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C. Alauzet 《BioControl》1990,35(1):119-126
Résumé L'étude examine l'influence du cortège parasitaire dans la dynamique des populations deP. notatus dans une forêt de pin maritime du sud-ouest de la France. De 1968 à 1977, le niveau du parasitisme apparent total à l'émergence a varié, mais est resté le plus souvent compris entre 20 et 30%. Les parasito?des les plus abondants appartenant aux genresEubazus etCoelo?des se sont montrés densito-dépendants par rapport à leur h?te et le rapport entre leurs effectifs respectifs est resté assez constant au cours des 10 années d'observation. Un calcul basé sur l'évolution théorique des populations deP. notatus au vours de leur développement a permis d'estimer qu'en moyenne 16% seulement des charan?ons étaient détruits chaque année par l'ensemble des parasito?des alors que dans cet habitat le taux de parasitisme annuel moyen à l'émergence a été de 0,28.   相似文献   

Three trips were taken to central Mexico to search for natural enemies ofLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), in 1980, 1983, and 1985. 18 natural enemy species were found associated with 10 species ofLeptinotarsa. Asopine pentatomids dominate the collections, followed by tachnid parasites and hemipteran and coleopteran predators. Natural enemies may play a major role in regulating populations ofLeptinotarsa in Mexico. Their adaptability to northern climates is unclear.   相似文献   

The biological control potential ofEdovum puttleri Grissell, an exotic egg parasite ofLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), was examined in experimental potato plots. The parasite does not overwinter in Maryland, but through annual inoculative releases it consistently parasitized Colorado potato beetle (CPB) egg masses throughout the season. Approximately 50% of all egg masses collected were parasitized and maximum parasitism byE. puttleri occurred in egg masses produced by first generation adults.Edovum puttleri reproduced and maintained itself in potato plots for 15 weeks. The random sampling of CPB egg masses to evaluate the parasite in the field is described.   相似文献   

C. Alauzet 《BioControl》1987,32(1):39-47
Résumé Cette étude porte sur différents aspects de la biologie deE. semirugosus, C. sordidator etC. abdominalis, se développant surP. notatus, ravageur du Pin maritime: comportement parasitaire à l'égard de ce charan?on, durée du développement, durée de la maturation sexuelle, espérance de vie des adultes, etc. Le cycle biologique de ces parasito?des est étudié ainsi que le problème de la co?ncidence temporelle entre ces braconides et leur h?te dans le cas d'une forêt du sud de la France.   相似文献   

A. Fraval  M. Haddan 《BioControl》1988,33(3):381-382
Résumé Platystasius transversus (Thomson) parasite les œufs du CérambycidePhoracantha semipunctata (F.), près de Rabat. C'est la 1re mention, pour l'aire géographique, d'un ennemi naturel de ce déprédateur d'eucalyptus, originaire d'Australie, et récemment signalé au Maroc.   相似文献   

The box tree moth, Cydalima perspectalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a native pest of box trees (Buxus spp.) in Asia, was first detected in Germany and the Netherlands in 2007 and has since rapidly spread throughout Europe causing severe damage to ornamental and native box trees. To date, sustainable control strategies for C. perspectalis in Europe are lacking, primarily owing to the inadequate information regarding the biology and the ecology of this recent invader. Several studies conducted in Asia, however, may provide important information for the development of management strategies against C. perspectalis, which are urgently needed to preserve the natural box tree forests in Europe. The current literatures on the biological characteristics, host plants, phenology, distribution and control options of the box tree moth in Asia are reviewed, preliminary data on the parasitism of C. perspectalis in Europe are provided, and options for sustainable long‐term solutions for the management of the invasive pest in Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

A. Delobel 《BioControl》1989,34(3):351-363
Résumé Le trichogrammeUscana caryedoni Viggiani se développe aux dépens des œufs deCaryedon congense Decelle et de ceux de la bruche de l'arachide,Caryedon serratus (Olivier), sur les fruits d'une légumineuse arbustive commune au Congo,Poliostigma thonningii (Schum.). Dans la région de la Bouenza, dans le sud du pays, les taux de parasitisme dus àU. caryedoni s'accroissent au cours de l'année, à mesure que m?rissent les gousses, pour atteindre en novembre près de 40% (taux cumulé). La biologie du parasito?de a été étudiée au laboratoire sur œufs deC. serratus. A 30°C, la femelle pond en moyenne 66 œufs et vit un peu plus de 5 jours. Le développement préimaginal s'effectue en 16 jours à 26° et 12 jours à 30°. L'effet de la densité de l'h?te sur divers paramètres biologiques du parasite a été étudié. Un essai réalisé dans les conditions du laboratoire a révélé chezU. caryedoni de très faibles potentialités comme agent de limitation des populations deC. serratus dans les stocks d'arachide.   相似文献   

J. Chazeau 《BioControl》1983,28(4):373-378
Résumé Stethorus exspectatus n.sp. etS. exsultabilis n.sp. sont décrits de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée. Leurs proies connues sont citées, et quelques informations nouvelles sur la répartition du genreStethorus dans le Pacifique sont données.
Summary Stethorus exspectatus n.sp. andS. exsultabilis n.sp. are described from Papua New Guinea, with records of their prey and new data on the distribution ofStethorus in the Pacific area.

This report critically appraises methods for the synthesis of 6-[18F]fluoro-l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (6-FDOPA) that are based on labelling by non-regioselective electrophilic fluorination, regioselective fluorodemetalation or nucleophilic substitution. Recommendations for the standardization of labelling procedures, the optimization of radiochemical yield and the assurance of product quality and safety are given. Studies of the metabolism of 6-FDOPA in vivo are also reviewed to emphasize the importance of the biochemical component of the development of this tracer for positron emission tomography (PET).  相似文献   

G. Reyd  R. Gery  A. Ferran  G. Iperti  J. Brun 《BioControl》1991,36(2):161-171
Résumé Hyperaspis raynevali Muls. est une coccinelle coccidiphage appelée à intervenir en lutte biologique contre la cochenille du manioc:Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero en Afrique. Au laboratoire, ce prédateur est multiplié sur la cochenille du manioc et sur la cochenille farineuse des agrumesPlanoccus citri Risso (proie de substitution). L'étude des aptitudes trophiques d'H. raynevali élevée avec ces 2 espèces de cochenille a été entreprise afin de comparer la valeur alimentaire respective de ces proies. Les résultats montrent que la qualité nutritive deP. manihoti est légèrement supérieure à celle deP. citri pour les larves et les adultes de la coccinelle, à condition de ne pas utiliser le poinsettia, comme végétal de substitution pour élever la cochenille du manioc. De plus,P. citri constitue une proie que l'on peut avantageusement utiliser au Congo afin de produireH. raynevali pour entreprendre une opération de lutte biologique contreP. manihoti.   相似文献   

Introduced exotic species encounter a wide range of non‐coevolved enemies and competitors in their new range. Evolutionary novelty is a key aspect of these interactions, but who benefits from novelty: the exotic species or their new antagonists? Paradoxically, the novelty argument has been used to explain both the release from and the suppression by natural enemies. We argue that this paradox can be solved by considering underlying interaction mechanisms. Using plant defenses as a model, we argue that mismatches between plant and enemy interaction traits can enhance plant invasiveness in the case of toxin‐based defenses, whereas invasiveness is counteracted by mismatches in recognition‐based defenses and selective foraging of generalist herbivores on plants with rare toxins. We propose that a mechanistic understanding of ecological mismatches can help to explain and predict when evolutionary novelty will enhance or suppress exotic plant invasiveness. This knowledge may also enhance our understanding of plant abundance following range expansion, or during species replacements along successional stages.  相似文献   

Résumé Après l'invasion de la Nouvelle-Calédonie en 1985 parHeteropsylla cubana Crawford, psylle ravageur de la légumineuseLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, le coccinellide auxiliaireOlla v-nigrum Mulsant a été introduit depuis Tahiti, au début de 1987, et ses principaux paramètres biologiques ont été étudiés en conditions contr?lées. A 25,7°C (24,6/26,8) la valeur médiane de la durée du développement pré-imaginal est 16,5 jours, de la ponte de l'œuf à l'adulte. A 25,8°C (25/26,6), en adoptant le taux d'éclosion observé sur les pontes de femelles sauvages, la multiplication par génération R0=201,4, le taux intrinsèque d'accroissement rm=0,165, et la durée moyenne de génération T=32,2 j. En tenant compte de la baisse de fertilité observée en cours d'étude de la cohorte, ces valeurs deviennent: R0=153,9, rm=0,160, T=31,4 j. Comparées à celles mesurées pour d'autres proies, ces valeurs impliquent une bonne adaptation trophique àH. cubana, qui est toxique pour la plupart des prédateurs polyphages. En juillet 1989,O. v-nigrum était déjà établi sur la majeure partie de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.   相似文献   

Initiation of insect outbreaks is poorly understood, and may involve sporadic events that temporarily release insect populations from predation or parasitism. While studying a declining outbreak of the western tussock moth (Orgyia vetusta) on bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus), we witnessed the onset of a new tussock moth outbreak, separated by 1,000 m in space and 2 months in phenological timing from the original population. This new population underwent explosive growth for 2 years and then collapsed because of a massive die-off of lupines. We tested whether during its growth phase, this new outbreak benefited by escaping in either space or time from the natural enemies attacking the original population. In experimental populations on single bushes, we compared predation and parasitism at the sites of the new and the old outbreak. At the site of the old outbreak, we compared predation and parasitism early and late in the season. Parasitism was significantly lower and population growth significantly higher at the new outbreak site than the old one. Neither seasonal timing, predator exclusion, nor their interaction significantly affected survival at either site. Thus the new outbreak appeared to escape in space from parasitism. These results corroborate our previous experimental findings, which suggest that as predicted by theory, the interaction between the tussock moth and its parasitoids can produce large-scale spatial patterning in population densities.  相似文献   

Résumé La CoccinelleSerangium parcesetosum Sicard originaire de l'Inde a été importée en France en 1985 de Géorgie soviétique où elle avait été introduite pour lutter contre l'Aleurode des CitrusDialeurodes citri Ashmead. Les premiers lachers ont été effectués sur la C?te d'Azur et en Corse où elle semble désormais bien acclimatée.   相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Bodenfallen wurde das Auftreten der Laufk?fer vorwiegend in Winterweizenfeldern in der Zeit von Ende Mai bis Anfang August 1973 und 1974 in Belgien, Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Schweden festgestellt. Unter den h?ufigsten Arten tratenPterostichus vulgaris undBembidion lampros in allen,Agonum dorsale in fast allen Untersuchungsgebieten gemeinsam auf. Sechzehn weitere Arten konnten als allgemein für die meisten Weizenfelder der Untersuchungsgebiete genannt werden. In fast allen Gebieten waren (gemessen an der Artenzahl) die Frühlingstiere mit Herbstbestand in der überzahl Die durchschnittliche Anazahl der pro Falle und Tag gefangenen Laufk?fer variierte von 1 bis 13 und lag im Mittel aller Gebiete bei 6 K?fern. Mit der Quadratmenthode wurden in einem norddeutschen Gebiet 6000 bis 11000 Individuen der ArtAgonum dorsale pro ha festgestellt. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es lohnenswert ist, die Laufk?fer bei der Erstellung integrierter Pflanzenschutzprogramme zu berücksichtigen.
Summary The occurrence ofCarabidae was investigated by pitfall trapping mainly on fields of winter wheat from the end of May to the beginning of August 1973 and 1974 in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Among the most common speciesPterostichus vulgaris andBembidion lampros were found in all,Agonum dorsale in nearly all regions. Furthermore the following 16 species could be regarded as common for most of the wheat fields in the regions of investigation:Trechus quadristriatus, T. discus, Pterostichus cupreus, P. niger, Asaphidion flavipes, Clivina fossor, Loricera pilicornis, Nebria brevicollis, Harpalus pubescens, H. aeneus, Agonum mülleri, Bembidion ustulatum, Amara familiaris, Calathus fuscipes, Carabus cancellatus ardC. granulatus. In most of the regions, if numbers of species were regarded, spring breeders with an autumn generation were more numerous than spring breedens without an autumn generation, and autumn breeders. The average number of ground beetles per pitfall trap and day varied from 1 to 13 and averaged 6, if all regions were regarded. By using the square method in a Northern German region there was stated a number of 6,000 up to 11,000 individuals ofAgonum dorsale per hectare. Where a comparison was possible, no distinct difference could be stated concerning the number of carabid species between the present investigations and those having taken place ca. 20 years ago. It is emphasized, that it is worth while taking into account the ground beetles, too, when establishing integrated control programs in cereal growing.

West-Pal?arktisch Regionale Sektion der O.I.L.B., Arbeitsgruppe Integrierte Bek?mpfung im Getreidebau

Dem Andenken unseres Freundes und KollegenThyge Thygesen (1923–1974) gewidmet, deran der Gründung der Arbeitsgruppe beteiligt vor Abschluss der Untersuchungen verstorben ist.  相似文献   

Rohlfs M  Hoffmeister TS 《Oecologia》2004,140(4):654-661
Although an increase in competition is a common cost associated with intraspecific crowding, spatial aggregation across food-limited resource patches is a widespread phenomenon in many insect communities. Because intraspecific aggregation of competing insect larvae across, e.g. fruits, dung, mushrooms etc., is an important means by which many species can coexist (aggregation model of species coexistence), there is a strong need to explore the mechanisms that contribute to the maintenance of this kind of spatial resource exploitation. In the present study, by using Drosophila-parasitoid interactions as a model system, we tested the hypothesis whether intraspecific aggregation reflects an adaptive response to natural enemies. Most of the studies that have hitherto been carried out on Drosophila-parasitoid interactions used an almost two-dimensional artificial host environment, where host larvae could not escape from parasitoid attacks, and have demonstrated positive density-dependent parasitism risk. To test whether these studies captured the essence of such interactions, we used natural breeding substrates (decaying fruits). In a first step, we analysed the parasitism risk of Drosophila larvae on a three-dimensional substrate in natural fly communities in the field, and found that the risk of parasitism decreased with increasing host larval density (inverse density dependence). In a second step, we analysed the parasitism risk of Drosophila subobscura larvae on three breeding substrate types exposed to the larval parasitoids Asobara tabida and Leptopilina heterotoma. We found direct density-dependent parasitism on decaying sloes, inverse density dependence on plums, and a hump-shaped relationship between fly larval density and parasitism risk on crab apples. On crab apples and plums, fly larvae benefited from a density-dependent refuge against the parasitoids. While the proportion of larvae feeding within the fruit tissues increased with larval density, larvae within the fruit tissues were increasingly less likely to become victims of parasitoids than those exposed at the fruit surface. This suggests a facilitating effect of group-feeding larvae on reaching the spatial refuge. We conclude that spatial aggregation in Drosophila communities can at least in part be explained as a predator avoidance strategy, whereby natural enemies act as selective agents maintaining spatial patterns of resource utilisation in their host communities.  相似文献   

To find suitable candidates for biological control of the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini Claparède (Acari: Astigmata) on lilies, exploration was undertaken in areas where the bulb mite is an established pest (The Netherlands, Taiwan and Japan). Among the predators, found in association with R. robini in the field and under storage conditions, mesostigmatic mites predominate. The most abundant species were Hypoaspis aculeifer (Canestrini), Lasioseius bispinosus Evans and Parasitus fimetorum (Berlese). These predators appeared to feed and reproduce on a diet of exclusively R. robini and they were able to control the bulb mite in small-scale population experiments initiated with a 1:20 predator-prey ratio. Under laboratory conditions corresponding to lily bulb propagation (lily scales mixed with vermiculite and stored at 23°C and >90% RH) the laelapid mite, H. aculeifer, was the most effective predator; the ascid predator, L. bispinosus, was much less effective, but being relatively small and being successful in attacking the juvenile stages of the bulb mite it may be better able to search for bulb mites hidden inside the lily bulb. The parasitid predator, P. fimetorum, failed to control the bulb mite when vermiculite was used as a medium, but turned out to suppress this prey when peat was used instead. Various strains of H. aculeifer or closely related species were compared with respect to their impact and performance on bulb mites as prey: two Dutch strains, one obtained from Breezand and the other from 'tZand, a Taiwanese strain, a German strain that in contrast to the previously mentioned strains was not collected from lily bulbs, but from agricultural areas near Bremen and, in addition, a Canadian strain of a related species (Hypoaspis miles Berlese), known to control sciarid fly larvae. These comparative experiments showed that H. miles died out without noticeable impact on the bulb mite population whereas all strains of H. aculeifer were able to suppress the bulb mites to very low numbers. However, the numerical responses of the H. aculeifer strains differed in that those collected in association with the pest (Breezand > Taiwan > 'tZand) were superior to the strain from Bremen. These results do not provide support to the Hokkanen and Pimentel hypothesis, which states that predators forming an evolutionary new association with the pest are often more effective in biological control.  相似文献   

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