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Interactions of Hsp90 with histones and related peptides   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The 90 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp90) induces the condensation of the chromatin structure [Csermely, P., Kajtár, J., Hollósi, M., Oikarinen, J., and Somogyi, J. (1994) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 202, 1657-1663]. In our present studies we used surface plasmon resonance measurements to demonstrate that Hsp90 binds histones H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 with high affinity having dissociation constants in the submicromolar range. Strong binding of the C-terminal peptide of histone H1 containing the SPKK-motif and a pentaeicosa-peptide including the Hsp90 bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence was also observed. However, a lysine/arginine-rich peptide of casein, and the lysine-rich platelet factor 4 did not display a significant interaction with Hsp90. Histones and positively charged peptides modulated the Hsp90-associated kinase activity. Interactions between Hsp90, histones, and high mobility group (HMG) protein-derived peptides raise the possibility of the involvement of Hsp90 in chromatin reorganization during steroid action, mitosis, or after cellular stress.  相似文献   

The low-grade inflammation seen with aging is noted particularly in subjects with the metabolic syndrome of aging. Insulin resistance, obesity/abdominal obesity, and risks for many age-related diseases characterize this common syndrome. It is becoming clear that this increased adipose tissue is not simply a reservoir for excess nutrients, but rather an active and dynamic organ capable of expressing several cytokines and other fat-derived peptides (FDP). Some, but not all, FDP may have a role in development of the metabolic syndrome but there is no evidence that these FDP are causing inflammation directly. We suggest that high levels of inflammatory peptides are markers for obesity/abdominal obesity seen with aging, but some may not necessarily have a causative role in the development of inflammation.  相似文献   

We have used glucagon and nine glucagon analogs to investigate the interactions of these ligands with glucagon-binding sites present on isolated canine hepatocytes. Curves reflecting the inhibition of 125I-labeled glucagon or 125I-labeled analog binding to cells by the 10 peptides spanned, overall, a 10(6)-fold range of hormone concentration, were consistent with hormone binding to two classes of binding sites in each case, and fell into two groups, one of which contained curves that were considerably more shallow than the other. Only conditions that emphasized prior binding to low affinity sites resulted in the rapid and extensive dissociation of receptor-bound ligand from isolated cells. Finally, all 10 peptides exhibited a concentration-dependent inhibition of the incorporation of [14C]fructose into hepatocyte glycogen that correlated best with dissociation constants for high affinity rather than for low affinity binding. We conclude that (a) the association of ligand with the high and low affinity glucagon-binding sites of isolated canine hepatocytes is a characteristic of analogs modified at diverse sites throughout the peptide hormone, (b) the different rates of dissociation of ligand from the two populations of binding sites most probably account for the biphasic dissociation of ligand from isolated cells and for the different affinities of the two receptor populations for ligand, and (c) the activity of glucagon and glucagon analogs to inhibit the incorporation of fructose into hepatocyte glycogen arises from the association of ligand with high affinity binding sites.  相似文献   

The reversible deactivation of chicken adipose tissue hormone-sensitive lipase is catalyzed by a lipase phosphatase. Heat-stable protein preparations from rat epididymal fat pads, chicken adipose tissue, and rabbit skeletal muscle inhibited lipase phosphatase activity. Phosphatase inhibitor preparations from rat adipose tissue did not inhibit the protein kinase-catalyzed activation of hormone-sensitive lipase, whereas inhibitor preparations from rabbit skeletal muscle were contaminated with protein kinase inhibitor.  相似文献   

Involvement of sympathetic nervous system and natriuretic peptides in the control of exercise-induced lipid mobilization was compared in overweight and lean men. Lipid mobilization was determined using local microdialysis during exercise. Subjects performed 35-min exercise bouts at 60% of their maximal oxygen consumption under placebo or after oral tertatolol [a beta-adrenergic receptor (AR) antagonist]. Under placebo, exercise increased dialysate glycerol concentration (DGC) in both groups. Phentolamine (alpha-AR antagonist) potentiated exercise-induced lipolysis in overweight but not in lean subjects; the alpha(2)-antilipolytic effect was only functional in overweight men. After tertatolol administration, the DGC increased similarly during exercise no matter which was used probe in both groups. Compared with the control probe under placebo, lipolysis was reduced in lean but not in overweight men treated with the beta-AR blocker. Tertatolol reduced plasma nonesterified fatty acids and insulin concentration in both groups at rest. Under placebo or tertatolol, the exercise-induced changes in plasma nonesterified fatty acids, glycerol, and insulin concentrations were similar in both groups. Exercise promoted a higher increase in catecholamine and ANP plasma levels after tertatolol administration. In conclusion, the major finding of our study is that in overweight men, in addition to an increased alpha(2)-antilipolytic effect, the lipid mobilization in subcutaneous adipose tissue that persists during exercise under beta-blockade is not dependent on catecholamine action. On the basis of correlation findings, it seems to be related to a concomitant exercise-induced rise in plasma ANP when exercise is performed under tertatolol intake and a decrease in plasma insulin.  相似文献   

The mechanisms whereby isolated or synthetic signal peptides inhibit processing of newly synthesized prolactin in microsome-supplemented lysates from reticulocytes and wheat-germ were investigated. At a concentration of 5 microM, a consensus signal peptide reverses the elongation arrest imposed by the signal-recognition particle (SRP), and at higher concentrations in addition inhibits elongation of both secretory and non-secretory proteins. A photoreactive form of a synthetic signal peptide cross-links under u.v. illumination to the 54 kDa and 68 kDa subunits of SRP, whereas the major cross-linked protein produced after photoreaction of rough microsomes is of 45 kDa. As SRP-mediated elongation arrest is unlikely to be essential for translocation, it is suggested that signal peptides may interact with components other than SRP in the translation system in vitro.  相似文献   

The reversible deactivation of chicken adipose tissue hormone-sensitive lipase alpha(previously activated with Mg2+ ATP and adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate) required Mg2+ and was inhibited by phosphate. These results are consistent with the assumption that deactivation of the protein kinase-activated enzyme is catalyzed by a lipase phosphatase. Cholesterol ester is catalyzed by a lipase phosphatase. Cholesterol ester hydrolase similarly was activated and reversibly deactivated. The activity of endogenous lipase phosphatase in pH 5.2 precipitate fractions was reduced, and in some cases eliminated, by incubation at 50 degrees for 20 min in buffer containing 20% glycerol. Heating at 50 degrees greatly increased the apparent percentage activation of triglyceride and cholesterol ester hydrolases but this was due to a selective decrease in basal (nonactivated) hydrolase activities. Essentially all endogenous lipase phosphatase could be removed by treatment of the pH 5.2 precipitate fraction with ATP-Sepharose affinity gel. The addition of a partially purified preparation of rat liver phosphorylase phosphatase deactivated triglyceride and cholesterol ester hydrolases. The deactivation process was concentration, 5 mM) and was inhibited by 5 mM phosphate and by phosphorylase alpha. Reversible deactivation of hormone-sensitive lipase alpha was also observed with crude prepa- and by phosphorylase alpha. Reversible deactivation of hormone-sensitive lipas alpha was also observed with crude preparations of phosphoprotein phosphatases from rat and turkey hearts, and from rat epididymal fat pads. Thus, hormone-sensitive lipase is deactivated by a variety of phosphoprotein phosphatases from different tissues and different species, implying a low degree of specificity for the deactivating system.  相似文献   

Lipid turnover and deposition is under the control of developmental, nutritional, metabolic and neuroendocrine influences. The aim of the current investigations was focused on the study of the involvement of leptin and neuropeptide Y in lipid mobilization. The lipolytic rate was assessed through glycerol release after incubation with leptin and NPY at concentrations ranging from 10(-6) to 10(-12) M in isolated adipocytes obtained from female rats. The presence of leptin at concentrations of 10(-12) to 10(-7) M in the incubation medium of isolated fat cells significantly increased (p < 0.0001) glycerol release, except at the concentration of 10(-11) M, where the increase was (p < 0.01) as compared to the basal lipolytic activity. On the other hand, isolated fat cells of Wistar rats bathed in 10(-10) to 10(-6) M concentrations of NPY demonstrated a statistically significant decrease (p < 0.0001) in glycerol release. At equimolar concentrations of leptin and NPY (10(-12) to 10(-6) M) the observed lipolytic activity is comparable to the basal lipolytic activity, except at a concentration of 10(-9) M where upon a significant increase in lipolysis is observed. A further increase in the equimolar concentrations, beyond 10(-9) M results in a return to the basal lipolytic activity. Summing up, new evidence suggests that NPY and leptin may interact in a homeostatic loop to regulate body-fat mass and energy balance not only at the central nervous system level, but also directly at the adipocyte level.  相似文献   

A peptide, eluted with cytochrome c, called 'big' somatostatin, is the only somatostatin-like immunoreactivity present in the peripheral plasma of the duck. The metabolic action of partially purified fractions of 'big' somatostatin was investigated on glucagon-stimulated lipolysis in chicken adipocytes. Significant inhibition of glycerol release (an index of lipolysis) induced by physiological concentrations of glucagon was observed with physiological concentrations of 'big' somatostatin; the percentage of inhibition was dose-dependent.  相似文献   

Hormone-sensitive lipase partially purified from adipose tissue of laying hens was markedly activated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Activation was approximately 4-fold (ranging up to as great as 10-fold) compared with the much lower degree of activation obtained with analogous preparations from rat and human adipose tissues (59 and 86%, respectively). The partially purified preparations contained adequate endogenous protein kinase activity to effect complete activation with addition of cyclic AMP, ATP, and Mg(2+). Activation was blocked by protein kinase inhibitor (from rabbit skeletal muscle) but could be restored fully by addition of excess exogenous protein kinase (from bovine skeletal muscle). The fully activated lipase was slowly deactivated by dialysis at 4 degrees C and then rapidly and almost fully reactivated by addition of cyclic AMP and ATP-Mg(2+). Reactivation was blocked by protein kinase inhibitor. This deactivation-reactivation cycle was rapid at 23 degrees C with dialysis against charcoal and could be demonstrated repeatedly using a single preparation. The reversible deactivation of protein kinase-activated enzyme is presumed to reflect the action of a lipase phosphatase. Lipase prepared from tissue previously exposed to glucagon yielded a much smaller degree of activation than lipase prepared from tissue not exposed to the lipolytic hormone, indicating that the physiological hormone-induced activation is probably similar to or identical with the protein kinase activation demonstrated in the cell-free preparations. Under the conditions of assay used, the partially purified lipase fraction contained diglyceride, monoglyceride, and lipoprotein lipase activities. However, treatment with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase had virtually no effect on these lipase activities.  相似文献   

In an in vitro study, TSH stimulated glycerol release from the subcutaneous adipose tissue of newborns, but had no effect on its release from the adipose tissue of adults. Hydrocortisone stimulated only NEFA release in newborns. Glucagone had no effect on either neonatal or adult adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Endocrinology of adipose tissue.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Guanylin and related peptides.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Guanylin and uroguanylin are short peptides homologous to heat-stable enterotoxins of Escherichia coli and other enteric bacteria. Guanylin and uroguanylin are synthetized from the respective prepropeptides mainly in gastrointestinal mucosa and are secreted both into intestinal lumen and into the blood. Luminally secreted peptides stimulate chloride and bicarbonate secretion in the intestine through the mechanism involving guanylate cyclase C receptor, cyclic GMP, protein kinase G and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel. Bacterial enterotoxins, which have greater potency than endogenous peptides, induce excessive fluid secretion into intestinal lumen leading to secretory diarhea. Uroguanylin is expressed mainly in enterochromaffin cells of duodenum and proximal small intestine whereas guanylin is abundant in goblet cells of colonic epithelium. Uroguanylin and guanylin increase urinary sodium and potassium excretion both as circulating hormones and as paracrine mediators produced within the kidney. Uroguanylin functions as "intestinal natriuretic hormone" which is secreted in response to oral sodium loading and maintains sodium balance during postprandial period. Plasma and urinary concentrations of guanylin and uroguanylin increase in renal failure and heart failure. Guanylin peptides possess antiproliferative activity in intestinal cells culture and their expression decreases in colonic carcinoma indicating that their deficiency may contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

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