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A potential alternative to land application of livestock manures for cropproduction is the production of algae to recover the nitrogen andphosphorus present in the manure. Compared to terrestrial plants,filamentous algae have exceedingly high growth and nutrient uptake rates. Moreover, they are capable of year-round growth in temperate climates,can be harvested on adapted farm-scale equipment, and yield a biomassthat should be valuable as an animal feed supplement. The objective of thisresearch was to evaluate algal turf scrubber (ATS) technology to removenitrogen, phosphorus and chemical oxygen demand from raw andanaerobically digested dairy manure. Laboratory-scale ATS units wereoperated by continuously recycling wastewater and adding manure effluentsdaily. ATS units were seeded with algal consortia from a nearby streamand grown using dairy manures from two different dairy farms. Algalbiomass was harvested weekly and dried prior to analysis for total Kjeldahlnitrogen, total phosphorus, and inorganic constituents. Wastewater sampleswere analyzed for total Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate,orthophosphate, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand. Using atypical manure input containing 0.6–0.96 g total nitrogen day-1,the dried algal yield was approximately 5 g m-2 day-1. Thedried algae contained approximately 1.5–2% phosphorus and 5–7%nitrogen. Algal nitrogen and phosphorus accounted for 42–100% ofinput ammonium-nitrogen (33–42% of total nitrogen) and 58–100%of input total phosphorus, respectively.  相似文献   

Cultivating algae on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in animal manure effluents presents an alternative to the current practice of land application. The objective of this study was to determine values for productivity, nutrient content, and nutrient recovery using filamentous green algae grown in outdoor raceways at different loading rates of raw and anaerobically digested dairy manure effluent. Algal turf scrubber raceways (30m(2) each) were operated in central Maryland for approximately 270 days each year (roughly April 1-December 31) from 2003 to 2006. Algal biomass was harvested every 4-12 days from the raceways after daily additions of manure effluent corresponding to loading rates of 0.3 to 2.5g total N (TN) and 0.08 to 0.42g total P (TP) m(-2)d(-1). Mean algal productivity values increased from approximately 2.5g DW m(-2)d(-1) at the lowest loading rate (0.3g TN m(-2)d(-1)) to 25g DW m(-2)d(-1) at the highest loading rate (2.5g TN m(-2)d(-1)). Mean N and P contents in the dried biomass increased 1.5-2.0-fold with increasing loading rate up to maximums of 7% N and 1% P (dry weight basis). Although variable, algal N and P accounted for roughly 70-90% of input N and P at loading rates below 1g TN, 0.15g TP m(-2)d(-1). N and P recovery rates decreased to 50-80% at higher loading rates. There were no significant differences in algal productivity, algal N and P content, or N and P recovery values from raceways with carbon dioxide supplementation compared to values from raceways without added carbon dioxide. Projected annual operational costs are very high on a per animal basis ($780 per cow). However, within the context of reducing nutrient inputs in sensitive watersheds such as the Chesapeake Bay, projected operational costs of $11 per kgN are well below the costs cited for upgrading existing water treatment plants.  相似文献   

An alternative to land spreading of manure effluents is to mass-culture algae on the N and P present in the manure and convert manure N and P into algal biomass. The objective of this study was to determine how the fatty acid (FA) content and composition of algae respond to changes in the type of manure, manure loading rate, and to whether the algae was grown with supplemental carbon dioxide. Algal biomass was harvested weekly from indoor laboratory-scale algal turf scrubber (ATS) units using different loading rates of raw and anaerobically digested dairy manure effluents and raw swine manure effluent. Manure loading rates corresponded to N loading rates of 0.2 to 1.3 g TN m−2 day−1 for raw swine manure effluent and 0.3 to 2.3 g TN m−2 day−1 for dairy manure effluents. In addition, algal biomass was harvested from outdoor pilot-scale ATS units using different loading rates of raw and anaerobically digested dairy manure effluents. Both indoor and outdoor units were dominated by Rhizoclonium sp. FA content values of the algal biomass ranged from 0.6 to 1.5% of dry weight and showed no consistent relationship to loading rate, type of manure, or to whether supplemental carbon dioxide was added to the systems. FA composition was remarkably consistent among samples and >90% of the FA content consisted of 14:0, 16:0, 16:1ω7, 16:1ω9, 18:0, 18:1ω9, 18:2 ω6, and 18:3ω3.  相似文献   

The population densities of sediment-inhabiting flagellates sampled from a shallow eutrophic lake in April 1986 were investigated at intervals of 1 or 1.5 h over a twenty hour period in the laboratory under natural irradiance and in controlled conditions. In natural irradiance the flagellates exhibited a vertical migration rhythm up onto the sediment surface after dawn and down into the sediment during the afternoon. Details of the timing of the migration movements and period of time flagellates were present on the sediment surface differed between species and five flagellate groups: trachelomonads, green euglenoids, Chamydomonads, chrysophytes and cryptomonads. During daylight, twenty-seven species maintained population maxima at the surface of the sediment on eight occasions. The species composition of these maxima differed and eight species were found to have two maxima on the surface of the sediment at different times of day. Numbers of three species of chrysophycean flagellates and Rhodomonas minuta increased again on the sediment surface after dark. Under continuous irradiance at 10°C, the migration cycle of all five groups of flagellates was affected. Some evidence for an endogenous nature of this rhythm was found for green euglenoids and Chamydomonads. Numbers of chrysophytes, particularly Synura spp. increased in constant light in the surface layers of sediment.Thus a mosaic of vertical migration patterns was described in an epipelic community of algae dominated by five groups of flagellates. The importance of this in the survival strategy and ecology of these sediment-inhabiting algae is discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighteen algal isolates comprising seven classes were obtained from a range of sites from polluted rivers running through Cu or Zn mining regions, and from unpolluted rivers. All the isolates were tested for photosynthetic activity when exposed to Cu, Cd or Zn. The tolerance levels of Bacillariophyceae, Charophyceae, Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae to Cu showed significant positive correlations with Cu concentrations in the field. However the distribution of metal sensitivities of the algae from the sites with the same metal concentration was broad. Both Bacillariophyceae and Charophyceae had a number of strains whose sensitivity to Cu differed more widely in relation to Cu levels in the environment than Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae. Cyanophyceae were sensitive to all three metals, whether or not isolates were obtained from polluted sites, whereas Chlorophyceae tended to have high tolerance even in isolates from unpolluted sites. For Cd and Zn the correlation between tolerance levels and concentrations in the field was not so clear as for Cu. The occurrence of Cu tolerance was shown in 4 diatom species and one Charophyceae, whereas metal resistance occurred in some Chlorophyceae. Cu-tolerant isolates tended also to be Zn-tolerant in Bacillariophyceae, and Cd-resistant isolates tended also to be Zn-resistant in Chlorophyceae.  相似文献   

An alternative to land spreading of manure is to grow crops of algae on the N and P present in the manure and convert manure N and P into algal biomass. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fertilizer value of dried algal biomass that had been grown using anaerobically digested dairy manure. Results from a flask study using two soils amended with algal biomass showed that 3% of total algal nitrogen (N) was present as plant available N at day 0. Approximately 33% of algal N was converted to plant available N within 21 days at 25 degrees C in both soils. Levels of Mehlich-3 extractable phosphorus (P) in the two soils rose with increasing levels of algal amendment but were also influenced by existing soil P levels. Results from plant growth experiments showed that 20-day old cucumber and corn seedlings grown in algae-amended potting mix contained 15-20% of applied N, 46-60% of available N, and 38-60% of the applied P. Seedlings grown in algae-amended potting mixes were equivalent to those grown with comparable levels of fertilizer amended potting mixes with respect to seedling dry weight and nutrient content. These results suggest that dried algal biomass produced from treatment of anaerobically digested dairy manure can substitute for commercial fertilizers used for potting systems.  相似文献   

Kinetics of nitrate uptake by freshwater algae   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The kinetics of nitrate (NO3 ) uptake, the maximum uptake velocity (Vm) and the half-saturation constant (Ks), were determined for 18 species of batch-cultured freshwater algae grown without nitrogen limitation. Values of Ks ranged from 0.25 to 6.94 µM l–1 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick, and Navicula pelliculosa (Breb.) Hilse, respectively. Values of Vm ranged from 0.51 to 5.07 µM l–1 h–1 for Anabaena A7214 and Nitzschia W-32 O'Kelley, respectively. The mean positive values of Ks for Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Chrysophyta were 1.89, 3.67 and 4.07 µM l–1, respectively. The mean values of Vm for the same phyla were 1.61, 1.02 and 2.97 µM l–1 h–1 105 cells–1, respectively. The ranges of these kinetic parameters encompass values of kinetic parameters for marine and freshwater species in batch culture, for freshwater algae grown in N-limited chemostats and for natural populations of freshwater phytoplankton. Thus, in spite of variability between species, uptake parameters for both marine and freshwater algae are identical.  相似文献   

Summary The accumulation of dieldrin by benthic algal communities was studied in laboratory streams. Dieldrin concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 7.0 ppb were maintained in the water of laboratory streams for periods of two to four months. Analyses of algal samples by gas chromatography showed dieldrin concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 200 ppm. These results indicated that increases in concentration up to 30,000 times that of the water had occurred. Quantitative evaluation of species composition revealed that communities dominated by filamentous algae accumulated greater amounts of the insecticide than those in which unicellular diatoms were prevalent.
Zusammenfassung Dieldrinanreicherung in Algenaufwüchsen in Laboratoriumsströmungen wurde untersucht. Dieldrinkonzentrationen zwischen 0.05 bis 7.0 Teilen/Milliarde wurden zwei bis vier Monate lang im Wasserstrom des Laboratoriums unterhalten. Gaschromatographische Analyse der Algenproben zeigte eine Dieldrinanreicherung zwischen 0.1 und 200 Teilen/Million. Diese Befunde entsprechen einer bis zu 30,000-fachen Konzentrationserhöhung in den Algen im Vergleich zu der Dieldrinkonzentration im Wasser. Quantitative Bewertung verschiedener Algenarten zeigte, da Kolonien, die vorwiegend aus filamentförmigen Algen bestanden, mehr Dieldin anreicherten als Kolonien, in denen einzellige Diatomalgen vorherrschten.

This work is a contribution from the Pacific Cooperative Water Pollution Laboratories, Technical Paper No. 2611, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. The investigation was supported in part by research grant ES. 00040 from the Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Hitherto only gametangial and carposporangial phases of Thuretellopsis peggiana Kylin have been reported. A study of this rare member of the Dumontiaceae (Cryptonemiales) in culture has disclosed the existence of an encrusting tetrasporangial phase, previously unknown, whilst the life history has been shown to be of the ‘Bonnemaisonia’ type.  相似文献   

Shuhua Hu  Da-Yong Zhang 《Oecologia》1993,96(4):569-574
Eighteen long-term competition experiments were performed on two freshwater algae, a blue-green alga, Anabaena flos-aquae, and a diatom, Cyclotella sp., under controlled light and temperature conditions and various nutrient limitations. As predicted, Anabaena displaced Cyclotella when nitrate was in short supply to both species, whereas Cyclotella became dominant when both species were phosphate-limited. The two species stably coexisted when phosphate and silicate were limited. Anabaena either displaced or coexisted with Cyclotella when nitrate and phosphate or nitrate, phosphate and silicate were limited, depending on their initial density ratios. This study revealed strong effects of initial population densities on the outcomes of algal competition for limiting nutrients.  相似文献   

In order to study the ability of freshwater algae and cyanobacteria to form extracellular fibrils, a screening test using ruthenium red (RR) staining was carried out on 28 species. Five of these were examined for growth and production of fibrillar material in culture media of different phosphate (P;) contents. RR-staining and uronic acid determinations at various stages of algal growth were complemented by electron microscopy of the cells and of fibrillar material released into the medium. The lower Pi concentrations enhanced growth of Micrasterias radiata, Eremosphaera sp., and Microcystis aeruginosa, and had little or no effect on growth of a Xanthidium sp. and Scenedesmus quadricauda. Extracellular uronic acid production, which was higher in low Pi medium in M. radiata, M. aeruginosa, and Xanthidium sp., could reach levels of 50 mg/liter or more. Algae with high proportions of RR-positive cells (M. radiata, Eremosphaera sp., Xanthidium sp., and M. aeruginosa) produced high levels of slime-like material and distinct fibrils that were often seen attached to the cell surface and only slowly released into the medium. No such material was found in cultures (or supernatants) of Sc. quadricauda, which also produced relatively low amounts of polyuronic acids. Specific types of filaments, often forming fascicles with rectangular arrays of globular particles were observed by negative staining electron microscopy of some algal cultures. RR-positive material was also observed in the cytoplasm and on the cell walls and surfaces of M. radiata and M. aeruginosa.Offprint requests to: D. J. Kushner.  相似文献   

The ability of the benthic cyanobacterium Lyngbya wollei to fix nitrogen was studied using field samples and axenic cultures. L. wollei was collected and isolated from Lake Okeechobee, Florida, where it forms extensive mats. Rates of acetylene reduction up to 39.1 nmol mg dry wt−1 h−1 were observed for field samples. The maximum observed rate of acetylene reduction in axenic laboratory cultures was 200 nmol mg dry wt−1 h−1. Aerobic conditions limited nitrogen fixation activity, but dark/light cycles promoted the development of activity. Reduced oxygen levels appeared to be required for the development of significant levels of nitrogenase activity. The level of irradiance also had a significant impact on the level of activity. The potential significance of nitrogen fixation to Lyngbya production is discussed.  相似文献   

Production of cellulase by Trichoderma reesei from dairy manure   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cellulase production by the fungi Trichoderma reesei was studied using dairy manure as a substrate. Data showed that T. reesei RUT-C30 had higher cellulase production than T. reesei QM 9414 and that a homogenized manure, treated by a blender to reduce fiber size, led to higher cellulase production. The cellulase production was further optimized by growing T. reesei RUT-C30 on homogenized manure. The effects of manure concentration, pH, and temperature on cellulase production were investigated with optimal parameter values determined to be 10 g/l manure (dry basis), 25.5 degrees C, and pH 5.7, respectively. Elimination of CaCl2, MgSO4, nitrogen sources (NH4+ and urea) and trace elements (Fe2+, Zn2+, Co2+ and Mn2+) from the original salt solution had no negative influence on the cellulase production, while phosphate elimination did reduce cellulase production. Based on above results, the final medium composition was simplified with manure additives being KH2PO4, tween-80 and CoCl2 only. Using this medium composition and a reaction time of 6-8 days, a maximum cellulase production activity of 1.74 IU/ml of filter paper activity, 12.22 IU/ml of CMCase activity, and 0.0978 IU/ml of beta-glucosidase was obtained. This filter paper activity is the highest ever reported in cellulase production from agricultural wastes.  相似文献   

淡水藻类产毒研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
淡水藻类的许多种属都可产生毒素,如微囊藻属(Microcystis)、节球藻属(Nodularia)、鱼腥藻属(Anabaena)等。藻类毒素可通过多种途径,直接或间接引起人类或动物的健康问题。严重者,甚至导致死亡。试就国内外近年来对藻类毒素的毒理、性质、结构和检测方法等方面的研究作一简要综述。  相似文献   



To assess the effect of adding solid manure fractions on the biomethane potential (BMP) of liquid dairy cow manure and on the biokinetic parameters of the process.


The methanogenic potential of liquid dairy cow manure was strongly effected by adding a solid manure fraction. The 90/10 % (w/w) liquid/solid manure fraction mixture was the best substrate for CH4 production. This substrate mixture improved by 50 % the final CH4 production per g substrate and decreased the lag time by 220 % relative to the reference BMP test without the addition. Moreover, the addition of 20 % solid manure fraction adversely affected both the final CH4 production and the maximum methane production rate, while increased the lag time by 400 % compared to the reference BMP test without addition.


Liquid dairy cow manure should be supplemented with no more than 10 % of solid manure fraction in order to improve the biomethane potential of this important agro-industrial residue.

Rheological properties are important for the design and modelling of handling and treating fluids. In the present study, the viscosity of liquid manure (about 10% total solids) was measured at different shear rates (2.38-238 s(-1)). The effect of temperature on the viscosity at different shear rates was also studied. The results showed that manure has non-Newtonian flow properties, because the viscosity strongly depended on the applied shear rate. The results showed also that manure behaves like real plastic materials. The power-law model of the shear stress and the rate of shear showed that the magnitude of the consistency coefficient decreased while increasing the temperature, with high values of the determination coefficient. Moreover, the results showed that the Arrhenius-type model fitted the temperature effect on manure viscosity very well (R2 at least 0.95) with calculated activation energy of 17.0+/-0.3 kJ mol(-1).  相似文献   

Adaptations of epipelic and epipsammic freshwater algae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brian Moss 《Oecologia》1977,28(1):103-108
Summary Epipelic algae live freely on sediment surfaces, epipsammic algae live attached to grains in sandy sediments. Both groups may be buried by wave action and animal disturbance when they may find themselves in dark, deoxygenated layers. Epipelic algae, though tolerant of darkness for many days do not survive anaerobiosis for long and must rely on rapid movement to regain the sediment surface. Since they often are non-motile epipsammic algae cannot always move rapidly upwards. They tolerate both darkness and anaerobiosis, retaining considerable photosynthetic potential for several days in the complete absence of oxygen.  相似文献   

Ammonia is one of the most important contaminants impairing the quality of water resources. When this is considered along with the fact that the global demand for nitrogenous fertilizers is in constant rise, the need for recovery as well as removal of nitrogen is well justified. Crystallization of N and P in the form of struvite (MgNH4PO4·6H2O), which is a slow releasing and valuable fertilizer, is one possible technique for this purpose. This study investigated the removal of NH4+ through struvite precipitation from the effluents of one- (R1) and two-phase (R2) anaerobic reactors digesting dairy manure. To force the formation of struvite in the anaerobic reactor effluents, Mg2+ ion was added by using both Mg(OH)2 and MgCl2·6H2O. To prevent the effect of different total phosphorus (TP) concentration in the effluents of R1 and R2, as well as to not limit the formation of struvite, an excess amount of PO43− (0.14 M) was added in the form of Na2HPO4. Different stoichiometric Mg2+:NH4+:PO43− ratios were tested to determine the required Mg2+ concentrations for maximum NH4+ removal by keeping NH4+:PO43− ratio constant for the effluents of reactors R1 and R2. The results revealed that very high NH4+ removal efficiencies (above 95%) were possible by adding Mg2+ ions higher than 0.06 M concentration in the effluents from reactors R1 and R2. It was also observed that the initial pH adjustment to 8.50 using NaOH did not result in any significant increase in the removal of NH4+ and the removal of NH4+ in the reactors treated with MgCl2·6H2O was higher than those treated with Mg(OH)2 for the same Mg2+ concentration.  相似文献   

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