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Dark germination of Amaranthus retroflexus L. seeds at 35° increased after several days of prechilling at 20° or lower. Irradiation with far-red light for short periods during the early hours of a prechilling period at 10° inhibited subsequent dark germination at 35°. The inhibition was completely reversible with red light. Far-red irradiation in the latter part of the prechilling period was less effective. Increased dark germination of A. retroflexus seeds following a prechilling period at 20° or less is attributed to action of preexistent PFR, the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome, within the seeds. Inactivation of PFR was found to proceed ca. 4 times more rapidly at 25° than at 20°. Failure of imbibition temperatures above 20° to increase dark germination of A. retroflexus seeds is attributed to the rapid thermal reversion of pre-existent PFR. We suggest that the action of prechilling (layering) on many other seed kinds arises in a similar way.  相似文献   

Germination responses of the seeds of Amaranthus retroflexusL. were affected by the photoperiod, temperature, and levelof solar radiation experienced by their parent plants. Seedsfrom parents grown continuously in short days (SD, 8 h) lostpost-harvest dormancy more rapidly and had a higher dark germination,as well as a greater responsiveness (at 30?C) to pretreatmentsat low temperature (5 or 10?C) and to short illuminations, thanseeds from parents grown continuously in long days (LD, 16 h).Dark germination and responsiveness of the seeds to promotivetreatments were both higher when their parents were transferredat flowering from LD to SD than when grown continuously in LD.These responses were lower when their parents were similarlytransferred from SD to LD than when grown continuously in SD.The promotive effects of parental post-flowering SD on darkgermination (at 30?C) were enhanced by reduction of parentaltemperature (from 27/22?C to 22/17?C), but the responsivenessof the seeds to low temperature pretreatment was reduced. Inflorescencesdeveloping in LD produced seed with higher germinability whenfloweringwas not induced (LD throughout) than when it was induced (eitherby SD till flowering, or by three SD cycles when 4–5 leavesappeared). Reduced levels of solar radiation had opposite effectsin the different parental photoperiods: dark germination andthe responsiveness to low temperature pretreatments were reducedin LD, but were increased in SD. Differences in the germination responses resulting from differencesin the parental environment could not be correlated with differencesin seed coat thickness or seed dry weight.  相似文献   

High germination of curly dock (Rumex crispus L.) seeds is evident after suitable imbibition and temperature shift treatment, but germination at constant temperatures fails without an input of far red-absorbing form of phytochrome. Preliminary imbibitions at high temperatures (30 C) sharply reduce germination induced by temperature shifts. High germination may be restored by low energies of red radiation, or by brief far red adequate for the photosteady state. Prolonged far red during imbibition also nullifies temperature shift-induced germination. After prolonged far red, high germination may be restored by red radiation of an energy dependent upon the duration of the far red treatment. The evidence supports the conclusion that dark germination induced by temperature shifts arises from the interaction of pre-existent far red-absorbing form of phytochrome in the mature seeds with the temperature shift.  相似文献   

Taylorson RB 《Plant physiology》1975,55(6):1093-1097
A 10 C dark prechilling of johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] seeds, when terminated by a 2-hr, 40 C temperature shift, potentiates about 40% germination at 20 C in darkness. Irradiation of the seeds before, during, and at the end of prechilling with far red light reduces the subsequent germination, although red irradiation after the far red can overcome some of the inhibition. However, either brief red or far red irradiation given immediately after the temperature shift inhibits subsequent germination by one-third to one-half. The results suggest that the far red-absorbing form of phytochrome is a factor in the prechill-induced dark germination and that phytochrome participates in the inhibition of germination by irradiations immediately after the temperature shift.  相似文献   

本文对反枝苋生物学特性、入侵过程及可能分布区域与影响其分布的相关因子、除防、应用的相关研究进行了综述。结果发现:反枝苋种子能够适应较广的萌发条件,特别是在高温条件下具有高萌发率;反枝苋能够调整生物量及生理生化过程来应对环境变化,具有很强的可塑性;随着气候环境的变化,反枝苋的入侵持续进行,下一步将会向中国西南地区入侵;研制、筛选新型除草剂及探索除草剂的施用方法是目前针对反枝苋产生抗药性的解决途径;反枝苋具有较高的营养价值及药用价值,且在植物修复方面具有潜在前景。目前对反枝苋的研究还存在不足,应在以下方面进行加强:(1)在环境压力下的适应性进化机制及快速适应性的分子基础;(2)对入侵地土壤微生物群落、植物群落及动物的影响及其机制的研究;(3)平衡应用与防御之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

Seed germination in Amaranthtis retroflexus, a facultative shortday plant, was affected by the parental photoperiodic conditions.Seeds from parents grown continuously in short days (SD, 8 h)had a higher dark germination and a greater response (at 30°C) to a short irradiation or low temperature pretreatmentthan seeds from plants grown continuously in long days (LD,16 h). Daily night breaks of 1 h in the middle of the long-nightinhibited the SD induction of flowering as well as the SD promotionof germinability. Germinability of seeds produced by plantsinduced to flower in LD by 1, 2, or 3 SD was lower than thatof seeds produced by plants grown continuously in SD, and decreasedwith the age of the parent plants at the time of flower induction.  相似文献   

Seed of Amaranthus alus L. develop an enhanced sensitivity to the farred absorbing form of phytochrome after prolonged imbibition at temperatures >32°C. The enhanced sensitivity developed at 40°C could be reversed by subsequent treatment at 20°C and similarly reestablished by repeating a 40°C treatment. It is concluded that relative sensitivity to the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome may be readily manipulated in seeds of A. albus.  相似文献   

The influence of phytochrome on endosperm softening and cellulaseactivity was studied on light-stimulated Datura ferox seeds.Endosperm softening preceded the earliest signs of radicle protrusion,and there was good correlation between the % of seeds with softendosperm at 48 h after R and germination at 96 h after R. Cellulaseactivity was stimulated by R and the increase in activity preceded,by more than 24h, radicle protrusion and endosperm softening.The effect of R was reversed by FR, but, by delaying the irradiationwith FR until cellulase activity had increased significantly,it was observed that removing Pfr did more than just stop anyfurther increase, the level of cellulase activity decreasedin about 24 h close to the dark controls. Cellulase activitywas decreased by a FR irradiation even when more than 60% germinationhad escaped from reversion. These results indicate that phytochromeinfluence on cellulase is not an indirect consequence of thestimulus of germination and that the continuous presence ofPfr is required for the cellulase activity to remain high. Thepossibility that cellulase and other degrading enzymes may bepart of the mechanism of light-induced germination is discussed. Key words: Phytochrome, germination, cellulase  相似文献   

根据野外95个样方的调查数据,运用2×2列联表的χ2检验、Jaccard关联指数、Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数对山西省中南部地区反枝苋群落的25个优势种,共300个种对的种间关联性和相关性进行分析。研究结果表明:1)群落总体呈负相关趋势,优势种的分布相对独立,群落结构较为松散,显著和极显著关联的种对较少;2)χ2检验与关联度指数有机结合才能更为准确的反映种间关系;3)Spearman秩相关系数灵敏度高,分析结果较χ2检验与Pearson相关系数更为合理准确;4)根据25个优势种对环境的适应方式和主导生态因素结合PCA排序,将它们划分为4个生态种组,各生态种组内的种对具有相同的资源利用方式和生态要求。  相似文献   

外来杂草反枝苋对农作物的化感作用及其风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用改进的差时播种共培法,以麦田伴生恶性杂草播娘蒿为对照,在实验室条件下研究反枝苋根系分泌物及其不同浓度残枝浸提液对小麦、玉米、油菜种子萌发及生长的影响.结果显示:(1)反枝苋幼苗的根系分泌物能够显著抑制作物根长和苗高的生长;(2)反枝苋不同浓度浸提液均能抑制作物种子的萌发,其抑制作用随浓度的增加而增强;(3)除0.025 g·mL-1处理对小麦根长和苗高、玉米苗高有促进作用外,其余各浓度反枝苋浸提液对作物幼苗的根长和苗高有不同程度的抑制,且对根长的抑制作用更强;(4)反枝苋对作物幼苗的抑制作用强于恶性杂草播娘蒿,风险评估定量分析结果认定反枝苋为陕西省高度危险性植物.  相似文献   

D. Koller  J. Kigel  Sarah Ovadiah 《Planta》1977,136(1):13-19
The ontogenetic change taking place in the facultative photoperiodic response of A. retroflexus to inductive short-day (SD) conditions was studied by exposing plants to continuous induction after different initial exposures to long-days (LD), and comparing the kinetics of their developmental responses (cumulative number of plants with reproductive apices, flowering stage, and height of the apical dome). As the plants progressed from emergence to autonomous flowering (i.e., in non-inductive conditions), their response to continuous induction became progressively more rapid. Reproductive development was initiated following a progressively shorter lag-phase after the start of induction, but its subsequent rate remained unchanged. Until the onset of reproductive development, the undifferentiated upper part of the shoot apex (apical dome) elongated much more rapidly in SD than in LD. However, in both cases reproductive development was initiated when the apex had elongated to about the same extent, after which its elongation accelerated considerably, but to similar rates in both photoperiods. The data indicate that progress towards reproductive development takes place in inductive (SD), as well as in non-inductive (LD) photoperiods, but one cycle of the latter is as effective as 0.20–0.25 of a cycle of the former. —Plants induced at different stages in ontogeny started to change their subsequent branching pattern (ratio of leafy to leafless branches) as soon as induction was delayed beyond autonomous flowering.Abbreviations LD long-days - SD short-days - RGR Relative Growth Rate  相似文献   

D. Koller  J. Kigel  Sarah Ovadia 《Planta》1977,137(2):133-138
The first inductive (short-day; SD) cycle advanced the initiation of reproductive development, while additional SD cycles progressively reduced the lag phase between the start of induction and initiation. The sensitivity to SD increased during ontogeny in long-days (LD) until even the requirement for the first SD cycle disappeared at the onset of autonomous flowering. In photo-induced plants, the postinitiation rate of elongation of the apex was accelerated as the SD dose was increased, but was progressively slower as the start of induction was delayed closer to autonomous flowering, approaching asymptotically the rate of non-induced controls. The inflorescences were branched in plants growing continuously in LD and unbranched in those growing continously in SD. The subsequent branching of the inflorescence could be repressed by SD at any time prior to autonomous flowering, and the degree of repression increased with the induction dose. After the initial SD cycle, 1–2 additional SD could induce the loss of apical dominance, causing excessive elongation and leaf production in the subjacent branches. Further increase in the SD dose inhibited this elongation by accelerating the transformation of the apices of these branches to the reproductive state.Abbreviations LD long day(s) - SD short day(s) - ContSD continuous short day(s) - RGR relative growth rate  相似文献   

Phytochrome-enhanced germination of curled dock (Rumex crispus L.) seeds is further stimulated by pretreatments in solutions of 0.5 to 2 molar methanol and 0.03 to ≥ 0.3 molar 2-propanol during a 2-day 20°C imbibition. Similar pretreatments in 0.1 molar ethanol, acetaldehyde, and n-propanol inhibit phytochrome-enhanced germination. If exposure to ethanol is delayed until 16 hours after a red irradiation, seeds escape the ethanol inhibition indicating a mechanism other than toxicity. The rate of escape from ethanol inhibition roughly parallels the escape from phytochrome control in seeds held in water only, indicating possible ethanol effects on phytochrome. It was found that ethanol pretreatment prevents the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) from acting but does not accelerate dark decay or prevent transformation. Ethanol inhibition may be prevented if ethanol pretreatment is at 10°C instead of 20°C, or may be overcome by transferring ethanol-pretreated seeds to 10°C in water. Similarly, ethanol inhibition can be overcome by a 2-hour 40°C temperature shift concluding the pretreatment. It is proposed that the ethanol causes perturbations at a membrane which prevent Pfr from acting.  相似文献   

14C-Ethylene was metabolized by etiolated pigweed seedlings (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) in the manner similar to that observed in other plants. The hormone was oxidized to 14CO2 and incorporated into 14C-tissue components. Selected cyclic olefins with differing abilities to block ethylene action were used to determine if ethylene metabolism in pigweed is necessary for ethylene action. 2,5-Norbornadiene and 1,3-cyclohexadiene were effective inhibitors of ethylene action at 800 and 6400 microliters per liter, respectively, in the gas phase, while 1,4-cyclohexadiene and cyclohexene were not. However, all four cyclic olefins inhibited the incorporation and conversion of 14C-ethylene to 14CO2 by 95% with I50 values below 100 microliters per liter. The results indicate that total ethylene metabolism does not directly correlate with changes in ethylene action. Additionally, the fact that inhibition of ethylene metabolism by the cyclic olefins did not result in a corresponding increase in ethylene evolution indicates that ethylene metabolism does not serve to significantly reduce endogenous ethylene levels.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of diurnally alternating temperatures and of prolonged burial in the soil on germination response of redroot pigweed ( Amaranthus retroflexus L.) seeds to ethylene were investigated. Percentage germination in a 12 h/12 h, 23° C/35° C temperature regime roughly equalled that observed at constant 35° C, and greatly exceeded that observed at 30°C. Preincubation for 61 d in alternating temperatures, which were gradually increased to simulate soil warming in spring, caused little germination in the absence of ethylene, but considerably enhanced sensitivity to ethylene. Seeds kept in soil in the same temperature regime failed to show the response to ethylene, and the soil itself removed ethylene from the soil atmosphere.
After burial in a field plot either over winter or during the summer, seeds had a very low ethylene response threshold (0.01−0.05 cm3 m−3) and strong response to ethylene (70–95% germination at 51 cm3 m−3 compared to 1–20% without ethylene). Germinability of seeds buried overwinter declined between 10 May (85%) and 24 May (7%), and 90% of those recovered on or after 24 May had a visible rupture in the seed coat. Apparently, germination had begun during burial, but was arrested by unknown causes in an early phase and was followed by seed deterioration.
Although the role of ethylene in germination of buried seeds remains uncertain, the greatly enhanced sensitivity to ethylene observed in pigweed seeds after burial deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Phytochrome in seeds of Amaranthus caudatus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Dry seeds of Amaranthus caudatus show little or no photoreversible absorption changes, attributable to phytochrome. During imbibition phytochrome appears in two phases, one immediately after sowing and the second after about 8 hr. Experiments at different temperatures and under continuous illumination with red, far-red and blue light suggest that there are two pools of phytochrome. The first phase in the appearance of phytochrome could be due to the change in optical properties of the sample on hydration or to rehydration of inactive phytochrome, or both. The second phase probably represents phytochrome synthesis. It is absent at 0° and precedes the water uptake associated with germination by some 10 hr. This second pool of phytochrome does not accumulate in red and blue illuminated seeds indicating that the rate of P fr decay is more rapid than the rate of phytochrome synthesis. The difference spectra of phytochrome in both 2 hr imbibed seeds and 72 hr old seedlings show peaks of absorption at 663 and 735 nm. The presence of P fr in dark imbibed seeds and the process of inverse reversion of P r to P fr in darkness have been demonstrated. The results are discussed in relation to previous hypotheses for the mechanism of photocontrol of Amaranthus seed germination.  相似文献   

采用细胞化学方法 ,研究了黄瓜种子中贮藏Ca2 的分布特点及其在萌发过程中的变化动态。干种子的子叶细胞中贮藏有大量的蛋白体、油脂体 ,Ca2 沉淀颗粒大量分布于胞质、胞间隙以及细胞质膜上。大多数蛋白体中有 1至数个圆球形或椭圆体形含Ca2 的球状晶体。相比之下 ,胚芽和胚根细胞中Ca2 较少。种子萌发早期 ,子叶中的贮藏钙及晶体溶解释放出的Ca2 部分转运到生长发育中的胚芽和胚根中。随着萌发的继续 ,胚根和胚芽细胞中的Ca2 不会持续增多 ,反而下降  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Trematophoma lignicola on Amaranthus retroflexus was increased when its conidia were formulated in oilseed rape emulsion. However, this formulation did not reduce the dew period required to allow conidial germination and infection of the host, nor did it protect the conidia from desiccation before the onset of dew. The fungus gave effective control of A. retroflexus plants up to the 4-true-leaf stage. Plants with 5 to 6-true-leaves were infected and their dry weight reduced, but plants with more than 6-true-leaves were unaffected. Plants grown in warm conditions (18-21°C/12-15°C, day/night) were more likely to be successfully controlled than those grown in the cold (10-12°C/7-8°C; day/night). Significant dry weight loss of A. retroflexus plants were achieved at application volumes down to 100 l ha -1 at 5 ×10 6 conidia ml -1 . More effective control was achieved by application of conidia of T. lignicola than mycelial or pycnidial applications.  相似文献   

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