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The theoretical model of proteins on the two-dimensional square lattice, introduced previously, is extended to include the hydrophobic interactions. Two proteins, whose native conformations have different folded patterns, are studied. Units in the protein chains are classified into polar units and nonpolar units. If there is a vacant lattice point next to a nonpolar unit, it is interpreted as being occupied by solvent water and the entropy of the system is assumed to decrease by a certain amount. Besides these hydrophobic free energies, the specific long-range interactions studied in previous papers are assumed to be operative in a protein chain. Equilibrium properties of the folding and unfolding transitions of the two proteins are found to be similar, even though one of them was predicted, based on the one globule model of the transitions, to unfold through a significant intermediate state (or at least to show a tendency toward such a behavior), when the hydrophobic interactions are strongly weighted. The failure of this prediction led to the development of a more refined model of transitions; a non-interacting local structure model. The hydrophobic interactions assumed here have a character of non-specific long-range interactions. Because of this character the hydrophobic interactions have the effect of decelerating the folding kinetics. The deceleration effect is less pronounced in one of the two proteins, whose native conformation is stabilized by many pairs of medium-range interactions. It is therefore inferred that the medium-range interactions have the power to cope with the decelerating effect of the non-specific hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

The theoretical model of proteins on the two-dimensional square lattice, introduced previously, is extended to include the specific short-range interactions. Attractive long-range interactions with various specificities and non-specific repulsive long-range interactions in the form of self-avoidance of the polymer chain are also operative in the model. Dynamics of the model protein is studied by a Monte Carlo method. The short-range interactions are found to accelerate the folding and unfolding transitions. Non-specific part of the attractive long-range interactions have a competing effect of decelerating the transitions. When the short-range interactions are weighted beyond a certain extent over the attractive long-range interactions are weighted beyond a certain extent over the attractive long-range interactions, the all-or-none character of the folding and unfolding transitions is destroyed. How the destruction proceeds is quantitatively expressed in terms of the S-H curves. The limiting case of dominance of the specific short-range interactions over the attractive long-range interactions is studied in detail. The lattice polymer in this limit does not behave like a globular protein at all. This observation leads to a reexamination of the currently popular notion of the dominance of the short-range interactions. A new concept of consistency is proposed to replace it. Possible mechanisms of the acceleration of the transitions by the specific short-range interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

A lattice model of proteins is introduced. "A protein molecule" is a chain of nown-intersecting units of a given length on the two-dimensional square lattice. The copolymeric character of protein molecules is incorporated into the model in the form of specificities of inter-unit interactions. This model proved most effective for studying the statistical mechanical characteristics of protein folding, unfolding and fluctuations. The specificities of inter-unit interactions are shown to be the primary factors responsible for the all-or-none type transition from native to denatured states of globular proteins. The model has been studied by the Monte Carlo method of Metropolis et al., which is now shown applied to approximately simulating a kinetic process. In the strong limit of the specificity of the inter-unit interaction the native conformation was reached in this method by starting from an extended conformation. The possible generalization and application of this method for finding the native conformation of proteins form their amino sequence are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of temperature and pressure on polypeptide conformational stability using a two-dimensional square lattice model in which water is represented explicitly. The model captures many aspects of water thermodynamics, including the existence of density anomalies, and we consider here the simplest representation of a protein: a hydrophobic homopolymer. We show that an explicit treatment of hydrophobic hydration is sufficient to produce cold, pressure, and thermal denaturation. We investigate the effects of the enthalpic and entropic components of the water-protein interactions on the overall folding phase diagram, and show that even a schematic model such as the one we consider yields reasonable values for the temperature and pressure ranges within which highly compact homopolymer configurations are thermodynamically stable.  相似文献   

A method of calculating time correlation functions from records of computer simulated equilibrium conformational fluctuations in a globular protein is discussed. Use of the calculated time correlation function for discussions of dynamics of folding and unfolding transition in the two-dimensional lattice model of proteins. The time correlation functions can be approximated in general by a sum of two simple exponential terms. The relaxation time of the slower mode does not depend on the nature of the physical quantity with respect to which the time correlation function is calculated. This time characterizes the overall folding and unfolding transition. The relaxation time of the faster mode depends on the nature of the physical quantity and characterizes conformational fluctuations within each of the native and denatured states. The mechanism of a previously observed phenomenon of the acceleration of the folding and unfolding transition by short-range interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Haruo Abe  Nobuhiro G 《Biopolymers》1981,20(5):1013-1031
The noninteracting local-structure model of the folding and unfolding transition in globular proteins, the formulation of which was given in the preceding paper, is applied to the analysis of the two-dimensional lattice model of proteins. The lattice model of proteins is a theoretical tool designed to study the statistical-mechanical aspect of the folding and unfolding transition. Its dynamics have been studied by a method of Monte Carlo simulation. The noninteracting local-structure model reproduces the equilibrium properties of the lattice model obtained previously by computer simulation remarkably well, when the specificity of the long-range interactions is strong. This observation indicates that the basic assumption of the noninteracting local-structure model is equivalent to the assumption of strong specificity of intramolecular interactions. It is argued that by assuming this strong specificity, we can emphasize the correct main paths of folding and unfolding transition. The way local structures grow and/or merge along the most probable path of folding in the lattice model is discussed by the noninteracting local-structure model.  相似文献   

The folding–unfolding process of reduced bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor was investigated with an idealized model employing approximate free energies. The protein is regarded to consist of only Cα and Cβ atoms. The backbone dihedral angles are the only conformational variables and are permitted to take discrete values at every 10°. Intraresidue energies consist of two terms: an empirical part taken from the observed frequency distributions of (?,ψ) and an additional favorable energy assigned to the native conformation of each residue. Interresidue interactions are simplified by assuming that there is an attractive energy operative only between residue pairs in close contact in the native structure. A total of 230,000 molecular conformations, with no atomic overlaps, ranging from the native state to the denatured state, are randomly generated by changing the sampling bias. Each conformation is classified according to its conformational energy, F; a conformational entropy, S(F) is estimated for each value of F from the number of samples. The dependence of S(F) on energy reveals that the folding–unfolding transition for this idealized model is an “all-or-none” type; this is attributable to the specific long-range interactions. Interresidue contact probabilities, averaged over samples representing various stages of folding, serve to characterize folding intermediates. Most probable equilibrium pathways for the folding–unfolding transition are constructed by connecting conformationally similar intermediates. The specific details obtained for bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor are as follows: (1) Folding begins with the appearance of nativelike medium-range contacts at a β-turn and at the α-helix. (2) These grow to include the native pair of interacting β-strands. This state includes intact regular secondary conformations, as well as the interstrand sheet contacts, and corresponds to an activated state with the highest free energy on the pathway. (3) Additional native long-range contacts are completely formed either toward the amino terminus or toward the carboxyl terminus. (4) In a final step, the missing contacts appear. Although these folding pathways for this model are not consistent with experimental reports, it does indicate multiple folding pathways. The method is general and can be applied to any set of calculated conformational energies and furthermore permits investigation of gross folding features.  相似文献   

During the past two years, a large amount of biochemical, biophysical and low- to high-resolution structural data have provided mechanistic insights into the machinery of protein folding and unfolding. It has emerged that dual functionality in terms of folding and unfolding might exist for some systems. The majority of folding/unfolding machines adopt oligomeric ring structures in a cooperative fashion and utilise the conformational changes induced by ATP binding/hydrolysis for their specific functions.  相似文献   

The equilibrium and kinetics of canine milk lysozyme folding/unfolding were studied by peptide and aromatic circular dichroism and tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy. The Ca2+-free apo form of the protein exhibited a three-state equilibrium unfolding, in which the molten globule state is well populated as an unfolding intermediate. A rigorous analysis of holo protein unfolding, including the data from the kinetic refolding experiments, revealed that the holo protein also underwent three-state unfolding with the same molten globule intermediate. Although the observed kinetic refolding curves of both forms were single-exponential, a burst-phase change in the peptide ellipticity was observed in both forms, and the burst-phase intermediates of both forms were identical to each other with respect to their stability, indicating that the intermediate does not bind Ca2+. This intermediate was also shown to be identical to the molten globule state observed at equilibrium. The phi-value analysis, based on the effect of Ca2+ on the folding and unfolding rate constants, showed that the Ca2+-binding site was not yet organized in the transition state of folding. A comparison of the result with that previously reported for alpha-lactalbumin indicated that the folding initiation site is different between canine milk lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin, and hence, the folding pathways must be different between the two proteins. These results thus provide an example of the phenomenon wherein proteins that are very homologous to each other take different folding pathways. It is also shown that the native state of the apo form is composed of at least two species that interconvert.  相似文献   

Dynamic Monte Carlo simulations of the folding pathways of alpha-helical protein motifs have been undertaken in the context of a diamond lattice model of globular proteins. The first question addressed in the nature of the assembly process of an alpha-helical hairpin. While the hairpin could, in principle, be formed via the diffusion-collision-adhesion of isolated performed helices, this is not the dominant mechanism of assembly found in the simulations. Rather, the helices that form native hairpins are constructed on-site, with folding initiating at or near the turn in almost all cases. Next, the folding/unfolding pathways of four-helix bundles having tight bends and one and two long loops in the native state are explored. Once again, an on-site construction mechanism of folding obtains, with a hairpin forming first, followed by the formation of a three-helix bundle, and finally the fourth helix of the native bundle assembles. Unfolding is essentially the reverse of folding. A simplified analytic theory is developed that reproduces the equilibrium folding transitions obtained from the simulations remarkably well and, for the dominant folding pathway, correctly identifies the intermediates seen in the simulations. The analytic theory provides the free energy along the reaction co-ordinate and identifies the transition state for all three motifs as being quite close to the native state, with three of the four helices assembled, and approximately one turn of the fourth helix in place. The transition state is separated from the native conformation by a free-energy barrier of mainly energetic origin and from the denatured state by a barrier of mainly entropic origin. The general features of the folding pathway seen in all variants of the model four-helix bundles are similar to those observed in the folding of beta-barrel, Greek key proteins; this suggests that many of the qualitative aspects of folding are invariant to the particular native state topology and secondary structure.  相似文献   

A computer model to dynamically simulate protein folding: studies with crambin   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
C Wilson  S Doniach 《Proteins》1989,6(2):193-209
The current work describes a simplified representation of protein structure with uses in the simulation of protein folding. The model assumes that a protein can be represented by a freely rotating rigid chain with a single atom approximating the effect of each side chain. Potentials describing the attraction or repulsion between different types of amino acids are determined directly from the distribution of amino acids in the database of known protein structures. The optimization technique of simulated annealing has been used to dynamically sample the conformations available to this simple model, allowing the protein to evolve from an extended, random coil into a compact globular structure. Many characteristics expected of true proteins, such as the sequence-dependent formation of secondary structure, the partitioning of hydrophobic residues, and specific disulfide pairing, are reproduced by the simulation, suggesting the model may accurately simulate the folding process.  相似文献   

Using a triangular lattice model to study the designability of protein folding, we overcame the parity problem of previous cubic lattice model and enumerated all the sequences and compact structures on a simple two-dimensional triangular lattice model of size 4 5 6 5 4. We used two types of amino acids, hydrophobic and polar, to make up the sequences, and achieved 223W212 different sequences excluding the reverse symmetry sequences. The total string number of distinct compact structures was 219,093, excluding reflection symmetry in the self-avoiding path of length 24 triangular lattice model. Based on this model, we applied a fast search algorithm by constructing a cluster tree. The algorithm decreased the computation by computing the objective energy of non-leaf nodes. The parallel experiments proved that the fast tree search algorithm yielded an exponential speed-up in the model of size 4 5 6 5 4. Designability analysis was performed to understand the search result.  相似文献   

B R Rami  J B Udgaonkar 《Biochemistry》2001,40(50):15267-15279
Equilibrium and kinetic characterization of the high pH-induced unfolding transition of the small protein barstar have been carried out in the pH range 7-12. A mutant form of barstar, containing a single tryptophan, Trp 53, completely buried in the core of the native protein, has been used. It is shown that the protein undergoes reversible unfolding above pH 10. The pH 12 form (the D form) appears to be as unfolded as the form unfolded by 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) at pH 7 (the U form): both forms have similar fluorescence and far-UV circular dichroism (CD) signals and have similar sizes, as determined by dynamic light scattering and size-exclusion chromatography. No residual structure is detected in the D form: addition of GdnHCl does not alter its fluorescence and far-UV CD properties. The fluorescence signal of Trp 53 has been used to monitor folding and unfolding kinetics. The kinetics of folding of the D form in the pH range 7-11 are complex and are described by four exponential processes, as are the kinetics of unfolding of the native state (N state) in the pH range 10.5-12. Each kinetic phase of folding decreases in rate with increase in pH from 7 to 10.85, and each kinetic phase of unfolding decreases in rate with decrease in pH from 12 to 10.85. At pH 10.85, the folding and unfolding rates for any particular kinetic phase are identical and minimal. The two slowest phases of folding and unfolding have identical kinetics whether measured by Trp 53 fluorescence or by mean residue ellipticity at 222 nm. Direct determination of the increase in the N state with time of folding at pH 7 and of the D form with time of unfolding at pH 12, by means of double-jump assays, show that between 85 and 95% of protein molecules fold or unfold via fast pathways between the two forms. The remaining 5-15% of protein molecules appear to fold or unfold via slower pathways, on which at least two intermediates accumulate. The mechanism of folding from the high pH-denatured D form is remarkably similar to the mechanism of folding from the urea or GdnHCl-denatured U form.  相似文献   

The folding process of a set of 42 proteins, representative of the various folds, has been simulated by means of a Monte Carlo method on a discrete lattice, using two different potentials of mean force. Multiple compact fragments of contiguous residues are formed in the simulation, stable in composition, but not in geometry. During time, the number of fragments decreases until one final compact globular state is reached. We focused on the early steps of the folding in order to evidence the maximum number of fragments, provided they are sufficiently stable in sequence. A correlation has been established between these proto fragments and regular secondary-structure elements, whatever their nature, alpha helices or beta strands. Quantitatively, this is revealed by an overall mean one-residue quality factor of nearly 60%, which is better for proteins mainly composed of alpha helices. The correspondence between the number of fragments and the number of secondary-structure elements is of 77% and the regions separating successive fragments are mainly located in loops. Besides, hydrophobic clusters deduced from HCA correspond to fragments with an equivalent accuracy. These results suggest that folding pathways do not contain structurally static intermediate. However, since the beginning of folding, most residues that will later form one given secondary structure are kept close in space by being involved in the same fragment. This aggregation may be a way to accelerate the formation of the native state and enforces the key role played by hydrophobic residues in the formation of the fragments, thus in the folding process itself.  相似文献   

The simulation of aerial movement--IV. A computer simulation model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A computer simulation model of human airborne movement is described. The body is modelled as 11 rigid linked segments with 17 degrees of freedom which are chosen with a view to modelling twisting somersaults. The accuracy of the model is evaluated by comparing the simulation values of the angles describing somersault, tilt and twist with the corresponding values obtained from film data of nine twisting somersaults. The maximum deviations between simulation and film are found to be 0.04 revolutions for somersault, seven degrees for tilt and 0.12 revolutions for twist. It is shown that anthropometric measurement errors, from which segmental inertia parameters are calculated, have a small effect on a simulation, whereas film digitization errors can account for a substantial part of the deviation between simulation and film values.  相似文献   

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