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Book Reviews*     
The Ieland of Menatruating Men: Religion in Wogeo, New Guinea. By Ian Hogbin Anthropology in Oceania: Essays presented to Ian Hogbin. Edited by L. R. Hiatt and C. Jaywardena Habu: The Innovation of Meaning in Daribi Religion. By Roy Wagner The Chimbu: A Study of Change in the New Guinea Highlands. By Paula Brown Physical Anthropology of the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea. By R. A. Littlewood Change and Development in Rural Melanesia. Edited by Marion Ward A Study in Structural Semantics: The Siriono Kinship System. By Harold W. Scheffler and Floyd G. Lounsbury Three Styles in the Study of Kinship. By J. A. Barnes Socialization: The Approach from Social Anthropology. Edited by Philip Mayer Primitive Law, Past and Present. By A. S. Diamond The Translation of Culture: Essays to E. E. Evans-Pritchard. Edited by T. O. Beidelman Essays on the Caste Syetem. By Celestin Bouglé Religious Experience: its nature and function in the human psyche. By Walter Houston Clark Man for Humanity. On Concordance vs Discord in Human Behavior. Edited by H Masserman and J. J. Schwab. Charles C. Thomas The Emergence of Man. By John E. Pfeiffer Papers in Economic Prehistory: Studies by Members and Associates of the British Academy Major Research Project in the Early History of Agriculture. Edited by E. S. Higgs Yirawala, Artist and Man. By Sandra le Brun Holmes Science and Archaeology. Edited by Robert H. Brill Tongues of Men and Angela. By William J. Samarin. Macmillan Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity. By J. N. Moore and H. S. Slusher Moko: or Maori Tattooing. By H. G. Robley. Chapman and Hall Frozen Tombs: the Pazyryk Burials of Iron-Age Horsemen. By Sergei I. Rudenko Anthropology for our Times. By Lois Brauer Cover  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Anthropologia Helvetica . O tto S chlaginhaufen . (A., Textband; B., Atlas. Vol. 21, Arch. d. Julius Klaus—Stiftng. f. Vererbfschg., Sozialanth. u. Rassenhyg. Pt. A, 699 pp., 499 tables, 144 figs. Pt. B, 161 diagram-maps, 16 pls. [with 504 face and profile views]. Art. Inst. Orell Fossli A-G., Zurich, 1946.)
PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Anthropologische Untersuchungen in Bezirk Untertoggenburg . F. C. B üchi . (Arch. d. Julius Klaus—Stiftng. f. Vererbfschg., Sozialanth. u. Rassenhyg. 17 [3–4]: 125–412. 302 tables, 41 figs., 8 pls. Zurich, 1942.)
PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Yearbook in Physical Anthropology . G. L asker (Ed.) (2 Numbers, 1945 and 1946, 214 pp. and 242 pp., resp. Viking Fund, New York, 1946–1947.)
PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Timor Português, Contribuïçôes para o seu Estudo Antropolôgico . A. A. M endes C orréa . (Repub. Port. Minist. das Colon. Memórias, sêrie antropolôgica e etnolôgica. 237 pp., 51 pls., 3 maps. [English resumé, pp. 179–215.] Lisbon, 1944.)
PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Contribuïçâo para o Estudo da Antropologia da Moçambique. Algumos Tribos do Distrito de Tete . J. R. Dos S antos , J r . (Repub. Port. Minst. das Colon. Memórias, sêrie antropolôgica e etnolôgica. 416 pp., 73 pis., 204 figs., 12 tables. [French and English résumés in separate accompanying volume.] Lisbon, 1944.)
PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Gorilas do Maiombe Português . H ugo de M agalhães . (Repub. Port. Minst. das Colon. Memórias sêrie zoolôgica. viii. 155 pp., 32 pls. [English resumé, pp. 131–141; French resumé, pp. 145–155.] Lisbon, 1945.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《American anthropologist》1967,69(6):780-782
Book reviewed in this article:
GENERAL AND ETHNOLOGY: The Teaching of Anthropology. David G. Mandelbaum, Gabriel W. Lasker, and Ethel M. Albert
GENERAL AND ETHNOLOGY: Resources for the Teaching of Anthropology. David G. Mandelbaum, Gabriel W. Lasker, and Ethel M. Albert  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
《Marine Mammal Science》1995,11(2):255-259
Book reviews in this article:
M arine M ammals A shore —A F ield G uide for S trandings .
S tudies of W hite W hales ( D elphinapterus L eucas ) and N arwhals ( M onodon M onoceros ) in G reenland and A djacent Waters. E. W. Born, R. Dietz and R. R. Reeves, eds.
B ooks R eceived
L ife in M oving F luids : The Physical Biology Of Flow. Second Edition.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B eehler , B.M. 1991. A Naturalist in New Guinea
B erthold , P. 1990. Vogelzug: eine kurze. aktuelle Gesamtübersicht
B ezzel , E. & P rinzinger , R. 1990. Ornithologie
B ub , H. 1991. Bird Trapping and Bird Banding
B urger , J. (ed.). 1988
B urke , T., D olf , G., J effreys , A.J. & W olff , R. (eds) 1991. DNA Fingerprinting: approaches and applications
C roxall , J.P. (ed.). 1991. Seabird Status and Conservation: a supplement
E rard , C. 1990. Ecologie et Comportement de Gobe-mouches
G alati , R. 1991. Golden-crowned Kinglets, Treetop Nesters of the North Woods
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1988. North American Owls: biology and natural history
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1991. Bustards. Hemipodes, and Sandgrouse: birds of dry places
K uroda , N. 1990. The Jungle Crows of Tokyo
L ekagul , B. & R ound , P.D. 1991. Birds of Thailand
L loyd , C. T asker , M.L. & P artridge , K. 1991. The Status of Seabirds in Britain and Ireland
L örhl , H. 1991. Die Haubenmeise
L oye , J. E. & Z uk , M. (eds) 1991. Bird-Parasite Interactions: ecology, evolution and behaviour
M itchell , A. 1989. The Fragile South Pacific: an ecological odyssey
O lney , P.J.S. & E llis , P. (eds) 1990. International Zoo Yearbook 1989, Vol. 29
O wen , M. & B lack , J.M. 1990. Waterfowl Ecology
R oberts , T.J. 1991. The Birds of Pakistan. Vol. 1; Regional studies and non-passeriformes
S chonn S., S cherzinger W., E xo K-L. & I lle R. 1991. Der Steinkauz. Athene noctua. Pp. 235, 139 monochrome photographs, 28 tables & 2 colour plates
S ibley , C.C. & A hlquist , J.E. 1990. Phylogeny and Classification of Birds: a study in molecular evolution
S kutch , A.F. 1991. Life of the Pigeon
S troud , D. & G lue , D. 1991. Britain's Birds in 1989–90: The conservation and monitoring review
Y eatman -B ekthelot , D. 1991. Atlas des Oiseaux de France en Hiver.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Anthropology in Papua New Guinea. Edited by lan Hogbin Politics in New Guinea. Traditional and in the Context of Change: Some Anthropological Perspectives. Edited by Ronald M. Berndt and Peter Lawrence Alternative Strategies for Papua New Gulnea. Edited by A. Clunies Ross and J. Langmore Baegu: Social and Ecological Organisation in Malaita, Solomon Islands. By Harold M. Ross The South Sea Islanders and the Quensland Labour Trade. By William T. Wawn. Edited by Peter Corris The Australian Aborigines. By B. A. L. Cranstone Hunters of the Northern Forest. By Richard K. Nelson Tahitians, Mind and Experience in the Society Islands. By Robert I. Levy Ancient Polynesian Society. By Irving Goldman Ilocano Rice Farmers. By Henry T. Lewis La course de pirogues au Laos: an complexe culturel. By Charles Archaimbault The Character of Kinship. Edited by Jack Goody Population Growth: Anthropological Implications. Edited by Brian Spooner Researches into the Physical History of Man. By J. C. Prichard. Edited by G. W. Stocking Human Origins. By D. Weitzman and R. E. Gross Communicating Across Time and Space. By D. Weitzman and R. E. Gross  相似文献   

Book Reviews*     
Book reviewed in this article: Contention and Dispute: Aspects of Law and Social Control in Melanesia. Edited by A. L. Epstein The Pacific in Transition. Geographical perspectives in adaptation and change. Edited by Harold Brookfield Micronesia at the Crossroads: A Reappraisal of the Micronesian Dilemma. By Carl Heine. The Marquesan Journal of Edward Robarts 1797–1824. Edited by Greg Dening. Thunder from the Sea. By Willowdean Chatterson Handy Maori Death Customs. By R. S. Oppenheim, A. H. and A. W. Reed, Wellington Aborigines in the Northern Territory Cattle Industry. By Frank Stevens Realities of Race. An Analysis of the Concepts of Race and Racism and their Relevance to Australian Society. By Keith R. McConnochie The Industrialists and the Aborigines. A Study of Aboriginal Employment in the Australian Mining Industry. By Peter H. Rogers. Down Among the Wild Men. A Narrative Journey of fifteen years pursuing the Old Stone Age Aborigines of Australia. By John Greenway Tales of a Revolution. By Abu Hanifah Rice Farming in Taiwan: Three Village Studies. By Sung-hsing Wang and Raymond Apthorpe Piman Shamanism and Staying Sickness (Ká:cim Mûmkidag). By Donald M. Bahr, Juan Gregorio, David I. Lopez, Albert Alvarez Research Design in Anthropology. By John A. Brim and David H. Spain. Holt, Rinehart and Winston An Introduction to Sociology. By J. E. Goldthorpe. Leo Frobenius-An Anthology. Edited by Eike Haberland Field Archaeology in Britain. By John Coles Die Tasmanier; Versuch einer ethnographischhistorischen Rekonstruktion. By Gisela Völger. Archaeological Excavations of Fortified Sites on Taveuni, Fiji. By Everett Lloyd Frost Evolution of the Genus Homo. By W. Howells Fossil Man, an Evolutionary Journey. By F. E. Poirier. Perspectives on Human Evolution 2. Edited by S. L. Washburn and P. Dolhinow. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Human Evolution, Readings in Physical Anthropology. Edited by N. Korn. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Man in Evolutionary Perspective. Edited by C. L. Brace and J. Metress. John Wiley and Sons. Elements of Human and Social Geography. By Eric Sunderland. The Dyirbal Language of North Queensland. By R. M. W. Dixon  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《American anthropologist》1968,70(5):990-991
Book reviewed in this article:
Hutterian Brethren: The Agricultural Economy and Social Organization of a Communal People . J ohn W. B ennett .
The Hutterites in North America . J ohn A. H ostetler and G ertrude E nders H untington . Foreword by George and Louise Spindler. Photographs by Kryn Taconis. (Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Textbooks and Readers: Anthropology Today. Del Mar, CA: CRM Books, 1971.
Textbooks and Readers: Cultural Anthropology Today. Del Mar, CA: CRM Books, 1971.
Textbooks and Readers: Physical Anthropology Today. Del Mar, CA: CRM Books, 1971.
Textbooks and Readers: Involvement in Anthropology Today. Del Mar, CA: CRM Books, 1971.
Textbooks and Readers: Study Guide to Anthropology Today. Del Mar, CA: CRM Books, 1971.  相似文献   

Book Reviews*     
Book reviewed in this article: Sociology and Psychology: Essays by Marcel Mauss. Translated by Ben Brewster Seasonal Variations of the Eskimo: A Study in Social Morphology. Marcel Mauss, in Collaboration with Henri Beauchat. Translated, with a Foreword by James J. Fox Role Theory. Bruce J. Biddle Social Anthropology and Law. Edited by Ian Hammett ASA Monograph 14 Order and Dispute. An Introduction to Legal Anthropology. Simon Roberts Islam and Politics in a Malay State. Kelantan. 1838–1969. Clive S. Kessler Himalayan Anthropology. The Indo-Tibetan Interface. Edited by James F. Fisher Applied Anthropology In America. Edited by Elizabeth M. Eddy and William L. Partridge Growing Up in Polynesia. By Jane and James Ritchie Human Adaptation. A Functional Interpretation. A. Roberto Frisancho The Anthropology of Health. Eleanor Bauwens Perspectives on Ethnicity. Edited by R. E. Holloman and S. A. Arutiunov Europe as a Cultural Area. Edited by Jean Cuisenier Modern Greek Humour: A Collection of Jokes and Ribald Tales. Ethelyn G. Orso Portraits of ‘The Whiteman’: Linguistic Play and Cultural Symbols Mission to the Islands. The Missionary Voyages in in Bass Strait of Canon Marcus Brownrigg, 1872–1885. Edited, with an introduction by Stephen Murray-Smith Among Cannibals: Account of Four Years Travels in Australia, and of Camp Life with the Aborigines of Queensland. Carl Lumholtz. John Murray, London, 1889. Reprinted by Caliban Books But Now We Want the Land Back. A History of the Australian Aboriginal People Hannah Middleton A Matter of Justice. C. D. Rowley A Black Reality, Aboriginal Camps and Housing in Remote Australia. Edited by Australian Aboriginal Art: The Art of the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory. Robert Edwards The Rainbow Serpent. A Chromatic Piece. Edited by Ira R. Buchler and Kenneth Maddock A Grammar of Yidin. R. M. W. Dixon Discourse and Inference in Cognitive Anthropology. An Approach to Psychic Unity and Enculturation. Edited by Marvin D. Loflin and James Silverberg Explorations in Language and Meaning: Towards a Semantic Anthropology. Malcolm Crick Approaches to Language. Anthropological Issues. Edited by William C. McCormack and Stephen A. Wurm Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory. Volume 1. Edited by Michael B. Schiffer Spatial Analysis in Archaeology. Ian Hodder and Clive Orton Stone Axe Studies. Archaeological, Petrological, Experimental, and Ethnographic. Edited by T. H. McK. Clough and W. A. Cummins. C.B.A. Megaliths, myths and men. An Introduction to Astro-Archaeology. Peter Lancaster Brown The Prehistory of Polynesia. Edited by Jesse D. Jennings New Zealand Journal of Archaeology , Volume 1. The New Zealand Archaeological Association Archaeological Research in the Cook Islands. Peter S. Bellwood Man's Conquest of the Pacific. The Prehistory of Southeast Asia and Oceania  相似文献   

We present evidence for the consumption of a diurnal, arboreal, group living primate by bonobos. The digit of an immature black mangabey (Lophocebus aterrimus) was found in the fresh feces of a bonobo (Pan paniscus) at the Lui Kotale study site, Democratic Republic of Congo. In close proximity to the fecal sample containing the remains of the digit, we also found a large part of the pelt of a black mangabey. Evidence suggests that the Lui Kotale bonobos consume more meat than other bonobo populations and have greater variation in the mammalian species exploited than previously thought [Hohmann & Fruth, Folia primatologica 79:103–110]. The current finding supports Stanford's argument [Current Anthropology 39:399–420] that some differences in the diet and behavior between chimpanzees (P. troglodytes) and bonobos are an artefact of the limited number of bonobo study populations. If bonobos did obtain the monkey by active hunting, this would challenge current evolutionary models relating the intra‐specific aggression and violence seen in chimpanzees and humans to hunting and meat consumption [Wrangham, Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 42:1–30]. Am. J. Primatol. 71:171–174, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Social Anthropology . By Godfrey Lienhardt Rethinking Anthropology . By E. R. Leach Societies: Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives . By Talcott Parsons Kinship and Family Organization . Bernard Farber The Impact of Urbanization in By G. Breese . Societies Series. Cliffs, N.J., 1965. Paperbound, no price stated. Industry. By W. E. Moore; Newly Developing Countries The Hunters . By Elman R. Service The New Guinea Villager . By C. D. Rowley. F. W. Cheshire Behind the Ranges : Patrolling in New Guinea. By J. P. Sinclair Australian Aboriginal Portraits . By Charles P. Mountford Animal Species and Their Evolution . By A. J. Cain The Concise Encyclopadia of Archaeology . Edited by Leonard Cottrell Archaeology: An Introduction . By Clement W. Meighan Marine Archaeology . Edited by Joan du Plat Taylor The Land of Shinar . By Leonard Cottrell Ancient Europe : A Survey. By Stuart Piggott The North Britons : the Prehistory of a Border People. By Richard Feachem The Hardin Village Site . By Lee H. Hanson Pattern and Process in the Early Intermediate Pottery of the Central Coast of Peru . By Thomas C. Patterson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Purposive Behaviour and Teleological Explanations. Edited by F. George and L Foundations of Kinship Mathematics. By Pin-Hsiung Liu Infanticide: Comparative and evolutionary perspective. Edited by Glen Housfater and Sarah Blaffer-Hrdy Self, Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Fieldwork. Edited by T.L. Whitehead and M.E. Conaway The Constitution of Society. By Anthony Giddens The Anthropology of Medicine: From Culture to Method. By Lola Romanucci-Ross, Daniel E. Moerman, Laurence R. Tancredi Advocacy and Anthropology: First Encounters. Edited by R. Paine Native Power: The Quest for Autonomy and Nationhood of Indigenous Peoples. Edited by J. Brosted, J. Dahl, A. Gray, H. Gullor, G. Henriksen, J. Jorgensen, and I. Kleivan Gender and Power in Rural Greece. By J. Dubisch Australian Ways: Anthropological Studies of an Industrial Society. Edited by Lenore Manderson Opencut. The Working Class in an Australian mining town. By Claire Williams The Flying Phoenix: Aspects of Chinese Sectarianism. By David K. Jordan and Daniel L. Relativism and the Social Sciences. By Ernest Gellner. Published by Cambridge University Press On Anthropological Knowledge. Three Essays. By Dan Sperber. Un ethnologue dans le mitro. By Marc Auge Handbook of Australian Languages Volume 3. Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake.  相似文献   

An Introduction to Bacterial Physiology. By E velyn L. O ginsky and W. W. U mbreit.
The Cell Nucleus. Edited by J. S. M itchell.
Behaviour and Evolution. Edited by anne R oe and G eorge G aylord S impson.
The Mango. By L. B. S ingh.
The Balkan Lake Ohrid and its Living World. By S inia S tanković.
An Introduction to the Biology of Micro-organisms. By L. E. H awker , A. H. L inton , B. F. F olkes and M. J. C arlile.
The Chemistry of Nucleic Acids. By D. O. J ordan.
The Structure and Function of Muscle. In three volumes—edited by G. H. B ourne.
Planzenpathogene Bakterien. By C. S tapp.
Physical Chemistry for Students of Pharmacy and Biology. 2nd ed. By S. C. W allwork.
The Control of Growth and Form. A Study of the Epidermal Cell in an Insect. By V. B. W igglesworth.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Recent Advances in Cytology. By C. D. D arlington .
Order and Life. By J oseph N eedham .
The Plant Diseases of Great Britain: A Bibliography. Compiled and annotated by G. C. A insworth .
Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr O. A ppel .
Three Thousand Mycological Terms. By W. H. S nell .
The Pests of Fruits and Hops. By A. M. M assee .
Yearbook of Agriculture , 1936.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Australian Dreaming. 40.000 years of Aboriginal History . Edited by Jennifer Isaacs Radio Power. A History of 3ZZ Access Radio . By Joan Dugdale Department of Anthropology, University of Western Australia Introduction to Australian Society: A Sociological Perspective . By Donald Edgar The New South Wales Wheat Frontier. 1851 to 1911 . By M. E. Robinson Department of Anthropology, University of Sydney. Heroin in Australia . By David Hirst Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland. The Quest for Gaia. A Book of Changes . By Kit Pedler Drinking Careers. Occupations, Drinking Habits, and Drinking Problems . By Martin A. Plant Northern Territory Department of Health, Darwin. Families in Former Times: Kinship, Household and Sexuality . By Jean-Louis Flandrin. Translated by Richard Southern Changing Images of the Family . Edited by Virginia Tufte and Barbara Myerhoff Department of Anthropology, Western Australian Museum. Give and Take. Exchange in Wola Society . By Paul Sillitoe Department of Prehistory and Anthropoloy, S.G.S. Caste: The Emergence of the South Asian Social System . By Morton Klass David Mearns Department of Anthropology, University of Adelaide. Anthropological Structures of Madness in Black Africa . By I. Sow. Translated by Joyce Diamenti Basic Problems of Ethnopsychiatry . By George Devereux Department of Anthropology, University of Otago. Who Should Know What? Social Science, Privacy and Ethics . By J. A. Barnes Department of Sociology, University of N.S.W. Arnold Van Gennep. The Creator of French Ethnography . By Nicole Belmont Department of Prehistory anrf Anthropology, Australian National University. Man, Mind, and Science. A History of Anthropology . By Murray J. Leaf Department of Sociology, University of N.S.W. The Conceptualisation and Explanation of Processes of Social Change . Edited by David Riches School of Behavioural Sciences, Macquarie University. Day of Shining Red. An Essay on Understanding Ritual . By Gilbert Lewis Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, Australian National University. Living Archaeology . By R. A. Gould. New Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of New England Experimental Determinatiou of Stone Tool Uses: A Microwear Analysis . By Lawrence H. Keeley Division of Prehistory, La Trobe University. Archaeological Constructs. An Aspect of Theoretical Archaeology . By Jean-Claude Gardin Division of Prehistory, La Trobe University. The Performing Arts. Music and Dance . Edited by John Blacking and Joann W. Kealiinohomoku Department of Sociology, University of New England.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Land and People of Northeast Brazil. By Manuel Correia de Andrade Development and Dependency. The Political Economy of Papua New Guinea. By Azeem Amarshi Australian Imperialism in the Pacific. The Expansionist Era 1820–1920. By Roger C. Thompson Law and State in Papua New Guinea. By Peter Fitzpatrick The Voice of Tambaran. Truth and Illusion in Ilahita Arapesh Religion. By Donald F. Tuzin Social Organization in Aboriginal Australia. By Warren Shapiro The Camp at Wallaby Cross: Aboriginal Fringe Dwellers in Darwin. By Basil Sansom Oenpclli Bark Painting. By The Aboriginal Arts Board. Paul Hamlyn The Languages of Australia. By R. M. W. Dixon The World as a Company Town: Multinational Corporations and Social Change. Edited by Ahmed Idris-Soven Hunters, pastoralists and ranchers. By Tim Ingold Green and Pleasant Land? Social Change in Rural England. By Howard Newby Rural Sociology in the Soviet Union. Its History and Basic Concepts. By Terence M. Cox. C. Hurst Challenging Anthropology: A Critical Approach to Social Anthropology. Edited by David H. Turner and Gavin A. Smith Marxism and Anthropology: The Concept of ‘Human Essence’ in the Philosophy of Marx. By George Markus Ideology and Everyday Life: Anthropology, Neo-marxist Thought, and the Problem of Ideology and the Social Whole. By Steve Barnett and Martin G. Silverman Patterns of the Past: Studies in Honour of David Clarke. Edited by I. Hodder, G. Isaac and N. Hammond  相似文献   

The rise of two sub-specialties in Physical Anthropology traces back to the Anatomy Departments of Schools of Medicine in Germany and France during the nineteenth century. The study of human diversity in bones and bodies was largely by medically-trained anatomists. There developed Medical Anthropology and Dental Anthropology, employing osteometry and craniometry on the skeleton, somatometry and cephalometry on the living body. As a result cross-sectional studies gave way to longitudinal studies and X-ray techniques were added to purely mensurational procedures. In Medical Anthropology the specialties most directly concerned are pediatrics, plastic surgery, endocrinology, and orthopaedics. In Dental Anthropology the specialties most directly concerned are pedodontics, orthodontics, oral surgery, and prosthodontics. The contributions of Physical Anthropology to each is discussed.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
WWF Conservation Yearbook 1987/188 ed. by Peter Hulm, World Wildlife Fund,1989.
Kalahari Hyaenas The Comparative Behavioural Ecology of Two Species by M.G.L. Mills.  相似文献   

The Hill of Flutes: Life, Love and Poetry in Tribal India. W. G. Archer . Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1974.
Structural Approaches to South India Studies. Harry M. Buck and Glenn E. Yocum , eds. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania: Wilson Books, 1974.
Faction and Conversion in a Plural Society: Religious Alignments in the Hindu Kush. Robert Leroy Canfield . Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan No. 50. 1973.
Elite Politics in Rural India: Political Stratification and Alliances in Western Maharashtra. Anthony Carter . Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology, 9. London: Cambridge University Press, 1974.
The Myth of the Lokamanya: Tilak and Mass Politics in Maharashtra. Richard I. Cashman . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.  相似文献   

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