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Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has emerged as an important tool for producing transgenic animals and deriving transgenic embryonic stem cells. The process of SCNT involves fusion of in vitro matured oocytes with somatic cells to make embryos that are transgenic when the nuclear donor somatic cells carry 'foreign' DNA and are clones when all the donor cells are genetically identical. However, in canines, it is difficult to obtain enough mature oocytes for successful SCNT due to the very low efficiency of in vitro oocyte maturation in this species that hinders canine transgenic cloning. One solution is to use oocytes from a different species or even a different genus, such as bovine oocytes, that can be matured easily in vitro. Accordingly, the aim of this study was: (1) to establish a canine fetal fibroblast line transfected with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene; and (2) to investigate in vitro embryonic development of canine cloned embryos derived from transgenic and non-transgenic cell lines using bovine in vitro matured oocytes. Canine fetal fibroblasts were transfected with constructs containing the GFP and puromycin resistance genes using FuGENE 6?. Viability levels of these cells were determined by the MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] assay. Interspecies SCNT (iSCNT) embryos from normal or transfected cells were produced and cultured in vitro. The MTT measurement of GFP-transfected fetal fibroblasts (mean OD = 0.25) was not significantly different from non-transfected fetal fibroblasts (mean OD = 0.35). There was no difference between transgenic iSCNT versus non-transgenic iSCNT embryos in terms of fusion rates (73.1% and 75.7%, respectively), cleavage rates (69.7% vs. 73.8%) and development to the 8-16-cell stage (40.1% vs. 42.7%). Embryos derived from the transfected cells completely expressed GFP at the 2-cell, 4-cell, and 8-16-cell stages without mosaicism. In summary, our results demonstrated that, following successful isolation of canine transgenic cells, iSCNT embryos developed to early pre-implantation stages in vitro, showing stable GFP expression. These canine-bovine iSCNT embryos can be used for further in vitro analysis of canine transgenic cells and will contribute to the production of various transgenic dogs for use as specific human disease models.  相似文献   

哺乳动物体细胞核移植技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体细胞核移植技术具有十分诱人的应用前景,在农业、物种保护、医疗等领域已显示出优越性。然而核重构等核移植基础理论方面的研究还很薄弱,致使核移植技术还不很完善,克隆动物还存在着甲基化酶异常调节、不正确的印迹基因表达、X染色体异常激活等错误的表观遗传现象,移植成功率较低,在一定程度上限制了它的发展。根据近几年的研究进展,对核移植技术的应用、方法以及存在的问题作一综述 。  相似文献   

The birth of the first cloned mammals, produced by the introduction of somatic cell nuclei into enucleated oocytes, was an impressive and surprising development.(1) Although the ethical debate has been intense, the important scientific questions raised by this work have been inadequately discussed and are still unresolved. In this essay we address three questions about nuclear transplantation in the eggs of mice and domestic animals. First, why were the recent experiments on somatic cell cloning successful, when so many others have failed? Second, were these exceptional cases, or is somatic cloning now open to all? Third, what are the future possibilities for increasing the efficiency and wider applicability of the cloning process? BioEssays 20 :847–851, 1998. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

小鼠-牛体细胞种间核移植   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了小鼠-牛异质胚构建的简便方法及小鼠体细胞核在牛卵母细胞中重新编程的可能性。以牛的卵母细胞为细胞质供体,用去除透明带及徒手切割的方法去核,设定电压1.5 KV/cm,脉冲时间40μsec,与小鼠皮肤成纤维细胞进行电融合的融合率为67.44%,卵裂率为30.23%。融合细胞经离子酶素-6-DMAP激活,用微滴内压制做窝的方法培养小鼠皮肤成纤维细胞异质胚,异质胚的最终发育阶段为8细胞期。结果表明,去透明带牛卵母细胞经切割法去核,可用于小鼠异质胚构建;微滴内做窝的体外培养方法可避免无透明带胚胎的聚合。  相似文献   

颜昊 《生命科学》2009,(4):542-548
成功的体细胞核移植(somatic cell nuclear transfer,SCNT)有赖于供体细胞的基因组通过重编程恢复到支持胚胎发育的全能性状态。但是,相比起自然受精后发生的重编程来说,要诱导一个已经分化的供体细胞重编程为全能性状态,往往在时间上和程度上都是迟滞的和不完全的。同时,DNA甲基化状况又是影响克隆胚胎发育和基因表达的关键因素之一。因此,深入研究主导DNA甲基化修饰的分子机理,探讨DNA去甲基化在供体细胞重编程过程中扮演的角色,从而进一步提高供体细胞重编程效率,提高克隆胚的发育潜能,这对于体细胞核移植效率的提高具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

体细胞核移植后核重编程的影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李雁  冯云  孙贻娟 《生命科学》2006,18(4):355-360
近年来,人类核移植胚胎干细胞建系成为一项炙手可热的研究,用再生医学的理念治疗退行性疾病及器官移植为这一研究带来无穷的魅力和生命力;但是核重编程仍是核移植技术的瓶颈,制约了重构胚胎干细胞的研究。核重编程是指供体细胞核移入卵母细胞后必须停止本身的基因表达程序并恢复为胚胎发育所必需的特定的胚胎表达程序。只有供核发生完全重编程,重构胚胎才能正常发育。核重编程与供核者的年龄,供核细胞的组织来源、分化状态、细胞周期、传代次数,供核的表遗传标记以及供卵者的年龄、卵子的成熟度等因素有关。一般来说,颗粒细胞作为核供体最易被核重编程。供核者为胎体或新生体,供核细胞处于低分化状态或已传数代,供核细胞经过去表遗传标记处理,供卵者性成熟且年龄轻、卵子核与胞浆都成熟等均为有利于核重编程的因素。重构胚胎的培养方法对核重编程也至关重要,目前主张使用序贯培养及体细胞化培养。创造各种适于核重编程的条件有利于从更高的起点开展核移植胚胎干细胞研究,提高重构胚胎干细胞建系效率。  相似文献   

Cloned ferrets produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) offers great potential for developing better animal models of human disease. The domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is an ideal animal model for influenza infections and potentially other human respiratory diseases such as cystic fibrosis, where mouse models have failed to reproduce the human disease phenotype. Here, we report the successful production of live cloned, reproductively competent, ferrets using species-specific SCNT methodologies. Critical to developing a successful SCNT protocol for the ferret was the finding that hormonal treatment, normally used for superovulation, adversely affected the developmental potential of recipient oocytes. The onset of Oct4 expression was delayed and incomplete in parthenogenetically activated oocytes collected from hormone-treated females relative to oocytes collected from females naturally mated with vasectomized males. Stimulation induced by mating and in vitro oocyte maturation produced the optimal oocyte recipient for SCNT. Although nuclear injection and cell fusion produced mid-term fetuses at equivalent rates (approximately 3-4%), only cell fusion gave rise to healthy surviving clones. Single cell fusion rates and the efficiency of SCNT were also enhanced by placing two somatic cells into the perivitelline space. These species-specific modifications facilitated the birth of live, healthy, and fertile cloned ferrets. The development of microsatellite genotyping for domestic ferrets confirmed that ferret clones were genetically derived from their respective somatic cells and unrelated to their surrogate mother. With this technology, it is now feasible to begin generating genetically defined ferrets for studying transmissible and inherited human lung diseases. Cloning of the domestic ferret may also aid in recovery and conservation of the endangered black-footed ferret and European mink.  相似文献   

It is the point at issue in intraspecies nuclear transfer whether quiescence is necessary for development of nuclear transfer reconstructed embryos. In the interspecies nuclear transfer, some reports have proved that quiescent cell is able to support preimplantation development of the interspecies reconstructed embryos. Are non-quiescent cells able to support preimplantation development of the interspecies reconstructed embryos? We used non-quiescent somatic cells from C57BL/6 mice and giant pandas as donors to transfer into enucleated rabbit oocytes. After electrofusion (the electrofusion rates were 62.2% and 71.6%, respectively) and electrical activation, 5.1% of those mouse-rabbit reconstructed embryos developed to blastocyst in vitro, and 4.2% of panda-rabbit reconstructed embryos developed to blastocyst after transferring into ligated rabbit oviduct. These results indicate that non-quiescent cell from C57BL/6 mouse and giant panda could be dedifferentiated in enucleated rabbit oocytes and support early embryo development.  相似文献   

正The recent breakthrough in successful producing cloned nonhuman primates by somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT)has attracted great attention both scientifically and publically(Liu et al.,2018).Two macaque monkeys,named"Zhongzhong"and"Huahua",were cloned from fetal fi-  相似文献   

Serial bull cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Although the list of species successfully cloned continues to grow, serial cloning has not been reported in species other than the mouse. Here we describe two live births of second-generation clones of a bull. Clones of the first and second generations appear healthy and have normal telomere lengths. Our attempts to produce the third generation of clones were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Lee GS  Hyun SH  Kim HS  Kim DY  Lee SH  Lim JM  Lee ES  Kang SK  Lee BC  Hwang WS 《Theriogenology》2003,59(9):1949-1957
This study was conducted to improve a porcine somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technique by optimizing donor cell and recipient oocyte preparations. Adult and fetal fibroblasts, and cumulus and oviduct cells were used as donor cells, and in vivo- and in vitro-matured oocytes were employed as recipient oocytes. The percentages of fusion and development to the blastocyst stage, the ratio of blastocysts to 2-cell embryos, and cell number of blastocysts were monitored as experimental parameters. In Experiment 1, donor cells of four different types were transferred to enucleated oocytes matured in vitro, and more (P < 0.05) blastocysts were derived from SCNT of fetal fibroblasts than from that of other cells (15.9% versus 3.1-7.9%). For SCNT using fetal fibroblasts, increasing the number of subcultures up to 15 times did not improve developmental competence to the blastocyst stage (12.2-16.7%). In Experiment 2, fetal fibroblasts were transferred to enucleated oocytes that matured in vivo or in vitro. When parthenogenetic activation of both types of oocytes was conducted as a preliminary control treatment, a significant increase in blastocyst formation was found for in vivo-matured compared with in vitro-matured oocytes (36.4% versus 29.5%). However, no improvement was achieved in SCNT using in vivo-matured oocytes. In conclusion, the type of donor somatic cell is important for improving development after porcine SCNT, and fetal fibroblasts were the most effective among examined cells. A system with good reproducibility has been established using fetal fibroblasts as the donor karyoplast after subculturing 1-10 times, and using both in vivo and in vitro-matured oocytes as the recipient cytoplast.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate two enucleation methods for somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), and to standardize the optimum number of embryos for transfer to each recipient for canines. Oocytes retrieved from outbreed dogs were reconstructed with adult somatic cells from a male Beagle dog. A total of 134 or 267 oocytes were enucleated either by aspiration or squeezing method, fused with two DC pulses of 1.75 kV/cm for 15 μs electrical stimulation, chemically activated after 1 h of fusion using 10 μM calcium ionophore for 4 min and cultured 4 h in 1.9 mM 6-dimethylaminopurine. Finally, 103 or 214 embryos for aspiration or squeezing method were transferred to 6 or 11 naturally synchronized recipients, respectively. A total of 53, 317 and 342 embryos were transferred to 7, 17 and 12 recipients for the group of 4–10, 11–25 and 26–40 embryos, respectively. There was no difference between fusion rate (76.87% vs. 80.15%), full term pregnancy rate (16.66% vs. 27.27%) and percent of live puppies born (0.97% vs. 1.87%) for aspiration and squeezing method (P > 0.05). Production efficiency of cloned dogs was significantly affected by the number of embryos transferred to each recipient. No pregnancy was established for the group of 4–10 embryos (n = 7) and 26–40 embryos (n = 12) while pregnancy was detected in 23.53% recipients received a group of 11–25 embryos (n = 17). Among them, five (1.76%) live puppies were born (P < 0.05). These data show an increase in the overall efficiency of SCNT in canine species.  相似文献   

Production of goats by somatic cell nuclear transfer.   总被引:102,自引:0,他引:102  
In this study, we demonstrate the production of transgenic goats by nuclear transfer of fetal somatic cells. Donor karyoplasts were obtained from a primary fetal somatic cell line derived from a 40-day transgenic female fetus produced by artificial insemination of a nontransgenic adult female with semen from a transgenic male. Live offspring were produced with two nuclear transfer procedures. In one protocol, oocytes at the arrested metaphase II stage were enucleated, electrofused with donor somatic cells, and simultaneously activated. In the second protocol, activated in vivo oocytes were enucleated at the telophase II stage, electrofused with donor somatic cells, and simultaneously activated a second time to induce genome reactivation. Three healthy identical female offspring were born. Genotypic analyses confirmed that all cloned offspring were derived from the donor cell line. Analysis of the milk of one of the transgenic cloned animals showed high-level production of human antithrombin III, similar to the parental transgenic line.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2008,74(1-3):246-251
Electrofusion is one of the critical steps used in somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). This low effectiveness of electrofusion of the somatic donor cell into the recipient oocyte limits the cloning success in certain mammals. In this study, chamber fusion (CF) and micro-electrode fusion were compared in goat SCNT. A 15 μm tip-end, 100 μm frustum-end and 200 μm parallel micro-electrodes were employed to perform micro-electrofusion with the aid of a micromanipulator. Different combinations of micro-electrodes, tip-end plus tip-end (TT), tip-end plus frustum-end (TF), frustum-end plus frustum-end (FF) and parallel micro-electrodes (PM) were evaluated. To improve fusion efficiency a couple of fibroblast karyoplast and oocyte cytoplast cells were pressurized or unpressurized during fusion in each group. No significant differences in the fusion rate of the unpressurized groups and chamber fusion (73.1% in TT, 75.3% in TF, 73.3% in FF, 74.2% in PM and 74.8% in CF) were recorded. The fusion rates in the TT (94.9%) and TF (92.2%) were significantly higher than in the FF (83.0%) and PM (83.9%) groups. The highest fusion rate and the lowest degeneration rate were obtained in the TT group. Compared with chamber fusion, the fusion rate was increased from 72.2 to 89.0% for the granulosa cells, 77.1 to 94.6% for fetal fibroblast cells and 51.2 to 78.0% for mammary gland epithelial cells in goat SCNT. These results showed that the pressurized fusion protocol carried out by a pair of tip-end micro-electrodes is optimal to improve the fusion efficiency of SCNT.  相似文献   

Although it has now been 10 years since the first cloned mammals were generated from somatic cells using nuclear transfer (NT), the success rate for producing live offspring by cloning remains < 5%. Nevertheless, the techniques have potential as important tools for future research in basic biology. We have been able to develop a stable NT method in the mouse, in which donor nuclei are directly injected into the oocyte using a piezo-actuated micromanipulator. Although manipulation of the piezo unit is complex, once mastered it is of great help not only in NT experiments but also in almost all other forms of micromanipulation. In addition to this technique, embryonic stem (ES) cell lines established from somatic cell nuclei by NT can be generated relatively easily from a variety of mouse genotypes and cell types. Such NT-ES cells can be used not only for experimental models of human therapeutic cloning but also as a backup of the donor cell's genome. Our most recent protocols for mouse cloning, as described here, will allow the production of cloned mice in > or = 3 months.  相似文献   

The ability to produce transgenic animals through the introduction of exogenous DNA has existed for many years. However, past methods available to generate transgenic animals, such as pronuclear microinjection or the use of embryonic stem cells, have either been inefficient or not available in all animals, bovine included. More recently somatic cell nuclear transfer has provided a method to create transgenic animals that overcomes many deficiencies present in other methods. This review summarizes the benefits of using somatic cell nuclear transfer to create bovine transgenics as well as the possible opportunities this method creates for the future.  相似文献   

Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) cloning is the sole reproductive engineering technology that endows the somatic cell genome with totipotency. Since the first report on the birth of a cloned sheep from adult somatic cells in 1997, many technical improvements in SCNT have been made by using different epigenetic approaches, including enhancement of the levels of histone acetylation in the chromatin of the reconstructed embryos. Although it will take a considerable time before we fully understand the nature of genomic programming and totipotency, we may expect that somatic cell cloning technology will soon become broadly applicable to practical purposes, including medicine, pharmaceutical manufacturing and agriculture. Here we review recent progress in somatic cell cloning, with a special emphasis on epigenetic studies using the laboratory mouse as a model.  相似文献   

Yin XJ  Lee HS  Yu XF  Kim LH  Shin HD  Cho SJ  Choi EG  Kong IK 《Theriogenology》2008,69(8):1001-1006
We successfully produced second-generation cloned cats by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) using skin cells from a cloned cat. Skin cells from an odd-eyed, all-white male cat (G0 donor cat) were used to generate a cloned cat (G1 cloned cat). At 6 months of age, skin cells from the G1 cloned cat were used for SCNT to produce second-generation cloned cats. We compared the in vitro and in vivo development of SCNT embryos that were derived from the G0 donor and G1 cloned donor cat's skin fibroblasts. The nuclei from the G0 donor and G1 cloned donor cat's skin fibroblasts fused with enucleated oocytes with equal rates of fusion (60.7% vs. 58.8%, respectively) and cleavage (66.3% vs. 63.4%). The 2-4-cell SCNT embryos were then transferred into recipients. One of the five recipients of G0 donor derived NT embryos (20%) delivered one live male cloned kitten, whereas 4 of 15 recipients of the G1 cloned donor cat derived NT embryos (26%) delivered a total of seven male second-generation cloned kittens (four live kittens from one surrogate, plus two stillborn kittens, and one live kitten that died 2d after birth from three other surrogate mothers). The four second-generation cloned kittens from the same surrogate all had a white coat color; three of the four second-generation cloned kittens had two blue eyes, and one of the second-generation cloned kittens had an odd-eye color. Despite low cloning efficiency, cloned cats can be used as donor cats to produce second-generation cloned cats.  相似文献   

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