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李贵真 《动物学研究》1985,6(3):243-248
中国科学院昆明动物研究所王应祥同志于1979年11—12月间从云南德钦的甲午雪山采到一批跳蚤。其中从滇金丝猴(RhinoPithecus bieti Mime-Edwards)体上采到的一种鉴定为蠕形蚤属Vermipsyall Schimkewitsch,1885平行蠕形蚤V.parallela Liu,Wu et Wu,1965下一新亚种,依其宿主命名为平行蠕形蚤金丝猴亚种V.parallela rhinopitheca新亚种。现记述如下。  相似文献   

青海高原是富于蠕形蚤的地区,世界已知的六种,除三种外,均分布青海。它们是有蹄类动物,特别是牛、羊、马鹿的害虫。最近,我们在祁连山麓又获一新种,故命名为祁连蠕形蚤Vermipsylla qilianensis。 本新种在形态特征上接近花蠕形蚤V.alakurt Schimkewitsch,1885和阿富汗的似花蠕形蚤V·perplexa Smit,1975,其鉴别特征见表。  相似文献   

古北区特产的蠕形蚤属(Vermipsylla Schimk,1885)很早以来只知一种——花蠕形蚤(V.alakurt Schimk.),分布于我国新疆(和田兽诊室,1959),苏联哈萨克和吉尔吉斯及蒙古乌兰巴托附近(Schimkewitsch,1885; ,1954)。最近李贵真(1964)记述一新种两新亚种。我们近从西藏获得若干蠕形蚤,经与花蠕形蚤标本及李氏新种记述比较研究后,形态很不相同,宿主亦不一样,认为是两个新种,兹记述如下。  相似文献   

棕形额蚤指名亚种幼虫形态及与同属蚤幼虫的比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
漆一鸣  何晋侯 《昆虫学报》1997,40(4):388-392
我国已描述的蚤幼虫约有50余种或亚种,而额蚤属幼虫已有5种或亚种:似升额蚤介中亚种FrontopsyllaelatoidesintermediaCai,Wu&Zhang,1987[1,2],似升额蚤指名亚种FrontopsyllaelatoideselatoidesWagner,1928[3],升额蚤指名亚种Frontopsyllaelatae-lata(JordanetRothschild,1915)[4],无棘鬃额蚤FrontopsyllaaspindermisLiu&Wu,1960[5]和前额蚤灰獭亚种FrontopsyllafrontalisbaibacinaJi,1979[2]。本文首次描述可疑的鼠疫媒介蚤种棕形额蚤指名亚种FrontopsyllaspadixSpadix(Jordan&Rothschild,1927)的幼虫形态,并与同…  相似文献   

鲁亮  吴厚永 《昆虫学报》2002,45(3):380-383
描述了窄板额蚤华北亚种的幼虫形态,并和同属幼虫进行比较。窄板额蚤华北亚种幼虫的形态和棕形额蚤指名亚种幼虫的形态比较相似,但肛梳刚毛数量可以区分,前者总数超过24根,后者总数不超过20根。再通过与其它5种(亚种)额蚤幼虫的形态比较,发现属于额蚤亚属5种幼虫的大颚齿数一般为5个齿,一龄幼虫的破卵器正面为鞋形;而属于鸟额蚤亚属前额蚤灰獭亚种的幼虫的大颚齿数达9个,一龄幼虫的破卵器正面为球拍形。这些差异可能是亚属间的形态差异。  相似文献   

四川蠕形蚤属一新种(蚤目:蠕形蚤科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1963年作者等在四川西部巴塘县吴巴龙地区的一只岩驴体外,采得一批蚤类标本,经研究确定为蠕形蚤属(Vermipsylla Schimkewitsch)内的一个新种,订名为微小蠕形蚤Vermipsylla minuta sp.nov.。  相似文献   

我国蠕形蚤科VermipsylidaeWagner,1889鬃蚤属ChaetopsylaKohaut,1903的蚤类目前有两种缺少配对标本,其中之一是1997年根据采自湖北省西北部神农架林区1只雄蚤订立的王氏鬃蚤Chaetopsyla(Chaetop...  相似文献   

本文报告荷币蚤属在我国初次的发现,包括3种,其中有一新种和一新亚种: 1.野生荷币蚤Stivalius ferinus(Roths.1908),采自云南芒市的鼩鼱Suncus sp.及黄胸鼠Rattus flavipectus。与Jordan及Rothschild二氏1922年原图及描述比较,云南的标本与南印度的标本在可动指上略有差异。另外根据二氏同年鉴别荷币蚤属及相近的4个属的检索表,本属应有前胸背板鬃两列以上,但云南的野生荷币蚤只有一列前胸背板鬃。 2.客氏荷币蚤二刺形亚种Stivalius klossi bispiniformis subsp.nov.采自福建顺昌及邵武的Rattus fulvescens huang、R.flavipectus及R.edwardsi edwardsi。与Jordan及Ro-thschild二氏在1922年,根据越南南部的标本描述的客氏荷币蚤Stivalius klossi(J.et R.,1922)比较,在可动指上有显著差异。认为这些是不同地区的变异,因此列为两个亚种:越南南部的标本为客氏荷币蚤客氏亚种,福建的标本均客氏荷氏荷币蚤二刺形亚种。雄性可动指的区别为:二刺形亚种者较狭而长,在曲折之前较狭窄,在曲折之后显然为削尖形。可动指背缘的骨化区较腹面者厚,在客氏亚种中则窄于腹面者。背缘在曲折处有较大的刺形鬃2个,客氏亚种则有3个较小的。 3.直指荷币蛋Stivalius rectodigitus sp.nov.,采自云南弥渡的黄胸鼠R.flavipectus,是与  相似文献   

秦岭山区蚤类的研究(三)细蚤科二新种和一新亚种的记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是秦岭山区蚤类研究的第三报,记述细蚤科Leptopsyllidae二刺蚤属Peromysco-prylla I.Fox,1939一新种和一新亚种以及怪蚤属Paradoxopsyllus Miyajima et Koidzumi,1909一新种。标本存军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所。1.喜山二刺蚤陕南亚种,新亚种Peromyscopsylla himalaica australishaanxia  相似文献   

近年,从云南采到多毛蚤(Hystrichopsylla Tiraboschi,1904)一种,经鉴定系一新亚种。兹命名为:大多毛蚤云南亚种 Hystrichopsylla weida yunnanensis,ssp.nov. 鉴别特征 与大多毛蚤指名亚种(H.weida weida Jameson & Hsieh,1967)的重要区别是:1)腹部,第一一五背板的端小刺较指名亚种者多。(2),第八腹部端部斜削成刀形(末端很尖),腹缘鬃多而密,指名亚种者狭窄成棒状(末端并不很尖),腹缘鬃少而  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the fleas of P. scorodumovi and five local strains of the plague microbe, one of which is typical of the strains of the Altai subspecies and four are non-typical of this nidus. The fleas of this species are capable to transmit not only the plague agent of the strains typical of this nidus but also non-typical ones which differ in some biological properties and are avirulent for most carriers but Pallas's pika. Biological peculiarities of fleas of P. scorodumovi in addition to their high efficiency as vectors of the plague microbe enable us to associate the more active autumn epizooty with fleas of this species.  相似文献   

Fleas of Ctenophthalmus rettigi Rothschild, 1908 (12 females, 12 males) collected in 1980 and 1982 in the northern Caucasus in the Levashi District of Dagestan not far from the village of Urma were referred by the authors to the nominative subspecies described from Romania. According to their taxonomic characters fleas of this species, collected in different places of Transcaucasia, are also referred to the nominative subspecies and not to C. rettigi smiti Klein, 1962, as before (Rostigaev, 1967; Tiflov, Skalon, Rostigaev, 1977 and others). The ways of distribution of hosts of C. rettigi fleas are suggested.  相似文献   

【目的】了解云南居民区鼠类寄生蚤的群落结构和空间分布特征。【方法】根据云南不同经纬度、 海拔等自然环境条件, 于2007年4月-2012年11月, 选取云南17个县(市) 居民区作为样区, 系统开展鼠类体外寄生蚤的调查, 运用群落结构指标对居民区鼠类寄生蚤的群落特征和沿环境梯度的空间分布进行研究。【结果】结果显示: 在调查的17个县(市)室内共检获鼠类体外寄生蚤521头, 隶属4科7亚科9属12种。居民区寄生蚤的纬度和垂直分布类似, 低纬度和低海拔范围的种类相对较少, 印鼠客蚤和缓慢细蚤是室内寄生蚤的优势种。相对纬度和海拔较高的区域, 居民区寄生蚤种类增多, 但优势种不突出; 在经度水平分布上, 蚤种类于99°~101°E经度带形成一个高峰, 室内寄生的优势种印鼠客蚤和缓慢细蚤几乎在所有经度带都可见到分布, 显示了较宽的生态幅。另外, 居民区寄生蚤物种丰富度和多样性指数水平分布(纬度)和垂直分布呈现为单峰格局, 总体显示随着纬度和海拔的升高, 先升高后降低的分布特征, 而在另一个水平分布(经度), 则呈现由西向东呈递减的趋势。【结论】研究认为, 云南居民区蚤类的空间分布表现为独特的地理区域特征, 气候环境、 森林植被和人类生活生产方式通过影响蚤类栖息生境来影响蚤类的分布。  相似文献   

Experiments conducted during all seasons have established that F. hetera, one of the mass species of fleas in Mountain Altai, can be infected both by the strain of selective virulence typical to this nidus and by the non-typical non-virulent mountain-altai strain of plague agent. The non-virulent strain does not form in fleas the block of proventriculus and within 1.5-2 months they become free from the microbe. At the infection with the typical strain of the altai subspecies rare transmissions of the agent to Pallas' pika can take place as well as its long preservation in fleas.  相似文献   

Siphonaptera (fleas) is a highly specialized order of holometabolous insects comprising ~2500 species placed in 16 families. Despite a long history of extensive work on flea classification and biology, phylogenetic relationships among fleas are virtually unknown. We present the first formal analysis of flea relationships based on a molecular matrix of four loci (18S ribosomal DNA, 28S ribosomal DNA, Cytochrome Oxidase II, and Elongation Factor 1‐alpha) for 128 flea taxa from around the world representing 16 families, 25 subfamilies, 26 tribes, and 83 flea genera with eight outgroups. Trees were reconstructed using direct optimization and maximum likelihood techniques. Our analysis supports Tungidae as the most basal flea lineage, sister group to the remainder of the extant fleas. Pygiopsyllomorpha is monophyletic, as are the constituent families Lycopsyllidae, Pygiopsyllidae, and Stivaliidae, with a sister group relationship between the latter two families. Macropsyllidae is resolved as sister group to Coptopsyllidae with moderate nodal support. Stephanociricidae is monophyletic, as are the two constituent subfamilies Stephanocircinae and Craneopsyllinae. Vermipsyllidae is placed as sister group to Jordanopsylla. Rhopalopsyllidae is monophyletic as are the two constituent subfamilies Rhopalopsyllinae and Parapsyllinae. Hystrichopsyllidae is paraphyletic with Hystrichopsyllini placed as sister to some species of Anomiopsyllini and Ctenopariini placed as sister to Carterettini. Ctenophthalmidae is grossly paraphyletic with the family broken into seven lineages dispersed on the tree. Most notably, Anomiopsyllini is paraphyletic. Pulicidae and Chimaeropsyllidae are both monophyletic and these families are sister groups. Ceratophyllomorpha is monophyletic and includes Ischnopsyllidae, Ceratophyllidae, and Leptopsyllidae. Leptopsyllidae is paraphyletic as are its constituent subfamilies Amphipsyllinae and Leptopsyllinae and the tribes Amphipsyllini and Leptopsyllini. Ischnopsyllidae is monophyletic. Ceratophyllidae is monophyletic, with a monophyletic Dactypsyllinae nested within Ceratophyllinae, rendering the latter group paraphyletic. Mapping of general host associations on our topology reveals an early association with mammals with four independent shifts to birds. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

More than 450 specimens of Hystrichopsylla were collected from nests and hosts of species of Microtus, Neotoma, Tamiasciurus, and Peromyscus in Arizona and New Mexico from 1981-2004. A new subspecies, Hystrichopsylla dippiei obliqua, is described and a map illustrating the distribution of the three taxa (Hystrichopsylla dippiei truncata Holland, H. d. obliqua, and H. occidentalis sylvaticus Campos and Stark) occurring in Arizona and New Mexico is provided. Hystrichopsylla. o. sylvaticus is reported in New Mexico for the first time and H. d. truncata is a new record in Rio Aribba County, NM. Relationships of Mexican species are also discussed. These large fleas are seldom collected from the fur of their mammalian hosts (usually singly) but are prevalent in moist nests. The maximum number of the new subspecies collected from a single nest was 54. Dry nests, particularly those that are not subterranean or otherwise protected from desiccation, do not support development of Hystrichopsylla fleas. Minimum elevation at which H. dippiei ssp. is found in Arizona and New Mexico appears to be about 2,100 m.  相似文献   

The fleas infesting Microtus (Microtus) cabrerae from three different areas of Cuenca province (Spain) have been studied. It is the first time that on ectoparasitological study of this badly known rodent has been done. Four Siphonaptera species have been detected: Rhadinopsylla (Actenophthalmus) pentacantha, Peromyscopsylla spectabilis spectabilis, Nosopsyllus fasciatus and Ctenophthalmus (Ctenophthalmus) apertus personatus, which was the most abundant species (26 males and 31 females of a total of 28 males and 35 females). Considering the great morphologic variability within the male processus basimerus ventralis (p.b.v.) of segment IX of C. personatus subspecies, three morphotypes have been recognised. The male polymorphism detected, would be the result of both host confinement and genetic selection acting on the parasite. It should be pointed out that C. (C.) apertus personatus is not narrowly host-specific, therefore further studies are required to clarify this taxonomic situation.  相似文献   


Comparative analysis of vector activity of fleas in the Siberian natural plague foci was carried out during two long-term periods of experimental studies: 1967–1980 and 1983–2007. The data on block formation frequency in adult fleas infected with Yersinia pestis were analyzed for 127 experiments with 15 flea species and subspecies. The vector activity of fleas in all the Siberian plague foci (Altai, Tuva, and Transbaikalia) has increased over a rather short time period of 30–40 years. The frequencies of flea blocking were significantly different (P < 0.001) between the analyzed periods in all the three plague foci.


The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) (Bouché), is the most common flea species found on cats and dogs worldwide. We investigated the genetic identity of the cosmopolitan subspecies C. felis felis and evaluated diversity of cat fleas from Australia, Fiji, Thailand and Seychelles using mtDNA sequences from cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) and II (cox2) genes. Both cox1 and cox2 confirmed the high phylogenetic diversity and paraphyletic origin of C. felis felis. The African subspecies C. felis strongylus (Jordan) is nested within the paraphyletic C. felis felis. The south East Asian subspecies C. felis orientis (Jordan) is monophyletic and is supported by morphology. We confirm that Australian cat fleas belong to C. felis felis and show that in Australia they form two distinct phylogenetic clades, one common with fleas from Fiji. Using a barcoding approach, we recognize two putative species within C. felis (C. felis and C. orientis). Nucleotide diversity was higher in cox1 but COX2 outperformed COX1 in amino acid diversity. COX2 amino acid sequences resolve all phylogenetic clades and provide an additional phylogenetic signal. Both cox1 and cox2 resolved identical phylogeny and are suitable for population structure studies of Ctenocephalides species.  相似文献   

甘肃马先蒿属植物的种类与分布   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
整理了甘肃产马先蒿属植物53种,7亚种,6变种和1变型。记述了它们的生境与分布。其中,4种、2亚种为甘肃新记录。  相似文献   

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