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The dynamics of threonine side chains of the Tenebrio molitor antifreeze protein (TmAFP) were investigated using natural abundance (13)C NMR. In TmAFP, the array of threonine residues on one face of the protein is responsible for conferring its ability to bind crystalline ice and inhibit its growth. Heteronuclear longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates and the [(1)H]-(13)C NOE were determined in this study. The C alpha H relaxation measurements were compared to the previously measured (15)N backbone parameters and these are found to be in agreement. For the analysis of the threonine side chain motions, the model of restricted rotational diffusion about the chi(1) dihedral angle was employed [London and Avitabile (1978) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 100, 7159-7165]. We demonstrate that the motion experienced by the ice binding threonine side chains is highly restricted, with an approximate upper limit of less than +/-25 degrees.  相似文献   

The refolding kinetics of bistable RNA sequences were studied in unperturbed equilibrium via (13)C exchange NMR spectroscopy. For this purpose a straightforward labeling technique was elaborated using a 2'-(13)C-methoxy uridine modification, which was prepared by a two-step synthesis and introduced into RNA using standard protocols. Using (13)C longitudinal exchange NMR spectroscopy the refolding kinetics of a 20 nt bistable RNA were characterized at temperatures between 298 and 310K, yielding the enthalpy and entropy differences between the conformers at equilibrium and the activation energy of the refolding process. The kinetics of a more stable 32 nt bistable RNA could be analyzed by the same approach at elevated temperatures, i.e. at 314 and 316 K. Finally, the dynamics of a multi-stable RNA able to fold into two hairpin- and a pseudo-knotted conformation was studied by (13)C relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Shajani Z  Varani G 《Biopolymers》2007,86(5-6):348-359
RNA and DNA molecules experience motions on a wide range of time scales, ranging from rapid localized motions to much slower collective motions of entire helical domains. The many functions of RNA in biology very often require this molecule to change its conformation in response to biological signals in the form of small molecules, proteins or other nucleic acids, whereas local motions in DNA may facilitate protein recognition and allow enzymes acting on DNA to access functional groups on the bases that would otherwise be buried in Watson-Crick base pairs. Although these statements make a compelling case to study the sequence dependent dynamics in nucleic acids, there are few residue-specific studies of nucleic acid dynamics. Fortunately, NMR studies of dynamics of nucleic acids and nucleic acids-protein complexes are gaining increased attention. The aim of this review is to provide an update of the recent progress in studies of nucleic acid dynamics by NMR based on the application of solution relaxation techniques.  相似文献   

Shajani Z  Drobny G  Varani G 《Biochemistry》2007,46(20):5875-5883
Recognition of RNA by proteins and small molecules often involves large changes in RNA structure and dynamics, yet very few studies have so far characterized these motional changes. Here we extend to the protein-bound RNA recent 13C relaxation studies of motions in the RNA recognized by human U1A protein, a well-known model for protein-RNA recognition. Changes in relaxation observed upon complex formation demonstrate that the protein-binding site becomes rigid in the complex, but the upper stem-loop that defines the secondary structure of this RNA experiences unexpected motional freedom. By using a helix elongation strategy, we observe that the upper stem-loop moves independently of the remainder of the structure also in the absence of U1A. Surprisingly, RNA residues making important intermolecular contacts in the structure of the complex exhibit increased flexibility in the presence of the protein. Both of these results support the hypothesis that RNA-binding proteins select a structure that optimizes intermolecular contacts in the manifold of conformations sampled by the free RNA and that protein binding quenches these motions. Together with previous studies of the RNA-bound protein, they also demonstrate that protein-RNA interfaces experience complex motions that modulate the strength of individual interactions.  相似文献   

The molecular dynamics of solid poly-L-lysine has been studied by the following natural abundance (13)C-NMR relaxation methods: measurements of the relaxation times T(1) at two resonance frequencies, off-resonance T(1rho) at two spin-lock frequencies, and proton-decoupled T(1rho). Experiments were performed at different temperatures and hydration levels (up to 17% H(2)O by weight). The natural abundance (13)C-CPMAS spectrum of polylysine provides spectral resolution of all types of backbone and side chain carbons and thus, dynamic parameters could be determined separately for each of them. At the same time, the conformational properties of polylysine were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The data obtained from the different NMR experiments were simultaneously analyzed using the correlation function formalism and model-free approach. The results indicate that in dry polylysine both backbone and side chains take part in two low amplitude motions with correlation times of the order of 10(-4) s and 10(-9) s. Upon hydration, the dynamic parameters of the backbone remain almost constant except for the amplitude of the slower process that increases moderately. The side chain dynamics reveals a much stronger hydration response: the amplitudes of both slow and fast motions increase significantly and the correlation time of the slow motion shortens by about five orders of magnitude, and at hydration levels of more than 10% H(2)O fast and slow side chain motions are experimentally indistinguishable. These changes in the molecular dynamics cannot be ascribed to any hydration-dependent conformational transitions of polylysine because IR spectra reveal almost no hydration dependence in either backbone or side chain absorption domains. The physical nature of the fast and slow motions, their correlation time distributions, and hydration dependence of microdynamic parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of 13C NMR relaxation dispersion experiments to monitor micro-millisecond fluctuations in the protonation states of histidine residues in proteins is investigated. To illustrate the approach, measurements on three specifically 13C labeled histidine residues in plastocyanin (PCu) from Anabaena variabilis (A.v.) are presented. Significant Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion is observed for 13Cε1 nuclei in the histidine imidazole rings of A.v. PCu. The chemical shift changes obtained from the CPMG dispersion data are in good agreement with those obtained from the chemical shift titration experiments, and the CPMG derived exchange rates agree with those obtained previously from 15N backbone relaxation measurements. Compared to measurements of backbone nuclei, 13Cε1 dispersion provides a more direct method to monitor interchanging protonation states or other kinds of conformational changes of histidine side chains or their environment. Advantages and shortcomings of using the 13Cε1 dispersion experiments in combination with chemical shift titration experiments to obtain information on exchange dynamics of the histidine side chains are discussed.  相似文献   

Probing protein dynamics using temperature jump relaxation spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been recent advances in initiating and perturbing chemical reactions on very fast timescales, as short as picoseconds, thus making it feasible to study a vast range of chemical kinetics problems that heretofore could not be studied. One such approach is the rapid heating of water solutions using laser excitation. Laser-induced temperature jump relaxation spectroscopy can be used to determine the dynamics of protein motion, an area largely unstudied for want of suitable experimental and theoretical probes, despite the obvious importance of dynamics to protein function. Coupled with suitable spectroscopic probes of structure, relaxation spectroscopy can follow the motion of protein atoms over an enormous time range, from picoseconds to minutes (or longer), and with substantial structural specificity.  相似文献   

Bacterial chaperonin GroEL with a molecular mass of 800 kDa was studied by (13)C NMR spectroscopy. Carbonyl carbons of GroEL were labeled with (13)C in an amino acid specific manner in order to reduce the number of signals to be observed in the spectrum. Combination of selective labeling and site-directed mutagenesis enabled us to establish the sequence specific assignment of the (13)C resonances from GroEL. ADP-binding induced a chemical shift change of Tyr478 in the equatorial domain and His401 in the intermediate domain, but little of Tyr203 in the apical domain. Upon complex formation with co-chaperonin GroES in the presence of ADP, Tyr478 exhibits two peaks that would originate from the cis and trans rings of the asymmetric GroEL-GroES complex. Comparison between the line width of the GroEL resonances and those from GroES in complex with GroEL revealed broadening disproportionate to the size of GroEL, implying the existence of conformational fluctuations which may be pertinent to the chaperone activity. Based on these results, we concluded that (13)C NMR observation in combination with selective labeling and site-directed mutagenesis can be utilized for probing the conformational change and dynamics of the extremely large molecules that are inaccessible with current NMR methods.  相似文献   

Aromatic side chains are prevalent in protein binding sites, perform functional roles in enzymatic catalysis, and form an integral part of the hydrophobic core of proteins. Thus, it is of great interest to probe the conformational dynamics of aromatic side chains and its response to biologically relevant events. Indeed, measurements of (13)C relaxation rates in aromatic moieties have a long history in biomolecular NMR, primarily in the context of samples without isotope enrichment that avoid complications due to the strong coupling between neighboring (13)C spins present in uniformly enriched proteins. Recently established protocols for specific (13)C labeling of aromatic side chains enable measurement of (13)C relaxation that can be analyzed in a straightforward manner. Here we present longitudinal- and transverse-relaxation optimized pulse sequences for measuring R (1), R (2), and {(1)H}-(13)C NOE in specifically (13)C-labeled aromatic side chains. The optimized R (1) and R (2) experiments offer an increase in sensitivity of up to 35 % for medium-sized proteins, and increasingly greater gains are expected with increasing molecular weight and higher static magnetic field strengths. Our results highlight the importance of controlling the magnetizations of water and aliphatic protons during the relaxation period in order to obtain accurate relaxation rate measurements and achieve full sensitivity enhancement. We further demonstrate that potential complications due to residual two-bond (13)C-(13)C scalar couplings or dipolar interactions with neighboring (1)H spins do not significantly affect the experiments. The approach presented here should serve as a valuable complement to methods developed for other types of protein side chains.  相似文献   

A detailed characterization of the main chain and side chain dynamics in R. capsulatus ferrocytochrome c(2) derived from (2)H NMR relaxation of methyl group resonances is presented. (15)N relaxation measurements confirm earlier results indicating that R. capsulatus ferrocytochrome c(2) exhibits minor rotational anisotropy in solution. The current study is focused on the use of deuterium relaxation in side chain methyl groups, which has been shown to provide a detailed and accurate measure of internal dynamics. Results obtained indicate that the side chains of ferrocytochrome c(2) exhibit a wide range of motional amplitudes, but are more rigid than generally found in the interior of nonprosthetic group bearing globular proteins. This unusual rigidity is ascribed to the interactions of the protein with the large heme prosthetic group. This observation has significant implications for the potential of the heme-protein interface to modulate the redox properties of the protein and also points to the need for great precision in the design and engineering of heme proteins.  相似文献   

Protein dynamics and thermodynamics can be characterized through measurements of relaxation rates of side chain (2)H and (13)C, and backbone (15)N nuclei using NMR spectroscopy. The rates reflect protein motions on timescales from picoseconds to milliseconds. Backbone and methyl side chain NMR relaxation measurements for several proteins are beginning to reveal the role of protein dynamics in protein stability and ligand binding.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical, site-specific, approach to predict protein subunit correlation times, as measured by NMR experiments of 1H-15N nuclear Overhauser effect, spin-lattice relaxation, and spin-spin relaxation. Molecular dynamics simulations are input to our equation of motion for protein dynamics, which is solved analytically to produce the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors that specify the NMR parameters. We directly compare our theoretical predictions to experiments and to simulation data for the signal transduction chemotaxis protein Y (CheY), which regulates the swimming response of motile bacteria. Our theoretical results are in good agreement with both simulations and experiments, without recourse to adjustable parameters. The theory is general, since it allows calculations of any dynamical property of interest. As an example, we present theoretical calculations of NMR order parameters and x-ray Debye-Waller temperature factors; both quantities show good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

Side chain dynamics monitored by 13C-13C cross-relaxation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method to measure (13)C-(13)C cross-relaxation rates in a fully (13)C labeled protein has been developed that can give information about the mobility of side chains in proteins. The method makes use of the (H)CCH-NOESY pulse sequence and includes a suppression scheme for zero-quantum (ZQ) coherences that allows the extraction of initial rates from NOE buildup curves.The method has been used to measure (13)C-(13)C cross-relaxation rates in the 269-residue serine-protease PB92. We focused on C(alpha)-C(beta) cross-relaxation rates, which could be extracted for 64% of all residues, discarding serine residues because of imperfect ZQ suppression, and methyl (13)C-(13)C cross-relaxation rates, which could be extracted for 47% of the methyl containing C-C pairs. The C(alpha)-C(beta) cross-relaxation rates are on average larger in secondary structure elements as compared to loop regions, in agreement with the expected higher rigidity in these elements. The cross-relaxation rates for methyl containing C-C pairs show a general decrease of rates further into the side chain, indicating more flexibility with increasing separation from the main chain. In the case of leucine residues also long-range C(beta)-C(delta) cross-peaks are observed. Surprisingly, for most of the leucines a cross-peak with only one of the methyl C(delta) carbons is observed, which correlates well with the chi(2) torsion-angle and can be explained by a difference in mobility for the two methyl groups due to an anisotropic side chain motion.  相似文献   

13C NMR relaxation studies on cartilage and cartilage components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have investigated the molecular motions of polysaccharides of bovine nasal and pig articular cartilage by measuring the 13C NMR relaxation times (T1 and T2). Both types of cartilage differ significantly towards their collagen/glycosaminoglycan ratio, leading to different NMR spectra. As chondroitin sulfate is the main constituent of cartilage, aqueous solutions of related poly- and monosaccharides (N-acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid) were also investigated. Although there are only slight differences in T1 relaxation of the mono- and the polysaccharides, T2 decreases about one order of magnitude, when glucuronic acid or N-acetylglucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are compared. It is concluded that the ring carbons are motion-restricted primarily by the embedment in the rigid pyranose structure and, thus, additional limitations of mobility do not more show a major effect. Significant differences were observed between bovine nasal and pig articular cartilage, resulting in a considerable line-broadening and a lower signal to noise ratio in the spectra of pig articular cartilage. This is most likely caused by the higher collagen content of articular cartilage in comparison to the polysaccharide-rich bovine nasal cartilage.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have become a central tool for investigating various biophysical questions with atomistic detail. While many different proxies are used to qualify MD force fields, most are based on largely structural parameters such as the root mean square deviation from experimental coordinates or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shifts and residual dipolar couplings. NMR derived Lipari–Szabo squared generalized order parameter (O2) values of amide N? H bond vectors of the polypeptide chain were also often employed for refinement and validation. However, with a few exceptions, side chain methyl symmetry axis order parameters have not been incorporated into experimental reference sets. Using a test set of five diverse proteins, the performance of several force fields implemented in the NAMDD simulation package was examined. It was found that simulations employing explicit water implemented using the TIP3 model generally performed significantly better than those using implicit water in reproducing experimental methyl symmetry axis O2 values. Overall the CHARMM27 force field performs nominally better than two implementations of the Amber force field. It appeared that recent quantum mechanics modifications to side chain torsional angles of leucine and isoleucine in the Amber force field have significantly hindered proper motional modeling for these residues. There remained significant room for improvement as even the best correlations of experimental and simulated methyl group Lipari–Szabo generalized order parameters fall below an R2 of 0.8.  相似文献   

Rotational diffusion properties have been derived for the DNA dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 from 13C R1 and R1 measurements on the C1, C3, and C4 carbons in samples uniformly enriched in 13C. The narrow range of C-H bond vector orientations relative to the DNA axis make the analysis particularly sensitive to small structural deviations. As a result, the R1/R1 ratios are found to fit poorly to the crystal structures of this dodecamer, but well to a recent solution NMR structure, determined in liquid crystalline media, even though globally the structures are quite similar. A fit of the R1/R1 ratios to the solution structure is optimal for an axially symmetric rotational diffusion model, with a diffusion anisotropy, D||/D, of 2.1±0.4, and an overall rotational correlation time, (2D||+4D)–1, of 3.35 ns at 35 °C in D2O, in excellent agreement with values obtained from hydrodynamic modeling.  相似文献   

Using (13)C spin relaxation NMR in combination with molecular dynamic (MD) simulations, we characterized internal motions within double-stranded DNA on the pico- to nano-second time scale. We found that the C-H vectors in all cytosine ribose moieties within the Dickerson-Drew dodecamer (5'-CGCGAATTCGCG-3') are subject to high amplitude motions, while the other nucleotides are essentially rigid. MD simulations showed that repuckering is a likely motional model for the cytosine ribose moiety. Repuckering occurs with a time constant of around 100 ps. Knowledge of DNA dynamics will contribute to our understanding of the recognition specificity of DNA-binding proteins such as cytosine methyltransferase.  相似文献   

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