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Heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) composed of three subunits α, β, γ mediate activation of multiple intracellular signaling cascades initiated by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Previously our laboratory identified small molecules that bind to Gβγ and interfere with or enhance binding of select effectors with Gβγ. To understand the molecular mechanisms of selectivity and assess binding of compounds to Gβγ, we used biophysical and biochemical approaches to directly monitor small molecule binding to Gβγ. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis indicated that multiple compounds bound directly to Gβγ with affinities in the high nanomolar to low micromolar range but with surprisingly slow on and off rate kinetics. While the k(off) was slow for most of the compounds in physiological buffers, they could be removed from Gβγ with mild chaotropic salts or mildly dissociating collision energy in a mass-spectrometer indicating that compound-Gβγ interactions were non-covalent. Finally, at concentrations used to observe maximal biological effects the stoichiometry of binding was 1:1. The results from this study show that small molecule modulation of Gβγ-effector interactions is by specific direct non-covalent and reversible binding of small molecules to Gβγ. This is highly relevant to development of Gβγ targeting as a therapeutic approach since reversible, direct binding is a prerequisite for drug development and important for specificity.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that heterotrimeric G protein activation may not require G protein subunit dissociation. Results presented here provide evidence for a subunit dissociation-independent mechanism for G protein activation by a receptor-independent activator of G protein signaling, AGS8. AGS8 is a member of the AGS group III family of AGS proteins thought to activate G protein signaling primarily through interactions with Gbetagamma subunits. Results are presented demonstrating that AGS8 binds to the effector and alpha subunit binding "hot spot" on Gbetagamma yet does not interfere with Galpha subunit binding to Gbetagamma or phospholipase C beta2 activation. AGS8 stimulates activation of phospholipase C beta2 by heterotrimeric Galphabetagamma and forms a quaternary complex with Galpha(i1), Gbeta(1)gamma(2), and phospholipase C beta2. AGS8 rescued phospholipase C beta binding and regulation by an inactive beta subunit with a mutation in the hot spot (beta(1)(W99A)gamma(2)) that normally prevents binding and activation of phospholipase C beta2. This demonstrates that, in the presence of AGS8, the hot spot is not used for Gbetagamma interactions with phospholipase C beta2. Mutation of an alternate binding site for phospholipase C beta2 in the amino-terminal coiled-coil region of Gbetagamma prevented AGS8-dependent phospholipase C binding and activation. These data implicate a mechanism for AGS8, and potentially other Gbetagamma binding proteins, for directing Gbetagamma signaling through alternative effector activation sites on Gbetagamma in the absence of subunit dissociation.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled receptor for PTH and PTH-related protein (PTH1R) signals via many intracellular pathways. The purpose of this work is to investigate a G protein binding site on an intracellular domain of the PTH1R. The carboxy-terminal, cytoplasmic tail of the PTH1R fused to glutathione-S-transferase interacts with Gi/o proteins in vitro. All three subunits of the heterotrimer interact with the receptor C-tail. Activation of the heterotrimeric complex with GTPgammaS has no effect on Gbetagamma interactions, but markedly disrupts binding of the Galphai/o subunits to the receptor tail, suggesting that direct Gbetagamma binding indirectly links Galpha subunits to this region of the receptor. Gbetagamma subunits alone bind the C-tail with an affinity that is comparable to the heterotrimeric G protein complex. G protein complexes consisting of Galphashis6-beta1gamma2 and Galphaqhis6-beta1gamma2 also interact with the PTH1R tail in vitro. The Gbetagamma interaction domain is located on the juxta-membrane region of the tail between amino acids 468 and 491. Mutations that disrupt Gbetagamma interactions block PTH signaling via phospholipase Cbeta/[Ca2+]i and MAPK and markedly reduce signaling via adenylyl cyclase/cAMP. Herein, we define a domain on the PTH1R that is capable of binding G protein heterotrimeric complexes via direct Gbetagamma interactions.  相似文献   

Before entering mitosis, the stacks of the Golgi cisternae are separated from each other, and inhibiting this process delays entry of mammalian cells into mitosis. Protein kinase D (PKD) is known to be involved in Golgi-to–cell surface transport by controlling the biogenesis of specific transport carriers. Here we show that depletion of PKD1 and PKD2 proteins from HeLa cells by small interfering RNA leads to the accumulation of cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle and prevents cells from entering mitosis. We further provide evidence that inhibition of PKD blocks mitotic Raf-1 and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) activation, and, as a consequence, mitotic Golgi fragmentation, which could be rescued by expression of active MEK1. Finally, Golgi fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analyses demonstrate that PKD is crucial for the cleavage of the noncompact zones of Golgi membranes in G2 phase. Our findings suggest that PKD controls interstack Golgi connections in a Raf-1/MEK1–dependent manner, a process required for entry of the cells into mitosis.  相似文献   

The present model of G protein activation by G protein-coupled receptors exclusively localizes their activation and function to the plasma membrane (PM). Observation of the spatiotemporal response of G protein subunits in a living cell to receptor activation showed that 6 of the 12 members of the G protein gamma subunit family translocate specifically from the PM to endomembranes. The gamma subunits translocate as betagamma complexes, whereas the alpha subunit is retained on the PM. Depending on the gamma subunit, translocation occurs predominantly to the Golgi complex or the endoplasmic reticulum. The rate of translocation also varies with the gamma subunit type. Different gamma subunits, thus, confer distinct spatiotemporal properties to translocation. A striking relationship exists between the amino acid sequences of various gamma subunits and their translocation properties. gamma subunits with similar translocation properties are more closely related to each other. Consistent with this relationship, introducing residues conserved in translocating subunits into a non-translocating subunit results in a gain of function. Inhibitors of vesicle-mediated trafficking and palmitoylation suggest that translocation is diffusion-mediated and controlled by acylation similar to the shuttling of G protein subunits (Chisari, M., Saini, D. K., Kalyanaraman, V., and Gautam, N. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 24092-24098). These results suggest that the continual testing of cytosolic surfaces of cell membranes by G protein subunits facilitates an activated cell surface receptor to direct potentially active G protein betagamma subunits to intracellular membranes.  相似文献   

The increase in the permeability of the glomerular barrier filtration to albumin is a well-known feature of diabetic microvasculature and a negative prognostic factor for vascular complications. However, the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. We demonstrated recently that superoxide anion generation increases dimerization of protein kinase G type Iα (PKGIα) subunits, leading to podocyte dysfunction. Here we investigated whether high insulin concentration is involved in PKGI-dependent hyperpermeability of the diabetic glomerular filtration barrier. We assessed changes in insulin-induced glomerular permeability by measuring glomerular capillary permeability to albumin in isolated glomeruli from Wistar and obese and lean Zucker rats and transmembrane albumin flux in cultured rat podocytes. Expression of PKGIα and upstream proteins was confirmed in the podocytes using Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Insulin (300 nM, 5 min) increased NAD(P)H-dependent glomerular albumin permeability in Wistar rats and PKGI-dependent transmembrane albumin flux in cultured podocytes. Podocyte exposure to insulin in non-reducing conditions increased PKGIα interprotein disulfide bond formation, altered the phosphorylation of the PKG target proteins MYPT1 and MLC, and disrupted the actin cytoskeleton. The role of NADPH oxidase (NOX) in insulin-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and insulin-evoked increases in albumin permeability in podocytes was confirmed with NOX2 and NOX4 siRNA. Glomerular albumin permeability was increased in hyperinsulinemic Zucker obese rats with isolated glomeruli showing increased expression of PKGIα and NOX4. Taken together, these data demonstrate that insulin increases glomerular barrier albumin permeability via a PKGI-dependent mechanism involving NAD(P)H-dependent generation of superoxide anion. These findings reveal a role for insulin in the pathophysiology of diabetic glomerular nephropathy.  相似文献   

The focus of this research was to investigate the role of protein kinase C-iota (PKC-ι) in regulation of Bad, a pro-apoptotic BH3-only molecule of the Bcl-2 family in glioblastoma. Robust expression of PKC-ι is a hallmark of human glioma and benign and malignant meningiomas. The results were obtained from the two human glial tumor derived cell lines, T98G and U87MG. In these cells, PKC-ι co-localized and directly associated with Bad, as shown by immunofluorescence, immunoprecipitation, and Western blotting. Furthermore, in-vitro kinase activity assay showed that PKC-ι directly phosphorylated Bad at phospho specific residues, Ser-112, Ser-136 and Ser-155 which in turn induced inactivation of Bad and disruption of Bad/Bcl-XL dimer. Knockdown of PKC-ι by siRNA exhibited a corresponding reduction in Bad phosphorylation suggesting that PKC-ι may be a Bad kinase. PKC-ι knockdown also induced apoptosis in both the cell lines. Since, PKC-ι is an essential downstream mediator of the PI (3)-kinase, we hypothesize that glioma cell survival is mediated via a PI (3)-kinase/PDK1/PKC-ι/Bad pathway. Treatment with PI (3)-kinase inhibitors Wortmannin and LY294002, as well as PDK1 siRNA, inhibited PKC-ι activity and subsequent phosphorylation of Bad suggesting that PKC-ι regulates the activity of Bad in a PI (3)-kinase dependent manner. Thus, our data suggest that glioma cell survival occurs through a novel PI (3)-kinase/PDK1/PKC-ι/BAD mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been found to increase cardiac -myosin heavy chain (-MyHC) gene expression and induce hypertrophy in cardiomyocytes. ET-1 has been demonstrated to increase intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cardiomyocytes. The exact molecular mechanism by which ROS regulate ET-1-induced -MyHC gene expression and hypertrophy in cardiomyocytes, however, has not yet been fully described. We aim to elucidate the molecular regulatory mechanism of ROS on ET-1-induced -MyHC gene expression and hypertrophic signaling in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Following stimulation with ET-1, cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were examined for 3H-leucine incorporation and -MyHC promoter activities. The effects of antioxidant pretreatment on ET-1-induced cardiac hypertrophy and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPKs) phosphorylation were studied to elucidate the redox-sensitive pathway in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and -MyHC gene expression. ET-1 increased 3H-leucine incorporation and -MyHC promoter activities, which were blocked by the specific ETA receptor antagonist BQ-485. Antioxidants significantly reduced ET-1-induced 3H-leucine incorporation, -MyHC gene promoter activities and MAPK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase, p38, and c-Jun NH2 -terminal kinase) phosphorylation. Both PD98059 and SB203580 inhibited ET-1-increased 3H-leucine incorporation and -MyHC promoter activities. Co-transfection of the dominant negative mutant of Ras, Raf, and MEK1 decreased the ET-1-induced -MyHC promoter activities, suggesting that the Ras-Raf-MAPK pathway is required for ET-1 action. Truncation analysis of the -MyHC gene promoter showed that the activator protein-2 (AP-2)/specificity protein-1 (SP-1) binding site(s) were(was) important cis-element(s) in ET-1-induced -MyHC gene expression. Moreover, ET-1-induced AP-2 and SP-1 binding activities were also inhibited by antioxidant. These data demonstrate the involvement of ROS in ET-1-induced hypertrophic responses and -MyHC expression. ROS mediate ET-1-induced activation of MAPK pathways, which culminates in hypertrophic responses and -MyHC expression. Tzu-Hurng Cheng, Neng-Lang Shih: These authors have equally contributed to this work  相似文献   

Membrane trafficking involves large fluxes of cargo and membrane across separate compartments. These fluxes must be regulated by control systems to maintain homoeostasis. While control systems for other key functions such as protein folding or the cell cycle are well known, the mechanisms that control secretory transport are poorly understood. We have previously described a signalling circuit operating at the Golgi complex that regulates intra-Golgi trafficking and is initiated by the KDEL receptor (KDEL-R), a protein previously known to mediate protein recycling from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here, we investigated the KDEL-R signalling mechanism. We show that the KDEL-R is predicted to fold like a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), and that it binds and activates the heterotrimeric signalling G-protein Gα(q/11) which, in turn, regulates transport through the Golgi complex. These findings reveal an unexpected GPCR-like mode of action of the KDEL-R and shed light on a core molecular control mechanism of intra-Golgi traffic.  相似文献   

Regulation of the assembly and function of G-protein heterotrimers (Gα·GDP/Gβγ) is a complex process involving the participation of many accessory proteins. One of these regulators, GPSM3, is a member of a family of proteins containing one or more copies of a small regulatory motif known as the GoLoco (or GPR) motif. Although GPSM3 is known to bind Gα(i)·GDP subunits via its GoLoco motifs, here we report that GPSM3 also interacts with the Gβ subunits Gβ1 to Gβ4, independent of Gγ or Gα·GDP subunit interactions. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation studies suggest that the Gβ-GPSM3 complex is formed at, and transits through, the Golgi apparatus and also exists as a soluble complex in the cytoplasm. GPSM3 and Gβ co-localize endogenously in THP-1 cells at the plasma membrane and in a juxtanuclear compartment. We provide evidence that GPSM3 increases Gβ stability until formation of the Gβγ dimer, including association of the Gβ-GPSM3 complex with phosducin-like protein PhLP and T-complex protein 1 subunit eta (CCT7), two known chaperones of neosynthesized Gβ subunits. The Gβ interaction site within GPSM3 was mapped to a leucine-rich region proximal to the N-terminal side of its first GoLoco motif. Both Gβ and Gα(i)·GDP binding events are required for GPSM3 activity in inhibiting phospholipase-Cβ activation. GPSM3 is also shown in THP-1 cells to be important for Akt activation, a known Gβγ-dependent pathway. Discovery of a Gβ/GPSM3 interaction, independent of Gα·GDP and Gγ involvement, adds to the combinatorial complexity of the role of GPSM3 in heterotrimeric G-protein regulation.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is a process wherein proliferating cells undergo permanent cell cycle arrest while remaining viable. Senescence results in enhanced secretion of proteins that promote cancer and inflammation. We report here that the structure of the Golgi complex which regulates secretion is altered in senescent cells. In cells where senescence is achieved by replicative exhaustion or in cells wherein senescence has been induced with BrdU treatment dependent stress, the Golgi complex is dispersed. The expression of a G protein γ subunit, γ11, capable of translocation from the plasma membrane to the Golgi complex on receptor activation increases with senescence. Knockdown of γ11 or overexpression of a dominant negative γ3 subunit inhibits Golgi dispersal induced by senescence. Overall these results suggest that in cellular senescence an upregulated G protein gamma subunit mediates alterations in the structure of the Golgi.  相似文献   

《Cellular signalling》2014,26(11):2530-2538
Although ghrelin receptors have been demonstrated to be widely expressed in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues of mammals, it is still unknown whether ghrelin functions in cerebellar Purkinje neurons. In this study, we identified a novel functional role for ghrelin in modulating P-type Ca2 + channel (P-type channel) currents (IBa) as well as action-potential firing in rat Purkinje neurons. Our results show that ghrelin at 0.1 μM reversibly decreased IBa by ~ 32.3%. This effect was growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a (GHS-R1a)-dependent and was associated with a hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage-dependence of inactivation. Intracellular application of GDP-β-S and pretreatment with pertussis toxin abolished the inhibitory effects of ghrelin. Dialysis of cells with the peptide QEHA (but not the scrambled peptide SKEE), and a selective antibody raised against the G-protein αo subunit both blocked the ghrelin-induced response. Ghrelin markedly increased protein kinase A (PKA) activity, and intracellular application of PKI 5-24 as well as pretreatment of the cells with the PKA inhibitor KT-5720 abolished ghrelin-induced IBa decrease, while inhibition of PKC had no such effects. At the cellular level, ghrelin induced a significant increase in action-potential firing, and blockade of GHS-R1a by BIM-28163 abolished the ghrelin-induced hyperexcitability. In summary, these results suggest that ghrelin markedly decreases IBa via the activation of GHS-R1a, which is coupled sequentially to the activities of Go-protein βγ subunits and the downstream PKA pathway. This could contribute to its physiological functions, including the spontaneous firing of action potentials in cerebellar Purkinje neurons.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia is a primary factor that disturbs podocyte function in the glomerular filtration process; this disturbance leads to the development of diabetic nephropathy, and ultimately, renal failure. Podocyte function may also be altered by biological agents that modify protein kinase activity, including the cGMP-activated protein kinase type Iα (PKGIα). We hypothesized that hyperglycemia-induced podocyte protein hyperpermeability was dependent on PKGIα activation, and that PKGIα was activated via dimerization induced by reactive oxygen species. This hypothesis was investigated in rat podocytes cultured in high glucose (HG, 30 mM). Protein expression was measured with Western blot and immunofluorescence. Podocyte permeability was measured with a transmembrane albumin flux assay. We found that HG increased podocyte permeability in long-term incubations (1, 3, and 5 days); permeability was increased by 66% on day 5. This effect was abolished with apocynin, a NAD(P)H inhibitor, and Rp-8-Br-cGMPS, a PKG inhibitor. It was also abolished by introducing small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) against Nox4 and PKGIα into cultured podocytes. Furthermore, HG increased PKGIα dimerization by 138% (0.23±0.04 vs. 0.54±0.09; P<0.05); this effect was abolished with a siRNA against Nox4. Our observations suggested that HG could increase albumin permeability across the podocyte filtration barrier via Nox4-dependent PKGIα dimerization.  相似文献   

The coat protein II (COPII)–coated vesicular system transports newly synthesized secretory and membrane proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex. Recruitment of cargo into COPII vesicles requires an interaction of COPII proteins either with the cargo molecules directly or with cargo receptors for anterograde trafficking. We show that cytosolic phosphatidic acid phospholipase A1 (PAPLA1) interacts with COPII protein family members and is required for the transport of Rh1 (rhodopsin 1), an N-glycosylated G protein–coupled receptor (GPCR), from the ER to the Golgi complex. In papla1 mutants, in the absence of transport to the Golgi, Rh1 is aberrantly glycosylated and is mislocalized. These defects lead to decreased levels of the protein and decreased sensitivity of the photoreceptors to light. Several GPCRs, including other rhodopsins and Bride of sevenless, are similarly affected. Our findings show that a cytosolic protein is necessary for transit of selective transmembrane receptor cargo by the COPII coat for anterograde trafficking.  相似文献   



Sporothrix schenckii is a pathogenic dimorphic fungus, the etiological agent of sporotrichosis, a lymphocutaneous disease that can remain localized or can disseminate, involving joints, lungs, and the central nervous system. Pathogenic fungi use signal transduction pathways to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions and S. schenckii is no exception. S. schenckii yeast cells, either proliferate (yeast cell cycle) or engage in a developmental program that includes proliferation accompanied by morphogenesis (yeast to mycelium transition) depending on the environmental conditions. The principal intracellular receptors of environmental signals are the heterotrimeric G proteins, suggesting their involvement in fungal dimorphism and pathogenicity. Identifying these G proteins in fungi and their involvement in protein-protein interactions will help determine their role in signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Evidence from ventricular preparations of cat, sheep, rat and dog suggests that both 1-adrenoceptors (1AR) and 2-adrenoceptors (2AR) mediate positive inotropic effects but that only 1AR do it through activation of a cAMP pathway. On the other hand, our evidence has shown that both 1 AR and 2 AR hasten relaxation of isolated human myocardium consistent with a common cAMP pathway. We have now investigated in the isolated human right atrial appendage, a tissue whose -AR comprise around 2/3 of 1AR and 1/3 of 2AR, whether or not 2AR-mediated effects occur via activation of a cAMP pathway. We carried out experiments on atria obtained from patients without advanced heart failure undergoing open heart surgery. To activate 2AR, we used the 2AR-selective ligand zinterol. Experiments were carried out on paced atrial strips (1 Hz) and tissue homogenates and membrane particles. Zinterol caused positive inotropic and lusitropic (i.e. reduction of t1:2 of relaxation) effects with EC50 values of 3 and 2 nM, respectively. The zinterol-evoked effects were unaffected by the AR-selective antagonist CGP 20712A (300 nM) but blocked surmountably by the 2AR-selective antagonist ICI 118551 (50 nM) which reduced both EC50 values to 1 M. Zinterol stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity with an EC50 of 30 nM and intrinsic activity of 0.75 with respect to (–)-isoprenaline (600 M); the effects were resistant to blockade by CGP 20712A (300 nM) but antagonised surmountably by ICI 118551 (50 nM). Zinterol bound to membrane PAR labelled with (–)-[125I] cyanopindolol with higher affinity for 2AR than for - 1 AR; the binding to 2AR but not to - BAR was reduced by GTPyS (10 M). In the presence of CGP 20712A (300 nM) (–)-isoprenaline (400 M); (to activate both 1AR and 2AR maximally) and zinterol (10 M); increased contractile force 3.4-fold and 2.5-fold respectively and reduced relaxation tut by 32% and 18% respectively. These effects of (–)-isoprenaline and zinterol were associated (5 min incubation) with phosphorylation (pmol P/mg supernatant protein) of troponin I and C-protein to values of 8.4 ± 2.0 vs 12.4 ± 2.3 and 10.1 ± 2.5 vs 8.6 ± 1.6 respectively. (–)-Isoprenaline and zinterol also caused phosphorylation of phospholamban (1.8 ± 0.3 vs 0.4 ± 0.1 pmol P/mg respectively) specifically at serine residues. We conclude that in human atrial myocardium activation of both 1AR and 2AR leads to cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of proteins involved in augmenting both contractility and relaxation.  相似文献   


Although the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is usually asymptomatic, a primary encounter with the virus can cause mononucleosis. EBV infection is also strongly associated with lymphoma and epithelial cancers. The structure and infection mechanism of EBV have been well studied, but the EBV-encoded G protein-coupled receptor, BILF1, is not fully understood. Here, it was found that the EBV BILF1 was expressed early in the viral lytic cycle and its ectopic expression strikingly upregulated the ICAM-1 expression in Raji cells. The positive effect of BILF1 on the ICAM-1 promoter was observed and the BILF1 deficiency attenuated ICAM-1 promoter activity. Moreover, NF-κB binding sites were important for the regulation of ICAM-1 promoter by BILF1. Furthermore, BILF1 reduced the constitutive level of the I?B-a protein and increased the amount of nuclear NF-?B in Raji cells. In conclusion, this study determined that BILF1 upregulated ICAM-1 in a mechanism involving NF-?B.  相似文献   

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