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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) correspond to large protein transport complexes responsible for selective nucleocytoplasmic exchange. Although research has revealed much about the molecular architecture and roles of the NPC subcomplexes, little is known about the regulation of NPC functions by posttranslational modifications. We used a systematic approach to show that more than half of NPC proteins were conjugated to ubiquitin. In particular, Nup159, a nucleoporin exclusively located on the cytoplasmic side of the NPC, was monoubiquitylated by the Cdc34/SCF (Skp1-Cdc53-F-box E3 ligase) enzymes. Preventing this modification had no consequences on nuclear transport or NPC organization but strongly affected the ability of Nup159 to target the dynein light chain to the NPC. This led to defects in nuclear segregation at the onset of mitosis. Thus, defining ubiquitylation of the yeast NPC highlights yet-unexplored functions of this essential organelle in cell division.  相似文献   

Fractions enriched for nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) have been isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sequential extraction of nuclei with detergent, nucleases, and salt reveals an organization of the yeast NPC similar to other eukaryotes. Yeast NPCs contain a 30-nm “ring” structure not previously described in other organisms. This structure appears to organize 10-nm filaments into an assembly which exhibits an eight-fold rotational symmetry. Some proteins in the NPC fraction are capable of forming intermediate-sized filaments. These studies suggest that some component of the nuclear pore complex organizes an interaction between nuclear and cytoplasmic networks of intermediate filaments.  相似文献   

A complex of nuclear pore proteins required for pore function   总被引:45,自引:22,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
A family of proteins bearing novel N-acetylglucosamine residues has previously been found to be required to form functional nuclear pores. To begin to determine which of the proteins in this family are essential for pore function, antisera were raised to each of three members of the family, p62, p58, and p54. With these antisera, it was possible to deplete nuclear reconstitution extracts of the proteins and to test the depleted nuclei for nuclear transport. In the course of the experiments, it was found that the three proteins exist as a complex; antisera to any one, while specific on a protein blot, coimmunoprecipitated all three proteins. This complex of pore proteins is stable to 2 M salt, 2 M urea, and the detergent Mega 10, indicating the presence of specific and tight protein-protein interactions. By gel filtration, the complex has a molecular mass of 550-600 kD. Nuclei containing pores depleted of the complex are found to be defective for nuclear transport; moreover, we observe a strict linear correlation between the amount of complex present in nuclei and the amount of nuclear transport of which those nuclei are capable. Thus, the p62-p58-p54 complex defines a group of proteins with strong protein-protein interactions that form a unit of pore structure essential for pore function.  相似文献   

Nucleocytoplasmic transport is a bi-directional process mediated by the nuclear pore complex (NPC), which results in a segregation of cytoplasmic and nuclear macromolecules within cells. Some progress has been made in understanding the mechanistic basis of this selective transport phenomenon. In particular, cryo-electron microscopy of frozen-hydrated nuclear envelopes coupled with image processing and labeling studies, has provided a glimpse of the transporter at the center of the NPC.  相似文献   

The spatial separation between the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus necessitates the continuous exchange of macromolecular cargo across the double-membraned nuclear envelope. Being the only passageway in and out of the nucleus, the nuclear pore complex (NPC) has the principal function of regulating the high throughput of nucleocytoplasmic transport in a highly selective manner so as to maintain cellular order and function. Here, we present a retrospective review of the evidence that has led to the current understanding of both NPC structure and function. Looking towards the future, we contemplate on how various outstanding effects and nanoscopic characteristics ought to be addressed, with the goal of reconciling structure and function into a single unified picture of the NPC.  相似文献   

The double membrane of the nuclear envelope is a formidable barrier separating the nucleus and cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. However, movement of specific macromolecules across the nuclear envelope is critical for embryonic development, cell growth and differentiation. Transfer of molecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm occurs through the aqueous channel formed by the nuclear pore complex (NPC)
  • 1 Abbreviations: NPC, nuclear pore complex; GlcNac, N-acetylglucosamine; WGA, wheat germ agglutinin
  • . Although small molecules may simply diffuse across the NPC, transport of large proteins and RNA requires specific transport signals and is energy dependent. A family of pore glycoproteins modified by O-linked N-acetylglucosamine moieties are essential for transport through the NPC. Recent evidence suggests that the regulation of nuclear transport may also involve the inteaction of RNA and nuclear proteins with specific binding proteins that recognize these transport signals. Are these nuclear pore glycoproteins and signal binding proteins the ‘gatekeepers’ that control access to the genetic material? Recent evidence obtained from a combination of biochemical and genetic approaches suggests – perhaps.  相似文献   

    Summary Previous tetrad analyses defined a yeast strain (332-7c) as containing a single nuclear gene (11.8 map units from the centromere) conferring resistance to oligomycin. Resistance to 18 additional inhibitors of mitochondrial function (Table 1) was determined on (i) ascospore isolates from tetrads segregating 2 resistant: 2 sensitive for oligomycin (Table 2) and (ii), spontaneously derived sensitive isolates of the oligomycin resistant strain (Tables 3 and 4). The observed pattern of resistance suggests that the gene for resistance to oligomycin also results in (i) cross resistance to rutamycin, venturicidin, triethyltin bromide, antimycin A, carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, tetra-N-butylammonium bromide, dibenzyl-dimethylammonium chlorop and tetracycline and (ii), collateral sensitivity to paromomycin, neomycin, dequalinium chloride, ethidium bromide and acriflavin.  相似文献   



    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are essential for facilitated, directional nuclear transport; however, the mechanism by which ~30 different nucleoporins (nups) are assembled into NPCs is unknown. We combined a genetic strategy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Green Fluorescence Protein (GFP) technology to identify mutants in NPC structure, assembly, and localization. To identify such mutants, a bank of temperature sensitive strains was generated and examined by fluorescence microscopy for mislocalization of GFP-tagged nups at the non-permissive temperature.  相似文献   

    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large proteinaceous assemblies that provide the only known portals for exchanging macromolecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm. This includes the movement of small molecules and the selective, facilitated transport of large proteins and RNAs. Faithful, continuous NPC assembly is key for maintaining normal physiological function and is closely tied to proper cell division. This review focuses on the most outstanding issues involving NPC structure, assembly, and function.  相似文献   

    The nuclear pore complex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
    The nuclear pore complex is the largest supramolecular complex that assembles in the eukaryotic cell. This structure is highly dynamic and must disassemble prior to mitosis and reassemble after the event. The directed movement of macromolecules into and out of the nucleus occurs through the nuclear pore complex, a potentially regulatory point for translocation. Using biochemical and genetic approaches, several nuclear pore complex proteins from yeast and vertebrates have been well characterized. Although very little is known about plant nuclear pore proteins, research is providing new information that indicates that plant nuclear pore complexes may have some unique features.  相似文献   

    The nuclear pore complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

    Adam SA 《Genome biology》2001,2(9):reviews0007.1-reviews00076
    Nuclear pore complexes, the conduits for information exchange between the nucleus and cytoplasm, appear broadly similar in eukaryotes from yeast to human. Precisely how nuclear pore complexes regulate macromolecular and ionic traffic remains unknown, but recent advances in the identification and characterization of components of the complex by proteomics and genomics have provided new insights.  相似文献   

    Getting across the nuclear pore complex.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) connects the cytoplasm and nucleus through the nuclear envelope and serves as the pipeline for moving material between the two compartments. Macromolecules that move through the NPC range in size from the very small (for example, ions and ATP) to the very large (for example, ribonucleoprotein particle complexes). Unlike translocation across other organelle membranes, proteins do not have to be unfolded to be transported through the NPC, and the NPC also routinely transports large, multicomponent substrates in both directions. This review focuses on current understanding of the different mechanisms by which macromolecules move across the NPC.  相似文献   

    The NUP1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes one member of a family of nuclear pore complex proteins (nucleoporins) conserved from yeast to vertebrates. We have used mutational analysis to investigate the function of Nup1p. Deletion of either the amino- or carboxy- terminal domain confers a lethal phenotype, but partial truncations at either end affect growth to varying extents. Amino-terminal truncation causes mislocalization and degradation of the mutant protein, suggesting that this domain is required for targeting Nup1p to the nuclear pore complex. Carboxy-terminal mutants are stable but do not have wild-type function, and confer a temperature sensitive phenotype. Both import of nuclear proteins and export of poly(A) RNA are defective at the nonpermissive temperature. In addition, nup1 mutant cells become multinucleate at all temperatures, a phenotype suggestive of a defect in nuclear migration. Tubulin staining revealed that the mitotic spindle appears to be oriented randomly with respect to the bud, in spite of the presence of apparently normal cytoplasmic microtubules connecting one spindle pole body to the bud tip. EM analysis showed that the nuclear envelope forms long projections extending into the cytoplasm, which appear to have detached from the bulk of the nucleus. Our results suggest that Nup1p may be required to retain the structural integrity between the nuclear envelope and an underlying nuclear scaffold, and that this connection is required to allow reorientation of the nucleus in response to cytoskeletal forces.  相似文献   

    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) mediate bidirectional nucleocytoplasmic transport of substances in eukaryotic cells. However, the accurate molecular arrangement of NPCs remains enigmatic owing to their huge size and highly dynamic nature. Here we determined the structure of the asymmetric unit of the inner ring (IR monomer) at 3.73 Å resolution by single-particle cryo-electron microscopy, and created an atomic model of the intact IR consisting of 192 molecules of 8 nucleoporins. In each IR monomer, the Z-shaped Nup188–Nup192 complex in the middle layer is sandwiched by two approximately parallel rhomboidal structures in the inner and outer layers, while Nup188, Nup192 and Nic96 link all subunits to constitute a relatively stable IR monomer. In contrast, the intact IR is assembled by loose and instable interactions between IR monomers. These structures, together with previously reported structural information of IR, reveal two distinct interaction modes between IR monomers and extensive flexible connections in IR assembly, providing a structural basis for the stability and malleability of IR.Subject terms: Cryoelectron microscopy, Nuclear pore complex  相似文献   

    Function and assembly of nuclear pore complex proteins.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are extremely elaborate structures that mediate the bidirectional movement of macromolecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm. The current view of NPC organization features a massive symmetrical framework that is embedded in the double membranes of the nuclear envelope. It embraces a central channel of as yet ill-defined structure but which may accommodate particles with diameters up to 26 nm provided that they bear specific import/export signals. Attached to both faces of the central framework are peripheral structures, short cytoplasmic filaments, and a nuclear basket assembly, which interact with molecules transiting the NPC. The mechanisms of assembly and the nature of NPC structural intermediates are still poorly understood. However, mutagenesis and expression studies have revealed discrete sequences within certain NPC proteins that are necessary and sufficient for their appropriate targeting. In addition, some details are emerging from observations on cells undergoing mitosis where the nuclear envelope is disassembled and its components, including NPC subunits, are dispersed throughout the mitotic cytoplasm. At the end of mitosis, all of these components are reutilized to form nuclear envelopes in the two daughter cells. To date, it has been possible to define a time course of postmitotic assembly for a group of NPC components (CAN/Nup214, Nup153, POM121, p62 and Tpr) relative to the integral inner nuclear membrane protein LAP2 and the NPC membrane glycoprotein gp210. Nup153, a dynamic component of the nuclear basket, associates with chromatin towards the end of anaphase coincident with, although independent of, the inner nuclear membrane protein, LAP2. Assembly of the remaining proteins follows that of the nuclear membranes and occurs in the sequence POM121, p62, CAN/Nup214 and gp210/Tpr. Since p62 remains as a complex with three other NPC proteins (p58, p54, p45) during mitosis, and CAN/Nup214 maintains a similar interaction with its partner, Nup84, the relative timing of assembly of these additional four proteins may also be inferred. These observations suggest that there is a sequential association of NPC proteins with chromosomes during nuclear envelope reformation and the recruitment of at least eight of these precedes that of gp210. These findings support a model in which it is POM121 rather than gp210 that defines initial membrane-associated NPC assembly intermediates and which may therefore represent an essential component of the central framework of the NPC.  相似文献   

    Architecture and design of the nuclear pore complex.   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
    J E Hinshaw  B O Carragher  R A Milligan 《Cell》1992,69(7):1133-1141
    A three-dimensional analysis of the nuclear pore complex reveals the underlying, highly symmetric framework of this supramolecular assembly, how it is anchored in the nuclear membrane, and how it is built from many distinct, interconnected subunits. The arrangement of the subunits within the membrane pore creates a large central channel, through which active nucleocytoplasmic transport is known to occur, and eight smaller peripheral channels that are probable routes for passive diffusion of ions and small molecules.  相似文献   

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