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Niemann-Pick disease type C1 (NPC1), caused by mutations of NPC1 gene, is an inherited lysosomal lipid storage disorder. Loss of functional NPC1 causes the accumulation of free cholesterol (FC) in endocytic organelles that comprised the characteristics of late endosomes and/or lysosomes. In this study we analyzed the pathogenic effect of 103 nsSNPs reported in NPC1 using computational methods. Rl186C, S940L, R958Q and I1061T mutations were predicted as most deleterious and disease associated with NPC1 using SIFT, Polyphen 2.0, PANTHER, PhD-SNP, Pmut and MUTPred tools which were also endorsed with previous in vivo experimental studies. To understand the atomic arrangement in 3D space, the native and disease associated mutant (Rl186C, S940L, R958Q and I1061T) structures were modeled. Quantitative structural and flexibility analysis was conceded to observe the structural consequence of prioritized disease associated mutations (R1186C, S940L, R958Q and I1061T). Accessible surface area (ASA), free folding energy (FFE) and hydrogen bond (NH bond) showed more flexibility in 3D space in mutant structures. Based on the quantitative assessment and flexibility analysis of NPC1 variants, I1061T showed the most deleterious effect. Our analysis provides a clear clue to wet laboratory scientists to understand the structural and functional effect of NPCI gene upon mutation.  相似文献   

Background information. Within the group of lysosomal storage diseases, NPC1 [NPC (Niemann‐Pick type C) 1] disease is a lipidosis characterized by excessive accumulation of free cholesterol as well as gangliosides, glycosphingolipids and fatty acids in the late E/L (endosomal/lysosomal) system (Chen et al., 2005 ) due to a defect in late endosome lipid egress. We have previously demonstrated that expression of the small GTPase Rab9 in NPC1 cells can rescue the lipid transport block phenotype (Walter et al., 2003 ), albeit by an undefined mechanism. Results. To investigate further the mechanism by which Rab9 facilitates lipid movement from late endosomes we sought to identify novel Rab9 binding/interacting proteins. In the present study, we report that Rab9 interacts with the intermediate filament phosphoprotein vimentin and this interaction is altered by lipid accumulation in late endosomes, which results in inhibition of PKC (protein kinase C) and hypophosphorylation of vimentin, leading to late endosome dysfunction. Intermediate filament hypophosphorylation, aggregation and entrapment of Rab9 ultimately leads to transport defects and inhibition of lipid egress from late endosomes. Conclusions. These results reveal a previously unappreciated interaction between Rab proteins and intermediate filaments in regulating intracellular lipid transport.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein cholesterol taken up by cells is processed in the endosomal/lysosomal (E/L) compartment by the sequential action of lysosomal acid lipase (LAL), Niemann-Pick C2 (NPC2), and Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1). Inactivation of NPC2 in mouse caused sequestration of unesterified cholesterol (UC) and expanded the whole animal sterol pool from 2,305 to 4,337 mg/kg. However, this pool increased to 5,408 and 9,480 mg/kg, respectively, when NPC1 or LAL function was absent. The transport defect in mutants lacking NPC2 or NPC1, but not in those lacking LAL, was reversed by cyclodextrin (CD), and the ED50 values for this reversal varied from ∼40 mg/kg in kidney to >20,000 mg/kg in brain in both groups. This reversal occurred only with a CD that could interact with UC. Further, a CD that could interact with, but not solubilize, UC still overcame the transport defect. These studies showed that processing and export of sterol from the late E/L compartment was quantitatively different in mice lacking LAL, NPC2, or NPC1 function. In both npc2−/− and npc1−/− mice, the transport defect was reversed by a CD that interacted with UC, likely at the membrane/bulk-water interface, allowing sterol to move rapidly to the export site of the E/L compartment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gaucher disease is the most common of the lysosomal storage disorders. The primary manifestation is the accumulation of glucosylceramide (GL-1) in the macrophages of liver and spleen (Gaucher cells), due to a deficiency in the lysosomal hydrolase glucocerebrosidase (GC). A Gaucher mouse model (D409V/null) exhibiting reduced GC activity and accumulation of GL-1 was used to evaluate adeno-associated viral (AAV)-mediated gene therapy. METHODS: A recombinant AAV8 serotype vector bearing human GC (hGC) was administered intravenously to the mice. The levels of hGC in blood and tissues were determined, as were the effects of gene transfer on the levels of GL-1. Histopathological evaluation was performed on liver, spleen and lungs. RESULTS: Vector administration to pre-symptomatic Gaucher mice resulted in sustained hepatic secretion of hGC at levels that prevented GL-1 accumulation and the appearance of Gaucher cells in the liver, spleen and lungs. AAV administration to older mice with established disease resulted in normalization of GL-1 levels in the spleen and liver and partially reduced that in the lung. Analysis of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from treated mice showed significant correction of the abnormal cellularity and cell differentials. No antibodies to the expressed hGC were detected following a challenge with recombinant enzyme suggesting the animals were tolerized to human enzyme. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate the effectiveness of AAV-mediated gene therapy at preventing and correcting the biochemical and pathological abnormalities in a Gaucher mouse model, and thus support the continued consideration of this vector as an alternative approach to treating Gaucher disease.  相似文献   

The multiple transmembrane protein Niemann-Pick C1 like1 (NPC1L1) is essential for intestinal cholesterol absorption. Ezetimibe binds to NPC1L1 and is a clinically used cholesterol absorption inhibitor. Recent studies in cultured cells have shown that NPC1L1 mediates cholesterol uptake through vesicular endocytosis that can be blocked by ezetimibe. However, how NPC1L1 and ezetimibe work in the small intestine is unknown. In this study, we found that NPC1L1 distributed in enterocytes of villi and transit-amplifying cells of crypts. Acyl-CoA cholesterol acyltransferase 2 (ACAT2), another important protein for cholesterol absorption by providing cholesteryl esters to chylomicrons, was mainly presented in the apical cytoplasm of enterocytes. NPC1L1 and ACAT2 were highly expressed in jejunum and ileum. ACAT1 presented in the Paneth cells of crypts and mesenchymal cells of villi. In the absence of cholesterol, NPC1L1 was localized on the brush border of enterocytes. Dietary cholesterol induced the internalization of NPC1L1 to the subapical layer beneath the brush border and became partially colocalized with the endosome marker Rab11. Ezetimibe blocked the internalization of NPC1L1 and cholesterol and caused their retention in the plasma membrane. This study demonstrates that NPC1L1 mediates cholesterol entering enterocytes through vesicular endocytosis and that ezetimibe blocks this step in vivo.  相似文献   

Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 protein (NPC1L1), a transporter crucial in intestinal cholesterol absorption, is expressed in human liver but not in murine liver. To elucidate the role of hepatic NPC1L1 on lipid metabolism, we overexpressed NPC1L1 in murine liver utilizing adenovirus-mediated gene transfer. C57BL/6 mice, fed on normal chow with or without ezetimibe, were injected with NPC1L1 adenovirus (L1-mice) or control virus (Null-mice), and lipid analyses were performed five days after the injection. The plasma cholesterol levels increased in L1-mice, and FPLC analyses revealed increased cholesterol contents in large HDL lipoprotein fractions. These fractions, which showed α-mobility on agarose electrophoresis, were rich in apoE and free cholesterol. These lipoprotein changes were partially inhibited by ezetimibe treatment and were not observed in apoE-deficient mice. In addition, plasma and VLDL triglyceride (TG) levels decreased in L1-mice. The expression of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) was markedly decreased in L1-mice, accompanied by the reduced protein levels of forkhead box protein O1 (FoxO1). These changes were not observed in mice with increased hepatic de novo cholesterol synthesis. These data demonstrate that cholesterol absorbed through NPC1L1 plays a distinct role in cellular and plasma lipid metabolism, such as the appearance of apoE-rich lipoproteins and the diminished VLDL-TG secretion.  相似文献   

These studies investigated the role of gangliosides in governing the steady-state concentration and turnover of unesterified cholesterol in normal tissues and in those of mice carrying the NPC1 mutation. In animals lacking either GM2/GD2 or GM3 synthase, tissue cholesterol concentrations and synthesis rates were normal in nearly all organs, and whole-animal sterol pools and turnover also were not different from control animals. Mice lacking both synthases, however, had small elevations in cholesterol concentrations in several organs, and the whole-animal cholesterol pool was marginally elevated. None of these three groups, however, had changes in any parameter of cholesterol homeostasis in the major regions of the central nervous system. When either the GM2/GD2 or GM3 synthase activity was deleted in mice lacking NPC1 function, the clinical phenotype was not changed, but lifespan was shortened. However, the abnormal cholesterol accumulation seen in the tissues of the NPC1 mouse was unaffected by loss of either synthase, and clinical and molecular markers of hepatic and cerebellar disease also were unchanged. These studies demonstrate that hydrophobic interactions between cholesterol and various gangliosides do not play an important role in determining cellular cholesterol concentrations in the normal animal or in the mouse with the NPC1 mutation.  相似文献   

Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease is a multisystem disorder caused primarily by a mutation in the npc1 gene. These studies evaluated the effect of genetic background, deletion of additional genes, and administration of several agents on the age at death in a murine model of this disorder. Such factors as differing strain background or genetic drift within a given background in the npc1(-/-) mouse significantly altered the age at death and the degree of organ disease. Genetic deletion of Siat9 (GM3 synthetase) or Nr1h2 [liver X receptor (LXR)beta] shortened the life of the npc1(-/-) animals. Daily treatment of the npc1(-/-) mice with an LXR agonist or administration of a single dose of cyclodextrin, with or without the neurosteroid allopregnanolone, significantly slowed neurodegeneration and increased the lifespan of these animals. These data illustrate that the age at death of the npc1(-/-) mouse can be significantly influenced by many factors, including differences in strain background, other inactivating gene mutations (Siat9 and lxrbeta), and administration of agents such as LXR agonists and, particularly, cyclodextrin. It is currently not clear which of these effects is nonspecific or which might relate directly to the molecular defect present in the NPC1 syndrome.  相似文献   

Enhanced delivery and expression of genes in specific neuronal systems is critical for the development of genetic models of neurodegenerative disease and potential gene therapy. Recent discovery of new recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) capsid serotypes has resulted in improved transduction efficiency, but expression levels, spread of transgene, and potential toxicity can differ depending on brain region and among species. We compared the transduction efficiency of titer-matched rAAV 2/1, 2/5, and 2/8 to the commonly used rAAV2/2 in the rat nigrostriatal system via expression of the reporter transgene, enhanced green fluorescent protein. Newer rAAV serotypes 2/1, 2/5, and 2/8 demonstrated marked increase in transduction and spread of enhanced green fluorescent protein expression in dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons and projections to the striatum and globus pallidus compared to rAAV2/2 at 2 weeks post-injection. The number of nigral cells transduced was greatest for rAAV2/1, but for serotypes 2/5 and 2/8 was still two- to threefold higher than that for 2/2. Enhanced transduction did not cause an increase in glial cell response or toxicity. New rAAV serotypes thus promise improved gene delivery to nigrostriatal system with the potential for better models and therapeutics for Parkinson disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

The human Niemann‐Pick C1 (NPC1) gene encoding a 1278 amino acid protein is very heterogeneous. While some variants represent benign polymorphisms, NPC disease carriers and patients may possess rare variants, whose functional importance remains unknown. An NPC1 cDNA construct known as NPC1 wild‐type variant (WT‐V), distributed between laboratories and used as a WT control in several studies, also contains changes regarding specific amino acids compared to the NPC1 Genbank reference sequence. To improve the dissection of subtle functional differences, we generated human cells stably expressing NPC1 variants from the AAVS1 safe‐harbor locus on an NPC1‐null background engineered by CRISPR/Cas9 editing. We then employed high‐content imaging with automated image analysis to quantitatively assess LDL‐induced, time‐dependent changes in lysosomal cholesterol content and lipid droplet formation. Our results indicate that the L472P change present in NPC1 WT‐V compromises NPC1 functionality in lysosomal cholesterol export. All‐atom molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the L472P change alters the relative position of the NPC1 middle and the C‐terminal luminal domains, disrupting the recently characterized cholesterol efflux tunnel. These results reveal functional defects in NPC1 WT‐V and highlight the strength of simulations and quantitative imaging upon stable protein expression in elucidating subtle differences in protein function.  相似文献   

Niemann-Pick type C1 (NPC1) disease is an autosomal-recessive cholesterol-storage disorder characterized by liver dysfunction, hepatosplenomegaly, and progressive neurodegeneration. The NPC1 gene is expressed in every tissue of the body, with liver expressing the highest amounts of NPC1 mRNA and protein. A number of studies have now indicated that the NPC1 protein regulates the transport of cholesterol from late endosomes/lysosomes to other cellular compartments involved in maintaining intracellular cholesterol homeostasis. The present study characterizes liver disease and lipid metabolism in NPC1 mice at 35 days of age before the development of weight loss and neurological symptoms. At this age, homozygous affected (NPC1(-/-)) mice were characterized with mild hepatomegaly, an elevation of liver enzymes, and an accumulation of liver cholesterol approximately four times that measured in normal (NPC1(+/+)) mice. In contrast, heterozygous (NPC1(+/-)) mice were without hepatomegaly and an elevation of liver enzymes, but the livers had a significant accumulation of triacylglycerol. With respect to apolipoprotein and lipoprotein metabolism, the results indicated only minor alterations in NPC1(-/-) mouse serum. Finally, compared to NPC1(+/+) mouse livers, the amount and processing of SREBP-1 and -2 proteins were significantly increased in NPC1(-/-) mouse livers, suggesting a relative deficiency of cholesterol at the metabolically active pool of cholesterol located at the endoplasmic reticulum. The results from this study further support the hypothesis that an accumulation of lipoprotein-derived cholesterol within late endosomes/lysosomes, in addition to altered intracellular cholesterol homeostasis, has a key role in the biochemical and cellular pathophysiology associated with NPC1 liver disease.  相似文献   

Different primary lysosomal trafficking defects lead to common alterations in lipid trafficking, suggesting cooperative interactions among lysosomal lipids. However, cellular analysis of the functional consequences of this phenomenon is lacking. As a test case, we studied cells with defective Niemann‐Pick C1 (NPC1) protein, a cholesterol trafficking protein whose defect gives rise to lysosomal accumulation of cholesterol and other lipids, leading to NPC disease. NPC1 cells also develop a secondary defect in acid sphingomyelinase (SMase) activity despite a normal acid SMase gene (SMPD1). When acid SMase activity was restored to normal levels in NPC1‐deficient CHO cells through SMPD1 transfection, there was a dramatic reduction in lysosomal cholesterol. Two other defects, excess lysosomal bis‐(monoacylglycerol) phosphate (BMP) and defective transferrin receptor (TfR) recycling, were also markedly improved. To test its relevance in human cells, the acid SMase activity defect in fibroblasts from NPC1 patients was corrected by SMPD1 transfection or acid SMase enzyme replacement. Both treatments resulted in a dramatic reduction in lysosomal cholesterol. These data show that correcting one aspect of a complex lysosomal lipid storage disease can reduce the cellular consequences even if the primary genetic defect is not corrected.  相似文献   

Lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) plays a critical role in the intracellular handling of lipids by hydrolyzing cholesteryl esters (CE) and triacylglycerols (TAG) contained in newly internalized lipoproteins. In humans, mutations in the LAL gene result in cholesteryl ester storage disease (CESD), or in Wolman disease (WD) when the mutations cause complete loss of LAL activity. A rat model for WD and a mouse model for CESD have been described. In these studies we used LAL-deficient mice to investigate how modulating the amount of intestinally-derived cholesterol reaching the liver might impact its mass, cholesterol content, and function in this model. The main experiment tested if ezetimibe, a potent cholesterol absorption inhibitor, had any effect on CE accumulation in mice lacking LAL. In male Lal−/− mice given ezetimibe in their diet (20 mg/day/kg bw) for 4 weeks starting at 21 days of age, both liver mass and hepatic cholesterol concentration (mg/g) were reduced to the extent that whole-liver cholesterol content (mg/organ) in the treated mice (74.3 ± 3.4) was only 56% of that in those not given ezetimibe (133.5 ± 6.7). There was also a marked improvement in plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity. Thus, minimizing cholesterol absorption has a favorable impact on the liver in CESD.  相似文献   

Biallelic mutations in the RCBTB1 gene cause retinal dystrophy. Here, we characterized the effects of RCBTB1 gene deficiency in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells derived from a patient with RCBTB1-associated retinopathy and restored RCBTB1 expression in these cells using adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors. Induced pluripotent stem cells derived from a patient with compound heterozygous RCBTB1 mutations (c.170delG and c.707delA) and healthy control subjects were differentiated into RPE cells. RPE cells were treated with AAV vectors carrying a RCBTB1 transgene. Patient-derived RPE cells showed reduced expression of RCBTB1. Expression of NFE2L2 showed a non-significant reduction in patient RPE cells compared with controls, while expression of its target genes (RXRA, IDH1 and SLC25A25) was significantly reduced. Trans-epithelial electrical resistance, surface microvillus densities and primary cilium lengths were reduced in patient-derived RPE cells, compared with controls. Treatment of patient RPE with AAV vectors significantly increased RCBTB1, NFE2L2 and RXRA expression and cilium lengths. Our study provides the first report examining the phenotype of RPE cells derived from a patient with RCBTB1-associated retinopathy. Furthermore, treatment of patient-derived RPE with AAV-RCBTB1 vectors corrected deficits in gene expression and RPE ultrastructure, supporting the use of gene replacement therapy for treating this inherited retinal disease.  相似文献   

目的研究同一滴度不同心脏基因转染方法转染携带肌浆网钙ATP酶2a(sarcoplasmic reticulumCa2+ATPase 2a,SERCA2a)基因的9型腺相关病毒(adeno-associated virus serotype 9,AAV9)即AAV9-SERCA2a对SD大鼠心肌的有效性及对机体毒副作用的影响。方法体外成功构建AAV9-SERCA2a-EGFP病毒载体系统,90只雄性SD大鼠随机分为尾静脉注射(tail vein injection,TVI)组、心肌注射(intramyocardial injection,IMI)组、心包腔注射(intrapericardial injection,IPI)组,采用相应方法在体分别转染滴度1×1011vg/mL AAV9-SERCA2a-EGFP、AAV9-EGFP、NS各200μL。转染后30 d,荧光显微镜下观察心肝肾组织绿色荧光表达情况,Western blot检测SER-CA2a基因在大鼠各组织的相对表达量,体表12导联心电图检测心律失常发生率,HE染色观察病理学变化,心脏彩色多普勒超声评价心功能,血液生化学指标检测肝肾功能。结果三组左心室可见大量绿色荧光表达,IMI组荧光局限在注射点,三组肝肾组织均可见微弱荧光;三组心肌SERCA2a蛋白相对表达量显著高于肝肾(P<0.01),TVI组和IMI组心肌SERCA2a蛋白相对表达量明显高于IPI组(P<0.01);TVI组和IPI组心电图正常,IMI组2只大鼠发生室性早搏;三组转染AAV9-EGFP、AAV9-SERCA2a-EGFP与转染NS相比,心功能、组织病理学、血液生化学指标差异均无显著性(P>0.05)。结论三种方法转染滴度1×1011vg/mL AAV9-SERCA2a基因,TVI法和IMI法在心肌的有效性优于IPI法,TVI法和IPI法对机体的毒副作用小于IMI法,综合三种方法的有效性和毒副作用评价,TVI法优于IMI法和IPI法。  相似文献   

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