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The molecular biogeography of the disjunctly distributed and morphologically highly variable species Saxifraga paniculata Mill. was analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and chloroplast microsatellites. The study comprised 77 samples from mountain regions in Europe and North America throughout the complete range of distribution. AFLP data revealed clear genetic differentiation between samples from the Arctic, the Caucasus, and the eastern European mountains. Samples from the Alps were divided into two groups. One group clustered with the samples from central Europe and the Pyrenees, whereas another group with individuals from southern Norway. AFLP diversity was lowest in the Arctic and highest in the Alps. Chloroplast microsatellite analysis revealed eight haplotypes but no unequivocal phylogeographical pattern. However, haplotype diversity was highest in the Alps and central Europe whereas, in the Arctic, only few widespread haplotypes could be found. The results indicate in situ survival of S. paniculata in the Caucasus, the eastern European mountains, and the Alps. The Arctic has presumably been colonized postglacially from North American refugia south of the ice shield. Southern Norway and the Pyrenees have most likely been colonized from two phylogeographically different groups in the Alps. The origin of the central European samples remains ambiguous. In situ survival seems to be as possible as several postglacial recolonization events from the Alps. The obtained molecular data clearly support the subdivision of S. paniculata into three subspecies: ssp. cartilaginea from the Caucasus, ssp. laestadii from northern Norway, Iceland, and North America, and ssp. paniculata from the other geographical regions.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 385–398.  相似文献   

Extrinsic and intrinsic forces combined shape the population structure of every species differently. Freshwater mussels are obligate parasites to a host fish during a juvenile stage (glochidia). Elliptio dilatata (ED) and Actinonaias ligamentina (AL) are co-occurring freshwater mussel taxa with similar North American distribution and share some potential host fish. Using mitochondrial DNA, we determined the genotypes of 190 + individuals from collection sites in at least two tributaries in the Lake Erie and Ohio River watersheds, along with the Ouachita and Strawberry rivers in the southeast. Both species had followed a stepping-stone model of dispersal, with greater pairwise genetic structure among collection sites of ED. Also, phylogeographical analysis for ED found significant geographical structuring of haplotype diversity. Overall, within-population variation increased significantly from north to south, with low genetic diversity in the Strawberry River. We calculated significant among-population structure for both species (ED: Phi(ST) = 0.62, P < 0.001; AL: Phi(ST) = 0.16, P < 0.001). Genetic analysis identified the Ouachita River as an area of significant reproductive isolation for both species. Results for AL indicated dispersal into northern areas from two genetically distinct glacial refugia, where results for ED indicated dispersal followed by low gene flow in northern areas. The conservation strategies for mussels that co-occur in the same 'bed' could be species specific. Species such as ED have management units on the population scale, where AL has a more homogeneous genetic structure across its range.  相似文献   

居群遗传学原理及其在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
居群遗传学在珍稀濒危植物保护研究中有着重要的应用价值。本文首先介绍了居群遗传学中的几个重要概念——有效居群大小、近交繁殖、遗传漂变和基因流,然后详细叙述了居群遗传学原理在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用途径和前景。  相似文献   

Limonium dufourii ( Plumbaginaceae ) is a triploid species with obligate apomictic reproduction and is endemic to the East Mediterranean coast of Spain, where it is present in only six populations, most of which have a very low number of individuals. Genetic variation and population structure in this species was studied using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) as markers, using the same individuals as in a previous study with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Three different primers provided 252 bands of which 51 were polymorphic among the 152 individuals analysed. Those polymorphic bands were able to define 65 different phenotypes, of which all but two were present in only one population. The comparative analyses of data from AFLPs with those from RAPDs show a high degree of concordance. Additionally, and given the nature of these markers, we propose the estimation of nucleotide divergences from AFLP patterns. Relationships among the different AFLP patterns and the estimates of population genetic parameters obtained with this evolutionary distance are in good agreement with previous results. These analyses show that substantial genetic variability and differentiation exist within and among populations of L. dufourii . Their higher reproducibility and the possibility of obtaining estimates of nucleotide divergence make AFLPs a much better DNA fingerprinting technique.  相似文献   

Madagascar is home to 208 indigenous palm species, almost all of them endemic and >80% of which are endangered. We undertook complete population census and sampling for genetic analysis of a relatively recently discovered giant fan palm, the Critically Endangered Tahina spectablis in 2008 and 2016. Our 2016 study included newly discovered populations and added to our genetic study. We incorporated these new populations into species distribution niche model (SDM) and projected these onto maps of the region. We developed population matrix models based on observed demographic data to model population change and predict the species vulnerability to extinction by undertaking population viability analysis (PVA). We investigated the potential conservation value of reintroduced planted populations within the species potential suitable habitat. We found that the population studied in 2008 had grown in size due to seedling regeneration but had declined in the number of reproductively mature plants, and we were able to estimate that the species reproduces and dies after approximately 70 years. Our models suggest that if the habitat where it resides continues to be protected the species is unlikely to go extinct due to inherent population decline and that it will likely experience significant population growth after approximately 80 years due to the reproductive and life cycle attributes of the species. The newly discovered populations contain more genetic diversity than the first discovered southern population which is genetically depauperate. The species appears to demonstrate a pattern of dispersal leading to isolated founder plants which may eventually lead to population development depending on local establishment opportunities. The conservation efforts currently put in place including the reintroduction of plants within the species potential suitable habitat if maintained are thought likely to enable the species to sustain itself but it remains vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

Sabatia campestris is a regionally endangered prairie plant. Eight polymorphic loci have been generated for S. campestris (Gentianaceae) using non‐enriched and enriched libraries. Polymorphism was quantified from an isolated population from central Illinois yielding mean observed and expected heterozygosities of 0.723 and 0.801, respectively. The number of alleles per locus for this population ranged from three to 25 with a median of 15.5. These genetic markers will be used to determine population genetic structure of Illinois populations as well as to estimate fine‐scale gene flow rates.  相似文献   

Reintroduction of populations of endangered species is a challenging task, involving a number of environmental, demographic and genetic factors. Genetic parameters of interest include historical patterns of genetic structure and gene flow. Care must be taken during reintroduction to balance the contrasting risks of inbreeding and outbreeding depression. The Mauna Loa silversword, Argyroxiphium kauense, has experienced a severe decline in population size and distribution in the recent past. Currently, three populations with a total of fewer than 1000 individuals remain. We measured genetic variation within and among the remnant populations using seven microsatellite loci. We found significant genetic variation remaining within all populations, probably related to the recent nature of the population impact, the longevity of the plants, and their apparent self-incompatibility. We also found significant genetic differentiation among the populations, reinforcing previous observations of ecological and morphological differentiation. With respect to reintroduction, the results suggest that, in the absence of additional data to the contrary, inbreeding depression may not be a substantial risk as long as propagules for the founding of new populations are adequately sampled from within each source population before additional inbreeding takes place. The results further suggest that if mixing of propagules from different source populations is not required to increase within-population genetic variation in the reintroduced populations, it may best be avoided.  相似文献   

Six south Florida populations of the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) were sampled to examine genetic diversity and population structure in the southernmost portion of the species' range relative to 14 previously sampled populations from throughout the species range. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses were used to evaluate the populations (n= 161 individuals, 13 primers, one band/primer). Results suggested that south Florida populations have significant among-population genetic differentiation (FST= 0.17, P < 0.000), although gene flow may be adequate to offset drift (Nm= 1.26). Comparison of Florida populations with others sampled indicated differentiation was less in Florida (FST for all populations = 0.21). Cluster analyses of all 20 populations did not reflect complete geographical predictions, although clustering of distant populations resulted in a significant correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance. Overall, results suggest populations in south Florida, similar to the remainder of the species, have low genetic diversity and high population fragmentation. Exact clustering of distant populations supports the ability of RAPDs to differentiate populations accurately. Our results further support past management recommendations that translocations of birds among geographically proximate populations is preferable to movement of birds between distant populations.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were used to evaluate phylogeographic structure within and among populations of three endangered Hawaiian tree snail species (n = 86). The primary focus of this investigation was on setting conservation priorities for Achatinella mustelina. Limited data sets for two additional endangered Hawaiian tree snails, A. livida and A. sowerbyana, were also developed for comparative purposes. Pairwise genetic distance matrices and phylogenetic trees were generated, and an analysis of molecular variance was performed on 675-base pair cytochrome oxidase I gene sequences from multiple populations of Hawaiian tree snails. Sequence data were analysed under distance-based maximum-likelihood, and maximum-parsimony optimality criteria. Within the focal species, A. mustelina, numbers of variable and parsimony informative sites were 90 and 69, respectively. Pairwise intraspecific mtDNA sequence divergence ranged from 0 to 5.3% in A. mustelina, from 0 to 1.0% in A. livida and from 0 to 1.9% in A. sowerbyana. For A. mustelina, population genetic structure and mountain topography were strongly correlated. Maximum genetic distances were observed across deep, largely deforested valleys, and steep mountain peaks, independent of geographical distance. However, in certain areas where forest cover is presently fragmented, little mtDNA sequence divergence exists despite large geographical scales (8 km). Genetic data were used to define evolutionarily significant units for conservation purposes including decisions regarding placement of predator exclusion fences, captive propagation, re-introduction and translocation.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were used to examine spatio-temporal genetic variation in the endangered eastern freshwater cod Maccullochella ikei in the Clarence River system, eastern Australia. High levels of population structure were detected. A model-based clustering analysis of multilocus genotypes identified four populations that were highly differentiated by F-statistics (F(ST) = 0·09 - 0·49; P < 0·05), suggesting fragmentation and restricted dispersal particularly among upstream sites. Hatchery breeding programmes were used to re-establish locally extirpated populations and to supplement remnant populations. Bayesian and frequency-based analyses of hatchery fingerling samples provided evidence for population admixture in the hatchery, with the majority of parental stock sourced from distinct upstream sites. Comparison between historical and contemporary wild-caught samples showed a significant loss of heterozygosity (21%) and allelic richness (24%) in the Mann and Nymboida Rivers since the commencement of stocking. Fragmentation may have been a causative factor; however, temporal shifts in allele frequencies suggest swamping with hatchery-produced M. ikei has contributed to the genetic decline in the largest wild population. This study demonstrates the importance of using information on genetic variation and population structure in the management of breeding and stocking programmes, particularly for threatened species.  相似文献   

  • 1 Despite the vast literature on genetic variation in the domestic pig Sus scrofa, little is known about genetic differentiation in wild boar populations.
  • 2 Here we present an up‐to‐date review of published data on the past and recent history of the European wild boar, its genetic diversity and the spatial distribution of genetic variation throughout the continent.
  • 3 The phylogeography of the species seems to be shaped mostly by past large‐scale events (like postglacial recolonization) rather than by more recent human manipulation. Genetic differentiation is observed both on a continental and a regional scale, and non‐intuitive barriers to gene flow occur.
  • 4 From an indirect estimate, hybridization between wild boar and domestic pigs is seemingly a minor source of genetic variation for wild boar populations, yet risks are still linked to the release of captive hybrids in some areas.
  • 5 Finally, we present future perspectives concerning the development of powerful molecular tools and their possible application to the study and management of this species.

We examined polymorphism at 12 microsatelliteloci in 807 harbour porpoises , Phocoenaphocoena, collected from throughout thecentral and eastern North Atlantic to theBaltic Sea. Multilocus tests for allelefrequency differences, assignment tests,population structure estimates (FST) andgenetic distance measures (DLR andDC) all indicate six geneticallydifferentiated populations/sub-populationsafter pooling sub-samples within regions.Harbour porpoises from West Greenland, theNorwegian Westcoast, Ireland, the British NorthSea, the Danish North Sea and the inland watersof Denmark (IDW) are all geneticallydistinguishable from each other. A sample ofharbour porpoises collected off the Dutch coast(mainly during winter) was geneticallyheterogeneous and likely comprised a mixture ofindividuals of diverse origin. A mixed stockanalysis indicated that most of the individualsin this sample (77%) were likely migrantsfrom the British and Danish North Sea.  相似文献   

Fu Y  Dane F 《Annals of botany》2003,92(2):223-230
Allozyme genetic variation in 12 populations of the endangered Castanea pumila var. pumila (Allegheny chinkapin), sampled across the natural range of the species in the United States, was evaluated using 11 loci from seven enzyme systems. At the species level, the percentage of polymorphic loci (Ps) was 72.7 %, the mean number of alleles per locus (As) was 1.9, the mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus (APs) was 2.3, the effective number of alleles per locus (Aes) was 1.5 and the genetic diversity (Hes) was 0.296. At the population level, Pp = 49.2 %, Ap = 1.5, Aep = 1.4, APp = 2.1 and Hep = 0.21. Most of the allozyme variation (70 %) in C. pumila var. pumila occurred within populations. Wright's gene flow rate [Nm(W)] was as low as 0.57. Population differentiation along the species range was not detected. Populations of C. pumila var. pumila in Florida had the most variable levels of genetic diversity, but populations in Virginia and Mississippi also showed high levels. Based on the results of this study, conservation management strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to investigate the genetic variation among populations, between populations, and within populations, relationships between genetic distance and geographic distance, and the molecular variation and population size. The effects of geographic and genetic distances, as well as of genetic differentiation and population size, on genetic variations of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. are discussed. The present study showed that there was significant RAPD variation between the Baicheng region population and the Daqing region population, with a molecular variance of 6.35% (P < 0.04), and for differentiation among area populations of the Daqing region, with a molecular variance of 8.78% (P < 0.002). A 21.06% RAPD variation among all 16 populations among two regions was found (P < 0.001), as well as 72.59% variation within populations (P < 0.001). Molecular variation within populations was significantly different among 16 populations.  相似文献   

The hispid cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus, is a common rodent widely distributed across the southern USA and south into South America. To characterize major histocompatibility complex (MHC) diversity in this species and to elucidate large-scale patterns of genetic partitioning, we examined MHC genetic variability within and among 13 localities, including a disjunct population in Arizona and a population from Costa Rica that may represent an undescribed species. We also tested the hypothesis that populations within the USA are at equilibrium with regard to gene flow and genetic drift, resulting in isolation-by-distance. Using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis we identified 25 alleles from 246 individuals. Gene diversity within populations ranged from 0.000 to 0.908. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that 83.7% of observed variation was accounted for by within-population diversity and 16.3% was accounted for by among-population divergence. The disjunct population in Arizona was fixed for a single allele. The Costa Rican population was quite divergent based on allelic composition and was the only population with unique alleles. Within the main portion of the geographical distribution of S. hispidus in the USA there was considerable divergence among some populations; however, there was no significant pattern of isolation-by-distance overall (P = 0.090). Based on the significant divergence of the only sampled population to its east, the Mississippi River appears to represent a substantial barrier to gene flow.  相似文献   

The fruit fly Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) is an important pest of commercially significant plants such as chili, tomato and eggplant. The species is native to South and Southeast Asia, but has now invaded Japan, Hawaii and Africa. In this study, mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to infer genetic structure and demographic history of B. latifrons. The efficiency of DNA barcodes for identification of B. latifrons was also tested. Ninety‐three specimens infesting four host‐plant species were obtained from 11 sampling locations in Thailand. The mitochondrial haplotype network revealed no major divergent lineage, which was consistent with a phylogenetic analysis that found strong support for the monophyly of B. latifrons. Population pairwise FST revealed that most (65%) comparisons were not significantly different, suggesting a high rate of gene flow. Analysis of molecular variance (amova ) found no significant genetic differentiation among populations from different host‐plant species. Sharing of several haplotypes among flies from different host‐plants indicates that the flies were moved freely across the plant species. Demographic history analysis revealed that the population has undergone recent expansion dating back to the end of the last glaciation. Thus, the results indicate that both ongoing and historical factors have played important roles in determining the genetic structure and diversity of B. latifrons. DNA barcoding analysis revealed that B. latifrons specimens were clearly differentiated from other species with 100% correct identification. Therefore, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) barcoding sequences could be effectively used to identify this important pest species, which could encourage monitoring and control efforts for this species.  相似文献   

Tobacco blue mold, caused by Peronospora tabacina, is an oomycete plant pathogen that causes yearly epidemics in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) in the United States and Europe. The genetic structure of P. tabacina was examined to understand genetic diversity, population structure and patterns of migration. Two nuclear loci, Igs2 and Ypt1, and one mitochondrial locus, cox2, were amplified, cloned and sequenced from fifty‐four isolates of P. tabacina from the United States, Central America–Caribbean–Mexico (CCAM), Europe and the Middle East (EULE). Cloned sequences from the three genes showed high genetic variability across all populations. Nucleotide diversity and the population mean mutation parameter per site (Watterson's theta) were higher in EULE and CCAM and lower in U.S. populations. Neutrality tests were significant and the equilibrium model of neutral evolution was rejected, indicating an excess of recent mutations or rare alleles. Hudson's Snn tests were performed to examine population subdivision and gene flow among populations. An isolation‐with‐migration analysis (IM) supported the hypothesis of long‐distance migration of P. tabacina from the Caribbean region, Florida and Texas into other states in the United States. Within the European populations, the model documented migration from North Central Europe into western Europe and Lebanon, and migration from western Europe into Lebanon. The migration patterns observed support historical observations about the first disease introductions and movement in Europe. The models developed are applicable to other aerial dispersed emerging pathogens and document that high‐evolutionary‐risk plant pathogens can move over long distances to cause disease due to their large effective population size, population expansion and dispersal.  相似文献   

The Eurasian round goby Neogobius melanostomus ( Apollonia melanostoma ) invaded the North American Great Lakes in 1990 through ballast water, spread rapidly, and now is widely distributed and moving through adjacent tributaries. We analyse its genetic diversity and divergence patterns among 25 North American ( N  = 744) and 22 Eurasian ( N  = 414) locations using mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene sequences and seven nuclear microsatellite loci in order to: (i) identify the invasion's founding source(s), (ii) test for founder effects, (iii) evaluate whether the invasive range is genetically heterogeneous, and (iv) determine whether fringe and central areas differ in genetic diversity. Tests include F ST analogues, neighbour-joining trees, haplotype networks, Bayesian assignment, Monmonier barrier analysis, and three-dimensional factorial correspondence analysis. We recovered 13 cytochrome b haplotypes and 232 microsatellite alleles in North America and compared these to variation we previously described across Eurasia. Results show: (i) the southern Dnieper River population was the primary Eurasian donor source for the round goby's invasion of North America, likely supplemented by some alleles from the Dniester and Southern Bug rivers, (ii) the overall invasion has high genetic diversity and experienced no founder effect, (iii) there is significant genetic structuring across North America, and (iv) some expansion areas show reduced numbers of alleles, whereas others appear to reflect secondary colonization. Sampling sites in Lake Huron's Saginaw Bay and Lake Ontario significantly differ from all others, having unique alleles that apparently originated from separate introductions. Substantial genetic variation, multiple founding sources, large number of propagules, and population structure thus likely aided the goby's ecological success.  相似文献   

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