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The inheritance of sexual behaviour patterns was studied in species hybrids of Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia velifera. In addition, the aggressive behaviour and some morphological characters have been investigated and checked for a possible correlation between and within these three different traits studied. All the characters are inherited polygenically. The minimum genetic factors could be estimated only for some characters.  相似文献   

After 14 days of social isolation, half-grown Poecilia sphenops still showed no sexual activity but an increase in biting and tail beating. In relation to this result data on diurnal rhythms of the observed activities, the biological significance of the aggressivity in immature fish, and the ontogeny of the aggressive and sexual behaviour are presented. In contrast to the aggressive behaviour no sexual activity could be observed before maturity.  相似文献   

We examined male–male competition in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to test for evidence of hierarchy formation and any subsequent effects on male mating success by comparing the interactions of pairs of males that were siblings and life‐long tank mates with those of unrelated pairs that had never met. These pairs of males were first observed in the absence of a female; then a female was added to gauge the effects of the initial male–male interactions on male sexual behaviour. The unfamiliar/unrelated pairs engaged in significantly more aggressive interactions such as physical contacts, nipping and chasing than the familiar/related pairs. Based on several previous studies, we suggest that familiarity played a greater role than relatedness in the differences in behaviour that we observed. Our results suggest that, in some circumstances, more aggressive males may have more mating opportunities than less aggressive males. Our results also indicate that males adjust their aggressive and courtship behaviours to the perceived intensity of competition for mates, based on the number of mature males in their rearing tanks. We suggest that male–male competition for mating opportunities may play a more important role in the guppy mating system than previously thought.  相似文献   

In poikilothermal animals, modes of behaviour as well as other physiological functions are dependent on the environmental temperature. Individual adaptation can decrease or cancel out this dependency. In experiments involving abrupt and slow temperature changes, we were able to prove temperature compensations and stress effects in the courting behaviour of the male Poecilia reticulata.  相似文献   

The poeciliid fish Poecilia mexicana successfully colonised a sulfur cave in Tabasco, Mexico. The eye size, melanin pigmentation and scale tuberances as well as aggressive and schooling behaviour are reduced in the cave fish. Besides these regressive characters some constructive ones have been found. The genital region of the female is enlarged to a genital pad and in both sexes the number of taste buds is considerably increased on the upper side of the head. The cephalic lateral line shows a hyperdevelopment with an incomplete covering of some channels. Nearly all of these characters studied form a genetically based gradient from the beginning to the end of the cave, which seems to be the result of gene flow from the outside to the inner part of the cave. A special behavioural adaptation was found among females which prefer bigger males during courtship. In darkness, only the cave females show this preference.  相似文献   

Gymnocharacinus bergi is a stenothermal endangered fish only found in the headwaters of a thermal stream within the temperate Somuncurá Plateau (Patagonia, Argentina). In spite of the presence of other fish species in the Valcheta Stream basin, none of these has been found at the headwaters. Temperature and salinity cannot account for the absence of extremely eurytopic Cnesterodon and Jenynsia. In addition, there is no evidence of diet overlapping or territory defence between these species and G. bergi. Therefore, we hypothesise that agonistic behaviour might be related to G. bergi's isolation. Experiments were performed in order to analyse interspecific interaction between G. bergi and individuals of the other two species. Cnesterodon decemmaculatus showed a submissive behaviour while Jenynsia multidentata was clearly aggressive. G. bergi decreased its aggressive behaviour towards C. decemmaculatus throughout the experiment. However, when placed with J. multidentata, its aggressive behaviour did not diminish. We suggest that the characteristics of the agonistic behaviour displayed by J. multidentata, opposite from those displayed by C. decemmaculatus, might account for the absence of J. multidentata in G. bergi's present habitat. With respect to C. decemmaculatus, other factors such as its low counter current swimming ability might play a major role in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Various controlled densities of guppies, Poecilia reticulata, wer observed in order to determine the effects of population density on frequency of courtship and agonistic interactions. Populations with single male exhibit a low level of courtship activity; the presence of a second male increases this level of activity markedly. Populations with a 1:1 sex ratio in densities greater than one pair exhibit a constant mean number of courtship interactions but, with increased crowding, an increasing variance in level of courtship activity. This results in a frequency profile of courtship interaction characteristic of each observed density. Each population density exhibits a density-dependent pattern of social interaction defined quantitatively by frequencies of courtship aggressive interactions at the population level. The contribution of the behaviour of individual males and to this patterning of social interaction in each population was partially determined.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional analysis of startle behaviours of guppies Poecilia reticulata, in dyads or alone, from two populations that show distinct differences in shoaling behaviour was performed. During the first few seconds after a startling stimulus, changes in behaviour, which could be critical if an individual is to survive a predatory attack, and the interactions between pairs of P. reticulata were examined. The enhanced social interactions immediately after the stimulus, as a proxy for shoaling behaviour, and their dissipation were quantified. Social (individuals tested in dyads) v. asocial (tested alone) responses to the startling stimulus were also compared. The three‐dimensional reconstruction, from a two‐camera, high‐frame‐rate tracking system allowed for the tracking of the individuals' speed and speed recovery and, for P. reticulata in dyads, interindividual distance and orientation. For the dyads from the high‐predation population, the closer the individuals were to each other, the more likely they were to be parallel, but no correlation was found for the low‐predation P. reticulata. The startle response of P. reticulata comprised the following sequence: freezing, darting and skittering and recovery to pre‐stimulus swimming behaviour. Upon repeated encounters with the stimulus, a reduced shoaling and startle response was observed, although the rate of reduction was faster in P. reticulata from the high‐predation population than those from the low‐predation population. The results are discussed in light of what is known about the anti‐predator behaviour of this species.  相似文献   

Unisexual species like the gynogenetic Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa, enjoy a twofold advantage over sexual species, because they do not produce males. Therefore, unisexuals should be able to outcompete and consequently, replace sexual species. For sperm-dependent (gynogenetic) unisexuals this creates a paradox: they cannot replace their sexual hosts without eradicating themselves. Thus, mechanisms must be in place to stabilize such mating systems. We assessed juvenile survivorship between asexual P. formosa and sexual Poecilia latipinna as a possible factor allowing for persistence and coexistence between the two sympatric species. Offspring of gynogenetic Amazon mollies did not differ significantly in survivorship compared to their sexual host, the Sailfin molly, P. latipinna. The presence of an adult female significantly reduced survival in both species, suggesting that filial cannibalisms operates in this system, but does not appear to play a role in stabilizing mixed sexual/asexual populations. Clark Hubbs, who spent 59 years at the University of Texas and was widely regarded as one of the state’s foremost researchers in the field of ichthyology, the study of fish, passed away February 3rd of 2008 after a long battle with colorectal cancer. He was 86.  相似文献   

The maintenance of sexual reproduction is still a largely unresolved question in evolutionary biology, and one of the most puzzling aspects of this is the coexistence of sexual and asexual females. This often leads to widespread niche overlap, posing an interesting challenge to competitive exclusion theory. In this study, we investigate how the aggressive behaviors between females in a sexual/unisexual mating complex of mollies (Poecilia latipinna and P. formosa) differ, and the effects these behaviors have on both the performer and receiver of aggressive acts. We exposed females to five treatments: (1) alone (control); (2) a large and small sexual female; (3) a large sexual female and a small unisexual female; (4) a small sexual female and a large unisexual female; and (5) a large and small unisexual female. We found that P. formosa females were on average more aggressive over time when compared to their sexual hosts, P. latipinna. The females of P. formosa, however, incurred a higher cost of being aggressive. Large, aggressor females of this species had a lower body fat content than their conspecific recipients. By contrast, P. latipinna females showed no differentiation between aggressors and recipients. Here, we combine life history methodology and behavioral observations to show that female competition can in fact be quantitatively measured and that these aggressive behaviors are costly to perform. The adaptive value of this interspecies aggression is not yet completely understood, but sexual competition, access to resources, and position within the shoal are all possible functions.  相似文献   

We studied territorial behaviour of Calomys musculinus, a promiscuous-polygynous species, in order to test the predictions that during the breeding period, home-range-owner females are more aggressive than home-range intruders and that males do not display territorial behaviour. At the core of the breeding season, we conducted 136 intrasexual and 66 intersexual encounters. The study was carried out in four 0.25-ha enclosures, each containing one independent population. We studied territorial behaviour utilising focal animal sampling to record behaviour. Encounters were conducted in a circular opaque arena (COA) near the home-range’s activity mathematical centre (AMC). Amicable behaviour was not observed in any of the 78 trials among females. The rates of aggressive and submissive behaviour per female–female encounters varied in relation to whether they were home-range owners or intruders, the former being aggressive, the latter submissive. So we could link these drives to the territorial behaviour of C. musculinus. This result fits well with the already known territoriality of C. musculinus during the breeding season. In contrast, the 58 intrasexual male encounters did not show direct aggressive interactions between them. The rates of the different behaviours between males did not vary in relation to whether they were home-range owners or intruders. In our study, which took place during the breeding period, C. musculinus males were nonterritorial, and they never exhibited aggressiveness towards females.  相似文献   

The livebearing all-female fish Poecilia formosa reproduces by gynogenesis, a modified form of parthenogenesis. P. formosa forms at least two breeding complexes: in its northern range it exists sympatrically with Poecilia latipinna and in its southern range with Poecilia mexicana. Differences between these complexes and their possible origin are discussed. Embryogenesis is triggered by sperm of males of these closely related sympatric species. Because inheritance is strictly maternal, from the male point of view energy and time invested are totally lost. In this study we wanted to elucidate whether males are able to distinguish between conspecific and parasitic females. It could be shown that males are able to distinguish females optically, but that this ability was obscured as soon as chemical and/or tactile contact was possible. Furthermore, we found that females in an attractive phase of their sexual cycle are always preferred, regardless of species. This is possibly the mechanism by which parasitic females obtain the matings they need to reproduce.  相似文献   

We record here the occurrence of five exotic fish species viz Oreochromis mossambicus, Gambusia affinis, Osphronemus goramy, Xiphophorus maculatus and Poecilia reticulata in the Chalakudy River, part of the Western Ghats, a global biodiversity hotspot in Kerala, India. O. mossambicus was ubiquitous in occurrence with large shoals being encountered at all sampling sites spread along the downstream-upstream gradient of the river, including at an altitude of 1050 m ASL. Osphronemus goramy was recorded from the downstream region of the river while Gambusia affinis was recorded from three sampling sites located downstream as well as midstream. Xiphophorus maculatus was collected from a second order stream flowing through a tea plantation at an altitude of 1050 m ASL. Samples of brooders and early fry of Poecilia reticulata indicate that the fish has already established a breeding population in the river. Possible threats to the indigenous fish fauna of the Chalakudy River as a result of the invasion and proliferation of these exotics is discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of dietary L‐tryptophan (TRP) supplementation on the time course of aggressive behaviour and on neuroendocrine and hormonal indicators in juvenile matrinxã Brycon amazonicus. Supplementation with TRP promoted a change in the fight pattern at the beginning of an interaction with an intruder, resulting in decreased aggressive behaviours during the first 20 min. The decrease in aggression did not persist throughout the interaction but increased at 3 and 6 h after the beginning of the fight. Monoamine levels in the hypothalamus were not influenced by TRP before or after the fight; however, the hypothalamic serotonin (5‐HT) concentration and the 5‐hydroxyindole‐3‐acetic acid (5HIAA):5‐HT ratio were significantly correlated with the reduction in aggressive behaviour at the beginning of the fight. Cortisol was not altered by TRP before the fight. After the fight cortisol increased to higher levels in B. amazonicus fed with supplementary TRP. These results indicate that TRP supplementation alters the aggressive behaviour of B. amazonicus and that this effect is limited to the beginning of the fight, suggesting a transient effect of TRP on aggressive behaviour. This is the first study reporting the effects of TRP supplementation on the time course of aggressive interaction in fishes.  相似文献   

Rhopaloceran butterflies are well known to visit distinct species of flowers in order to extract nectar, normally leaving again after a short time to continue their foraging flights. Females of Agapetes galathea, however, often show a different behaviour, which is the subject of the following analysis. The dynamics of sugar production by flowers and the foraging pattern of the galathea- ♂♂ have been studied under natural conditions. Special consideration is given to the aggressive behaviour of the females towards approaching insects during their flower resting periods.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that male flesh flies (Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart) exhibit an ontogeny of behaviour from eclosion through sexual maturity that includes extensive changes in the expression of aggressive, non‐aggressive interactive and non‐interactive behaviours. To determine how the presence of a female flesh fly influences the manifestation of these behaviours, male flesh flies of different ages post‐eclosion are paired with same‐age females and their behaviours are monitored in a simple arena during a 50‐min observation period. All flies are socially isolated until pairing. Although the levels of expression of aggressive and non‐aggressive interactive behaviours are depressed relative to previous findings in male‐opponent pairs, the ontogeny of aggression still occurs as indicated by a significant increase, with age, in the agonistic behaviour ‘hold’. Similar to male‐opponent pairs and individual males, the performance by males of the non‐interactive behaviours ‘walking’ and ‘standing’ diminishes, whereas ‘upside‐down’ increases with age. By contrast, ‘grooming’ shows a significant age‐related decline. No courtship behaviours are observed in the males, although the aggressive behaviour ‘hold’ is a significant transition to mating. Females show no obvious courtship or rejection behaviours, although the significant increase in ‘upside‐down’ with age could possibly be a behavioural gateway to mating. The results of this study indicate that extensive age‐related changes encompassing the entire behavioural repertoire are intrinsic to male flesh flies and persist under a variety of different social contexts.  相似文献   

In asexual all-female species, such as the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa, that depend on sperm from “host males” only to trigger embryogenesis, mate choice does not provide any indirect, genetic benefits to the choosing female, although direct benefits are possible. Asexual species are thought to have a low evolutionary potential or evolvability due to the absence of meiotic recombination. Hence, theory predicts that mating preferences in P. formosa for male ornaments—if existent—should resemble those of females of the two parental species (Poecilia latipinna and Poecilia mexicana) involved in the natural hybridization that gave rise to the asexual P. formosa. When examining the female preference for dummy males with or without black vertical bars in the two parental species and in two lineages of P. formosa, a preference was detected in P. latipinna, but not in P. mexicana females. Interestingly, P. formosa living syntopic with P. latipinna also preferred striped males, while others living syntopic with P. mexicana preferred non-striped males. The evolutionary significance of this phenomenon remains largely unexplained, but it might indicate the evolution of mating preferences in a species with low evolutionary potential. Possible mechanisms include introgression and mitotic gene conversion. Females might use male coloration as indicator mechanisms for male traits that matter in terms of direct benefits.  相似文献   

The question is, if intraspecific aggressive behaviour can be understood as a drive. If Xiphophorus helleri ♂♂ are kept in social isolation for 7–56 days, the fights for rank order position showed an increasing duration and intensity (S-curving, ramming, circling and mouth-fighting are registered by an event-recorder. These results are in contrast to the results on cichlids and anabantids. The results can be explained by the idea of a spontaneous accumulation of attack readiness or as recovery from habituation. It is supposed that the different influence of social isolation on aggressive behavior corresponds to different types of social organization and ecological adaptations.  相似文献   

Aggressive interactions, foraging behaviour and microhabitat use were observed among four sympatric stream fishes inhabiting the water column: ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis), white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis), masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) and Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis), each species being categorised into five body-size classes (species-size groups; SSG's). Aggressive interactions were observed between most pairs of SSG's, an almost linear dominance order being apparent throughout the three-month study period. Ayu were relatively subordinate in June, but became the second most dominant in July and the most dominant in August, as a consequence of a reversal in dominance order with salmon. In contrast, smaller-sized dace, which continually suffered from intra- and interspecific aggression, occupied the most subordinate ranks throughout the study period. Intensive aggression was observed among various SSG's, exhibiting same microhabitat propensity throughout the three months. The direction and frequency of aggressive interactions varied month by month due to a reversal in dominance order between ayu and masu salmon, and/or changes in density, body size and resource use of the component members. Opponent selectivity was higher within SSG's, where resource use was assumed to be highly overlapping, rather than among SSG's throughout the study period. Correlation analysis indicated that opponent selectivity in aggressive interactions among SSG's was positively correlated with similarity in microhabitat selectivity in June, but not in other months or with that in foraging habits, suggesting that intensive aggressive behaviour reflected overlapping habitat use among assemblage members during a certain period.  相似文献   

In many species, male mating behaviour is correlated with male body size, with large males often being preferred by females. Small surface-dwelling Poecilia mexicana males compensate for this disadvantage by being more sexually active and using sneaky copulations. In a cave-dwelling population, however, small males do not show this behaviour. Do small males alter their behaviour in the presence of a large rival? Here, we investigated the influence of male competition on male mating behaviour in the cave form. Two males of different sizes were mated with a female either alone or together with the other male. No aggressive interactions were observed between either fish. There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of sexual behaviours between the two treatments. In both treatments, large males were more sexually active than small males. Thus, small cave molly males do not switch to an alternative mating behaviour in the presence of a larger rival. Possibly, the extreme environmental conditions in the cave (e.g. low oxygen content and high levels of hydrogen sulphide) favour saving energetic costs, resulting in the absence of alternative mating behaviour in small males.  相似文献   

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