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The target antigen for antibody-dependent-cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) on Epstein-Barr virus-(EBV) carrying lymphoblastoid cells expressing EBV-specific membrane antigen (MA) were examined with human serum antibody and adult human peripheral lymphocytes as effector cells. These studies confirmed that anti-MA-positive but not MA-negative sera were reactive in the ADCC. The ADCC reaction was positive with cells in which the MA consisted of late (LMA) and early (EMA) components. These included 1) MA-positive cells prepared by EBV antigen-adsorption, 2) cells carrying de novo-synthesized MA without adsorbed MA, and 3) EBV-producer cells expressing MA spontaneously. In all these preparations, the target cells were lysed roughly in parallel with the frequency of MA-positive cells. Inhibition of LMA synthesis in EBV-superinfected cells by phosphonoacetate (PA) reduced ADCC sensitivity significantly and to a far greater extent than MA synthesis as measured by immunofluorescence. This suggests that a target for ADCC is the PA-sensitive LMA. No ADCC reaction occurred with the cell preparation comprised of a high percentage of MA-positive cells induced by 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, which is believed to be EMA only. These results strongly suggest that the target antigen for ADCC in EBV-positive cells is a late MA but not early MA.  相似文献   

Freshly collected peritoneal cells (PC) and cultured spleen cells (SC) (but not fresh SC) from nonimmune mice could mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against herpes simplex virus (HSV)-infected cells in the presence of mouse or human sera containing antibody to HSV. PC also demonstrated variable natural killer cell cytotoxicity to infected cells. Both PC and cultured SC required high concentrations of antibody and high effector to target cell ratios for optimal ADCC. The time kinetics of the reaction appeared to depend on the state of activation of the effector cells. In both PC and SC populations, ADCC activity was limited to adherent cells, and was profoundly inhibited by particulate latex or silica. The murine effector cell found in PC and SC able to mediate ADCC to HSV-infected cells appears to be a macrophage.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in three lymphoma cell lines has been studied following cytotoxicity induced in vitro by normal human blood lymphocytes utilizing either natural killer (NK) or antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic (ADCC) mechanisms. Guinea-pig L2C leukaemic lymphocytes, but not the human cell lines Daudi and Jurkat, revealed a degree of time- and temperature-dependent apoptotic death upon simple culture in vitro. NK cytotoxicity at low effector: target ratios (E: T) induced both release of51Cr and apoptosis. However NK cytotoxicity at higher E : T, and ADCC at all E : T, increased the level of51Cr release while reducing the level of apoptosis. The findings were consistent with the apoptotic process being cut short by intervention of necrotic death. The same characteristics accompanied ADCC whether the effectors were recruited by Fc regions of antibody coating the targets, or by bispecific antibodies attaching one arm to the targets and the other to Fc receptors type III on effectors. This finding, and the high level of cytotoxicity elicited by the bispecific method, confirm the belief that NK cells, in addition to exerting NK cytotoxicity, represent the principal effectors for ADCC among blood mononuclear cells. Our results suggest that NK cells have both apoptotic and necrotic mechanisms available for killing their targets, but use only the latter for ADCC.  相似文献   

A population of lymph node cells that lack the usual T, B, or K cell markers was found to inhibit autologous spleen cells from mediating antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) to antibody-coated chicken erythrocytes. Inhibitor cells were not susceptible to treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 or anti-Ig and C; they did not adhere to Sephadex G-10, to nylon wool, or to monolayers of sheep erythrocytes (E) or erythrocytes plus 7S antibody (EA). After a brief (4-min) exposure to 45 degrees C, the ability to inhibit was lost whereas other cellular responses remained intact. ADCC mediated by nonadherent splenic effector cells (presumptive K cells) was highly susceptible to inhibition. Possible mechanisms for and implications of lymphocyte-mediated inhibition of ADCC are discussed.  相似文献   

Transmitted Soret band optical microscopy has been used to image the entry and passage of reactive oxygen metabolites across target erythrocytes. Due to the rapid cytosolic diffusion of hemoglobin in comparison to video rates, it was necessary to use erythrocytes with relatively immobilized hemoglobin. To achieve this, erythrocytes from patients with sickle cell anemia were used. The movement of reactive oxygen metabolites across rabbit IgG-opsonized sickle cells was observed in real time. These observations indicate that reactive oxygen metabolites can enter and cross targets in an asymmetric fashion.  相似文献   

Protein A, a cell wall constituent of several strains of Staphylococcus aureus, binds strongly to the Fc portion of immunoglobulins. This investigation demonstrated that such binding can inhibit antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). The degree to which ADCC was inhibited depended upon the relative concentrations of protein A and anti-target cell antiserum. Protein A also inhibited the formation of rosettes between antibody-coated sheep red blood cells and lymphoid cells with Fc receptors. We, therefore, conclude that protein A inhibits ADCC by preventing the binding of antibody-coated target cells to Fc receptors on cytotoxic effector cells.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein E (gE) mediates cell-to-cell spread and functions as an IgG Fc receptor (FcγR) that blocks the Fc domain of antibody targeting the virus or infected cell. Efforts to assess the functions of the HSV-1 FcγR in vivo have been hampered by difficulties in preparing an FcγR-negative strain that is relatively intact for spread. Here we report the FcγR and spread phenotypes of NS-gE264, which is a mutant strain that has four amino acids inserted after gE residue 264. The virus is defective in IgG Fc binding yet causes zosteriform disease in the mouse flank model that is only minimally reduced compared with wild-type and the rescue strains. The presence of zosteriform disease suggests that NS-gE264 spread functions are well maintained. The HSV-1 FcγR binds the Fc domain of human, but not murine IgG; therefore, to assess FcγR functions in vivo, mice were passively immunized with human IgG antibody to HSV. When antibody was inoculated intraperitoneally 20 h prior to infection or shortly after virus reached the dorsal root ganglia, disease severity was significantly reduced in mice infected with NS-gE264, but not in mice infected with wild-type or rescue virus. Studies of C3 knockout mice and natural killer cell-depleted mice demonstrated that the HSV-1 FcγR blocked both IgG Fc-mediated complement activation and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. Therefore, the HSV-1 FcγR promotes immune evasion from IgG Fc-mediated activities and likely contributes to virulence at times when antibody is present, such as during recurrent infections.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of cytotoxicity by porcine pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAM) involved in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and immobilized immune complex-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (IIC-DCC) were investigated. The results indicate that IIC-DCC was inhibited by both catalase and thioglycollate broth whereas these peroxide scavengers had no effect on ADCC in an 18-hr chromium-release assay. Furthermore, it was found that when the PAM and red blood cell targets were cross-linked with PHA, catalase still completely eliminated IIC-DCC and had no effect on ADCC, which suggests that catalase is able to penetrate the lytic site when the effector and targets are cross-linked as in ADCC. The presence of cytochalasin B, which inhibits internalization of immune complexes by PAM and presumably prevents intracellular killing, also had no effect on the differential susceptibility of IIC-DCC and ADCC to catalase. Finally, it is shown that the nonspecific cytotoxicity generated by exposing PAM to immune complexes in suspension in conjunction with cytochalasin B, so that the immune complex-bound Fc receptor (FcR) cannot be internalized, also was susceptible to catalase. These data show that the lytic mechanism involved in the nonspecific cytotoxicity generated by exposing PAM to immobilized immune complexes or immune complexes in suspension in conjunction with cytochalasin B, both of which prevent the internalization of immune complex-bound FcR, is mediated solely by peroxide whereas the lytic mechanism involved in ADCC operates, at least partially, through a peroxide-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Natural killer (NK) cell activity and antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) was measured in 62 untreated cervical carcinoma patients and 25 normal healthy women, using a short-term chromium release assay. A significant reduction in NK and ADCC activity was observed in disseminated disease than in localized disease, when compared with normal donors. The majority of the patients received radiotherapy and both NK and ADCC activity recovered after therapy. Furthermore, interferon- was demonstrated to augment NK activity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors as well as patients. Also large granular lymphocytes separated on Percoll density gradient were the same in number in both the populations studied, although in cervical cancer there seemed to be a defect in killing activity.  相似文献   

Interactions between antimicrobial agents and phagocytic cells, especially neutrophils, have a potential role in the treatment of infections. The in vitro effects of cefmetazole, a novel beta-lactam antibiotic, at a therapeutic concentration reached in plasma (50 micrograms/ml) on phagocytic and cytotoxic functions of human neutrophils have been studied. In human neutrophils, adherence capacity to nylon fiber and to substrate, chemotaxis, attachment to and ingestion of Candida albicans (with serum, with decomplemented serum and without serum), ingestion of inert particles (latex beads), candidicidal activity and superoxide anion production were all stimulated by cefmetazole. Cefmetazole at this dose was a chemotactic agent for neutrophils. Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) was also increased by this anti-microbial agent.  相似文献   

The cellular events accompanying neutrophil-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) directed against YAC erythroleukemic target cells have been studied by time-lapse fluorescence-intensified microscopy. The YAC plasma membrane and cytosol were labeled with the fluorescent probes diC18Icc and eosin Y, respectively. Fluorescently labeled and IgG-opsonized YAC cells were incubated at 37 degrees C while observed by optical microscopy. During temporal studies of neutrophil-YAC conjugates, the cytosol of YAC cells accumulated in tubular and spherical compartments of the neutrophils' vacuolar apparatuses. To distinguish between several possible mechanisms of target cytosol uptake, diC18Icc-labeled YAC cells were observed during identical conditions. The membrane label diC18Icc was found to accumulate within neutrophils in an identical fashion. At roughly 30 min, 25 and 38% of neutrophils in apparent conjugates had internalized tumor cell cytosol or plasma membrane, respectively, within a vesicular compartment. The IgG-dependent uptake of eosin Y and diC18Icc by neutrophils was diminished by exposure to 2.5 mM sodium azide. When cells were exposed to 5.5 mM sodium azide, 1 mM iodoacetamide, or 4 degrees C, conjugate formation and uptake of eosin Y or diC18Icc were abolished. An artifactual accumulation of eosin Y or diC18Icc in neutrophils was further ruled out by control studies. Non-specific exchanges of eosin Y and diC18Icc labels of YAC cells with tannic acid-treated red blood cells (RBCs) and normal neutrophils were studied. Since hemoglobin binds tightly to eosin Y, RBCs can easily detect eosin Y leakage. No exchange of eosin Y or diC18Icc from YAC cells into bound tannic acid-treated erythrocytes was found.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Somatostatin (SS) in 10(-9)-10(-7) M concentrations stimulated the lysis and inhibited the incorporation of IgG2a-coated 51Cr-labeled sheep red blood cell (SRBC) by rat peritoneal macrophages (PM). The intracellular killing capacity of PM remained unchanged. The enhancement of Fc receptor (R) activity and generation of active oxygen species were found to be responsible for the antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)-stimulating effect of SS. It was demonstrated that the stimulation of ADCC was abolished by the calmodulin inhibitor trifluoperazine (TFP), whereas it proved to be independent of the Ca2+ uptake. In addition, SS in the ADCC-stimulating concentrations diminished the intracellular cAMP generation and progressively increased the cGMP level. In higher (10(-6)-10(-7) M) concentrations, SS had a controversial effect on PM: it inhibited ADCC through the activation of both the adenylate cyclase and Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Targeted gene alteration (TGA) is a strategy for correcting single base mutations in the DNA of human cells that cause inherited disorders. TGA aims to reverse a phenotype by repairing the mutant base within the chromosome itself, avoiding the introduction of exogenous genes. The process of how to accurately repair a genetic mutation is elucidated through the use of single‐stranded DNA oligonucleotides (ODNs) that can enter the cell and migrate to the nucleus. These specifically designed ODNs hybridize to the target sequence and act as a beacon for nucleotide exchange. The key to this reaction is the frequency with which the base is corrected; this will determine whether the approach becomes clinically relevant or not. Over the course of the last five years, workers have been uncovering the role played by the cells in regulating the gene repair process. In this essay, we discuss how the impact of the cell on TGA has evolved through the years and illustrate ways that inherent cellular pathways could be used to enhance TGA activity. We also describe the cost to cell metabolism and survival when certain processes are altered to achieve a higher frequency of repair.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic potential of rabbit peripheral blood monocytes and alveolar macrophages in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) toward both erythrocyte (RBCox) and tumor cell (CEM T-lymphoblast) targets was examined. ADCC was measured in a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay. Alveolar macrophages were more efficient at killing the tumor cell targets (optimally sensitized with rabbit antisera) than monocytes at similar effector cell/target cell (ET) ratios. Tumor cell targets sensitized with seven different antisera (anti-CEM) were lysed by alveolar macrophages but not by the monocytes. In marked contrast, the monocytes were more effective at lysing the sensitized erythrocyte target cells. The degree of cytolysis of RBCox and CEM was dependent on the ET ratio and the degree of sensitization of these target cells. It was demonstrated that the effector cell selectivity in ADCC was directly related to their ability or inability to bind the sensitized target cells as determined by Fc-receptor rosette formation. The transition from monocyte to macrophage may, therefore, have resulted in an alteration in the criteria necessary for Fc-receptor binding to antibody-sensitized target cells and subsequent ADCC.  相似文献   

Natural killing (NK) in humans, as well as in other species, has been shown to be specific for antigenic determinants present on the surfaces of a variety of tumor cells. Physical separation of NK cells from K cells, which mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), has not been successful; however, there is indirect evidence suggesting that these activities are distinct. To further study the relationship between NK and K cells, competitive inhibition techniques were employed. NK cells can be blocked via two mechanisms: 1) by direct inhibition with NK-sensitive tumor cells binding to NK receptor sites present on the effector cells and 2) by steric inhibition resulting from the binding of antibody-coated cells to the FcR on the effector cells. K cells, however, lack the NK receptor site(s) but are FcR+, and can therefore be blocked only by antibody-coated cells. We therefore postulate that NK and K cells are two separate lymphoid populations. NK cells bear receptor site(s) for NK determinants and FcR, whereas K cells bear only FcR.  相似文献   

The nature of the cell types capable of mediating mitogen-induced cellular cytotoxicity (MICC) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) was investigated utilizing effector cells from athymic nude and euthymic heterozygous control littermate mice as well as Sephadex anti-Fab immunoabsorbent column purified spleen cell populations from normal (CS7BL/6) mice. Chicken erythrocytes (CRBC) and the mouse lymphoma, EL-4, were used as target cells in both cytotoxicity assays. MICC utilizing CRBC targets was mediated by several effector cell types whereas MICC utilizing EL-4 lymphoma targets was T-cell dependent. ADCC against both CRBC and EL-4 lymphoma targets occurred independently of the presence of T-cells. In addition, effector cell populations incapable of mediating MICC against EL-4 lymphoma targets were capable of mediating ADCC against the same EL-4 targets. Thus, utilizing the appropriate target cells, EL-4 but not CRBC, a sharp distinction can be made between the effectors for ADCC and MICC: ADCC is T-cell independent while MICC is dependent on the presence of mature thymus-derived cells. Furthermore these studies demonstrate that the nature of the target cell employed in MICC and ADCC reactions plays a critical role in defining the types of effector cells capable of mediating these cytotoxicity reactions.  相似文献   

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