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Although social housing is desirable for social species of nonhuman primates, circumstances arise whereby social housing is precluded (for example, certain kinds of infectious disease or toxicologic research, when the health of the animal(s) would be compromised by social housing, and animals which respond behaviorally in an inappropriate manner to social housing). Nonsocial alternatives that provide increased environmental complexity to the home cage should then be considered. Nonsocial "environmental enrichment" schemes can be designed to enhance the expression of an individually housed nonhuman primate's locomotive/postural, manipulative, and foraging behaviors. In this way, nonsocial, but species-typical, behaviors can be promoted in the single cage housing condition.  相似文献   

Use of primates in research: a global overview   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We assessed the use of nonhuman primates and nonhuman primate biological material in research by reviewing studies published in 2001 in peer-reviewed journals. The number and species of primates used, the origin of the animals, the type of study, the area of research of the investigation, and the location at which the research was performed were tabulated. Additionally, factors related to the animals that may have affected the outcome of the experiments were recorded. A total of 2,937 articles involving 4,411 studies that employed nonhuman primates or nonhuman primate biological material were identified and analyzed. More than 41,000 animals were represented in the studies published in 2001. In the 14% of studies for which re-use could be determined, 69% involved animals that had been used in previous experiments. Published studies most commonly used nonhuman primates or nonhuman primate biological material from the species Chlorocebus aethiops (19%), Macaca mulatta (18%), M. fascicularis (9%), and Papio spp. (6%). Of these studies, 54% were classified as in vitro studies, 14% as noninvasive, 30% as chronic, and 1% were considered acute. Nonhuman primates were primarily used in research areas in which they appear to be the most appropriate models for humans. The most common areas of research were microbiology (including HIV/AIDS (26%)), neuroscience (19%), and biochemistry/chemistry (12%). Most (84%) of the primate research published in 2001 was conducted in North America, Europe, and Japan. The animals and conditions under which they were housed and used were rarely described. Although it is estimated that nonhuman primates account for an extremely small fraction of all animals used in research, their special status makes it important to report the many husbandry and environmental factors that influence the research results generated. This analysis has identified that editors rarely require authors to provide comprehensive information concerning the subjects (e.g., their origin), treatment conditions, and experimental procedures utilized in the studies they publish. The present analysis addresses the use of primates for research, including the effects of a shortage of suitable nonhuman primate subjects in many research areas.  相似文献   

Despite great adaptability, most nonhuman primates require regular tactile contact with conspecifics for their psychological well being. By illustrating the inherent value of social contact and by providing clues to the best ways of satisfying this need, behavioral studies are useful in designing social enrichment programs. Although group housing is ideal for most gregarious primates, space constraints and protocol requirements may preclude such environments for macaques housed indoors. Pair housing is an effective and practical alternative. Furthermore, such social experience facilitates integration into future social groups, including those in postresearch retirement facilities. This article references common research protocols that accommodate pair housing and includes scientific recommendations for institutional animal care and use committees (IACUCs) to facilitate providing physical social contact for nonhuman primates in laboratories.  相似文献   

Despite great adaptability, most nonhuman primates require regular tactile contact with conspecifics for their psychological well being. By illustrating the inherent value of social contact and by providing clues to the best ways of satisfying this need, behavioral studies are useful in designing social enrichment programs. Although group housing is ideal for most gregarious primates, space constraints and protocol requirements may preclude such environments for macaques housed indoors. Pair housing is an effective and practical alternative. Furthermore, such social experience facilitates integration into future social groups, including those in postresearch retirement facilities. This article references common research protocols that accommodate pair housing and includes scientific recommendations for institutional animal care and use committees (IACUCs) to facilitate providing physical social contact for nonhuman primates in laboratories.  相似文献   

Amendments made to the Animal Welfare Act in 1985 require primate researchers to provide "a physical environment adequate to promote the psychological well-being of primates". Regulations have not yet been promulgated, in part because "the psychological well-being" of primates is extremely difficult to define. Ideally, those regulations would be based upon observable changes in behavior rather than assumed psychological changes. Regardless, new primate care regulations pertaining to social environment, cage size, exercise and other forms of environmental enrichment are anticipated. A review of the literature suggests that there is little scientific data to support changing existing regulations. For instance, although it is clear that total social isolation in very young primates can be behaviorally devastating in terms of normal social behaviors, there are few, if any, demonstrable adverse effects of individual housing in adult primates. On the other hand, group housing, particularly with groups changing frequently in composition, increases aggression, trauma and disease transmission. In addition, existing research suggests there are important species differences in terms of social preferences. It is impossible to justify an increase in cage size based upon the available literature. An additional practical consideration is that any change in cage size requirements will necessitate replacement of current primate housing on a national level, an enormously expensive proposition. Regarding environmental enrichment, research suggests that providing a naturalistic environment is not as critical as arranging dynamic events that are contingent upon behavior. However, new research is necessary to specify the types of environmental enrichment that are valuable and appropriate before useless, even damaging, and expensive changes are mandated.  相似文献   

In captive research environments for nonhuman primates (NHP), social housing strategies are often in conflict with protocols designed to minimize disease transmission. This is particularly true in breeding colonies, and is especially relevant when attempting to eliminate specific pathogens from a population of primates. Numerous strategies have been used to establish such specific pathogen free (SPF) breeding colonies (primarily of macaques), ranging from nursery rearing of neonates to single housing of socially reared yearlings to the rearing of infants in large social groups. All these strategies attempt to balance the effects of the chosen socialization strategy on parameters related to disease transmission, including the ultimate elimination of the target pathogens. Such strategies may affect the overall disease states of NHP breeding colonies through selective breeding processes. This can occur either by creating subpopulations of animals that do not have target diseases (SPF colonies), but may have other issues; or by creating situations in which the "best" animals are sold and the breeding colony is stocked with animals that may be more disease susceptible than those that were sold. The disease states of NHP research colonies also may be affected by selective utilization programs, in which animals removed from the breeding colony for health/behavior reasons, are preferentially chosen for use in scientific investigations. Such utilization criteria raise the question of whether ideal subjects are being chosen for use in research. Finally, captive primate colonies, where both socialization and disease states are intensely managed, may provide opportunities for those testing predictions from models of the interactions of socialization and disease transmission in the evolution of wild populations of NHP. This would be especially true for some extreme conditions of these disease ecology models, given the exceedingly high social densities and levels of pathogen control that exist in many captive nonhuman primate colonies.  相似文献   

目的促进实验猕猴心理康乐,既能减少动物异常行为的发生、获得可靠的科学数据,同时也是实现这一珍贵非人灵长类实验动物福利的重要内容。实验猕猴社会化集群、环境优化、婴猴饲养方式是影响动物心理康乐几个较大的因素,本文对其研究进展进行了综述,对推进我国灵长类实验动物福利具有积极作用。  相似文献   

Although the metabolic cage is commonly used for housing nonhuman animals in the laboratory, it has been recognized as constituting a unique stressor. Such an environment would be expected to affect behavioral change in animals housed therein. However, few studies have specifically addressed the nature or magnitude of this change. The current study sought to characterize the behavioral time budget of rats in metabolic cage housing in comparison to that of individually housed animals in standard open-top cages. Rats in metabolic cages spent less time moving, manipulating enrichment, and carrying out rearing behaviors, and there was a corresponding shift toward inactivity. In an applied Social Interaction Test, behavioral scoring implied that metabolic cage housing had an anxiogenic effect. In conclusion, metabolic cage housing produces measurable effects on spontaneous and evoked behavior in rats in the laboratory. These behavioral changes may lead to a negative emotional state in these animals, which could have negative welfare consequences. Further research is needed to quantify the existence and magnitude of such an effect on rat well being.  相似文献   

The effects of human and nonhuman primate interactions on the well-being of captive nonhuman primates have been studied less rigorously than other forms of environmental improvement. Human intervention might be used to moderate severe aggression of socially housed animals at feeding times, one of the most common behavioral management problems. In this study, positive reinforcement training techniques were applied to reduce a dominant male chimpanzee's aggression and chasing during meals. Verbal commands and food reinforcers were used to train him to sit and remain seated while other group members received and ate their share of produce. Observational data were collected recording all instances of agonism in the group during periods when meals were fed and during times when no meals were offered, both before and after the training was accomplished. Multivariate analysis of variance for repeated measures results indicated that the training program successfully reduced the group's incidence of displaying, submission, and aggression during feeding periods. This effect was specific to the times meals were fed; there was no generalized reduction in the group's agonism after the training. This study exemplifies the use of positive reinforcement techniques to modify chimpanzee social dynamics during a problematic situation and of observational data to evaluate quantitatively the behavioral effects of the training. Training can be employed to help solve behavioral management problems among socially housed animals, and it can help improve the psychological well-being of captive chimpanzees. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent research has indicated that old, individually housed monkeys show little interest in novel objects. Yet unanswered is whether this effect is caused primarily by age or housing condition. The purpose of this study was to assess the role of social living in promoting responsiveness to objects. We measured the rates of object manipulation in older animals, assessed responsiveness over time to particular objects as a measure of habituation, and examined social influences on object use. Several social groups of rhesus monkeys that contained older adults were studied. These groups were housed in indoor pens or in an outdoor enclosure, and all monkeys had continuous access to a variety of objects in their home environment. In contrast to previous studies of individually housed monkeys, our group-housed monkeys showed sustained interest in objects. Old monkeys manipulated objects extensively, and this response was all the more significant, given that the objects were not novel. Monkeys housed in an outdoor enclosure showed object manipulation patterns that were not different from monkeys housed in indoor pens. However, females exhibited much higher object-related responses than males. Social facilitation played a role in the reactions of some monkeys to objects. Patterns of social facilitation as well as avoidance were present in two of the three indoor groups that were observed. Failure to manipulate objects in rhesus macaques appears to be more a function of individual housing than of old age. Factors such as environmental complexity, social needs, and early experience should be considered in order to understand why individually housed rhesus monkeys are unresponsive to objects. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A variety of psychosocial factors have been shown to influence immunological responses in laboratory primates. The present investigation examined the effects of social housing condition on cell-mediated immune responses, comparing rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in three housing conditions (single, pair, and group). Subjects included 12 adults of both sexes in each housing condition (N=36). Multiple blood samples (0, 4, 8, and 12 months) were collected for immunological analyses, including lymphocyte subsets, lymphocyte proliferation to pathogens and nonspecific mitogens, natural killer cell activity, and cytokine production. CD4(+) to CD8(+) ratios differed significantly across housing conditions and singly caged subjects had significantly lower CD4(+)/CD8(+) after the 4-month timepoint than did socially housed (pair and group) subjects. CD4(+) to CD8(+) ratios were positively correlated within subjects, suggesting a trait-like aspect to this parameter. Lymphocyte proliferation responses to all four gastrointestinal pathogens differed across housing conditions (at least at the 0.08 level), as did proliferation responses to StaphA, and the production of cytokines (IFN-gamma, IL-2, and IL-10). Proliferation responses of singly caged monkeys did not differ from socially housed monkeys and the highest levels of both IFN-gamma and IL-10 were produced by group housed subjects. The data demonstrate that social housing condition affects immune responses. While not unidirectional, these effects generally suggest enhanced immune responses for socially housed animals. Since rhesus monkeys live socially in nature, and the immune responses of singly housed animals differed from those housed socially, there is considerable motivation and justification for suggesting that the use of singly housed rhesus macaques may complicate interpretations of normal immunological responses. This may have important implications for the management, treatment, and selection of primate subjects for immunological studies.  相似文献   

Animal welfare regulations in the United States require that nonhuman primate environmental enhancement plans be made in accordance with currently accepted professional standards; however, little information is available for quantifying common practice. Here we report the results of a 2003 survey that was sent to individuals overseeing enrichment programs at a variety of primate research institutions. The surveys requested information on program administration and management, implementation standards, procedures, and constraints pertaining to major categories of environmental enrichment, as well as intervention plans for animals exhibiting behavioral pathologies. Data were obtained on the management of 35,863 primates in 22 facilities. Behavioral scientists performed program oversight at the majority of facilities. Most programs reported recent changes, most commonly due to external site visits, and least commonly resulting from internal review. Most facilities' institutional animal care and use committees (IACUCs) included of individuals with behavioral expertise, and about two-thirds reported that enrichment issues could influence research protocol design. While most primates were reported to be housed socially (73%), social housing for indoor-housed primates appears to have changed little over the past 10 years. Research protocol issues and social incompatibility were commonly cited constraints. Implementation of feeding, manipulanda, and structural enrichment was relatively unconstrained, and contributions to these aspects of behavioral management generally included individuals in a wide variety of positions within a facility. In contrast, enrichment devices were used on a less widespread basis within facilities, and positive reinforcement programs that involved dedicated trainers were rare. We suggest that altering the role of the IACUC would be a productive avenue for increasing the implementation of social housing, and that an emphasis on prevention rather than intervention against behavioral pathology is warranted. The data from this survey may be useful for anticipating future program evaluations, establishing more effective internal evaluations, and assessing program progress and resource allocation.  相似文献   

The 1985 amendment to the United States Animal Welfare Act (AWA) to promote psychological well being of primates in the laboratory represents an acknowledgment of an important welfare problem concerning nonhuman animals. How effective has this amendment been? Perhaps the best-known contributor to psychological distress in primates in the laboratory is nonsocial housing; yet, available analyses suggest that little progress has been made in avoiding single-caging of these animals. Another way to assess psychological well being is to examine rates of self-abusive behavior in laboratory primates. If the AWA has been effective, then post-AWA self-harm rates might be lower than pre-AWA rates. However, when we attempted to determine those rates from published studies, data were too sparse to allow a rigorous statistical analysis; of 139 studies reporting primate self-harming behavior, only 9 contained data allowing estimation of self-harming behavior rates. We conclude that the current system of laboratory animal care and record keeping is inadequate to properly assess AWA impacts on primate psychological well being and that more is required to ensure the psychological well being of primates.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that in some circumstances, zoo visitors may be aversive stimuli to nonhuman animals housed in zoos. Yet, most previous research has focused on primates with little attention given to numerous other species who are housed in zoos. The focus animal of this project was the cockatoo, a species who has received minimal attention in zoo-based research. Furthermore, although the influence of the zoo setting has become increasingly important in visitor effect studies, this is the 1st study to quantify the effect of activity at a children's playground on zoo animals. There was an investigation on the effect of a zoo playground on the behavior of citron-crested and Moluccan cockatoos (Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata and Cacatua moluccensis), as well as the effect of children standing in front of the birds' aviaries. The results showed that in some circumstances, the Moluccan cockatoos retreated from visitors, while the citron-crested cockatoos did not retreat from visitors and became more social in the presence of visitors. These findings highlight the importance of careful selection of species and individual animals to be housed near zoo playgrounds.  相似文献   

Investigators have an obligation to promote the psychological well-being of nonhuman primates used in research. Considerable emphasis has been placed on providing nonhuman primates with enriched environments as a means to achieve this objective. A framework is provided that consists of a set of hypotheses about well-being, and the extent to which exposure to various enrichment devices and procedures actually promotes well-being is evaluated. Two hypotheses are concerned with fostering species-typical behavior: use (versus nonuse) of the enrichment, and whether use of enrichment helps normalize other aspects of the behavioral repertoire. Two additional hypotheses are concerned with abnormal behavior: whether currently existing enrichment lowers levels of abnormal behavior, and whether it prevents the behavior. This framework is applied to various enrichment strategies ranging from toys and foraging devices to social interaction. Most devices are used by nonhuman primates and thus constitute an important way to enrich the captive environment. However, enrichment devices vary as to their effectiveness in normalizing the behavioral repertoire and eliminating abnormal behavior. Only social contact satisfies the goal of promoting a wide variety of species-typical activities while at the same time reducing or preventing the development of abnormal behavior.  相似文献   

Enhancing the psychological well-being of laboratory animals has received much attention recently. Although many studies have been undertaken to determine the effects of cage enrichment techniques on dogs and nonhuman primates, other than scant empirical observations, little has been done to measure these events objectively in lagomorphs. We studied adult female New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits to learn if, when given the opportunity, individual rabbits would use different enrichment objects placed in their cages, and to determine if rabbits preferred to be in proximity to one another, or apart. Three different objects were evaluated with eight rabbits individually housed in conventional cages. Each object introduced into individual rabbit cages stimulated substantial interaction, especially chewing behavior. Eight other rabbits were pair-housed in a modified caging system with a special access port between two separate cages. When given a choice, rabbits preferred to be in the same cage with other rabbits. In both studies, individual behaviors were monitored, as well as either the type of interaction and percentage of observations spent with each object or, in the housing study, percentage of observations involved with different types of activity, and relative location of the paired rabbits.  相似文献   

Certain types of inanimate environmental enrichment have been shown to positively affect the behavior of laboratory primates, as has housing them in appropriate social conditions. While social housing is generally advocated as an important environmental enhancement, few studies have attempted to measure the influence of social conditions on the effects of inanimate enrichment or to compare the relative merits of social and inanimate enhancements. In the present study, inanimate enrichment (predominately physical and feeding enhancements) resulted in increased species-typical behavior for socially restricted subjects. However, social enrichment (living in groups) appeared to be more beneficial for young rhesus monkeys, leading to increased species-typical activities and decreased abnormal activities. The behavior of one cohort of yearling rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) housed in small peer groups was compared with the behavior of four yearling cohorts housed in single cages. Half the animals in each cohort received a three-phase enrichment program and the rest served as controls. Group-housed yearlings spent significantly more time feeding and exploring and significantly less time behaving abnormally, self-grooming, and drinking than did singly housed yearlings. Enriched subjects spent significantly more time playing by themselves, and significantly less time self-grooming and exploring than did controls. Among group-housed subjects only, there were no differences between enriched and control monkeys. Captive primates should be housed socially, whenever appropriate, as the first and most important step in an enrichment program, with the provision of inanimate enhancements being considerably less important. Limited resources for inanimate enrichment programs instead should be focused on those individuals who can not be housed socially. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Social communication by means of odor signals is widespread among mammals. In pigs, for example, the C19-steroids 5-alpha-androst-16-en-3-one and 5-alpha-androst-16-en-3-ol are secreted by the boar and induce the mating stance in the sow. In humans, the same substances have been shown to be compounds of body odor and are presumed to affect human behavior. Using an instrumental conditioning paradigm, we here show that squirrel monkeys, spider monkeys and pigtail macaques are able to detect androstenone at concentrations in the micromolar range and thus at concentrations at least as low as those reported in pigs and humans. All three species of nonhuman primates were considerably less sensitive to androstenol, which was detected at concentrations in the millimolar range. Additional tests, using a habituation-dishabituation paradigm, showed that none of the 10 animals tested per species was anosmic to the two odorous steroids. These results suggest that androstenone and androstenol may be involved in olfactory communication in the primate species tested and that the specific anosmia to these odorants found in approximately 30% of human subjects may be due to their reduced number of functional olfactory receptor genes compared with nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Primates have long been a favorite subject of evolutionary biologists, and in recent decades, have come to play an increasingly important role in biomedical research, including comparative genetics and phylogenetics. The growing list of annotated genome databases from nonhuman primate species is expected to aid in these endeavors, allowing many analyses to be performed partially or even entirely in silico. However, whole genome sequence data are typically derived from only one, or at best a few, individuals. As a consequence, information in the databases does not capture variation within species or populations, nor can the sequence of one individual be taken as representative across all loci. Furthermore, the vast majority of primate species have not been sequenced, and only a small percentage of species are currently slated for whole genome sequencing efforts. Finally, for many species data on patterns and levels of RNA expression will be lacking. Thus, there will continue to be a demand for samples from nonhuman primates as raw material for genetic and phylogenetic analyses. Gathering such samples can be complicated, with many legal and practical barriers to obtaining samples in the field or transporting samples between research centers and across borders. Here, we provide basic but critical advice for those initiating studies requiring genetic material from nonhuman primates, including some guidance on how to locate and obtain samples, brief overviews of common protocols for handling and processing samples, and a table of useful links for locating resources related to the acquisition of samples. We also advocate for the creation of curated banks of nonhuman primate samples, particularly renewable sources of genetic material such as immortalized cell lines or fibroblasts, to reduce the need for repeated or redundant sampling from living animals.  相似文献   

类社会行为的局限及可能原因。目前,对非人灵长类社会中的亲缘选择研究正逐步深入,其中分子遗传学技术的应用是重要的推动力量。同时,依然存在诸如汉密尔顿规则参数估计和新大陆猴的亲缘选择研究案例的难点,有待研究者进一步探究。  相似文献   

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