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Two hundred and sixteen unrelated Bulgarian Jews were typed for the following genetic systems: ABO, MNS, Rh, Kell and Duffy of the blood groups; ADA, AK1, ACP1, ESD, GLO, PGD, PGM1 and PGM2 of the red-cell enzymes, and for the serum proteins HP, GC and PI. A comparison of observed gene frequencies with those of two other Sephardi Jewish groups, from Libya and Morocco, disclosed significant heterogeneity in several systems. This was mostly due to Moroccan Jews differing from Bulgarian or from both the Libyan and Bulgarian Jews. A comparison of gene frequencies in Bulgarian Jews with those in Oriental Jews from Iraq and in Ashkenazi Jews from Poland disclosed a similarity between the three groups in Rh, ADA, GLO, PGM1 and HP. The frequencies for the above systems in the three groups were closer to those of Middle Easterners than to those of Europeans. A different pattern was observed for GC and PI, in which Bulgarian resembled Polish Jews and differed significantly from Iraqi Jews. This probably reflects an outcome of convergent adaptive processes.  相似文献   

Summary A series of blood samples from four villages in the Jimi Valley, Western New Guinea Highlands, has been tested for genetic variation in blood group, serum protein, and red cell enzyme systems. Polymorphic variation was present for the ABO, MNS, P, and Rh blood group systems, for the Hp and Tf serum protein systems, and for the acid phosphatase, 6-PGD, PGM, MDH, and ADA enzyme systems. One each of the following variants was detected: Ge(a-), G6PD deficient, AK2-1 and PHI 7-1 or 8-1. All samples tested were Cw-, K-, Kp(a-), Wr(a-), Fy)a+b-), Rd-, and LDH normal.Genetic distance analysis places the Jimi Valley populations closer to peoples of the Chimbu-Chuave and Wahgi-Hagen areas than to the Maring people of the Simbai Valley to the north.  相似文献   

Blood samples from the Waskia and Takia populations of Karkar Island, Papua New Guinea, and other nearby mainland populations, were tested for genetic variation in blood group, serum protein and red cell enzyme systems. Polymorphic variation was present in the ABO, P, MNS, Rh, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd and Gerbich blood group systems, in the Hp and Tf serum protein systems, and in the acid phosphatase, 6-PGD, ADA, PGM, MDH, and G-6-PD enzyme systems. A small number of variants was found in other systems: there were 4 Lu(a+), 1 Kp(a+), 2 C variants in the acid phosphatase system, 6 LDH variants, 1 ADA3-1 and 1 AK2-1 sample. All samples were negative for the red cell antigens Cw, Vw, He, K, Jsa, Dia, Wra, Rd and Marriott, and no variation was observed in the PHI enzyme system. The results are discussed in relation to those obtained on other Papua New Guinea populations.  相似文献   

Blood groups and haptoglobins in the Eastern Carolines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ABO, MNS, Rh, and haptoglobin systems were examined in samples from the populations of Pingelap, Mokil, Ponape, and Kusaie. There is marked differentiation between neighboring islands.  相似文献   

Segregation distortions of the ABO and Rh systems in malformed newborns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study compares the segregation of the ABO and Rh systems between malformed newborns and a control group with two purposes: (1) to evaluate the participation of genetic factors associated with these blood groups in the production of congenital malformations, and (2) to prove, indirectly, the existence of reproductive losses associated with congenital malformations. The newborns and their mothers were typed for ABO and Rh groups. Gene frequencies were similar in malformed and control newborns. In the female malformed newborns, an excess of O-B pairs and a deficit of B-B pairs in the ABO system, and an excess of Rh(-)-Rh- pairs in the Rh system were found.  相似文献   

The frequency of blood groups ABO, Rh, MNS, P, haptoglobin as well as distribution of phenotypic combinations of two different loci are compared in groups of children and adults. The frequency of phenotype O, Rh-negative and P-positive people is revealed to increase in adults, that testifies to the influence of the age factor on the distribution of the human polymorphic blood systems.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of blood groups ABO, MN, Rh and serum proteins Hp, Tf, Gc, C3 was studied in Buryat populations of Zabaikalie, Pribaikalie, Olkhon island. No indication of significant heterogeneity was observed. Gene frequencies varied in different systems within the ranges: ABO (p-0.142-0.183; q-0.205-0.324; r-0.567-0.630); MN (m-0.531-0.624), Rh(d) (0-0.214), Hp (Hp 1-0.268-0.339), C3 (C3F-0.023-0.090), Tf (TfC-0.971-1.0), Gc (Gc1-0.728-0.840). Genetic distances between main Buryat groups were estimated.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-six Moroccan Jews now settled in Israel were typed for 7 blood groups, 12 red cell enzymes and 2 plasma protein systems. Their blood group picture is in agreement with results previously obtained on different samples of Moroccan Jews: rather high B in ABO, somewhat elevated frequencies of cDE and cDe in Rh and K in Kell. Differences in various blood markers exist between them and other North African Jewish communities. This fact, together with data on disease distribution and HLA frequencies, supports our assumption that Jews in the North African diaspora lived as small secluded isolates even within the same geographical zones. Comparisons with meager data on the neighboring non-Jewish populations do not disclose any resemblance to either Arab or Berber inhabitants of Morocco.  相似文献   

A sample of 443 Chuetas (descendents of Majorcan Jews) was typed for the ABO, Rh, Lewis, Duffy, MNSs, Kell and P blood groups. Significant deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed in the MNSs and Duffy systems with a deficiency of heterozygotes. The gene frequencies were compared with those of the Balearic non-Jewish populations and significant differences were found. Genetic distances and cluster analysis demonstrated that the Chuetas resemble more their neighboring non-Jewish populations than other Jewish populations. Discriminant analyses showed that the Chuetas and other Jews considered in this study do not resemble each other but their host peoples with respect to these markers.  相似文献   

A series of 1,187 blood samples from eight population groups in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea were tested for genetic variation in blood groups, serum proteins and red cell enzyme systems. The populations belonged to the language groups Gahuku-Asarc-Bena Bena, Kamano, Yagaria, Keiagana, Fore, Agarabe, Auyana and Tairora. Polymorphic variation was found in the ABO, MNS, P1, Rh, Hp, Tf, SEP, 6-PGD, ADA, MDH, and PGM genetic systems. East to West variation was shown in the language groups; the O, S, R2, and R0 genes increase in frequency from East to West and the A, R1, and M genes decrease in the same direction. In the East higher frequencies were found for the Du antigen, for the PGM21 gene and for a PGM second locus variant. The MDH 3 variant was found in all the populations, its highest value being in the Tairora.  相似文献   

Red cell antigen, serum protein and red cell enzyme groups were determined for a series of 1,821 individuals belonging to six language families in Western New Guinea. Three of the language families represent groupings of languages spoken by people in the swampy coastal plain of south central Western New Guinea, two belong to the Central Highlands and one to the Lake Plain area near the confluence of the Idenburg and Rouffaer Rivers. The distribution of genetic markers reveals similarities with other parts of New Guinea. The A2 allele is absent in the ABO system, the frequency of Ns in the MNS system is very high as is the R1 (CDe) allele in the Rh system. Hp1 frequencies are high, and the transferrin allele TfD 1 is present as in other parts of New Guinea. In the red cell enzyme systems several alleles were detected which are characteristic of Papuan, and in some cases other Melanesian populations: these include MDH3, PGK4, PGK2, PGM92, PGM102, as well as some very restricted alleles such as Peptidase B6 and Pep B2. Three indices of genetic distance were computed. The most striking results are the genetic closeness of the Dani and Moni populations from the Central Highlands to the Asmat on the southern coastal plain, and the relative remoteness of the Awyu from the other south coastal populations. The results are discussed in terms of recent theories on the origin and dispersal of Papuan languages.  相似文献   

555 individuals were examined in relation to the ABO (with A1 and A2 subtypes), MNSs, P, Rh, Lutheran, Kell and Duffy systems. Less individuals were studied for the Kidd and Diego systems as well as for transferrins, haptoglobins and red cell enzymes, i.e. PGM1, 6-PGD, AK, and AcP. Besides, several Gm and Km (1) factors were also studied.  相似文献   

Three hundred and ninety-five individuals from two populations from the State of Tlaxcala, Mexico, were studied in relation to the ABO, Rh, MNS, P, Kell, Lewis, Diego, Kidd, Duffy, Haptoglobin, Transferrin, Group specific component, Albumin, Acid Phosphatase and Phosphoglucomutase systems. One of the populations (San Pablo del Monte) is Indian, while the other (City of Tlaxcala) is Mestizo. The alleles which show variation in the Mestizo population are intermediate between the Spanish and the Indian gene frequencies. Three different genetic distance measures suggest that the Mestizo population is a triracial hybrid, while the Indian population is closely related to its two most proximal geographic neighbors, Vera Cruz and Puebla.  相似文献   

Nine genetic polymorphic systems (ACP1, PGM1, ADA, AK, G-6-PD, Hp, ABO, Rh, MN), were studied in a series of 138 subjects affected by JOD. Differences between diabetic patients and controls were observed in the distribution of phenotypes of the red cell acid phosphatase (ACP1), and the ABO and MN blood groups.  相似文献   

The authors report the results of a population genetic survey of the Dalasýsla region (West-Iceland). Our sample size includes n=193 male and female individuals of different age. These individuals are partly related. The following blood and serum groups were determined: ABO, MNS, Rh, P; Hp, Gc, Gm, InV, and Lp. In all these systems observed and expected phenotype frequencies are found to be in good agreement. The following gene frequencies turned out: p1 A=.0888, p2 A=.0456, qB=.0293, rO=.8363; pMS=.2256, pMs=.4474, pNS=.0540, pNs=.2730; cde=.4123, Cde=.0966, cDe=.0338, CDe=.2984, cDE=.1589; pP=.4833; Hp1=.5157, Hp2=.4843; Gc1=.7340, Gc2=.2660; Gm1=.1846, Gm1,2=.1444, Gm12=.6710. The frequency of the phenotype InV (1) comes to 17,6%, that of Lp (a+) amounts to 21,6%.In general the Icelandic phenotype and allele frequencies correspond to the European ones, especially to those observed in Northern Europe. In connection with this the authors discuss briefly, to what extent the present day phenotype distributions (especially concerning the ABO system) of Iceland may be interpreted with regard to historical facts and events. It is pointed out that at any rate also selective acting factors should be taken into consideration in order to interpret really the present day distributions. Within Iceland certain inhomogeneities in the phenotype distributions are present. Factors such as small population sizes, geographical isolation, and gene-drift are most likely responsible for this.  相似文献   

The present investigation is a study of the blood groups of the Timuri and related tribes in Afghanistan. There is little historical documentation for the origin of the Timuri. Their name is probably a misnomer, however, since they are apparently not descended from the armies of Timur, or Tamerlane, which invaded Afghanistan during the fourteenth century. Relatively few blood group studies have been carried out on the inhabitants of Afghanistan, so detailed comparisons with other populations can be made only for the ABO system. (Certain populations in Iran to the west and a few rather widely separated populations, such as the Baltis and Nepalis to the east, have been more thoroughly investigated, and comparisons can be made with them on at least seven genetical systems.) The presence of the A2 allele suggests gene flow from the West, but the high frequency of B is consistent with other populations tested in Afghanistan. The Rh frequencies give little critical information but the low level of cde is suggestive of Mongoloid origin. On the other hand, for the MNS system the high level of MS is typically Caucasoid. The high total M is found in Asia both in Caucasoids and Mongoloids. The presence of the Lua allele and the relatively high frequency of the K allele are more Caucasoid than Mongoloid, but the presence of even one Diego (Dia) positive among the Timuri and related tribes suggests a Mongoloid contribution to the gene pool. The low frequency of P1, though always a little suspect on travelled specimens, is consistent with this. All of the Iranian populations tested may be regarded as essentially Caucasoid from the blood group point of view. The Baltis and Nepalis show certain Mongoloid characteristics. The Timuri are distinctly more Mongoloid than the former but less so than the latter. In summary, the Timuri appear to be intermediate in allele frequencies between Caucasoid and Mongoloid populations, with unmistakable evidence of both in their ancestry.  相似文献   

The serological examination, blood transfusion strategies and the molecular analysis to blood group chimera were conducted to demonstrate existent of chimera in blood group. The blood grouping of ABO or/and RhD, newborn red blood cells separated by capillary centrifugation. Aabsorption tests and DTT treated agglutination erythrocyte tests were implemented in four patients. Further molecular biological research was conducted on one patient''s sample. The results showed that for patient 1: ABO blood group was AB/B chimera, Rh blood cells contained the RhCE chimera gene; Patient 2: Rh blood cells contained the RhD chimera gene; Patient 3: ABO blood group was AB/B chimera, Rh blood cells contained the RhD chimera gene; Patient 4: ABO blood group was O/B chimera, Rh blood cells contained the RhCE chimera gene. The study suggests that the individuals categorized as chimeras are likely to be more common than existing literature reports. According to the serological tests, in the absence of a history of recent blood transfusion or disease to cause reduced antigen, the phenomena of hybrid aggregation of the ABO and Rh blood system were the main feature. In terms of transfusion strategy, the selection of ABO and Rh blood groups should be depended on the group of cells with more antigens.  相似文献   

A study of ABO and Rh D polymorphisms was conducted on 923 Tibetans living in exile in four different places (both high and low altitudes) in India. The frequencies of alleles p, q, and r for the ABO blood group system were found to be 0.1295, 0.2544, and 0.6152, respectively, and for alleles D and d of the Rh blood group system the allele frequencies were 0.9428 and 0.0572, respectively, for the total data. No significant difference was found for the allele frequencies among the four places for the two blood group systems. The allele frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the ABO blood group system and show East Asian affinity for the Tibetans.  相似文献   

Blood specimens from 69 gibbons (63Hylobates lar, 4Hylobates concolor, and 2Hylobates pileatus) were tested for human-type ABO, MN, and Rh blood groups. AmongH. lar, three phenotypes were noted in the ABO and MN blood groups respectively, but all fourH. concolor were grouped as AM. All group A gibbons were of subgroup A1; subgroups A2B and A12B were observed at a low frequency in group AB gibbons. Leb antigen was detected in about 30% of the red cell samples fromH. lar, but all the samples were negative for Lea. All the gibbons tested had c(hr) antigen but no other Rh antigens (D, C, E, and e) in their red cells. Some selected blood samples fromH. lar were also tested for some other blood group antigens and for the Gm and Inv factors. The Jka antigen was detected in all the red cell samples tested, but the S, s, U, K, k, and Fya antigens were not. In the tests of plasma with anti-Gm (1),H. lar could be divided into two groups, i.e., Gm(1)Gi and Gm(–1)Gi; Gm(2), Gm(4), and Inv(1) were absent in the species.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the standardized Wahlund's variances (f) in gene frequencies of the ABO, Rh and MNS blood group systems among 19 villages of the Atsera isolate of the upper Markham Valley, Papua New Guinea. In the past, there has been some disagreement over the relative importance of population structure and natural selection in the determination of these variances. The Lewontin-Krakauer test is presented as a means of resolving this disagreement. According to this test, selectively neutral variation in gene frequencies should generate essentially homogeneous values of f for all loci, a homogeneity which can be tested by comparing the value of (formula: see text) to a theoretical (formula: see text) expected when variations in (formula: see text) are due solely to sampling error. The observed value of (formula: see text) for the Atsera isolate is 2.9 x 10(-5), which is not significantly different from the expected values that range from 1.23 x 10(-5) to 2.46 x 10(-5) depending on the constant used in calculating (formula: see text). Therefore it appears that nonselective aspects of population structure such as genetic drift and intervillage migration are responsible for the recorded genetic variation in this isolate.  相似文献   

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