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First-year seedlings of Picea sitchensis were induced to setbuds by transferring them from long days (17 h) to short days(10 h at 20 °C, 12 h night at 12 °C). After 20 shortdays, the seedlings stopped growing in height, the shoot apicaldomes began enlarging and the transverse growth rates of theshoot apical dome tissues increased. For about 25 days thereafterprimordia were produced faster within the developing buds thanat the apices of seedlings which had been kept in long daysto prevent bud-set. Accelerated primordia production after bud-setenables the largest possible buds to be formed during the frost-freeperiod before winter. Picea sitchensis, apical meristem, bud-set  相似文献   

The influence of mean temperature and total solar radiationon the daily increment of shoots of 12-year-old Picea sitchensisis described. Serial auto and cross-correlation analysis isused to show that variation in shoot increment is correlatedwith variations in weather occurring over several previous hours.The relationships between daily increments for the leading andtopmost five whorl shoots and the two controlling variablesof temperature and solar radiation are described for the firsthalf of the growing season by auto-regressive models fittedby time-series methods as described by Box and Jenkins. Thesedynamic system models showed that there was a delay of one dayand two days respectively in the influence of temperature andsolar radiation on shoot increment and that after these delaysthe response continued for more than a single day. The maximumfinal response (or steady state gain) of a typical topmost shootto temperature and solar radiation change was found to be 0.091mm d–1(°C)–1 and 0.027 mm d–1 (MJ m–2)–1.For the normal range of these variables experienced this indicatesthat shoot extension was five times more sensitive to changesin temperature than to those in solar radiation. Picea sitchensis, Sitka spruce, shoot growth, weather influences, ARMA model, time-series analysis, Box-Jenkins method  相似文献   

One-year-old seedlings of Picea sitchensis showed a significantdecrease in survival and a decline in vigour in a 5-week growthperiod with periods of cold storage. The effects of cold storagewere most clearly evident in the reduction of main shoot needleweight which would be reflected in the loss of photosyntheticcapacity.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of the daily increment of the shootsof 20-year-old Picea sitchensis is described. Data collectedfor leading shoots and those on the five topmost whorls of branchesare compared qualitatively with seasonal trends in weather.Moving averages are used to describe the seasonal trend in dailyextension rate and systematic variation through the canopy isnoted in this trend. The fitting of Richards' growth functionsto cumulative increment is described. The fitted growth curvedescribed the seasonal trend of cumulative increment well onthe basis of residual sums of squares, but systematic variationwith time was noted in the residuals. Relative growth rate didnot decline as a simple mathematical function of increasingsize attained thus suggesting that simple determinate growthcurves may not be appropriate in describing the growth of foresttrees. Picea sitchensis, Sitka spruce, seasonal growth trends, Richards' growth functions, plant growth model  相似文献   

Effects of change in daylength on tracheid expansion and tracheidwall thickening are considered in relation to shoot and rootgrowth, assimilation rate, and starch content, in seedlingsof Picea sitchensis and Pinus sylvestris grown in controlledenviroments. Rates of wall thickening decreased in the first tracheids tobegin wall thickening after decrease in daylength. A sharp decreasein starch-grain size at the same time supports previous suggestionsthat wall thickness is related to available substrate; however,rates of assimilation were found to be far greater in shortdays than in long, suggesting that a surplus of carbohydratemay be produced in long days. It is pointed out that if availablesubstrate does limit wall thickening it is likely to determineto al accumulation of wall material; wall material per tracheidwould follow logistically from this depending on the numberof tracheids around the xylem, and wall thickness would dependalso on the radial tracheid diameter. Unexpectedly, rate of shoot growth accelerated after transferto short days before its final cessation with terminal-bud formation.Root growth declined in short days, but later increased againafter terminal bud formation. Rate of root growth did not appearto be associated with tracheid development in the shoot.  相似文献   

DENNE  M. P. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(5):1017-1028
Changes in environment that would be expected to reduce substrateavailability, decrease the rate of xylem increment, tracheiddiameter and wall thickness, in seedlings of Picea sitchensis.But after reaching a minimum about 10 days to 3 weeks afterenvironmental change, xylem increment, tracheid wall thickness,and in some instances tracheid diameter, increase again up toabout 4 to 6 weeks after transfer. This recovery parallels arecovery in net assimilation rate, and is associated with anincrease in photosynthetic efficiency. Although the light intensity and temperature treatments imposedwere more drastic than those that would normally be expectedin the field, they had remarkably little net effect on tracheiddimensions. On the other hand change in photoperiod producedgreater changes in tracheid dimensions, photoperiodic effectsbeing superimposed on effects of change in substrate availability.It is suggested that adaptation to reduced substrate will bufferthe plant against climatic fluctuations during the growing season,while the photoperiodic response will ensure preparation forwinter dormancy. It is concluded that the major seasonal changes in tracheiddimensions are unlikely to be caused by variation in substrateavailability. Changes in light intensity and temperature haveminor effects on wood production and structure through effectson substrate availability, but the major seasonal trends aremore likely to be associated with changes in growth regulationproduction.  相似文献   

Apical Growth Cessation and Shoot Tip Abscission in Salix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Time course of apical shoot growth and shoot tip abortion in northern ecotypes (lat. 69°39′N, long. 18°37′E) of Salix pentandra and S. caprea have been investigated. In trees more than 15 years old growing under natural climatic conditions apical growth cessation and shoot tip abortion normally occurred in June-July when the day length still was 24 h. Application of GA3, in spring to the apex effectively delayed growth cessation and shoot tip abortion. Application of kinetin was without effect. First-year seedlings of both species grew continuously at temperatue of 9 to 24°C in 24 h photoperiod. Short days induced apical growth cessation, but two to four (S. pentandra) or three to five (S. caprea) weeks of 12 h photoperiod were required to stop the elongation growth. The results indicated that the critical photoperiod for apical growth cessation in the used ecotype of S. pentandra was 16 to 18 h at 18°C. Short days had a minor effect only on the formation of apical leaf primordia in small seedlings. Development of axillary buds and radial growth were stimulated by short days when compared with long days. Small seedlings of both species (3 to 8 cm high at the start) formed terminal buds in short days, but in large seedlings (more than about 15 cm high) apical growth cessation was accompanied by shoot tip abortion. Abscisic acid applied to the apex or through a leaf did not induce growth cessation in S. pentandra seedlings grown in continuous light. The growth retardants CCC, B-9 and Phosphon D reduced growth rate under continuous light and induced shoot tip abortion in some plants. The effect of CCC was counteracted by GA3. Apical growth cessation in short days was significantly delayed by a single GA1 application.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a small population of stem cells that continuously generates organs and tissues. This review covers our current understanding of organ initiation by the SAM in Arabidopsis thaliana. Meristem function and maintenance involves two major hormones, cytokinins and auxins. Cytokinins appear to play a major role in meristem maintenance and in controlling meristematic properties, such as cell proliferation. Self-organizing transport processes, which are still only partially understood, lead to the patterned accumulation of auxin at particular positions, where organs will grow out. A major downstream target of auxin-mediated growth regulation is the cell wall, which is a determinant for both growth rates and growth distribution, but feedbacks with metabolism and the synthetic capacity of the cytoplasm are crucial as well. Recent work has also pointed at a potential role of mechanical signals in growth coordination, but the precise mechanisms at work remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The fresh bark of Picea sitchensis contains astringin as the major stilbene; isorhapontin and piceid are present in minor amounts. The aglycones astringenin, isorhaponhgenin and resveratrol are absent in samples of fresh bark. Prenylation reactions on 5,3′,4′-tri-O-methylastringenin are described.  相似文献   

Shoot and Root Growth of Lettuce Seedlings Following Root Pruning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydroponically-grown lettuce seedlings with 13 to 18 primarylateral roots were root pruned in one of four ways; the rootapices were removed from the main root only (1) or from allthe root membranes (2), or half the total root system was removedwith the remaining apices left intact (3) or removed (4). Duringthe following 8 d the rate of lateral root production on prunedplants increased, decreased, and then increased again relativeto the unpruned control. Conversely, the rate of increase intotal root length decreased, then increased, and if all theroot apices were removed, declined again, prior to increasingon day 8. These changes in the rates of lateral root productionand growth resulted in similar, but less pronounced, patternsof change in the total root length and the total number of lateralroots with time. The changes in total lateral root productionwere related to differences in the rates of primary, secondaryand tertiary root emergence. The shoot d. wt of the most severely root pruned seedlings (treatment4) fell below that of the control 4 d after pruning and remainedlower than the control on day 14, whereas the root d. wt hadrecovered to the control level by day 6. The root: shoot d.wt ratio, which was reduced by root pruning, rose above thatof the control on days 6 and 8. Lactuca sativa L., lettuce, root pruning, root growth, lateral root, nutrient solution  相似文献   

Distribution of Growth in the Apical Region of the Shoot of Lupinus albus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the investigation is the determination of thevolumes and numbers of cells of the meristematic dome and ofeach of the first 7 primordia and internodes at the apex ofthe shoot of Lupinui albus. This system occupies a zone whichis about 0·4 mm. in length. Techniques are describedfor dissecting the region in which the observations are made,for determining the numbers of cells and the volumes of theseveral fragments. From the number of cells and the volume ofeach fragment an average cell volume it calculated. It is shown that in the midphase of the plastochron the domecontains 3,500 cells and has a volume of 1·6 x10–3mm.3,the first primordium contains 1,630 cells and has a volume of0·38 x10–3 mm.3, and the first intemode containsabout 700 cells and has a volume of about 1·4 x10–3mm3The number of cells and the volume of the primordium increaseexponentially with increasing plastochron age, and the seventhprimordium contains 26,000 cells and has a volume of 20·9x 10–3mm3 The seventh intemode contains about 5,000 cellsand has a volume of 8·6x10–3mm3 The average cell volume in the dome is 4·7 x 10–7mm.3in the first primorndium it is 2·3 x 10–7mm.3 andin the first internode it is 20·9x 10–7mm.3 Inthe seventh primordium the average cell volume increases to7·9 x 10–7mm.3 In the internodes there is little,if. any, change in cell volume from the first to the seventhof the series. The significance of these changes is discussed.  相似文献   

SMITH  C. J. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(5):1003-1015
Effects of a change in night temperature with or without reductionin the duration of photosyntheticallyuseful light were studiedon assimilation and growth of Picea sitchensis seedlings. An increase in night temperature resulted in a rapid, but temporary,increase in photosynthesis while lowering the night temperaturedecreased photosynthetic rate. For the lowest night temperaturetreatments, reduction in light quantity resulted in increasedphotosynthetic efficiency while for the highest night temperaturetreatment, reduction in light quantity apparently checked thefinal decline in photosynthetic rate noted above. These changestended to minimize treatment effects on absolute growth andnet assimilation rates. The results are discussed in relationto the hypothesis or photosynthetic control by substrate level. Short-term redistribution of 14C labelled assimilate was examinedin control plants and those in the most and least adverse environments.In the most unfavourable environment, total l4C transport andincorporation into turnover materials increased while labellingof reserves and new growth decreased. Paradoxically, labellingpatterns for plants in the most favourable environment weresimilar although total 14C transport was much reduced. It issuggested that this indicates a substrate excess resulting fromoverloading of transport and utilization systems. Growth pattern was markedly affected in the case of developingbranch initials and established branches only. The possibilitythat the observed changes represent adaptive responses is discussed.  相似文献   

Competition Within Stands of Picea sitchensis and Pinus contorta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Competition was analysed in plots of Picea sitchensis and Pinuscontorta grown in 50 x 50 hexagonal arrays at 14 cm spacingto ages 7 and 5 years, respectively. Relative growth rates in height (RHGR) became positively relatedto tree heights during the year before harvest. Frequency distributionsof tree heights became negatively kurtotic with tendencies towardsleft-skew ness. By the time of harvest, dead trees were evenlydispersed over the plots. Trees with many taller neighbourshad lower RHGRs than trees with few taller neighbours, and theRHGRs of intermediate-sized trees were correlated with their‘competitive status’. Competition was confined mostlyto first-order neighbours. Large trees depressed the RHGRs ofsmaller neighbours and not vice versa; a simple test for this‘one-sided’ competition is described. Neighboursdid not need to greatly overtop a tree to depress its RHGR,they needed only to be at least as tall. Systematic trends inRHGR across the plots, attributed to site heterogeneity, decreasedwith time, and accounted for only about 10 per cent of the variationin RHGR at harvest. Competitive status accounted for 25 and38 per cent of the variation in RHGR in the Picea sitchensisand Pinus contorta plots, respectively. Picea sitchensis, Pinus contorta, competition, monoculture, self-thinning, relative growth rate, growth model  相似文献   

Growth Responses of Sweet Orange Seedlings to Shoot and Root Pruning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following combined shoot- and root-pruning treatments the growthof Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck seedlings was analysed into responsesto post-pruning size and to the part pruned. The treatmentswere shoots pruned by removing O, , or of their estimated weightin all combinations with roots pruned by removing O, , or oftheir estimated weight. Responses were measured a year laterand are discussed in terms of the mechanisms controlling increment.Total increment was linearly related to initial pruned weightboth within and between treatments and there were no interactionsbetween shoot and root pruning in increment of leaf, new stem,old stem, thorn, fibre-root, or tap-root. Root pruning, pergramme of pruned material, reduced increment more than did shootpruning. With increasing shoot pruning the ratio of new stem to old stemincreased while with increasing root pruning the ratio of fibre-rootto tap-root increased. Following shoot pruning the new-stemincrement was disproportionately large while following rootpruning the increment of top growth was proportionately largerthan that of roots. The results suggest that pruning citrus trees to a constantsize at planting could lead to a uniform tree size in the subsequentorchard but that maximum growth would occur on un-pruned trees.  相似文献   

Auxin at the Shoot Apical Meristem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants continuously generate new tissues and organs through the activity of populations of undifferentiated stem cells, called meristems. Here, we discuss the so-called shoot apical meristem (SAM), which generates all the aerial parts of the plant. It has been known for many years that auxin plays a central role in the functioning of this meristem. Auxin is not homogeneously distributed at the SAM and it is thought that this distribution is interpreted in terms of differential gene expression and patterned growth. In this context, auxin transporters of the PIN and AUX families, creating auxin maxima and minima, are crucial regulators. However, auxin transport is not the only factor involved. Auxin biosynthesis genes also show specific, patterned activities, and local auxin synthesis appears to be essential for meristem function as well. In addition, auxin perception and signal transduction defining the competence of cells to react to auxin, add further complexity to the issue. To unravel this intricate signaling network at the SAM, systems biology approaches, involving not only molecular genetics but also live imaging and computational modeling, have become increasingly important.Plants continuously generate new tissues and organs through the activity of populations of undifferentiated stem cells, called meristems. Because meristems can modulate their activity, they provide the developmental flexibility that allows plants to adapt their development in reaction to the environment (reviews: Lyndon 1998; Traas and Doonan 2001; Aida and Tasaka 2006; Sablowski 2007).Distinct meristems exist. Apical meristems, positioned at the tip of the shoots and roots, initiate aerial and underground organs, respectively. Along the stems and roots, more diffuse secondary meristems are responsible for secondary thickening of these structures.The plant hormone auxin plays an instrumental role in meristem biology and we discuss here its role in a particular meristem, the shoot apical meristem (SAM) that generates all the aerial organs including the floral meristems (Fig. 1A–C). In this context, we limit ourselves to the meristems in angiosperm that have been studied in most detail.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.The shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana. (A) Aerial part of a wild-type plant of the Columbia ecotype (Col-0). The SAM is responsible for the production of rosette leaves and, after floral transition, for the production of the stem, cauline leaves, lateral meristems, and flowers of the inflorescence. (B) Details of the tip of the inflorescence, showing the highly organized positioning of flowers around the main axis (a spiral). (C) A dissected inflorescence meristem. Older flowers have been removed to expose the meristem surrounded by young floral buds. (D) Longitudinal section of an inflorescence meristem showing the layered organization (L1, L2, and L3 cell layers). L1 and L2 are also called the tunica and L3 to the corpus. The functional zones are also represented. At the meristem summit the central zone (CZ) contains the stem cells, whereas primordia are initiated in the peripheral zone (PZ). The rib zone (RZ) produces the internal part of the stem.  相似文献   

Indol-3-ylacetic acid (IAA), gibberellin A3 (GA) and 6 benzylaminopurine(BAP) were applied factorially each at 3x10–2 M in lanolinto the roots and stems of Sitka spruce seedlings and the activityof the two secondary meristems, the vascular cambium and phellogen,and of the parenchymatous tissues between them, was examined.All the treatments, with the exception of GA produced a localizedstimulation of radial growth at the point of application andthere was a similarity in the response of the various tissuesin both the root and stem. Radial growth of the xylem was notsignificantly affected in the roots whereas in the stems BAPand IAA stimulated growth. In the phloem BAP produced significantstimulation in both roots and stems and IAA stimulated growthin the roots. Growth of the parenchyma and periderm externalto the phloem was also strongly stimulated by both BAP, andIAA in roots and stems. In roots and stems the application of BAP altered the derivativesproduced by the vascular cambium, resulting in the productionof large multiseriate rays in the xylem, and giving rise toan overall increase in the proportion of ray tissue. Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr, Sitka spruce, secondary growth, xylem, phloem, periderm, wood rays, Indol-3-ylacetic acid, gibberellin A3, 6 benzylaminopurine, growth hormones  相似文献   

SUNDERLAND  N.; BROWN  R. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(2):199-211
This investigation was designed to show the nature of the developmentin terms of cell numbers and of rates of division that proceedsin the terminal region of the shoot during the vegetative phasein Lupinus albus. Data are assembled that show that with eachsuccessive plastochron in the dome the number of cells increasesand the rate of division decreases; in the first internode againthe number of cells increases and the rate of division decreases,and in the first primordium both the number of cells and therate of division decrease. The data also show that with thetransition from one plastochron to the next the rate of divisionin any particular intemnode or primordium decreases. It is asignificant feature that all the changes in the system can becharacterized through constant numerical factors. The significanceof the results is discussed.  相似文献   

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