observing-response rate was not consistently affected until the power density approximated 26 mW/cm2 at 1.28 GHz, the observing-response rate of all rats was consistently affected at a power density of 15 mW/cm2. The respective whole-body specific absorption rates (SARs) were 4.94 and 3.75 W/Kg. Measurements of localized SAR in a rat-shaped model of simulated muscle tissue revealed marked differences in the absorption pattern between the two frequencies. The localized SAR in the model's head at 1.28 GHz was higher on the side distal to the source of radiation. At 5.62 GHz the localized SAR in the head was higher on the proximal side. It is concluded that the rat's observing behavior is disrupted at a lower power density at 1.28 than at 5.62 GHz because of deeper penetration of energy at the lower frequency, and because of frequency-dependent differences in anatomic distribution of the absorbed microwave energy.  相似文献   

A comparison of the effects of continuous-wave, sinusoidal-amplitude-modulated, and pulsed square-wave-modulated 591-MHz microwave exposures on brain energy metabolism was made in male Sprague-Dawley rats (175-225 g). Brain NADH fluorescence, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration, and creatine phosphate (CP) concentration were determined as a function of modulation frequency. Brain temperatures of animals were maintained between -0.1 and -0.4 degrees C from the preexposure temperature when subjected to as much as 20 mW/cm2 (average power) CW, pulsed, or sinusoidal-amplitude modulated 591-MHz radiation for 5 min. Sinusoidal-amplitude-modulated exposures at 16-24 Hz showed a trend toward preferential modulation frequency response in inducing an increase in brain NADH fluorescence. The pulse-modulated and sinusoidal-amplitude-modulated (16 Hz) microwaves were not significantly different from CW exposures in inducing increased brain NADH fluorescence and decreased ATP and CP concentrations. When the pulse-modulation frequency was decreased from 500 to 250 pulses per second the average incident power density threshold for inducing an increase in brain NADH fluorescence increased by a factor of 4--ie, from about 0.45 to about 1.85 mW/cm2. Since brain temperature did not increase, the microwave-induced increase in brain NADH and decrease in ATP and CP concentrations was not due to hyperthermia. This suggests a direct interaction mechanism and is consistent with the hypothesis of microwave inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport chain function of ATP production.  相似文献   

We found high narrow-sense heritability of life span based on the regression of offspring on average parental (midparent) life spans. In two mouse populations prepared using the 4-way-cross design, mean ± SE heritabilities were 62 ± 11% (P ≤ 0.001) and 44 ± 15% (P ≤ 0.01). To reflect inherited rates of aging, rather than resistance to early disease, data from the first 25% to die were deleted, so that only about 40% of families were used for offspring-midparent regressions. Heritabilities still remained high, 38% and 55%, for the same two populations, respectively. Populations studied in two other experiments did not show nearly as high heritabilities; in one case probably due to environmental stress, and in the other probably because the strains used did not have sufficient additive variance in genes regulating longevity. Significant heritabilities occurred only when a wild derived inbred strain was included in the 4-way cross. The age when a female ceased to reproduce appeared to be related to the life spans of her offspring, but only weakly, not approaching significance for any individual experiment. The age when a female became infertile was related to her life span, but the relationship disappeared when short-lived mice were excluded from the analysis. Our findings indicate that, in sufficiently diverse mouse populations, selection for increased longevity should be possible and that the direct selection for parental life span will be a more efficient strategy than selection for female reproductive life span. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Investigations have been carried out concerning the effects of microwave (MW) exposure on the aminoacyl-transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) synthetase of the progeny of females that were exposed during their entire period of gestation (19 days). The changes caused by continuous-wave (CW) and amplitude-modulated (AM) MW radiation have been compared. CFLP mice were exposed to MW radiation for 100 min each day in an anechoic room. The MW frequency was 2.45 GHz, and the amplitude modulation had a 50 Hz rectangular waveform (on/off ratio, 50/50%). The average power density exposure was 3 mW/cm2, and the whole body specific absorption rate (SAR) was 4.23 ± 0.63 W/kg. The weight and mortality of the progeny were followed until postnatal day 24. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes and tRNA from the brains and livers of the offspring (461 exposed, 487 control) were isolated. The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase activities were determined. The postnatal increase of body weight and organ weight was not influenced by the prenatal MW radiation. The activity of enzyme isolated from the brain showed a significant decrease after CW MW exposure, but the changes were not significant after 50 Hz AM MW exposure. The activity of the enzyme isolated from liver increased under CW and 50 Hz modulated MW. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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