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This study investigated the association of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF4) alpha single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with type 2 diabetes with or without metabolic syndrome in Malaysia. Nine HNF4 alpha SNPs were genotyped in 390 type 2 diabetic subjects with metabolic syndrome, 135 type 2 diabetic subjects without metabolic syndrome, and 160 control subjects. The SNPs rs4810424, rs1884613, and rs2144908 were associated with protection against type 2 diabetes without metabolic syndrome (recessive P = 0.018, OR 0.32; P = 0.004, OR 0.25; P = 0.005, OR 0.24, respectively). The 6-SNP haplotype2 CCCGTC containing the risk genotype of these SNPs was associated with higher risk for type 2 diabetes with or without metabolic syndrome (P = 0.002, OR 2.2; P = 0.004, OR 3.1). These data suggest that HNF4 alpha SNPs and haplotypes contributed to increased type 2 diabetes risk in the Malaysian population.  相似文献   

Buffaloes account for more than 56% of total milk production in India. Cyclic remodeling of mammary glands of human, mice, cow, sheep, and goat is determined by mammary stem cells. It is logical to assume that buffalo mammary gland will have mammary stem/progenitor cells. Thus far, no report exists on identification of buffalo mammary stem cells. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF4A) is a candidate marker for hepatic progenitor cells and has recently been suggested as a marker of bovine mammary stem/progenitor cells. We hypothesized that (1 Pasha TN, Hayat Z. Present situation and future perspective of buffalo production in Asia. J Anim Plant Sci 2012; 22(3 supple.):250256. [Google Scholar]) HNF4A identifies putative buffalo mammary stem/progenitor cells and (2 NDDB. National Dairy Development Board. 2015. http://www.nddb.org/English/Statistics/Pages/Milk-Production.aspx. Accessed May 10, 2015. [Google Scholar]) the number of HNF4A-positive cells increases during mastitis. Sixteen buffalo mammary samples were collected from a local slaughterhouse. Hematoxylin and eosin staining were performed on 5-micron thick sections and on the basis of gross examination and histomorphology of the mammary glands, physiological stages of the animals were estimated as non-lactating (n = 4), mastitis (n = 9), and prepubertal (n = 3). In total, 24048 cells were counted (5–10 microscopic fields/animal; n = 16 animals) of which, 40% cells were mammary epithelial cells (MEC) and 60% cells were the stromal cells. The percentage of MEC in non-lactating animals was higher compared to mastitic animals (47.3% vs. 37.3%), which was likely due to loss of MEC in mastitis. HNF4A staining was observed in nuclei of MEC of ducts, alveoli, and stromal cells. Basal location and low frequency of HNF4A-positive MEC (ranges from 0.4–4.5%) were consistent with stem cell characteristics. Preliminary study showed coexpression of HNF4A with MSI1 (a mammary stem cell marker in sheep), suggesting HNF4A was likely to be a putative mammary stem/progenitor cell marker in buffalo. HNF4A-positive MEC (basal and luminal; light and dark stained) tended to be higher in non-lactating than the mastitic animals (8.73 ± 1.71% vs. 4.29 ± 1.19%; P = 0.07). The first hypothesis that HNF4A identify putative mammary stem/progenitor cells was confirmed but the second hypothesis that the number of mammary stem/progenitor cells decreases during mastitis was unsupported. This is the first report outlining the expression of HNF4A and identification of putative mammary stem/progenitor cells in buffalo mammary gland.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) is a monoamine originally purified from blood as a vasoactive agent. In nonneuronal tissues, its presence is linked with the expression of tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH1) that catalyzes the rate-limiting step of its synthesis. Targeted disruption in mice of the TPH1 gene results in very low levels of circulating 5-HT. Previous analysis of the TPH1 knockout (TPH1−/−) mouse revealed that they develop a phenotype of macrocytic anemia with a reduced half-life of their circulating red blood cells (RBC). In this study, to establish whether the observed reduced half-life of TPH1−/− RBC is an intrinsic or an extrinsic characteristic, we compared their survival to RBC isolated from wild-type mice. Both in vivo and in vitro data converge to demonstrate an extrinsic protective effect of 5-HT since presence of 5-HT in the RBC environment protects RBC from senescence. The protective effect played by 5-HT is not mediated through activation of a classical pharmacological pathway as no 5-HT receptors were detected on isolated RBC. Rather, 5-HT acts as an effective antioxidant since reduction of 5-HT circulating levels are associated with a decrease in the plasma antioxidant capacity. We further demonstrate a link between oxidation and the removal of damaged RBC following transfusion, as supplementation with 5-HT improves RBC post-transfusion survival in a mouse model of blood banking.  相似文献   

LARP4 is a protein with unknown function that independently binds to poly(A) RNA, RACK1, and the poly(A)-binding protein (PABPC1). Here, we report on its regulation. We found a conserved AU-rich element (ARE) in the human LARP4 mRNA 3′ untranslated region (UTR). This ARE, but not its antisense version or a point-mutated version, significantly decreased the stability of β-globin reporter mRNA. We found that overexpression of tristetraprolin (TTP), but not its RNA binding mutant or the other ARE-binding proteins tested, decreased cellular LARP4 levels. RNA coimmunoprecipitation showed that TTP specifically associated with LARP4 mRNA in vivo. Consistent with this, mouse LARP4 accumulated to higher levels in TTP gene knockout (KO) cells than in control cells. Stimulation of WT cells with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), which rapidly induces TTP, robustly decreased LARP4 with a coincident time course but had no such effect on LARP4B or La protein or on LARP4 in the TTP KO cells. The TNF-α-induced TTP pulse was followed by a transient decrease in LARP4 mRNA that was quickly followed by a subsequent transient decrease in LARP4 protein. Involvement of LARP4 as a target of TNF-α–TTP regulation provides a clue as to how its functional activity may be used in a physiologic pathway.  相似文献   

The matricellular SPARC family member hevin (SPARC-like 1/SPARCL-1/SC1/Mast9) contributes to neural development and alters tumor progression in a range of mammalian models. The distribution of hevin in mouse tissues was reexamined with a novel monoclonal antibody that discriminates between hevin and its ortholog SPARC. We now report proteolysis of hevin in many tissues, with the most extensive processing in the brain. We demonstrate a cleavage site within the hevin sequence for the neural tissue proteinase ADAMTS4. Digestion of hevin by ADAMTS4 in vitro produced fragments similar to those present in brain lysates. Monoclonal antibodies revealed a SPARC-like fragment generated from hevin that was co-localized with ADAMTS4 in vivo. We show that proteolysis of hevin by ADAMTS4 in the mouse cerebellum is important for the normal development of this tissue. In conclusion, we have identified the fragmentation of hevin by ADAMTS4 in the mouse brain and propose that this specific proteolysis is integral to cell morphology and extracellular matrix deposition in the developing brain.  相似文献   

The yeast α-1,3-mannosyltransferase (Mnn1p) is localized to the Golgi by independent transmembrane and lumenal domain signals. The lumenal domain is localized to the Golgi complex when expressed as a soluble form (Mnn1-s) by exchange of its transmembrane domain for a cleavable signal sequence (Graham, T. R., and V. A. Krasnov. 1995. Mol. Biol. Cell. 6:809–824). Mutants that failed to retain the lumenal domain in the Golgi complex, called lumenal domain retention (ldr) mutants, were isolated by screening mutagenized yeast colonies for those that secreted Mnn1-s. Two genes were identified by this screen, HOG1, a gene encoding a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) that functions in the high osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway, and LDR1. We have found that basal signaling through the HOG pathway is required to localize Mnn1-s to the Golgi in standard osmotic conditions. Mutations in HOG1 and LDR1 also perturb localization of intact Mnn1p, resulting in its loss from early Golgi compartments and a concomitant increase of Mnn1p in later Golgi compartments.  相似文献   

Multiple type I interferons (IFN-α/β) elicit Jak/Stat activation, rapid gene induction, and pleiotropic effects, such as differentiation, antiviral protection, and blocks in proliferation, which are dependent on the IFN subtype and the cellular context. To date, ligand- and receptor-specific molecular determinants underlying IFN-α/β differential activities or potencies have been well characterized. To analyze cellular determinants that impact subtype-specific potency, human fibrosarcoma U5A-derived clones, exhibiting a gradient of IFN sensitivity by virtue of increasing receptor levels, were monitored for Jak/Stat signaling, gene induction, cell cycle lengthening, and apoptosis. In cells with scarce receptors, IFN-β was more potent than IFN-α2 in antiproliferative activity, while the two subtypes were equipotent in all other readouts. Conversely, in cells with abundant receptors, IFN-α2 matched or even surpassed IFN-β in all readouts tested. Our results suggest that the differential activities of the IFN subtypes are dictated not only by the intrinsic ligand/receptor binding kinetics but also by the density of cell surface receptor components.A persistent question in the field of helically bundled cytokines concerns the molecular basis of intracellular signal activation following binding to cognate cell surface receptors. Typically, cytokine-induced dimerization of the receptor subunits is thought to trigger catalytic transactivation of the associated Jak tyrosine kinases. Phosphorylation of critical receptor tyrosine motifs by the activated Jak proteins allows recruitment and activation of downstream Stat effectors (25, 34). A clear distinction can be made between the short homodimeric Jak2-activating receptors, such as the growth hormone or the erythropoietin receptors, and the more complex heteromeric receptors. Among these latter is the type I interferon (IFN) receptor, a prototypic class 2 receptor, made of two subunits, each associated with a different Jak enzyme (29). IFNAR2 contains extracellularly two fibronectin III domains forming a well-defined cytokine binding module. The cytoplasmic region of IFNAR2 is 250 amino acids long, interacts with Jak1, and contains two principal Tyr-based Stat recruitment motifs (24, 35). IFNAR1 is made of a large ectodomain of four fibronectin III domains, not all involved in ligand binding, and a 100-amino-acid-long cytoplasmic region complexed with Tyk2 and subjected to ligand-induced ubiquitination driving receptor proteolysis (13, 14).A large array of IFNs (over a dozen α subtypes and one β subtype) bind to this ubiquitously expressed receptor complex to induce rapid gene expression programs that elicit measurable antiviral responses and cell growth inhibition as well as cell context-specific functional changes (4, 31). Several studies have reported on differential activities of type I IFNs, but no unique function has ever been attributed to a given subtype (see references in reference 29). Thus, a differential can be defined as a lack of correlation between two specific activities. For instance, depending on the cell system, IFN-α2 and IFN-β can exhibit equivalent antiproliferative potency or over a 100-fold difference in antiproliferative potency and nearly equipotency in antiviral activity. Since no overt differences are observed in the structure or stoichiometry of the ligand-receptor complex formed with different subtypes, the concordant view points to the way each IFN subtype engages the available receptors. Indeed, kinetic measurements of the interaction of IFN-α2 and IFN-β with receptor ectodomains have shown substantial differences. IFNAR2 represents the high-affinity subunit, toward which IFN-α2 exhibits nanomolar binding affinity and IFN-β exhibits ∼100 pM binding affinity. Conversely, IFNAR1 is the low-affinity subunit, toward which IFN-α2 exhibits micromolar affinity and IFN-β ∼50 nM affinity (19, 22). The contribution of the individual and combined affinities on ternary complex formation by either IFN subtype have been thoroughly studied (10, 26). However, how these dynamic parameters influence receptor function and translate into activation of Jak, recruitment of Stats and additional effectors, gene induction, and bioactivities remains ill defined.Rather than focusing on ligand and receptor determinants, here we investigated the relationship between receptor subunit levels and IFN-α2 versus IFN-β signaling and functional outcomes (IFN-α2/β differential potencies). Since we previously showed that no simple relationship between receptor levels and Jak/Stat signaling can be inferred by comparing different cell types (18), we have used a reductionist approach in a single cell type, from which we have engineered and studied clones expressing low or abundant receptor levels. We show that the density of receptors at the cell surface represents a critical determinant of the level of differential activity exhibited by two IFN subtypes.  相似文献   

鼠毛及脑线粒体DNA片段缺失与增龄的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测不同年龄Balb/c小鼠脑细胞线粒体DNA片段缺失与增龄的关系.发现老年鼠脑细胞线粒体3867bp片段缺失率为50%;而断奶鼠与青年鼠均无此缺失片段出现;用鼠毛为材料进行无损伤检测亦获类似的结果.有人认为线粒体DNA片段缺失率可作为生物衰老的一种生物学标志  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a genetically heterogeneous inherited human disorder displaying a pleotropic phenotype. Many of the symptoms characterized in the human disease have been reproduced in animal models carrying deletions or knock-in mutations of genes causal for the disorder. Thinning of the cerebral cortex, enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles, and structural changes in cilia are among the pathologies documented in these animal models. Ciliopathy is of particular interest in light of recent studies that have implicated primary neuronal cilia (PNC) in neuronal signal transduction. In the present investigation, we tested the hypothesis that areas of the brain responsible for learning and memory formation would differentially exhibit PNC abnormalities in animals carrying a deletion of the Bbs4 gene (Bbs4-/-). Immunohistochemical localization of adenylyl cyclase-III (ACIII), a marker restricted to PNC, revealed dramatic alterations in PNC morphology and a statistically significant reduction in number of immunopositive cilia in the hippocampus and amygdala of Bbs4-/- mice compared to wild type (WT) littermates. Western blot analysis confirmed the decrease of ACIII levels in the hippocampus and amygdala of Bbs4-/- mice, and electron microscopy demonstrated pathological alterations of PNC in the hippocampus and amygdala. Importantly, no neuronal loss was found within the subregions of amygdala and hippocampus sampled in Bbs4-/- mice and there were no statistically significant alterations of ACIII immunopositive cilia in other areas of the brain not known to contribute to the BBS phenotype. Considered with data documenting a role of cilia in signal transduction these findings support the conclusion that alterations in cilia structure or neurochemical phenotypes may contribute to the cognitive deficits observed in the Bbs4-/- mouse mode.  相似文献   



Maternal infection during pregnancy increases risk of severe neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and autism, in the offspring. The most consistent brain structural abnormality in patients with schizophrenia is enlarged lateral ventricles. However, it is unknown whether the aetiology of ventriculomegaly in schizophrenia involves prenatal infectious processes. The present experiments tested the hypothesis that there is a causal relationship between prenatal immune challenge and emergence of ventricular abnormalities relevant to schizophrenia in adulthood.


We used an established mouse model of maternal immune activation (MIA) by the viral mimic PolyI:C administered in early (day 9) or late (day 17) gestation. Automated voxel-based morphometry mapped cerebrospinal fluid across the whole brain of adult offspring and the results were validated by manual region-of-interest tracing of the lateral ventricles. Parallel behavioral testing determined the existence of schizophrenia-related sensorimotor gating abnormalities.


PolyI:C-induced immune activation, in early but not late gestation, caused marked enlargement of lateral ventricles in adulthood, without affecting total white and grey matter volumes. This early exposure disrupted sensorimotor gating, in the form of prepulse inhibition. Identical immune challenge in late gestation resulted in significant expansion of 4th ventricle volume but did not disrupt sensorimotor gating.


Our results provide the first experimental evidence that prenatal immune activation is an environmental risk factor for adult ventricular enlargement relevant to schizophrenia. The data indicate immune-associated environmental insults targeting early foetal development may have more extensive neurodevelopmental impact than identical insults in late prenatal life.  相似文献   

Chronic tinnitus, the continuous perception of a phantom sound, is a highly prevalent audiological symptom. A promising approach for the treatment of tinnitus is repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) as this directly affects tinnitus-related brain activity. Several studies indeed show tinnitus relief after rTMS, however effects are moderate and vary strongly across patients. This may be due to a lack of knowledge regarding how rTMS affects oscillatory activity in tinnitus sufferers and which modulations are associated with tinnitus relief. In the present study we examined the effects of five different stimulation protocols (including sham) by measuring tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related brain activity with Magnetoencephalography before and after rTMS. Changes in oscillatory activity were analysed for the stimulated auditory cortex as well as for the entire brain regarding certain frequency bands of interest (delta, theta, alpha, gamma). In line with the literature the effects of rTMS on tinnitus loudness varied strongly across patients. This variability was also reflected in the rTMS effects on oscillatory activity. Importantly, strong reductions in tinnitus loudness were associated with increases in alpha power in the stimulated auditory cortex, while an unspecific decrease in gamma and alpha power, particularly in left frontal regions, was linked to an increase in tinnitus loudness. The identification of alpha power increase as main correlate for tinnitus reduction sheds further light on the pathophysiology of tinnitus. This will hopefully stimulate the development of more effective therapy approaches.  相似文献   

CD73 (ecto-5’-nucleotidase) is a cell surface enzyme that regulates purinergic signalling by desphosphorylating extracellular AMP to adenosine. 5′-nucleotidases are known to be expressed in brain, but the expression of CD73 and its putative physiological functions at this location remain elusive. Here we found, using immunohistochemistry of wild-type and CD73 deficient mice, that CD73 is prominently expressed in the basal ganglia core comprised of striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) and globus pallidus. Furthermore, meninges and the olfactory tubercle were found to specifically express CD73. Analysis of wild type (wt) and CD73 deficient mice revealed that CD73 confers the majority of 5’-nucleotidase activity in several areas of the brain. In a battery of behavioural tests and in IntelliCage studies, the CD73 deficient mice demonstrated significantly enhanced exploratory locomotor activity, which probably reflects the prominent expression of CD73 in striatum and globus pallidus that are known to control locomotion. Furthermore, the CD73 deficient mice displayed altered social behaviour. Overall, our data provide a novel mechanistic insight into adenosinergic signalling in brain, which is implicated in the regulation of normal and pathological behaviour.  相似文献   

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