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Multiple myeloma (MM) is preceded by monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). Up to date, it is difficult to predict an individual's time to disease progression and the treatment response. To examine whether the nuclear telomeric architecture will unravel some of these questions, we carried out. Three-dimensional (3D) telomere analysis on samples from patients diagnosed with MGUS and MM, as well as from patients who went into relapse. Telomere signal intensity, number of telomere aggregates, nuclear volume, and the overall nuclear telomere distribution (a/c ratio) were analyzed. The telomeric profiles allowed for the differentiation of the disease stages. The telomeric profiles of myeloma cells obtained from blood and bone marrow aspirates were identical. Based on this study, we discuss the use of 3D telomere profiling as a potential future tool for risk stratification and personalized treatment decisions.  相似文献   

Telomeres are structural and functional chromosome regions that are essential for the cell cycle to proceed normally. They are, however, difficult to map genetically and to identify in genome-wide sequence programs because of their structure and repetitive nature. We studied the telomeric and subtelomeric organization in the basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus using a combination of molecular and bioinformatics tools that permitted us to determine 19 out of the 22 telomeres expected in this fungus. The telomeric repeating unit in P. ostreatus is TTAGGG, and the numbers of repetitions of this unit range between 25 and 150. The mapping of the telomere restriction fragments to linkage groups 6 and 7 revealed polymorphisms compatible with those observed by pulsed field gel electrophoresis separation of the corresponding chromosomes. The subtelomeric regions in Pleurotus contain genes similar to those described in other eukaryotic systems. The presence of a cluster of laccase genes in chromosome 6 and a bipartite structure containing a Het-related protein and an alcohol dehydrogenase are especially relevant; this bipartite structure is characteristic of the Pezizomycotina fungi Neurospora crassa and Aspergillus terreus. As far as we know, this is the first report describing the presence of such structures in basidiomycetes and the location of a laccase gene cluster in the subtelomeric region, where, among others, species-specific genes allowing the organism to adapt rapidly to the environment usually map.Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.: Fr) Kumm. (Dikarya, Basidiomycota, Agaricomycotina, Agaricales) (52) is an active lignin degrader that lives as a saprophyte on dead or decaying wood. P. ostreatus (oyster mushroom) has been industrially cultivated for food production because of its flavor and its nutritional (49) and health-stimulating (8) properties. In addition, it produces various secondary metabolites of medical interest (33). P. ostreatus ligninolytic activity and enzymes have been used in the bioconversion of agricultural wastes (1); in the biodegradation of organopollutants, xenobiotics, and industrial contaminants (12); and in paper pulp bleaching (65), among other applications (10).The whole genome sequence of P. ostreatus is currently being assembled at the Joint Genome Institute (California). P. ostreatus is the first edible and the second lignin-degrading basidiomycete to be sequenced. The sequences of other basidiomycetes, such as Phanerochaete chrysosporium (48), Cryptococcus neoformans (44), Ustilago maydis (38), and Laccaria bicolor (47) have been published, and others (Postia placenta, Heterobasidion annosum, Agaricus bisporus, Serpula lacrymans, etc.) are in progress.Telomeres are the protective DNA-protein complexes found at chromosome termini (6, 13, 76). In most eukaryotes, telomeric DNA consists of tandem arrays of 5- to 8-bp direct repeats where specific telomere-capping proteins bind to ensure chromosomal-end integrity. Telomeres are essential for genome stability, and their shortening (attrition) can lead to chromosome instability, replicative senescence, and apoptosis (43), while their loss causes activation of DNA damage responses (45, 66), cell cycle arrest (28), and chromosome fusions, such as nonreciprocal translocations (7, 32). Moreover, high recombination rates are frequent near telomeres (50).Telomeres and subtelomeric regions are usually gene reservoirs that permit organisms to quickly adapt to new ecological niches (60). Two types of genes participate in this adaptive process: species-specific (18) and contingency genes (5). Species-specific genes are shorter than the core genes of the genomes in which they are present, contain fewer exons, exhibit a subtelomeric bias, and arise by duplication, diversification, and differential gene loss. The avirulence genes of some phytopathogenic fungi are contingency genes that appear near telomeres (15). Furthermore, it has recently been found in Fusarium species that pathogenicity-related genes cooccur with telomeric regions. In this case, chromosomal rearrangements (fusions) have maintained these structures. The Fusarium graminearum genome revealed a link between localized polymorphism and pathogen specialization (11). Among the genes frequently found in subtelomeric regions in Magnaporthe oryzae and Aspergillus sp., the presence of transposons, telomere-linked RecQ helicases, clusters of secondary-metabolite genes, cytochrome oxidases, hydrolases, molecular transporters, and genes encoding secreted proteins, among others, has been reported (18, 56).RecQ helicases are highly conserved in evolution and are required for genome stability. Genes coding for these enzymes have been described in prokaryotes and eukaryotes (4, 9, 39, 71). There are a minimum of five RecQ helicase-like genes in humans, and three of them (BLM, WRN, and RECQL4) are mutated in the Bloom, Werner, and Rothmund-Thomson recessive autosomal syndromes, which exhibit genomic instability leading ultimately to cancer (9). Fungal RecQ helicase-like genes have been previously found associated with chromosome ends (23, 35, 56, 61).In genome-sequencing projects, telomeres and subtelomeric regions are rarely present or assembled because of problems derived from their repetitive nature; therefore, it is necessary to perform direct cloning of the subtelomeric regions. The rice pathogen M. oryzae (56) is one of the few fungi with telomeric and subtelomeric regions characterized. Telomere-associated markers provide an accurate assessment of linkage group (LG) completeness and a better estimate of genetic size and help in establishing the synteny of LGs, especially in those organisms for which genetic-linkage maps are not available (34). Moreover, these markers inform us about the genome organization and the occurrence of species-specific and contingency genes (5, 18), as well as about the chromosome rearrangements that could have occurred in the evolution of the genome.In this work, we mapped and studied the telomeric and subtelomeric regions of most of the P. ostreatus chromosomes, and we describe the main genes present in them. The study was carried out with a combination of genetic, molecular, and bioinformatics tools. The results obtained show the high complexity of these regions and confirm the presence of RecQ helicase-like, heterokaryotic incompatibility (het), and short-chain dehydrogenase genes that have also been found in other fungi. In addition, a laccase gene cluster is described for the first time in the subtelomeric region of chromosome 6. This study is the first step toward analyzing the effects that the subtelomeric positions of some fungal-species-specific genes (such as the laccases can be in white rot lignocellulolytic fungi) could have in the adaptation to new growing substrates and in the generation of large families of apparently redundant elements.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction is regulated by troponin-tropomyosin, which blocks and unblocks myosin binding sites on actin. To elucidate this regulatory mechanism, the three-dimensional organization of troponin and tropomyosin on the thin filament must be determined. Although tropomyosin is well defined in electron microscopy helical reconstructions of thin filaments, troponin density is mostly lost. Here, we determined troponin organization on native relaxed cardiac muscle thin filaments by applying single particle reconstruction procedures to negatively stained specimens. Multiple reference models led to the same final structure, indicating absence of model bias in the procedure. The new reconstructions clearly showed F-actin, tropomyosin, and troponin densities. At the 25 Å resolution achieved, troponin was considerably better defined than in previous reconstructions. The troponin density closely resembled the shape of troponin crystallographic structures, facilitating detailed interpretation of the electron microscopy density map. The orientation of troponin-T and the troponin core domain established troponin polarity. Density attributable to the troponin-I mobile regulatory domain was positioned where it could hold tropomyosin in its blocking position on actin, thus suggesting the underlying structural basis of thin filament regulation. Our previous understanding of thin filament regulation had been limited to known movements of tropomyosin that sterically block and unblock myosin binding sites on actin. We now show how troponin, the Ca2+ sensor, may control these movements, ultimately determining whether muscle contracts or relaxes.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction is regulated by troponin-tropomyosin, which blocks and unblocks myosin binding sites on actin. To elucidate this regulatory mechanism, the three-dimensional organization of troponin and tropomyosin on the thin filament must be determined. Although tropomyosin is well defined in electron microscopy helical reconstructions of thin filaments, troponin density is mostly lost. Here, we determined troponin organization on native relaxed cardiac muscle thin filaments by applying single particle reconstruction procedures to negatively stained specimens. Multiple reference models led to the same final structure, indicating absence of model bias in the procedure. The new reconstructions clearly showed F-actin, tropomyosin, and troponin densities. At the 25 Å resolution achieved, troponin was considerably better defined than in previous reconstructions. The troponin density closely resembled the shape of troponin crystallographic structures, facilitating detailed interpretation of the electron microscopy density map. The orientation of troponin-T and the troponin core domain established troponin polarity. Density attributable to the troponin-I mobile regulatory domain was positioned where it could hold tropomyosin in its blocking position on actin, thus suggesting the underlying structural basis of thin filament regulation. Our previous understanding of thin filament regulation had been limited to known movements of tropomyosin that sterically block and unblock myosin binding sites on actin. We now show how troponin, the Ca2+ sensor, may control these movements, ultimately determining whether muscle contracts or relaxes.  相似文献   

S20Y murine neuroblastoma cells appear to express a protein component(s) able to adhere specifically to the oligosaccharide portion of GM1 (oligo-GM1). To identify proteins with which the oligo-GM1 becomes closely associated, a radiolabeled (125I), photoactivatable derivative of oligo-GM1 was prepared. This was accomplished by reductive amination of the glucosyl moiety of oligo-GM1 to 1-deoxy-1-aminoglucitol, followed by reaction of the amine with sulfosuccinimidyl 2-(p-azidosalicylamido)ethyl-1,3'-dithiopropionate (SASD). Crosslinking studies using the photoactivatable probe indicated that it came in close proximity to a protein with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 71 kDa. In competition experiments, as little as a 10-fold molar excess of oligo-GM1 resulted in a selective reduction in labeling of this protein; preincubation with a 200-fold molar excess of siayllactose was necessary to observe the same change in the labeling pattern, lending additional support to the hypothesis that the approximately 71-kDa protein specifically associates with oligo-GM1. Cell surface location of the oligo-GM1 binding protein was confirmed using subcellular fractionation and morphological analyses.  相似文献   

目的:研究人端粒逆转录酶(hTERT)与Snapin蛋白的相互作用。方法:将hTERT基因和Snapin基因分别构建到pGBKT7和pGADT7载体中,用酵母双杂交方法在酵母中验证其相互作用;在293T细胞中,共转染带有Flag标签的hTERT及带有GFP标签的Snapin质粒,进行免疫共沉淀;将GST融合的Snapin纯化蛋白与hTERT进行GST-pull down,验证其相互作用。结果:3种方法都证明hTERT能够与Snapin相互作用。结论:Snapin蛋白能够与hTERT相互作用,为研究Snapin参与调控端粒酶的功能活动提供了一些线索。  相似文献   

In this work, we show that vertical, high aspect-ratio (HAR) photonic crystals (PhCs), consisting of periodic arrays of 5 µm wide gaps with depth of 50 µm separated by 3 µm thick silicon walls, fabricated by electrochemical micromachining, can be used as three-dimensional microincubators, allowing cell lines to be selectively grown into the gaps. Silicon micromachined dice incorporating regions with different surface profiles, namely flat silicon and deeply etched PhC, were used as microincubators for culturing adherent cell lines with different morphology and adhesion properties. We extensively investigated and compared the proliferative behavior on HAR PhCs of eight human cell models, with different origins, such as the epithelial (SW613-B3; HeLa; SW480; HCT116; HT29) and the mesenchymal (MRC-5V1; CF; HT1080). We also verified the contribution of cell sedimentation into the silicon gaps. Fluorescence microscopy analysis highlights that only cell lines that exhibit, in the tested culture condition, the behavior typical of the mesenchymal phenotype are able to penetrate into the gaps of the PhC, extending their body deeply in the narrow gaps between adjacent silicon walls, and to grow adherent to the vertical surfaces of silicon. Results reported in this work, confirmed in various experiments, strongly support our statement that such three-dimensional microstructures have selection capabilities with regard to the cell lines that can actively populate the narrow gaps. Cells with a mesenchymal phenotype could be exploited in the next future as bioreceptors, in combination with HAR PhC optical transducers, e.g., for label-free optical detection of cellular activities involving changes in cell adhesion and/or morphology (e.g., apoptosis) in a three-dimensional microenvironment.  相似文献   

Linear genome stability requires specialized telomere replication and protection mechanisms. A common solution to this problem in non-eukaryotes is the formation of hairpin telomeres by telomere resolvases (also known as protelomerases). These enzymes perform a two-step transesterification on replication intermediates to generate hairpin telomeres using an active site similar to that of tyrosine recombinases and type IB topoisomerases. Unlike phage telomere resolvases, the telomere resolvase from the Lyme disease pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi (ResT) is a permissive enzyme that resolves several types of telomere in vitro. However, the ResT region and residues mediating permissive substrate usage have not been identified. The relapsing fever Borrelia hermsii ResT exhibits a more restricted substrate usage pattern than B. burgdorferi ResT and cannot efficiently resolve a Type 2 telomere. In this study, we determined that all relapsing fever ResTs process Type 2 telomeres inefficiently. Using a library of chimeric and mutant B. hermsii/B. burgdorferi ResTs, we mapped the determinants in B. burgdorferi ResT conferring the ability to resolve multiple Type 2 telomeres. Type 2 telomere resolution was dependent on a single proline in the ResT catalytic region that was conserved in all Lyme disease but not relapsing fever ResTs and that is part of a 2-amino acid insertion absent from phage telomere resolvase sequences. The identification of a permissive substrate usage determinant explains the ability of B. burgdorferi ResT to process the 19 unique telomeres found in its segmented genome and will aid further studies on the structure and function of this essential enzyme.Replication and protection of telomeric DNA are required to ensure the genomic stability of all organisms with linear replicons. Until quite recently, it was assumed that linearity is a property confined to the replicons of eukaryotes and certain primarily eukaryotic viruses. However, a growing body of evidence indicates that linear DNA is also found in a broad range of bacteriophages (16) and in bacteria themselves (710), including the Borrelia species that cause Lyme disease and relapsing fever (11, 12). A common solution to the end replication and protection problem in non-eukaryotes is the covalent sealing of DNA ends in the form of hairpins (2, 46, 10, 11, 1316). Hairpin DNA is not recognized as a double-strand break, and continuous synthesis of DNA around the hairpin loop abolishes the end replication problem. However, mother and daughter replicons are covalently linked at the junction of their telomeres following DNA replication; separation of the two replicons and formation of new hairpin telomeres require a DNA breakage and reunion process referred to as telomere resolution (17, 18).Resolution of the linear chromosome and plasmids in Borrelia species and of the linear plasmid prophages from Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Klebsiella oxytoca is performed by telomere resolvases (also referred to as protelomerases) (5, 1921). A growing number of candidate telomere resolvases have been identified in the genomes of eukaryotic viruses, phages, and bacteria (22, 23). Telomere resolvases are DNA cleavage and rejoining enzymes related to tyrosine recombinases and type 1B topoisomerases (19, 21, 22, 24, 25). Telomere resolvase catalyzes a two-step transesterification reaction in which staggered cuts are introduced 6 bp apart on either side of the axis of symmetry in the replicated telomere substrate (5, 19, 21, 24). Cleavage is accompanied by the formation of a 3′-phosphotyrosyl protein-DNA linkage. Subsequent nucleophilic attack on opposing strands by the free 5′-OH groups in the nicked substrate creates covalently closed hairpin telomeres. A recent crystal structure of the Klebsiella phage telomere resolvase (TelK) in complex with its substrate identified the residues involved in catalysis (25); all but one of these residues are conserved in all telomere resolvases (22), implying that the basic catalytic mechanism underlying telomere resolution is conserved. However, telomere resolvase sequences vary substantially outside of the central catalytic region (25, 26), and the enzymes characterized to date demonstrate important differences in substrate usage that likely reflect functionally distinct mechanisms of substrate interaction.The Borrelia burgdorferi telomere resolvase, ResT, appears to be particularly divergent. It is substantially smaller than phage telomere resolvases, and unlike its phage counterparts (5, 20, 21), it cannot efficiently resolve negatively supercoiled DNA (19, 27), presumably reflecting differences in the substrates resolved by phage and Borrelia telomere resolvases in vivo. On the other hand, B. burgdorferi ResT can fuse hairpin telomeres in a reversal of the resolution reaction (28), a function that is not shared with the phage telomere resolvase TelK (25). It can also synapse replicated telomeres and catalyze the formation of Holliday junctions (29). The ability of ResT to promote hairpin fusion has been proposed as the mechanism underlying the ongoing genetic rearrangements that are a prominent feature of the B. burgdorferi genome (18, 28). Finally, B. burgdorferi ResT can tolerate a surprising amount of variation in its substrate (30, 31), a feature that is not shared by phage telomere resolvases (21). Although B. burgdorferi ResT appears to be more permissive with a greater scope of activities than other telomere resolvases, the sequences mediating most of its unique properties have not yet been identified.The B. burgdorferi genome contains a total of 19 distinct hairpin sequences, all of which must be resolved by ResT (31). These sequences can be classified into three groups based on the presence and positioning of the box 1 motif, which is a critical determinant of activity in phage and Borrelia telomere resolvases (see Fig. 1A) (21, 24, 30). A box 1-like motif is also found in many of the hairpin telomeres sequenced to date (6, 14, 3235), although its function in telomere resolution is unknown. The box 1 consensus sequence (TAT(a/t)AT) closely resembles the −10/Pribnow box and TATA box consensus sequences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic promoters (TATAAT and TATA(a/t)A(a/t), respectively), which undergo transient deformations that predispose them to melting (36) and are intrinsically bent and anisotropically flexible (37). Therefore, box 1 may facilitate nucleation of hairpin folding and/or may confer an intrinsic bend or flexibility to substrates that is important for the resolution reaction.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Species-specific resolution of Type I and 2 telomeres. A, a schematic showing the three types of hairpin telomere found on the linear replicons of the B. burgdorferi genome (see Ref. 31). The box 1 sequence in Type 1 and 2 telomeres is situated 1 and 4 nucleotides away from the axis of symmetry, respectively, whereas Type 3 telomeres contain no clear box 1. B, a schematic illustrating the telomere resolution reaction substrate and products is shown along with two ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels showing telomere resolution assays. The gels show resolution kinetics for B. burgdorferi and B. hermsii ResT on Type 1 and 2 telomeres (plasmid substrates pYT1/lp17L and pYT92/chromL, respectively).B. burgdorferi ResT can resolve telomeres in which box 1 is located at positions 1 and 4 nucleotides away from the axis of symmetry (Type 1 and 2 telomeres, respectively), as well as AT-rich telomeres without a box 1 sequence (Type 3 telomeres) (see Fig. 1A) (30, 31). B. burgdorferi ResT cleaves telomeres at a fixed position relative to the axis of symmetry, independent of the location of box 1 (30). Positioning of the enzyme for cleavage in all telomere types is most likely driven by sequence-specific interactions between ResT domains 2 (catalytic) and/or 3 (C-terminal) and a fixed element upstream of box 1 that is positioned 14 nucleotides from the axis of symmetry in all Borrelia telomeres (box 3 and adjacent nucleotides) (see Figs. 1A and and2)2) (26, 30, 31). In contrast, box 1 and axis-flanking nucleotides are not involved in high affinity and/or sequence-specific interactions with ResT and require the ResT N-terminal domain for full protection in DNase footprinting assays (26, 27). The most likely candidate for interactions with box 1 and axis-flanking nucleotides is a Borrelia-specific hairpin-binding region in the N terminus, which is thought to promote a pre-hairpinning step involving strand opening at the axis (38).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 2.Alignment of 11 Borrelia ResT sequences. Shown is ClustalW2 alignment of ResT amino acid sequences from five Lyme disease Borrelia species (B. afzelii, B. spielmanii, B. valaisiana, B. garinii, and B. burgdorferi), five relapsing fever Borrelia species (B. turicatae, B. parkeri, B. hermsii, B. recurrentis, and B. duttonii), and one avian Borrelia species (B. anserina) (generated using ClustalW2 from the EBI web site) (19, 3942, 48, 49). The sequences for B. anserina, B. parkeri, and B. turicatae ResTs are reported for the first time in this study (respective GenBank accession numbers are FJ882620, FJ882621, and FJ882623). Sequences are arranged in order of similarity to neighboring sequences and are colored in JalView using the Zappo coloring scheme for identifying amino acids with similar physicochemical properties (50). Only residues that are identical in 100% of ResTs are indicated by colored shading. Arrows above the alignment indicate ResT domain boundaries identified by chymotrypsin digest, sequence comparison with other proteins, and HHsenser predictions (26, 51). The hairpin-binding motif found in cut-and-paste transposases is indicated beneath the alignment by white text on a black background (38). The positions corresponding to the active site residues in tyrosine recombinases, type IB topoisomerases, and TelK are indicated by blue asterisks below the sequence, with the active site tyrosine nucleophile at position 335 marked by a red asterisk (22, 25). The ringed black dot below position 326 indicates an amino acid in the active site region that differs in Lyme disease and relapsing fever ResTs. Sequences above the black line drawn between B. burgdorferi and B. turicatae are from Lyme disease Borrelia species; sequences below the black line are from relapsing fever Borrelia species. The ResT sequence from the avian Borrelia species B. anserina is shown at bottom.ResT from the relapsing fever Borrelia species Borrelia hermsii exhibits a more restricted substrate usage pattern in vitro when compared with ResT from the Lyme disease pathogen B. burgdorferi (39). Specifically, B. hermsii ResT is unable to efficiently resolve a Type 2 telomere. Therefore, B. burgdorferi ResT appears to be a more permissive enzyme than its relapsing fever counterpart. In this study, we investigated the basis for permissive substrate usage by B. burgdorferi ResT. Using a library of chimeric B. hermsii/B. burgdorferi ResTs, we mapped the sequence determinants in B. burgdorferi ResT that confer the ability to resolve multiple Type 2 telomeres. Surprisingly, this approach indicated that Type 2 telomere resolution was crucially regulated by a single proline residue located in a small Borrelia-specific insertion in the central catalytic region of ResT. The proline at this position was conserved in the ResTs from all Lyme disease Borrelia species but in none of the ResTs from relapsing fever Borrelia species, which were unable to efficiently resolve Type 2 telomeres in vitro. This study has identified a specific residue in ResT responsible for permissive substrate usage patterns.  相似文献   

Heat-shock is an acute insult to the mammalian proteome. The sudden elevation in temperature has far-reaching effects on protein metabolism, leads to a rapid inhibition of most protein synthesis, and the induction of protein chaperones. Using heat-shock in cells of neuronal (SH-SY5Y) and glial (CCF-STTG1) lineage, in conjunction with detergent extraction and sedimentation followed by LC-MS/MS proteomic approaches, we sought to identify human proteins that lose solubility upon heat-shock. The two cell lines showed largely overlapping profiles of proteins detected by LC-MS/MS. We identified 58 proteins in detergent insoluble fractions as losing solubility in after heat shock; 10 were common between the 2 cell lines. A subset of the proteins identified by LC-MS/MS was validated by immunoblotting of similarly prepared fractions. Ultimately, we were able to definitively identify 3 proteins as putatively metastable neural proteins; FEN1, CDK1, and TDP-43. We also determined that after heat-shock these cells accumulate insoluble polyubiquitin chains largely linked via lysine 48 (K-48) residues. Collectively, this study identifies human neural proteins that lose solubility upon heat-shock. These proteins may represent components of the human proteome that are vulnerable to misfolding in settings of proteostasis stress.  相似文献   

The extracellular regions of many cell surface proteins of the immune system contain distinct domains that may be linked in many different ways and are often only loosely tethered to the transmembrane segment. In efforts to identify regions critical for binding, molecular models of these domains are used to select residues for mutagenesis and to map binding sites. Many immune cell surface proteins belong to protein superfamilies and display only limited sequence identity compared to proteins of known three-dimensional (3D) structure, often 30% or less. Therefore, detailed 3D structures are difficult to predict, and structure-based sequence analysis and model assessment are particularly important components of the model building process. In some cases, experimentally determined structures have made it possible to assess the accuracy of predictions, which illustrates the opportunities and shortcomings of the approach. Herein the model-based identification of binding sites in cell surface proteins is described and representative examples are discussed.  相似文献   



The value of new biomarkers or imaging tests, when added to a prediction model, is currently evaluated using reclassification measures, such as the net reclassification improvement (NRI). However, these measures only provide an estimate of improved reclassification at population level. We present a straightforward approach to characterize subgroups of reclassified individuals in order to tailor implementation of a new prediction model to individuals expected to benefit from it.


In a large Dutch population cohort (n = 21,992) we classified individuals to low (<5%) and high (≥5%) fatal cardiovascular disease risk by the Framingham risk score (FRS) and reclassified them based on the systematic coronary risk evaluation (SCORE). Subsequently, we characterized the reclassified individuals and, in case of heterogeneity, applied cluster analysis to identify and characterize subgroups. These characterizations were used to select individuals expected to benefit from implementation of SCORE.


Reclassification after applying SCORE in all individuals resulted in an NRI of 5.00% (95% CI [-0.53%; 11.50%]) within the events, 0.06% (95% CI [-0.08%; 0.22%]) within the nonevents, and a total NRI of 0.051 (95% CI [-0.004; 0.116]). Among the correctly downward reclassified individuals cluster analysis identified three subgroups. Using the characterizations of the typically correctly reclassified individuals, implementing SCORE only in individuals expected to benefit (n = 2,707,12.3%) improved the NRI to 5.32% (95% CI [-0.13%; 12.06%]) within the events, 0.24% (95% CI [0.10%; 0.36%]) within the nonevents, and a total NRI of 0.055 (95% CI [0.001; 0.123]). Overall, the risk levels for individuals reclassified by tailored implementation of SCORE were more accurate.


In our empirical example the presented approach successfully characterized subgroups of reclassified individuals that could be used to improve reclassification and reduce implementation burden. In particular when newly added biomarkers or imaging tests are costly or burdensome such a tailored implementation strategy may save resources and improve (cost-)effectiveness.  相似文献   

The telomere at the end of a linear chromosome plays crucial roles in genome stability. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the Rap1 protein, one of the central players at the telomeres, associates with multiple proteins to regulate various telomere functions, such as the maintenance of telomere DNA length, telomere end protection, maintenance of telomere heterochromatin, and telomere clustering in meiosis. The molecular bases of the interactions between Rap1 and its partners, however, remain largely unknown. Here, we describe the identification of the interaction domains of Rap1 with its partners. The Bqt1/Bqt2 complex, which is required for normal meiotic progression, Poz1, which is required for telomere length control, and Taz1, which is required for the recruitment of Rap1 to telomeres, bind to distinct domains in the C-terminal half of Rap1. Intriguingly, analyses of a series of deletion mutants for rap1+ have revealed that the long N-terminal region (1–456 a.a. [amino acids]) of Rap1 (full length: 693 a.a.) is not required for telomere DNA length control, telomere end protection, and telomere gene silencing, whereas the C-terminal region (457–693 a.a.) containing Poz1- and Taz1-binding domains plays important roles in those functions. Furthermore, the Bqt1/Bqt2- and Taz1-binding domains are essential for normal spore formation after meiosis. Our results suggest that the C-terminal half of Rap1 is critical for the primary telomere functions, whereas the N-terminal region containing the BRCT (BRCA1 C-terminus) and Myb domains, which are evolutionally conserved among the Rap1 family proteins, does not play a major role at the telomeres.  相似文献   

端粒保护蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
端粒保护蛋白(pmtection of telomere 1,PoT1)是存在于人和裂殖酵母的端粒相关蛋白,特异性地与端粒单链DNA相结合。人POT1基因位于7号染色体上,由22个外显子组成,其中4个外显子属于跳跃外显子,可形成5个剪接变异体。POT1的功能在于维持端粒的稳定,通过TRF1.TIN2.PIP1-POT通路调节端粒长度。  相似文献   

目的:鉴定端粒蛋白TRF1和肌动蛋白结合蛋白PFN2是否存在相互作用,并且两者的相互作用是否与端粒在细胞核周的锚定有关。方法:将TRF1构建到myc标签载体,PFN2构建到GST标签载体,采用GST-pull down技术,验证两者是否存在相互作用;同时将TRF1构建到EGFP标签的绿色荧光载体,PFN2构建到RED标签的红色荧光载体,两者共转入细胞,利用荧光显微镜观察两者在细胞中的共定位情况。结果:GST-pull down证明TRF1与PFN2存在直接相互作用,两者在细胞中可以共定位。结论:TRF1与PFN2存在相互作用,且这种相互作用发生在细胞核周。  相似文献   

传统的作物种质数据组织方法,针对不同作物种类建立不同数据表,这种方法已不能有效适应种质数据综合分析的需要.本文提出了一种基于属性分离存储的种质数据组织方法,根据种质的每个属性分别建立数据表,各属性间没有从属关系.该方法可统一数据查询操作,优化查询过程,提高分析效率,具有灵活、可扩展的特点,可以方便地集成与种质分析相关的数据,适用于种质资源分布式数据库和相关信息系统的建立.  相似文献   

1IntroductionIris identification is reputed to be one of the mostreliable biometric identification technologies.Wavelettheory has been widely used in feature analysis of the irisimage-the key to this technology.The classical irisrecognition algorithms were developed by Daugman[1]and Wildes[2].Zero-crossings of the wavelet transformwas presented by Boles[3].Gabor filter optimizationdesign for iris texture analysis and a multi-matchingsystem based on a simplified deformable model of thehuman i…  相似文献   


Background and Objective

To develop a real-time recording system based on computer binocular vision and two-dimensional image feature extraction to accurately record mandibular movement in three dimensions.


A computer-based binocular vision device with two digital cameras was used in conjunction with a fixed head retention bracket to track occlusal movement. Software was developed for extracting target spatial coordinates in real time based on two-dimensional image feature recognition. A plaster model of a subject’s upper and lower dentition were made using conventional methods. A mandibular occlusal splint was made on the plaster model, and then the occlusal surface was removed. Temporal denture base resin was used to make a 3-cm handle extending outside the mouth connecting the anterior labial surface of the occlusal splint with a detection target with intersecting lines designed for spatial coordinate extraction. The subject''s head was firmly fixed in place, and the occlusal splint was fully seated on the mandibular dentition. The subject was then asked to make various mouth movements while the mandibular movement target locus point set was recorded. Comparisons between the coordinate values and the actual values of the 30 intersections on the detection target were then analyzed using paired t-tests.


The three-dimensional trajectory curve shapes of the mandibular movements were consistent with the respective subject movements. Mean XYZ coordinate values and paired t-test results were as follows: X axis: -0.0037 ± 0.02953, P = 0.502; Y axis: 0.0037 ± 0.05242, P = 0.704; and Z axis: 0.0007 ± 0.06040, P = 0.952. The t-test result showed that the coordinate values of the 30 cross points were considered statistically no significant. (P<0.05)


Use of a real-time recording system of three-dimensional mandibular movement based on computer binocular vision and two-dimensional image feature recognition technology produced a recording accuracy of approximately ± 0.1 mm, and is therefore suitable for clinical application. Certainly, further research is necessary to confirm the clinical applications of the method.  相似文献   

Wang W  Wang SS  Li H  Wang N 《遗传》2012,34(1):19-26
端粒是线性染色体末端的核蛋白"帽子"结构,其长度由端粒酶来维持。端粒对于维持基因组的稳定、防止细胞衰老和肿瘤发生具有重要的作用。鸡是遗传和发育研究的经典模式动物,随着鸡基因组学研究的不断深入,鸡的端粒和端粒酶研究取得了很大进展。文章综述了近年来鸡的端粒生物学研究进展,并提出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

端粒是真核细胞染色体末端的特有结构,是由端粒结合蛋白和一段重复序列的端粒DNA组成的一个高度精密的复合体,在维持染色体末端稳定性,避免染色体被核酸酶降解等方面起着重要的作用。端粒的长度、结构及组织形式受多种端粒结合因子的调控。由于端粒的重要性,在哺乳动物细胞里,端粒的长度或端粒结构变化与癌症发生及细胞衰老有密切的关系。由于末端复制问题的存在,随着细胞分裂次数的增加,端粒不断缩短,细胞不可避免的走向衰老或凋亡。由于在细胞分裂过程中端粒长度的不断缩短与细胞分裂代数增加具有相关性,即端粒长度反应了细胞的分裂次数,因此有人将端粒形象的比喻为生物时钟。在90%的癌细胞中,端粒酶被重新激活,以此来维持端粒的长度,使细胞走向永生化。简要综述了端粒、端粒酶及端粒酶结合蛋白的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Brain-machine interface techniques have been applied in a number of studies to control neuromotor prostheses and for neurorehabilitation in the hopes of providing a means to restore lost motor function. Electrocorticography (ECoG) has seen recent use in this regard because it offers a higher spatiotemporal resolution than non-invasive EEG and is less invasive than intracortical microelectrodes. Although several studies have already succeeded in the inference of computer cursor trajectories and finger flexions using human ECoG signals, precise three-dimensional (3D) trajectory reconstruction for a human limb from ECoG has not yet been achieved. In this study, we predicted 3D arm trajectories in time series from ECoG signals in humans using a novel preprocessing method and a sparse linear regression. Average Pearson’s correlation coefficients and normalized root-mean-square errors between predicted and actual trajectories were 0.44∼0.73 and 0.18∼0.42, respectively, confirming the feasibility of predicting 3D arm trajectories from ECoG. We foresee this method contributing to future advancements in neuroprosthesis and neurorehabilitation technology.  相似文献   

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