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We have demonstrated that the competition between phosphatidic acid (PA) and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) and ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P) for lipid phosphate phosphatases (LPP) generates different levels of diacylglycerol (DAG) depending on the illumination state of the retina. The aim of the present research was to determine the diacylglyceride lipase (DAGL) activity in purified rod outer segments (ROS) obtained from dark-adapted retinas (DROS) or light-adapted retinas (BLROS) as well as in ROS membrane preparations depleted of soluble and peripheral proteins. [2-(3)H]monoacylglycerol (MAG), the product of DAGL, was evaluated from [2-(3)H]DAG generated by LPP action on [2-(3)H]PA in the presence of either LPA, S1P or C1P. MAG production was inhibited by 55% in BLROS and by 25% when the enzymatic assay was carried out in ROS obtained from dark-adapted retinas and incubated under room light (LROS). The most important events occurred in DROS where co-incubation of [2-(3)H]PA with LPA, S1P or C1P diminished MAG production. A higher level of DAGL activity was observed in LROS than in BLROS, though this difference was not apparent in the presence of LPA, S1P or C1P. DAGL activity in depleted DROS was diminished with respect to that in entire DROS. LPA, S1P and C1P produced a similar decrease in MAG production in depleted DROS whereas only C1P significantly diminished MAG generation in depleted BLROS. Sphingosine and ceramide inhibited MAG production in entire DROS and stimulated its generation in BLROS. Sphingosine and ceramide stimulated MAG generation in both depleted DROS and BLROS. Under our experimental conditions the degree of MAG production depended on the illumination state of the retina. We therefore suggest that proteins related to phototransduction phenomena are involved in the effects observed in the presence of S1P/sphingosine or C1P/ceramide.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that tyrosine phosphorylation, controlled by the concerted action of tyrosine kinases and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), plays important roles in retinal photoreceptor rod outer segments (ROS). We characterized PTP activity in isolated bovine ROS that is significantly inhibited by orthovanadate. Incubating ROS in the presence of exogenous Mg2+, ATP, and orthovanadate dramatically enhanced the tyrosine phosphorylation of several endogenous proteins. SHP-2, a PTP with two SH2 domains, was identified in ROS by immunoblot analysis and was found to associate with ROS membranes. Immunocytochemistry showed localization of SHP-2 in photoreceptor outer segments and possibly in the outer plexiform, inner nuclear, and inner plexiform cell layers of the retina as well. SHP-2 associated with transducin-alpha and a 97-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein in ROS, suggesting the formation of a multimeric signaling complex. Based on its association with transducin-alpha and a 97-kDa protein, SHP-2 may regulate the tyrosine phosphorylation of endogenous proteins, including transducin-alpha, and may play a significant role in a novel signaling pathway in photoreceptors.  相似文献   

To examine the involvement of diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) and phosphatidic acid phosphatase (PAP) in pressure overloaded cardiac hypertrophy, rats were subjected to either ascending aortic banding for 3, 7, and 28 days or sham operation. In comparison with sham-operated rats, the left ventricular (LV) weight of the aortic-banded rats increased progressively. At 28 days after surgery, the expression of DGKepsilon mRNA but not DGKzeta or PAP2b mRNA in the LV myocardium significantly decreased in the aortic-banded rats compared with the sham-operated rats. DGKzeta protein in the LV myocardium translocated from the particulate to the cytosolic compartment in the aortic-banded rats. Furthermore, the myocardial content of 1,2-diacylglycerol and PKCdelta protein expression in the particulate fraction of the LV myocardium significantly increased in aortic-banded rats compared with sham-operated rats. These results suggest that DGKepsilon and DGKzeta play distinct roles in the development of pressure overloaded cardiac hypertrophy and that the two isozymes are differentially regulated.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to evaluate the generation of [2-3H]diacylglycerol ([2-3H]DAG) from [2-3H]-Phosphatidic acid ([2-3H]PA) by lipid phosphate phosphatases (LPPs) at different concentrations of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), and ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P) in purified ROS obtained from dark-adapted retinas (DROS) or light-adapted retinas (BLROS) as well as in ROS membrane preparations depleted of soluble and peripheral proteins. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of LPP3 exclusively in all membrane preparations. Immunoblots of entire ROS and depleted ROS did not show dark-light differences in LPP3 levels. LPPs activities were diminished by 53% in BLROS with respect to DROS. The major competitive effect on PA hydrolysis was exerted by LPA and S1P in DROS and by C1P in BLROS. LPPs activities in depleted ROS were similar to the activity observed in entire DROS and BLROS, respectively. LPA, S1P and C1P competed at different extent in depleted DROS and BLROS. Sphingosine and ceramide inhibited LPPs activities in entire and depleted DROS. Ceramide also inhibited LPPs activities in entire and in depleted BLROS. Our findings are indicative of a different degree of competition between PA and LPA, S1P and C1P by LPPs depending on the illumination state of the retina.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that tyrosine phosphorylation may play important roles in retinal photoreceptor rod outer segments (ROS). We investigated the tyrosine phosphorylation of endogenous proteins in isolated bovine ROS. Several proteins with apparent molecular masses of 31, 39, 60, 83, 90, 97, 120, 140, and 180 kDa were tyrosine-phosphorylated in ROS incubated with Mg(2+), ATP, and orthovanadate. Several tyrosine kinase inhibitors significantly inhibited tyrosine phosphorylation of these proteins in ROS. The 39- and 60-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins were identified as the alpha subunit of the G protein transducin (Talpha) and the tyrosine kinase Src, respectively. The presence of Src and tyrosine kinase activity in bovine ROS was confirmed by their cofractionation with rhodopsin and Talpha on continuous sucrose gradients. Several tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins, including Src, coimmunoprecipitated with Talpha. The association of Src with Talpha was detected in the absence of tyrosine phosphorylation, but was enhanced with increased tyrosine phosphorylation of ROS. Moreover, tyrosine kinase activity also associated with Talpha was sevenfold higher under tyrosine-phosphorylating conditions. The recovery of transducin by hypotonic GTP extraction from tyrosine-phosphorylated ROS was significantly less than that from nonphosphorylated ROS. We localized the site on Talpha phosphorylated by Src to the amino-terminal half by limited tryptic digests, and further mapped it by ion trap mass spectrometry to Tyr(142) in the helical domain of Talpha. Talpha was also tyrosine-phosphorylated in vivo in rat retina, but this phosphorylation was not affected by light.  相似文献   

Vertebrate retinal rod Outer Segments (OS) are the site of visual transduction, an energy demanding process for which mechanisms of ATP supply are still poorly known. Glycolysis or diffusion of either ATP or phosphocreatine from the Inner Segment (IS) does not seem to display adequate timing to supply ATP for phototransduction. We have previously reported data suggesting an aerobic metabolism in OS, which would largely account for the light-stimulated ATP need of the photoreceptor.Here, by oxymetry and biochemical analyses we show that: (i) disks isolated by Ficoll flotation consume O2 in the presence of physiological respiring substrates either in coupled or uncoupled conditions; (ii) OS homogenates contain the whole biochemical machinery for the degradation of glucose, i.e. glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle), consistently with the results of our previous proteomic study. Activities of the 8 TCA cycle enzymes in OS were comparable to those in retinal mitochondria-enriched fractions. Disk and OS preparations were subjected to TEM analysis, and while they can be considered free of inner segment contaminants, immunogold with specific antibodies demonstrate the expression therein of both the visual pigment rhodopsin and FoF1-ATP synthase. Finally, double immunofluorescence on mouse retina sections demonstrated a colocalization of some respiratory complex mitochondrial proteins with rhodopsin in rod OS.Data, suggestive of the exportability of the mitochondrial machinery for aerobic metabolism, may shed light on those retinal pathologies related to energy supply impairment in OS and to mutations in TCA enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary Rat retinas were treated in vitro with -SH reagents and stained with zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide (ZIO). Dithioerythritol (DTE), an -S-S-reducing agent, increased the electron opaque deposits observed after ZIO staining in the intraand extradiskal spaces of the rods. N-ethyl-maleimide (NEM), an -SH blocking agent, applied directly or after DTE, blocks the ZIO reaction. Furthermore, after treatment with NEM, distorted tubular and vesicular structures are substituted for the stacks of disks. These results strongly suggest that ZIO reacts with -SH groups in rod outer segments. They also indicate that SH-groups play an important role in the structural organization of rod outer segments.Supported by Grants from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas, Argentina and Fight for Sight, Inc. N.Y. United StatesI am grateful to Miss Margarita López for her skilful technical assistance and to Mr. Alberto Saenz for the electron micrographs  相似文献   

Flash-induced transients in the near-infrared scattering of bovine rod outer segments and isolated discs are investigated. Their common characteristic is the saturation at a rhodopsin bleaching of ca. 10%, which was previously described for the so-called signalP. The theory is based on the Rayleigh-Gans-approximation and on a cylindrical particle shape. This treatment is shown to be applicable in the measured angular range (in general30), in spite of the polydisperse shape of the real particles. Using the angular dependence of the relative intensity change (difference scattering curve), changes of the polarizability (refractive index) and of the particle shape can be distinguished. Model difference scattering curves are calculated for the dimensions of the rod outer segments. Static scattering measurements are used for an estimation of the average particle shape: the isolated disc samples appear to contain flat discs as well as an admixture of rod-like structures (ca. 1% of the total scattering mass); in rod outer segment preparations, a contribution of non-rodlike scattering is found which is strongly dependent on the treatment of the sample. The flash induced transients were measured using randomly oriented particles (discs and rod outer segments) and axially oriented rod outer segments. The angular dependence of the amplitude yields its difference scattering curve. On suspensions of isolated discs, which were re-loaded with the proteins extracted at low ionic strength, one single signal is observed (termedP D, first order,=0.6–1.2 s). Using randomly oriented rod outer segments, a signal with complex millisecond kinetics (termed signalP) and a slow signal (termedP S, first order,=5–25 s) can be distinguished kinetically. In the axially oriented rod outer segments, theP-signal splits into a fast axial (10 ms) and a slower radial component (50–100 ms). The slow signalP S observed in ROS and the signalP D in discs have one common physical interpretation as local changes of the polarizability, directly observed in light-scattering as a change of the refractive index. The fast signalP in ROS, however, has no detectable local component but represents a pure shrinkage effect. On the axially oriented system, this shrinkage turns out to be axial and radial with different kinetics. Only rough estimations for the relative shrinkage effects and refractive index changes can be given. One obtains for 1% rhodopsin bleaching:n/n10–4,L/L10–2,R/R5×10–4. Assuming a fluid plane for the disc membrane, the planar shrinkage induced by one bleached rhodopsin is estimated from the radial shrinkage as ca. 300 å2. This high value is discussed in relation to the binding of rhodopsin to the GTP-binding protein which is involved in comparable effects described by Kühn et al. (1981). According to our data, a chemical binding process in milliseconds is only indicated in the isolated disc; in the closed disc stack of the rod outer segment, only weak (fast) local interactions are consistent with the difference scattering data. A turn or lift of the GTPase would better satisfy this condition and explain the above high value for the individual shrinkage effect.Abbreviations ROS rod outer segments - RGA Rayleigh-Gans-approximation  相似文献   

The δ-isozyme (type II) of diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) is known to positively regulate growth factor receptor signaling. DGKδ, which is distributed to clathrin-coated vesicles, interacts with DGKδ itself, protein kinase C and AP2α. To search for additional DGKδ-interacting proteins, we screened a yeast two-hybrid cDNA library from HepG2 cells using aa 896–1097 of DGKδ as a bait. We identified aa 184–317 (WD40 repeats 5–7) of receptor for activated C kinase 1 (RACK1), which interacts with various important signaling molecules, as a novel binding partner of DGKδ. Co-immunoprecipitation analysis, using COS-7 cells co-expressing RACK1 and DGKδ, revealed that RACK1 selectively interacted with DGKδ, but not with type I DGKs, in mammalian cells. The interaction was dynamically regulated by phorbol ester. Intriguingly, DGKδ appeared to recruit RACK1 to clathrin-coated vesicles and co-localized with RACK1. These results suggest that DGKδ serves as an adaptor protein to regulate the localization of the versatile scaffold protein, RACK1.  相似文献   

Rod outer segments (ROS) exhibit high acyltransferase (AT) activity, the preferred substrate of which being lysophosphatidylcholine. To study factors possibly regulating ROS AT activity purified ROS membranes were assayed under conditions under which protein kinase C (PKC), cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), and phosphatases were stimulated or inhibited. PKC activation produced a significant increase in the acylation of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) with oleate, it inhibited phosphatidylcholine (PC) acylation, and phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidic acid (PA) acylation remained unchanged. ROS PKA activation resulted in increased oleate incorporation into PS and PI while the acylation of PC, PE, and PA remained unchanged. Inhibition of ROS PKC or PKA produced, as a general trait, inverse effects with respect to those observed under kinase-stimulatory conditions. ROS phosphatase 2A was inhibited by using okadaic acid, and the changes observed in AT activity are described. These findings suggest that changes in ROS protein phosphorylation produce specific changes in AT activity depending on the phospholipid substrate. The effect of light on AT activity in ROS membranes was also studied and it is reported that acylation in these membranes remains unchanged independent of the illumination condition used.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the frog's (Rana esculenta) rod outer segments was investigated by two different methods: most of the experiments were made by means of the freeze-etching technique. The replicas were then examined by electron microscopy (40,000 X).By means of a second method, rod outer segments were negatively stained prior to electron microscopy.Inspection of the electron micrographs revealed that the frog's rod outer segments seem to be built up of three groups of elongated structures interpreted as fibrils (Fäden) arranged regularly at approximately equal distances. The diameters of the fibrils are below 100 Å; they depend on the state of light adaptation and on the chemical preparation before freeze-etching. The fibrils partly cross each other. In addition, there were found four groups of approximately equal distances between the fibrils. The order of magnitude of these spacings is from about 50 Å to a few hundred Å.Negatively stained outer segments also reveal fibrils. The results are expressed in a working hypothesis consisting of two parts. It is supposed first that the core of the rod outer segment represents a three dimensional paracrystalline lattice (Raumgitter) of three different types of fibrils (d 1, d2, d4). The distances between the fibrils are interpreted as the lattice constants (a 1, a2, a3, a4). A unit cell of the lattice would consist of a web (Geflecht) of two different types of fibrils (d 1, d2) and four layers of parallel fibrils of the third type (d 4).It is supposed, secondly, on the basis of a volume-evaluation, that the d1-fibrils contain rhodopsin, those of type d 2 another protein (not rhodopsin), and fibrils of type d 4 lipids.The working hypothesis is supported by experimental findings of other authors (obtained by negative staining and diffraction of light and X-rays).Attempts have been made to relate some electron micrographs of ultrathin sections to those of replicas. (Rosenkranz et al., 1969; Rosenkranz, 1969a.)I wish to thank Prof. Dr. H. Stieve for the interest he took in this work through critical discussions and financial support. I also wish to thank Prof. A. Ruthmann, Ph. D., for introducing me to electron microscopy and for his linguistic aid. That Prof. Dr. K. Mühlethaler, ETH Zürich, and Prof. Dr. F. Schwanitz, KFA Jülich, put their freeze-etching apparatus and electron microscope at my disposal is gratefully acknowledged. The technical assistance of Miss M. Deichmann is also acknowledged.  相似文献   

In the present study it was investigated if soluble-binding proteins for fatty acids (FABPs) present in neural retina show protection from in vitro lipoperoxidation of rod outer segment membranes (ROS). After incubation of ROS in an ascorbate-Fe++ system, at 37°C during 90-120 min, the total cpm originated from light emission (chemiluminescence) was found to be lower in those membranes incubated in the presence of soluble binding proteins for fatty acids. The fatty acid composition of rod outer segment membranes was substantially modified when subjected to non-enzymatic lipoperoxidation with a considerable decrease of docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n-3) and arachidonic acid (20:4 n-6). As a result of this, the unsaturation index, a parameter based on the maximal rate of oxidation of specific fatty acids was higher in the native and control membranes when compared with peroxidized ones. A similar decrease of chemiluminescence was observed with the addition of increasing concentrations of native or delipidated FABP retinal containing fractions to rod outer segment membranes. These results indicate that soluble proteins with fatty acid binding properties may act as antioxidant protecting rod outer segment membranes from deleterious effect.  相似文献   

Summary. Calcium ion (Ca2+) uptake was measured in rod outer segments (ROS) isolated from rat retina in the presence of varying concentrations of CaCl2 in the incubation buffer (1.0–2.5 mM). It is known that taurine increases Ca2+ uptake in rat ROS in the presence of ATP and at low concentrations of CaCl2 (Lombardini, 1985a); taurine produces no significant effects when CaCl2 concentrations are increased to 1.0 and 2.5 mM. With the removal of both taurine and ATP, Ca2+ uptake in rat ROS increased significantly in the presence of 2.5 mM CaCl2. Taurine treatment in the absence of ATP was effective in decreasing Ca2+ uptake at the higher levels of CaCl2 (2.0 and 2.5 mM). Similar effects were observed with ATP treatment. The data suggest that taurine and ATP, alone or in combination, limit the capacity of the rat ROS to take up Ca2+ to the extent that a stable uptake level is achieved under conditions of increasing extracellular Ca2+, indicating a protective role for both agents against calcium toxicity. Received January 25, 2000/Accepted January 31, 2000  相似文献   

Although nine diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) isozymes have been identified, our knowledge of their individual functions is still limited. Here we report that the levels of DGKgamma mRNA/protein in human leukemia HL-60 and U937 cells were rapidly and markedly decreased upon cellular differentiation into macrophages. In contrast, the enzyme expression remained almost unchanged in granulocytic differentiation pathway. Interestingly, the overexpression of wild-type or constitutively active DGKgamma, but not its kinase-dead mutant, markedly inhibited phorbol ester-induced cell attachment and nonspecific esterase activity, which are hallmarks of macrophage differentiation. We noted in this case that no effects were observed for the corresponding constructs of a closely related isozyme, DGKalpha. Prior to the cell attachment, phorbol ester induced translocation of DGKgamma from the cytoplasm to the cell periphery, resulting in its co-localization with F-actin together with protein kinase Cdelta. The results suggest that DGKgamma negatively regulates macrophage differentiation through its catalytic action operating on the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

A variety of diacylglycerol (DG) molecular species are produced in stimulated cells. Conventional (α, βII and γ) and novel (δ, ε, η and θ) protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms are known to be activated by DG. However, a comprehensive analysis has not been performed. In this study, we analyzed activation of the PKC isozymes in the presence of 2–2000 mmol% 16:0/16:0-, 16:0/18:1-, 18:1/18:1-, 18:0/20:4- or 18:0/22:6-DG species. PKCα activity was strongly increased by DG and exhibited less of a preference for 18:0/22:6-DG at 2 mmol%. PKCβII activity was moderately increased by DG and did not have significant preference for DG species. PKCγ activity was moderately increased by DG and exhibited a moderate preference for 18:0/22:6-DG at 2 mmol%. PKCδ activity was moderately increased by DG and exhibited a preference for 18:0/22:6-DG at 20 and 200 mmol%. PKCε activity moderately increased by DG and showed a moderate preference for 18:0/22:6-DG at 2000 mmol%. PKCη was not markedly activated by DG. PKCθ activity was the most strongly increased by DG and exhibited a preference for 18:0/22:6-DG at 2 and 20 mmol% DG. These results indicate that conventional and novel PKCs have different sensitivities and dependences on DG and a distinct preference for shorter and saturated fatty acid-containing and longer and polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing DG species, respectively. This differential regulation would be important for their physiological functions.  相似文献   

Female reproductive organs show remarkable cyclic changes in morphology and function in response to a combination of hormones. Evidence has accumulated suggesting that phosphoinositide turnover and the consequent diacylglycerol (DG) protein kinase C (PKC) pathway are intimately involved in these mechanisms. The present study has been performed to investigate the gene expression, cellular localization, and enzymatic activity of the DG kinase (DGK) isozymes that control the DG-PKC pathway. Gene expression for DGK, -, -, and - was detected in the ovary and placenta. Intense expression signals for DGK and - were observed in the theca cells and moderate signals in the interstitium and corpora lutea of the ovary. On the other hand, signals for DGK were seen more intensely in granulosa cells. In the placenta, signals for DGK and - were observed in the junctional zone, whereas those for DGK were detected in the labyrinthine zone. At higher magnification, the signals for DGK were mainly discerned in giant cytotrophoblasts, and those for DGK were found in small cytotrophoblasts of the junctional zone. DGK signals were observed in all cellular components of the labyrinthine zone, including mesenchyme, trabecular trophoblasts, and cytotrophoblasts. DGK signals were detected in the junctional zone on day 13 and 15 of pregnancy and were diffusely distributed both in the labyrinthine and junctional zones at later stages. The present study reveals distinct patterns of mRNA localization for DGK isozymes in the rat ovary and placenta, suggesting that each isozyme plays a unique role in distinct cell types in these organs.This work was supported by Grants-in-Aids from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, the Uehara Memorial Foundation, the ONO Medical Research Foundation, the Ciba-Geigy Foundation (Japan) for the Promotion of Science, the Kato Memorial Bioscience Foundation, and the Yamagata Health Support Foundation (to K.G.).  相似文献   

The activities of enzymes involved in lipid metabolism—phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PE N-MTase)—were found to be differently affected by pre-incubation of rod outer segments (ROS) under protein phosphorylating or dephosphorylating conditions. Exposure to cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), under dark or light conditions, produced a significant increase in PE N-MTase activity, whereas PLA2 activity decreased. Under standard protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylating conditions in light, PE N-MTase activity was stimulated and PLA2 activity was not affected. When the assays were performed in the dark, both enzymatic activities were unaffected when compared to the corresponding controls. Incubation of ROS membranes in light in the presence of PKC activators phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) and dioctanoylglycerol (DOG) resulted in the same pattern of changes in enzyme activities as described for standard PKC phosphorylating condition. Pre-incubation of membranes with the PKC inhibitor H-7 reduced the stimulation of PDBu on PE N-MTase activity, and had no effect on PLA2 activity in ROS membranes incubated with the phorbol ester. Pre-treatment of isolated ROS with alkaline phosphatase resulted in decreased PE N-MTase activity and produced a significant stimulation of PLA2 activity under dark as well as under light conditions when compared to the corresponding controls. These findings suggest that ROS protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation modulates PE N-MTase and PLA2 activities in isolated ROS, and that these activities are independently and specifically modulated by particular kinases. Furthermore, dephosphorylation of ROS proteins has the opposite effect to that produced by protein phosphorylation on the enzymes studied.  相似文献   

Summary Guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) activity was studied histo- and cytochemically in the rod outer segments of the rat retina by means of a newly developed method. Differences in the distribution pattern of the enzyme activity exist within the outer segment: the activity is more intense at the tip of the rod outer segments near the pigment epithelium than in their proximal portion. Ultracytochemically, the new procedure reveals the reaction product of GTPase activity partly (i) on the extradisk membrane side and (ii) on the disk membranes. This result is in contrast to the cytochemical localization of guanylate cyclase (GCLase), an enzyme also localized at the tip of the rod outer segments: GCLase activity is restricted to the intradisk membrane area of the rod outer segments. The functional role of GTPase activity in the outer segments of rods is discussed.The authors dedicate this paper to Professor K. Ogawa  相似文献   

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