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The Cytokine Secretion Assay is an innovative method for analysing and enriching live cytokine-secreting cells. In this assay, a cytokine affinity matrix is built on the cell plasma membrane, which traps cytokines produced by the cell in response to specific stimuli. The specifically bound cytokine is then detected, and the cells optionally enriched, using fluorochrome-conjugated cytokine-specific antibodies and magnetic microbeads. This method allows extremely detailed phenotyping of live cells and the detection of cytokine responses at very low frequencies. Here, the latest cell staining and separation procedures are reviewed, with particular reference to the best application of the technology and troubleshooting in a variety of different situations.  相似文献   

Myeloid antigen-presenting cells (APC) are known to cross-present exogenous antigen on major histocompatibility class I molecules to CD8+ T cells and thereby induce protective immunity against infecting microorganisms. Here we report that liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) are organ-resident, non-myeloid APC capable of cross-presenting soluble exogenous antigen to CD8+ T cells. Though LSEC employ similar molecular mechanisms for cross-presentation as dendritic cells, the outcome of cross-presentation by LSEC is CD8+ T cell tolerance rather than immunity. As uptake of circulating antigens into LSEC occurs efficiently in vivo, it is likely that cross-presentation by LSEC contributes to CD8+ T cell tolerance observed in situations where soluble antigen is present in the circulation.  相似文献   

The influence of costimulation on the activation of naive CD8+ T cells and thymocytes was studied in vitro using H-Y-specific TCR-transgenic mice and H-Y antigenic peptide. Using a variety of physiological APC types, the activation of naive CD8+ T cells depended strictly on costimulation, which could not be substituted by high epitope density. T cell activation is known to be regulated by the interactions between CD86/CD80 and CD28/CD152, although it remains unclear whether the B7 isoforms have distinct roles. Addition of soluble anti-CD86 Ab led to profound inhibition of T cell reactivity, further confirming the importance of costimulation in naive CD8+ T cell activation. Finally, TCR engagement in the absence of costimulation had no effect on the subsequent reactivity of peripheral naive transgenic CD8+ T cells, but induced nonresponsiveness in mature CD8+ transgenic thymocytes. Collectively, these results demonstrate the importance of costimulation for naive CD8+ T cell activation, suggest that CD80 and CD86 can mediate opposing effects, possibly due to differential interaction with CD152 and CD28, and indicate differences in the sensitivity of immature vs mature CD8+ T cells to the induction of nonresponsiveness following costimulation-deficient Ag presentation.  相似文献   

It has been well established that T cell tolerance to self Ag occurs primarily via clonal deletion of immature thymocytes in the thymus. Evidence also exists that there are additional mechanisms operative on mature T cells for establishing and maintaining tolerance in the periphery. To follow the fate of mature Ag-specific T cells in vivo, we used female transgenic mice, which contain a large population of male H-Y Ag-specific T cells that can be identified by immunostaining with mAb directed against CD8 and the transgenic TCR. H-Y Ag was introduced into these mice by injecting Ag-bearing male lymphocytes using conditions known to induce CTL precursor response reduction. The number of Ag-reactive CD8+ transgenic T cells in the periphery started to decrease after 2 days of in vivo exposure to male Ag. Decline was maximum (up to 80% of total) by 7 days, and stayed at this level for at least 6 wk. CD4+ cells and those CD8+ cells that did not carry the transgenic TCR were not affected. Most or all of the remaining Ag-reactive CD8+ cells in the periphery were fully responsive when stimulated by male Ag in vitro. Maturation of transgenic T cells in the thymus of injected mice remained the same as that of control animals. Our data provide direct evidence that mature Ag-reactive CD8+ cells are susceptible to clonal deletion in the periphery when exposed to the Ag in vivo. These findings suggest the presence of two types of APC in the periphery: stimulatory APC (e.g., macrophages and dendritic cells) required for initiating an active immune response; and functionally deleting APC (or veto cells) capable of deleting mature T lymphocytes that recognize Ag presented on their surface. Functionally deleting APC that present self Ag to peripheral T cells may provide a fail-safe mechanism against autoreactive cells that escaped deletion during differentiation in the thymus.  相似文献   

Although they are known for their capacity to kill infected cells, Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells elaborate other effector mechanisms, including TNF and IFN-gamma, that contribute to defense against infection. Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells rapidly turn ON and turn OFF IFN-gamma production in direct response to Ag contact, presumably to minimize the potential immunopathology that could result from inappropriate secretion of this inflammatory mediator. In this study, we show, using in vitro propagated and directly ex vivo-analyzed Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells, that in contrast to Ag-dependent ON/OFF cycling of IFN-gamma production, the cessation of TNF production by the same IFN-gamma producing cells is rapid and Ag independent.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic cells specific for Toxoplasma gondii-infected cells were detected in the peripheral blood leukocytes from a patient with acute toxoplasmosis. The cytotoxicity was mediated by CD5+, CD4-, CD8+ cells. The cytotoxic T cells lysed Toxoplasma-infected target cells with HLA class I restriction. Two types of T cell clones were established from peripheral blood leukocytes of a patient with chronic toxoplasmosis; one was a CD5+, CD4-, CD8+ cytotoxic cell specific for Toxoplasma-infected cells, and the other was a CD5+, CD4+, CD8- proliferative cell that responded to Toxoplasma antigen. Toxoplasma-infected cell-specific cytotoxic cloned T cells recognize the infected target cells in the context of the HLA class I molecules, and the CD8 molecule was involved in the cytotoxicity. Toxoplasma antigen-specific proliferative cloned T cells were stimulated by Toxoplasma antigen-pulsed or Toxoplasma-infected cells in conjunction with HLA-DR molecule on the target cells. Thus, antigen presentation by Toxoplasma-infected cells for activation of both cytotoxic and proliferative T cells has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

IL-2 is well described as a cytokine with two markedly distinct functionalities: as a necessary signal during CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell activation/expansion and as an essential cytokine for the maintenance of CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T cells (regulatory T (T(REG)) cells) during homeostasis. In this study we demonstrate for the first time that, compared with the use of IL-2 alone, a complex of IL-2 and anti-IL-2 Ab (IL-2 complex) enhances the effectiveness of a viral vaccine in a mouse model with known Ag specificity. IL-2 complex led to an increase in the number of Ag-specific effector/memory CD8(+) T cells, cytokine production, and CTL lysis following Ag-specific restimulation in a vaccination setting. Our results further demonstrate that this effect is temporary and declines over the course of a few days after the IL-2 complex treatment cycle. Moreover, in contrast to the use of IL-2 alone, IL-2 complex greatly increased the ratio of effector/memory CD8(+) T cells to T(REG) cells. This phenomenon can thus potentially be used in the enhancement of immune responses to vaccination.  相似文献   

Bcl-2 plays a critical role in regulating cell survival and apoptosis. We examined Bcl-2 expression in virus-specific CD8 T cells during the expansion, death, and memory phases of the T cell response following infection of mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Naive CD8 T cells expressed a basal level of Bcl-2 that was down-regulated in effector CD8 T cells just before the death phase. Bcl-2 levels remained low during the death phase but surviving memory CD8 T cells expressed higher levels of Bcl-2 than naive cells. These changes were shown to occur in LCMV TCR transgenic cells as well as virus-specific CD8 T cells in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice identified by MHC class I tetramers. In all instances, memory CD8 T cells expressed higher levels of Bcl-2, suggesting that increased Bcl-2 expression plays a role in the long-term maintenance of memory CD8 T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

The transporter associated with the antigen processing 1 (TAP1) gene encodes a subunit for a transporter, presumed to be involved in the delivery of peptides across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane to class I molecules. We have generated mice with a disrupted TAP1 gene using embryonic stem cell technology. TAP1-deficient mice are defective in the stable assembly and intracellular transport of class I molecules and consequently show severely reduced levels of surface class I molecules. These properties are strikingly similar to those described for the TAP2 mutant cell line RMA-S. Cells from the TAP1-deficient mice are unable to present cytosolic antigens to class I-restricted cytotoxic T cells. As predicted from the near absence of class I surface expression, TAP1-deficient mice lack CD4-8+ T cells.  相似文献   

The differentiation of naive CD4(+) Th cells into Th1 and Th2 phenotypes is influenced by cytokines, concentration of Ag, accessory molecules, and the affinity of the MHC-TCR interaction. To study these factors in human memory T cells, T cell lines with Th1 or Th2 phenotypes specific for the peptide hemagglutinin (HA)(307-319) in the context of DRB1*0401 were established from the peripheral blood of an individual previously vaccinated for influenza virus. Flow cytometric analysis with fluorescent-labeled MHC class II tetramers was used to analyze TCR avidity: the Th2 line bound the HLA-DR*0401-HA(307-319) tetramers with higher mean avidity, although the range of binding avidity largely overlapped with the Th1 line. High-affinity Th1 and Th2 lines were established for further study by FACS sorting. When activated with plate-bound HLA-DR*0401-HA(307-319) monomers, the Th1 line proliferated and produced IFN-gamma without additional costimulation whereas the Th2 line required the addition of soluble anti-CD28 Ab to induce proliferation and IL-5 production, but this requirement could be overcome with high concentrations of plate-bound monomer alone. IL-2 production was dependent on costimulation in both cell lines. These findings demonstrate that upon antigenic rechallenge, Th1 and Th2 cells differ in their response to Ag-specific stimulation. Th2 cells were sensitive to the strength of signal to a greater degree than Th1 cells and required costimulation through CD28 for maximal proliferation. These distinctions between Th1 and Th2 activation are not consistent with a simple avidity model of Ag recognition and indicate both qualitative and quantitative differences in determining cell lineage commitment.  相似文献   

The activation of Ag-specific T cells locally in the CNS could potentially contribute to the development of immune-mediated brain diseases. We addressed whether Ag-specific T cells could be stimulated in the CNS in the absence of peripheral lymphoid tissues by analyzing Ag-specific T cell responses in organotypic brain slice cultures. Organotypic brain slice cultures were established 1 h after intracerebral OVA Ag microinjection. We showed that when OVA-specific CD8(+) T cells were added to Ag-containing brain slices, these cells became activated and migrated into the brain to the sites of their specific Ags. This activation of OVA-specific T cells was abrogated by the deletion of CD11c(+) cells from the brain slices of the donor mice. These data suggest that brain-resident CD11c(+) cells stimulate Ag-specific naive CD8(+) T cells locally in the CNS and may contribute to immune responses in the brain.  相似文献   

Engagement of the TCR can induce different functional outcomes such as activation, proliferation, survival, or apoptosis. How the TCR-mediated signaling cascades generating these distinct cellular responses are organized on the molecular level is so far not completely understood. To obtain insight into this question, we analyzed TCR/CD8-mediated signaling events in mature OT-I TCR transgenic T cells under conditions of stimulation that lead to either proliferation or apoptosis. These experiments revealed major differences in the phosphorylation dynamics of LAT, ZAP70, protein kinase B, phospholipase C-gamma1, protein kinase D1, and ERK1/2. Moreover, input signals leading to apoptosis induced a strong, but transient activation of ERK1/2 mainly at sites of TCR-engagement. In contrast, stimuli promoting survival/proliferation generated a low and sustained activation of ERK1/2, which colocalizes with Ras in recycling endosomal vesicles. The transient activation of ERK1/2 under pro-apoptotic conditions of stimulation is at least partially due to the rapid polyubiquitination and subsequent degradation of ZAP70, whereas the sustained activation of ERK1/2 under survival promoting conditions is paralleled by the induction/phosphorylation of anti-apoptotic molecules such as protein kinase B and Bcl-x(L). Collectively, our data provide signaling signatures that are associated with proliferation or apoptosis of T cells.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) can be generated in vitro from monocytes (M-DC) or from CD34+ hemopoietic progenitor cells (CD34-DC) but their precursors are not equivalent cells, prompting a comparison of the functional capacities of these APC. Both types of DCs established from the same individuals using the same cytokines displayed a comparable phenotype of mature DC (CD1a+, CD83+, CD86+, CD4+, HLA-DR++, CD14-, CD15- ) and were equally potent stimulators of allogeneic T cell proliferation, being both more powerful than immature M-DCs. An autologous panel of APCs produced in HLA-A2+ individuals, including CD34-DC, M-DC, monocytes, and EBV-lymphoid cell line was comparatively evaluated for presentation of the Erb-B2 peptide E75 to a CTL line. After short exposures (5 h) to E75-loaded APCs, similar levels of intracellular IFN-gamma were induced in Ag-specific CD8+ T cells regardless of APC type. In sustained cultures (4-14 days), more Ag-specific T cells were obtained when peptide was presented on CD34-DC (p < 0.05) rather than on M-DC, EBV-lymphoid cell lines, or monocytes, and these effects were dose-dependent. Activated T cells expressed 4-1BB, and the presence of 4-1BB-Ig fusion protein partially blocked Ag-specific CD8+ cell activation after CD34-DC or M-DC presentation. Our results show that 34-DC have a preferential capacity to activate CD8+ T cells and that this property is not strictly correlated to their ability to induce allogeneic T cell proliferation but due to mechanisms that remain to be defined.  相似文献   

During physiologic activation of mature CD8+ T cells, TCR and CD8 bind to the same Ag-complexed MHC class I molecule. Thereby, close proximity is induced between CD8 and the TCR/CD3 complex. During this engagement, CD8 may deliver TCR-independent signals via its associated protein tyrosine kinase, p56lck. We studied the potential biologic effects of close association between CD8 and TCR/CD3 complexes by using a bispecific antibody (bsAb) directed against both TCR and CD8 molecules. This hybrid hybridoma (quadroma)-produced bsAb binds as a monomeric molecule to CD3+ CD8+ but not CD3+ CD4+ T cells. The bsAb proved capable of inducing the cytotoxic effector function of cloned CD3+ CD8+ T cells but not of CD3+ CD4+ T cells. When the bsAb was presented to resting T cells by monocytes, proliferation of the CD3+ CD4+ but not the CD3+ CD8+ subset of T lymphocytes was induced. Parental anti-TCR antibody induced vigorous growth of cells of both subsets. Essentially identical results were obtained when bsAb was presented in an immobilized fashion. The unresponsiveness of the CD3+ CD8+ T cells with respect to mitogenesis could be restored by exogenous rIL-2. The data suggest that bsAb-induced activation differs from activation by monospecific anti-TCR antibody. The former appears to more closely mimic physiologic Ag-induced signaling, because it leads to a similar paracrine IL-2-dependent growth pattern. The bsAb may, therefore, be instrumental in studying T cell signaling pathways, in particular the role of CD8-associated p56lck therein.  相似文献   

IL-10 producing T cells inhibit Ag-specific CD8+ T cell responses and may play a role in the immune dysregulation observed in HIV infection. We have previously observed the presence of HIV-specific IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells in advanced HIV disease. In this study, we examined the suppressive function of the Gag-specific IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells. Removal of these IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells resulted in increased cytolysis and IL-2, but not IFN-gamma, production by both HIV- and human CMV-specific CD8+ T cells. In addition, these IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells mediated suppression through direct cell-cell contact, and had a distinct immunophenotypic profile compared with other regulatory T cells. We describe a new suppressor CD8+ T cell population in advanced HIV infection that may contribute to the immune dysfunction observed in HIV infection.  相似文献   

Due to their potent immunostimulatory capacity, dendritic cells (DC) have become the centerpiece of many vaccine regimens. Immature DC (DCimm) capture, process, and present Ags to CD4(+) lymphocytes, which reciprocally activate DCimm through CD40, and the resulting mature DC (DCmat) loose phagocytic capacity, but acquire the ability to efficiently stimulate CD8(+) lymphocytes. Recombinant vaccinia viruses (rVV) provide a rapid, easy, and efficient method to introduce Ags into DC, but we observed that rVV infection of DCimm results in blockade of DC maturation in response to all activation signals, including CD40L, monocyte-conditioned medium, LPS, TNF-alpha, and poly(I:C), and failure to induce a CD8(+) response. By contrast, DCmat can be infected with rVV and induce a CD8(+) response, but, having lost phagocytic activity, fail to process the Ag via the exogenous class II pathway. To overcome these limitations, we used the CMV protein pp65 as a model Ag and designed a gene containing the lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 targeting sequence (Sig-pp65-LAMP1) to target pp65 to the class II compartment. DCmat infected with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 induced proliferation of pp65-specific CD4(+) clones and efficiently induced a pp65-specific CD4(+) response, suggesting that after DC maturation the intracellular processing machinery for class II remains intact for at least 16 h. Moreover, infection of DCmat with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 resulted in at least equivalent presentation to CD8(+) cells as infection with rVV-pp65. These results demonstrate that despite rVV interference with DCimm maturation, a single targeting vector can deliver Ags to DCmat for the effective simultaneous stimulation of both CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells.  相似文献   

Deficient immunoregulation by CD4+ T cells is an important susceptibility trait for inflammatory bowel disease, but the role of other regulatory cell types is less understood. This study addresses the role and mechanistic interaction of B cells and CD8+ T cells in controlling immune-mediated colitis. The genetic requirements for B cells and CD8+ T cells to confer protective immunoregulation were assessed by cotransfer with colitogenic Galphai2-/- T cells into immune-deficient mice. Disease activity in Galphai2-/- T cell recipients was evaluated by CD4+ T intestinal lymphocyte abundance, cytokine production levels, and large intestine histology. B cells deficient in B7.1/B7.2, CD40, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II (Abb), or native B cell antigen receptor (MD4) were competent for colitis protection. However, transporter-1-deficient B cells failed to protect, indicating a requirement for peptide MHC I presentation to CD8+ T cells. CD8+ T cells deficient in native T cell receptor repertoire (OT-1) or cytolysis (perforin-/-) also were nonprotective. These finding reveal an integrated role for antigen-specific perforin-dependent CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity in colitis immunoregulatory and its efficient induction by a subset of mesenteric B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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