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Protein kinase C-epsilon (PKC-epsilon) plays a central role in cardiac cell signaling, but mechanisms of translocation and anchoring upon activation are poorly understood. Conventional PKC isoforms rely on a rapid Ca2+-mediated recruitment to cell membranes, but this mechanism cannot be employed by PKC-epsilon or other PKC isoforms lacking a Ca2+-binding domain. In this study, we used recombinant green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion constructs and confocal microscopy to examine the localization, kinetics, and reversibility of PKC-epsilon anchoring in permeabilized rat cardiac myocytes. PKC-epsilon-GFP bound with a striated pattern that co-localized with alpha-actinin, a marker of the Z-line of the sarcomere. Binding required activation of PKC and occurred slowly but reversibly with apparent rate constants of k(on) = 4.6 +/- 1.2 x 10(3) M(-1) x s(-1) and k(off) = 1.4 +/- 0.5 x 10(-3) s(-1) (t1/2 = 8 min) as determined by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and by perfusion experiments. A truncated construct composed of the N-terminal 144-amino-acid variable region of PKC-epsilon (epsilonV1-GFP), but not an analogous N-terminal domain of PKC-delta, mimicked the Z-line decoration and slow binding rate of the full-length enzyme. These findings suggest that the epsilonV1 domain is important in determining PKC-epsilon localization and translocation kinetics in cardiac muscle. Moreover, PKC-epsilon translocation is not a diffusion-controlled binding process but instead may be limited by intramolecular conformational changes within the V1 domain. The k(off) for epsilonV1-GFP was two- to threefold faster than for full-length enzyme, indicating that other domains in PKC-epsilon contribute to anchoring by prolonging the bound state.  相似文献   

Two human homologues of protein kinase C-epsilon (E1 and E2) were isolated from two distinct cDNA libraries. Sequence comparisons to PKC-epsilon cDNAs from several species indicated that each of these human epsilon clones contained cloning artifacts. Thus, a composite PKC-epsilon (E3) clone was derived from clones E1 and E2. Human PKC-epsilon (E3) has an overall sequence identity of 90-92% at the nucleotide level compared to the previously characterized mouse, rat and rabbit clones. At the amino acid level, the deduced human epsilon sequence shows a 98-99% identity with the mouse, rat and rabbit sequences. Expression of the human PKC-epsilon clone in Sf9 cells confirmed that the recombinant protein displayed protein kinase C activity and phorbol ester binding activity. The recombinant protein was also recognized by two distinct epsilon-specific polyclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Rat embryo fibroblasts and liver epithelial cell lines normally express two isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC), PKC alpha and PKC epsilon. Derivatives of these cells transformed by an activated human c-H-ras oncogene display a several-fold increase in expression of PKC alpha and a concomitant decrease in PKC epsilon, at both the protein and mRNA levels. Similar changes are seen when the transformed phenotype is induced by Zn2+ in cells carrying the activated ras oncogene under the control of a metallothionein promoter. Studies using cell lines that express very high levels of PKC beta 1, studies using a specific inhibitor of PKC (CGP 41251), and studies in which PKC activity is down-regulated by treatment with a phorbol ester tumor promoter provide evidence that the effects of the ras oncogene on the expression of PKC alpha and PKC epsilon are mediated mainly through a PKC-independent pathway. The present results provide the first evidence that transformation of cells by an oncogene can alter the relative expression of specific isoforms of PKC. It is possible that these changes contribute to the malignant phenotype of these cells.  相似文献   

Using adenovirus (Adv)-mediated overexpression of constitutively active (ca) and dominant-negative (dn) mutants, we examined whether protein kinase C (PKC)-epsilon, the major novel PKC isoenzyme expressed in the adult heart, was necessary and/or sufficient to induce specific aspects of the hypertrophic phenotype in low-density, neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVM) in serum-free culture. Adv-caPKC-epsilon did not increase cell surface area or the total protein-to-DNA ratio. However, cell shape was markedly affected, as evidenced by a 67% increase in the cell length-to-width ratio and a 17% increase in the perimeter-to-area ratio. Adv-caPKC-epsilon also increased atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and beta-myosin heavy chain (MHC) mRNA levels 2.5 +/- 0.3- and 2.1 +/- 0.2-fold, respectively, compared with NRVM infected with an empty, parent vector (P < 0.05 for both). Conversely, Adv-dnPKC-epsilon did not block endothelin-induced increases in cell surface area, the total protein-to-DNA ratio, or upregulation of beta-MHC and ANF gene expression. However, the dominant-negative inhibitor markedly suppressed endothelin-induced extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 activation. Taken together, these results indicate that caPKC-epsilon overexpression alters cell geometry, producing cellular elongation and remodeling without a significant, overall increase in cell surface area or total protein accumulation. Furthermore, PKC-epsilon activation and downstream signaling via the ERK cascade may not be necessary for cell growth, protein accumulation, and gene expression changes induced by endothelin.  相似文献   

1. Injection of triiodothyronine to rats stimulates protein kinase activity in liver chromatin nonhistone proteins. A significant increase was found after two daily injections. A 4-fold increase was observed with the purified enzyme after eight daily injections of the hormone. No variations were observed in cytosol protein kinase activity. Electrophoretic pattern, effect of heat denaturation, effect of p-hydroxymercuribenzoate seem to indicate that the enzyme present in treated rats is not identical to the enzyme in control animals, which suggests that thyroid hormone has induced nuclear protein kinase. Diiodothyronine, 3, 3', 5'-triiodothyronine have no effect on protein kinase. 2. Chromatin non-histone proteins isolated from rats injected with triiodothyronine incorporated more 32P when incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP than the chromatin proteins from untreated rats. Thyroidectomy reduced the in vitro 32P incorporation. It is suggested that some of the biological activity of thyroid hormone could be mediated through its effect on chromatin non-histone proteins.  相似文献   

In the present experiment, we demonstrated that IP3 kinase activity was increased in SHRSP heart compared to WKY heart. IP3 kinase activity in the heart was highest in the cytosolic fraction in both SHRSP and WKY. Its activity progressively increased with age in 5- to 20-week SHRSP. The activity reached about three times the level of 5-week-old SHRSP in 40-week-old SHRSP. On the other hand, in WKY it was 1.3-fold at 40 weeks compared with that at 5 weeks. We determined the effect of divalent cations on IP3 kinase activity. Ca2+ stimulated its activity in a dose-dependent manner at 10(-9) to 10(-6) M. In SHRSP it was enhanced about 2.1-fold at 10(-6) M of Ca2+, but in WKY it was 1.5-fold at 1.0(-6) M of Ca2+. Mn2+ also stimulated IP3 kinase activity in both groups of animals, while, Fe2+, Zn2+, and Cu2+ inhibited IP3 kinase activity. In our experiment IP3 kinase activity was increased in SHRSP and its activity was markedly affected by divalent cations. These data suggest that the accumulations of IP3 and IP4 after hormonal stimulation play a physiologic role, possibly by alteration of Ca2+ levels in cardiac tissue.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize cardiac changes in myosin heavy chain (MHC)-beta, capacity for oxidative metabolism and muscle mass in hearts of rats born and raised at simulated altitudes (2200 m or 4000 m) compared to age-matched sea level controls. On the basis of electrophoretic analyses, we found that the hypoxia-induced ventricular hypertrophy produces a significant increase in MHC-beta in both ventricles. Furthermore, we observed an exponential relationship between the mass of right ventricular muscle and percentages in the expression of MHC-beta (r=0.928, P<0.001). We also observed the reduction in the citrate synthase (CS) and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD) activities in both hypertrophied ventricles (P<0.001). As a consequence, there were negative correlations between the percentage expression of MHC-beta and the CS or HAD activities (P<0.001). In contrast, there were no significant correlations between the relative expressions of MHC-beta and either CS or HAD enzymatic activities in both ventricles after adjusting for the relative wet mass. In conclusion, the observed increases in MHC-beta may be a compensation to augment efficiency if muscles contract in hypertrophied hearts where mitochondria fail to respond to increases in tissue mass. These findings suggest that the increased relative expression of MHC-beta is a compensation to sustain cardiac contractile efficiency in response to impaired oxidative metabolism in the hypoxia-induced hypertrophied ventricles of rats.  相似文献   

We examined the role of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta(1) signaling inhibitor Smad 7 in cardiac fibrosis. TGF-beta(1) (10 ng/ml) was found to increase cytosolic Smad 7 expression in primary adult rat fibroblasts and induce rapid nuclear export of exogenous Smad 7 in COS-7 cells. Furthermore, overexpression of Smad 7 in primary adult fibroblasts was associated with suppressed collagen type I and III expression. We detected Smad 7, phosphorylated Smad 2, TGF-beta type I receptor (TbetaRI), and TGF-beta(1) proteins in postmyocardial infarct (MI) rat hearts. In 2 and 4 wk post-MI hearts, Smad 7 and TbetaRI expression were decreased in scar tissue, whereas TGF-beta(1) expression was increased in scar and viable tissue. In the 8 wk post-MI heart, Smad 7 expression was decreased in both scar tissue and myocardium remote to the infarct scar. Finally, we confirmed that these changes are paralleled by decreased expression of cytosolic phosphorylated receptor-regulated Smad 2 in 4-wk viable myocardium and in 2- and 4-wk infarct scar tissues. Taken together, our data imply that decreased inhibitory Smad 7 signal in cardiac fibroblasts may play a role in the pathogenesis of cardiac fibrosis in the post-MI heart.  相似文献   

Daily injections of subconvulsive amounts of carbamylcholine or muscarine into the L basolateral amygdala of Holzman rats resulted in the progressive development of kindled seizures. Addition of equimolar atropine to carbachol completely prevented development of seizures. Rats kindled with carbachol had full seizures when tested for the first time with muscarine and vice-versa. Kindling persisted after 4 weeks without stimulation and spontaneous seizures were observed. No histological differences existed between carbachol-kindled and carbachol-atropine (non-kindled) rats. These data suggest that a chronic epileptic focus was induced transsynaptically.  相似文献   

Several novel protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes have been identified as substrates for caspase-3. We have previously shown that novel PKCepsilon is cleaved during apoptosis in MCF-7 cells that lack any functional caspase-3. In the present study, we show that in vitro-translated PKCepsilon is processed by human recombinant caspase-3, -7, and -9. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) triggered processing of PKCepsilon to a 43-kDa carboxyl-terminal fragment, and cell-permeable caspase inhibitors prevented TNF-induced processing of PKCepsilon in MCF-7 cells. PKCepsilon was cleaved primarily at the SSPD downward arrow G site to generate two fragments with an approximate molecular mass of 43 kDa. It was also cleaved at the DDVD downward arrow C site to generate two fragments with molecular masses of 52 and 35 kDa. Treatment of MCF-7 cells with TNF resulted in the activation of PKCepsilon, and mutation at the SSPD downward arrow G (D383A) site inhibited proteolytic activation of PKCepsilon. Overexpression of wild-type but not dominant-negative PKCepsilon in MCF-7 cells delayed TNF-induced apoptosis, and mutation at the D383A site prevented antiapoptotic activity of PKCepsilon. These results suggest that cleavage of PKCepsilon by caspase-7 at the SSPD downward arrow G site results in the activation of PKCepsilon. Furthermore, activation of PKCepsilon was associated with its antiapoptotic function.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle protein turnover has been examined in thyroidectomized rats treated with 0, 0.3, 0.75, 2, 20 and 100 micrograms triidothyronine/day for 7 days by implanted osmotic minipump. Protein synthesis in gastrocnemius, plantaris and soleus muscle were measured in vivo by the constant infusion method and protein degradation estimated as the difference between gross and net rates of synthesis. Serum levels of triidothyronine (T3) and insulin were also measured in addition to oxygen consumption rates in some cases. Compared with untreated intact rats muscle growth rates were unchanged at 0.3, 0.75 and 2 micrograms T3/day and, judging by plasma T3 levels, 0.75 microgram T3/day was a replacement dose. Slowing of growth was evident in the untreated thyroidectomized rats mid-way through the 7 day experimental period (6-7 days after throidectomy). High doses of T3 (20 and 100 micrograms/day) promptly supressed growth but there was subsequent recovery. Protein synthesis and degradation were generally lower in the hypothyroid state and normal or elevated in the hyperthyroid state. The changes in protein synthesis were mediated by changes in both RNA concentration and RNA activity (protein synthesis per unit RNA). Gastrocnemius and plantaris muscles were most responsive in the hypothyroid range. Since protein synthesis is particularly depressed in these muscles in malnutrition, the fall in protein degradation induced by the lowered thyroid status in this condition will be an important adaptive response to conserve protein. The increased protein turnover in the hyperthyroid rats was most marked in the soleus muscle and it is argued that this is necessary to allow the changes in protein composition and metabolic character which occur in response to hyperthyroidism in this muscle.  相似文献   

Inositolhexakisphosphate (InsP6) plays a pivotal role in the pancreatic beta-cell stimulus-secretion coupling. We have used capacitance measurements to study the effects of InsP6 on Ca2+-dependent exocytosis in single mouse pancreatic beta-cells. In the presence of inhibitors of the protein phosphatase calcineurin to block endocytosis, intracellular application of InsP6 produced a dose-dependent stimulation of exocytosis, and half-maximal effect was observed at 22 microM. The stimulatory effect of InsP6 was dependent on protein kinase C (PKC) activity. Antisense oligonucleotides directed against specific PKC isoforms (alpha, beta II, delta, epsilon, xi) revealed the involvement of PKC-epsilon in InsP6-induced exocytosis. Furthermore, expression of dominant negative PKC-epsilon abolished InsP6-evoked exocytosis, whereas expression of wild-type PKC-epsilon led to a significant stimulation of InsP6-induced exocytosis. These data demonstrate that PKC-epsilon is involved in InsP6-induced exocytosis in pancreatic beta-cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of protein kinase C (PKC) activation on intracellular Ca(2+) transient and its relation to alpha(1)-adrenoceptor (alpha(1)-AR)-stimulated negative inotropic response in rat ventricles. The electromechanical responses to phenylephrine (PE) in rat ventricular muscles were concomitantly examined using the conventional microelectrode method. The responses of intracellular Ca(2+) transient and cell contractions to PE in the absence of certain pharmacological interventions were ascertained in fura-2-loaded myocytes. The influence of PE on L-type Ca(2+) current (I(Ca,L)) was also examined using a voltage clamp in a whole-cell configuration. PE did not alter the action potential parameters during the negative inotropic phase. The negative inotropic effect (NIE) was inhibited by prazosin, chloroethylclonidine (CEC) and staurosporine, but was insensitive to pertussis toxin. Desensitization of PKC after prolonged pretreatment of rat ventricles with PDBu also abolished the NIE of PE. Caffeine modulated the NIE, but thapsigargin did not. The evoked intracellular Ca(2+) transient and cell contraction were initially decreased by PE, while I(Ca,L) was not altered. Prazosin and staurosporine significantly inhibited the responses. Our data indicated that alpha(1)AR-mediated NIE in rat ventricular muscles was due to the decrease of intracellular Ca(2+) transients by the modulation of PKC on Ca(2+)-releasing channels signaling through a CEC-sensitive alpha(1)AR subtype.  相似文献   

Summary A complex network of atrial natriuretic factor-producing cells has been delineated by biochemical and morphological techniques in the rat ventricular myocardium. The chordae tendineae spuriae (CTS; false tendons) contain ANF mRNA and the ANF propeptide (Asn 1-Tyr 126) as assessed by Northern blot analysis, high-pressure liquid chromatography and immunohisto- and -cytochemistry, using three different affinity-purified antibodies: monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against C-terminal ANF (Arg 101-Tyr 126) and polyclonal antibodies against N-terminal ANF (Asp 11-Ala 37). Two types of cells harboring ANF-containing secretory granules constitute the CTS: the majority (Purkinje type I) have ultrastructural similarities with both atrial and classical Purkinje fibers. Purkinje type-II fibers resemble working ventricular cardiocytes. Both cell types harbor a large paranuclear Golgi complex. The subendocardial Purkinje network is also made up of these two cell types. In this location, Purkinje type-I fibers form cable-like structures while Purkinje type-II fibers are either located beneath the former or abut directly on the endocardium. The latter are not separated from adjacent working ventricular cardiocytes by connective tissue septa. Coronary arteries and arterioles, as in birds, are surrounded by a cushion of Purkinje type-II fibers which blend with the surrounding myocardium. These results indicate that, in the rat, the entire intraventricular conduction system is constituted of endocrine cells producing ANF.Supported by a Medical Research Council of Canada Group Grant to the Multidisciplinary Research Group on Hypertension, by the National Research Council of Canada, the Pfizer Company (England), Bio-Méga Inc. and the Canadian Heart Foundation  相似文献   

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