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The helix-coil transition has been studied by high-resolution NMR for three water-soluble polypeptides. Such systems are better models for protein behavior than those in TFA-CDCl3 solvent. An upfield shift of ~7 cps is observed for the α-CH peak of poly(L -glutamic acid) and poly-L -lysine as the helix content increases over the transition. No such shift is found for copoly(L -glutamic acid42, L -lysine28, L -alanine30). The width of the α-CH peak for poly L-lysine increases rapidly as helix content rises but for poly L -glutamic acid and the copolymer, the width of this peak remains unchanged up to 60% helicity. This demonstrates a rapid rate of interconversion between helical and random conformations in partly helical polymer for the latter two polypeptides. All three polymers however, show no apparent α-CH peak at 100% helicity. Side-chain resonance lines also broaden as helix content increases and, to a greater extent, the closer the proton is to the main chain.  相似文献   

Complexes of polyribocytidylic acid and polyriboadenylic acid with poly(L -lysine) and poly(L -arginine) were studied by Raman spectroscopy. The backbones of both polynucleotides are distorted by poly(L -arginine). On the other hand, poly(L -lysine) could distort the backbone of polyriboadenylic acid but not that of polyribocytidylic acid. In general, poly(L -arginine) can increase the order of the base stacking, while poly(L -lysine) causes disordering in the base stacking.  相似文献   

The binding of the methylmercury cation CH3Hg+ by poly(L -glutamic acid) (PGA) and by poly(L -lysine) (PLL) has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. Coordination on the side-chain COO? and NH groups of these polypeptides gave characteristic ligand–Hg stretching modes at ca. 505 and 450 cm?1, respectively. Precipitation generally occurred upon formation of the complexes and changes of conformation were common. The solid complex obtained from PGA at pH 4.6 was found to have a mostly disordered conformation, which differed from the respective α-helical and β-sheet structures of the dissolved and precipitated uncomplexed polypeptide in the same conditions. An α-helical structure was generally adopted by the complex formed with PLL, even in pH and temperature conditions where the free polypeptide normally exists in another conformation. The addition of a stronger complexing agent, glutathione, to the PLL/CH3Hg+ complex caused a migration of the bound cations and a restoration of the polypeptide to its original state.  相似文献   

The dielectric features of poly(L -glutamic acid) are studied by the Fourier synthesized pseudorandom noise method in a time domain combined with a four-electrode cell. Polymer concentration dependence, the effect of the solvent viscosity, salt effects, and pH dependence are studied concomitantly with measurements of CD. A helix-to-coil transition occurs near pH 5.6 for a salt-free solution; at higher pH values, the polymer has an ionized random-coil conformation, and at lower pH, it has a deionized α-helical conformation. When it is in the ionized random-coil conformation, with the usual features of an electrolytic polymer, the solution shows a relaxation spectrum with a large dielectric increment at low frequencies. In the deionized α-helical state, no distinct relaxation curves are obtained, which does not deny the existence of a permanent peptide dipole. The pH dependence of the dielectric increment does not mainly correspond to the conformational change from helix to coil, but rather corresponds to the change of chain expansion on account of a charge–charge interaction under low ionic strength, which is conceived of by a viscosity measurement.  相似文献   

Lamellar single crystals of alkaline earth salts of poly(L -glutamic acid) have been grown by precipitation from dilute aqueous solution and studied by optical and electron microscopy and by x-ray and electron diffraction. The calcium, strontium and barium salts were crystallized in the β form above room temperature and could be converted to crystals of β-poly(L -glutamic acid) by washing in dilute hydrochloric acid. The magnesium salt, on the other hand, was crystallized in the α form at or below room temperature but could not be converted into crystals of α-poly(L -glutamic acid) by washing in hydrochloric acid. The crystalline lamellae are very thin (thicknesses range from 25 to 60 Å in β crystals and are about 100 Å in α crystals) and the polypeptide chains are oriented normal to the planes of the lamellae. It is clear from the disparity between crystal thickness and molecular length that the molecules crystallize by folding at the upper and lower surfaces of the crystals. Conformations of the molecules at these folds are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Poly(Nε-acetoacetyl-L -lysine), poly(Nδ-acetoacetyl-L -ornithine) and poly(Nγ-acetoacetyl-L -diaminobutyric acid) form colored complexes with ferric ions in water/dioxane solutions. These complexes are soluble at pH values lower than 2.8 and show their maximum absorption at 257 nm in the uv and at 478 nm in the visible region; whereas the ferric complex of the model compound n-hexylacetoacetamide exhibits absorptions centered at 258 and 536 nm, respectively. It is shown that in the complex of the model compound one metal ion is bound per acetoacetamide group, while in the complexes of the three polymers two β-ketoamides side chains are bound per ferric ion under the same solvent, pH, concentration, and ionic strength conditions. The binding constants of ferric ions to the three polymers, and the formation constant of the ferric complex of the model compound are also evaluated.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterization of poly(1-methylinosinic acid) are described. Laser Raman spectra of poly (mII) were obtained as a function of temperature in D2O solution. Thermal melting profiles derived from the intensity variations of the 712, 795, 814, 986, 1333, 1509, 1550 and 1680 cm-1 bands indicate a cooperative melting temperature of 9 +/- 1 degree C. The low temperature form of poly(mII) exhibits a carbonyl frequency at 1710 cm-I which is decreased to 1680 cm-I upon melting. The Raman hypochromism in the bands reported are equal to or much larger than any reported for other nucleic acids. The data are consistent with the low temperature form of poly(mII) being an ordered single stranded unit with a high degree of basestacking. The melting profiles obtained from the uv and cd spectra are consistent with and support the Raman data. This single stranded RNA exhibits an uncharacteristic behavior in that it melts cooperatively.  相似文献   

Coupling the cathepsin D inhibitor pepstatin to poly(l-Lys) (Mr 13,000) is shown to enhance its inhibition of protein breakdown in whole cell systems. Rates of intracellular protein breakdown for prelabeled proteins of Balb/c 3T3 fibroblasts were measured in the presence and absence of amino acids and insulin to generate basal and enhanced rates of protein breakdown. Pepstatin and poly(l-Lys) inhibited rates of degradation 5–7% and 16–23%, respectively, under each condition. Pepstatinyl-poly(l-Lys), containing 9 mol pepstatin/mol polymer, inhibited enhanced rates of degradation a further 24–33% compared to poly(l-Lys), but this extra increment was not seen under basal conditions. Although the mechanism of inhibition of intracellular protein breakdown by poly(l-Lys) presently is unknown, the data obtained with free and conjugated pepstatin indicate the lysosomal system degrades proteins under both basal and enhanced conditions.  相似文献   

K Itoh  B M Foxman  G D Fasman 《Biopolymers》1976,15(3):419-455
β-Helical poly(L -glutamic acid) in a gel state was found to be easily converted to the antiparallel β form by heating. Two β forms were obtained, depending on the temperature of heating. Temperatures between 40° and 85°C produced a β form with a spacing between pleated sheets (d001) of 9.03 Å, termed β1. If the heating was carried out at temperatures higher than 85°C, the β1 form underwent another conformational transition reducing the d001 value from 9.03 to 7.83 Å (termed β2) without any prominent change in the fiber repeat distance (i.e., the polypeptide backbone conformation). The time course of these two transitions was followed by measuring the infrared spectra of the samples, and it was concluded that the α → β1 transition in its initial stage obeys a pseudo-first order rate process with activation enthalpy and entropy of 54 kcal/mol and 92 eu, respectively. On the other hand, the typical sigmoidal conversion curves observed for the transition between the two types of β forms (β1 → β2) indicate that this transition proceeds via a socalled “nucleation and growth” process. The kinetic theory of phase transitions developed by Avrami can be applied with success to explain this transition. The infrared spectra, in the region from 1800 to 200 cm?1, were measured for these two β forms and the results showed that the conformation of the side chains and the mode of the hydrogen bonding between the side-chain carboxyl groups undergo appreciable change during the transition. The heat-induced conformational transition of poly(L -Glu78 L -Val22) was also studied. The copolymer was transformed from the α-helical conformation directly to the β2 form. The reason for this was thought to be due to the fact that the L -valine residues and the L -glutamyl residues near the L -valine residues have a strong tendency to take the more compact β2 form.  相似文献   

The cupric complexes of poly(Nε-acetoacetyl-L -lysine), [Lys(Acac)]n′ poly(Nδ-acetoacetyl-L -ornithine), [Orn(Acac)]n′ and poly(Nγ-acetoacetyl-L -diaminobutyric acid), [A2bu-(Acac)]n, as well as of the model compound n-hexyl acetoacetamide, have been investigated by means of absorption, potentiometric, equilibrium dialysis, and CD measurements. While in the complex of the model compound, one chelating group is bound to one cupric ion, in the polymeric complexes two β-ketoamide groups are bound to Cu(II) under the same experimental conditions. The binding constant of cupric ions to the three polymers and the formation constant of the Cu(II)-nhexylacetoacetamide complex have been evluated. Investigation on the chiroptical properties of the three polymeric complexes shows that the peptide backbone does not undergo conformational transitions, remaining α-helical when up to 20% of the side chains are bound to Cu(II). The optical activity of the β-ketoamide chromophores is substantially affected by complex formation and is discussed in terms of asymmetric induction from the chiral backbone.  相似文献   

Further direct evidences are given that a clear correlation exists between potentiometric and spectroscopic measurements in monitoring the poly(L-glutamic, acid) helix+ coil transtition. Specific Li+ ion poly (L -glUtamic acid) interactions have been observed, suresting that Li+ ions may exert a distinct destabilizing action on the helical conformation of the polyelectrolyte.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of ferric complexes of poly(Nε-acetoacetyl-L -lysine), poly(Nδ-acetoacetyl-L -ornithine), and poly(Nγ-acetoacetyl-L -diaminobutyric acid) were investigated in 1:1 water/dioxane by CD techniques. Optical activity was found in the visible and in the uv absorption region of the polymeric complexes. The conformation of the peptide backbone was always that of a right-handed α-helix, and was found independent of the degree of complexation, at least up to a degree of binding of 20%. In the absorption region of the side-chain chromophores the optical activity is substantially affected by complex formation. In all three cases a splitting of the ligand π → π* transition centered at 257 nm is observed. These data suggest a stereospecific complex formation. From the signs of the splitting it also appears that the chirality of the poly(Nδ-acetoacetyl-L -ornithine) complex is opposite that of the other two polymers.  相似文献   

The synthesis and some of the physical-chemical properties of tricopolymers of L -glutamic acid, L -lysine, and L -alanine are reported here. The molar ratios of the glutamyl: lysyl: alanyl residues were 1:1:X or 3:2:X, where the alanyl content X was increased in regular steps. The α-helix content calculated from the optical rotatory dispersion of the polypeptides is compared with a predicted helix content estimated from the composition of the polymers and the known behavior of the homopolypeptides at pH 3, 8, and 12. At pH 3 copolypeptides containing 20 mole-% or more alanine exhibit a helix content equal to the sum of their alanyl and glutamyl residue contents. At pH 8 the helix content equals the alanyl content when the latter was 40 mole-% or higher; at lower alanyl contents the electrostatic interaction between charged glutamyl and lysyl residues makes some contribution. At pH 12 the amount of helix observed is proportional to the mole ratio of alanine residues present in the polymer. The helix content of a tricopolymer containing 1:1:3 mole ratios of glutamyl: lysyl: alanyl residues was determined in solutions of lithium bromide and in urea solutions. Both reagents led to a decrease in helix content at pH 3 and 8 to a minimum of approximately 20% helix in 8M urea or 5.5M LiBr. The helix–random chain transition curves at pH 3 and 8 are parallel when the urea concentration is varied, but differ in shape when the lithium bromide concentration is varied at pH 3 and 8. The mode of action of these two “denaturing” reagents may thus be different. Heating the same tricopolypeptide at pH 3 or 8 from 5 to 80°C. also led to a helix–random chain transition centered at approximately 45°C.  相似文献   

Multilayer films have been prepared by the sequential electrostatic adsorption of poly(L-lysine) and hyaluronic acid onto charged silicon surfaces from dilute aqueous solutions under various pH conditions. Microelectrophoresis was used to examine the local acid-base equilibria of the polyelectrolytes within the films as a function of the total number of layers in the film and the assembly solution pH. The acid-base dissociation constants were observed to deviate significantly from dilute solution values upon adsorption, to be layer dependent only within the first 3-4 layers, and to show sensitivity to the assembly solution pH. As a result, some of the physicochemical properties of the films have also been found to exhibit pH-responsive behavior. For example, the thickest films result when at least one of the polyelectrolytes is only partially dissociated in solution. As well, the pH-dependent degree of dissociation of the surface functional groups can be used to vary the contact angle of a water droplet by as much as 25 degrees and the coefficient of friction by up to an order of magnitude. In addition, the extent to which PLL/HA films can be made to swell in solution can be varied by a factor of 7 depending on the assembly solution and swelling solution pH. The anomalies found in the dissociation constants account for the trends in these pH-dependent properties. Here, we demonstrate that knowledge of the acid-base dissociation behavior in multilayer films is key to understanding and controlling the physical properties of the films, particularly surface friction and wettability, which are fundamentally important factors for many biomaterials applications. For example, we outline a mechanism whereby biopolymer thin films can be electrostatically adsorbed under highly charged "sticky" conditions and then quickly transformed into stable low-friction films simply by altering the pH environment.  相似文献   

The Raman and infrared spectra of poly(L -lysine) and poly(DL -lysine) in solution are reported and the effects of various salts are investigated. The results demonstrate that α-helix formation in solution is induced by specific salts and the spectral data support the hypothesis of regions of local order for poly(L -lysine) in aqueous solutions of low ionic strength.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine the influence of the reversal of the sidechain sequential order on the conformation of branched polypeptides. At the same time, the influence of the optically active amino acid joined directly to the poly (L -Lys) backbone and the DL -Ala oligomer grafted as chain-terminating fragment were separately analyzed. Therefore two sets of polypeptides were synthesized corresponding to the general formula poly [Lys-(Xi,)] (XK) and poly[Lys-(DL -Alam-Xi)] (AXK) when X = Ala, D -Ala, Leu, D -Leu, Phe, D -Phe, Ile, Pro, Glu.,D -Glu, or His. For coupling amino acid X to polylysine, three types of active ester methods were compared: the use of pentafluorophenyl or pentachlorophenyl ester, and the effect of the addition of an equimolar amount of 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. After cleavage of protecting groups, AXK polypeptides were synthesized by grafting short oligo (DL -Ala) chains to XK by using N-carboxy-DL -Ala anhydride. The CD measurements performed in water solutions of various pH values and ionic strengths were used for classification of the polypeptide conformations as either ordered (helical) or unordered. Different from what was observed with the unsubstituted poly (L -Lys), poly[Lys-(Xi)] type polypeptides can adopt ordered structure even under nearly physiological conditions (pH 7.3, 0.2M NaCl). These data suggest that the introduction of amino acid residue with either (ar) alkyl side chain (Ala, Leu, Phe) or negatively charged side chain (Glu) promotes markedly the formation of ordered structure. Comparison of chiroptical properties of poly [Lys- (DL -Alam-Xi)] and of poly [Lys- (Xi)] reveals that side-chain interactions play an important role in the stabilization of ordered solution conformation of AXK type branched polypeptides. The results give rather conclusive evidence that not only hydrophobic interactions, but also ionic attraction, can be involved in the formation and stabilization of helical conformation of branched polypeptides. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

H Daoust  D St-Cyr 《Biopolymers》1988,27(8):1267-1281
Organic solvent-induced coil → helix conformational change of poly(sodium) L -glutamate (NaPLG) and poly(cesium L -glutamate) (CsPLG) in solution in aqueous mixed solvents have been studied at 25°C. Heats of dilution of NaPLG in the water–dioxane pair have been measured as a function of polymer concentration and solvent composition. The results indicate that the overall chain conformation in the disordered form is not too different from that in the α-helical form. Heat capacity measurements by flow microcalorimetry have also been done. The apparent monomolar heat capacity at constant pressure of the polymer, Cp, ?, decreases with dilution similarly to other strong polyelectrolytes in aqueous media. In the water–dioxane pair, Cp, ? increases with the dioxane content due to partial desolvation of ionic species resulting from increasing ionic association. In the case of the water-2-chloroethanol (CE) pair, the transition takes place at low CE content and results show a fast decrease in Cp, ? when the α-helical conformation predominates. It is believed carboxylate groups and CE molecules associate themselves into a complex formation responsible for the transition. The size of the cation plays a significant role in the thermodynamic properties of these polyelectrolytes in solution since sodium ions are more strongly bound to the chain than cesium ions.  相似文献   


Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction studies on (DMPA)/poly(L-lysine) systems are reported. DSC studies revealed that addition of poly(L-lysine) to DMPA bilayers raises the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition of the systems, and that this effect depends on the molecular weight of the poly(L-lysine). Small-angle X-ray diffraction measurements showed that, in the liquid-crystalline phase, the lamellar spacing of a DMPA/short-poly(L-lysine) (~4000 mol. wt.) system is shorter than that of a DMPA/long-poly(L-lysine) (~22 000 mol. wt.). In this connection wide-angle X-ray diffraction measurements indicate that the long-poly(L-lysine) adopts a β-sheet conformation on the DMPA bilayers in both the gel and the liquid-crystalline phases, but the short-poly(L-lysine) adopts this conformation only on gel phase DMPA bilayers. We found that the spacings of the hydrocarbon chain packing in a DMPA bilayer in the gel phase increases with temperature, while the spacing between neighbouring polypeptide chains in long-poly(L-lysine) in the β-sheet conformation remains almost constant. These observations indicate that the positively charged lysine residues are structurally independent of the negatively charged head groups of the phospholipid. On the basis of the present results we propose a model to explain the elementary behaviour of extrinsic membrane proteins in biomembranes.  相似文献   

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