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《Endocrine practice》2015,21(6):686-696
Objective: (1) Describe current epidemiology of thyroid cancer in the United States; (2) evaluate hypothesized causes of the increased incidence of thyroid cancer; and (3) suggest next steps in research and clinical action.Methods: Analysis of data from Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results System and the National Center for Vital Statistics. Literature review of published English-language articles through December 31, 2013.Results: The incidence of thyroid cancer has tripled over the past 30 years, whereas mortality is stable. The increase is mainly comprised of smaller tumors. These facts together suggest the major reason for the increased incidence is detection of subclinical, nonlethal disease. This has likely occurred through: health care system access, incidental detection on imaging, more frequent biopsy, greater volumes of and extent of surgery, and changes in pathology practices. Because larger-size tumors have increased in incidence also, it is possible that there is a concomitant true rise in thyroid cancer incidence. The only clearly identifiable contributor is radiation exposure, which has likely resulted in a few additional cases annually. The contribution of the following causes to the increasing incidence is unclear: iodine excess or insufficiency, diabetes and obesity, and molecular disruptions. The following mechanisms do not currently have strong evidence to support a link with the development of thyroid cancer: estrogen, dietary nitrate, and autoimmune thyroid disease.Conclusion: Research should focus on illuminating which thyroid cancers need treatment. Patients should be advised of the benefits as well as harms that can occur with treatment of incidentally identified, small, asymptomatic thyroid cancers.Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index CT = computed tomography SEER = Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results  相似文献   

介绍了北京地坛医院战略转型的具体做法,确立“专科特色,综合发展”的战略定位,整合资源以突出传染病专科特色,引进学科带头人组建综合性学科,取得了良好的实际效果。传染病专科特色更加明显,综合性学科稳步发展,医院整体实力明显提升。  相似文献   

Pierce's disease (PD, Xylella fastidiosa) of grapevine is the primary pathogen limiting vinifera grape production in Florida and other regions of the southeastern United States. Quick and accurate detection of PD strains is essential for PD studies and control. A unique random amplified polymorphic DNA (PD1-1-2) was isolated from a PD strain from Florida. Fragment PD1-1-2 was cloned, sequenced, and found to be 1005 bp in length. PCR primers were designed to utilize these sequence data for PD strain detection. One primer set (XF176f–XF954r) amplified a 779-bp DNA fragment from 34 PD strains including seven pathotypes of X. fastidiosa, but not from strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, Xan. vesicatoria or Escherichia coli. A second primer set (XF176f and XF686r) amplified a 511-bp fragment specific to 98 PD strains, but not from strains of citrus variegated chlorosis, mulberry leaf scorch, oak leaf scorch, periwinkle wilt, phony peach, or plum leaf scald. Sequence analysis indicated that RAPD fragment PD1-1-2 contains a Ser-tRNA gene. The PD-specific region includes a TaqI restriction site (TCGA) and is 150 bp downstream of the Ser-tRNA gene. Received: 1 March 1999 / Accepted: 5 April 1999  相似文献   

Impact of Breast Cancer on Asian American and Anglo American Women   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This pilot study constitutes the first exploration ofthe impact of breast cancer on Asian American women.Three hypotheses guided this study: (1) Asian Americanwomen would choose breast conserving therapy andbreast reconstruction at a lower rate than the AngloAmerican women due to cultural differences in bodyimage, (2) Asian American women with breast cancerwould express psychological distress somatically andAnglo American women would express distress emotionally, and acculturation levels of the AsianAmerican women would modify the expressions ofdistress such that women with high acculturation willexpress distress more emotionally and lessacculturated women would express distress moresomatically, and (3) Asian American women would seekassistance for psychosocial problems at asignificantly lower rate than Anglo women. Ethnicity,age, and levels of acculturation were found to besignificant variables that had to be consideredsimultaneously. The three hypotheses were onlypartially supported: (1) Asian American women chosebreast conserving therapy and adjuvant therapy at asignificantly lower rate than the Anglo Americanwomen, (2) Contrary to the hypothesis, somatization didnot appear to be a dominant form of symptompresentation for Asian American women regardless oflevel of acculturation, and (3) Asian American womensought professional assistance for psychosocialproblems at a significantly lower rate than Anglowomen. Asian American women reported using differentmodes of help-seeking behavior for emotional concernsand receiving different sources of social support thanthe Anglo American women. Cultural interpretations ofthe findings are offered to explain the differences inthe physical, emotional, and social responses to thebreast cancer experience of Asian American womencompared with the Anglo Americans, and notably betweenthe Chinese- and Japanese Americans as well. Thefindings of this study warrant more refinedexploration in order to improve the medical,psychological and social outcomes for Asian Americanwomen with breast cancer.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to identify and validate protein change in the serum from PD patients. We used serum samples from 21 PD patients and 20 age-matched normal people as control to conduct a comparative proteomic study. We performed 2-DE and analyzed the differentially expressed protein spots by LC-MS/MS. In PD group 13 spots were shown to be differentially expressed compared to control group. They were identified as 6 proteins. Among these, 3 proteins were confirmed by Western blot analysis. It showed that the frequency of fibrinogen γ-chain (FGG) appeared 70% in PD, which could not be detected in control group. The protein of inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 (ITI-H4) was found to exist two forms in serum. The full size (120 kDa) of the protein was increased and the fragmented ITI-H4 (35 kDa) was decreased in PD group. The ratio of full size ITI-H4 to fragmented ITI-H4 in PD patients was 3.85±0.29-fold higher than in control group. Furthermore, fragmented Apo A-IV (∼26 kDa) was mainly detected in control group, while it was rare to be found in PD group. Above findings might be useful for diagnosis of PD. When the expressions of FGG and 120 kDa ITI-H4 are increase, as well as ∼26 kDa Apo A-IV disappear would provide strong evidence for PD.  相似文献   

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