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Spermiogenesis in the proteocephalidean cestode Barsonella lafoni de Chambrier et al., 2009 shows typical characteristics of the type I spermiogenesis. These include the formation of distal cytoplasmic protrusions forming the differentiation zones, lined by cortical microtubules and containing two centrioles. An electron-dense material is present in the apical region of the differentiation zone during the early stages of spermiogenesis. Each centriole is associated to a striated rootlet, being separated by an intercentriolar body. Two free and unequal flagella originate from the centrioles and develop on the lateral sides of the differentiation zone. A median cytoplasmic process is formed between the flagella. Later these flagella rotate, become parallel to the median cytoplasmic process and finally fuse proximodistally with the latter. It is interesting to note that both flagellar growth and rotation are asynchronous. Later, the nucleus enlarges and penetrates into the spermatid body. Finally, the ring of arching membranes is strangled and the young spermatozoon is detached from the residual cytoplasm.The mature spermatozoon presents two axonemes of the 9 + ‘1’ trepaxonematan pattern, crested body, parallel nucleus and cortical microtubules, and glycogen granules. Thus, it corresponds to the type II spermatozoon, described in almost all Proteocephalidea. The anterior extremity of the gamete is characterized by the presence of an apical cone surrounded by the lateral projections of the crested body. An arc formed by some thick and parallel cortical microtubules appears at the level of the centriole. They surround the centriole and later the first axoneme. This arc of electron-dense microtubules disorganizes when the second axoneme appears, and then two parallel rows of thin cortical microtubules are observed. The posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits some cortical microtubules. This type of posterior extremity has never been described in proteocephalidean cestodes. The ultrastructural features of the spermatozoon/spermiogenesis of the Proteocephalidea species are analyzed and compared.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Diplodiscus subclavatus begins with the formation of the zone of differentiation presenting two centrioles associated with striated roots and an intercentriolar body. The latter presents seven electron-dense layers with a fine central plate and three plates on both sides. The external pair of these electron-dense layers is formed by a granular row. Each centriole develops into a free flagellum, both of them growing orthogonally in relation to the median cytoplasmic process. After the flagellar rotation and before the proximodistal fusion of both flagella with the median cytoplasmic process four attachment zones were already observed in several cross-sections indicating the area of fusion. Spinelike bodies are also observed in the differentiation zone before the fusion of flagella. Finally, the constriction of the ring of arched membranes gives rise to the young spermatozoon that detaches from the residual cytoplasm. The mature spermatozoon of D. subclavatus shows all the classical characters observed in Digenea spermatozoa such as two axonemes of different length of the 9+"1" trepaxonematan pattern, nucleus, mitochondrion, two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules and granules of glycogen. However, some peculiarities such as a well-developed lateral expansion associated with external ornamentation of the plasma membrane and spinelike bodies combined with their area of appearance distinguish the ultrastructural organization of the sperm cells of D. subclavatus from those of other digeneans.  相似文献   

Mature sperm has two axonemes of the 9 + '1' pattern incorporated in the sperm body, a row of peripheral microtubules interrupted along part of the sperm by the axonemes, some microtubules in the interior of the sperm and a long lateral extension (lobe) of the sperm body, an elongate nucleus and mitochondrion, and many dense rod-like structures. A supporting rod extends underneath a specialized region consisting of alternating thin and thick transverse rows of irregular dense patches, and with surface ridges around (all or) most of the surface of the sperm. Primary spermatocytes in the prophase of the first meiotic division have synaptonemal complex(es), and are rich in mitochondria. In early spermiogenesis, mitochondria are arranged around the surface of the nucleus, a dense layer appears at one pole of the nucleus, close to an apposed dense layer at the cell membrane in which a row of microtubules develops. The intercentriolar (= central) body develops close to the nucleus. The fully developed intercentriolar body has a regular striation and is located perpendicular and close to the surface of the nucleus. Two flagella extend into the space surrounding the outgoing median process, their basal bodies are located perpendicular to the intercentriolar body and their cross-striated rootlets extend along the surface of the rounded nucleus. At a later stage, rootlets and flagella become more parallel with the intercentriolar body, the nucleus and the fused mitochondria migrate into the median process, and the flagella become incorporated into the median process (= sperm body). The outgrowing spermatozoa are connected to the cytoplasm of the cytophore by dense arching membranes. Finally, rootlets of flagella are resorbed and the spermatozoa are pinched off close to the basal bodies. Two species (Lobatostoma and Multicotyle) of the same family differ strongly in the type of spermiogenesis, although their mature sperm is of the same basic type, i.e. spermiogenesis is not necessarily more useful for phylogenetic considerations than sperm structure.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Robphildollfusium fractum begins with the formation of a differentiation zone containing: two centrioles, each bearing striated rootlets, nucleus, several mitochondria and an intercentriolar body constituted by seven electron-dense layers. The two centrioles originate two free flagella growing orthogonally to the median cytoplasmic process. Later, the free flagella rotate and undergo proximodistal fusion with the median cytoplasmic process. Nuclear and mitochondrial migrations occur before this proximodistal fusion. Finally, the young spermatozoon detaches from the residual cytoplasm after the constriction of the ring of arched membranes. The spermatozoon of R. fractum exhibits two axonemes of different length of the 9 + ‘1’ trepaxonematan pattern, nucleus, two mitochondria, two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules, external ornamentation of the plasma membrane, spine-like bodies and granules of glycogen. Additionally, a shorter axoneme, which does not reach the nuclear region, the presence of an electron-dense material in the anterior spermatozoon extremity and the morphologies of both spermatozoon extremities characterize the mature sperm of R. fractum.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon of Crepidostomum metoecus, an intestinal parasite of brown trout Salmo trutta, were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis begins with the formation of a differentiation zone in front of 2 centrioles associated by an intercentriolar body. Each centriole is linked to a striated rootlet, and gives rise to a flagellum. The rotation of flagella is greater than 90 degrees; their fusion with the median cytoplasmic extension is proximodistal and asynchronous. The spermatozoon is formed after constriction of arched membranes. The spermatozoon possesses 2 axonemes of the 9 + "1" pattern, a nucleus, mitochondria, and glycogen. A major feature is the presence, in the anterior part, of external ornamentation and a lateral expansion associated with spinelike bodies. Another attribute is the presence of 2 mitochondria rather than just 1, as in most of the digenean spermatozoa. To our knowledge, this study is the first undertaken with a species of the Allocreadiidae.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermiogenic stages and spermatozoa of representatives of two gymnotiform families, Gymnotus cf. anguillaris (Gymnotidae) and Brachyhypopomus cf. pinnicaudatus (Hypopomidae) were studied. Spermiogenesis of both species is characterized by lateral development of the flagellum and formation of a nuclear fossa. Some differences were found between these species, such as whether (B. cf. pinnicaudatus) or not (G. cf. anguillaris) nuclear rotation occurs, permanence of the cytoplasmic channel, and type and localization of the nuclear fossa. In the G. cf. anguillaris spermatozoon the nucleus is spherical with highly condensed chromatin. The nuclear fossa is shallow and lateral and is associated with the centriolar complex through stabilizing fibrils. The midpiece is short, with many vesicles, a cytoplasmic channel, and elongate mitochondria. In the B. cf. pinnicaudatus spermatozoon the ovoid nucleus is elongated lateral and posterior to the centriolar complex, and has highly condensed chromatin. The eccentric nuclear fossa is of the moderate type, and contains the entire centriolar complex. The midpiece is long, with numerous vesicles, elongate mitochondria, and no cytoplasmic channel. In both species the flagella are laterally disposed in relation to the nucleus and comprise of the classical 9+2 axoneme. Most of the characteristics found in the spermatozoa of these two species of Gymnotiformes are shared with species of Characiformes, whereas only a few are also found in Siluriformes. This suggests that Gymnotiformes and Characiformes may be more closely related than previously proposed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and the main characters of the mature spermatozoon of Troglotrema acutum are described by means of transmission electron microscopy. Specimens were obtained from the nasolacrimal sinuses of an American mink (Mustela vison). Spermiogenesis in T. acutum follows the general pattern of digeneans. The zone of differentiation is a conical-shaped area bordered by cortical microtubules and delimited at its base by a ring of arched membranes. This area contains 2 centrioles associated with striated rootlets and an intercentriolar body between them. The centrioles develop 2 free flagella that grow ortogonally to the median cytoplasmic process. The posterior flagellar rotation and proximodistal fusion of the free flagella with the median cytoplasmic process originate the spermatozoon. The mature spermatozoon of T. acutum is characterized by the presence of 2 axonemes of different lengths presenting the 9+'1' trepaxonematan pattern, 2 bundles of parallel cortical microtubules, 2 mitochondria, a nucleus, and granules of glycogen. These ultrastructural characters are compared with other digenean species previously studied and the importance of different spermatological features is discussed.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis of Corallobothrium solidum Fritsch 1886, has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The zone of differentiation contains the two centrioles, each with one thin root, being orientated in the same plane only when a single intercentriolar body (ICB) appears between them. A median cytoplasmic process (MCP) develops distally to the two flagella, which are of unequal length, get longer and rotate towards the MCP. The nucleus penetrates into the spermatid body after the fusion of both flagella with the MCP has started. Flagellar roots occur occasionally in some spermatids. New for the Eucestoda are the following findings: 1. cortical microtubules (CMs) are arranged in two short parallel rows in one‐axoneme region of some spermatids; 2. the crested body of spermatid consists either of electron‐dense tubular elements and interposes itself between CMs, or it is rather homogeneous and situated more peripherally above one continuous semicircle of CMs. The present results support previous data that the type of spermiogenesis in proteocephalideans resembles mostly that observed in tetraphyllideans (Onchobothriidae and Phyllobothriidae), thus supporting the view of a close phylogenetic relationship of tetraphyllidean and proteocephalidean cestodes.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis and ultrastructure of spermatozoon of Nicolla wisniewskii (Digenea, Opecoelidae), an intestinal parasite of Salmo trutta, were studied by electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis follows the general pattern found in the Digenea. It begins with the formation of a differentiation zone, including striated rootlets associated with 2 centrioles and an intercentriolar body. The flagella undergo a rotation of greater than 90 degrees. Then, their fusion with the median cytoplasmic process is proximodistal and asynchronous. A peculiarity was observed before the fusion of flagella, i.e., the attachment zones joined as 2 pairs by an electron-dense bridge. The mature spermatozoon is characterized by 2 axonemes, cortical microtubules, a nucleus, 2 mitochondria, external ornamentation, and spinelike bodies. At the posterior end of flagella, the spermatozoon is also characterized by the presence of a central element of the axoneme and without the 9 microtubule doublets. These results were compared with those of the other digeneans and, in particular, with other species of Opecoelidae. It appears that the number of cortical microtubules and their localization in the spermatozoon may be an interesting feature of their phylogeny.  相似文献   

The reinvestigation of spermiogenesis in the proteocephalidean cestode Proteocephalus longicollis (Zeder, 1800) provides new details that were not described previously for this species. The 2 centrioles with roots are oriented at the first tangential to the long axis of the nucleus in a differentiation zone. They come to be arranged in the same plane only when a single intercentriolar body (ICB) appears between them. The ICB had been described previously as consisting of a number of dense elements (Swiderski, 1985) but, in the present study, appeared as a single, electron-dense plate. Also new for this species is the observation of 2 arching membranes that appear at the base of the differentiation zone only when the 2 flagella rotate toward the median cytoplasmic protrusion. Moreover, the formation of a crested body is described for the first time in P. longicollis. The present data support the suggestion that the process of spermiogenesis in proteocephalidean tapeworms corresponds in most features to that observed in some members of the unrelated tetraphyllidean clades, the Onchobothriidae and Phyllobothriidae. This may represent more evidence regarding the close relationship between tetraphyllidean and proteocephalidean cestodes, but existing information is fragmentary and controversial in some characters.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Mesostoma viaregginum begins with the formation of a zone of differentiation containing striated rootlets, two centrioles, and an intercentriolar body in-between. These centrioles generate two parallel free-flagella with the 9+“1” pattern of the Trepaxonemata growing out in opposite directions. Spermatid differentiation is characterised by a 90° latero-ventral rotation of flagella and a subsequent disto-proximal centriolar rotation, with a distal cytoplasmic projection. The former rotation involves the compression of a row of cortical microtubules and allows recognising a flagellar side and an aflagellar side in the late spermatid and in the mature spermatozoon. At the end of the differentiation, centrioles and microtubules lie parallel to the spermatid axis. The disto-proximal centriolar rotation is proposed as a synapomorphy for the Rhabdocoela. The modifications of the intercentriolar body during spermiogenesis and the migration of the nucleus and the centrioles towards the cytoplasmic distal projection are also described. The mature spermatozoon of M. viaregginum is filiform and tapered at both ends and presents many features found in the Rhabdocoela gametes. The nucleus disappears before the flagellar insertion and a density gradient of mitochondria is observed along the sperm axis. The anterior end of the spermatozoon of M. viaregginum is characterised by a tapering capped by a membrane expansion. This study has enabled us to describe precisely the orientation of spermatozoa in the Rhabdocoela in general: the centriolar extremity is proposed as the anterior one for the Rhabdocoela.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis and the ultrastructural features of the spermatozoon of Diphyllobothrium latum (Cestoda, Pseudophyllidea) are described using transmission electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis is characterized by the development of two flagella of unequal length that grow asynchronously. When the first growing flagellum starts to rotate, the second one develops. Flagellar rotation is thus asymmetric and asynchronic. It is followed by proximodistal fusion with the median cytoplasmic process. Electron-dense material is present in the apical region of the zone of differentiation in the early stages of spermiogenesis. The intercentriolar body consists of seven plates: three are electron-dense. Four attachment zones occur in the median cytoplasmic process. An atypical arrangement of striated roots was occasionally observed. The mature spermatozoon possesses two axonemes of 9 + "1" trepaxonematan pattern, nucleus, cortical microtubules, electron-dense granules, and lacks mitochondria. The ultrastructure of the anterior extremity of the spermatozoon in D. latum clearly differs from that in the bothriocephalid pseudophyllideans, mainly in the absence of a crested body and a ring of electron-dense tubular structures. The spermatological data support the assumption that the order Pseudophyllidea is formed by two unrelated clades, "Bothriocephalidea" and "Diphyllobothriidea."  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis in Microcotyle sp. a microcotylid monogenean parasite from the gills of Hypostomus sp., are described. The spermatogonia were irregularly shaped, forming a peripheral layer of cells; spermatocytes were larger than spermatogonia and a nuclear synaptonemal complex was observed; young spermatids were joined by a central cytophore forming rosettes. Spermiogenesis was characterized by the outgrowth of a cytoplasmic protuberance, the zone of differentiation, containing the basal bodies, separated by an intercentriolar body, from which flagella grow out and fuse posteriorly with the median process. Cross sections of the anterior and the middle regions of spermatozoa revealed nuclei, mitochondria, peripheral microtubules, and paired axonemes each with a 9+1 pattern.  相似文献   

This article presents the scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the spermatozoa and sperm packets of three inseminating species of the glandulocaudine tribe Xenurobryconini. All three species, Scopaeocharax rhinodus, Tyttocharax cochui, and T. tambopatensis produce unencapsulated sperm packets (= spermatozeugmata) of similar morphology. The external anterior surface of each spermatozeugma is comprised of elongate sperm heads arranged in parallel, and the posterior part is made up of tightly packed flagella. The interior of the anterior portion consists of alternating layers of sperm heads and flagella. The remarkable integrity of each packet appears to be maintained through an electron-dense secretion seen among all parts of the cells. Spermatozeugma formation takes place within the spermatocysts at the end of spermiogenesis and at spermiation fully formed packets are released. Morphology of the mature spermatozoa was similar in all three species. Each nucleus is elongate, flattened along most of its length, and tapers at either end. The two centrioles are nearly parallel to one another and are located just anterior to the nucleus. Elongate mitochondria are located along the nucleus. The single flagellum, which lacks axonemal fins, is initially contained within a short cytoplasmic collar. Accessory microtubules run parallel to the long axis of the nucleus just beneath the plasma membrane. During spermiogenesis, no nuclear rotation occurs and the cytoplasmic canal containing the flagellum elongates along with the nucleus. However, prior to spermiation all but the anterior portion of the collar degenerates. The sperm modifications observed in these species are discussed as adaptations to the unique reproductive habit of insemination.  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure of four acotylean (Idioplana atlantica, Armatoplana leptalea, Styloplanocera fasciata, Melloplana ferruginea) and three cotylean polyclads (Pseudoceros bicolor, Phrikoceros mopsus, Enchiridium evelinae) was investigated. All spermatozoa are biflagellate, exhibiting a 9+"1" axoneme pattern. All acotylean axonemes originate and extend within the sperm shaft, and once exiting the shaft, remain attached to it. The flagella of all cotylean spermatozoa exit the shaft immediately and remain free. Structures shared by all species include: an elongated nucleus, in acotyleans located only in the posterior part of the shaft, whereas in cotyleans it extends along the entire sperm body; mitochondria along with small and large dense bodies arranged in a specific pattern; and a ring of microtubules that extends along the entire sperm shaft just beneath the cell membrane. A unique spermatozoon has been found in E. evelinae, where round vesicle-like structures fill the anterior part of the nucleus, and a different type of large dense bodies is present. The spermatozoa of all studied species exhibit numerous characters (axoneme/flagella position, distribution and position of large and small dense bodies, of mitochondria, presence of nuclear vesicles) that may be of phylogenetic value at the family and higher taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis and the ultrastructural organization of the spermatozoon of the digenean Neoapocreadium chabaudi are described by means of transmission electron microscopy.Spermiogenesis follows the usual pattern found in the digeneans. It begins with the formation of a zone of differentiation bordered by cortical microtubules, characterized by the presence of an intercentriolar body composed of seven electron-dense plates situated between two striated rootlets and two centrioles. These centrioles give rise to two free flagella. Later, both flagella undergo a rotation of 90° and fuse with the median cytoplasmic process. Spermiogenesis finishes when the ring of arched membranes constricts. The mature spermatozoon of N. chabaudi is characterized by the presence of 2 axonemes of different lengths presenting the 9 + “1” trepaxonematan pattern, 2 bundles of parallel cortical microtubules, 2 mitochondria, a nucleus, and granules of glycogen. Nevertheless, several characters such as the morphology of sperm extremities and the presence of spinelike bodies allow us to distinguish N. chabaudi from other digenetic trematodes. The present paper provides the first ultrastructural results of a digenean belonging to the family Apocreadiidae that may be useful for the understanding of digenean relationships and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis and spermatozoa were studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy in Troglocaridicolasp., a scutariellid epizoic on a cavernicolous freshwater shrimp. Spermiogenesis involves elongation of the spermatid in which the nucleus elongates, but remains close to the common cytoplasmic mass. Flagella first grow in opposite direction and at a right angle to the cytoplasmic shaft, and centrioles show associate structures. Later, the two centrioles rotate and the flagella emerge parallel, but still perpendicular to the shaft. An apical process elongates at the extremity of the spermatid shaft. The spermatozoon shows active flagellar beating and undulations of the sperm body. The spermatozoon comprises an anterior ‘corkscrew’ region, the flagellar insertion region, a cytoplasmic region and a posterior nuclear region. The corkscrew contains an electron dense structure, not membrane-bound, originating from the apical process of the spermatid. The flagella show the 9+‘1’ pattern, usual in Platyhelminthes. The cytoplasmic and nuclear regions show a cortical row of about 50 twisted longitudinal microtubules surrounding a row of electron dense, and not membrane-bound, 25-nm granules. These granules are original structures and seem to be known only in a few Platyhelminthes species in which a non-flagellar movement of the spermatozoon occurs. Thus, it is hypothesised that the 25-nm granules play a role in cellular motility. Sperm ultrastructure in Troglocaridicolashows major differences to that in the temnocephalids. It is therefore concluded that the phylogenetic position of the scutariellids within the Temnocephalidea should be reinvestigated.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy and fluorochrome staining with DAPI were used to study the spermatozoa of Colostethus marchesianus from the type locality and Colostethus sp. (aff. marchesianus) from a different locality. The sperm cell of these species resembles those of most neobatrachian species, except for the presence of two complete flagella, a character previously described only for four unrelated anuran species belonging to the families Leptodactylidae, Rhacophoridae and Dendrobatidae. Although very similar, the spermatozoa described here showed slight differences in the length of their nucleus, in the extent of the subacrosomal cone over the nucleus, and in the curvature of the axial fiber seen in cross section. The absence of a juxtaxonemal fiber and the presence of a comma shaped axial fiber seem to be common characteristics of dendrobatid spermatozoa. The minor differences found in our study may indicate that the taxa studied here are distinct species. The evolutionary significance of spermatozoa biflagellarity is still unclear, although the presence of this trait in unrelated groups suggests independent origins.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis and sperm ultrastructure of adult Cyathocephalus truncatus, a member of presumably basal group of "true" cestodes (Eucestoda), have been examined for the first time by using transmission electron microscopy. The process of sperm formation corresponds in basic pattern to that of the Pseudophyllidea. In addition, the 2 pairs of electron-dense attachment zones are present in median cytoplasmic process of C. truncatus. However, mature spermatozoa of C. truncatus differ significantly from those of the pseudophyllideans, especially in the morphology of the proximal and distal spermatozoon extremities. The proximal extremity of the mature spermatozoon lacks a crested body, which is present in more derived cestodes and some pseudophyllideans. The distal end of the mature spermatozoa exhibits different morphology in the gametes from testes and those from receptaculum seminis. New for the Eucestoda is a finding that a lateral cytoplasmic extension creates the distal end of the spermatozoa from testes, resembling sperm of some Monogenea and Digenea. In contrast, the distal extremity of the spermatozoa from receptaculum seminis contains only a nucleus. Despite the above-mentioned peculiarities, the ultrastructural data on sperm/spermiogenesis suggest close relationships of the Spathebothriidea and Pseudophyllidea.  相似文献   

This is the first study investigating spermatogenesis and spermatozoan ultrastructure in the polyclad flatworm Prosthiostomum siphunculus. The testes are numerous and scattered as follicles ventrally between the digestive ramifications. Each follicle contains the different stages of sperm differentiation. Spermatocytes and spermatids derive from a spermatogonium and the spermatids remain connected by intercellular bridges. Chromatoid bodies are present in the cytoplasm of spermatogonia up to spermatids. During early spermiogenesis, a differentiation zone appears in the distal part of spermatids. A ring of microtubules extends along the entire sperm shaft just beneath the cell membrane. An intercentriolar body is present and gives rise to two axonemes, each with a 9 + “1” micro‐tubular pattern. Development of the spermatid leads to cell elongation and formation of a filiform, mature spermatozoon with two free flagella and with cortical microtubules along the sperm shaft. The flagella exit the sperm shaft at different levels, a finding common for acotyleans, but so far unique for cotylean polyclads. The Golgi complex produces numerous electron‐dense bodies of two types and of different sizes. These bodies are located around a perinuclear row of mitochondria. The elongated nucleus extends almost along the entire sperm body. The nucleus is wide in the proximal part and becomes narrow going towards the distal end. Thread‐like chromatin mixed with electron‐dense intranuclear spindle‐shaped bodies are present throughout nucleus. The general sperm ultrastructure, the presence of intranuclear bodies and a second type of cytoplasmic electron‐dense bodies may provide characters useful for phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

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