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The organophosphorus insecticides Bayer 38156 (O-ethyl S-p-tolyl ethyl phosphonodithioate), trichloronate, Stauffer N 2790 (O-ethyl S-phenyl ethyl phosphonodithioate), thionazin and fenitrothion were compared with aldrin, dieldrin and γ-BHC for their effects on soil fauna, particularly wire-worms, and on crop yields in 1964 and 1965. At 1·5 lb active ingredient/acre, none of the organophosphates had as great an effect on wireworms as an aldrin spray at 2·25 lb a.i./acre or a dieldrin seed dressing at 2·25 lb a.i./acre. Some treatments significantly increased and some significantly decreased numbers of mites and Collembola. Except for Allolobophora chlorotica in plots treated with Bayer 38156, earthworm numbers were greater in plots sprayed with Bayer 38156 or aldrin, or sown with dieldrin-dressed seeds, than in untreated plots. In May 1964, one month after sowing, untreated plots had significantly fewer plants than plots sprayed with aldrin, trichloronate or Bayer 38156, or sown with γ-BHC or dieldrin-dressed seeds, but yields from untreated plots at harvest were high for such a large wireworm population and did not differ significantly from yields of treated plots in either year. The persistence of thionazin and Bayer 38156 in treated plots was measured by a bioassay using Collembola. Bayer 38156 was detected in plots 1 month after spraying but not after 6 months. Thionazin left detectable residues 1 month after spraying in the two acid plots but not in the two alkaline plots. More frequent samples taken from thionazin-treated plots in 1965 showed a similar pattern of persistence, and laboratory tests, using soil mixed with various amounts of powdered calcium carbonate, confirmed that thionazin persisted longer in more acid soils.  相似文献   

The yield of wheat and the incidence of take-all were measured in crops grown in six different 4-year sequences, repeated in 3 successive years. The first crop of winter wheat grown after oats or beans yielded 13–23 cwt/acre (1632–2887 kg/ha) more grain than wheat after wheat or barley. Spring wheat after oats yielded 2–5 cwt/acre (250–625 kg/ha) more than spring wheat after wheat. The smaller yields of wheat after wheat or barley were caused mostly by greater prevalence of take-all. Regression analysis indicates that each 1 % increase in straws with take-all decreased yield of winter wheat by 0·6%. Take-all was more prevalent in the second and third successive wheat crops after oats than in the fourth crop.  相似文献   

In comparative tests using individually caged wild house-mice (Mus musculus L.) coumatetralyl at 0·05 % in an oatmeal bait-base was found to be as acceptable as plain bait and as acceptable and as toxic as warfarin at 0·025% (the standard dosage). It was less readily accepted at 0·1 or 0·2% in the same bait-base or at 0·05% in a proprietary bait formulation. In further tests with suspected warfarin-resistant mice, coumatetralyl at either 0·05, 0·1 or 0·2% proved more toxic than warfarin at either 0·025, 0·1 or 0·2% respectively. However, some individuals survived 21 days feeding on each of these concentrations of coumatetralyl and, in field and laboratory trials, 0·05 and 0·1% coumatetralyl baits failed to control warfarin-resistant mouse populations after 3–5 weeks. It is concluded that coumatetralyl is a suitable alternative poison to warfarin for use against mice that are susceptible to anti-coagulants but that it is unlikely to control warfarin-resistant populations effectively.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of companion planting, and use of nonhost masking odors were evaluated under field conditions for protecting roses against the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman. Three reputedly effective companion species, rue (Ruta graveolens L.), zonal geranium (Pelargonium x hortorum Bailey), and garlic chives (Allium scheonparum L.) were interplanted with roses in replicated garden plots. Numbers of beetles on these roses were compared with rose-only control plots on 6 d during beetle flight. The masking odor hypothesis was tested by hanging mesh bags of aromatic herbs or other sources of reputedly repellent nonhost volatiles around potted roses in the field. Treatments included crushed red pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.), fennel seeds (Foeniculm vulgare Miller), crushed spearmint (Mentha picata L.), cedar shavings (Juniperus sp.), osage orange fruits (Maclura pomifera (Raif) Schneid.), and fleshy gingko seeds (Gingko biloba L.). No treatment significantly reduced numbers of beetles relative to the controls. Interplanting with geraniums significantly increased numbers of Japanese beetles on roses. Similarly, roses surrounded by sachets with fennel seeds, cedar shavings, crushed red pepper, or osage orange fruits had significantly more beetles than the control plants on two or more sample dates. Our results suggest that the use of companion or reputedly repellent plants or plant odors probably will be ineffective for protecting roses or other highly-susceptible ornamentals from P. japonica. Use of such tactics in an effort to discourage other garden pests might even increase Japanese beetle damage in those plantings.  相似文献   

To prevent damage by pollen beetles (Brassicogethes aeneus (Fabricius), syn. Meligethes aeneus (Fabricius)), frequent insecticide applications are often necessary. It would be an advantage if treatments for pollen beetle control would not only avoid yield losses by bud damage by overwintered pollen beetles, but also minimize pest reproduction, and also have side effects on the population development of other pests present in the crop. The effects of the neonicotinoid Biscaya (a.i. thiacloprid) and the pyrethroids Mavrik (tau-fluvalinate) and Karate Zeon (lambda-cyhalothrin) applied at different growth stages of winter oilseed rape on the abundance of overwintered pollen beetles were determined in field trials in Germany (2013–2015). In addition, effects on the two larval instars and new generation of adult pollen beetle were studied. Biscaya and Mavrik significantly reduced the number of overwintered pollen beetles up to seven days after application, whereas Karate Zeon had no effect. Application of Biscaya at the beginning of flowering resulted in a high mortality of L1-larvae in all years. The number of premature L1-larvae dropping down from the plants during the first week after application increased up to 425% compared to the control. The number of L2-larvae dropping down to the ground for pupation was significantly reduced by insecticide applications at different growth stages except for Karate Zeon. In Karate Zeon-treated plots, the number of L2-larvae dropping to the ground increased up to 42% compared to the control. In accordance with the reduced number of L2-larvae in Biscaya- and Mavrik-treated plots, fewer new-generation pollen beetles emerged in the field trials near Braunschweig, efficacy varying between 57 and 76% in Biscaya-treated plots and 32 and 57% in Mavrik-treated plots in 2014 and 2015, respectively. The results indicate that Mavrik, and especially Biscaya, are effective in controlling pollen beetles, reducing infestation pressure and thereby insecticide treatment frequency in following years.  相似文献   

Experiments for nine successive years showed that Aphis fabae Scop. populations on mid-March-sown field beans were either large with peak densities between late June and mid-July or very small with peak densities in early August. It is concluded that the largest populations develop when many plants have been colonized by primary migrants from Euonymus europaeus and temperature and radiation are above average during June and early July, as in the year 1957. Cold, dull weather slows multiplication and decreases the size of the peak population even when there is a large initial colonization, as in 1954. The peak population may also be less than predicted from the initial colonization when natural enemies are exceptionally abundant in early June, as in the year 1960. Yield losses of mid-March-sown crops in years of large A. fabae populations ranged from 53 % in 1954 (peak population of 1260 aphids per plant) to 100% in 1957 (6920 aphids per plant). Small summer populations with peak densities of about 0·2–85 aphids per plant developed on mid-March-sown plots in years when fewer than about 6% of the plants were colonized by primary migrants. Yield losses ranged from 6·3–13·6%. Three years' experiments indicated that crops sown in late April or May are relatively lightly infested in years when large populations develop on mid-March-sown crops. Conversely, they may be relatively heavily infested when the populations on these crops are small, as in 1955 when temperatures and sunshine during July and early August were above average. Small and large early summer populations tend to alternate in successive years. The alternation is upset by hot, sunny weather during July and August, and perhaps September and October, which compresses the population cycle Thus the large and small populations expected from this alternation in 1956 and 1960 developed instead during exceptionally fine weather in late summer 1955 and 1959, converting 1956 and 1960 to years of small and large populations respectively.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions to the atmosphere from grazed pasture can be high, especially from urine-affected areas. When pastoral soils are damaged by animal treading, N2O emissions may increase. In New Zealand, autumn-sown winter forage crops are often grown as a break-crop prior to re-sowing pasture. When these crops are grazed in situ over winter (as is common in New Zealand) there is high risk of soil damage from animal treading as soil moisture contents are often high at this time of year. Moreover, the risk of soil damage during grazing increases when intensive tillage practices are used to establish these forage crops. Consequently, winter grazed forage crops may be an important source of N2O emissions from intensive pastoral farming systems, and these emissions may be affected by the type of tillage used to establish them. We conducted a replicated field experiment to measure the effects of simulated cattle grazing (mowing followed by simulated treading and the application of synthetic urine) at three soil moisture contents (< field capacity, field capacity and > field capacity) on measured N2O emissions from soil under an autumn (March) sown winter forage crop (triticale) established with three levels of tillage intensity: (a) intensive, IT, (b) minimum, MT, or (c) no tillage, NT. In all treatments, bulk density in the top 7.5 cm of the soil was unaffected by treading when simulated grazing occurred at < field capacity. It was increased in the IT plots by 13 and 15% when treading occurred at field capacity and > field capacity, and by 10% in the MT plots trodden at > field capacity. Treading did not significantly increase the bulk density in the NT plots. Emissions of N2O from the tillage treatments decreased in the order IT > MT > NT. N2O emissions were greatest from plots that were trodden at > field capacity and least from plots trodden at < field capacity. Simulated treading and urine application increased N2O emission 2 to 6-fold from plots that had no treading but did receive urine. Urine-amended plots had much greater emissions than plots that had no urine. Overall, the greatest emission of 14.4 kg N ha?1 over 90 days (1.8% of the total urine N applied) was measured from urine-amended IT plots that were trodden at > field capacity. The N2O emission from urine-amended NT plots that were trodden at < field capacity was 2.0 kg ha?1 over 90 days (0.25% of the total urine N applied). Decreasing the intensity of tillage used to establish crops and restricting grazing when soils are wet are two of the most effective ways to minimise the risk of high N2O emissions from grazed winter forage crops.  相似文献   

Some parameters of nitrogen utilization between the ambrosia beetle Xyleborus dispar in mutualistic association with its symbiotic fungus Ambrosiella hartigii, were examined. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the major nitrogenous excretory products were made on the various life stages of X. dispar. The main nitrogenous product found in excreta and hindguts of beetles, larvae, and pupae, was uric acid (range 7·6–14·8 μg uric acid/beetle). No ninhydrin-positive compounds were located in excreta of the beetles. The concentration of ammonia-nitrogen in the various life stages averaged between 0·70 and 1·13 μg NH3-N/beetle.Total nitrogen determinations were made on sapwood samples of Malus sylvestris (0·34 ± 0·005% N by dry weight), attacked wood, ‘pre-brood’ (0·31 ± 0·005% N by dry weight), and attacked wood ‘post-brood’ (0·17 ± 0·02% N). Similar determinations of the artificial medium (l-asparagine medium) indicated that a nitrogen requirement of about 0·08–0·1% N by dry weight was necessary before oviposition could occur.Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by individual X. dispar beetles in vitro was not indicated using the acetylene ethylene reductase method. Proteolytic enzyme activity was not found on examination of diapause beetles, their excreta, larval and pupal excreta, and the ambrosial and mycelial forms of A. hartigii.Comparative concentrations of soluble proteins and free amino acids suggested that fungus in the mycangia was built up from free amino acids of the insects. At the period of emergence, flight, and attack of new hosts, the females were found to have a concentration of soluble proteins more than double that found in the beetles during the remainder of the year. The free amino acids were the lowest values recorded during this period (March–October).  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to test a portable trench barrier composed of an extruded, UV-retarded, PVC plastic trough, designed to allow Colorado potato beetles, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), to enter and become trapped and killed inside. Tests demonstrated that the portable plastic trenches were effective as barriers to Colorado potato beetles as they walked into tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., fields from overwintering sites in the spring. In field tests, plots that were protected by portable trench barriers had significantly fewer beetles per tomato plant, and lower levels of defoliation. Tomato yields in plots that were protected by portable trench barriers were similar to yields in plots that were protected by insecticide sprays, and significantly higher than plots where beetles were not controlled.  相似文献   

Metopolophium festucae is a cold-hardy species: on young oat seedlings nymphs are produced from apterae at temperatures below 6 °C. Alatae are less well adapted to low temperatures: in a laboratory experiment the average daily production of nymphs from apterae was 0·96 at 10·2 °C and 2·71 at 22·8 °C; the corresponding figures for alatae were 0·42 and 1·81. Aphids on oats, wheat and Italian ryegrass have a slightly higher progeny production than on barley, timothy and cocksfoot: the adults produced on the cereals are heavier than those on the grasses. It is postulated that the aphids require a perennial crop on which to overwinter as nymphs or parthenogenetic adults; consequently successful colonization of cereal crops is rare.  相似文献   

Strawberry sap beetle, Stelidota geminata (Say) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), adults and larvae feed on and contaminate marketable strawberry (Fragaria L.) fruit. The beetle is a serious pest in the northeastern United States, with growers in multiple states reporting closing fields for picking prematurely due to fruit damage. Three options were evaluated for potential to reduce strawberry sap beetle populations. First, the influence of plant structure on accessibility of fruit in different strawberry cultivars to strawberry sap beetle was assessed by modifying plant structure and exposing caged plants to strawberry sap beetle adults. Severity of damage to berries staked up off the ground was similar to damage to those fruit contacting the soil, showing that adults will damage fruit held off the ground. Second, baited traps were placed at three distances into strawberry fields to determine whether overwintered beetles enter strawberry fields gradually. Adult beetles were first caught in the strawberries approximately equal to 19 d after occurring in traps placed along edges of adjacent wooded areas. The beetles arrived during the same sampling interval in traps at all distances into the fields, indicating that a border spray is unlikely to adequately control strawberry sap beetle. Third, the number of strawberry sap beetle emerging from strawberry for 5 wk after tilling and narrowing of plant rows was compared in plots renovated immediately at the end of harvest and in plots where renovation was delayed by 1 wk. In the 2-yr study, year and not treatment was the primary factor affecting the total number of emerging strawberry sap beetle. Overall, limited potential exists to reduce strawberry sap beetle populations by choosing cultivars with a particular plant structure, applying insecticide as a border spray, or modifying time of field renovation.  相似文献   

Argentine ants, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), are a significant pest in various agricultural systems around the world, and are often associated with outbreaks of phloem‐feeding hemipteran insects. Previous research has evaluated a number of active ingredients and management approaches for controlling Argentine ant populations in agricultural systems, but various regulatory and economic issues have limited the development of effective management tools. Current chemical controls rely on residual sprays or toxic baits, each one posing unique disadvantages that limit their usefulness and efficacy. This study evaluated the potential of water‐storing crystals to effectively deliver liquid baits to Argentine ants. The efficacy of bait crystals containing 0.007% thiamethoxam was first evaluated in laboratory colonies. In addition, field studies were performed in a commercial plum orchard to determine the efficacy of the bait crystals. Protein marking was used within the orchard to examine the distribution of the bait in Argentine ant populations when delivered via water‐storing crystals. Results of laboratory tests showed that water‐storing crystals containing 0.007% thiamethoxam are highly attractive and effective against Argentine ants and require ca. 3–5 days to kill all castes and life stages. Results of the protein‐marking study demonstrated that the percentage of ants carrying protein‐labeled sugar water decreases sharply with increasing distance from the bait station. Bait movement was limited to within 17 m of the bait dispenser. Furthermore, bait efficacy tests in the field showed that Argentine ants can be effectively controlled using liquid thiamethoxam baits deployed via water‐storing crystals. The bait was highly effective and ant densities throughout the baited plots declined by 94 ± 2% within 14 days. The results of this study demonstrate that (1) thiamethoxam is highly effective for Argentine ant control in fruit orchards when used in low concentrations (0.007%), and (2) water‐storing crystals are an effective tool for delivering liquid baits to Argentine ants in agricultural settings.  相似文献   

Tractor mounted equipment is needed to deliver granular formulations of pesticides accurately to the soil in small-plot trials in a manner comparable to commercial equipment. Inexpensive units incorporating a belt unit mechanism were designed and fitted to a Mk II Stanhay S-870 Precision Seed-Spacing Drill. The individual delivery belts were driven through a continuously-variable reduction gearbox by the main drive shaft of the drill and pre-weighed amounts of granules were placed along the belts. Insecticides and dose patterns could thereby be changed readily from plot to plot. In field assessments of uniform doses of fuller's earth granules delivered to single row, 4·8 and 10·3 m plots, the mean weights recovered were 94–98% of the target doses, S.E.'s being ±2% of the means. When 16-fold, exponentially-increasing doses were delivered, the weights recovered were generally within 10% of the target dose at any point within 0·2 m from the start and 0·3 m from the finish of the plot. The performance of uniform doses of carbofuran (on sand) and chlorfenvinphos (on Spanish Silical) against cabbage root fly on radish in 15 m plots showed that errors in loading were insignificant compared with the variability in pest infestation on the field plots. With doses increasing exponentially by c. 12-fold applied to similar plots, the percentage of carrots or radish undamaged by carrot fly and cabbage root fly increased from 40–60% to 85–99·3%, the relationship between the log-log proportion of undamaged roots and log-dose being linear. The equipment allows free-flowing, granular pesticide products to be applied to small plots of a wide range of row-crops much more accurately than has hitherto been possible. A work rate of 24 plots h-1 was achieved by a team of two technicians and a tractor driver.  相似文献   

One of the main insect pests in oilseed rape is the pollen beetle (Brassicogethes aeneus (Fabricius), syn. Meligethes aeneus). To maximize efficiency of control of this pest, insecticides are required that ideally, not just prevent yield losses by bud feeding of overwintered pollen beetles, but simultaneously minimize the reproduction of the pest, thereby reducing the size of the following generation infesting next year’s oilseed rape. The neonicotinoid active substance thiacloprid is known to reduce bud infestation with eggs and larvae. However, the mechanisms by which this occurs as well as the effects of other active substances are not known. In this study, the effects of the neonicotinoid insecticide Biscaya (a.i. thiacloprid) and the pyrethroids Mavrik (tau-fluvalinate) and Karate Zeon (lambda-cyhalothrin) applied at the bud stage of winter oilseed rape with recommended field rates on infestation of buds with eggs and larvae of pollen beetles were tested in field trials in Germany in 2013–2015. In additional greenhouse experiments, it was investigated whether effects on bud infestation were caused by lethal effects on pollen beetle or by insecticidal residues on plants causing sublethal effects. In the field trials, application of Biscaya and Mavrik significantly reduced the percentage of buds containing eggs and larvae in contrast to Karate Zeon. In 2014 and 2015, 14 days after application, bud infestation on the main raceme was reduced by 86 and 82%, respectively, in Biscaya-treated plots and by 51 and 71%, respectively, in Mavrik-treated plots compared to the untreated plots. In the greenhouse experiments, the lowest percentage of bud infestation with eggs and larvae was recorded on Biscaya-treated plants whereas on Mavrik-treated plants, there was no significant difference compared with the control. The results of the field trials show that Biscaya and Mavrik reduced oilseed rape bud infestation with eggs and larvae of pollen beetles primarily by lethal effects on overwintered pollen beetles or by repellency. However, Biscaya had additional effects on egg laying, which was supported by the greenhouse experiments.  相似文献   

The Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis, was first found attacking urban street trees in the United States in 1996 and in Canada in 2003. This tree-killing invasive insect has long been a major pest in China and is difficult to control because immature stages live within wood and long-lived adults are often located high in tree canopies. A microbial control product (Biolisa Kamikiri) consisting of non-woven fiber bands impregnated with cultures of an entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria brongniartii, is marketed in Japan for control of a congeneric orchard pest. Replicated field trials were conducted in Anhui, China to compare Biolisa Kamikiri with similarly prepared bands containing Metarhizium anisopliae for control of A. glabripennis. One fungal band was placed at 2–2.5 m height, around the stem or major scaffold branch on each of 40 willow trees (Salix spp.) per plot, with five plots for each fungal treatment and five control plots. Adult beetles collected from fungal-treated plots 7–22 days after bands were attached to trees died faster than adults from control plots. Beetles exposed to B. brongniartii bands consistently died faster than controls throughout this period, while results from plots with M. anisopliae bands were not as consistent in differing from controls. Numbers of adult beetles from plots of each fungal species dying in <10 days were greater than controls (16% of beetles) but did not differ between fungal treatments (34–35%). Oviposition in fungal-treated plots was approximately half that in control plots. Locations of adult beetles and oviposition scars within tree canopies were quantified to determine optimal locations for band placement. Most adult beetles were found >3.5-m high in trees, with adults in B. brongniartii-treated plots higher within trees than adults in other plots.  相似文献   

A key economic pest of strawberries in California is the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera:Miridae). Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a highly attractive plant host to western tarnished plant bug, and we hypothesized that it can be successfully managed as a trap crop for pest suppression in strawberries. Completely randomized design trap cropping experiments were established on an organic strawberry farm from 2002 to 2004. Western tarnished plant bug adults and nymphs were significantly more abundant in alfalfa trap crops than in comparable edge strawberry rows. Over 3 experimental yr, twice-weekly summer vacuuming of alfalfa trap crops with a tractor-mounted vacuuming device reduced adult and nymph abundance by 72 and 90%, respectively, in trap crops. This summer vacuuming of alfalfa trap crops also significantly reduced damage caused by western tarnished plant bug in associated unvacuumed organic strawberries (June and July 2002, June 2003, and June and July 2004) compared with either an untreated control (2003) or the organic strawberry grower's standard whole field vacuuming treatment. Vacuuming of alfalfa trap crops reduces an organic grower's costs (tractor, tractor fuel, and driver time) by 78% compared with current whole field vacuuming practices. An economic analysis of a whole hectare model indicates that a positive return from the use of vacuumed trap crops could be realized in 2004. The overall potential positive net return for the 3 mo of vacuumed alfalfa trap crop treatments in 2004 was calculated at +$1,829/ha.  相似文献   

The standard fenoxycarb fire ant bait formulation (Logic), composed of pregel defatted corn grits and soybean oil toxicant, was modified by eliminating the soybean oil. This formulation without soybean oil contained greater than 2 times more fenoxycarb and was as effective as the standard bait formulation against laboratory colonies of red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. In field tests, the modified and standard baits were equally effective in controlling fire ants after 6, 12, and 18 wk. Individual worker ants obtained from plots treated with fenoxycarb baits without soybean oil had greater than 47 times less fenoxycarb than did workers from the plots treated with the standard fenoxycarb baits containing soybean oil.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The attractiveness of pitfall traps baited with a synthetic host volatile attractant to colonizing adult Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) was evaluated in a field setting. 2 Significantly more postdiapause, colonizing adult L. decemlineata were captured in baited than unbaited pitfall traps. 3 The potential for this synthetic kairomone to enhance the efficacy of trap cropping as a management tool was evaluated by comparing conventionally managed plots with like‐sized plots bordered by either attractant‐treated trap crop or untreated trap crop. 4 More postdiapause, colonizing adults, egg masses and small larvae were present in attractant‐treated trap crops than in untreated trap crops. 5 There were no significant differences in egg mass and small larvae densities between plots bordered by attractant‐treated trap crops and conventionally managed plots, but there were significantly fewer large larvae and adult beetles in conventionally managed plots. 6 Plant canopy area of conventionally managed plots was significantly greater than in plots bordered by either type of trap crop. 7 Yields for conventionally managed plots and plots bordered by attractant‐treated trap crops did not differ, and less insecticide (44%) was applied to plots bordered by attractant‐treated trap crops.  相似文献   

Of sixteen compounds applied to soil in laboratory tests, azinphos-ethyl, P2188 (O,O-diethyl S-chloromethyl phosphorothiolothionate), ‘Dursban’ (O,O-diethyl O-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate), P1973 (S-(N-methoxycarbonyl-N-methylcarbamoylmethyl) dimethyl phosphorothiolothionate), B77488 (O,O-diethylphosphorothioate O-esterwith phenylglyoxylonitrile oxime) and R42211 (O,O-diethyl O-(2-diethylamino-6-methyl-pyrimidin-4-yl) phosphorothioate) killed wireworms when first tested, but in second tests with the same soils only ‘Dursban’, P2188 and B77488 did so. Treating seeds with ‘Dyfonate’ (O-ethyl S-phenyl ethyl phosphonodithioate) or with ethion/γ-BHC mixtures killed few wireworms. Three field trials compared the organophosphorus insecticides ‘Dursban’, ‘Dyfonate’ and phorate with organochlorine standards. In trials with barley and potatoes the standard was 3 lb a.i./acre (3·36 kg/ha) of aldrin. The organophosphorus compounds increased plant stands of barley almost as much as aldrin, although they killed fewer wireworms; and they protected fewer potato tubers from wireworm damage. The third trial compared the organophosphorus compounds with 0·5 lb a.i./acre (0·56 kg/ha) γ-BHC sprayed on a site drilled with sugar beet seed dressed with dieldrin. The γ-BHC increased plant stands almost as much as did 3 lb a.i./acre of the organophosphorus insecticides, and killed as many wireworms.  相似文献   

Traditionally in Australia, regular applications of insecticide to the floors and lower walls of broiler houses after cleanout periods have been used in an attempt to control lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer). The Australian chicken meat industry has been concerned in recent years with the failure to control A. diaperinus in its broiler houses by using this method and with large beetle populations breaching farm biosecurity. Resistance to fenitrothion was suspected to be responsible for these recent control failures. In response, beetles from 13 poultry facilities were compared with an insecticide-susceptible reference population by using a topical application method. Generally, strong resistance to fenitrothion (up to 79 times that of the susceptible at the LC50) occurred in populations of A. diaperinus in long-established broiler growing areas of southeastern Queensland, where fenitrothion had been used continuously for up to 20 yr. In newly established broiler growing areas, where considerably less fenitrothion had been used (i.e., approximately 5 yr), much weaker or no resistance occurred. In addition, dose-mortality data generated for the susceptible reference beetle population over a range of fenitrothion concentrations showed that 0.15% fenitrothion at a LC(99.9) level could be used as a convenient topical dose concentration to discriminate between susceptible and resistant individuals. Using this method, the susceptibility of 27 field populations of A. diaperinus was determined. Of this total, 23 populations did not exhibit complete mortality against the discriminating concentration (mortality range 0-98.7%). Application of fenitrothion in Australian broiler houses for control of A. diaperinus has now ceased.  相似文献   

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