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A method for studying variation in female preference among populations free from the confounding effects of variation in male characters is described. This method is applied to sixteen populations in a transect across a hybrid zone in the grasshopper, Chorthippus parallelus. Significant variation in preference is revealed among populations. The pattern of this variation is analysed in the context of the reinforcement model of speciation. While the data do indicate an increased homogamic preference on one side of the zone relative to more distant populations, this pattern cannot be distinguished statistically from an abrupt transition in preference over a distance of less than 1 km. We argue that either of these patterns implies that selection operates on female preferences in the hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic architecture of traits involved in premating isolation between recently diverged lineages can provide valuable insight regarding the mode and tempo of speciation. The repeated coevolution of male courtship song and female preference across the species radiation of Laupala crickets presents an unusual opportunity to compare the genetic basis of divergence across independent evolutionary histories. Previous studies of one pair of species revealed a polygenic basis (including a significant X chromosome contribution) to quantitative differences in male song and female acoustic preference. Here, we studied interspecific crosses between two phenotypically less-diverged species that represents a phylogenetically independent occurrence of intersexual signalling evolution. We found patterns consistent with an additive polygenic basis to differentiation in both song and preference (n(E) = 5.3 and 5.1 genetic factors, respectively), and estimate a moderate contribution of the X chromosome (7.6%) of similar magnitude to that observed for Laupala species with nearly twice the phenotypic divergence. Together, these findings suggest a similar genetic architecture underlying the repeated evolution of sexual characters in this genus and provide a counterexample to prevailing theory predicting an association between early lineage divergence and sex-linked 'major genes'.  相似文献   

Nanoinjection of Juvenile Hormone III (JH III) into the prothoracic ganglion causes virgin female crickets Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer to become more phonotactically selective for the syllable periods (SPs) of model calling songs. Females responding to all, or almost all, of the SPs presented before JH III injection significantly narrow their responses to a range of SPs that is usually centered on the SPs included in the conspecific males' calling song. Control injections of acetone (i.e. the solvent for JH III) into the prothoracic ganglion do not significantly change the recipient females' phonotactic responses. Injection of JH III into the metathoracic ganglion also has no effect the females' phonotactic choices.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is a powerful evolutionary force shaping mate choice phenotypes, initiating phenotypic shifts resulting in (or reinforcing) population divergence and speciation when such shifts reduce mating probabilities among divergent populations. In the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala, pulse rate of male calling song, a conspicuous mating signal, differs among species, potentially behaving as a speciation phenotype. Populations of the widespread species Laupala cerasina show variation in pulse rate. We document the degree of population differentiation in three features of calling song: pulse rate, pulse duration, and carrier frequency. All show significant population differentiation, with pulse rate showing the greatest heterogeneity. A Mantel test found no relationship between geographic distance and pulse rate divergence, indicating that a simple model of greater divergence with increasing distance cannot explain the observed pattern of differentiation. We demonstrate that female preference functions for pulse rate are unimodal, and that preference means show significant differentiation among populations. Furthermore, estimates of pulse rate preference correlate significantly with mean pulse rates across populations, indicating song and preference coevolve in a stepwise manner. This correlated divergence between signal and preference suggests that sexual selection facilitates the establishment of sexual isolation, reduced gene flow, and population differentiation, prerequisites for speciation.  相似文献   

Previous work has suggested that developmental temperature influences expression of the adult male calling song of the cricket, a sexually selected mate recognition signal. The role of developmental temperature in shaping female preference functions, and thus its influence on signal-preference coupling has not been investigated. In this study, the effects of developmental temperature are examined in both males and females of the Hawaiian cricket, Laupala cerasina, to determine the degree of signal-preference matching between male song and female preference due to developmental environment. We found that rearing females in different temperature environments affected adult female acoustic preference functions in the same direction as male calling song, thereby influencing variation in adult reproductive behavior in such a way that male and female components remain coordinated. However, we further demonstrate that for male song, the effect of the rearing environment is not permanent but appears only to exert influence for a period of days. This mid-term temperature effect is distinct from the effect of short-term ambient temperature, which influences song in a matter of minutes and has been well documented. Signal-preference coordination, and sexual selection pressures due to mismatching within natural populations, likely will be influenced by nymphal developmental environments of males and females, as well as by adult singing and preference environments.  相似文献   

Although female mating preferences are a focus of current controversy,little detailed information exists on female preferences withinnatural populations. In the field cricket Gryllus integer, malecalls attract sexually receptive females, and females preferentiallymove toward male calls with longer calling bouts (periods ofcalling containing no pause greater than 0.10 s in real time).This study investigated female preferences for other variablesof the male song, including syllable period, chirp pause, andnumber of syllables per chirp. Male song was measured in thefield to determine mean values for each variable in nature.Female preferences were determined using a locomotor-compensatordevice, on which females ran in response to sequential playbacksof synthesized male song. Mean female preferences correspondedroughly to mean male song variables. Nonetheless, females variedgreatly in their responses to synthesized calls differing insyllable period, syllable number, and chirp pause. Moreover,individual females who were more selective for any one variablealso tended to be more selective for others. These results showthat females may differ from one another in their mating preferencesand degrees of selectivity, even within a single population.  相似文献   

Mate recognition systems (MRSs) play a major role in sexual selection and speciation, yet few studies have analysed both male and female components in detail. Here, female preference functions have been characterized for the tettigoniid bushcricket Ephippiger ephippiger, and the inheritance of male song and female preference functions followed in crosses between subspecies. Songs are disproportionately determined by sex-linked genes. However, there is no evidence for a role of maternally derived sex-linked genes in female preference or of maternal effects. At the genetic level, there is a mismatch between peak preferences and male song, consistent with an evolutionary history of persistent directional preferences. Such a pattern of inheritance could contribute to the process of speciation via the evolution of new MRSs.  相似文献   

Male mate choice, expressed through courtship preferences, sometime occurs even under the mating system of polygyny, when the operational sex ratio is skewed toward males. The conditions under which male mate choice may be expected during polygyny are not well established. Servedio and Lande (2006, Evolution 60:674-685), assuming strict polygyny where all females have equal mating success, show that when having a preference does not increase the amount of energy that a male can put into courtship, male preferences for "arbitrary" female ornaments should not be expected to evolve; direct selection acts against them because they place males that carry them into situations in which there is high competition for mates. Here I explore in detail two situations under which logic dictates that this effect may be overcome or reversed. First I determine the contributions that direct and indirect selection place on male versus female preferences for traits that increase viability, using notation that allows the exact expression of these measures of selection. I find that direct selection against male preferences still predominates in the male mate choice model, causing less evolution by male than female preferences under these conditions. Second I address whether male mate choice is likely to evolve as a mechanism of premating isolation leading to species recognition, driven by the process of reinforcement. Reinforcement is compared under male and female mate choice, using a variety of models analyzed by both analytical techniques assuming weak selection and numerical techniques under broader selective conditions. I demonstrate that although under many conditions stronger premating isolation evolves under female mate choice, reinforcement may indeed occur via male mate choice alone.  相似文献   

Cui J  Tang Y  Narins PM 《Biology letters》2012,8(3):337-340
During female mate choice, both the male's phenotype and resources (e.g. his nest) contribute to the chooser's fitness. Animals other than humans are not known to advertise resource characteristics to potential mates through vocal communication; although in some species of anurans and birds, females do evaluate male qualities through vocal communication. Here, we demonstrate that calls of the male Emei music frog (Babina dauchina), vocalizing from male-built nests, reflect nest structure information that can be recognized by females. Inside-nest calls consisted of notes with energy concentrated at lower frequency ranges and longer note durations when compared with outside-nest calls. Centre frequencies and note durations of the inside calls positively correlate with the area of the burrow entrance and the depth of the burrow, respectively. When given a choice between outside and inside calls played back alternately, more than 70 per cent of the females (33/47) chose inside calls. These results demonstrate that males of this species faithfully advertise whether or not they possess a nest to potential mates by vocal communication, which probably facilitates optimal mate selection by females. These results revealed a novel function of advertisement calls, which is consistent with the wide variation in both call complexity and social behaviour within amphibians.  相似文献   

The shape of female mate preference functions influences the speed and direction of sexual signal evolution. However, the expression of female preferences is modulated by interactions between environmental conditions and the female's sensory processing system. Noise is an especially relevant environmental condition because it interferes directly with the neural processing of signals. Although noise is therefore likely a significant force in the evolution of communication systems, little is known about its effects on preference function shape. In the grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus, female preferences for male calling song characteristics are likely to be affected by noise because its auditory system is sensitive to fine temporal details of songs. We measured female preference functions for variation in male song characteristics in several levels of masking noise and found strong effects of noise on preference function shape. The overall responsiveness to signals in noise generally decreased. Preference strength increased for some signal characteristics and decreased for others, largely corresponding to expectations based on neurophysiological studies of acoustic signal processing. These results suggest that different signal characteristics will be favored under different noise conditions, and thus that signal evolution may proceed differently depending on the extent and temporal patterning of environmental noise.  相似文献   

Understanding the variation within and between populations in important male mating traits and female preferences is crucial to theories concerning the origin of sexual isolation by coevolution or other processes. There have been surprisingly few studies on the extent of variation and covariation within and between populations, especially where the evolutionary relationships between populations are understood. Here we examine variation in female preferences and a sexually selected male song trait, the carrier frequency of the song, within and between populations from different phylogeographic clusters of Drosophila montana. Song is obligatory for successful mating in this species, and both playback and field studies implicate song carrier frequency as the most important parameter in male song. Carrier frequency varied among three recently collected populations from Oulanka (Finland), Vancouver (Canada), and Colorado (central United States), which represent the main phylogeographic groups in D. montana. Males from Colorado had the most distinct song frequency, which did not follow patterns of genetic differentiation. There was considerable variation in preference functions within, and some variation between, populations. Surprisingly, females from three lines from Colorado seem to have preferences disfavoring the extreme male trait found in this population. We discuss sources of selection on male song and female preference.  相似文献   

Social behaviours such as mate choice require context-specific responses, often with evolutionary consequences. Increasing evidence indicates that the behavioural plasticity associated with mate choice involves learning. For example, poeciliids show age-dependent changes in female preference functions and express synaptic-plasticity-associated molecular markers during mate choice. Here, we test whether social cognition is necessary for female preference behaviour by blocking the central player in synaptic plasticity, NMDAR (N-methyl d-aspartate receptor), in a poeciliid fish, Xiphophorus nigrensis. After subchronic exposure to NMDAR antagonist MK-801, female preference behaviours towards males were dramatically reduced. Overall activity levels were unaffected, but there was a directional shift from ‘social’ behaviours towards neutral activity. Multivariate gene expression patterns significantly discriminated between females with normal versus disrupted plasticity processes and correlated with preference behaviours—not general activity. Furthermore, molecular patterns support a distinction between ‘preference’ (e.g. neuroserpin, neuroligin-3, NMDAR) and ‘sociality’ (isotocin and vasotocin) gene clusters, highlighting a possible conservation between NMDAR disruption and nonapeptides in modulating behaviour. Our results suggest that mate preference may involve greater social memory processing than overall sociality, and that poeciliid preference functions integrate synaptic-plasticity-oriented ‘preference’ pathways with overall sociality to invoke dynamic, context-specific responses towards favoured males and away from unfavoured males.  相似文献   

The call of male Scudderia curvicauda (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)consists of a series of phrases, and each phrase contains syllables.Females respond to the male signal with ticks that follow malephrases after a specific period of time. Pair formation takesplace after males locate the female using her response sounds.Repeated recordings of males revealed that the average numberof syllables produced per phrase was a table, within-male parameterand that this parameter was a reliable predictor of male size(pronotum length). Thus, phrase length could be a reliable cueby which females evaluate males. We presented virgin femaleswith a sequential choice of two tape-recorded male calls thatdiffered only in the mean number of syllables produced per phrase.Two different playback tapes were used, and each female wastested on each of 5 consecutive days with the same playbacktape. Females responded more often and with a greater numberof ticks to calls containing more syllables per phrase, andthis preference was maintained throughout the testing period.Male size was a poor predictor of the size of the spermatophorefood-gift produced by the male; therefore, females are probablynot selecting males for this attribute. For one of the playbacktapes, there was a significant increase in female responsivenessover several playback trials, suggesting that females may employa falling-threshold tactic with respect to mate preference.  相似文献   

Intense sexual selection in the form of mate choice can facilitate the evolution of different alternative reproductive strategies, which can be condition-dependent. Tree cricket males produce long-distance acoustic signals which are used by conspecific females for mate localization and mate choice. Our study shows that baffling, an acoustic call amplification strategy employed by male tree crickets using self-made tools, is a classic example of a condition-dependent alternative strategy. We show that though most males can baffle, less preferred males, such as smaller and lower-amplitude callers, predominantly use this alternative strategy. Baffling allows these males to increase their call amplitude and advertisement range, which attracts a higher number of females. Baffling also gives these males a mating benefit because females mate for longer durations with them. Our results suggest that the advantage of baffling in terms of gain in the number of sperm cells transferred while mating is primarily limited to less preferred males, thus maintaining the polymorphism of calling strategies in the population. We summarize that baffling is a condition-dependent strategy used by less preferred tree cricket males to obtain mating benefits.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin and maintenance of barriers to gene exchange is a central goal of speciation research. Hawaiian swordtail crickets (genus Laupala) represent one of the most rapidly speciating animal groups yet identified. Extensive acoustic diversity, strong premating isolation, and female preference for conspecific acoustic signals in laboratory phonotaxis trials have strongly supported divergence in mate recognition as the driving force behind the explosive speciation seen in this system. However, recent work has shown that female preference for conspecific male calling song does not extend to mate choice at close range among these crickets, leading to the hypothesis that additional sexual signals are involved in mate recognition and premating isolation. Here we examine patterns of variation in cuticular lipids among several species of Laupala from Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii. Results demonstrate (1) a rapid and dramatic evolution of cuticular lipid composition among species in this genus, (2) significant differences among males and females in cuticular lipid composition, and (3) a significant reduction in the complexity of cuticular lipid profiles in species from the Big Island of Hawaii as compared to two outgroup species from Maui. These results suggest that behavioral barriers to gene exchange in Laupala may be composed of multiple mate recognition signals, a pattern common in other cricket species.  相似文献   

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