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The nature of hydrogen bonds formed between carboxylic acid residues and histidine residues in proteins is studied by ir spectroscopy. Poly(glutamic acid) [(Glu)n] is investigated with various monomer N bases. The position of the proton transfer equilibrium OH…?N ? O?…?H+N is determined considering the bands of the carboxylic group. It is shown that largely symmetrical double minimum energy surfaces are present in the OH…?N ? O?…?H+N bonds when the pKa of the protonated N base is two values larger than that of the carboxylic groups of (Glu)n. Hence OH…?N ? O?…?H+N bonds between glutamic and aspartic acid residues and histidine residues in proteins may be easily polarizable proton transfer hydrogen bonds. The polarizability of these bonds is one to two orders of magnitude larger than usual electron polarizabilities; therefore, these bonds strongly interact with their environment. It is demonstrated that water molecules shift these proton transfer equilibria in favor of the polar proton boundary structure. The access of water molecules to such bonds in proteins and therefore the position of this proton transfer equilibrium is dependent on conformation. The amide bands show that (Glu)n is α-helical with all systems. The only exception is the (Glu)n-n-propylamine system. When this system is hydrated (Glu)n is α-helical, too. When it is dried, however, (Glu)n forms antiparallel β-structure. This conformational transition, dependent on degree of hydration, is reversible. An excess of n-propylamine has the same effect on conformation as hydration.  相似文献   

(L -Cys)n + N-base systems and (L -Cys)n + (L -Lys)n systems were studied by ir spectroscopy. It is shown that in the water-free systems, SH ?N ? S? ?H+N hydrogen bonds are formed. With the (L -Cys)n + N-base systems, both proton-limiting structures in the SH ?N ? S? ?H+N bonds have equal weight when the pKa of the protonated N-base is 2 pKa units larger than that of (L -Cys)n. The same is true with the water-free (L -Cys)n + (L -Lys)n system. Thus, with regard to the type of proton potentials present, these hydrogen bonds are proton-transfer hydrogen bonds showing very large proton polarizabilities. This is confirmed by the occurrence of continua in the ir spectra. Small amounts of water open these hydrogen bonds and increase the transfer of the proton to (L -Lys)n. In the (L -Lys)n + N-base systems, with increasing proton transfer the backbone of (L -Cys)n changes from antiparallel β-structure to coil. In (L -Cys)n + (L -Lys)n, the conformation is determined by the (L -Lys)n conformation and changes depending on the chain length of (L -Lys)n. Finally, the reactivity increase in the active center of fatty acid synthetase, which should be caused by the shift of a proton, is discussed on the basis of the great proton polarizability of the cysteine–lysine hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

During the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) the chromophore, a retinal Schiff base, is deprotonated. Simultaneously an asp residue is protonated. These results suggest that this deprotonation occurs via a Schiff base - asp hydrogen bond. Therefore, we studied carboxylic acid - retinal Schiff base model systems in CCl4 using IR spectroscopy. The IR spectra show that double minimum proton potentials are present in the OH ... N in equilibrium with O- ... HN+ H-bonds formed and that the proton can easily be shifted in these bonds by local electrical fields. The thermodynamic data of H-bond formation and proton transfer within these H-bonds are determined. On the basis of these data a hypothesis is developed with regard to the molecular mechanism of the deprotonation of the Schiff base of BR.  相似文献   

U Burget  G Zundel 《Biopolymers》1987,26(1):95-108
(L -His)n- dihydrogen phosphate systems are studied by ir spectroscopy in the presence of various cations and as a function of the degree of hydration. Ir continua indicate that (I) OH … N ? O?…H+N (IIR) hydrogen bonds are formed and that these bonds show high proton polarizability, which increases from the Li+ to the K+ system. In the K+?system, His-Pi-Pi chains are formed, showing particularly high proton polarizability due to collective proton motion within both hydrogen bonds. The OH N ? O?…H?N equilibria are determined from ir bands. With the Li+ system, 55% of the protons are present at the histidine residues; this percentage is smaller with the Na+ system (41%), and amounts to only 32% with the K+ system. With the increasing degree of hydration the removal of the degeneracy of νas?PO2?3 vanishes, indicating loosening of the cations from the phosphates. Nevertheless, the hydrogen bond acceptor O atom becomes more negative; a shift of the equilibrium to the right is observed in the OH… N ? O?…H+N bond. This is explained by the strong interaction of the dipole of the hydrogen bonds with the water molecules. All these results show that protons can be shifted easily in these hydrogen bonds due to their high proton polarizability. The transfer equilibria can be controlled easily by local electrical fields. In addition, these results may be of significance when phosphates interact with proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulation techniques, together with semiempirical PM3 calculations, have been used to investigate the effect of photoisomerization of the 4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid chromophore on the structural properties of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) from Ectothiorodospira halophila. In this bacteria, exposure to blue light leads to a negative photoactic response. The calculations suggest that the isomerization does not directly destabilize the protein. However, because of the isomerization, a proton transfer from a glutamic acid residue (Glu46) to the phenolate oxygen atom of the chromophore becomes energetically favorable. The proton transfer initiates conformational changes within the protein, which are in turn believed to lead to signaling.  相似文献   

OH…N ? O?…H+N hydrogen bonds formed between N-all-transretinylidene butylamine (Schiff base) and phenols (1:1) are studied by IR spectroscopy. It is shown that both proton limiting structures of these hydrogen bonds have the same weight with Δ pKa (50%) = (pKa protonated Schiff base minus pKa phenol) = 5.5. With the largely symmetrical systems, continua demonstrate that these hydrogen bonds show great proton polarizability. In the Schiff base + tyrosine system in a non-polar solvent the residence time of the proton at the tyrosine residue is much larger than that at the Schiff base. In CH2CCl2 these hydrogen bonds show, however, still proton polarizability, i.e., the position of the proton transfer equilibrium OH…N ? O?…H+N is shifted to and fro as function of the nature of the environment of this hydrogen bond. Consequences regarding bacteriorhodopsin are discussed.  相似文献   

Maltodextrinphosphorylase (MDP) was studied in the pH range 5.4–8.4 by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The pK a value of the cofactor pyridoxalphosphate (PLP) was found between 6.5 and 7.0, which closely resembles the second pK a of free PLP. FT-IR difference spectra of the binary complex of MDP+α-d-glucose-1-methylenephosphonate (Glc-1-MeP) minus native MDP were taken at pH 6.9. Following binary complex formation, two Lys residues, tentatively assigned to the active site residues Lys533 and Lys539, became deprotonated, and PLP as well as a carboxyl group, most likely of Glu637, protonated. A system of hydrogen bonds which shows large proton polarizability due to collective proton tunneling was observed connecting Lys533, PLP, and Glc-1-MeP. A comparison with model systems shows, furthermore, that this hydrogen bonded chain is highly sensitive to local electrical fields and specific interactions, respectively. In the binary complex the proton limiting structure with by far the highest probability is the one in which Glc-1-MeP is singly protonated. In a second hydrogen bonded chain the proton of Lys539 is shifted to Glu637. In the binary complex the proton remains located at Glu637. In the ternary complex composed of phosphorylase, glucose-1-phosphate (Glc-1-P), and the nonreducing end of a polysaccharide chain (primer), a second proton may be shifted to the phosphate group of Glc-1-P. In the doubly protonated phosphate group the loss of mesomeric stabilization of the phosphate ester makes the C1–O1 bond of Glc-1-P susceptible to bond cleavage. The arising glucosyl carbonium ion will be a substrate for nucleophilic attack by the nonreducing terminal glucose residue of the polysaccharide chain. Received: 15 June 1997 / Revised version: 15 October 1998 / Accepted: 15 October 1998  相似文献   

The nature of the hydrogen bonds formed between glutamic acid and histidine residues between aspartic acid and histidine residues is studied by i.r. spectroscopy. These studies were performed with (l-Glu)n+(l-His)n and with associates of monomeric Glu + His and Asp + His systems in solutions whereby these amino acids had protected α-amino and α-carboxylic groups. It is shown that the OH …N??O?H+N bonds are easily polarizable proton transfer hydrogen bonds. The residence time of the proton at the His is a little larger in the case of the Asp + His than in the case of the Glu + His systems. Polar environments shift this proton transfer equilibrium in favour of the proton limiting structure ?O?H+N, and less polar ones in favour of the structure OH?N. These results demonstrate that the large proton polarizability of the hydrogen bonded system in the active centre of chymotrypsin is responsible for the charge shift caused by the substrate, and thus for the increase in reactivity of the serine residue and the catalytic activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Empirical criteria for identification of hydrogen bonds were analyzed to produce a set of geometrically consistent criteria. For a data set of 30 structures, application of a set of purely geometrical criteria, along with exclusion of abnormal backbone conformations, also excluded a common interaction of Ser/Thr side chains with Asp/Glu side chains ([ST]/[DE] pairs). These interactions were termed "bifurcated hydrogen bonds", which implies delocalization of a positively charged hydrogen of hydroxyl between the two acceptor atoms of the carboxylic group. These "bifurcated" interactions are among the most common packing patterns for [ST]/[DE] pairs of side chains. Therefore, the identification of hydrogen bonds cannot be based on geometrical criteria only and requires introduction of some physico-chemical criteria.  相似文献   

Quantum chemical calculations have been per-formed for the complexes of formamidine (FA) and hypohalous acid (HOX, X = F, Cl, Br, I) to study their structures, properties, and competition of hydrogen bonds with halogen bonds. Two types of complexes are formed mainly through a hydrogen bond and a halogen bond, respectively, and the cyclic structure is more stable. For the F, Cl, and Br complexes, the hydrogen-bonded one is more stable than the halogen-bonded one, while the halogen-bonded structure is favorable for the I complexes. The associated H-O and X-O bonds are elongated and exhibit a red shift, whereas the distant ones are contracted and display a blue shift. The strength of hydrogen and halogen bonds is affected by F and Li substitutents and it was found that the latter tends to smooth differences in the strength of both types of interactions. The structures, properties, and interaction nature in these complexes have been understood with natural bond orbital (NBO) and atoms in molecules (AIM) theories.  相似文献   

Calculations of the electrostatic interaction energies for four metalloproteins that carry out electron transfer are reported. Each protein has a pH dependent redox potential from which the measured electrostatic interaction energy is obtained. The calculations were made using the X-ray structure coordinates and a semimacroscopic model of the interactions. For cytochrome c-551 and HIPIP the calculated and observed interaction energies were found to be approximately the same, in agreement with the fact that significant conformational changes do not accompany the ionisations. For cytochrome c2 and azurin, however, major differences were found between the calculated and observed values. These are accounted for primarily by the occurrence of significant conformational changes accompanying the ionisations. The reorganisation energies for these conformational changes are approximately 7.0 and approximately 11.1 kJ.mol-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Infrared absorption spectroscopy has been used to study the effect of organic solvents on the conformation of myoglobin, apomyoglobin, hemoglobin, lysozyme and ribonuclease. Beta structure can easily be induced by specific solvent effects. Films prepared from a 50% (v/v) mixture of alcohol, acetone, pyridine, tetrahydrofuran or dimethylsulfoxide/water mixtures show a high proportion of beta structure. The degree of induction of beta structure depends on the hydrocarbon content of the alcohol in the order methanol greater than ethanol greater than butanol. No beta structure was observed in films prepared from aqueous octanol solutions. Lyophilization tends to decrease secondary structure. The conformation of the proteins depends on the particular solvent system and the solvent composition. Solution studies of myoglobin in pure dimethylsulfoxide show that the conformation is a mixture of random and beta forms while in dimethylsulfoxide/2H2O mixtures the conformation is a mixture of alpha-helical and beta forms.  相似文献   

K Leberle  I Kempf    G Zundel 《Biophysical journal》1989,55(4):637-648
Films of O-phospho-L-serine-P-ethylester (PSE) were studied by infrared spectroscopy. PSE films were studied pure and as 1:1 mixture with LiOH, NaOH, KOH, and Ca(OH)2 as a function of the degree of hydration. The same investigations were performed if (L-glu)n was added to the system (ratio 1:1, PSE/glu residue). In the PSE molecules an intramolecular (I) COOH...-OP in equilibrium with COO-...HOP (II) hydrogen bond is present. In this bond a double minimum proton potential occurs and it shows large proton polarizability. This hydrogen bond is relatively stable as shown by the neutralization experiments. At low degree of hydration the cations are present at the phosphate groups. The Li ions polarize the intramolecular hydrogen bonds much more than the other cations, i.e., the weight of the proton-limiting structure COOH...-OP is increased by Li ions. Regarding these results one has to assume that such a hydrogen bond is also present in the phosphatidylserine head groups. It is discussed that such hydrogen bonds could be part of a lateral charge-conducting system in the polar surfaces of biological membranes. Such systems could connect proton-creating and proton-consuming centers at the membrane surface and conduct positive charge at an extremely high rate.  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of hydrogen bonds distribution in space structures of globular proteins has been done. The parameters of H-bonds in the different secondary structures of globular proteins were collected. In alpha-helices besides the canonical 1-5 H-bonds (the mean length 3 A), 1-4 H-bonds were observed (the mean length 3.2 A). The histograms of length and angular distributions of the bonds are presented. It was found on the basis of quantum chemistry calculations that most H-bonds in alpha-helices are double or bifurcated.  相似文献   

A new method for including local conformational flexibility in calculations of the hydrogen ion titration of proteins using macroscopic electrostatic models is presented. Intrinsic pKa values and electrostatic interactions between titrating sites are calculated from an ensemble of conformers in which the positions of titrating side chains are systematically varied. The method is applied to the Asp, Glu, and Tyr residues of hen lysozyme. The effects of different minimization and/or sampling protocols for both single-conformer and multi-conformer calculations are studied. For single-conformer calculations it is found that the results are sensitive to the choice of all-hydrogen versus polar-hydrogen-only atomic models and to the minimization protocol chosen. The best overall agreement of single-conformer calculations with experiment is obtained with an all-hydrogen model and either a two-step minimization process or minimization using a high dielectric constant. Multi-conformational calculations give significantly improved agreement with experiment, slightly smaller shifts between model compound pKa values and calculated intrinsic pKa values, and reduced sensitivity of the intrinsic pKa calculations to the initial details of the structure compared to single-conformer calculations. The extent of these improvements depends on the type of minimization used during the generation of conformers, with more extensive minimization giving greater improvements. The ordering of the titrations of the active-site residues, Glu-35 and Asp-52, is particularly sensitive to the minimization and sampling protocols used. The balance of strong site-site interactions in the active site suggests a need for including site-site conformational correlations.  相似文献   

Three xenobiotic amphipathic carboxylates, namely MEDICA 16, nafenopin and bezafibrate, which differ remarkably in their hydrophobic backbones, were found to acylate membrane and cytosolic liver proteins in cultured rat hepatocytes. The acylation patterns observed were time- and dose-dependent, and the acylated residue consisted of the original xenobiotic. The acylation patterns generated by the three xenobiotic carboxylates included common proteins which were acylated by the three xenobiotics (e.g. proteins of 32, 52, 56 and 72 kDa) as well as unique proteins which were specifically acylated by the respective xenobiotics. The acylation of liver proteins by either MEDICA 16 or nafenopin remained unaffected under conditions where protein synthesis was completely inhibited by cycloheximide. Protein acylation thus offers a common mode of action of xenobiotic amphipathic carboxylates, which may, however, result in diverse xenobiotyl-protein adducts. The xenobiotyl-acylated proteins might be involved in triggering some of the biological effects exerted by xenobiotic amphipathic carboxylates employed as hypolipidaemic effectors, peroxisomal proliferators or preadipocyte convertors.  相似文献   

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