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Habitat parameters as well as host density and distribution play an important role in host-parasitoid interactions. Vegetation structure can affect both, herbivorous insects searching for places for egg deposition and foraging egg parasitoids. Herbivores might escape egg parasitism by depositing their eggs on sites with vegetation factors unfavourable for host searching parasitoids. The importance of a particular vegetation parameter for the host-parasitoid relationship, however, might depend on the spatial scale. In this study the influence of vegetation structure on oviposition of the polyphagous tansy leaf beetle Galeruca tanaceti L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and on egg parasitism by the specialist egg parasitoid Oomyzus galerucivorus was investigated on two spatial scales in the field. Factors like vegetation height and coverage, presence of host plants and microclimate were measured and correlated with presence of herbivore eggs as well as incidence or rate of parasitism. On a larger scale 25 sites (patch size = 300–2000 m2) of suitable semi-arid grassland in different successional stages were studied. The probability that egg clutches of G. tanaceti were present at a site increased with a decreasing area covered by shrubs. Parasitism rates on the macro-site scale showed the same trend and were also higher at sites with a lower percentage of shrubs covering the area.On a smaller scale vegetation structure was investigated using 40 patches (patch size = 1 m2). While the best predictor for the presence of beetle egg masses on this scale was the complexity of vegetation, parasitism was influenced by the presence of a host plant, Achillea millefolium, and a sunny microclimate.In Wirt-Parasitoid Interaktionen spielen Wirtsdichte und -verteilung, aber auch Habitat-Parameter eine wichtige Rolle. Die Vegetationsstruktur kann sowohl herbivore Insekten auf der Suche nach Ei- ablageplätzen als auch ihre Eiparasitoide auf der Suche nach Wirten beeinflussen. Herbivore Insekten könnten einer Eiparasitierung dadurch entgehen, dass sie ihre Eier an Orte legen, die für Parasitoide ungünstige Vegetations-Parameter aufweisen. Die Bedeutung eines Vegetations-Parameters auf die Wirt-Parasitoid Beziehung kann von der räumlichen Skala abhängen, die untersucht wird. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss der Vegetationsstruktur auf die Eiablage des polyphagen Rainfarnblattkäfers Galeruca tanaceti L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) und auf die Parasitierung durch den spezialisierten Ei-Parasitoiden Oomyzus galerucivorus auf zwei räumlichen Skalen im Freiland. Verschiedene Vegetations-Parameter wie die Vegetationshöhe, der Deckungsgrad, das Wirtspflanzenvorkommen und das Mikroklima wurden gemessen und mit dem Vorhandensein von Eigelegen und Parasitierung korreliert. Auf der großflächigen Skala wurden 25 Flächen (Größe = 300–2000 m2) semiariden Grasslands in verschiedenen Sukzessionsstadien untersucht. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Eigelege von G. tanaceti auf einer Fläche gefunden wurden nahm mit sinkendem Verbuschungsgrad zu. Die Parasitierungsrate auf der großflächigen Skala nahm ebenfalls mit sinkendem Verbuschungsgrad zu.Kleinflächig wurde die Vegetationsstruktur in 40 Quadraten (Größe = 1 m2) untersucht. Während die Eiablage des Käfers am stärksten von der Komplexität der Vegetation beeinflusst wurde, wurde die Parasitierungsinzidenz durch das Vorkommen der Wirtspflanze Achillea millefolium und durch ein sonniges Mikroklima bestimmt.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change is a substantial challenge to biodiversity conservation, exerting direct effects on plants and animals alike. Herbivores may be additionally affected by indirect effects, mediated through, for instance, climate change-induced alterations in host-plant quality. Thus, climate change may pronouncedly impact long-evolved plant-animal interactions, but our knowledge is still in its infancy, particularly with regard to the combined effects of temperature and water availability. We here investigate the effects of simulated climate change, considering variation in both temperature and water availability, on (1) host-plant chemistry, (2) herbivore oviposition and larval feeding preference, and (3) larval and adult performance. As study system, we used the butterfly Pieris napi (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) and its host plant Sinapis alba (Brassicacae). Host-plant chemistry was affected by simulated climate change, with higher temperatures increasing the carbon-nitrogen ratio and concentrations of glucosinolates, while drought stress led to reduced glucosinolate concentrations. Both egg-laying females and larvae preferred plants with the highest concentrations of the glucosinolate glucosinalbin, potentially acting as oviposition and feeding stimulus. Herbivore performance was positively affected by plants grown at control temperatures or under drought stress and thus reduced glucosinolate concentrations. Hence, P. napi was not able to select the most profitable host. Our study indicates that (1) climate-induced changes in plant chemistry may exert indirect effects on herbivores, (2) effects of climate change will depend on the magnitude of change in specific abiotic parameters and their interactions, whereby positive (e.g. drought) and negative (e.g. temperature) effects may even cancel out each other, and (3) changes in critical chemical cues may diminish host-plant detectability and thereby result in reduced realised fecundity. We thus highlight the important role of temperature and water availability on plant chemistry, which may change interactions between insects and plants.  相似文献   

Olson DM  Andow DA 《Heredity》2002,88(6):437-443
A quantitative genetic study revealed genetic and environmental sources of variance in percentage parasitism of European corn borer egg masses and secondary sex ratios by Trichogramma nubilale. Full and half-sib groups of T. nubilale were obtained from a nested mating design, which permitted the partitioning of the variance of T. nubilale parasitism of European corn borer egg masses into additive genetic variance, maternal/dominant variance and environmental variance. A mother-daughter regression of the percentage of an egg mass parasitized allowed a determination of the direction of a potential response to selection in the event of maternal effects. No or very little additive genetic effects were associated with the percentage of eggs within a mass parasitized and secondary sex ratios, but a significant amount of the variance for both traits had a maternal and/or dominant genetic source. The relationship between mothers and daughters in egg mass parasitism was positive, and 55.4% of the progeny of a given mother had behaviors that resemble their mother. Most of the variance had an environmental and/or unknown genetic source implying potentially high phenotypic plasticity associated with all these traits. The presence of maternal effects and phenotypic plasticity could have multiple and complex effects on progeny characters and potential responses to selection.  相似文献   

Oviposition site selection in insects is essential in terms of low egg mortality, high offspring survival and therefore a high reproductive output. Although oviposition height could be a crucial factor for the fitness of overwintering eggs, it has rarely been investigated. In this study the oviposition height of a polyphagous leaf beetle, Galeruca tanaceti Linnaeus in different habitats and at different times of the season was examined and its effect on egg clutch mortality was recorded. The leaf beetle occurs as an occasional pest on several agricultural plants. It deposits its eggs within herbaceous vegetation in autumn. Eggs are exposed to numerous biotic and abiotic mortality factors summarized as egg parasitism and winter mortality. Oviposition height of the leaf beetle was not uniform, but changed significantly with the structure of the habitat and during the season. Mean oviposition height per site (70.2+/-4.9 cm) was significantly higher than mean vegetation height (28.4+/-2.4 cm). Height of plants with egg clutches attached and oviposition height were significantly positively correlated. The results suggest that females try to oviposit as high as possible in the vegetation and on the plants selected. In accordance with this, the probability of egg parasitism and of winter egg clutch mortality significantly declined with increasing oviposition height. A preference of G. tanaceti for oviposition sites high up in the vegetation might therefore have evolved due to selection pressures by parasitoids and winter mortality.  相似文献   

Plants release volatiles induced by herbivore feeding that may affect the diversity and composition of plant-associated arthropod communities. However, the specificity and role of plant volatiles induced during the early phase of attack, i.e. egg deposition by herbivorous insects, and their consequences on insects of different trophic levels remain poorly explored. In olfactometer and wind tunnel set-ups, we investigated behavioural responses of a specialist cabbage butterfly (Pieris brassicae) and two of its parasitic wasps (Trichogramma brassicae and Cotesia glomerata) to volatiles of a wild crucifer (Brassica nigra) induced by oviposition of the specialist butterfly and an additional generalist moth (Mamestra brassicae). Gravid butterflies were repelled by volatiles from plants induced by cabbage white butterfly eggs, probably as a means of avoiding competition, whereas both parasitic wasp species were attracted. In contrast, volatiles from plants induced by eggs of the generalist moth did neither repel nor attract any of the tested community members. Analysis of the plant's volatile metabolomic profile by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the structure of the plant-egg interface by scanning electron microscopy confirmed that the plant responds differently to egg deposition by the two lepidopteran species. Our findings imply that prior to actual feeding damage, egg deposition can induce specific plant responses that significantly influence various members of higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were performed to explore the effects of host-plant quality on the vulnerability of Plutella xylostella to Bacillus thuringiensis. P. xylostella were kept on different host plants, including Brassica pekinensis (Chinese cabbage) cv. Hero, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (cauliflower) cv. Royal, and B. oleracea var. capitata (common cabbage) cv. Globe Master (white cabbage) and cv. Red Dynasty (red cabbage) for at least two generations. These host plants are considered as the high (Chinese cabbage), intermediate (cauliflower and white cabbage) and low-quality (red cabbage) hosts for P. xylostella. The vulnerability of the pest larvae was then tested using two formulation of B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki, including Biolarv® and Biolep®. The results demonstrated that the susceptibility of P. xylostella to B. thuringiensis was influenced by host-plant quality. Indeed, B. thuringiensis acted better on the pest fed on the low-quality host plant compared with that on the high-quality host plant. The interaction between the pathogen and plant quality/resistance resulted in more mortality of the pest larvae, implying a synergistic effect. From a pest management viewpoint, these findings may be promising for the integration of the pathogen and the low-quality/partially resistant host plants against P. xylostella in field studies.  相似文献   

The sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton, is a serious pest of wheat and other cereals in the Firouzabad region of Ardabil Province, Iran. In this study, we examined the spatial distribution of sunn pest eggs and their parasitism by Trissolcus spp., primarily Trissolcus grandis Thomson, during the growing seasons of 2008 and 2009. Ten quadrats of 1 m2 were established in each of the ten experimental fields and sampled every 3 days beginning at Feekes growth stage 6 (beginning of stem elongation) through stage 11 (ripening). The numbers of sunn pest eggs, both parasitized and unparasitized, were tallied in each quadrat on each sampling date. Sunn pest oviposition peaked during the onset of flowering in both years, while parasitism peaked at the completion of anthesis in 2008, and at anthesis complete to early milk stage in 2009. Iwao’s regression provided a better fit to the data than did Taylor’s power law. Both models indicated an aggregated distribution of eggs and parasitism. Temporally, there was a negative overlap between egg density and parasitism from inflorescence emergence until the beginning of anthesis, and positive overlap from anthesis complete until the soft dough stage, such that parasitism ranged from 0% of eggs laid early, to virtually 100% of eggs laid late. Thus, despite good spatial correspondence between egg density and egg parasitism, the time lag between peak bug oviposition and peak parasitism enabled large numbers of early‐laid host eggs to hatch and diminished the potential efficacy of biological control by Trissolcus spp. The implications of these results are discussed in the context of integrated management of sunn pest in wheat fields and the possible benefits of early season augmentation of the parasitoid population.  相似文献   

中华真地鳖雌虫产卵习性及其卵的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内饲养条件下,通过对不同月龄的中华真地鳖EupolyphagasinensisWalker雌成虫产卵量调查,并对卵块的质量品级和发育进度进行划分。结果表明1月龄至3月龄中华真地鳖的产卵能力较强;饱满、无破损、形状规则的卵块孵化较好;在卵的各发育阶段,卵块和卵粒的形态变化较明显,以此确立了卵发育的分级标准。  相似文献   

The extrafloral nectaries of many plants promote ant defense against insect herbivores. We examined the influence of extrafloral nectaries on the levels of parasitism of a generalist insect herbivore, the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.). Larvae and pupae of the moth were collected from trees with and without extrafloral nectaries growing in the same forests in South Korea and reared to evaluate parasitism. More parasitism occurred on plants with extrafloral nectaries in seven of the nine season-long collections at the six sites and in four out of five collecting periods. Parasitism was higher on the four main genera of plants with extrafloral nectaries than on any of five main genera of plants without extrafloral nectaries. There was no difference in parasitoid richness; nine species occurred in each group, eight of which were the same. There was a positive and almost significant correlation between the abundance of plants with extrafloral nectaries and the parasitism of gypsy moth at the sites. Extrafloral nectaries may reduce herbivory by inducing more parasitism of the insect herbivores that attack plants bearing the glands.  相似文献   

Predation and parasitism in a tropical herbivore community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Crawling predators were excluded from bamboos attacked by three species of chrysomelid leaf miner in two plots of tropical dry forest in Costa Rica.
  • 2 The percentage of predated mines declined from an average of 61 % to an average of 29% in plots where crawling predators had been excluded. There were concomitant increases in successful beetle emergence and in the numbers of beetles attacked by parasitoids.
  • 3 The probability of a miner that had escaped predation being attacked by a parasitoid was the same in experimental and control treatments, indicating that the risks of predation and parasitism are statistically independent.
  • 4 The results were consistent across species and plots with the exception of one species in one plot where emergence was lower in the exclusion treatment than in the control because of very severe parasitoid attack. This result is unexplained.
  • 5 Limited observations, and evidence from the type of damage observed on predated mines, suggest that the most important crawling predators are ants.

The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is oligophagous on plants in the Brassicaceae, and is considered one of the most significant insect pests of canola (Brassica napus L.), a major oilseed crop grown in the Prairie Provinces of Canada. The bertha armyworm (BAW), Mamestra configurata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a generalist herbivore that preferentially feeds on canola plants. In the canola growing season in the Prairie Provinces of Canada, DBM feeding occurs prior to BAW herbivory. In this study, we test the effect of DBM herbivory on subsequent host use by BAW. Oviposition by female BAW was not influenced by previous DBM‐herbivory or mechanical damage of canola plants. Bertha armyworm larvae were deterred from feeding on canola previously damaged by DBM and larvae developed into lighter pupae when reared on DBM‐damaged plants. Bertha armyworm pupae that developed from larvae fed on mechanically damaged plants had similar pupal weights to those fed undamaged plants. Adult BAW reared on canola with previous DBM feeding damage had marginally smaller wings than moths reared on canola treated differently. The combination of these results suggests that herbivory by the brassicaceous specialist, DBM, negatively influences host use and larval performance by the generalist, BAW, on canola.  相似文献   

Recognition and acceptance of a suitable host plant by phytophagous insects requires the integration of visual, physical and chemical cues. The present study investigates the host cues that a specialist insect integrates to optimize oviposition decisions and whether these cues are weighted in a specific way. The study also determines whether the tomato fruit borer Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), an important pest on Solanaceae in Brazil, shows a preference for oviposition sites that differ in physical and/or chemical cues. When styrofoam balls are provided as artificial fruits, N. elegantalis deposit significantly more eggs on rough artificial fruits than on smooth ones. Hexane fruit extracts applied to the artificial fruits stimulate female oviposition strongly. Physical and chemical cues also affect the oviposition of females when offered together. Furthermore, certain parts of the artificial fruits are prefered, irrespective of the presence of chemical cues. Both physical and chemical cues affect oviposition decisions; hence, the fruit borer relies on cues of different sensory modalities.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. It is commonly assumed that arthropod species living or hibernating in the soil would not be affected by grassland fires, even though burning results in elevated surface and below-ground soil temperatures. The importance of elevated below-ground soil temperatures during fires on the survival of grasshopper eggs had not been examined.
2. The effects of simulated autumn grassland fires of varying intensities on below-ground egg mortality were examined with grasshopper species laying shallow egg pods ( Ageneotettix deorum ) and deeper egg pods ( Melanoplus sanguinipes ) to test the hypothesis that exposure to heat during fires was the mechanism responsible for population reductions in A. deorum following fire.
3. Species-specific oviposition characteristics mediated the effects of fire intensity on below-ground egg mortality. The results indicate that fires occurring in areas with at least 3100 kg ha−1 standing crop biomass would be expected to significantly reduce populations of A. deorum , but not M. sanguinipes . No A. deorum eggs hatched in 12 of the 14 oviposition containers subjected to simulated fires approximating a standing crop biomass of 4500 kg ha−1. This is the first study to link field observations of rangeland insect populations following fire to mechanisms related to below-ground egg mortality.  相似文献   

Contrasting scales of oviposition and parasitism in praying mantids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on spatial patterns of parasitism of oothecae (egg cases) of praying mantises (Stagmomantis limbata) by torymid wasps, Podagrion spp. Using collections of mapped mantid oothecae from Riparian sites in the Sonoran desert and Grassland sites in the Chiricahua Mountains (both in Arizona, USA), we characterized the spatial distributions of oothecae and parasitism. The likelihood of an egg case suffering some parasitism was higher at Grassland sites, which had high oothecal densities, than at low-density Riparian sites. However, experimental isolation of Grassland oothecae to densities comparable to Riparian sites reduced parasitism rates. At Riparian sites, parasitized oothecae exhibited on average the same extent of parasitism as parasitized oothecae at high densities but with much greater variation. Indeed, large fractions of Riparian oothecae suffered both severe (>50%) and light (<20%) parasitism, whereas most parasitized Grassland oothecae suffered intermediate levels of parasitism. Analysis of first nearest neighbor distances indicated that the parasite load of an ootheca did not depend on its immediate isolation. However, extending the analysis to include subsequent nearest neighbors (using a technique from spatial statistics called the R(K) function), we found that even though oothecae of S. limbata were spatially clustered, some oothecae in a (statistically defined) cluster escaped parasitism when overall oothecal densities were low. This pattern suggests that when oothecae are sparsely distributed, Podagrion wasps exploit only a fraction of the oothecae available locally, even though the oothecae are strongly aggregated relative to their overall density. We suggest this lack of congruency in the scales of oothecal deposition and parasitism at low densities (which is absent when oothecae are at high densities) may be explained in part by behavioral aspects of the parasite's reproduction, including increased host fidelity by relatively sedentary female parasites. Received: June 13, 2000 / Accepted: October 16, 2000  相似文献   

Broad ecological shifts can render previously adaptive traits nonfunctional. It is an open question as to how and how quickly nonfunctional traits decay once the selective pressures that favored them are removed. The village weaverbird (Ploceus cucullatus) avoids brood parasitism by rejecting foreign eggs. African populations have evolved high levels of within-clutch uniformity as well as individual distinctiveness in egg color and spotting, a combination that facilitates identification of foreign eggs. In a companion study, I showed that these adaptations in egg appearance declined following introductions of weavers into habitats devoid of egg-mimicking brood parasites. Here, I use experimental parasitism in two ancestral and two introduced populations to test for changes in egg rejection behavior while controlling for changes in egg appearance. Introduced populations reject foreign eggs less frequently, but the ability of source and introduced populations to reject foreign eggs does not differ after controlling for the evolution of egg color and spotting. Therefore, egg rejection behavior in introduced populations of the village weaver has been compromised by changes in egg appearance, but there has been no significant decline in the birds' ability to recognize foreign eggs. This result reconciles earlier studies on this system and provides insights into the ways behavior can change over generations, especially in the context of recognition systems and the avoidance of brood parasitism.  相似文献   

Natural enemies respond to herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs), but an often overlooked aspect is that there may be genotypic variation in these 'indirect' plant defence traits within plant species. We found that egg deposition by stemborer moths (Chilo partellus) on maize landrace varieties caused emission of HIPVs that attract parasitic wasps. Notably, however, the oviposition-induced release of parasitoid attractants was completely absent in commercial hybrid maize varieties. In the landraces, not only were egg parasitoids (Trichogramma bournieri) attracted but also larval parasitoids (Cotesia sesamiae). This implies a sophisticated defence strategy whereby parasitoids are recruited in anticipation of egg hatching. The effect was systemic and caused by an elicitor, which could be extracted from egg materials associated with attachment to leaves. Our findings suggest that indirect plant defence traits may have become lost during crop breeding and could be valuable in new resistance breeding for sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

The enormous success of the genus Daphnia in freshwater ecosystems is at least partially due to their cyclical parthenogenetic life cycle, in which asexual and sexual reproduction alternate periodically. This temporal change between reproductive strategies allows for (1) rapid population growth via subitaneously developing eggs when environmental conditions are appropriate and (2) the maintenance of genetic diversity via sexual reproduction and the production of resting eggs when environmental conditions deteriorate. We show here that dietary amino acids are involved in triggering the switch between reproductive modes in Daphnia pulex. Supplementation experiments demonstrate that specific dietary amino acids, in particular arginine and histidine, avert crowding-induced resting egg production, enhance subitaneous reproduction by increasing algal food quality and, as a combined effect of both processes, increase population growth rates. These findings suggest that the availability of single dietary amino acids potentially affects the seasonal dynamics and long-term persistence of Daphnia populations in the field, which may have consequences for the efficiency of carbon transfer and thus the trophic structure of freshwater food webs.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Females of the water strider Aquarius paludum insularis (Motschulsky) (Heteroptera: Gerridae) carry males on their backs and oviposit under water after copulation. This study focuses on the benefit  A. paludum insularis receives by ovipositing in tandem.
2. Males guarded females in tandem through to the end of oviposition in 85% of copulations. Females in tandem dived deeper than single females, and the density of A. paludum insularis eggs increased with water depth. The proportion of eggs parasitized by a scelionid wasp, Tiphodytes gerriphagus Marchal (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) decreased with increasing water depth.
3. These results suggest that during oviposition guarding by males is beneficial for females, because it enables pairs to dive and lay eggs deeper and in oviposition sites where the risk of egg parasitism is lower.  相似文献   

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