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We used post-embedding cytochemical techniques to investigate the lectin binding profiles of rat lung alveolar epithelial cells. Sections from rat lung embedded in the hydrophilic resin Lowicryl K4M were incubated either directly with a lectin-gold complex or with an unlabeled lectin followed by a specific glycoprotein-gold complex. The binding patterns of the five lectins used could be divided into three categories according to their reactivity with alveolar epithelial cells: (a) the Limax flavus lectin and Ricinus communis I lectin bound to both type I and type II cell plasma membranes; (b) the Helix pomatia lectin and Sambucus nigra L. lectin bound to type II but not type I cells; and (c) the Erythrina cristagalli lectin reacted with type I cells but was unreactive with type II cells. The specificity of staining was assessed by control experiments, including pre-absorption of the lectins with various oligosaccharides and enzymatic pre-treatment of sections with highly purified glycosidases to remove specific sugar residues. The results demonstrate that these lectins can be used to distinguish between type I and type II cells and would therefore be useful probes for investigating cell dynamics during lung development and remodeling.  相似文献   

Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle is dependent on extracellular calcium and calcium bound to the surface of the myocardial cell. In this study, we examined the physical characteristics of calcium binding to adult guinea pig ventricular myocytes disaggregated mechanically in oxygenated tissue culture medium containing a proteinase inhibitor (aprotinin), and separated from cellular debris by Cytodex beads. Cells prepared in this manner excluded Trypan blue and showed no evidence of spontaneous contraction or contracture. Scatchard plots of calcium binding determined by continuous flow equilibrium dialysis revealed a high-affinity, low-capacity pool, Ka = 65 X 10(3) M-1 and Bt = 1.3 nmol X mg-1 and a low-affinity, high-capacity pool, Ka = 141 M-1 and Bt = 138 nmol X mg-1. The low-affinity pool was not detectable after lanthanum, trypsin or collagenase treatment or in cells prepared without aprotinin in the isolation medium. Both neuraminidase and phospholipase C reduced Bt of the low-affinity pool by one half, but only neuraminidase affected the affinity constant of this pool. Ka was increased to 516.7 M-1, similar to the apparent affinity constant for calcium binding estimated from dP/dtmax measured at several extracellular calcium concentrations (470 M-1). The results suggest that calcium bound to sarcolemmal phospholipids represents the superficial calcium involved in excitation-contraction coupling in the heart.  相似文献   

Lectin binding to parietal cells of human gastric mucosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A light microscopic and ultrastructural analysis of lectin receptors on parietal cells from human gastric mucosa was performed utilizing 12 biotinylated lectins in conjunction with an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex. Peanut agglutinin conjugated directly to peroxidase was also used. Several fixatives and fixation regimens were evaluated for optimal preservation of parietal cell saccharide moieties. Formalin proved to be the most practical fixative for light microscopic studies. A periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde (PLP) combination provided good preservation of lectin binding capacity but yielded relatively poor ultrastructure. Conversely, glutaraldehyde provided excellent preservation of ultrastructure but a somewhat diminished lectin binding activity, which was overcome by using long incubation times and high concentrations of reagents. Parietal cells reacted strongly with Bandieraea simplicifolia, Dolichos biflorus, peanut agglutinin, and soybean agglutinin (all specific for galactosyl/galactosaminyl groups) and weakly with Ulex europaeus (specific for fucose). At the light microscopic level a beaded, perinuclear staining pattern was observed which, ultrastructurally, corresponded to an intense staining of intracytoplasmic canaliculi. The membranes of the intracytoplasmic canaliculi were characterized by an abundance of galactosyl residues, a paucity of fucosyl groups, and a lack of mannosyl and glucosyl residues. The biochemical and physiological significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

In the seminiferous tubules of the rat, as in most mammalian species, the developing germ cells form associations with constant cell composition. These cellular associations or stages follow each other in a regular manner along the seminiferous tubules giving rise to seminiferous epithelial wave. When a freshly isolated unstained seminiferous tubulus of the rat is subjected to transillumination under a stereomicroscope, the different segments of the seminiferous epithelial wave absorb light in a characteristic manner permitting their recognition. Using this technique, small segments with accurately known cell composition can be isolated and studied in living state with phase-contrast microscopy. In several cases, the phase-contrast microscopy gives more information about the cell morphology than conventional histological methods. In this study all major developmental steps from early spermatogonia to mature spermatids have been described. The findings of the present study can be used as reference material in the evaluation and identification of the various cell types of the seminiferous tubules obtained, e.g. by the Staput fractionation method. In addition, the findings may be helpful in the evaluation of spermatogenic and Sertoli cells in culture conditions.  相似文献   

DNA flow cytometry was evaluated as a tool to analyze stage-specific changes that occur in absolute cell numbers in the testes. Hypophysectomy was selected as a model system for perturbing testicular cell types, since the cytological sequelae of this treatment post-hypophysectomy in the rat are well documented in the literature. Rat spermatogenic cells in stages II-V, VII, and IX-XIII of the seminiferous epithelial cycle (as defined by Leblond and Clermont, 1952) were quantified in numbers per standard length of seminiferous tubule by DNA flow cytometry after hypophysectomy and subsequent gonadotropin treatment. In agreement with previous histological studies, we found that acrosome- and maturation-phase spermatids disappeared from the seminiferous epithelium after 17 days post-hypophysectomy, whereas meiosis and early spermiogenesis continued at least 164 days. The number of meiotic cells and round spermatids gradually decreased after hypophysectomy. Changes were observed as early as Day 6 post-hypophysectomy. Treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) alone maintained most cell numbers within normal limits, and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) was needed in addition to hCG to maintain the normal number of cells with the amount of DNA contained in primary spermatocytes and spermatogonia in G2/M-phase (4C) in stages IX-XIII and elongated spermatids (1C') in stages II-V of the epithelial cycle. The absolute numbers of spermatogenic cells at different phases of maturation provide a useful reference for quantitative studies of spermatogenesis. Pathological changes in the seminiferous epithelium can be detected and quantified by DNA flow cytometry.  相似文献   

A new dimension of immunotherapeutic selectivity might be achieved if antibodies could distinguish cells that co-express two different surface antigens. Bi-specific monoclonal antibodies (BSMAB) with two different antigen combining sites that share a common Fc region theoretically might have such a potential. Two such BSMAB were produced by hybrid-hybridoma clones prepared by fusion of pre-existing hybridomas and were purified by isoelectric focusing. CD3,4 (IgG2a, IgG2b) recognizes the T cell surface antigens CD3 and CD4, and CD3,8 (IgG2a, IgG2a) recognizes CD3 and CD8. These BSMAB promote complement-mediated lysis of target cells that bear both surface antigens 25 to 3125 times more efficiently than those that express only one of the antigens. This selectivity results from the increased avidity of these antibodies for cells with both antigens, as reflected by the increased surface immunoglobulin concentration detected by flow cytometry. It was also demonstrated that there exists a threshold surface immunoglobulin density necessary for antibody-dependent complement-mediated cytotoxicity microtiter assays for the various IgG antibodies tested in both bivalent and monovalent binding. These results support the associative model of IgG-mediated complement fixation.  相似文献   

Treatment of the lysosomal enzyme, α-L-iduronidase, with 2,3 butanedione, an arginine modifying reagent, under conditions where enzyme activity was unaffected, reduced by 50% the internalization of the enzyme into cultured human fibroblasts. The lowered rate of internalization was a result of a reduced binding of the enzyme to cell surface receptors. The butanedione treatment of α-L-iduronidase caused a 90% reduction of binding when isolated fibroblast membranes were used as the source of receptor. This marked reduction of binding was also seen when membranes from a rat chondrosarcoma were examined. Although there is ample evidence that the receptor recognizes mannose 6-phosphate residues on the enzyme, the results suggest that other structural features, such as arginine moieties, may also be important in iduronidase binding.  相似文献   

Summary Binding of ethidium bromide (EB) to cells before and after HCl, pepsin and RNase treatment was investigated by spectrophotometric and fluorimetric methods. Binding isotherms, calculated with the McGheevon Hippel equation, taking EB as a non-interacting ligand, revealed the influence of these treatments on the fluorescence characteristics of the cells which were measured by flow-through cytofluorimetry. Thus pepsin- and RNase-treated cells have a reduced intercalation capacity due to the loss of cytoplasmic RNA and RNA hydrolysis, respectively. HCl alone, or in association with pepsin, increased the equilibrium constant K considerably. Thus at low free EB concentrations the enhanced EB affinity of acid-pretreated cells generates a high fluorescence intensity, by comparison with treatments at neutral pH. This result contradicts the interpretation of high EB binding to acid pretreated cells which is commonly believed to be due to hydrolytic histone removal from potential intercalation sites.With increasing free EB concentrations the fluorescence intensities of RNase- and pepsin-treated cells culminate at the same level due to their almost identical intercalation capacities. Consequently, quantitative DNA analysis of pretreated cell suspensions with EB can only be performed if the alteration, induced by the pretreatment, has previously been studied.  相似文献   

The binding of different lectins to the surface of mother and daughter sporocysts of Schistosoma mansoni (Trematoda) and to cells of its intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda) was investigated. The test system consisted of several biotin-labeled lectins, an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex and 3,3'-diaminobenzidine. The fixatives used were Formalin, Bouin's and Zenker's solutions; unfixed material was also studied. Most lectins reacted equally with host tissue and parasite tissue. However, receptors for Ulex europaeus I (most probably fucose) were only demonstrated on daughter sporocysts. Thus, a method was found to specifically mark Schistosoma mansoni daughter sporocysts in the digestive gland tissue of its intermediate host. Mother sporocysts and surrounding host tissue differed in their distribution of galactosyl groups. Both lack fucose and N-acetyl-galactosamine. The differences in lectin binding of galactosyl determinants were also observed during the in vitro development of mother to daughter sporocysts.  相似文献   

J F Blazyk  D Lam 《Biochemistry》1976,15(13):2843-2848
The thermostability and proteolytic inactivation of rat liver submitochondrial particle transhydrogenase was studied in the presence of pyridine dinucleotide substrates and a variety of divalent metal and nucleotide inhibitors. Relative to the unliganded enzyme, the NADPH-enzyme complex was more thermostable and showed a twofold greater rate of tryptic inactivation, while the NADP+-enzyme complex was more thermolabile and only slightly more susceptible to tryptic inactivation. Neither NAD+ nor NADH significantly affected thermostability or proteolysis. Similar effects of these ligands were observed for the non-energy-linked and energy-linked transhydrogenase reactions, indicating that both activities are catalyzed by the same enzyme. In thermal experiments, acetyl-CoA, 2'-AMP, and NMNH stabilized, palmitoyl-CoAlabilized, and dephospho-CoA, CoA, NMN+, and 5'-AMP had little effect on enzyme stability. Tryptic inactivation was inhibited by 2'-AMP and NMN+ but was not influenced by the other nucleotide inhibitors. Divalent metal ion inhibitors (Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+) stabilized transhydrogenase against thermal inactivation and promoted tryptic inactivation.  相似文献   

Summary For the precise histochemical detection of lectin binding sites of glycoproteins, the results obtained by lectin-gold-silver (LT-G-S) staining methods have been systematicaly compared with those revealed by alternative techniques of lectin-peroxidase-diaminobenzidine (LT-PO-DAB) reactions in a series of organs from different mammalian species.Ricinus communis agglutinin-I and concanavalin A were the lectins used in the present study. In the tissues subjected to the LT-G-S procedures, reactive tissue structures exhibited positive reactions of varying intensities of black. The results of control staining for the LT-G-S methods substantiated the view that the reaction products demonstrated the precise lectin binding sites of glycoproteins. The staining images obtained by the LT-PO-DAB techniques were not necessarily correlated precisely with those revealed by the LT-G-S procedures, and unavoidable background staining in pale brownish shades was noted in the majority of LT-G-S negative tissue structures. In view of these results, the LT-G-S staining methods employed in the present study are believed to be a reliable technique for the precise localization of saccharide residues of glycoproteins in light microscopy.  相似文献   

The binding of five fluorescein-labelled lectins: peanut agglutinin (PNA), lentil agglutinin (LEN), soybean agglutinin (SBA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and asparagus pea agglutinin (ASP) to human B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL) and B lymphocytes of normal donors was studied. The specificity of the fluorescence was demonstrated by inhibition with appropriate saccharides. The proportion of B cells was estimated using anti-B cell monoclonal antibody. Both leukaemic and normal B cells showed the binding ability of all except of one (ASP) studied lectins. We have found the differences in surface carbohydrate patterns between B-CLL and normal B lymphocytes. B-CLL cells showed the considerably lower ability to bind SBA and slightly higher expression of PNA and LEN receptors in comparison to normal B cells. The analysis of WGA binding allowed for recognizing two groups of CLL patients: one with high and the second one with low WGA receptor expression. The double marker studies revealed that B cells could simultaneously react with anti-B cell monoclonal antibody and fluorochrome labelled lectins.  相似文献   

Binding of ethidium bromide (EB) to cells before and after HCl, pepsin and RNase treatment was investiaged by spectophotometric and fluorimetric methods. Binding isotherms, calculated with the McGheevon Hippel equation, taking EB as a non-interacting ligand, revealed the influcence of these treatments on the fluorescence characteristics of the cells which were measured by flow-through cytofluorimetry. Thus pepsin- and RNase-treated cells have a reduced intercalation capacity due to the loss of cytoplasmic RNA and RNA hydrolysis, respectively. HCl alone, or in association with pepsin, increased the equilibrium constant K considerably. Thus at low free EB concentrations the enchanced EB affinity of acid-pretreated cells generates a high fluorescence intensity, by comparison with treatments at neutral pH. This result contradicts the interpretation of high EB binding to acid pretreated cells which is commonly believed to be due to hydrolytic histone removal from potential intercalation sites. With increasing free EB concentrations the fluorescence intensities of RNase- and pepsin-treated cells culminate at the same level due to their amost identical intercalation capacities. Consequently, quantitative DNA analysis of pretreated cell suspensions with EB can only be performed if the alteration, induced by the pretreatment, has previously been studied.  相似文献   

Summary Fifteen lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates have been used in a comprehensive histochemical study of human skeletal muscle. The staining patterns of many lectins were found to be coincident with the known distributions of types I, III, IV and V collagen, fibronectin and laminin. One lectin,Bandeiraea simplicifolia (BSA I), selectively stained capillaries in a blood group-specific manner, the significance of which is unknown. The results show that although lectins are useful cytochemical probes for identifying tissue glycoconjugates, lectin binding is not solely determined by monosaccharide specificity as lectins which interact with the same sugars may have completely different staining patterns. Factors such as accessibility, glycan conformation and oligosaccharide sequence also affect lectin binding in tissues. For these reasons, we conclude that a comprehensive histochemical investigation of tissue glycoconjugates should employ a large number of lectins, preferably with overlapping sugar specificities.  相似文献   

Summry— The study of spermatogenic cell physiology has been hindered by the absence of unbiased methods of identification of cells upon which single cell techniques are being applied. In this work, we have used histochemical techniques, digital videoimaging, quantification of chromatin-bound DNA probes, and measurements of cell diameter to identify single spermatogenic cells at different periods of development. Our criteria of identification permit the definition of four developmental stages of spermatogenesis on which to perform single cell analyses: spermatogonia B/preleptotene spermatocytes, leptotene/zygotene spermatocytes, pachytene spermatocytes, and round spermatids. The use of voltage-sensitive dyes and Ca2+-sensitive dyes does not interfere with the estimations of DNA content. The estimations of DNA content of spermatogenic cells can be performed both with near-UV exciged dyes (H33342) and long wavelength-excited dyes (ethidium bromide), allowing the use of a wide range of physiological and immunocytochemical fluorescent probes to study the spermatogenic process.  相似文献   

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