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Strenuously exercising horses exhibit arterial hypoxemia and exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH), the latter resulting from stress failure of pulmonary capillaries. The present study was carried out to examine whether the structural changes in the blood-gas barrier caused by a prior bout of high-intensity short-term exercise capable of inducing EIPH would affect the arterial hypoxemia induced during a successive bout of exercise performed at the same workload. Two sets of experiments, double- and single-exercise-bout experiments, were carried out on seven healthy, sound Thoroughbred horses. Experiments were carried out in random order, 7 days apart. In the double-exercise experiments, horses performed two successive bouts (each lasting 120 s) of galloping at 14 m/s on a 3.5% uphill grade, separated by an interval of 6 min. Exertion at this workload induced arterial hypoxemia within 30 s of the onset of galloping as well as desaturation of Hb, a progressive rise in arterial PCO2, and acidosis as exercise duration increased from 30 to 120 s. In the single-exercise-bout experiments, blood-gas/pH data resembled those from the first run of the double-exercise experiments, and all horses experienced EIPH. Thus, in the double-exercise experiments, before the horses performed the second bout of galloping at 14 m/s on a 3.5% uphill grade, stress failure of pulmonary capillaries had occurred. Although arterial hypoxemia developed during the second run, arterial PO2 values were significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in the first run. Thus prior exercise not only failed to accentuate the severity of arterial hypoxemia, it actually diminished the magnitude of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia. The decreased severity of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia in the second run was due to an associated increase in alveolar PO2, as arterial PCO2 was significantly lower than in the first run. Thus our data do not support a role for structural changes in the blood-gas barrier related to the stress failure of pulmonary capillaries in causing the exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia in horses.  相似文献   

It is uncertain that exercise with reduced frequency breathing (RFB) results in arterial hypoxemia. This study was designed to investigate whether RFB during exercise creates a true hypoxic condition in arterial blood by examining arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) directly. Six subjects performed ten 30 s periods of exercise on a Monark bicycle ergometer at a work rate of 210 W alternating with 30 s rest intervals. The breath was controlled to use 1 s each for inspiration and expiration, and two trials with different breathing patterns were used; a continuous breathing (CB) trial and an RFB trial consisting of four seconds of breath-holding at functional residual capacity (FRC). Alveolar oxygen pressure during exercise showed a slight but significant (p less than 0.05) reduction with RFB as compared to CB. However, a marked increase in alveolar-arterial pressure difference for oxygen (A-aDO2) (p less than 0.05) with RFB over CB resulted in a marked (p less than 0.05) reduction in arterial oxygen pressure. Consequently, SaO2 fell as low as 88.8% on average. Additional examination of RFB with breath-holding at total lung capacity showed no increases in A-aDO2 in spite of the same amount of hypoventilation as compared with that at FRC. These results indicate that RFB during exercise can result in arterial hypoxemia if RFB is performed with breath-holding at FRC, this mechanism being closely related to the mechanical responses due to lung volume restriction.  相似文献   

We examined whether lung inflammatory mediators are increased during exercise and whether pharmacological blockade can prevent exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia (EIAH) in young athletes. Seventeen healthy athletes (9 men, 8 women; age 23 +/- 3 yr) with varying degrees of EIAH completed maximal incremental treadmill exercise tests after administration of fexofenadine, zileuton, and nedocromil sodium or placebo in a randomized double-blind crossover study. Lung function, arterial blood gases, and inflammatory metabolites in plasma, urine, and induced sputum were assessed. Drug administration did not improve EIAH or gas exchange during exercise. At maximal exercise, oxygen saturation fell to 91.4 +/- 2.6% (drug trial) and 91.9 +/- 2.1% (placebo trial) and alveolar-arterial oxygen difference widened to 28.1 +/- 6.3 Torr (drug trial) and 29.3 +/- 5.7 Torr (placebo trial). Oxygen consumption, ventilation, and other exercise variables were similarly unaffected by drug treatment. Although plasma histamine increased with exercise, values did not differ between trials, and urinary leukotriene E(4) and 11beta-prostaglandin F(2alpha) levels were unchanged after exercise. Postexercise sputum revealed no significant changes in markers of inflammation. These results demonstrate that EIAH in young athletes is not attenuated with acute administration of drugs targeting histamine and bioactive lipids. We conclude that airway inflammation is of insufficient magnitude to cause impairments in gas exchange and does not appear to be linked to EIAH in healthy young athletes.  相似文献   

The effect of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia (EIAH) on quadriceps muscle fatigue was assessed in 11 male endurance-trained subjects [peak O2 uptake (VO2 peak) = 56.4 +/- 2.8 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1); mean +/- SE]. Subjects exercised on a cycle ergometer at >or=90% VO2 peak) to exhaustion (13.2 +/- 0.8 min), during which time arterial O2 saturation (Sa(O2)) fell from 97.7 +/- 0.1% at rest to 91.9 +/- 0.9% (range 84-94%) at end exercise, primarily because of changes in blood pH (7.183 +/- 0.017) and body temperature (38.9 +/- 0.2 degrees C). On a separate occasion, subjects repeated the exercise, for the same duration and at the same power output as before, but breathed gas mixtures [inspired O2 fraction (Fi(O2)) = 0.25-0.31] that prevented EIAH (Sa(O2) = 97-99%). Quadriceps muscle fatigue was assessed via supramaximal paired magnetic stimuli of the femoral nerve (1-100 Hz). Immediately after exercise at Fi(O2) 0.21, the mean force response across 1-100 Hz decreased 33 +/- 5% compared with only 15 +/- 5% when EIAH was prevented (P < 0.05). In a subgroup of four less fit subjects, who showed minimal EIAH at Fi(O2) 0.21 (Sa(O2) = 95.3 +/- 0.7%), the decrease in evoked force was exacerbated by 35% (P < 0.05) in response to further desaturation induced via Fi(O2) 0.17 (Sa(O2) = 87.8 +/- 0.5%) for the same duration and intensity of exercise. We conclude that the arterial O2 desaturation that occurs in fit subjects during high-intensity exercise in normoxia (-6 +/- 1% DeltaSa(O2) from rest) contributes significantly toward quadriceps muscle fatigue via a peripheral mechanism.  相似文献   

Mechanism of exercise-induced hypoxemia in horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arterial hypoxemia has been reported in horses during heavy exercise, but its mechanism has not been determined. With the use of the multiple inert gas elimination technique, we studied five horses, each on two separate occasions, to determine the physiological basis of the hypoxemia that developed during horizontal treadmill exercise at speeds of 4, 10, 12, and 13-14 m/s. Mean, blood temperature-corrected, arterial PO2 fell from 89.4 Torr at rest to 80.7 and 72.1 Torr at 12 and 13-14 m/s, respectively, whereas corresponding PaCO2 values were 40.3, 40.3, and 39.2 Torr. Alveolar-arterial PO2 differences (AaDO2) thus increased from 11.4 Torr at rest to 24.9 and 30.7 Torr at 12 and 13-14 m/s. In 8 of the 10 studies there was no change in ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) relationships with exercise (despite bronchoscopic evidence of airway bleeding in 3) and total shunt was always less than 1% of the cardiac output. Below 10 m/s, the AaDO2 was due only to VA/Q mismatch, but at higher speeds, diffusion limitation of O2 uptake was increasingly evident, accounting for 76% of the AaDO2 at 13-14 m/s. Most of the exercise-induced hypoxemia is thus the result of diffusion limitation with a smaller contribution from VA/Q inequality and essentially none from shunting.  相似文献   

In view of the suggestion that pulmonary injury-induced release of histamine and/or other chemical mediators from airway inflammatory and mast cells contribute to the exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia (EIAH) in human athletes, we examined the effects of pretreatment with a potent anti-inflammatory agent, dexamethasone, on EIAH and desaturation of hemoglobin in horses. Seven healthy, sound, exercise-trained Thoroughbreds were studied in the control (no medications) experiments, followed in 7 days by intravenous dexamethasone (0.11 mg.kg(-1).day(-1) for 3 consecutive days) studies. Blood-gas measurements were made at rest and during incremental exercise leading to maximal exertion at 14 m/s on a 3.5% uphill grade. Galloping at this workload induced pulmonary hemorrhage in all horses in both treatments, thereby indicating that stress failure of pulmonary capillaries had occurred. In both treatments, significant EIAH, desaturation of hemoglobin, hypercapnia, acidosis, and hyperthermia developed during maximal exercise, but significant differences between the control and dexamethasone treatments were not discerned. The failure of pretreatment with dexamethasone to significantly affect EIAH suggests that pulmonary injury-evoked airway inflammatory response may not play a major role in EIAH in racehorses. However, our observations in both treatments that EIAH developed quickly (being evident at 30 s of exertion) and that its severity remained unaffected by increasing exercise duration (to 120 s) suggest that EIAH has a functional basis, probably related to significant shortening of the transit time for blood in the pulmonary capillaries as cardiac output increases dramatically.  相似文献   

Because sensitivity of equine pulmonary vasculature to endogenous as well as exogenous nitric oxide (NO) has been demonstrated, we examined whether endogenous NO production plays a role in exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia. We hypothesized that inhibition of NO synthase may alter the distribution of ventilation-perfusion mismatching, which may affect the exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia. Arterial blood-gas variables were examined in seven healthy, sound Thoroughbred horses at rest and during incremental exercise protocol leading to galloping at maximal heart rate without (control; placebo = saline) and with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) administration (20 mg/kg iv). The experiments were carried out in random order, 7 days apart. At rest, L-NAME administration caused systemic hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, and bradycardia. During 120 s of galloping at maximal heart rate, significant arterial hypoxemia, desaturation of hemoglobin, hypercapnia, hyperthermia, and acidosis occurred in the control as well as in NO synthase inhibition experiments. However, statistically significant differences between the treatments were not found. In both treatments, exercise caused a significant rise in hemoglobin concentration, but the increment was significantly attenuated in the NO synthase inhibition experiments, and, therefore, arterial O(2) content (Ca(O(2))) increased to significantly lower values. These data suggest that, whereas L-NAME administration does not affect pulmonary gas exchange in exercising horses, it may affect splenic contraction, which via an attenuation of the rise in hemoglobin concentration and Ca(O(2)) may limit performance at higher workloads.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the increase in histamine release (%H, i.e., plasma histamine expressed as a percentage of whole blood histamine) associated with exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH) is related to high training-induced changes in basophil and osmolarity factors in arterial blood. All parameters were measured in 20 endurance athletes, 11 of whom presented an EIH (HT(hyp)) and 9 of whom were nonhypoxemic (HT(nor)), and in 10 untrained control subjects (UT). Measurements were made at rest, at the maximal workload of an incremental exhaustive exercise test, and at the fifth minute of recovery. %H increased during exercise in HT(hyp) (P < 0.01) but did not increase significantly in HT(nor) and UT controls. The results indicated that 1) osmolarity and Na(+) and K(+) concentrations did not differ between the two trained groups and 2) the basophil count and basophil histamine content did not differ among groups. We concluded that the %H increase associated with EIH was not due to a training effect on these parameters. The relatively low increase in histamine content during exercise in HT(hyp) in comparison to HT(nor) (P < 0.05) and UT (P < 0.01) and the low recovery vs. resting basophil count only in HT(hyp) (P < 0.01) suggested an accentuated exercise-induced basophil degranulation in the hypoxemic athletes.  相似文献   

The causes of exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH) remain unclear. We studied the mechanisms of EIH in highly trained cyclists. Five subjects had no significant change from resting arterial PO(2) (Pa(O(2)); 92.1 +/- 2.6 Torr) during maximal exercise (C), and seven subjects (E) had a >10-Torr reduction in Pa(O(2)) (81.7 +/- 4.5 Torr). Later, they were studied at rest and during various exercise intensities by using the multiple inert gas elimination technique in normoxia and hypoxia (13.2% O(2)). During normoxia at 90% peak O(2) consumption, Pa(O(2)) was lower in E compared with C (87 +/- 4 vs. 97 +/- 6 Torr, P < 0.001) and alveolar-to-arterial O(2) tension difference (A-aDO(2)) was greater (33 +/- 4 vs. 23 +/- 1 Torr, P < 0. 001). Diffusion limitation accounted for 23 (E) and 13 Torr (C) of the A-aDO(2) (P < 0.01). There were no significant differences between groups in arterial PCO(2) (Pa(CO(2))) or ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) inequality as measured by the log SD of the perfusion distribution (logSD(Q)). Stepwise multiple linear regression revealed that lung O(2) diffusing capacity (DL(O(2))), logSD(Q), and Pa(CO(2)) each accounted for approximately 30% of the variance in Pa(O(2)) (r = 0.95, P < 0.001). These data suggest that EIH has a multifactorial etiology related to DL(O(2)), VA/Q inequality, and ventilation.  相似文献   

The effect of warm-up exercise on energy metabolism and muscle glycogenolysis during sprint exercise (Spr) was examined in six fit Standardbred horses exercised at 115% of maximal O(2) consumption (VO(2 max)) until fatigued, 5 min after each of three protocols: 1) no warm-up (NWU); 2) 10 min at 50% of VO(2 max) [low-intensity warm-up (LWU)]; and 3) 7 min at 50% VO(2 max) followed by 45-s intervals at 80, 90, and 100% VO(2 max) [high-intensity warm-up (HWU)]. Warm-up increased (P < 0.0001) muscle temperature (T(m)) at the onset of Spr in LWU (38.3 +/- 0.2 degrees C) and HWU (40.0 +/- 0. 3 degrees C) compared with NWU (36.6 +/- 0.2 degrees C), and the rate of rise in T(m) during Spr was greater in NWU than in LWU and HWU (P < 0.01). Peak VO(2) was higher and O(2) deficit lower (P < 0. 05) when Spr was preceded by warm-up. Rates of muscle glycogenolysis were lower (P < 0.05) in LWU, and rates of blood and muscle lactate accumulation and anaerobic ATP provision during Spr were lower in LWU and HWU compared with NWU. Mean runtime (s) in LWU (173 +/- 10 s) was greater than HWU (142 +/- 11 s) and NWU (124 +/- 4 s) (P < 0. 01). Warm-up was associated with augmentation of aerobic energy contribution to total energy expenditure, decreased glycogenolysis, and longer run time to fatigue during subsequent sprint exercise, with no additional benefit from HWU vs. LWU.  相似文献   

It is reported that preexercise hyperhydration caused arterial O(2) tension of horses performing submaximal exercise to decrease further by 15 Torr (Sosa-Leon L, Hodgson DR, Evans DL, Ray SP, Carlson GP, and Rose RJ. Equine Vet J Suppl 34: 425-429, 2002). Because hydration status is important to optimal athletic performance and thermoregulation during exercise, the present study examined whether preexercise induction of hypervolemia would similarly accentuate the arterial hypoxemia in Thoroughbreds performing short-term high-intensity exercise. Two sets of experiments (namely, control and hypervolemia studies) were carried out on seven healthy, exercise-trained Thoroughbred horses in random order, 7 days apart. In resting horses, an 18.0 +/- 1.8% increase in plasma volume was induced with NaCl (0.30-0.45 g/kg dissolved in 1,500 ml H(2)O) administered via a nasogastric tube, 285-290 min preexercise. Blood-gas and pH measurements as well as concentrations of plasma protein, hemoglobin, and blood lactate were determined at rest and during incremental exercise leading to maximal exertion (14 m/s on a 3.5% uphill grade) that induced pulmonary hemorrhage in all horses in both treatments. In both treatments, significant arterial hypoxemia, desaturation of hemoglobin, hypercapnia, acidosis, and hyperthermia developed during maximal exercise, but statistically significant differences between treatments were not found. Thus preexercise 18% expansion of plasma volume failed to significantly affect the development and/or severity of arterial hypoxemia in Thoroughbreds performing maximal exercise. Although blood lactate concentration and arterial pH were unaffected, hemodilution caused in this manner resulted in a significant (P < 0.01) attenuation of the exercise-induced expansion of the arterial-to-mixed venous blood O(2) content gradient.  相似文献   

The effects of exercise and diet on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-cycling properties in female vastus lateralis muscle were investigated in two groups of women following four different conditions. The conditions were 4 days of a low-carbohydrate (Lo CHO) and glycogen-depleting exercise plus a Lo CHO diet (Ex + Lo CHO) (experiment 2) and 4 days of normal CHO (Norm CHO) and glycogen-depleting exercise plus Norm CHO (Ex + Norm CHO) (experiment 1). Peak aerobic power (Vo2peak)) was 38.1 +/- 1.4 (SE); n = 9 and 35.6 +/- 1.4 ml.kg(-1).min(-1); n = 9, respectively. Sarcoplasmic reticulum properties measured in vitro in homogenates (micromol.g protein(-1).min(-1)) indicated exercise-induced reductions (P < 0.05) in maximal Ca(2+)-ATPase activity (0 > 30, 60 min > fatigue), Ca(2+) uptake (0 > 30 > 60 min, fatigue), and Ca(2+) release, both phase 1 (0, 30 > 60 min, fatigue) and phase 2 (0 > 30, 60 min, fatigue; 30 min > fatigue) in Norm CHO. Exercise was without effect in altering the Hill slope (n(H)), defined as the slope of relationship between Ca(2+)-ATPase activity and Ca(2+) concentration. No differences were observed between Norm CHO and Ex+Norm CHO. Compared with Norm CHO, Lo CHO resulted in a lower (P < 0.05) Ca(2+) uptake, phase 1 Ca(2+) release (30 min), and n(H). Ex + Lo CHO resulted in a greater (P < 0.05) Ca(2+) uptake and n(H) compared with Lo CHO. The results demonstrate that Lo CHO alone can disrupt SR Ca(2+) cycling and that, with the exception of Ca(2+) release, a glycogen-depleting session of exercise before Lo CHO can reverse the effects.  相似文献   

Alveolar epithelial integrity in athletes with exercise-induced hypoxemia.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of incremental exercise to exhaustion on the change in pulmonary clearance rate (k) of aerosolized (99m)Tc-labeled diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid ((99m)Tc-DTPA) and the relationship between k and arterial PO(2) (Pa(O(2))) during heavy work were investigated. Ten male cyclists (age = 25 +/- 2 yr, height = 180.9 +/- 4.0 cm, mass = 80.1 +/- 9.5 kg, maximal O(2) uptake = 5. 25 +/- 0.35 l/min, mean +/- SD) completed a pulmonary clearance test shortly (39 +/- 8 min) after a maximal O(2) uptake test. Resting pulmonary clearance was completed >/=24 h before or after the exercise test. Arterial blood was sampled at rest and at 1-min intervals during exercise. Minimum Pa(O(2)) values and maximum alveolar-arterial PO(2) difference ranged from 73 to 92 Torr and from 30 to 55 Torr, respectively. No significant difference between resting k and postexercise k for the total lung (0.55 +/- 0.20 vs. 0. 57 +/- 0.17 %/min, P > 0.05) was observed. Pearson product-moment correlation indicated no significant linear relationship between change in k for the total lung and minimum Pa(O(2)) (r = -0.26, P > 0.05). These results indicate that, averaged over subjects, pulmonary clearance of (99m)Tc-DTPA after incremental maximal exercise to exhaustion in highly trained male cyclists is unchanged, although the sampling time may have eliminated a transient effect. Lack of a linear relationship between k and minimum Pa(O(2)) during exercise suggests that exercise-induced hypoxemia occurs despite maintenance of alveolar epithelial integrity.  相似文献   

Glucose tolerance deteriorates over the course of a normal human pregnancy as a result of increased peripheral insulin resistance. In contrast, physical exercise has been shown to improve glucose tolerance and blunt the insulin response to a glucose load in insulin-resistant individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of exercise on glucose tolerance and the insulin response in healthy women during the third trimester of pregnancy (33 weeks of gestation). Five subjects underwent oral glucose tolerance tests (a) 30 min following a 30-min exercise bout on a cycle ergometer at a relative intensity of 50% maximal aerobic capacity, and (b) on a control day without prior exercise. The area under the glucose concentration curve was not different between trials, while the area under the insulin concentration curve was decreased by 23% in the exercise trial compared with the control trial (P less than 0.05). These results suggest that the insulin response to a glucose load is improved in late gestational women by a single bout of moderate intensity exercise.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that maximal exercise performance in adults with cystic fibrosis is limited by arterial hypoxemia. In study 1, patients completed two maximal exercise tests, a control and a test with 400 ml of added dead space. Maximal O2 consumption was significantly lower in the added dead space study vs. control (1.04 +/- 0.15 vs. 1.20 +/- 0.11 l/min; P < 0.05), with no difference in peak ventilation. There was significant O2 desaturation during exercise that was equal in both control and added dead space studies. The decrease in maximal O2 consumption with added dead space suggests that maximal exercise in cystic fibrosis is limited by respiratory factors. We subsequently examined whether pulmonary mechanics or arterial hypoxemia limits maximal exercise performance. In study 2, patients completed two maximal exercise tests, a control and a test with 400 ml of added dead space while also breathing 38% O2. Added dead space was used to overcome the suppressive effects of hyperoxia on minute ventilation. Maximal O2 consumption was significantly higher with added dead space and 38% O2 vs. control (1.62 +/- 0.16 vs. 1.43 +/- 0.14 l/min; P < 0.05). Peak ventilation and O2 saturation were significantly greater in the added dead space and 38% O2 test vs. control. The increase in maximal O2 consumption and peak ventilation with added dead space and 38% O2 suggests that maximal exercise in cystic fibrosis is limited by arterial hypoxemia.  相似文献   

Effective arterial elastance(E(A)) is a measure of the net arterial load imposed on the heart that integrates the effects of heart rate(HR), peripheral vascular resistance(PVR), and total arterial compliance(TAC) and is a modulator of cardiac performance. To what extent the change in E(A) during exercise impacts on cardiac performance and aerobic capacity is unknown. We examined E(A) and its relationship with cardiovascular performance in 352 healthy subjects. Subjects underwent rest and exercise gated scans to measure cardiac volumes and to derive E(A)[end-systolic pressure/stroke volume index(SV)], PVR[MAP/(SV*HR)], and TAC(SV/pulse pressure). E(A) varied with exercise intensity: the ΔE(A) between rest and peak exercise along with its determinants, differed among individuals and ranged from -44% to +149%, and was independent of age and sex. Individuals were separated into 3 groups based on their ΔE(A)I. Individuals with the largest increase in ΔE(A)(group 3;ΔE(A)≥0.98 mmHg.m(2)/ml) had the smallest reduction in PVR, the greatest reduction in TAC and a similar increase in HR vs. group 1(ΔE(A)<0.22 mmHg.m(2)/ml). Furthermore, group 3 had a reduction in end-diastolic volume, and a blunted increase in SV(80%), and cardiac output(27%), during exercise vs. group 1. Despite limitations in the Frank-Starling mechanism and cardiac function, peak aerobic capacity did not differ by group because arterial-venous oxygen difference was greater in group 3 vs. 1. Thus the change in arterial load during exercise has important effects on the Frank-Starling mechanism and cardiac performance but not on exercise capacity. These findings provide interesting insights into the dynamic cardiovascular alterations during exercise.  相似文献   

Strength exercise training induces a decrease in arterial distensibility, whereas endurance exercise training causes an increase in arterial distensibility. Endothelin-1 (ET-1), which is produced by vascular endothelial cells, has potent vasoconstrictor and proliferative activity on vascular smooth muscle cells. We hypothesized that endogenous ET-1 participates in alteration of arterial distensibility by different exercise training types (i.e., strength and endurance exercise training). The purpose of the present study was to investigate plasma ET-1 concentration and arterial distensibility in strength- and endurance-trained athletes. Subjects were male strength-trained athletes (discus, hammer, or javelin throwers; 22.2 years; SA), male endurance-trained athletes (long- or middle-distance runners; 20.7 years; EA), and sedentary healthy men (20.6 years; sedentary control, SC). Maximum hand-grip strength was markedly greater in SA compared with EA and SC (55.3 vs. 41.1 vs. 40.5 kg, P < 0.05). Maximum oxygen uptake was markedly greater in EA than in SA and SC (60.9 vs. 43.1 vs. 43.6 ml/kg/min, P < 0.05). Arterial pulse wave velocity (PWV), which is an index of arterial distensibility, was significantly higher in SA than in EA and SC (688 vs. 529 vs. 601 cm/sec, P < 0.05). In EA, PWV was significantly lower in comparison to that in SC (P < 0.05). Thus arterial distensibility was lower in SA than in EA and SC and higher in EA than in SC. Plasma ET-1 concentration was significantly higher in SA compared with EA and SC (1.64 vs. 1.12 vs. 1.24 pg/ml, P < 0.05). Plasma ET-1 concentration tended to be lower in EA than in SC. These results suggest that the difference in plasma ET-1 level may participate in the mechanism underlying different adaptation of arterial distensibility between strength- and endurance-trained athletes.  相似文献   

Pulmonary O2 uptake (VO2p) and muscle deoxygenation kinetics were examined during moderate-intensity cycling (80% lactate threshold) without warm-up and after heavy-intensity warm-up exercise in young (n = 6; 25 +/- 3 yr) and older (n = 5; 68 +/- 3 yr) adults. We hypothesized that heavy warm-up would speed VO2p kinetics in older adults consequent to an improved intramuscular oxygenation. Subjects performed step transitions (n = 4; 6 min) from 20 W to moderate-intensity exercise preceded by either no warm-up or heavy-intensity warm-up (6 min). VO2p was measured breath by breath. Oxy-, deoxy-(HHb), and total hemoglobin and myoglobin (Hb(tot)) of the vastus lateralis muscle were measured continuously by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). VO2p (phase 2; tau) and HHb data were fit with a monoexponential model. After heavy-intensity warm-up, oxyhemoglobin (older subjects: 13 +/- 9 microM; young subjects: 9 +/- 8 microM) and Hb(tot) (older subjects: 12 +/- 8 microM; young subjects: 14 +/- 10 microM) were elevated (P < 0.05) relative to the no warm-up pretransition baseline. In older adults, tauVO2p adapted at a faster rate (P < 0.05) after heavy warm-up (30 +/- 7 s) than no warm-up (38 +/- 5 s), whereas in young subjects, tauVO2p was similar in no warm-up (26 +/- 7 s) and heavy warm-up (25 +/- 5 s). HHb adapted at a similar rate in older and young adults after no warm-up; however, in older adults after heavy warm-up, the adaptation of HHb was slower (P < 0.01) compared with young and no warm-up. These data suggest that, in older adults, VO2p kinetics may be limited by a slow adaptation of muscle blood flow and O2 delivery.  相似文献   

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