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S Yokoyama  F B Radlwimmer 《Genetics》2001,158(4):1697-1710
To better understand the evolution of red-green color vision in vertebrates, we inferred the amino acid sequences of the ancestral pigments of 11 selected visual pigments: the LWS pigments of cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus), frog (Xenopus laevis), chicken (Gallus gallus), chameleon (Anolis carolinensis), goat (Capra hircus), and human (Homo sapiens);and the MWS pigments of cave fish, gecko (Gekko gekko), mouse (Mus musculus), squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), and human. We constructed these ancestral pigments by introducing the necessary mutations into contemporary pigments and evaluated their absorption spectra using an in vitro assay. The results show that the common ancestor of vertebrates and most other ancestors had LWS pigments. Multiple regression analyses of ancestral and contemporary MWS and LWS pigments show that single mutations S180A, H197Y, Y277F, T285A, A308S, and double mutations S180A/H197Y shift the lambda(max) of the pigments by -7, -28, -8, -15, -27, and 11 nm, respectively. It is most likely that this "five-sites" rule is the molecular basis of spectral tuning in the MWS and LWS pigments during vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

The molecular genetics of color vision and color blindness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent reports from several laboratories have changed our thinking about the molecular genetics of normal color vision and color blindness. The impact of these new findings can be best appreciated by examining them in the context of the historical development of color vision theory.  相似文献   

Amino acid changes S180A (S-->A at site 180), H197Y, Y277F, T285A, and A308S are known to shift the maximum wavelength of absorption (lambda max) of red and green visual pigments toward blue, essentially in an additive fashion. To test the generality of this "five-sites" rule, we have determined the partial amino acid sequences of red and green pigments from five mammalian orders (Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Lagomorpha, Perissodactyla, and Rodentia). The result suggests that cat (Felis catus), dog (Canis familiaris), and goat (Capra hircus) pigments all with AHYTA at the five critical sites have lambda max values of approximately 530 nm, whereas rat (Rattus norvegicus) pigment with AYYTS has a lambda max value of approximately 510 nm, which is accurately predicted by the five-sites rule. However, the observed lambda max values of the orthologous pigments of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), and guinea pig (Cavia procellus) are consistently more than 10 nm higher than the predicted values, suggesting the existence of additional molecular mechanisms for red and green color vision. The inferred amino acid sequences of ancestral organisms suggest that the extant mammalian red and green pigments appear to have evolved from a single ancestral green-red hybrid pigment by directed amino acid substitutions.   相似文献   

The nocturnal origin of mammals is a longstanding hypothesis that is considered instrumental for the evolution of endothermy, a potential key innovation in this successful clade. This hypothesis is primarily based on indirect anatomical inference from fossils. Here, we reconstruct the evolutionary history of rhodopsin—the vertebrate visual pigment mediating the first step in phototransduction at low‐light levels—via codon‐based model tests for selection, combined with gene resurrection methods that allow for the study of ancient proteins. Rhodopsin coding sequences were reconstructed for three key nodes: Amniota, Mammalia, and Theria. When expressed in vitro, all sequences generated stable visual pigments with λMAX values similar to the well‐studied bovine rhodopsin. Retinal release rates of mammalian and therian ancestral rhodopsins, measured via fluorescence spectroscopy, were significantly slower than those of the amniote ancestor, indicating altered molecular function possibly related to nocturnality. Positive selection along the therian branch suggests adaptive evolution in rhodopsin concurrent with therian ecological diversification events during the Mesozoic that allowed for an exploration of the environment at varying light levels.  相似文献   

How animals visually perceive the environment is key to understanding important ecological behaviors, such as predation, foraging, and mating. This study focuses on the visual system properties and visual perception of color in the largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. This study (1) documents the number and spectral sensitivity of photoreceptors,(2) uses these parameters to model visual perception, and (3) tests the model of color perception using a behavioral assay. Bass possess single cone cells maximally sensitive at 535 nm, twin cone cells maximally sensitive at 614 nm, and rod cells maximally sensitive at 528 nm. A simple model of visual perception predicted that bass should not be able to discern between chartreuse yellow and white nor between green and blue. In contrast, bass should be able to discern red from all achromatic (i.e., gray scale) stimuli. These predictions were partially upheld in behavioral trials. In behavioral trials, bass were first trained to recognize a target color to receive a food reward, and then tested on their ability to differentiate between their target color and a color similar in brightness. Bass trained to red and green could easily discern their training color from all other colors for target colors that were similar in brightness (white and black, respectively). This study shows that bass possess dichromatic vision and do use chromatic (i.e., color) cues in making visual-based decisions.  相似文献   

Red-green color vision is strongly suspected to enhance the survival of its possessors. Despite being red-green color blind, however, many species have successfully competed in nature, which brings into question the evolutionary advantage of achieving red-green color vision. Here, we propose a new method of identifying positive selection at individual amino acid sites with the premise that if positive Darwinian selection has driven the evolution of the protein under consideration, then it should be found mostly at the branches in the phylogenetic tree where its function had changed. The statistical and molecular methods have been applied to 29 visual pigments with the wavelengths of maximal absorption at approximately 510-540 nm (green- or middle wavelength-sensitive [MWS] pigments) and at approximately 560 nm (red- or long wavelength-sensitive [LWS] pigments), which are sampled from a diverse range of vertebrate species. The results show that the MWS pigments are positively selected through amino acid replacements S180A, Y277F, and T285A and that the LWS pigments have been subjected to strong evolutionary conservation. The fact that these positively selected M/LWS pigments are found not only in animals with red-green color vision but also in those with red-green color blindness strongly suggests that both red-green color vision and color blindness have undergone adaptive evolution independently in different species.  相似文献   

Publications in mammalian developmental genetics during the past year reflect a shift of emphasis from the phenotypic level to the primary level of gene expression and the nature of the gene product. A result of this, the developmental role of a considerable number of regulatory genes and specific gene sequences have been identified. The cell type-specific effects of several mutations analyzed in the past have been correlated with effects on growth factors and signal transduction pathways. Specific gene sequences such as those containing the homeobox domains and paired-box sequences have recently been implicated in the control of pattern formation and positional information.  相似文献   

Color vision is achieved by comparing the inputs from retinal photoreceptor neurons that differ in their wavelength sensitivity. Recent studies have elucidated the distribution and phylogeny of opsins, the family of light-sensitive molecules involved in this process. Interesting new findings suggest that animals have evolved a strategy to achieve specific sensitivity through the mutually exclusive expression of different opsin genes in photoreceptors.  相似文献   

The cause of the green polarization color of amyloid stained with Congo red   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Experiments done with Congo red crystals and with Congo red deposits polished in a single direction by a glass wheel have shown that the appearance of green polarization color primarily depends on near-perfect parallel alignment of the dye particles. The green polarization color was seen only in the deposits which showed a clear transition from red to colorless when examined for dichroism. Another factor was found to be the thickness of the object, as the green polarization color was not present in too thick or too thin sections of amyloid-containing tissues stained with Congo red.The phenomena can be explained by the assumption that the green polarization color is due to interference between the red ray and the red component of the white ray whenever the retardation by the object approximates half the wavelength of red light.The findings indicate that amyloid differs from other materials which are stained by Congo red in that amyloid deposits bind the dye molecules in a more orderly and parallel fashion. It is suggested that minimal amounts of amyloid which are not visible in Congo red stained sections with ordinary light microscopy and which do not give the green polarization color can best be detected by examination for dichroism in ultraviolet light after having been stained with fluorescent dyes.  相似文献   

Among primates, catarrhines (Old World monkeys and apes) andcertain platyrrhines (New World monkeys) possess trichromaticcolor vision, which might confer important evolutionary advantages,particularly during foraging. Recently, a polymorphism has beenshown to shift the spectral sensitivity of the X-linked opsinprotein in certain strepsirrhines (e.g., Malagasy lemurs); however,its behavioral significance remains unknown. We assign genotypesat the X-linked variant to 45 lemurs, representing 4 species,and test if the genetic capacity for trichromacy impacts foragingperformance, particularly under green camouflage conditionsin which red detection can be advantageous. We confirm polymorphismat the critical site in sifakas and ruffed lemurs and fail tofind this polymorphism in collared lemurs and ring-tailed lemurs.We show that this polymorphism may be linked to "behavioraltrichromacy" in heterozygous ruffed lemurs but find no comparableevidence in a single heterozygous sifaka. Despite their putativedichromatic vision, female collared lemurs were surprisinglyefficient at retrieving both red and green food items undercamouflage conditions. Thus, species-specific feeding ecologiesmay be as important as trichromacy in influencing foraging behavior.Although the lemur opsin polymorphism produced measurable behavioraleffects in at least one species, the ruffed lemur, these effectswere modest, consistent with the modest shift in spectral sensitivity.Additionally, the magnitude of these effects varied across individualsof the same genotype, emphasizing the need for combined geneticand behavioral studies of trichromatic vision. We conclude thattrichromacy may be only one of several routes toward increasedforaging efficiency in visually complex environments.  相似文献   

The genetics of red hair   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

While a number of physiological and biochemical processes in plants have been found to be regulated in a circadian manner, the mechanism underlying the circadian oscillator remains to be elucidated. Advances in the identification and characterization of components of the plant circadian system have been made largely through the use of genetics in Arabidopsis thaliana. Results so far indicate that the generation of rhythmicity by the Arabidopsis clock relies on molecular mechanisms that are similar to those described for other organisms, but that a totally different set of molecular components has been recruited to perform these functions.  相似文献   

Colour vision allows animals to reliably distinguish differences in the distributions of spectral energies reaching the eye. Although not universal, a capacity for colour vision is sufficiently widespread across the animal kingdom to provide prima facie evidence of its importance as a tool for analysing and interpreting the visual environment. The basic biological mechanisms on which vertebrate colour vision ultimately rests, the cone opsin genes and the photopigments they specify, are highly conserved. Within that constraint, however, the utilization of these basic elements varies in striking ways in that they appear, disappear and emerge in altered form during the course of evolution. These changes, along with other alterations in the visual system, have led to profound variations in the nature and salience of colour vision among the vertebrates. This article concerns the evolution of colour vision among the mammals, viewing that process in the context of relevant biological mechanisms, of variations in mammalian colour vision, and of the utility of colour vision.  相似文献   

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