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In the present article the shape of the nucleus tuberis lateralis and a hitherto unknown cell group in the human hypothalamus is described. Neurolipofuscin is selectively stained with aldehyde-fuchsin. This method enables the exact determination of the three dimensional shape of a griseum by using slices more than 500 mum thick. Differences in the distribution and amount of pigment within different types of nerve cells provide a basis for cellular demarcation and subdivision (pigmentarchitectonics). The intensely stained nucleus tuberis lateralis can be seen as consisting of a main lateral and a medial group. There are elevan cell groups which constantly occur. The individual range of their shapes causes a great variation in the shape of the lateral tuberal nucleus. It also has portions in the medial field of the hypothalamus: a pars suprafornicalis and 'mediale Streuzellen' ('medial scatter-cells'). Rostrally it extends almost to the chiasma with scattered irregularly occurring groups of cells. The amount of intracellular lipofuscin depends on the respective cell group and the age of the brain. By the age of 12 years the nucleus is already more intensely pigmented than the surrounding grisea. There is an indication of a tendency towards an aggregation of the cell groups with age. Connections between pigmentation and the phylogeny are discussed. Ventrally the nucleus tuberis lateralis is bounded by a hitherto undescribed heteromorphous cell group. It is clearly delimited and can be divided into a longish pars lateralis and a spherical pars medialis. Both parts consist of small as well as medium-sized cells which accumulate diffusely distributed granula of lipofuscin in adult brains. The name 'nucleus paratuberalis' is suggested for this griseum.  相似文献   

Summary Central projections of the nervus terminalis (n.t.) in the goldfish were investigated using cobalt- and horseradish peroxidase-tracing techniques. Single n.t. fibers were identified after unilateral application of cobalt chloride-lysine to the rostral olfactory bulb. The central course and branching patterns of individual n.t. fibers were studied in serial sections. Eight types of n.t. fibers are differentiated according to pathways and projection patterns. Projection areas of the n.t. include the contralateral olfactory bulb, the ipsilateral periventricular preoptic nucleus, both retinae, the caudal zone of the periventricular hypothalamus bilaterally, and the rostral optic tectum bilaterally. N.t. fibers cross to contralateral targets in the anterior commissure, the optic chiasma, the horizontal commissure, the posterior commissure, and possibly the habenular commissure. We propose criteria that differentiate central n.t. fibers from those of the classical secondary olfactory projections. Branching patterns of eight n.t. fiber types are described. Mesencephalic projections of the n.t. and of secondary olfactory fibers are compared and discussed with regard to prior reports on the olfactory system of teleosts. Further fiber types for which the association with the n.t. could not be established with certainty were traced to the torus longitudinalis, the torus semicircularis, and to the superior reticular nucleus on the ipsilateral side.  相似文献   

In the adult mammalian brain, neuroblasts are continuously produced within the subgranular zone of the hippocampus and the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the forebrain. In this review we describe how some physiological and environmental factors play important roles in regulating neurogenesis in the hippocampus. Neuroblasts in the SVZ network migrate rostrally into the olfactory bulb where they differentiate into local interneurons. We focus on the production, survival and functional consequences of these newly generated interneurons. We show that enriched odor-exposure enhances the number of newborn neurons in the adult olfactory bulb but not in the hippocampus. This effect did not result from changes in cell proliferation but rather was due to greater neuronal survival. Furthermore, the enriched condition was found to dramatically extend the olfactory memory. By maintaining a constitutive turnover of interneurons subjected to regulation by bulbar activity, ongoing neurogenesis plays a key role in olfactory memory.  相似文献   

Summary Tanycytes along the third ventricle have been studied in adult rat and mouse brains with the rapid Golgi method. A tanycyte can be divided into three portions: somatic, neck, tail. The somatic portion is in the ependymal layer and frequently has thin cytoplasmic extensions. The neck portion originates from the soma and sticks into the periventricular layer. It, too, has numerous fine lamellar processes radiating from it. The neck contacts a blood vessel. Distal to this contact, the neck becomes thin and devoid of its cytoplasmic processes. This is the tail portion, which courses through hypothalamic nuclei to terminate as small bulbous swellings either on a vessel or at the pial surface.Although tanycytes occur throughout the dorsoventral extent of the ventricle, they are especially numerous ventrally. Midway down the ventricular wall, the neck processes interdigitate and form a moderately loose fabric beneath the ependyma. Proceeding ventrally, this becomes denser and thicker.Because the tails have no apparent associations with cells in the hypothalamic nuclei, the functional interactions of tanycytes with hypothalamic neuropil are probably confined to the periventricular layer.Supported by: NINDS Grants 5 RO1 NS 09001-02 NEUA, 5 TO1 NB 5309, and GM 00958, and by the Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation Research Institute.It is a pleasure to acknowledge the expert photographic assistance of Mr. Keith Johnson.  相似文献   

The anterior process of the malleus of the middle ear develops irrespective of Meckel's cartilage through an intramembranous ossification center that appears in the human embryo of 26.5 mm crown-rump length at a caudomedial position in relation to Meckel's cartilage. The malleus has a double origin: the anterior process originates from the os goniale through intramembranous ossification, and the rest from Meckel's cartilage, through endochondral ossification.  相似文献   

Six healthy young men (22 to 26 years) who had fasted for 12 hours volunteered for this study (subject synchronization: diurnal activity from 07(00) to midnight and nocturnal rest). A set dose of ethanol (0.67 g/kg body weight) was ingested at the fixed (and random) hours of 07(00), 11(00), 19(00) and 23(00), with a week between tests. A set of physiological variables: psychological tests (selft-rating of mood, of physical vigor and of ebriety, tempo, random number addition test); physical variables (heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, peak expiratory flow, oral temperature and grip strength); blood variables (plasma ethanol, cortisol, lactic acid, pyruvic acid, glucose and erythrocyte K+) and urinary variables (volume, epinephrine, nor-epinephrine and 5-HIAA) were documented at least at 4 hourly intervals and set times. The cosinor method was used for chronobiological statistical analyses. The parameters characterizing the ethanol pharmacokinetics (chronopharmacokinetics) demonstrated a circadian rhythm (p less than 0.05): e. g. the peak height of ethanolemia is greater when ethanol is ingested at 07(00) than at other times. Also a circadian rhythm in biosystems susceptibility can be demonstrated (p less than 0.05) (chronesthesy) with a peak time not necessarily corresponding either to that of ethanolemia or to that of other variables. The overall circadian changes in ethanol effects (chronergy) can be viewed as a combination of both ethanol chronesthesy and chronokinetics.  相似文献   

Steady potential shifts (SPS) recorded from the scalp were conditioned operantly by visual and acoustical feedback. Three groups of seven subjects were each tested with a different response-reinforcement contingency: positive reinforcement for a positive SPS after a cue stimulus, positive reinforcement for a negative SPS after a cue stimulus, and noncontingent reinforcement. The steady potential shifts learned under these three conditions differed significantly. Negative shifts were associated with subjective feelings of activation, positive shifts with inactivation. Cortical genesis and possible artifacts are discussed.  相似文献   

The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) in the rat forebrain differs between males and females. To test whether apoptosis may contribute to the development of sex differences in the BST, the incidence of apoptosis was determined in sham-treated males and sham-treated females sacrificed on postnatal days (PN) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 (PN 1 being day of birth). More apoptotic nuclei were found in the principal nucleus of the BST (BSTpr) in females than in males, whereas the reverse was true for the lateral division of the BST (BSTl). Moreover, the volume of the BSTpr was larger in males than in females, whereas there was no sex difference in the volume of the BSTl. Our results also confirmed earlier reports indicating that the incidence of apoptosis in the central part of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPNc) is higher in females than in males. No sex difference in apoptosis was found in the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN). The volume of the MPNc and VMH was larger in males than in females, whereas the PVN volume did not differ between males and females. To test whether sex differences in neonatal levels of gonadal steroids may cause sex differences in the incidence of apoptosis in the BSTpr, the incidence of apoptosis was compared between castrated males and females that were treated with testosterone propionate or vehicle on the day of birth. In the BSTpr of gonadal steroid-treated animals, the incidence of apoptosis was lower when compared to animals treated with vehicle, which was also true for the MPNc. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that gonadal steroids contribute to the sexually dimorphic differentiation of the BST by controlling the incidence of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The systematization of the angioarchitecture of the human colon was studied in 25 colons, the vascular system of which was injected with gelatinous indian ink. The arterial vascularization of the colonic wall is organized in two morphologically very different types of networks. The first type forms the distributional networks which consist of the subserosal, intermuscular and submucosal networks distributing harmoniously the blood running from the straight arteries. The second type forms the functional networks which consist of the muscular and mucosal networks related to the supply of the essential structure of the colonic wall. These consist essentially of pre- and postcapillary vessels. The venous vascularization of the colonic wall is organized according to a similar pattern. It also consists of three venous networks: the submucosal, intermuscular and subserosal networks which are tributaries of the straight veins and which receive the mucosal and muscular veins.  相似文献   

三倍体草鲂杂种及其双亲的红细胞(核)大小和DNA含量   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用血液涂片、Wright和Giemsa染色、CMSD微测目镜数显仪测量草鱼、三角鲂及其杂交一代(简称草鲂杂种)的红细胞和核的大小。草鲂杂种红细胞和核的面积明显增大,其中比草鱼的红细胞和核都增大1.3倍,比三角鲂的红细胞和核分别增大1.3和1.5倍。用Feulgen染色,MPV-Ⅱ型显微分光光度计测定草鲂杂种及其双亲的红细胞DNA含量,草鲂杂种的红细胞DNA相对含量分别是草鱼和三角鲂的1.57和1.27倍,也表现出增大的现象,作者认为草鲂杂种是一个通过杂交产生的异源多倍体。另外,本文还就鱼类多倍化形成的途径及其应用作了探讨。  相似文献   

He HY  Huang H  Sun JR 《生理科学进展》2000,31(3):237-239
成年哺乳动物的齿状回中仍保有一群具有增生能力并能分化成神经元的前体细胞 ,增生后分化成的神经元移入颗粒细胞层并发出轴突到苔藓纤维通路组成突触连接。在正常生理条件下这些细胞的再生能力很低 ,但在特殊环境或某些病理条件下增殖水平急剧升高 ,产生大量新生神经元。本文综述迄今为止有关这一类神经元前体细胞的研究结果。  相似文献   

Human electrical cerebral reactions to acoustic stimuli and to their omission at fixed moments of a restricted rhythmic sequence repeatedly presented in conditions of distraction and attraction of attention to stimuli, were recorded on the vertex. By special methods of bioelectrical signals processing on a computer, the potentials are singled out in response to stimulus omission (SO) with each set ordinal number, which, as well as the potentials, evoked by the actual stimulus (AS), possessed a main negative-positive complex N1P2. In conditions of attention distraction, the negative component of this complex had a latency of 144 ms and the positive one--about 207 ms. In the situation of the attraction of attention to stimuli a decrease of N1 latency up to 125 ms, took place, as well as complication of SO configuration due to the appearance of a later positive oscillation with a latency of about 560 ms, and parametres stabilization of SO as a whole. The analogous dynamics of N1 latency was characteristic of AS in both situations. The mechanisms of SO formation are discussed in connection with trace processes in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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