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The effects of three S deposition scenarios — 50% reduction, no change, and 100% increase — on the cycles of N, P, S, K, Ca, and Mg in a mixed deciduous forest at Coweeta, North Carolina, were simulated using the Nutrient Cycling model (NuCM). The purpose of this exercise was to compare NuCM's output to observed soil and streamwater chemical changes and to explore NuCM's response to varying S deposition scenarios. Ecosystem S content and SO4 2– leaching were controlled almost entirely by soil SO4 2– adsorption in the simulations, which was in turn governed by the nature of the Langmuir isotherm set in the model. Both the simulations and the 20-year trends in streamwater SO4 2– concentration suggest that the ecosystem is slowly becoming S saturated. The streamwater data suggest S saturation is occurring at a slower rate than indicated by the simulations, perhaps because of underestimation of organic S retention in the model. Both the simulations and field data indicated substantial declines in exchangeable bases in A and BA soil horizons, primarily due to vegetation uptake. The correspondence of model output with field data in this case was a result of after-the-fact calibration (i.e. setting weathering rates to very low values) rather than prediction, however. Model output suggests that soil exchangeable cation pools change rapidly, undergoing annual cycles and multi-decade fluctuations.Varying S deposition had very little effect upon simulated vegetation growth, nutrient uptake, or N cycling. Varying S deposition strongly affected simulated Ca2+. Mg2+, K+, and P leaching but caused little change in soil exchangeable pools of Ca2+ K+, or P because soil exchangeable pools were large relative to fluxes. Soil exchangeable Mg2+ pools were reduced by high rates of S deposition but remained well above levels sufficient for tree growth. Although the total soil pools of exchangeable Ca2+ and K+ were only slightly affected by S deposition, there was a redistribution of Ca2+ and K+ from upper to lower horizons with increasing S deposition, causing increased base saturation in the deepest (BC) horizon. The 100% increased S deposition scenario caused increasing peaks in simulated Al3+ concentrations in A horizons after 25 years as a result of large seasonal pulses of SO4 2– and lowered base saturation. Simulated soil solution Al3+ concentrations remained well below toxicity thresholds for selected tree species at the site.  相似文献   

An area of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Sm) forest was burnt with a hot fire (ca 600 kw/ha) in March 1975. The meso- and microarthropod faunas were sampled in May, June and July 1976 and the decomposer activity of the soil and litter was estimated using buried cotton strips. The growth of jarrah seedlings in pots was measured under different litter and nutrient regimes. Feeding experiments with Eucalyptus, Banksia and Bossiaea litter were carried out on Podykipus sp., a litter millipede common at the site of the fire. Burning reduced the numbers of arthropods, the proportion of juveniles and the proportion of fungal feeders in the micro-arthropod population. The rate of decomposition was also reduced. The seedlings grew most under leaf Utter and millipede faeces and least under leaf ash. Podykipus sp. preferred Bossiaea litter (high nutrient content) to either Eucalyptus or Banksia litter (low nutrient content).  相似文献   


Background and aims

Exotic coniferous species have been used widely in restoration efforts in tropical montane forests due to their tolerance to adverse conditions and rapid growth, with little consideration given to the potential ecological benefits provided by native tree species. The aim of this study was to elucidate differences in litterfall and nutrient flow between a montane oak forest (Quercus humboldtii Bonpl.) and exotic coniferous plantations of pine (Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.) and cypress (Cupressus lusitanica Mill.) in the Colombian Andes.


Litter production, litter decomposition rate, and element composition of leaf litter were monitored during 3 years.


Litter production in the oak forest and pine plantation was similar, but considerably lower in the cypress plantation . Similar patterns were observed for nutrient concentrations in litterfall, with the exception of Ca which was three times higher in the cypress plantation. The annual decay rate of litter was faster in the montane oak forest than in either of the exotic coniferous plantations. The potential and net return of nutrients to the forest floor were significantly higher in oak forest than in the exotic coniferous plantations.


Future restoration programs should consider new species that can emulate the nutrient flow of native broadleaf species instead of exotic species that tend to impoverish soil nutrient stocks in tropical montane forests.  相似文献   

Aim The Brazilian Atlantic forest covers c. 10% of its original extent, and some areas are still being logged. Although several ecological studies in Atlantic forest have been published over the past two to three decades, there has been little research on forest dynamics and there is a particular lack of information on the effects of disturbance. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of selective logging on forest structure, floristic composition soil nutrients, litterfall and litter layer in a seasonally dry Atlantic forest. Location The Mata do Carvão is located in the Guaxindiba Ecological Reserve in São Francisco do ltabapoana district (21°24′ S, 41°04′ W), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Methods Four plots (50 × 50 m) were set up in 1995 in each of two stands: unlogged and logged. In each plot, all trees ≥ 10 cm d.b.h. were enumerated, identified and measured. Vouchers were lodged at UENF Herbarium. Five surface soil samples were collected in each plot in the dry season (in October 1995). Litterfall was collected in eight traps (0.50 m2) in each plot over a year from 14 November 1995 to 11 November 1996. The litter layer was sampled in eight quadrats (0.25 m2) in each plot in the dry and wet seasons. Soils were air‐dried, sieved, and chemically analysed. The litter was dried (80 °C), sorted into six fractions, weighed and bulked samples analysed for nutrients. Results Forest stands did not differ in stem density and total basal area, with a total of 1137 individuals sampled in 1996 (564 unlogged and 573 logged), and a total basal area of 15 m2 (unlogged) and 13.0 m2 (logged). However, unlogged stands had more large trees (≥ 30 cm in d.b.h.) and greater mean canopy height. Among the families, Rutaceae and Leguminosae were the most abundant families in both sites, although the Rutaceae had a higher density in unlogged and Leguminosae in the logged stand. The species diversity index was similar between stands. Late‐successional species, such as Metrodorea nigra var. brevifolia and Paratecoma peroba, were less abundant in the logged stand. Selective logging did not affect nutrient concentrations in the soil or in the litter. However, quantities of the nutrients in the total litterfall and in the leaf litterfall and litter layer were higher in unlogged than in logged stands, mainly as a result of fallen M. nigra leaves. Metrodorea nigra was considered a key species in the nutrients dynamics in Carvão forest. Main conclusions Despite the fact that effects on tree diversity and soil nutrients were not clear, selective logging in this Atlantic forest altered canopy structure, increased the relative abundance of some early‐secondary species and decreased the litter input and stock of nutrients. Detailed information on the influence of logging on the distribution and structure of plant populations and in nutrient processes is fundamental for a sustainable logging system to be developed.  相似文献   

Aims The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of nutrient cycling in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations) with different ages, and to provide scientific basis for the management of high-yield plantations in China.  相似文献   

杉木人工林养分循环随林龄变化的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为弄清杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林不同林龄的养分循环特征, 为人工林丰产的经营管理提供科学依据, 利用湖南会同杉木林25年的定位连续测定数据, 根据杉木生长规律和养分吸收动态对杉木林不同林龄的养分循环进行了研究。结果表明: 对于同一林龄的杉木, 器官养分浓度大小依次为叶>枝>皮>根>干。林龄小于12年的, 杉木养分浓度随林龄增加而增高; 林龄大于12年的, 杉木养分浓度随林龄增加而降低。养分年均吸收量随林龄增长的变化曲线为双波峰。养分归还量随着林龄的增加逐渐增加。同一林龄, 各营养元素的利用效率都是磷(P) >钾(K) >氮(N) >镁(Mg) >钙(Ca)。林分郁闭后, 各营养元素的利用效率随着林木生长而增大。同一林龄, Ca、Mg的循环强度大于N、P, 各营养元素循环强度随林龄增长的变化曲线都为抛物线。同一林龄, N、P、K被杉木利用的时间比Ca、Mg长, 各元素被杉木利用的时间随着杉木生长的进行而缩短。研究显示: 不同林龄的养分吸收量除受生产量控制外, 还受这个林龄和前一个林龄杉木体内养分浓度的差异制约; 杉木体内养分再分配及贮备机制、杉木生长规律和不同生育阶段对养分的利用效率等共同调节控制着养分循环过程。  相似文献   

按照与火灾发生区的方位将森林划分为火灾核心区、火灾边缘区、地下火发生以及对照(未发生火灾)等四类;同时,按照树种将其划分为兴安落叶松纯林、白桦纯林及兴安落叶松、白桦混交林等三类,对阿尔山地区1998年"5.13"雷击火发生迹地林下植被的自然恢复状况进行了调查.结果表明:提出的分级标准能够反映林分遭受不同强度火灾后植被恢复状况的差异.火灾核心区受害程度最重,在物种丰富度、物种多样性、灌草地上生物量等方面均居于最低水平;地下火发生区林受害部分多在地下,各项指标位居次要地位;火灾边缘区林分虽受到一定的危害,但各项指标在所有受害林分中居最高水平.不同程度受害区域内的乔灌木年轮数呈现随危害程度增加而减少的趋势.混交林的恢复力强于纯林,兴安落叶松也显示了比白桦更强的恢复力.通过林下阳性植物与阴性植物代表种相对盖度的比值变化,对林下植被的灾后演替进行了研究,结果表明,火灾核心区林位于林窗阶段,地下火发生林处于建立阶段,而火灾边缘区林与对照均处于成熟阶段.对火灾后的人工改善措施进行探讨.文章提出从年轮的宽度与分布规律、林分初级生产力与灌草地上生物量的关系及林分节肢动物群落等方面做深入分析.  相似文献   

The amount of litter and its nutrient composition have been measured at seven sites on various lateritic soils within the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest near Dwellingup, Western Australia. The weight of litter accumulated during 6 years ranges from 9 tonnes/ha for forest growing on yellow sand to 18 tonnes/ha for forest on reddish gravels. The litter on the reddish gravels contains more than twice the amounts of N, P, K and S in litter on yellow sand and grey and yellow gravels. The proportion of fine material in the forest floor litter increases with total litter weight. Phosphorus, which is less mobile than other nutrients tends to accumulate in this fine component. There are large differences between the foliar nutrient levels of jarrah and Banksia grandis Willd. (e.g. P: 0.041%, 0.025%; K: 0.57%, 0.34%; Mg: 0.43%, 0.21%; Mn: 177 μg/g. 730 μg/g). However, these differences are not reflected in the litter from sites with and without B. grandis understorey. Soil differences and the predominant contribution of the overstorey to the litter appear to be the main factors affecting the litter composition.  相似文献   

Rode  M. W. 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):337-343
The aboveground nutrient turnover of three ecosystems representing the main stages of heathland forest succession in NW Germany was investigated in a comparative study with regard to nutrient availability of the soil and light availability below the canopy. It was expected that nutrient availability would play a decisive role in forest development on nutrient poor acidic soil. The results show that the input of nutrients into the Calluna heathland is higher than the annual aboveground turnover of N, P, Ca, Mg, and K via litterfall. Compared to the pioneering birch-pine forest, the annual aboveground turnover of nutrients within the Calluna heathland, and therefore the nutrient availability is very low, while the light availability below the canopy is high. The increasing productivity of the growing successional forest is combined with an increasing nutrient turnover, mainly via litter fall. As a result, the increasing nutrient availability favours shade tolerant species with a higher nutrient demand at the late stages of succession. Consequently, the presumed terminal stage of succession, the oak-beech forest, is characterized by low light availability below the canopy and higher nutrient supply according to the resource-ratio hypothesis of Tilman (1985, 1986, 1988).  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal fungus propagules in the jarrah forest   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

陈凯  刘增文  李俊  田楠  时腾飞 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7022-7030
对森林生态系统进行分类是认识森林生态过程的根本途径,传统的从结构角度对森林生态系统分类只能反映森林的外在特征,而无法从功能角度区别森林的本质差异.通过对黄土高原3个生物气候区18个不同森林生态系统的养分循环特征测算和分析,选取了能全面反映养分的积累和分布(生物量、枯落物积累量、养分积累量)、循环通量(年吸收量、年存留量、年归还量)以及养分循环效率(循环系数、利用系数、养分生产力)等多方面指标作为分类指标体系,利用自组织映射特征网络(SelfOrganizing Feature Maps,SOFM)聚类方法,从养分循环的角度将黄土高原森林生态系统划分为2个一级类型,6个二级类型.该分类结果与实际较符,从而探索了森林生态系统的功能分类方法,也验证了SOFM网络模型应用于森林养分循环分类的可行性.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal fungus propagules in the jarrah forest   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  

Louis Trabaud 《Oecologia》1994,99(3-4):379-386
The effects of burning on plant nutrient budgets and rates of carbonic gas and particulate matter emission during fires were evaluated in aQuercus coccifera (garrigue) shrubland. Nutrient levels were determined in field-collected pre-fire vegetation and combustion residues. The losses (increased elemental transfer) were calculated as the difference between the quantity of an element in the fuel (combustible standing vegetation plus litter) before burning and that present in the postfire residues (ash). Weight losses of elements are correlated with weight losses of burnt plant biomass. The relative order of nutrient losses was: N>C>Na>Ca>P>K>Mg. Estimated losses of N, C and P from combustible plant matter exceeded 98, 97 and 79% respectively. Copious N, C and P volatilization during burning was promoted by high concentrations of these elements in foliage and fine woody biomass of the aboveground vegetation and leaf litter of the garrigue. Elements were principally removed in the smoke. The quantities of gaseous emissions of CO2, CO and particulate matter produced were estimated.  相似文献   

Fire effects on ecosystem nitrogen cycling in a Californian bishop pine forest   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Fire can cause severe nitrogen (N) losses from grassland, chaparral, and temperate and boreal forest ecosystems. Paradoxically, soil ammonium levels are markedly increased by fire, resulting in high rates of primary production in re-establishing plant communities. In a manipulative experiment, we examined the influence of wild-fire ash residues on soil, microbial and plant N pools in a recently burned Californian bishop pine (Pinus muricata D. Don) forest. Ash stimulated post-fire primary production and ecosystem N retention through direct N inputs from ash to soils, as well as indirect ash effects on soil N availability to plants. These results suggest that redistribution of surface ash after fire by wind or water may cause substantial heterogeneity in soil N availability to plants, and could be an important mechanism contributing to vegetation patchiness in fire-prone ecosystems. In addition, we investigated the impact of fire on ecosystem N cycling by comparing 15N natural abundance values from recently burned and nearby unburned P. muricata forest communities. At the burned site, 15N natural abundance in recolonising species was similar to that in bulk soil organic matter. By contrast, there was a marked 15N depletion in the same species relative to the total soil N pool at the unburned site. These results suggest that plant uptake of nitrate (which tends to be strongly depleted in 15N because of fractionation during nitrification) is low in recently burned forest communities but could be an important component of eco- system N cycling in mature conifer stands. Received: 29 June 1999 / Accepted: 24 October 1999  相似文献   

Summary Germinable seed stores of 5- and 8-year-old rehabilitated bauxite mine pits in south-west Western Australia were assessed before and after burning. These seed stores were compared to those of adjacent unmined Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata ) forest, to identify at what age fire can be reintroduced, in order to measure restoration success and reduce fire hazard. Soils were sampled in early summer (before fire) and late autumn (after fire). Before fire, the mean topsoil seed bank of 5-year-old sites was 2121 seeds per m2 while 8-year-old sites had a mean of 1520 seeds per m2. Only the 5-year-old sites were significantly different from the forest mean of 1478 seeds per m2 for the same season. After summer burns (and possibly due to seasonal effects) topsoil seed banks of rehabilitated areas (sampled in autumn) decreased by an average of 53 per cent. Topsoil seed banks of 5–8-year-old sites were resistant to lower intensity burns, with 362 seeds per m2 of native species surviving mild burns and 108 seeds per m2 of native species surviving after an intense summer fire. The topsoil seed reserve of 5–8-year-old rehabilitated areas had a high proportion of annual weed species while the forest sites had high levels of subshrubs and native annuals. Low-intensity burns did not alter the composition of life-forms in the soil seed bank, while intense burns favoured annual weed and shrub species. The results indicate that it is not appropriate to introduce fire to rehabilitated areas before 8 years, due to limited fuel reduction benefits and possible adverse effects on obligate seeding species. The large proportion of weed species in the soil seed bank of young rehabilitated areas is a concern, and remains a major consideration for future disturbance of these areas.  相似文献   

长白山暗针叶林苔藓植物在养分循环中的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郝占庆  叶吉  姜萍  蔺菲 《应用生态学报》2005,16(12):2263-2266
测定了长白山暗针叶林5种主要苔藓植物养分含量,并结合生物量的测定结果,推算单位面积的苔藓植物养分含量.结果表明,单位面积苔藓植物氮含量为5.371 kg·hm-2,是乔、灌、草总氮量的12.22%;钾含量为12.02 kg·hm-2,是乔、灌、草总钾量的5.63%;磷含量为31.679 kg·hm-2,是乔、灌、草总磷量的70.57%,超过了乔木磷含量,是草本植物磷含量的2.倍、灌木磷含量的792倍,苔藓植物是暗针叶林重要的磷库.同时测定不同苔藓盖度下土壤中的养分含量.方差分析结果显示,不同苔藓盖度下土壤中氮、钾含量差别不大,磷含量差异显著,没有苔藓覆盖的土壤中磷含量最高,为0.19±0.023 g·kg-1;苔藓盖度为第6级(80%~100%),土壤中磷含量最低,为0.36±0.017 g·kg-1,随苔藓盖度的增加土壤中磷含量有减少的趋势.  相似文献   

In a sclerophyll open forest (Eucalyptus obliqua L'Herit-E. baxteri Benth. association) near Adelaide total mean annual litter fall over a 5-year period was 233 g/m2 dry weight, comprising 190 g/m2 of leaves, small twigs, fruits and other small plant parts and 43 g/m2 of sticks and logs. Samples of sticks and logs were taken at approximately 12-weekly intervals and of other litter at approximately 6-weekly intervals. Maximum rates of leaf fall were in late summer and minimum rates in winter, and a simple harmonic model representing seasonal fluctuations accounted for 61.8% of the variation. The standing crop of litter was 980 g/m2, representing 4.2 years’ mean litter fall. Samples of sticks and logs and of other litter from each sampling occasion were bulked and their content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu determined. Seasonal variations were not found in nutrient content of sticks and logs, but for other litter there was a clear harmonic seasonal variation, with rate of litter fall negatively correlated with concentrations of N, P, Zn, Fe and Cu and positively correlated with Ca, Mg and Mn concentrations. Concentrations of K did not correlate with those of other elements. Total annual inputs of nutrients were calculated. Calorific values of the litter showed a mean annual input of approximately 4900 kJ/m2/year. Comparisons were made between litter fall rates and nutrient inputs from litter at the experimental site and previous records from other eucalypt forests.  相似文献   

Solaiman  M. Zakaria  Abbott  Lynette K. 《Plant and Soil》2003,248(1-2):313-320
Communities of indigenous arbusuclar mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are expected to alter phosphorus uptake and biomass productivity of plants according to characteristics of the life cycles of the fungi present and the way they interact with each other inside roots and with host plants. Differences in the relative abundance of AM fungi inside roots could influence P uptake if the fungi present differ in effectiveness at accessing P and transferring it to the plant. However, it is difficult to assess the contribution of AM fungi under field conditions. We investigated P uptake, from point sources of P placed 2, 4 and 6 cm from roots, by plants colonised by a community of AM fungi in jarrah forest soil. Roots were retained within a mesh bag to prevent them from growing towards the point source of P. The relative abundance of morphotypes of fungi inside roots and the P status of plants were assessed after 12 and 16 weeks. First, a bioassay was carried out in undisturbed forest soil cores using two host plants, a forest understorey plant Phyllanthus calycinus Labill and the annual pasture species subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneaumL.), to assess the infectivity of the indigenous community of AM fungi. Roots of both bioassay host plants were colonised in similar proportions by morphotypes of AM fungi resembling Glomus, Acaulospora, Scutellospora and fine endophytes. In this bioassay, there were positive correlations between the proportion of root length colonised and plant biomass and P uptake for P. calycinus, but not for subterranean clover. In the experiment assessing the capacity of P. calycinus to access P placed at increasing distances from the root, shoot P content and concentration in P. calycinus were greater when P was placed 2 cm compared with 4 and 6 cm from roots. The length of hyphae in the vicinity of the point source of P decreased with increasing distance from the plant. The extent to which the individual AM fungi were involved in P uptake is not known. The Glomus morphotype was dominant at both times of sampling.  相似文献   

Abstract. Short-lived components in a dry tropical forest ecosystem in India - tree foliage, fine roots and herbaceous plants - are shown to be important for biomass production and nutrient cycling. With 62 % they contribute much more to the dry matter production than the long-lived components- tree boles, branches and coarse roots - which make up only 38 %. The contribution of short-lived components to the total uptake of different nutrients was also high: 18 - 30 % for tree foliage, 26 - 34 % for fine roots and 6–19 % for herbs; their share in the total nutrient storage is less: 6–19 % for tree foliage, 4–8 % for fine roots and 0.6–1.3 % for herbs. The transfer of nutrients by the short-lived components was also substantial: 31 - 46 % for foliage, 7–24% for herbs and 33–45% for fine roots. The results indicate that the short-lived components play a significant role in the functioning of a dry tropical forest.  相似文献   

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