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The coiled-coil domain of TRAF6 is essential for its auto-ubiquitination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) is a crucial signaling transducer that regulates a diverse array of physiological processes, including adaptive immunity, innate immunity, and bone metabolism. Importantly, it is essential for activating NF-kappaB signaling pathway in response to interleukin-1 and Toll-like receptor ligands. Previously, we characterized TRAF6 to be a ubiquitin ligase. In combination with the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex Ubc13/Uev1A, TRAF6 could catalyze the formation on itself of unique Lys-63 linked polyubiquitin chain that positively regulated NF-kappaB signaling pathway. However, it remains unknown how this auto-ubiquitination process is regulated. In this study, we found that the coiled-coil domain of TRAF6 was essential for its auto-ubiquitination and activating NF-kappaB signaling pathway. This domain served not as the specific target where the polyubiquitin chain was linked, but as a specific bridge to recruit Ubc13/Uev1A.  相似文献   

The Hsp70-interacting E3-ubiquitin ligase CHIP has been implicated in the decision as to whether a target protein enters the refolding or the degradation pathway. To further characterize the activity of CHIP we purified untagged Homo sapiens and Drosophila melanogaster CHIP (hCHIP, dCHIP). In contrast to other E3-ubiquitin ligases, both hCHIP and dCHIP proteins formed homodimers at physiological concentrations. We identified a predicted coiled-coil region in a mixed charge segment of the hCHIP and dCHIP sequence and found it to be necessary and sufficient for dimer formation. A mutant of hCHIP lacking this segment (hCHIPdelta-(128-229)) was incapable of dimer formation, but the segment by itself (hCHIP-(128-229)) readily dimerized. Furthermore, we demonstrated that dimerization is a prerequisite for activity of hCHIP in the reconstituted ubiquitination assay. Control of dimerization may thus provide a mechanism for regulation of CHIP activity.  相似文献   

5-Lipoxygenase is the key enzyme in the formation of leukotrienes, which are potent lipid mediators of asthma pathophysiology. This enzyme translocates to the nuclear envelope in a calcium-dependent manner for leukotriene biosynthesis. Eight green fluorescent protein (GFP)-lipoxygenase constructs, representing the major human and mouse enzymes within this family, were constructed and their cDNAs transfected into human embryonic kidney 293 cells. Of these eight lipoxygenases, only the 5-lipoxygenase was clearly nuclear localized and translocated to the nuclear envelope upon stimulation with the calcium ionophore. The N-terminal "beta -barrel" domain of 5-lipoxygenase, but not the catalytic domain, was necessary and sufficient for nuclear envelope translocation. The GFP-N-terminal 5-lipoxygenase domain translocated faster than GFP-5-lipoxygenase. beta-Barrel/catalytic domain chimeras with 12- and 15-lipoxygenase indicated that only the N-terminal domain of 5-lipoxygenase could carry out this translocation function. Mutations of iron atom binding ligands (His550 or deletion of C-terminal isoleucine) that disrupt nuclear localization do not alter translocation capacity indicating distinct determinants of nuclear localization and translocation. Moreover, data show that GFP-5-lipoxygenase beta-barrel containing constructs can translocate to the nuclear membrane whether cytoplasmic or nuclear localized. Thus, the predicted beta-barrel domain of 5-lipoxygenase may function like the C2 domain within protein kinase C and cytosolic phospholipase A(2) with unique determinants that direct its localization to the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

In Philadelphia chromosome-positive human leukemias, the c-abl proto-oncogene on chromosome 9 becomes fused to the bcr gene on chromosome 22, and chimeric Bcr-Abl proteins are produced. The fused Bcr sequences activate the tyrosine kinase, actin-binding, and transforming functions of Abl. Activation of the Abl transforming function has been shown to require two distinct domains of Bcr: domain 1 (Bcr amino acids 1 to 63) and domain 2 (Bcr amino acids 176 to 242). The amino acid sequence of domain 1 indicates that it may be a coiled-coil oligomerization domain. We show here that domain 1 of Bcr forms a homotetramer. Tetramerization of Bcr-Abl through Bcr domain 1 correlates with activation of the tyrosine kinase and F-actin-binding functions of Abl. Disruption of the coiled coil by insertional mutagenesis inactivates the oligomerization function as well as the ability of Bcr-Abl to transform Rat-1 fibroblasts or to abrogate interleukin-3 dependence in lymphoid cells. These results strongly suggest that Bcr-Abl oligomers are the active entities in transformation.  相似文献   

Melanophilin (Mlph) regulates retention of melanosomes at the peripheral actin cytoskeleton of melanocytes, a process essential for normal mammalian pigmentation. Mlph is proposed to be a modular protein binding the melanosome-associated protein Rab27a, Myosin Va (MyoVa), actin, and microtubule end-binding protein (EB1), via distinct N-terminal Rab27a-binding domain (R27BD), medial MyoVa-binding domain (MBD), and C-terminal actin-binding domain (ABD), respectively. We developed a novel melanosome transport assay using a Mlph-null cell line to study formation of the active Rab27a:Mlph:MyoVa complex. Recruitment of MyoVa to melanosomes correlated with rescue of melanosome transport and required intact R27BD together with MBD exon F-binding region (EFBD) and unexpectedly a potential coiled-coil forming sequence within ABD. In vitro binding studies indicate that the coiled-coil region enhances binding of MyoVa by Mlph MBD. Other regions of Mlph reported to interact with MyoVa globular tail, actin, or EB1 are not essential for melanosome transport rescue. The strict correlation between melanosomal MyoVa recruitment and rescue of melanosome distribution suggests that stable interaction with Mlph and MyoVa activation are nondissociable events. Our results highlight the importance of the coiled-coil region together with R27BD and EFBD regions of Mlph in the formation of the active melanosomal Rab27a-Mlph-MyoVa complex.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported the isolation and characterization of an anti-laminin antibody that modulates the extracellular matrix-dependent morphogenesis of endothelial cells. Here we use this antibody to precisely map the binding site responsible for mediating this biologically important interaction. By using a phage display-assisted mapping strategy to preserve protein structure, we demonstrate for the first time that the coiled-coil region of laminin contains a cell binding site. The adhesion motif is formed by residues contributed by both alpha and gamma chains, and is located in the middle part of the rod-like portion in a highly flexible area, which corresponds to a protease-susceptible site. Based on this information, a peptide mimotope was used to characterize the cognate receptor. Although we can not rule out the implication of other receptors, our results demonstrate that the laminin helical rod active site interacts with alpha2beta1 integrin on the surface of endothelial cells. These findings provide new insight into the complex mechanisms regulating capillary morphogenesis.  相似文献   

NuMA/centrophilin: sequence analysis of the coiled-coil rod domain.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
D A Parry 《Biophysical journal》1994,67(3):1203-1206
Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA), also known as centrophilin, has been shown in previous work to contain a centrally located sequence of length 1485 residues that has both a heptad substructure and a high propensity for alpha-helix formation. Further analysis of this sequence here has revealed that NuMA will form a two-stranded coiled-coil structure with multiple (18) points at which the conformation is interrupted either by proline-containing segments or by discontinuities in the phasing of the heptad substructure. It has also been shown that the two chains will be parallel (rather than antiparallel), that they will lie in axial register, and that this arrangement will be stabilized by a large number of interchain ionic interactions. Interestingly the coiled-coil rod domain is also shown to lack any significant long-range periodicity in the linear distribution of either its acidic or its basic residues. Hence there is no direct evidence from the sequence data that NuMA molecules will aggregate to form closely packed filaments within nuclear space.  相似文献   

Many large coiled-coil proteins are being found associated peripherally with the cytoplasmic face of the organelles of the secretory pathway. Various roles have been proposed for these proteins, including the docking of donor vesicles or organelles to an acceptor organelle prior to fusion, and, in the case of the Golgi apparatus, the stacking of the cisternae [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. Such critical roles require accurate recruitment to the correct organelle. For the endosomal coiled-coil protein EEA1, targeting requires a carboxy-terminal FYVE domain, which interacts with Rab5 and phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI(3)P), whereas the Golgi protein GM130 interacts with Golgi membranes via the protein GRASP65 [3] [6] [7]. In this paper, we show that two other mammalian Golgi coiled-coil proteins, golgin-245/p230 and golgin-97, have a conserved domain of about 50 amino acids at their carboxyl termini. This 'GRIP' domain is also found at the carboxyl terminus of several other large coiled-coiled proteins of unknown function, including two human proteins and proteins in the genomes of Caenorhabditis elegans and yeasts. The GRIP domains from several of these proteins, including that from the yeast protein Imh1p, were sufficient to specify Golgi targeting in mammalian cells when fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP). This result suggests that this small domain functions to recruit specific coiled-coil proteins to the Golgi by recognising a determinant that has been well conserved in eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 3A is expressed in the nuclei of cells latently infected by the Epstein-Barr virus. We have previously shown that a fragment of 265 amino acids was essential for the proper subcellular localization of the Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 3A. As described in this paper, we have used deletion analysis to identify a decapeptide, RDRRRNPASR, which is essential for nuclear localization of this protein. Furthermore, this decapeptide is a functional nuclear localization signal as demonstrated by its ability to target expression of beta-galactosidase in the nuclei of transfected cells.  相似文献   

SEC2 function is required at the post-Golgi apparatus stage of the yeast secretory pathway. The SEC2 sequence encodes a protein product of 759 amino acids containing an amino terminal region that is predicted to be in an alpha-helical, coiled-coil conformation. Two temperature-sensitive alleles, sec2-41 and sec2-59, encode proteins truncated by opal stop codons and are suppressible by an opal tRNA suppressor. Deletion analysis indicates that removal of the carboxyl terminal 251 amino acids has no apparent phenotype, while truncation of 368 amino acids causes temperature sensitivity. The amino terminal half of the protein, containing the putative coiled-coil domain, is essential at all temperatures. Sec2 protein is found predominantly in the soluble fraction and displays a native molecular mass of greater than 500 kD. All phenotypes of the temperature-sensitive sec2 alleles are partially suppressed by duplication of the SEC4 gene, but the lethality of a sec2 disruption is not suppressed. The sec2-41 mutation exhibits synthetic lethality with the same subset of the late acting sec mutants as does sec4-8 and sec15-1. The Sec2 protein may function in conjunction with the Sec4 and Sec15 proteins to control vesicular traffic.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which peripheral membrane proteins are targeted to the cytoplasmic face of the Golgi apparatus is poorly understood. Previously, we have identified a carboxy-terminal domain of the trans-Golgi-network (TGN) protein p230 that is responsible for Golgi localisation [1]. Here, we report the identification of a similar Golgi-localisation domain (GLD, also termed the 'GRIP' domain - see the paper by Munro and Nichols elsewhere in this issue) in a family of putative peripheral membrane proteins from lower and higher eucaryotes. The majority of family members have a domain structure similar to that of p230, with extensive coiled-coil regions (>80%) and the potential GLD located in a non-coiled-coil domain at the carboxyl terminus. Previously reported proteins in this family include human golgin-97 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Imh1p. By constructing chimeric cDNAs encoding carboxy-terminal regions of these family members fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP), we have directly demonstrated that the GLD of p230, golgin-97, the newly identified human protein GCC1p and yeast Imh1p functions as a Golgi-targeting domain in transfected mammalian cells. Site-directed mutagenesis of the GLDs identified two conserved aromatic residues that are critical for the function of this targeting domain. Endogenous p230 was displaced from the Golgi membranes in transfected cells expressing high levels of GFP fused to the GLD of either p230 or golgin-97, indicating that different GLDs interact with similar membrane determinants. Thus, we have identified a family of coiled-coil proteins that share a domain shown to be sufficient for the localisation of peripheral membrane proteins to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

In recent years, a large number of coiled-coil proteins localised to the Golgi apparatus have been identified using antisera from human patients with a variety of autoimmune conditions [1]. Because of their common method of discovery and extensive regions of coiled-coil, they have been classified as a family of proteins, the golgins [1]. This family includes golgin-230/245/256, golgin-97, GM130/golgin-95, golgin-160/MEA-2/GCP170, giantin/macrogolgin and a related group of proteins - possibly splice variants - GCP372 and GCP364[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. GM130 and giantin have been shown to function in the p115-mediated docking of vesicles with Golgi cisternae [12]. In this process, p115, another coiled-coil protein, is though to bind to giantin on vesicles and to GM130 on cisternae, thus acting as a tether holding the two together [12] [13]. Apart from giantin and GM130, none of the golgins has yet been assigned a function in the Golgi apparatus. In order to obtain clues as to the functions of the golgins, the targeting to the Golgi apparatus of two members of this family, golgin-230/245/256 and golgin-97, was investigated. Each of these proteins was shown to target to the Golgi apparatus through a carboxy-terminal domain containing a conserved tyrosine residue, which was critical for targeting. The domain preferentially bound to Rab6 on protein blots, and mutations that abolished Golgi targeting resulted in a loss of this interaction. Sequence analysis revealed that a family of coiled-coil proteins from mammals, worms and yeast contain this domain at their carboxyl termini. One of these proteins, yeast Imh1p, has previously been shown to have a tight genetic interaction with Rab6 [14]. On the basis of these data, it is proposed that this family of coiled-coil proteins functions in Rab6-regulated membrane-tethering events.  相似文献   

Giantin is a resident Golgi protein that has an extremely long cytoplasmic domain (about 370 kDa) and is anchored to the Golgi membrane by the COOH-terminal membrane-anchoring domain (CMD) with no luminal extension. We examined the essential domain of giantin required for Golgi localization by mutational analysis. The Golgi localization of giantin was not affected by the deletion of its CMD or by substitution with the CMD of syntaxin-2, a plasma membrane protein. The giantin CMD fused to the cytoplasmic domain of syntaxin-2 could not retain the chimera in the Golgi apparatus. Sequential deletion analysis showed that the COOH-terminal sequence (positions 3059--3161) adjacent to the CMD was the essential domain required for the Golgi localization of giantin. We also examined two other Golgi-resident proteins, golgin-84 and syntaxin-5, with a similar membrane topology as giantin. It was confirmed that the cytoplasmic domain of about 100 residues adjacent to the CMD was required for their Golgi localization. Taken together, these results suggest that the COOH-terminally anchored Golgi proteins with long cytoplasmic extensions have the Golgi localization signal(s) in the cytoplasmic sequence adjacent to the CMD. This is in contrast to previous observations that a transmembrane domain is required for Golgi localization by other Golgi proteins transported from the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

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