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Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase couples the motions and rearrangements of three cytoplasmic domains (A, P, and N) with Ca2+ transport. We explored the role of electrostatic force in the domain dynamics in a rate-limiting phosphoenzyme (EP) transition by a systematic approach combining electrostatic screening with salts, computer analysis of electric fields in crystal structures, and mutations. Low KCl concentration activated and increasing salt above 0.1 m inhibited the EP transition. A plot of the logarithm of the transition rate versus the square of the mean activity coefficient of the protein gave a linear relationship allowing division of the activation energy into an electrostatic component and a non-electrostatic component in which the screenable electrostatic forces are shielded by salt. Results show that the structural change in the transition is sterically restricted, but that strong electrostatic forces, when K+ is specifically bound at the P domain, come into play to accelerate the reaction. Electric field analysis revealed long-range electrostatic interactions between the N and P domains around their hinge. Mutations of the residues directly involved and other charged residues at the hinge disrupted in parallel the electric field and the structural transition. Favorable electrostatics evidently provides a low energy path for the critical N domain motion toward the P domain, overcoming steric restriction. The systematic approach employed here is, in general, a powerful tool for understanding the structural mechanisms of enzymes.  相似文献   

The differentiation of colon cancer cell lines is associated with changes in calcium homeostasis. Concomitantly there are changes in the expression of some calcium transporters and G-protein-coupled receptors, which are capable of altering cytosolic-free calcium levels. Recent studies associate alterations in calcium transporter expression with tumourigenesis, such as changes in specific isoforms of the plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) in breast cancer cell lines. In this study, we examined the expression of PMCA isoforms in the HT-29 colon cancer cell line using two methods of differentiation (sodium butyrate-mediated and spontaneous post-confluency induced differentiation). Our studies show that differentiation of HT-29 colon cancer cells is associated with the up-regulation of the PMCA isoform PMCA4 but no significant alteration in PMCA1. These results suggest that PMCA4 may be important and have a specific role in colon cells as well as being significant in colon cancer tumourigenesis.  相似文献   

Acidic phospholipids increase the affinity of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase pump for Ca2+. They interact with the C-terminal region of the pump and with a domain in the loop connecting transmembrane domains 2 and 3 (AL region) next to site A of alternative splicing. The contribution of the two phospholipid-binding sites and the possible interference of splicing inserts at site A with the regulation of the ATPase activity of isoform 2 of the pump by phospholipids have been analyzed. The activity of the full-length z/b variant (no insert at site A), the w/b (with insert at site A), and the w/a variant, containing both the 45-amino acid A-site insert and a C-site insert that truncates the pump in the calmodulin binding domain, has been analyzed in microsomal membranes of overexpressing CHO cells. The A-site insertion did not modify the phospholipid sensitivity of the pump, but the doubly inserted w/a variant became insensitive to acidic phospholipids, even if containing the intact AL phospholipid binding domain. Pump mutants in which 12 amino acids had been deleted, or single lysine mutations introduced, in the AL region were studied by monitoring agonist-induced Ca2+ transients in overexpressing CHO cells. The 12-residue deletion completely abolished the ATPase activity of the w/a variant but only reduced that of the z/b variant, which was also affected by the single lysine substitutions in the same domain. A structural interpretation of the interplay of the pump with phospholipids, and of the mechanism of their activation, is proposed on the basis of molecular modeling studies.  相似文献   

Fast inhibitory glycinergic transmission occurs in spinal cord, brainstem, and retina to modulate the processing of motor and sensory information. After synaptic vesicle fusion, glycine is recovered back to the presynaptic terminal by the neuronal glycine transporter 2 (GlyT2) to maintain quantal glycine content in synaptic vesicles. The loss of presynaptic GlyT2 drastically impairs the refilling of glycinergic synaptic vesicles and severely disrupts neurotransmission. Indeed, mutations in the gene encoding GlyT2 are the main presynaptic cause of hyperekplexia in humans. Here, we show a novel endogenous regulatory mechanism that can modulate GlyT2 activity based on a compartmentalized interaction between GlyT2, neuronal plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) isoforms 2 and 3, and Na+/Ca2+-exchanger 1 (NCX1). This GlyT2·PMCA2,3·NCX1 complex is found in lipid raft subdomains where GlyT2 has been previously found to be fully active. We show that endogenous PMCA and NCX activities are necessary for GlyT2 activity and that this modulation depends on lipid raft integrity. Besides, we propose a model in which GlyT2·PMCA2–3·NCX complex would help Na+/K+-ATPase in controlling local Na+ increases derived from GlyT2 activity after neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

The roles of Ser72, Glu90, and Lys297 at the luminal ends of transmembrane helices M1, M2, and M4 of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase were examined by transient and steady-state kinetic analysis of mutants. The dependence on the luminal Ca2+ concentration of phosphorylation by Pi (“Ca2+ gradient-dependent E2P formation”) showed a reduction of the apparent affinity for luminal Ca2+ in mutants with alanine or leucine replacement of Glu90, whereas arginine replacement of Glu90 or Ser72 allowed E2P formation from Pi even at luminal Ca2+ concentrations much too small to support phosphorylation in wild type. The latter mutants further displayed a blocked dephosphorylation of E2P and an increased rate of conversion of the ADP-sensitive E1P phosphoenzyme intermediate to ADP-insensitive E2P as well as insensitivity of the E2·BeF3 complex to luminal Ca2+. Altogether, these findings, supported by structural modeling, indicate that the E2P intermediate is stabilized in the mutants with arginine replacement of Glu90 or Ser72, because the positive charge of the arginine side chain mimics Ca2+ occupying a luminally exposed low affinity Ca2+ site of E2P, thus identifying an essential locus (a “leaving site”) on the luminal Ca2+ exit pathway. Mutants with alanine or leucine replacement of Glu90 further displayed a marked slowing of the Ca2+ binding transition as well as slowing of the dissociation of Ca2+ from Ca2E1 back toward the cytoplasm, thus demonstrating that Glu90 is also critical for the function of the cytoplasmically exposed Ca2+ sites on the opposite side of the membrane relative to where Glu90 is located.  相似文献   

The actuator (A) domain of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase not only plays a catalytic role but also undergoes large rotational movements that influence the distant transport sites through connections with transmembrane helices M1 and M2. Here we explore the importance of long helix M2 and its junction with the A domain by disrupting the helix structure and elongating with insertions of five glycine residues. Insertions into the membrane region of M2 and the top junctional segment impair Ca2+ transport despite reasonable ATPase activity, indicating that they are uncoupled. These mutants fail to occlude Ca2+. Those at the top segment also exhibited accelerated phosphoenzyme isomerization E1P → E2P. Insertions into the middle of M2 markedly accelerate E2P hydrolysis and cause strong resistance to inhibition by luminal Ca2+. Insertions along almost the entire M2 region inhibit the dephosphorylated enzyme transition E2 → E1. The results pinpoint which parts of M2 control cytoplasm gating and which are critical for luminal gating at each stage in the transport cycle and suggest that proper gate function requires appropriate interactions, tension, and/or rigidity in the M2 region at appropriate times for coupling with A domain movements and catalysis.  相似文献   

The calmodulin (CaM)-binding domain of isoform 4b of the plasma membrane Ca(2+) -ATPase (PMCA) pump is represented by peptide C28. CaM binds to either PMCA or C28 by a mechanism in which the primary anchor residue Trp-1093 binds to the C-terminal lobe of the extended CaM molecule, followed by collapse of CaM with the N-terminal lobe binding to the secondary anchor Phe-1110 (Juranic, N., Atanasova, E., Filoteo, A. G., Macura, S., Prendergast, F. G., Penniston, J. T., and Strehler, E. E. (2010) J. Biol. Chem. 285, 4015-4024). This is a relatively rapid reaction, with an apparent half-time of ~1 s. The dissociation of CaM from PMCA4b or C28 is much slower, with an overall half-time of ~10 min. Using targeted molecular dynamics, we now show that dissociation of Ca(2+)-CaM from C28 may occur by a pathway in which Trp-1093, although deeply embedded in a pocket in the C-terminal lobe of CaM, leaves first. The dissociation begins by relatively rapid release of Trp-1093, followed by very slow release of Phe-1110, removal of C28, and return of CaM to its conformation in the free state. Fluorescence measurements and molecular dynamics calculations concur in showing that this alternative path of release of the PMCA4b CaM-binding domain is quite different from that of binding. The intermediate of dissociation with exposed Trp-1093 has a long lifetime (minutes) and may keep the PMCA primed for activation.  相似文献   

ATP has dual roles in the reaction cycle of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. Upon binding to the Ca2E1 state, ATP phosphorylates the enzyme, and by binding to other conformational states in a non-phosphorylating modulatory mode ATP stimulates the dephosphorylation and other partial reaction steps of the cycle, thereby ensuring a high rate of Ca2+ transport under physiological conditions. The present study elucidates the mechanism underlying the modulatory effect on dephosphorylation. In the intermediate states of dephosphorylation the A-domain residues Ser186 and Asp203 interact with Glu439 (N-domain) and Arg678 (P-domain), respectively. Single mutations to these residues abolish the stimulation of dephosphorylation by ATP. The double mutation swapping Asp203 and Arg678 rescues ATP stimulation, whereas this is not the case for the double mutation swapping Ser186 and Glu439. By taking advantage of the ability of wild type and mutant Ca2+-ATPases to form stable complexes with aluminum fluoride (E2·AlF) and beryllium fluoride (E2·BeF) as analogs of the E2·P phosphoryl transition state and E2P ground state, respectively, of the dephosphorylation reaction, the mutational effects on ATP binding to these intermediates are demonstrated. In the wild type Ca2+-ATPase, the ATP affinity of the E2·P phosphoryl transition state is higher than that of the E2P ground state, thus explaining the stimulation of dephosphorylation by nucleotide-induced transition state stabilization. We find that the Asp203-Arg678 and Ser186-Glu439 interdomain bonds are critical, because they tighten the interaction with ATP in the E2·P phosphoryl transition state. Moreover, ATP binding and the Ser186-Glu439 bond are mutually exclusive in the E2P ground state.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism underlying the characteristic high apparent Ca2+ affinity of SERCA2b relative to SERCA1a and SERCA2a isoforms was studied. The C-terminal tail of SERCA2b consists of an 11th transmembrane helix (TM11) with an associated 11-amino acid luminal extension (LE). The effects of each of these parts and their interactions with the SERCA environment were examined by transient kinetic analysis of the partial reaction steps in the Ca2+ transport cycle in mutant and chimeric Ca2+-ATPase constructs. Manipulations to the LE of SERCA2b markedly increased the rate of Ca2+ dissociation from Ca2E1. Addition of the SERCA2b tail to SERCA1a slowed Ca2+ dissociation, but only when the luminal L7/8 loop of SERCA1 was simultaneously replaced with that of SERCA2, thus suggesting that the LE interacts with L7/8 in Ca2E1. The interaction of LE with L7/8 is also important for the low rate of the Ca2E1P → E2P conformational transition. These findings can be rationalized in terms of stabilization of the Ca2E1 and Ca2E1P forms by docking of the LE near L7/8. By contrast, low rates of E2P dephosphorylation and E2 → E1 transition in SERCA2b depend critically on TM11, particularly in a SERCA2 environment, but do not at all depend on the LE or L7/8. This indicates that interaction of TM11 with SERCA2-specific sequence element(s) elsewhere in the structure is critical in the Ca2+-free E2/E2P states. Collectively these properties ensure a higher Ca2+ affinity of SERCA2b relative to other SERCA isoforms, not only on the cytosolic side, but also on the luminal side.  相似文献   

Homer proteins are scaffold molecules with a domain structure consisting of an N-terminal Ena/VASP homology 1 protein-binding domain and a C-terminal leucine zipper/coiled-coil domain. The Ena/VASP homology 1 domain recognizes proline-rich motifs and binds multiple Ca2+-signaling proteins, including G protein-coupled receptors, inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptors, ryanodine receptors, and transient receptor potential channels. However, their role in Ca2+ signaling in nonexcitable cells is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the role of Homer2 on Ca2+ signaling in parotid gland acinar cells using Homer2-deficient (Homer2−/−) mice. Homer2 is localized at the apical pole in acinar cells. Deletion of Homer2 did not affect inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor localization or channel activity and did not affect the expression and activity of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase pumps. In contrast, Homer2 deletion markedly increased expression of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) pumps, in particular PMCA4, at the apical pole. Accordingly, Homer2 deficiency increased Ca2+ extrusion by acinar cells. These findings were supported by co-immunoprecipitation of Homer2 and PMCA in wild-type parotid cells and transfected human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells. We identified a Homer-binding PPXXF-like motif in the N terminus of PMCA that is required for interaction with Homer2. Mutation of the PPXXF-like motif did not affect the interaction of PMCA with Homer1 but inhibited its interaction with Homer2 and increased Ca2+ clearance by PMCA. These findings reveal an important regulation of PMCA by Homer2 that has a central role on PMCA-mediated Ca2+ signaling in parotid acinar cells.  相似文献   

The transport of calcium to the extracellular space carried out by plasma membrane Ca2+ pumps (PMCAs) is essential for maintaining low Ca2+ concentrations in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. The activity of PMCAs is controlled by autoinhibition. Autoinhibition is relieved by the binding of Ca2+-calmodulin to the calmodulin-binding autoinhibitory sequence, which in the human PMCA is located in the C-terminal segment and results in a PMCA of high maximal velocity of transport and high affinity for Ca2+. Autoinhibition involves the intramolecular interaction between the autoinhibitory domain and a not well defined region of the molecule near the catalytic site. Here we show that the fusion of GFP to the C terminus of the h4xb PMCA causes partial loss of autoinhibition by specifically increasing the Vmax. Mutation of residue Glu99 to Lys in the cytosolic portion of the M1 transmembrane helix at the other end of the molecule brought the Vmax of the h4xb PMCA to near that of the calmodulin-activated enzyme without increasing the apparent affinity for Ca2+. Altogether, the results suggest that the autoinhibitory interaction of the extreme C-terminal segment of the h4 PMCA is disturbed by changes of negatively charged residues of the N-terminal region. This would be consistent with a recently proposed model of an autoinhibited form of the plant ACA8 pump, although some differences are noted.  相似文献   

Ca2+ may trigger apoptosis in β-cells. Hence, the control of intracellular Ca2+ may represent a potential approach to prevent β-cell apoptosis in diabetes. Our objective was to investigate the effect and mechanism of action of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) overexpression on Ca2+-regulated apoptosis in clonal β-cells. Clonal β-cells (BRIN-BD11) were examined for the effect of PMCA overexpression on cytosolic and mitochondrial [Ca2+] using a combination of aequorins with different Ca2+ affinities and on the ER and mitochondrial pathways of apoptosis. β-cell stimulation generated microdomains of high [Ca2+] in the cytosol and subcellular heterogeneities in [Ca2+] among mitochondria. Overexpression of PMCA decreased [Ca2+] in the cytosol, the ER, and the mitochondria and activated the IRE1α-XBP1s but inhibited the PRKR-like ER kinase-eIF2α and the ATF6-BiP pathways of the ER-unfolded protein response. Increased Bax/Bcl-2 expression ratio was observed in PMCA overexpressing β-cells. This was followed by Bax translocation to the mitochondria with subsequent cytochrome c release, opening of the permeability transition pore, and apoptosis. In conclusion, clonal β-cell stimulation generates microdomains of high [Ca2+] in the cytosol and subcellular heterogeneities in [Ca2+] among mitochondria. PMCA overexpression depletes intracellular [Ca2+] stores and, despite a decrease in mitochondrial [Ca2+], induces apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway. These data open the way to new strategies to control cellular Ca2+ homeostasis that could decrease β-cell apoptosis in diabetes.  相似文献   

In addition to its well established function in activating Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through ryanodine receptors (RyR), the second messenger cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) also accelerates the activity of SERCA pumps, which sequester Ca2+ into the ER. Here, we demonstrate a potential physiological role for cADPR in modulating cellular Ca2+ signals via changes in ER Ca2+ store content, by imaging Ca2+ liberation through inositol trisphosphate receptors (IP3R) in Xenopus oocytes, which lack RyR. Oocytes were injected with the non-metabolizable analog 3-deaza-cADPR, and cytosolic [Ca2+] was transiently elevated by applying voltage-clamp pulses to induce Ca2+ influx through expressed plasmalemmal nicotinic channels. We observed a subsequent potentiation of global Ca2+ signals evoked by strong photorelease of IP3, and increased numbers of local Ca2+ puffs evoked by weaker photorelease. These effects were not evident with cADPR alone or following cytosolic Ca2+ elevation alone, indicating that they did not arise through direct actions of cADPR or Ca2+ on the IP3R, but likely resulted from enhanced ER store filling. Moreover, the appearance of a new population of puffs with longer latencies, prolonged durations, and attenuated amplitudes suggests that luminal ER Ca2+ may modulate IP3R function, in addition to simply determining the size of the available store and the electrochemical driving force for release.  相似文献   

The membrane localization of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase isoform 2 (PMCA2) in polarized cells is determined by alternative splicing; the PMCA2w/b splice variant shows apical localization, whereas the PMCA2z/b and PMCA2x/b variants are mostly basolateral. We previously reported that PMCA2b interacts with the PDZ protein Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 2 (NHERF2), but the role of this interaction for the specific membrane localization of PMCA2 is not known. Here we show that co-expression of NHERF2 greatly enhanced the apical localization of GFP-tagged PMCA2w/b in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. GFP-PMCA2z/b was also redirected to the apical membrane by NHERF2, whereas GFP-PMCA2x/b remained exclusively basolateral. In the presence of NHERF2, GFP-PMCA2w/b co-localized with the actin-binding protein ezrin even after disruption of the actin cytoskeleton by cytochalasin D or latrunculin B. Surface biotinylation and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments demonstrated that NHERF2-mediated anchorage to the actin cytoskeleton reduced internalization and lateral mobility of the pump. Our results show that the specific interaction with NHERF2 enhances the apical concentration of PMCA2w/b by anchoring the pump to the apical membrane cytoskeleton. The data also suggest that the x/b splice form of PMCA2 contains a dominant lateral targeting signal, whereas the targeting and localization of the z/b form are more flexible and not fully determined by intrinsic sequence features.  相似文献   

A common theme in bacterial pathogenesis is the manipulation of eukaryotic cells by targeting the cytoskeleton. This is in most cases achieved either by modifying actin, or indirectly via activation of key regulators controlling actin dynamics such as Rho-GTPases. A novel group of bacterial virulence factors termed the WXXXE family has emerged as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for these GTPases. The precise mechanism of nucleotide exchange, however, has remained unclear. Here we report the structure of the WXXXE-protein IpgB2 from Shigella flexneri and its complex with human RhoA. We unambiguously identify IpgB2 as a bacterial RhoA-GEF and dissect the molecular mechanism of GDP release, an essential prerequisite for GTP binding. Our observations uncover that IpgB2 induces conformational changes on RhoA mimicking DbI- but not DOCK family GEFs. We also show that dissociation of the GDP·Mg2+ complex is preceded by the displacement of the metal ion to the α-phosphate of the nucleotide, diminishing its affinity to the GTPase. These data refine our understanding of the mode of action not only of WXXXE GEFs but also of mammalian GEFs of the DH/PH family.  相似文献   

OsCaM61 is one of five calmodulins known to be present in Oryza sativa that relays the increase of cytosolic [Ca2+] to downstream targets. OsCaM61 bears a unique C-terminal extension with a prenylation site. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy we studied the behavior of the calmodulin (CaM) domain and the C-terminal extension of OsCaM61 in the absence and presence of Ca2+. NMR dynamics data for OsCaM61 indicate that the two lobes of the CaM domain act together unlike the independent behavior of the lobes seen in mammalian CaM and soybean CaM4. Also, data demonstrate that the positively charged nuclear localization signal region in the tail in apo-OsCaM61 is helical, whereas it becomes flexible in the Ca2+-saturated protein. The extra helix in apo-OsCaM61 provides additional interactions in the C-lobe and increases the structural stability of the closed apo conformation. This leads to a decrease in the Ca2+ binding affinity of EF-hands III and IV in OsCaM61. In Ca2+-OsCaM61, the basic nuclear localization signal cluster adopts an extended conformation, exposing the C-terminal extension for prenylation or enabling OsCaM61 to be transferred to the nucleus. Moreover, Ser172 and Ala173, residues in the tail, interact with different regions of the protein. These interactions affect the ability of OsCaM61 to activate different target proteins. Altogether, our data show that the tail is not simply a linker between the prenyl group and the protein but that it also provides a new regulatory mechanism that some plants have developed to fine-tune Ca2+ signaling events.  相似文献   

Dioxygenases catalyze a diverse range of chemical reactions that involve the incorporation of oxygen into a substrate and typically use a transition metal or organic cofactor for reaction. Bacterial (1H)-3-hydroxy-4-oxoquinaldine 2,4-dioxygenase (HOD) belongs to a class of oxygenases able to catalyze this energetically unfavorable reaction without any cofactor. In the quinaldine metabolic pathway, HOD breaks down its natural N-heteroaromatic substrate using a mechanism that is still incompletely understood. Experimental and computational approaches were combined to study the initial step of the catalytic cycle. We have investigated the role of the active site His-251/Asp-126 dyad, proposed to be involved in substrate hydroxyl group deprotonation, a critical requirement for subsequent oxygen reaction. The pH profiles obtained under steady-state conditions for the H251A and D126A variants show a strong pH effect on their kcat and kcat/Km constants, with a decrease in kcat/Km of 5500- and 9-fold at pH 10.5, respectively. Substrate deprotonation studies under transient-state conditions show that this step is not rate-limiting and yield a pKa value of ∼7.2 for WT HOD. A large solvent isotope effect was found, and the pKa value was shifted to ∼8.3 in D2O. Crystallographic and computational studies reveal that the mutations have a minor effect on substrate positioning. Computational work shows that both His-251 and Asp-126 are essential for the proton transfer driving force of the initial reaction. This multidisciplinary study offers unambiguous support to the view that substrate deprotonation, driven by the His/Asp dyad, is an essential requirement for its activation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of ATP modulation of E2P dephosphorylation of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase wild type and mutant forms was examined in nucleotide binding studies of states analogous to the various intermediates of the dephosphorylation reaction, obtained by binding of metal fluorides, vanadate, or thapsigargin. Wild type Ca(2+)-ATPase displays an ATP affinity of 4 μM for the E2P ground state analog, 1 μM for the E2P transition state and product state analogs, and 11 μM for the E2 dephosphoenzyme. Hence, ATP binding stabilizes the transition and product states relative to the ground state, thereby explaining the accelerating effect of ATP on dephosphorylation. Replacement of Phe(487) (N-domain) with serine, Arg(560) (N-domain) with leucine, or Arg(174) (A-domain) with alanine or glutamate reduces ATP affinity in all E2/E2P intermediate states. Alanine substitution of Ile(188) (A-domain) increases the ATP affinity, although ATP acceleration of dephosphorylation is disrupted, thus indicating that the critical role of Ile(188) in ATP modulation is mechanistically based rather than being associated with the binding of nucleotide. Mutants with alanine replacement of Lys(205) (A-domain) or Glu(439) (N-domain) exhibit an anomalous inhibition by ATP of E2P dephosphorylation, due to ATP binding increasing the stability of the E2P ground state relative to the transition state. The ATP affinity of Ca(2)E2P, stabilized by inserting four glycines in the A-M1 linker, is similar to that of the E2P ground state, but the Ca(2+)-free E1 state of this mutant exhibits 3 orders of magnitude reduction of ATP affinity.  相似文献   

Bacterial HtrAs are serine proteases engaged in extracytoplasmic protein quality control and are required for the virulence of several pathogenic species. The proteolytic activity of HtrA (DegP) from Escherichia coli, a model prokaryotic HtrA, is stimulated by stressful conditions; the regulation of this process is mediated by the LA, LD, L1, L2, and L3 loops. The precise mechanism of action of the LA loop is not known due to a lack of data concerning its three-dimensional structure as well as its mode of interaction with other regulatory elements. To address these issues we generated a theoretical model of the three-dimensional structure of the LA loop as per the resting state of HtrA and subsequently verified its correctness experimentally. We identified intra- and intersubunit contacts that formed with the LA loops; these played an important role in maintaining HtrA in its inactive conformation. The most significant proved to be the hydrophobic interactions connecting the LA loops of the hexamer and polar contacts between the LA′ (the LA loop on an opposite subunit) and L1 loops on opposite subunits. Disturbance of these interactions caused the stimulation of HtrA proteolytic activity. We also demonstrated that LA loops contribute to the preservation of the integrity of the HtrA oligomer and to the stability of the monomer. The model presented in this work explains the regulatory role of the LA loop well; it should also be applicable to numerous Enterobacteriaceae pathogenic species as the amino acid sequences of the members of this bacterial family are highly conserved.  相似文献   

Factor VIII (FVIII) plays a critical role in blood coagulation by forming the tenase complex with factor IXa and calcium ions on a membrane surface containing negatively charged phospholipids. The tenase complex activates factor X during blood coagulation. The carboxyl-terminal C2 domain of FVIII is the main membrane-binding and von Willebrand factor-binding region of the protein. Mutations of FVIII cause hemophilia A, whereas elevation of FVIII activity is a risk factor for thromboembolic diseases. The C2 domain-membrane interaction has been proposed as a target of intervention for regulation of blood coagulation. A number of molecules that interrupt FVIII or factor V (FV) binding to cell membranes have been identified through high throughput screening or structure-based design. We report crystal structures of the FVIII C2 domain under three new crystallization conditions, and a high resolution (1.15 Å) crystal structure of the FVIII C2 domain bound to a small molecular inhibitor. The latter structure shows that the inhibitor binds to the surface of an exposed β-strand of the C2 domain, Trp2313-His2315. This result indicates that the Trp2313-His2315 segment is an important constituent of the membrane-binding motif and provides a model to understand the molecular mechanism of the C2 domain membrane interaction.  相似文献   

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