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天目山自然保护区不同生境陆生贝类多样性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对天目山自然保护区不同生境中的陆生软体动物物种进行了多样性研究.在9个样地中进行了定量调查和采集,共获得标本1 034号,经鉴定为33种,隶属于12科21属.多样性分析表明,9个样地的物种丰富度指数d<,MA>的取值范围在0.733~3.656之间,多样性指数H'的范围是0.779~2.409,均匀度J<,SW>,为0.562~0.909.9个样地间物种多样性没有明显的规律性,而表现出一定的随机性.聚类分析的结果亦表明9个样地间的聚类关系没有明显的规律性. 相似文献
2016和2017年,在广东鼎湖山国家级自然保护区及广东同乐大山省级自然保护区,用行为观察法和微型摄像机记录了淡眉雀鹛(Alcippehueti)、红嘴相思鸟(Leiothrixlutea)、栗颈凤鹛(Staphida torqueola)和褐顶雀鹛(Schoeniparus brunneus)等12种鸟类的繁殖习性。描述了它们的巢特征、卵重、卵大小、窝卵数及育雏等繁殖参数。研究发现:1)与历史数据相比,经过近30年的时间,在广东鼎湖山的淡眉雀鹛筑巢高度增加;2)与国内其他地区相比,红嘴相思鸟的筑巢高度也增加;3)发现乌鹃(Surniculus lugubris)和棕腹鹰鹃(Hierococcyx nisicolor)将淡眉雀鹛巢中的淡眉雀鹛雏鸟移出巢外;4)发现淡眉雀鹛亲鸟将其巢中的鸟卵和雏鸟移出巢外。 相似文献
广东湛江保护区红树林种群的生物量及其分布格局 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
本文研究了广东湛江红树林自然保护区高桥镇红寨村及德耀村海滩红树植物的种群分布格局与生物量。结果表明:5年生桐花树群落、白骨壤群落、秋茄群落、10年生木榄群落、30年生红海榄群落的总生物量分别为55475g/m2、163701g/m2、626448g/m2、413843g/m2、961020g/m2;其中地下部分生物量占总生物量的比例依次为3228%、4545%、4131%、2985%和2829%。计算得Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数为2232。种群的分布格局中桐花树、白骨壤、红海榄和秋茄种群为集群分布,而木榄种群为随机分布。 相似文献
Bruce Campbell 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):84-86
A survey of Hen Harrier winter roosts traced 202 sites in Britain to the end of 1985/86 winter, and 12 in Ireland. Communal roosting had been recorded at more than 90% of sites, and 43% were known to be used every winter. Of reported sites 39% were in E England, where coverage was undoubtedly more comprehensive. The majority of sites in England were reported to have been discovered since the mid 1970s. Hen Harriers almost invariably roosted amongst rank ground vegetation, in a variety of open habitats, and 28% of sites were on d rtl ground. Most sites were at low altitudes, but some had been found up to 427 m above sea level. Co-ordinated counts at roosts recorded maximum overall numbers at mid-winter in both 1983/84 and 1984/85, although the pattern of occupancy varied between regions. No estimate could be made of the sizes of the winter populations in Scotland, Ireland and Wales, but extrapolation of counts to estimate the numbers wintering in England indicated populations which peaked at about 400 birds in 1983/84 and 1984/85. Roosts in western Britain held a higher proportion of grey males than in the east. Ringing recoveries indicate that Hen Harriers wintering in England have mixed origins. 相似文献
湛江红树林保护区大型底栖动物的群落结构 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
目的:对广东湛江红树林保护区大型底栖动物群落结构及其与红树植物群落、环境因子的关系进行分析。方法:用大型多元统计软件PRIMER对采样调查的数据进行分析。结果:种群的相对重要性存在着地点和季节的差异。聚类和非参数多变量标序分析显示,大型底栖动物群落结构存在季节差异;相似性分析检验表明动物群落结构季节间差异极显著(P〈0.01),不同剖面的动物群落结构差异也极显著(p〈0.01);相关检验分析表明,群落结构季节间存在显著的正相关关系(P〈0.05)。相似性百分比分析表明由于某些大型底栖动物优势种的数量存在较大的季节波动,造成群落结构季节间的差异。相关检验分析表明两个红树剖面春季和夏季大型底栖动物的种类丰度和生物量均与对应的红树植物群落特征、环境因子测定值呈显著或极显著相关(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);生物一环境分析显示,两个红树剖面的大型底栖动物群落结构均与土壤机械组成、pH、盐分、有机质含量、湖位线和红树植物群落相关。结论:研究表明,季节、底质、潮位线和红树植物群落是影响大型底栖动物群落结构变化的主要因子。 相似文献
Medicinal plants are important resources and are under serious threat due to human interference and climate change. We used species richness maps to find hotspots of medicinal plant localities and then modeled the environmental variables with a large effect on their distribution. We began by using a combination of species distribution models (SDMs) and geographic information system (GIS) tools to generate species richness maps of medicinal plants in northeast China. First, we conducted a detailed investigation of 2884 study plots in northeast China and selected 49 medicinal plant species for further analysis. The field surveys performed for this study spanned four years and identified a large number of new populations of medicinal plants in the forests of northeast China. We modeled and mapped the potential distributions of these 49 species and found that species richness hotspots are concentrated in the eastern and northeastern areas of the study region. We then analyzed the results of jackknife tests and found that the most important environmental variables on medicinal plant distribution are related to precipitation. Finally, we used the geographic distribution of medicinal plant richness to evaluate the ability of existing Nature Reserves to conserve these plants. By acquiring model data and using SDM and GIS to evaluate the current distribution and richness of medicinal plants, we are able to evaluate their current protection status and make recommendations about their utilization. This analysis could be expanded to assess medicinal plant populations in other regions where there are adequate records of the current distribution of medicinal plants. 相似文献
Will installment of a few fences and rangers be sufficient to secure the rich orchid floral in an economically challenged area under the current rapidly changing environments? What are the research and restoration needs? We convened the Guangxi International Orchid Conservation Symposium in May 2009 in Leye county, a remote, rural area in southwestern China that is rich in orchids, to address these questions. Symposium participants examined orchid conservation issues from various angles, as reflected in this volume. Although the biological factors in orchid conservation were emphasized, social factors (i.e. protected area - people relations) were also presented here. These reviews and analyses will inform conservation workers in China as well as around the world. 相似文献
山东省面积十五万三千多平方公里,境内地形复杂,自然资源丰富。为了保护、发展森林和森林资源,建议山东省建立以下森林生态型自然保护区。1.泰山综合保护区泰山是中外闻名的五岳独尊,山东省的大山之一,主蜂玉皇顶海拔1524米,气势雄伟,峰峭谷邃,绵延于泰安、长清、历城三县,面积11300多公顷。境内山峦奇秀,青松苍劲多姿,巧石万姿千奇,风云瞬息变幻,令人赞叹不已。这里的动植物资源丰富,森林植被繁茂,垂直分布明显,是研究天然和人工栽培植物分布的良好基地。在海拔一千米以上,分布有油松、苦枥、山海棠等;一千米以下基本树种有油松、华山松、落叶松、黑松、栎类、朴、榆、臭椿、侧柏、枫杨、山槐、赤杨、黄连木、杜梨等;五百米以下增加了水杉、山楂、苹果、竹、茶及多种药用植物。 相似文献
八仙山自然保护区蝴蝶群落多样性及区系组成 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
选取(a)小港、(b)山门→太平沟、(c)山门→栈道、(d)栈道→仙姑泉和(e)仙姑泉→明安梁5个样地,对天津八仙山国家级自然保护区内的蝴蝶群落进行了系统研究。共采集蝴蝶2218只,隶属于8科56属88种。蛱蝶科的种类数(35种)和个体数(784只)均为最多,是保护区的优势类群;喙蝶科(23只)和绢蝶科(1只)都只有1种,是保护区的稀有类群。计算并分析了5个生境中蝶类的多样性指数、物种丰富度、优势度指数、均匀度指数和生境间相似性系数。结果显示:生境条件的变化对蝴蝶多样性产生了明显的影响:总体上来讲,人类活动对环境和森林植被的干扰越大,蝴蝶多样性指数就越低。其中生境d的植物群落结构最为稳定和复杂,环境质量优越,最适合蝶类生存和繁衍,因此具有最高的多样性指数、物种丰富度、物种数和个体数以及最低的优势度指数;生境a的植物群落结构单一,环境质量相对较差,蝴蝶的多样性指数、物种丰富度和均匀度指数均为最低,而优势度指数最高;生境e的多样性指数H′(FGS)低于生境d和c,这种现象符合中度干扰假说。因此对保护区提出以下建议:恢复和提高生境质量;保护濒危珍稀物种;适度合理地发展旅游资源;适度的开发和利用蝴蝶资源。对八仙山蝴蝶区系组成进行了分析,广布种、古北种和东洋种所占的比例分别为56.82%,35.23%和7.95%,可见八仙山保护区内的蝴蝶广布种占有绝对的优势,古北种明显多于东洋种。 相似文献
岷山山系大熊猫自然保护区2003年生物多样性监测 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
岷山山系是全球生物多样性保护的热点地区之一,有着全世界最大的大熊猫种群和面积最大的大熊猫栖息地。到2003年底,在该地区已建立了20个以保护大熊猫为主的自然保护区。从2003年开始,岷山17个大熊猫自然保护区实施了野外大熊猫及其栖息地监测。通过监测,了解了岷山自然保护区野生动物分布状况、人为活动对自然保护区的干扰情况,以及自然保护区周边社区经济情况,为自然保护区管理决策提供了依据。同时,通过监测活动还提高了自然保护区工作人员的业务水平。建议今后将自然保护区监测工作纳入自然保护区日常工作中。 相似文献
河北大海陀自然保护区植物区系及其与相邻保护区的关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
于2012~2013年对河北大海陀自然保护区进行了3次全面踏查,并根据植物群落类型及其分布设置样地进行植物区系组成的详细调查,在此基础上分析了大海陀保护区维管束植物的区系组成与分布类型,并将其与周边相邻4个保护区的植物区系组成进行了比较,以明确大海陀自然保护区植物区系及其特点,为该地区的植物多样性保护提供依据。结果表明:(1)大海陀自然保护区共有野生维管束植物900种,隶属于108科,429属。其中蕨类植物14科19属28种,裸子植物2科3属3种,被子植物92科407属869种。(2)保护区内区域单种属数达到249个,占总属数的58.0%,反映了该区植物区系组成的复杂性。保护区内维管束植物属可划分为15个分布区类型,且温带性质的属是构成该区植物区系的主要组成部分,保护区内种子植物温带分布类型(8~14型)共281属,占总属数的78.3%。(3)对大海陀自然保护区与周边相邻的4个保护区植物区系组成比例进行比较发现,大海陀自然保护区与纬度相似的河北小五台山自然保护区、河北雾灵山自然保护区植物区系组成比例最为相似,同时也说明大海陀自然保护区内植物区系组成比例与所处地理区域应有的植物区系组成比例一致。 相似文献
我国自然保护区的生态旅游开发 总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42
我国自然保护区的生态旅游开发袁兴中,刘红,高天刚(山东曲阜师范大学273165)DevelopmentofEcotourisminNaturalReservesofChina¥YuanXingzhong;LiuHong;GaoTiangang(Quf... 相似文献
The history and current status of research on microfluidics in China is summarized in this review. The recent representative contributions in this field by Chinese scientists are cited. A perspective on some trends in future development of this field in China is presented. 相似文献
Baltzer, M., Matthews, R., Howard, P., Kigenyi F. & Viskanic, P. 2000. Birds as biodiversity indicators in the planning of Forest Nature Reserves in Uganda. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 291. In Uganda a policy decision has been taken to set aside 20% of the nation's 1.4 million hectare forest estate as Forest Nature Reserves, for the protection of biodiversity. The estate comprises 713 Forest Reserves, ranging in size from just a few hectares to well over 100 000 hectares, scattered all over the country. In order to select appropriate areas for designation as Nature Reserves, the Forest Department (with assistance from the European Community and Global Environmental Facility) has evaluated all the larger reserves for biodiversity, focusing on birds and four other biological indicator groups (woody plants, mammals, butterflies and moths). Building on earlier work, teams of departmental staff carried out detailed systematic biodiversity surveys of 65 major forests between May 1992 and March 1995. The work on birds involved 1 442 person-days of field observation and 1.2 million metre net-hours of mist-netting effort. Altogether 5 744 species-site records were made, involving 604 of Uganda's 1011 species: this brings the total number of species known from Uganda's forest reserves to 841 (83% of the country's birds). Several species not previously known from Uganda were recorded, especially in the north and east of the country where birds of the northern (Sudan/Guinea) savannas and Somali-Masai regions reach the extreme limits of their ranges. The bird data have been analysed alongside comparable data for the other four indicator taxa. Fortunately, areas of high species richness and levels of endemism for the five groups tend to coincide. Priority conservation sites have been identified and a national network of Forest Nature Reserves has been designed as part of a representative and efficient protected areas system for Uganda. 相似文献