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Introduction: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a widely used complementary alternative medicine approach. Although many aspects of its effectiveness have been approved clinically, rigorous scientific techniques are highly required to translate the promises from TCM into powerful modern therapies. In this respect, proteomics is useful because of its ability to unveil the underlying target proteins and/or protein biomarkers.

Areas covered: In this review, we summarize the recent interplay between proteomics and research on TCM, ranging from exploration of the medicinal materials to the biological basis of TCM concepts, and from pathological studies to pharmacological investigations. We show that proteomic analyses provide preliminary biological evidence of the promises in TCM, and the integration of proteomics with other omics and bioinformatics offers a comprehensive methodology to address the complications of TCM.

Expert commentary: Currently, only limited information can be obtained regarding TCM issues and thus more work is required to resolve the ambiguity. As such, more collaborations between proteomics and other techniques (other omics, network pharmacology, etc.) are essential for deciphering the underlying biological basis in TCM topics.  相似文献   

Systems biology is considered to be the possible technology that could bring breakthroughs in the study of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). Proteomics, as one of the major components of systems biology, has been used in the mechanistic study of TCM, providing some interesting results. In the present paper, we review the current application of proteomics in the mechanistic study of TCM. Proteomics technologies and strategies that might be used in the future to improve study of TCM are also discussed.  相似文献   

自上个世纪以来,随着肠道菌群的相关性研究日益增多,人们发现肠道菌群与人类健康密切相关。近年来,肠道菌群在中药的研究方面也引发了科学家们激烈的讨论。本文主要对肠道菌群在中药研究中的相互作用、相互影响进行综述,阐述了较为前沿的肠道菌群的研究方法。同时对近十年来关于肠道菌群的相关文献的不同及进步进行思考和展望。该综述为预防、治疗肠道菌群失调开辟新的思路。  相似文献   

From traditional Chinese medicine to rational cancer therapy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many natural products and derivatives thereof belong to the standard repertoire of cancer chemotherapy. Examples are Vinca alkaloids, taxanes and camptothecins. In recent years, the potential of natural products from plants, notably from medicinal plants used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has been recognized by the scientific community in the Western world. To provide an example of the most recent developments in this field, we have selected several compounds, namely artesunate, homoharringtonine, arsenic trioxide and cantharidin, that are found in natural TCM products and that have the potential for use in cancer therapy. Controlled clinical studies have shown that homoharringtonine and arsenic trioxide can exert profound activity against leukaemia. Increased knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of TCM-derived drugs and recent developments in their applications demonstrate that the combination of TCM with modern cutting-edge technologies provides an attractive strategy for the development of novel and improved cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

COVID-19 as an epidemic disease has spread across the planet since December 2019. The somber situation reminds each country to take actions in preventing the spreading of the virus. China as one of the early affected countries has been fighting against the novel coronavirus with the achievements of nearly 80,000 cured confirmed patients. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has made contributions to the treatment of COVID-19 because of its efficacy and comprehensive therapeutic theory. In this commentary, the advantage, etiology and mechanism of TCM therapy were discussed in the aspect of its functions in reducing the harms brought by COVID-19 to human beings.  相似文献   

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a long history of development and application and has demonstrated on evidence basis its efficacy in the treatment of many diseases affecting multiple organ systems. In particular, TCM is effective in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases and metabolic syndromes. However, the value of TCM has not been fully recognized worldwide due to the lack of definitive information of active ingredients in almost any TCM preparation. Novel functional genomics and proteomics approaches provide alternate perspectives on the mechanism of action of TCM. The target molecules on which TCM either activates or inactivates can be identified by functional genomics and proteomics, thus the affected critical signaling pathway cascades leading to effective recovery of chronic diseases can be studied. Several TCM preparations have been available for the treatment of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, even advanced liver cirrhosis that has been shown to be irreversible and has no US-FDA approved therapy. In the TCM-treated livers with fibrosis and cirrhosis, some critical molecules that are significantly involved in the recovery can be identified through functional genomics and proteomics studies. These molecules become novel targets for drug discovery and development and candidates for the development of gene therapy. Gene therapy developed based on this strategy for the treatment of advanced liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in animal models has obtained promising results. This process thus establishes a herbogenomics approach to understand mechanisms of action of TCM and to identify effective molecular targets for the discovery and development of novel therapeutics.  相似文献   

Emerging issues in traditional Chinese medicine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has many beneficial effects and has been practiced for several thousand years. It is known to treat the cause of a disease rather than to alleviate its symptoms. Based on a belief that TCM is natural, safe, and of lower cost, consumers worldwide are spending more out-of-pocket money on this form of therapy. This increased spending, and reports of adverse reactions, has drawn the attention of many regulatory agencies. Scientists have called for more evidence-based and scientific research on the risks and benefits of TCM. In Canada, the Natural Health Product Regulations came into effect January 2004. TCM herbal product manufacturers will need to provide products of reputable quality to the market. Many will apply modern technology and good science to support their products. The issues facing producers, scientists, and consumers alike are quality control and assessment, standardization of bioactive components, mechanisms of actions, and integration of the evolved modern Chinese medicine into the healthcare system. Solid science, better regulation of the final product, and better education of consumers are necessary to extract the best of TCM to complement existing conventional medicine to deliver the best healthcare.  相似文献   

Western healers in traditional Chinese medicine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li XJ  Zhang HY 《EMBO reports》2008,9(2):112-113

发酵是中药炮制一个重要的方面,近年来关于运用现代生物技术来发酵中药的研究越来越多。本文阐述了现代中药发酵的意义、区别传统发酵的优势以及现阶段的发展概况。  相似文献   

中药对双歧杆菌生长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
选用23种常用中药对双歧杆菌进行了体外生长促进实验,结果发现12.5%的黄芪、芦根、桠葫芦分别对双歧杆菌有明显的促进生长作用。同一中药不同浓度对双歧杆菌的增殖效果存在差异。  相似文献   

中药天麻的研究现状   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
天麻是我国传统名贵中草药,近年来的研究表明,天麻对中枢神经系统有镇静止痛作用,能增强心肌收缩力,增加冠脉流量,降低外周血压,抗缺血缺氧,并能增强免疫功能.天麻能提高SOD抗氧化酶的活力,消除氧自由基。天麻无任何毒副作用,可反复给药,是一种药理作用广泛的中药材。  相似文献   

中药药效物质的研究是中药现代化研究的核心,科学阐明中药临床治疗的物质基础,是中药药效学研究的最终目标。现阶段中药药效物质基础研究方法主要有化学分离分析、生物色谱法和虚拟筛选等方法。本文对现有中药药效物质基础的几种研究方法进行了分类,并对其特点进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and corticotropin-releasing factor receptor (CRFR) play important roles in stress response, including anxiety and depression syndrome. The CRF expression also relates to chronic stress-related hair loss. This study utilizes the world’s largest traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) database and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate novel CRFR inhibitors for treatment of alopecia. The docking and screening from TCM database results indicate the vitamin B2, 3 beta-isodihydrocadambine, and caribine display higher binding affinity than maltose in maltose binding protein (MBP). However, the results of MD simulation shows the caribine-facilitated CRFR approach closer to MBP, the 3D structure conformation of MBP and CRFR complex forms compact structure. Interestingly, the distance between the two proteins is reducing significantly after caribine dock into MBP binding site. Beside, from Ligand channel analysis, the paths of caribine demonstrate that residence time is increased in binding pocket. Hence, our finding suggests that caribine might be a potential lead compound to stimulate MBP and CRFR interaction, and help for baldless therapy in further study.  相似文献   

本文对广州市清平中药材市场中昆虫类药材的分布和种类进行了调查。结果表明,广州市清平中药材市场共有9目12科20种药用昆虫(桑螵蛸未计入)。其中,清平东中草药批发市场中销售的药用昆虫种类最多,有8目10科17种药用昆虫(桑螵蛸未计入);清平中药材专业市场周边档口也有昆虫类销售,但只售活体昆虫,且药材种类和数量都很少,仅有龙虱科Dytiscidae和负子蝽科Belostomatidae的共3种昆虫;而市场的医药中心大厦内除冬虫夏草外,没有其他的药用昆虫出售,也没有以昆虫为组成成份的中成药销售。  相似文献   

Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. is an ascomycete fungus known in China since antiquity, which is still being used today. A summary, showing relevant papers about this fungus, regarding habitat, history, marketing, consumption, nomenclature, pharmacological composition, culture and medical use, is presented.  相似文献   

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