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The immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region is encoded as three separate libraries of elements in germ-line DNA: VH, D and JH. To examine the order and regulation of their joining, we have developed assays that distinguish their various combinations and have used the assays to study tumor cell analogs of B-lymphoid cells as well as normal B-lymphoid cells. Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) transformed fetal liver cells - the most primitive B-lymphoid cell analog available for analysis - generally had DJH rearrangements at both JH loci. These lines continued DNA rearrangement in culture, in most cases by joining a VH gene segment to an existing DJH complex with the concomitant deletion of intervening DNA sequences. None of these lines or their progeny showed evidence of VHD or DD rearrangements. Heavy chain-producing tumor lines, representing more mature stages of the B-cell pathway, and normal B-lymphocytes had either two VHDJH rearrangements or a VHDJH plus a DJH rearrangement at their two heavy chain loci; they also showed no evidence of VHD or DD rearrangements. These results support an ordered mechanism of variable gene assembly during B-cell differentiation in which D-to-JH rearrangements generally occur first and on both chromosomes followed by VH-to-DJH rearrangements, with both types of joining processes occurring by intrachromosomal deletion. The high percentage of JH alleles remaining in the DJH configuration in heavy chain-producing lines and, especially, in normal B-lymphocytes supports a regulated mechanism of heavy chain allelic exclusion in which a VHDJH rearrangement, if productive, prevents an additional VH-to-DJH rearrangement.  相似文献   

We isolated and sequenced six variable-region (V) gene segments of the human immunoglobulin heavy-chain (H) using the V71-2 segment as probe. These VH segments were more than 90% homologous to each other and less than 65% homologous to members of the three known VH families. The VH fragments hybridized to an identical set of restriction fragments on Southern blots of human placenta DNA. The new family was designated as the VH-IV family. The complexity of the VH-IV family was estimated to be at least nine genes, of which the sequenced seven were functional genes. The VH-IV family is homologous (76%) to the mouse Vh36-60 family.  相似文献   

We have studied the organization of variable region (V) genes of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain (H) by cosmid cloning. We isolated two independent immunoglobulin D5 clusters (D5-a and D5-b) from cosmid libraries of the human genome. Restriction maps of these two regions showed that downstream 15 kb portions of the 55 kb overlap were different although upstream 40 kb portions were almost identical. Four more D segments, (DM, DXP, DA and DK) were found around the D5 segment in the conserved region of each cluster. Nucleotide sequences of the corresponding D segments from each cluster were almost identical and they encoded potentially functional D regions. Analysis using human-rodent somatic cell hybrids demonstrated that both clusters were located in the immunoglobulin heavy chain (H) locus on chromosome 14, suggesting that the D5-a and D5-b regions evolved by internal duplication within this locus. We also isolated a 60 kb DNA region carrying four VH segments, designated as VH-F region, which was located on chromosome 16. Nucleotide sequences of the four VH segments were determined. Two of them encoded potentially functional VH segments, and the other two were pseudogenes. Some more VH segments were found to be located outside chromosome 14, by Southern blot hybridization of human-rodent hybrid cell DNAs. These results provide further evidence that the human VH locus has undergone recent reorganization.  相似文献   

 A comparison between related species would allow us to study the evolutionary changes in complex gene families. To investigate the evolution of immunoglobulin VH gene families in lower vertebrates, we compared cDNA VH clones from two related teleost fish species, Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which are separated from their common ancestor by 12–20 million years (MY). The results showed that randomly isolated charr VH genes could be closely grouped to known VH genes of rainbow trout, suggesting that the VH family structure is stable during 12–20 MY and that the total number of VH families changes only gradually over a longer period. This finding also led us to define eight VH gene families of Arctic charr, designated Salalp VH I, VH II, and so on. The presence of species-specific amino acids suggests that non-reciprocal genetic exchanges (e.g., gene duplication) play an important role in shaping the evolution of the V gene family. Received: 23 July 1997 / Revised: 6 October 1997  相似文献   

P Early  H Huang  M Davis  K Calame  L Hood 《Cell》1980,19(4):981-992
We have determined the sequences of separate germline genetic elements which encode two parts of a mouse immunglobulin heavy chain variable region. These elements, termed gene segments, are heavy chain counterparts of the variable (V) and joining (J) gene segments of immunoglobulin light chains. The VH gene segment encodes amino acids 1-101 and the JH gene segment encodes amino acids 107-123 of the S107 phosphorylcholine-binding VH region. This JH gene segment and two other JH gene segments are located 5' to the mu constant region gene (Cmu) in germline DNA. We have also determined the sequence of a rearranged VH gene encoding a complete VH region, M603, which is closely related to S107. In addition, we have partially determined the VH coding sequences of the S107 and M167 heavy chain mRNAs. By comparing these sequences to the germline gene segments, we conclude that the germline VH and JH gene segments do not contain at least 13 nucleotides which are present in the rearranged VH genes. In S107, these nucleotides encode amino acids 102-106, which form part of the third hypervariable region and consequently influence the antigen-binding specificity of the immunoglobulin molecule. This portion of the variable region may be encoded by a separate germline gene segment which can be joined to the VH and JH gene segments. We term this postulated genetic element the D gene segment, referring to its role in the generation of heavy chain diversity. Essentially the same noncoding sequences are found 3' to the VH gene segment and as inverse complements 5' to two JH gene segments. These are the same conserved nucleotides previously found adjacent to light chain V and J gene segments. Each conserved sequence consists of blocks of seven and ten conserved nucleotides which are separated by a spacer of either 11 or 22 nonconserved nucleotides. The highly conserved spacing, corresponding to one or two turns of the DNA helix, maintains precise spatial orientations between blocks of conserved nucleotides. Gene segments which can join to one another (VK and JK, for example) always have spacers of different lengths. Based on these observations, we propose a model for variable region gene rearrangement mediated by proteins which recognize the same conserved sequences adjacent to both light and heavy chain immunoglobulin gene segments.  相似文献   

利用噬菌体抗体显示技术筛选 EPO的人源抗体 ,得到了抗 EPO的人源抗体的重链基因。此抗体基因在噬菌体表面呈现的抗体分子具有良好的抗体活性和特异性。为制备完整的、具有更高亲和力的抗体打下了基础。  相似文献   

 The sheep immunoglobulin heavy chain Igh-J locus has been characterized in order to determine the genomic organization of JH segments and their contribution to heavy chain diversity. The locus contains six segments, of which two are functional and four are apparently pseudogenes. These segments span a 1.8 kilobase (kb) region. The distance between JH-ps4 (the 3′-most segment) and the first domain of the μ-chain encoding constant gene is about 5 kb. The two functional JH segments have a standard upstream recombination signal sequence, including heptamer and nonamer sequences separated by a 22–23 nucleotide spacer, and end with a RNA donor splice site. These two segments possess all the characteristic JH invariant residues and are found in expressed μ heavy chain variable regions. The 5′ functional JH1 segment is used in more than 90% of the cDNAs sequenced to date. The contribution of JH segment germline multiplicity to variable regions diversity appears therefore to be minimal. Comparison with other mammalian JH segments shows that all loci are very closely related and probably have evolved from a common ancestral locus. Received: 19 November 1996 / Revised: 17 March 1997  相似文献   

Allelic forms of the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complete variable region sequence of the heavy chain from a phosphorylcholine-binding myeloma protein of C57/BL allotype has been determined. When this sequence was compared with the germ line-coded heavy chain variable region sequence of BALB/c phosphorylcholine-binding proteins, five differences were observed. Four of the substitutions were located in the framework portion of the variable region and the fifth in the "J" or joining segment. Two of the framework substitutions were found at positions 14 and 16. Previous studies have shown that heavy chains from all anti-phosphorylcholine antibodies induced in C57/BL mice have the same amino acids at positions 14 and 16 as the C57/BL myeloma protein described in this communication. It has therefore been concluded that these residues are encoded in the C57/BL germ line in contrast to two alternatives in the BALB/c genome. This finding, in addition to the 96% homology found between the C57/BL and BALB/c sequences, suggests that these structures represent allelic forms of an entire variable region.  相似文献   

In the accompanying report (C. F. Webb, C. Das, S. Eaton, K. Calame, and P. Tucker, Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:5197-5205, 1991), we characterize B-cell-specific protein-DNA interactions at -500 and -200 bp upstream of the mu immunoglobulin heavy chain promoter whose abundances were increased by interleukin-5 plus antigen. Because of the high A + T/G + C ratio of these sequences and the consistent findings by others that enhancer- and promoterlike regions are often located near matrix-associated regions, we asked whether these sequences might also be involved in binding to the nuclear matrix. Indeed, DNA fragments containing the -500 binding site were bound by nuclear matrix proteins. Furthermore, UV cross-linking studies showed that the DNA binding site for interleukin-5-plus-antigen-inducible proteins could also bind to proteins solubilized from the nuclear matrix. Nuclear matrix-associated sequences have also been demonstrated on either side of the intronic immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer. Our data suggest a topological model by which interactions among proteins bound to the promoter and distal enhancer sequences might occur.  相似文献   

We have examined usage of variable region gene families of the immunoglobulin heavy chain (VH gene family) in spleens of MRL/MpJ-1pr/lpr (MRL/lpr), (NZB x NZW)F1, and BXSB mice by Northern analysis using various VH probes, including the VHPAR gene which we cloned and identified as a gene encoding the heavy-chain variable region of antipoly(ADP-ribose) antibody. The amount of VHS107 family mRNA was almost constant for the same amount of splenic crude RNA in autoimmune-prone and normal mice, while concentrations of other family mRNAs were elevated in autoimmune-prone mice. For example, per splenic RNA the VHPAR family was expressed in MRL/lpr mice 10 times more than in their normal counterpart, MRL/MpJ-+/+ (MRL/+) mice. These results indicate the bias of VH gene usage in autoimmune-prone mice. Expression of the VHS107 family was depressed from an early life stage of MRL/lpr and male BXSB mice. Furthermore, the expression of IL-4 and IL-5 were quantitatively compared, as B cell differentiation factor was thought to be produced by abnormally proliferative T cells in lymph nodes of MRL/lpr mice. We could not, however, observe overproduction of IL-4 and IL-5 mRNA in the lymph nodes.  相似文献   

A previous study [Mole et al. (1971) Biochem. J. 124, 301-318] showed several differences in sequence between the variable (V) regions of rabbit immunoglobulin Aa1 and Aa3 heavy chains. The inheritance of one such difference has been followed in a family of 38 rabbits by a radioautographic peptide-'map' technique and is shown to segregate in a Mendelian fashion. This clearly demonstrates the presence of a genetic marker in the rabbit heavy-chain V region, although the finding that Aa2 and Aa3 heavy chains have identity of sequence in the region studied obscures the relationship of this genetic marker to the a locus.  相似文献   

Hodgkin's disease (HD) is a lymphoid neoplasm characterized by a low frequency of malignant giant tumor cells, known as Hodgkin's and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells. Sequence analysis of the immunoglobulin heavy chain hypervariable region (IgH V) genes of HRS cells revealed multiple nucleotide substitutions, indicating somatic mutations, and suggested that HRS cells originate from germinal center B cells or their progeny. We previously reported that CD99-antisense transfected B cell lines led to the generation of cells with a HRS phenotype. Because it is considered that HRS cells in HD carry somatic mutations of the IgH genes, we assume that somatic mutation may take place in the IgH genes of HRS-like cells which do not express CD99. Here we report that CD99 downregulated BJAB cell line has several mutations in IgH V genes. The frequency of mutation was 5.2 x 10(-4) mut.bp(-1) out of total sequenced cell clones. On the contrary, control vector transfected BJAB cell line or CD99 downregulated IM9 cell line did not show any mutations on single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and sequence analysis. We expect that the analysis of the mutation pattern of the CD99-deficient BJAB cell line might be the basis for the understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanism that regulate somatic mutation and B cell selection.  相似文献   

The gene complex encoding the chain of the T-cell antigen receptor (Tcr) in man was previously reported to contain a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) involving a single Bgl II site adjacent to the second constant region gene. This RFLP allowed assignment of Tcr genotypes in certain human families. In the present study, two different RFLP in a V gene family were detected using the murine probe V8.1 in genomic DNA samples digested with the restriction endonucleases Hind III and Bam HI. Use of these RFLP to mark the V gene complex allowed complete haplotype assignment in four of seven families studied and provided support for linkage of the V gene complex to the constant region genes. Different combinations of the C and two V region markers can result in eight possible distinct haplotypes. The observation of all but one of the eight possible haplotypes in parents of the families studied suggests that recombination events occur between the C and V region and among members of the V region subfamily marked by the V8.1 probe. These markers can be used for mapping studies of the V gene complex in man and will allow an appraisal of possible associations between Tcr genes and disease susceptibility.Abbreviations used in this paper: Tcr T-cell antigen receptor - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - C2 second Tcr constant region gene - V Variable - C constant - J joining - D diversity  相似文献   

Das S  Nozawa M  Klein J  Nei M 《Immunogenetics》2008,60(1):47-55
Immunoglobulin heavy chains are polypeptides encoded by four genes: variable (IGHV), joining (IGHJ), diversity (IGHD), and constant (IGHC) region genes. The number of IGHV genes varies from species to species. To understand the evolution of the IGHV multigene family, we identified and analyzed the IGHV sequences from 16 vertebrate species. The results show that the numbers of functional and nonfunctional IGHV genes among different species are positively correlated. The number of IGHV genes is relatively stable in teleosts, but the intragenomic sequence variation is generally higher in teleosts than in tetrapods. The IGHV genes in tetrapods can be classified into three phylogenetic clans (I, II, and III). The clan III and/or II genes are relatively abundant, whereas clan I genes exist in small numbers or are absent in most species. The genomic organization of clan I, II, and III IGHV genes varies considerably among species, but the entire IGHV locus seems to be conserved in the subtelomeric or near-centromeric region of chromosome. The presence or absence of specific IGHV clan members and the lineage-specific expansion and contraction of IGHV genes indicate that the IGHV locus continues to evolve in a species-specific manner. Our results suggest that the evolution of IGHV multigene family is more complex than previously thought and that several factors may act synergistically for the development of antibody repertoire. Electronic supplementary materials The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic DNA from 18 phylogenetically diverse species of bony fish was hybridized with probes specific for the channel catfish immunoglobulin heavy chain constant (CH) gene, as well as with immunoglobulin heavy chain variable (VH) probes specific for five channel catfish VH gene families. The results showed that CH probes strongly hybridized only to genomic fragments from other catfish species. In contrast, restricted DNA from most other species hybridized with at least two channel catfish VH probes. In those species whose DNA hybridized with multiple VH probes, the restriction pattern of hybridizing fragments was probe-dependent. These studies suggest that (1) the CH gene defined in channel catfish appears to share similarity only with CH genes in other catfish species, (2) families of VH genes appear to have diverged in early phylogenetic lineages of teleosts, and (3) VH genes similar to those defined in catfish appear to be widely represented in phylogenetically diverse species of teleosts.  相似文献   

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