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When skeletal muscle fibers are subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 10 MPa (100 atmospheres), reversible changes in tension occur. Passive tension from relaxed muscle is unaffected, rigor tension rises, and active tension falls. The effects of pressure on muscle structure are unknown: therefore a pressure-resistant cell for x-ray diffraction has been built, and this paper reports the first study of the low-angle equatorial patterns of pressurized relaxed, rigor, and active muscle fibers, with direct comparisons from the same chemically skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers at 0.1 and 10 MPa. Relaxed and rigor fibers show little change in the intensity of the equatorial reflections when pressurized to 10 MPa, but there is a small, reversible expansion of the lattice of 0.7 and 0.4%, respectively. This shows that the order and stability of the myofilament lattice is undisturbed by this pressure. The rise in rigor tension under pressure is thus probably due to axial shortening of one or more components of the sarcomere. Initial results from active fibers at 0.1 MPa show that when phosphate is added the lattice spacing and equatorial intensities change toward their relaxed values. This indicates cross-bridge detachment, as expected from the reduction in tension that phosphate induces. 10 MPa in the presence of phosphate at 11 degrees C causes tension to fall by a further 12%, but not change is detected in the relative intensity of the reflections, only a small increase in lattice spacing. Thus pressure appears to increase the proportion of attached cross-bridges in a low-force state.  相似文献   

Previously we have shown that cross-bridge attachment to actin and the radial position of the myosin heads surrounding the thick filament backbone affect the equatorial x-ray diffraction intensities in different ways (Yu, 1989). In the present study, other factors frequently encountered experimentally are analyzed by a simple model of the filament lattice. It is shown that the ordering/disordering of filaments, lattice spacing changes, the azimuthal redistributions of cross-bridges, and variations in the ordered/disordered population of cross-bridges surrounding the thick filaments can distinctly affect the equatorial intensities. Consideration of Fourier transforms of individual components of the unit cell can provide qualitative explanations for the equatorial intensity changes. Criteria are suggested that can be used to distinguish the influence of some factors from others.  相似文献   

V B Savel'ev 《Biofizika》1985,30(5):873-877
Dependence of the intensities of low-angle equatorial reflections from frog live resting sartorius muscle on sarcomere length between 1.95 micron and 3.1 micron were studied in stretch and shortening regimes. It is found that intensities of the (10), (20), (30) and Z-reflections increase at sarcomere length increase from about 2 micron, reach maximum value at sarcomere length between 2.3 micron and 2.7 micron, and then fall at further increase of the sarcomere length. The (11) and (21) intensities decrease at sarcomere length increase. A conclusion is drawn that tetragonal lattice of the thin filaments near Z-line gives essential contribution to Z-reflection together with Z-line. It is proposed that hexagonal lattice of A-band and tetragonal lattice of the thin filaments distort each other at sarcomere length less than 2.3 micron and have the most order at sarcomere length between 2.3 micron and 2.7 micron. At further increase of the sarcomere length the packing of both lattices deteriorates apparently due to other factors than in the case of the short sarcomere length.  相似文献   

The equatorial X-ray diffraction patterns from the striated muscles of the crab and crayfish showed a series of reflections arising from the hexagonal myofilament lattice. Some of the reflections in the region of 114to111nm?1 had intensities comparable to those of the 1,0 and 1,1 reflections. This can be accounted for by certain myofilament lattice models in which the thick filaments are hollow.  相似文献   

Available high-resolution structures of F-actin, myosin subfragment 1 (S1), and their complex, actin-S1, were used to calculate a 2D x-ray diffraction pattern from skeletal muscle in rigor. Actin sites occupied by myosin heads were chosen using a "principle of minimal elastic distortion energy" so that the 3D actin labeling pattern in the A-band of a sarcomere was determined by a single parameter. Computer calculations demonstrate that the total off-meridional intensity of a layer line does not depend on disorder of the filament lattice. The intensity of the first actin layer A1 line is independent of tilting of the "lever arm" region of the myosin heads. Myosin-based modulation of actin labeling pattern leads not only to the appearance of the myosin and "beating" actin-myosin layer lines in rigor diffraction patterns, but also to changes in the intensities of some actin layer lines compared to random labeling. Results of the modeling were compared to experimental data obtained from small bundles of rabbit muscle fibers. A good fit of the data was obtained without recourse to global parameter search. The approach developed here provides a background for quantitative interpretation of the x-ray diffraction data from contracting muscle and understanding structural changes underlying muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Regions of muscle fibers that are many sarcomeres in length and uniform with regard to striation spacing, curvature, and tilt have been observed by light microscopy. We have investigated the possibility that these sarcomere domains can explain the fine structure in optical diffraction patterns of skeletal muscle fibers. We studied near-field and far-field diffraction patterns with respect to fiber translation and to masking of the laser beam. The position of diffracted light in the near-field pattern depends on sarcomere length and position of the diffracting regions within the laser beam. When a muscle fiber was translated longitudinally through a fixed laser beam, the fine structural lines in the near-field diffraction pattern moved in the same direction and by the same amount as the fiber movement. Translation of the muscle fiber did not result in fine structure movement in the far-field pattern. As the laser beam was incrementally masked from one side, some fine structural lines in both the near-field and far-field diffraction patterns changed in intensity while others remained the same. Eventually, all the fine structural lines broadened and decreased in intensity. Often a fine structural line increased in intensity or a dark area in the diffraction pattern became brighter as the laser beam was restricted. From these results we conclude that the fine structure in the laser diffraction pattern is due to localized and relatively uniform regions of sarcomeres (domains) and to cross interference among light rays scattered by different domains.  相似文献   

X-ray equatorial reflections from frog sartorius muscle were studied using a position sensitive detector. A weak reflection appeared between the 10 and 11 peaks which did not index on the hexagonal filament lattice. This reflection, first reported by Elliott et al. (1967), was further characterized. The spacing of the reflection varied in direct proportion to that of the 10 peaks for sarcomere lengths between 2·0 μm and 3·0 μm. Its intensity appeared relatively insensitive to length changes. Optical diffraction patterns from electron micrographs of oblique sections through muscle gave ratios for the spacings of the myosin filaments and the Z-disc lattice that correlated very closely with the X-ray results. It is suggested that the Z-disc structure is the major source of this nonindexible reflection.  相似文献   

Time-resolved intensity measurements of the x-ray equatorial reflections were made during twitch contractions of frog skeletal muscles, to which stretches or releases were applied at various times. A ramp stretch applied at the onset of a twitch (duration, 15 ms; amplitude, approximately 3% of muscle length) caused a faster and larger development of contractile force than in an isometric twitch. The stretch accelerated the decrease of the 1.0 reflection intensity (I1,0). The magnitude of increase of the 1,1 reflection intensity (I1,1) was reduced by the stretch, but its time course was also accelerated. A release applied at the peak of a twitch or later (duration, 5 ms; amplitude, approximately 1.5%) caused only a partial redevelopment of tension. The release produced clear reciprocal changes of reflections toward their relaxed levels, i.e., the I1,0 increased and the I1,1 decreased. A release applied earlier than the twitch peak had smaller effects on the reflection intensities. The results suggest that a strength applied at the onset of a twitch causes a faster radial movement of the myosin heads toward actin, whereas a release applied at or later than the peak of a twitch accelerates their return to the thick filament backbone. The results are discussed in the context of the regulation of the myosin head attachment by calcium.  相似文献   

Effects of ADP on the conformation of myosin cross-bridges were studied in x-ray diffraction experiments on single skinned fibers of frog skeletal muscle by photorelease of ADP from caged-ADP. The experiments were performed at the third-generation synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8 with a time resolution of 5 ms. The intensity of the third-order meridional reflection from myosin filaments (at 1/14.4 nm(-1)) increased promptly after the ADP release with a time constant smaller than 5 ms, which was similar to that of tension decline. The results show that ADP binding induces a conformational change of myosin in skeletal muscle fibers.  相似文献   

We report the first time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies on tetanized intact single muscle fibers of the frog. The 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, and Z equatorial reflections were clearly resolved in the relaxed fiber. The preparation readily withstood 100 1-s duration (0.4-s beam exposure) tetani at 4 degrees C (less than 4% decline of force and no deterioration in the 10, 11 equatorial intensity ratio at rest or during activation). Equatorial intensity changes (10 and 11) and fiber stiffness led tension (t1/2 lead 20 ms at 4 degrees C) during the tetanus rise and lagged during the isometric phase of relaxation. These findings support the existence of a low force cross-bridge state during the rise of tetanic tension and isometric relaxation that is not evident at the tetanus plateau. In "fixed end" tetani lattice expansion occurred with a time course similar to stiffness during the tetanus rise. During relaxation, lattice spacing increased slightly, while the sarcomere length remained isometric, but underwent large changes after the "shoulder" of tension. Under length clamp control, lattice expansion during the tetanus rise was reduced or abolished, and compression (2%) of the lattice was observed. A lattice compression is predicted by certain cross-bridge models of force generation (Schoenberg, M. 1980. Biophys. J. 30:51-68; Schoenberg, M. 1980. Biophys. J. 30:69-78).  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction patterns from mammalian heart muscle   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have obtained light and X-ray diffraction patterns from trabecular and papillary muscles of various mammalian hearts in the living resting state and in rigor. Equatorial X-ray diffraction patterns from living muscles show the 1,0 and 1,1 reflections from a hexagonal lattice of filaments. The lattice spacing varies with sarcomere length over the observable range (2·0 to 2·5 μm) in such a manner that the lattice volume remains constant. In the living resting state the 1,0 reflection is stronger than the 1,1 reflection, whereas in rigor the 1,1 reflection is almost as strong as the 1,0 reflection. These intensity changes are similar to those found in vertebrate skeletal muscle, suggesting that the mechanism of cross-bridge attachment to actin is similar in both muscles.Two types of meridional X-ray diffraction pattern were observed in muscles in different conditions. One type, obtained from dead or glycerol-extracted muscles or from muscles treated with iodoacetate, showed a strong actin-related pattern but only a weak pattern associated with myosin. This type of pattern was similar to that from vertebrate skeletal muscle in rigor. The other type, obtained from living, resting muscle, showed a weaker actin pattern but a stronger myosin pattern. The myosin pattern included layer-line reflections associated with projections from the thick filaments. This second type of pattern was similar to that from resting vertebrate skeletal muscle, but the layer lines were weaker. The weakness of the myosin layer lines may indicate that part of the high resting tension found in heart muscle arises from a small amount of actin-myosin interaction in the resting state. Such interaction could provide a mechanism for varying the diastolic length of heart muscle and thereby the diastolic volume of the heart.  相似文献   

Y Mada  D Popp    A A Stewart 《Biophysical journal》1992,63(3):815-822
The vertebrate skeletal muscle gives rise to a series of x-ray reflexions indexed as orders (n) of 77 nm, the even orders being meridional whereas the odd orders being near-meridional. The diffraction intensities associated with these reflexions originate from the axial period of 39 nm attributable to the repeat of troponin-tropomyosin on the thin filament. In the present study, the x-ray intensities of the furthest inner reflexions, A2 (n = 2) reflexion at an axial spacing of 1/39 nm-1 and A4 (n = 4) reflexion at 1/19 nm, of this series were measured with a time resolved manner. Upon activation of the frog striated muscle, the two reflexions underwent biphasic time courses of the intensity changes. With A2 reflexion, a rapid intensity increase by 16%, being completed by the time when tension rises to 5%, was followed by a slow intensity decrease down to 50%, which was associated with the tension rise. In both phases, lateral widths remained unchanged. A4 reflexion also behaves in the same way, although the first phase (the intensity increase) was not clear due to unsatisfactory statistics. We interpret phase one as being caused by conformational change of the troponin-tropomyosin complex upon binding of Ca2+ to troponin, whereas phase two being due to direct contribution of the mass of the myosin heads bound to the thin filament, although possible contribution of conformational changes of the regulatory proteins to phase two is not excluded. The results indicated that the calcium activation of the thin filament leads the onset of the actomyosin interaction.  相似文献   

Light diffraction patterns from isolated frog semitendinosus muscle fibers were examined. When transilluminated by laser light, the muscle striations produce a diffraction pattern consisting of a series of lines that are projected as points onto an optical detector by a lens system. Diffraction data may be sequentially stored every 18 ms for later processing by digital computer systems. First- and second-order diffraction line intensities were examined from intact, chemically skinned, and glycerinated single fibers. The diffraction line intensities demonstrated a strong length dependence upon passive stretch from reference length to 3.6 micrometer. The first-order intensity linearly increased an average of 15-fold over the range examined. The magnitude of the second order intensity was less than the first order and showed an exponential rise with increasing length. Both first- and second-order intensities decreased upon muscle activation. Data from chemically skinned and glycerinated single fibers were not significantly different from intact fibers, indicating that the membrane structure has little effect upon the diffraction phenomenon in muscle. Theoretical model systems are examined in an attempt to find the basis of these results. Neither an analysis based on a diffraction grating with variable spacing nor the unit cell model of Fujime provides an explanation for the observed length dependency of intensity. Though the origin of the intensity decrease upon stimulation is not known, we have suggested that it could result from lateral misalignment of myofibrils and can occur upon activation.  相似文献   

Small-angle x-ray diffraction from isolated muscle preparations is commonly used to obtain time-resolved structural information during contraction. We extended this technique to the thoracic flight muscles of living fruit flies, at rest and during tethered flight. Precise measurements at 1-ms time resolution indicate that the myofilament lattice spacing does not change significantly during oscillatory contraction. This result is consistent with the notion that a net radial force maintains the thick filaments at an equilibrium interfilament spacing of approximately 56 nm throughout the contractile cycle. Transgenic flies with amino-acid substitutions in the conserved phosphorylation site of the myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) exhibit structural abnormalities that can explain their flight impairment. The I(20)/I(10) equatorial intensity ratio of the mutant fly is 35% less than that of wild type, supporting the hypothesis that myosin heads that lack phosphorylated RLC remain close to the thick filament backbone. This new experimental system facilitates investigation of the relation between molecular structure and muscle function in living organisms.  相似文献   

A direct modeling approach was used to quantitatively interpret the two-dimensional x-ray diffraction patterns obtained from contracting mammalian skeletal muscle. The dependence of the calculated layer line intensities on the number of myosin heads bound to the thin filaments, on the conformation of these heads and on their mode of attachment to actin, was studied systematically. Results of modeling are compared to experimental data collected from permeabilized fibers from rabbit skeletal muscle contracting at 5°C and 30°C and developing low and high isometric tension, respectively. The results of the modeling show that: i), the intensity of the first actin layer line is independent of the tilt of the light chain domains of myosin heads and can be used as a measure of the fraction of myosin heads stereospecifically attached to actin; ii), during isometric contraction at near physiological temperature, the fraction of these heads is ∼40% and the light chain domains of the majority of them are more perpendicular to the filament axis than in rigor; and iii), at low temperature, when isometric tension is low, a majority of the attached myosin heads are bound to actin nonstereospecifically whereas at high temperature and tension they are bound stereospecifically.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that there are significant differences in the X-ray diffraction patterns obtained from relaxed and contracting muscles. We show that some of these changes can be explained in terms of a small movement (~ 5 to 15 Å) of the tropomyosin molecules in the groove of the actin helix. The position of the tropomyosin in relaxed skeletal muscle is such that it might physically block or at least structurally alter the cross-bridge attachment site on actin, whereas in contracting skeletal muscle the tropomyosin moves to a position well clear of the attachment site. The movement of the tropomyosin molecules is apparently smaller in molluscan muscles during tonic contraction than in vertebrate skeletal muscle. We suggest a possible relationship between the smaller movement of the tropomyosin and the “catch” response of molluscan muscles.We also show that any increase of intensity on the 59 Å and 51 Å layer-lines is most likely to be associated with some extra mass (HMM S-1) attaching to the actin molecules. Such a change cannot be explained in terms of a change in tropomyosin structure or in the order within the thin filaments. Since changes on these two layer-lines have been observed during contraction, this provides good evidence for cross-bridge attachment to actin in contracting muscles.  相似文献   

A low-angle X-ray diffraction pattern of calcium-activated Lethocerus flight muscle was formed and the intensities of various parts of the pattern observed by means of a proportional counter. The muscle was sinusoidally oscillated in length to produce mechanical work. The resultant changes in diffraction intensity were related to the state of the muscle and to the phase of the mechanical oscillatory cycle. The measurements were interpreted in terms of a movement of the heads of the myosin molecules into contact with the actin filaments. In these terms the results showed that between 10 and 20% of the myosin heads attached to actin during work-producing oscillation of the muscle. The time-course of this attachment followed that of tension generation with a small delay. Calculation suggests that not all of the myosin molecules attached to actin at any one moment were generating tension.  相似文献   

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