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A mathematical approach to optimize selection on multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL) and an estimate of residual polygenic effects was applied to selection on two linked or unlinked additive QTL. Strategies to maximize total or cumulative discounted response over ten generations were compared to standard QTL selection on the sum of breeding values for the QTL and an estimated breeding value for polygenes, and to phenotypic selection. Optimal selection resulted in greater response to selection than standard QTL or phenotypic selection. Tight linkage between the QTL (recombination rate 0.05) resulted in a slightly lower response for standard QTL and phenotypic selection but in a greater response for optimal selection. Optimal selection capitalized on linkage by emphasizing selection on favorable haplotypes. When the objective was to maximize total response after ten generations and QTL were unlinked, optimal selection increased QTL frequencies to fixation in a near linear manner. When starting frequencies were equal for the two QTL, equal emphasis was given to each QTL, regardless of the difference in effects of the QTL and regardless of the linkage, but the emphasis given to each of the two QTL was not additive. These results demonstrate the ability of optimal selection to capitalize on information on the complex genetic basis of quantitative traits that is forthcoming.  相似文献   

A search for quantitative trait loci for ovulation rate in cattle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Seventy-seven polymorphic microsatellites were analysed in offspring of three elite sires that were part of the foundation of an experimental population selected for twinning rate at the US Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska. All females were assessed for ovulation rate by rectal palpation of corpora lutea over 8–10 consecutive oestrous cycles from approximately 12 to 18 months of age, and associations between ovulation rate and sire allele were examined in each of the three sire groups. A preliminary analysis was performed using selectively genotyped daughters of each sire. Markers found significant or approaching significance were also genotyped in all daughters, sons and granddaughters of these sires. A test of marker associations limited to the granddaughter data provided an independent confirmation of marker effect and significance relative to the initial test with daughter data. Putative ovulation rate quantitative trait loci were detected on chromosomes 7 and 23. Marker UWCA20 on chromosome 7 was associated with an effect in excess of one phenotypic standard deviation and accounted for approximately 10% of phenotypic variation ovulation rate. Marker CYP21 (steroid 21-hydroxylase) on chromosome 23 was associated with an effect of slightly less than half a phenotypic standard deviation and accounted for approximately 4% of phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

To detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) that influence economically important traits in a purebred Japanese Black cattle population, we performed a preliminary genome-wide scan using 187 microsatellite markers across a paternal half-sib family composed of 258 offspring. We located six QTL at the 1% chromosome-wise level on bovine chromosomes (BTA) 4, 6, 13, 14 and 21. A second screen of these six QTL regions using 138 additional paternal offspring half-sib from the same sire, provided further support for five QTL: carcass weight on BTA14 (22-39 cM), one for rib thickness on BTA6 (27-58 cM) and three for beef marbling score (BMS) on BTA4 (59-67 cM), BTA6 (68-89 cM) and BTA21 (75-84 cM). The location of QTL for subcutaneous fat thickness on BTA13 was not supported by the second screen (P > 0.05). We determined that the combined contribution of the three QTLs for BMS was 10.1% of the total variance. The combined phenotypic average of these three Q was significantly different (P < 0.001) from those of other allele combinations. Analysis of additional half-sib families will be necessary to confirm these QTL.  相似文献   

Mapping of quantitative trait loci on porcine chromosome 4   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A F2 population derived from a cross between European Large White and Chinese Meishan pigs was established in order to study the genetic basis of breed differences for growth and fat traits. Chromosome 4 was chosen for initial study as previous work had revealed quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on this chromosome affected growth and fat traits in a Wild Boar × Large White cross. Individuals in the F2 population were typed for nine markers spanning a region of approximately 124 c m . We found evidence for QTLs affecting growth between weaning and the end of test (additive effect: 43·4 g/day) and fat depth measured in the mid-back position (additive effect: 1·82 mm). There was no evidence of interactions between the QTLs and sex, grandparents or F1 sires, suggesting that the detected QTLs were fixed for alternative alleles in the Meishan and Large White breeds. Comparison of locations suggests that these QTLs could be the same as those found in the Wild Boar × Large White cross.  相似文献   

From an extensive review of public domain information on dairy cattle quantitative trait loci (QTL), we have prepared a draft online QTL map for dairy production traits. Most publications (45 out of 55 reviewed) reported QTL for the major milk production traits (milk, fat and protein yield, and fat and protein concentration (%)) and somatic cell score. Relatively few QTL studies have been reported for more complex traits such as mastitis, fertility and health. The collated QTL map shows some chromosomal regions with a high density of QTL, as well as a substantial number of QTL at single chromosomal locations. To extract the most information from these published records, a meta-analysis was conducted to obtain consensus on QTL location and allelic substitution effect of these QTL. This required modification and development of statistical methodologies. The meta-analysis indicated a number of consensus regions, the most striking being two distinct regions affecting milk yield on chromosome 6 at 49 cM and 87 cM explaining 4.2 and 3.6 percent of the genetic variance of milk yield, respectively. The first of these regions (near marker BM143) affects five separate milk production traits (protein yield, protein percent, fat yield, fat percent, as well as milk yield).  相似文献   

Behavioural indices in vertebrates are under genetic control at least to some extent. In spite of significant behavioural problems in farm animals, information on the genetic background of behaviour is sparse. The aim of this study was to map QTL for behavioural indices in swine under healthy conditions and after infection with Sarcocystis miescheriana , as behaviour can be significantly influenced by disease . This well-described parasite model subsequently leads to acute (day 14 p.i.), subclinical (day 28 p.i.) and chronic disease (day 42 p.i.), allowing the study and comparison of the behaviour of pigs under four different states of health or disease. The study was based on a well-described Pietrain/Meishan F2 family that has recently allowed the detection of QTL for disease resistance. We have mapped six genome-wide significant and 24 chromosome-wide significant QTL for six behavioural indices in swine. Six of these QTL (i.e. 20% of total QTL) showed effects on behavioural traits of the healthy pigs (day 0). Some of them (QTL on SSC11 and 18) lost influence on behavioural activities during disease, while the effects of others (QTL on SSC5, SSC8) partly remained during the whole experiment, although with different effects on the distinct behavioural indices. The disease model has been of high relevance to detect effects of gene loci on behavioural indices. Considering the importance of segregating alleles and environmental conditions that allow the identification of the phenotype, we conclude that there are indeed QTL with interesting effects on behavioural indices in swine.  相似文献   

Mapping quantitative trait loci regulating chicken body composition traits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genome scans were conducted on an F2 resource population derived from intercross of the White Plymouth Rock with the Silkies Fowl to detect QTL affecting chicken body composition traits. The population was genotyped with 129 microsatellite markers and phenotyped for 12 body composition traits on 238 F2 individuals from 15 full-sib families. In total, 21 genome-wide QTL were found to be responsible for 11 traits, including two newly studied traits of proventriculus weight and shank girth. Three QTL were genome-wide significant: at 499 c m on GGA1 (explained 3.6% of phenotypic variance, P  < 0.01) and 51 c m on GGA5 (explained 3.3% of phenotypic variance, P  < 0.05) for the shank & claw weight and 502 c m on GGA1 (explained 1.4% of phenotypic variance, P  < 0.05) for wing weight. The QTL on GGA1 seemed to have pleiotropic effects, also affecting gizzard weight at 490 c m , shank girth at 489 c m and intestine length at 481 c m . It is suggested that further efforts be made to understand the possible pleiotropic effects of the QTL on GGA1 and that on GGA5 for two shank-related traits.  相似文献   

An efficient approach to detect association between quantitative traits and bands of DNA fingerprint patterns uses intra-family tail analysis, which compares fingerprints of DNA mixes from individuals at the two tails of a phenotypic distribution. In analysis of 67 paternal half-sibs of a meat-type chicken family, of 57 sire bands generated by two probes, one sire-specific band (S6–6) was associated with abdominal fat deposition. The band effect was estimated by a linear model analysis to be 0–88 standard deviations, or about 30% of the family mean. The association between band S6–6 and abdominal fat was further examined by testing progeny of paternal half-sibs of the chickens which were used in the tail analysis, establishing genetic linkage between the DNA marker and a genetic locus affecting abdominal fat deposition.  相似文献   

Increased disease resistance through improved general immune capacity would be beneficial for the welfare and productivity of farm animals. Cytokines are essential diagnostic parameters in veterinary practice. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for cytokine levels in serum in the pig, Interferon‐gamma (IFN‐γ) and Interleukin 10 (IL‐10) levels and the ratio of IFN‐γ to IL‐10 were measured in a composite pig population, before and after challenge with modified live CSF (classical swine fever) vaccine. Through interval mapping using the variance component approach and the permutation test, 11 QTL (five for IFN‐γ, two for IL‐10 and four for the ratio of IFN‐γ to IL‐10) with significance levels of P < 0.10 were identified, of which five were significant at the P < 0.05 level. The most significant QTL (P < 0.01) was found on chromosome 16, with effect on the ratio of IFN‐γ to IL‐10. Within these QTL regions, a number of known genes were revealed and their potential relationships to the studied traits were discussed. Some of these genes may serve as candidate genes for these traits in swine.  相似文献   

A whole-genome scan was carried out to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting sensory, organoleptic, physical and chemical properties of meat. The study used phenotypic data from 235 second-generation cross-bred bull calves of a Charolais × Holstein experimental population. Loin muscle samples were evaluated for yield force, intramuscular fat and nitrogen contents, myofibrillar fragmentation index, haem pigment concentration, moisture content and pH at 24 h postmortem. A sensory assessment was performed on grilled loin and roasted silverside joints by trained panellists. A linear regression analysis based on 165 markers revealed 35 QTL at the 5% chromosome-wide significance level (20 for sensory traits and 15 for physical and chemical traits), five of which were highly significant ( F -value: ≥9). The most significant QTL was located on chromosome 6 (with the best likely position at 39 cM) and affected haem pigment concentration. The Holstein allele for this QTL was associated with an increase of 0.53 SD in the haem scores. A QTL for pH24h was identified on chromosome 14 (at 40 cM) and a QTL for moisture content was identified on chromosome 22 (at 21 cM). Two highly significant QTL were identified for sensory panel-assessed traits: beef odour intensity (grilled sample) on chromosome 10 (at 119 cM), and juiciness (roast sample) on chromosome 16 (at 70 cM). The proportion of phenotypic variance explained by the significant QTL ranged from 3.6% (for nitrogen content on chromosome 10) to 9.5% (for juiciness, roast sample on chromosome 16).  相似文献   

A mathematical approach was developed to model and optimize selection on multiple known quantitative trait loci (QTL) and polygenic estimated breeding values in order to maximize a weighted sum of responses to selection over multiple generations. The model allows for linkage between QTL with multiple alleles and arbitrary genetic effects, including dominance, epistasis, and gametic imprinting. Gametic phase disequilibrium between the QTL and between the QTL and polygenes is modeled but polygenic variance is assumed constant. Breeding programs with discrete generations, differential selection of males and females and random mating of selected parents are modeled. Polygenic EBV obtained from best linear unbiased prediction models can be accommodated. The problem was formulated as a multiple-stage optimal control problem and an iterative approach was developed for its solution. The method can be used to develop and evaluate optimal strategies for selection on multiple QTL for a wide range of situations and genetic models.  相似文献   

A genomic screening to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting growth, carcass composition and meat quality traits was pursued. Two hundred nineteen microsatellite markers were genotyped on 176 of 620 (28%) progeny from a Brahman x Angus sire mated to mostly MARC III dams. Selective genotyping, based on retail product yield (%) and fat yield (%), was used to select individuals to be genotyped. Traits included in the study were birth weight (kg), hot carcass weight (kg), retail product yield, fat yield, marbling score (400 = slight00 and 500 = small00), USDA yield grade, and estimated kidney, heart and pelvic fat (%). The QTL were classified as significant when the expected number of false positives (ENFP) was less than 0.05 (F-statistic greater than 17.3), and suggestive when the ENFP was <1 (F-statistic between 10.2 and 17.3). A significant QTL (F = 19; ENFP = 0.02) was detected for marbling score at centimorgan (cM) 54 on chromosome 2. Suggestive QTL were detected for fat yield at 50 cM, for retail product yield at 53 cM, and for USDA yield grade at 63 cM on chromosome 1, for marbling score at 56 cM, for retail product yield at 70 cM, and for estimated kidney, heart and pelvic fat at 79 cM on chromosome 3, for marbling score at 44 cM, for hot carcass weight at 49 cM, and for estimated kidney, heart and pelvic fat at 62 cM on chromosome 16, and for fat yield at 35 cM on chromosome 17. Two suggestive QTL for birth weight were identified, one at 12 cM on chromosome 20 and the other at 56 cM on chromosome 21. An additional suggestive QTL was detected for retail product yield, for fat yield, and for USDA yield grade at 26 cM on chromosome 26. Results presented here represent the initial search for quantitative trait loci in this family. Validation of detected QTL in other populations will be necessary.  相似文献   

The last few years have seen the development of large efforts for the analysis of genome function, especially in the context of genome variation. One of the most prominent directions has been the extensive set of studies on expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs), namely, the discovery of genetic variants that explain variation in gene expression levels. Such studies have offered promise not just for the characterization of functional sequence variation but also for the understanding of basic processes of gene regulation and interpretation of genome-wide association studies. In this review, we discuss some of the key directions of eQTL research and its implications.  相似文献   

The power to separate the variance of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) from the polygenic variance is determined by the variability of genes identical by descent (IBD) at the QTL. This variability may increase with inbreeding. Selfing, the most extreme form of inbreeding, increases the variability of the IBD value shared by siblings, and thus has a higher efficiency for QTL mapping than random mating. In self-incompatible organisms, sib mating is the closest form of inbreeding. Similar to selfing, sib mating may also increase the power of QTL detection relative to random mating. In this study, we develop an IBD-based method under sib mating designs for QTL mapping. The efficiency of sib mating is then compared with random mating. Monte Carlo simulations show that sib mating designs notably increase the power for QTL detection. When power is intermediate, the power to detect a QTL using full-sib mating is, on average, 7% higher than under random mating. In addition, the IBD-based method proposed in this paper can be used to combine data from multiple families. As a result, the estimated QTL parameters can be applied to a wide statistical inference space relating to the entire reference population. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Clinical–chemical traits are diagnostic parameters essential for characterization of health and disease in veterinary practice. The traits show significant variability and are under genetic control, but little is known about the fundamental genetic architecture of this variability, especially in swine. We have identified QTL for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate (LAC), bilirubin (BIL), creatinine (CRE) and ionized sodium (Na+), potassium (K+) and calcium (Ca++) from the serum of 139 F2 pigs from a Meishan/Pietrain family before and after challenge with Sarcocystis miescheriana , a protozoan parasite of muscle. After infection, the pigs passed through three stages representing acute disease, subclinical disease and chronic disease. Forty-two QTL influencing clinical–chemical traits during these different stages were identified on 15 chromosomes. Eleven of the QTL were significant on a genome-wide level; 31 QTL were chromosome-wide significant. QTL showed specific health/disease patterns with respect to the baseline values of the traits as well as the values obtained through the different stages of disease. QTL influencing different traits at different times were found primarily on chromosomes 1, 3, 7 and 14. The most prominent QTL for the investigated clinical–chemical traits mapped to SSC3 and 7. Baseline traits of ALP, LAC, BIL, Ca++ and K+ were influenced by QTL regions on SSC3, 6, 7, 8 and 13. Single QTL explained up to 21.7% of F2 phenotypic variance. Our analysis confirms that variation of clinical–chemical traits is associated with multiple chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

Twinning in dairy cattle has been associated with many negative health and reproductive events that cause economic loss to the producer. Reports have suggested that twinning rates are increasing and that there may be a positive relationship between milk production and twinning frequency. Putative quantitative trait loci (QTL) for twinning and ovulation rate on bovine chromosomes 5, 7, 19 and 23 have been previously identified in other populations. The objective of this study was to detect and possibly confirm the existence and effects of these QTL in the North American Holstein population. Half-sib families of 20 North American Holstein sires with above average twinning rate predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) comprised the sample population under investigation. Twinning rate PTA values had been estimated from calving data. DNA extracted from semen samples was analysed using 45-61 microsatellite markers across the four chromosomes. Marker heterozygosity of the patriarchs averaged 62%. Evidence of twinning QTL was found in multiple families on chromosomes 5, 7 and 23 and in one family on chromosome 19. Four of the sires formed one three-generation family: one sire and three half-sib sons with sons of their own. This extended family was analysed with additional markers confirming a twinning QTL of significant size on chromosome 5.  相似文献   

Why do populations remain genetically variable despite strong continuous natural selection? Mutation reconstitutes variation eliminated by selection and genetic drift, but theoretical and experimental studies each suggest that mutation‐selection balance insufficient to explain extant genetic variation in most complex traits. The alternative hypothesis of balancing selection, wherein selection maintains genetic variation, is an aggregate of multiple mechanisms (spatial and temporal heterogeneity in selection, frequency‐dependent selection, antagonistic pleiotropy, etc.). Most of these mechanisms have been demonstrated for Mendelian traits, but there is little comparable data for loci affecting quantitative characters. Here, we report a 3‐year field study of selection on intrapopulation quantitative trait loci (QTL) of flower size, a highly polygenic trait in Mimulus guttatus. The QTL exhibit antagonistic pleiotropy: alleles that increase flower size, reduce viability, but increase fecundity. The magnitude and direction of selection fluctuates yearly and on a spatial scale of metres. This study provides direct evidence of balancing selection mechanisms on QTL of an ecologically relevant trait.  相似文献   

The productivity and economic prosperity of sheep farming could benefit greatly from more effective methods of selection for year-round lambing. Identification of QTL for aseasonal reproduction in sheep could lead to more accurate selection and faster genetic improvement. One hundred and twenty microsatellite markers were genotyped on 159 backcross ewes from a Dorset × East Friesian crossbred pedigree. Interval mapping was undertaken to map the QTL underlying several traits describing aseasonal reproduction including the number of oestrous cycles, maximum level of progesterone prior to breeding, pregnancy status determined by progesterone level, pregnancy status determined by ultrasound, lambing status and number of lambs born. Seven chromosomes (1, 3, 12, 17, 19, 20 and 24) were identified to harbour putative QTL for one or more component traits used to describe aseasonal reproduction. Ovine chromosomes 12, 17, 19 and 24 harbour QTL significant at the 5% chromosome-wide level, chromosomes 3 and 20 harbour QTL that exceeded the threshold at the 1% chromosome-wide level, while the QTL identified on chromosome 1 exceeded the 1% experiment-wide significance level. These results are a first step towards understanding the genetic mechanism of this complex trait and show that variation in aseasonal reproduction is associated with multiple chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

DNA markers associated with quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting host tolerance to gastrointestinal (GI) parasite infection are ideal targets for marker‐assisted selection. However, few studies in cattle have attempted to identify this type of QTL due to the difficulty of generating accurate phenotypic data from a resource population with adequate statistical power for detection. For this effort, we amassed fecal egg count (FEC) measures from annual natural field challenges with GI nematodes that spanned 12 different contemporary groups of Angus calves (1992–2000) derived from a closed breeding population. FEC and blood pepsinogen measures were taken weekly over a 26‐week period post‐weaning, and the FEC data were Box‐Cox transformed to normalize the distribution of phenotypes. These 305 test animals and more than 100 founding animals from the extended pedigree were genotyped across 190 microsatellites markers. The genome‐wide analyses identified a suggestive genome‐wide QTL on bovine chromosome (Chr) 8 (< 0.002) and nominal QTL on Chr 4, 12 and 17 (< 0.05). These findings were unique for cattle, and some corresponded to previously identified QTL locations for parasite‐related traits in sheep to provide genome locations for further fine mapping of parasite resistance/susceptibility in Angus cattle.  相似文献   

Sheep internal parasites (nematodes) remain a major health challenge and are costly for pasture-based production systems. Most current breeding programmes for nematode resistance are based on indicator traits such as faecal egg counts (FEC), which are costly and laborious to collect. Hence, genetic markers for resistance would be advantageous. However, although some quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been identified, these QTL are often not consistent across breeds and few breeding strategies for nematode resistance in sheep are currently using molecular information. In this study, QTL for nematode resistance on ovine chromosomes (OAR) 3 and 14, previously identified in the Blackface breed, were explored using commercial Suffolk (n = 336) and Texel lambs (n = 879) sampled from terminal sire breeder flocks in the United Kingdom. FEC were used as the indicator trait for nematode resistance, and these were counted separately for Nematodirus and Strongyles genera. Microsatellite markers were used to map the QTL and the data were analysed using interval mapping regression techniques and variance component analysis. QTL for Nematodirus and Strongyles FEC were found to be segregating on OAR3 at 5% chromosome region-wide significance threshold in both Suffolk and Texel sheep, and Nematodirus FEC QTL were segregating on OAR14 in both breeds. In addition, QTL for growth traits were also found to be segregating at 5% chromosome region-wide on OAR3 and OAR14. The confirmation that FEC QTL segregate in the same position in three widely used breeds widens their potential applicability to purebred Blackface, Suffolk and Texel sheep, with benefits likely to be observed in their commercial crossbred progeny.  相似文献   

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