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The survival rate and reversions to tryptophan-independence of Escherichia coli after XeCl laser irradiation (lambda = 308 nm) within the dose range from 10(3) to 10(5) J/m2 have been studied to show that LD37 is 10(4) J/m2, the survival rate at a maximum dose of 10(5)J/m2 is 1 per cent, and the number of mutants per 10(6) cells survived is 100.  相似文献   

Survival and mutagenic effects of 5-azacytidine in Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D Lal  S Som  S Friedman 《Mutation research》1988,193(3):229-236
Survival and mutagenesis caused by 5-azacytidine was studied in Escherichia coli. Survival was partially lexA- and recA-dependent and was decreased by the presence of a DNA (cytosine-5)methyltransferase. The dcm, MspI, and EcoRII methyltransferase genes all decreased survival. There was no direct relationship between amount of methylase enzyme present and cell survival, but only plasmids containing a methylase gene sensitized cells to 5-azacytidine. Survival was not affected by uvrA, uvrB or umuCD mutations. Induction of sulA::lacZ fusions by 5-azacytidine was inhibited in strains containing elevated levels of DNA methylase. Cells resistant to 5-azacytidine when they contained a plasmid specifying the EcoRII methylase were sensitive if the plasmid specified the complete EcoRII restriction-modification system. The mechanism of cell death in these situations is therefore different. Mutation of the rpoB gene by 5-azacytidine was studied. The mutation rate was decreased by the presence of recA and lexA mutations. Mutation in umuCD had little effect on the mutation rate. The recA430 mutation, which does not support SOS-dependent mutagenesis induced by UV light, does support 5-azacytidine induced mutagenesis. The presence of DNA (cytosine-5)methyltransferase had no effect on the mutation rate caused by 5-azacytidine treatment. The mutagenic and lethal lesions caused by 5-azacytidine in the absence of methylase therefore differ from the lethal lesions that occur in the presence of methylase. The former could be due to the opening of the 5-azacytosine ring in DNA. Cell death in the presence of methylase could be due to tight binding of methylase to azacytosine containing DNA as well as inhibition of induction of the SOS response.  相似文献   

Summary The lethal and mutagenic effects of 5 g/ml N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) were maximal during the nuclear S-period of synchronously grownChlamydomonas reinhardtii. This was revealed by a 50% drop in survival and a 50- to 100-fold increase in the recovery of slow-growth mutants (up to 40% of the survivors) which were first recognized as small colonies on agar medium. Partial characterization of these isolates revealed about 50% to be stable on subculture, and several were demonstrated to be either acetate-dependent, dark-lethal (light-dependent), or acetate-sensitive mutants. There was no significant increase of lethality or of slow-growth mutants correlated with treatment during the chloroplast DNA replication phase of the cell-cycle.The results of genetic analysis with 13 mutants induced during the nuclear S-period were consistent with their nuclear origin. These analyses were hampered by the high proportion of lethality among the progeny of most crosses.It is concluded that the enhanced mutant induction among nuclear S-phase cells may indicate preferential mutagenesis of replication fork DNA and induction of multiple-closely-linked mutations, as in some bacteria. Consequently, forC. reinhardtii, caution should be exercised in drawing relationships between abnormal behavioral and biochemical phenotypes in MNNG-induced mutants.  相似文献   

Summary The lethal and cytoplasmic mutagenic effects of 52°C incubation during the cell cycle of a haploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were examined. Both effects varied periodically in a rather parallel pattern: the maximum thermosensitivity was seen at budding time, corresponding to the S period (Williamson, 1965). The 52°C induction of a nuclear forward mutation was also examined: canavanine-resistant mutants were induced by this treatment. Exponentially growing cells were much more sensitive than resting cells to the different effects of heating which were studied. On the other hand, on comparing asynchronous cultures of 6 different radiosensitive mutants only one (xrs5) showed a greater thermosensitivity than the corresponding wild type.  相似文献   

The genotoxic effect of 8-methoxypsoralen damages (monoadducts and crosslinks) on plasmid DNA was studied. pBR322 DNA was treated with several concentrations of 8-methoxypsoralen plus fixed UVA light irradiation. After transformation into E. coli cells with different repair capacities (uvrA, recA and wild-type), plasmid survival and mutagenesis in ampicillin- and tetracycline-resistant genes were analysed. Results showed that crosslinks were extremely lethal in all 3 strains; indeed, it seemed that they were not repaired even in proficient bacteria. Monoadducts were also found to be lethal although they were removed to some extent by the excision-repair pathway (uvrA-dependent). Damaged plasmid DNA appeared to induce mutagenic repair, but only in the wild-type strain. In order to study the influence of the SOS response on plasmid recovery, preirradiation of the host cells was also performed. Preirradiation of the uvrA or wild-type strains significantly increased plasmid recovery. Consistent with the expectations of SOS repair, no effect was observed in preirradiated recA cells. Plasmid recovery in the excision-deficient strain was mainly achieved by the mutagenic repair of some fraction of the lesions, probably monoadducts. The greatest increase in plasmid recovery was found in the wild-type strain. This likely involved the repair of monoadducts and some fraction of the crosslinks. We conclude that repair in preirradiated repair-proficient cells is carried out mainly by an error-free pathway, suggesting enhancement of the excision repair promoted by the induction of SOS functions.  相似文献   

Lethal Effects of Electric Current on Escherichia coli   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
An attempt has been made to use low-voltage alternating current to kill microorganisms such as Escherichia coli. The bactericidal effect depends on the energy passing through the suspension and on the time during which the cells are left standing in the medium after the treatment. Most of the toxicity is due to an indirect effect developed with unalterable electrodes in the presence of chlorides in the medium. This method might be applied to eliminate pollution of natural waters.  相似文献   

Streptomycin-Suppressible Lethal Mutations in Escherichia coli   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Forty-one mutants have been isolated which require streptomycin for growth on complete medium. These streptomycin-suppressible lethal mutations are located randomly around the Escherichia coli genetic map; during growth in liquid culture, they exhibit a variety of responses to the removal of streptomycin as judged by turbidity, cell morphology, and macromolecular synthesis. In particular, some mutants are primarily affected in protein or ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis (or both), one in deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis, and two in lipid synthesis. Ten mutants affected in protein synthesis were examined for the activities of all twenty aminoacyl-transfer RNA synthetases, and three were found to have altered glutamyl-transfer RNA synthetase activities. The advantages of this method for isolating a wide variety of conditional lethal mutants are discussed.  相似文献   

Sodium nitroprusside and its adenine complex were found to decrease the growth rate of exponentially growing Escherichia coli cultures, and the adenine complex to exert in addition a bactericidal effect. In mutation experiments the latter compound failed to induce base-pair substitutions in the E. coli strains tested but the results do not allow to exclude other mutagenic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Apidaecins, short proline-arginine-rich peptides from insects, are highly bactericidal through a mechanism that includes stereoselective elements but is completely devoid of any pore-forming activity. The spectrum of antibacterial activity, always limited to Gram-negatives, is further dependent on a small number of variable residues and can be manipulated. We show here that mutations in the evolutionary conserved regions result in a more general loss of function, and we have used such analogs to probe molecular interactions in Escherichia coli. First, an assay was developed to measure selectively chiral association with cellular targets. By using this method, we find that apidaecin uptake is energy-driven and irreversible and yet can be partially competed by proline in a stereospecific fashion, results upholding a model of a permease/transporter-mediated mechanism. This putative transporter is not the end point of apidaecin action, for failure of certain peptide analogs to kill cells after entering indicates the existence of another downstream target. Tetracycline-induced loss of bactericidal activity and dose-dependent in vivo inhibition of translation by apidaecin point at components of the protein synthesis machinery as likely candidates. These findings provide new insights into the antibacterial mechanism of a unique group of peptides and perhaps, by extension, for distant mammalian relatives such as PR-39.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin and Escherichia coli, a Lethal Intraperitoneal Combination   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Intraperitoneal injection into mice of approximately 8 x 10(6) washed cells of Escherichia coli suspended in a lysate of washed human red blood cells or an aqueous solution of crystalline hemoglobin was lethal. E. coli suspended in washed intact erythrocytes, whole blood, plasma, or saline was innocuous. Fractionation of non-hemoglobin proteins from hemoglobin in lysates showed that only hemoglobin promoted a lethal infection. Overwhelming intraperitoneal growth of E. coli was attained in about 12 hr in lethal infections. The polymorphonuclear leukocytic response was ineffective against this rapid growth. The lethal mechanism is hypothesized to center on a unique role for free hemoglobin in inhibiting peritoneal absorption and stimulating an intraperitoneal exudate which supports luxuriant bacterial growth. Death is attributed to a lethal intoxication from bacterial endotoxins. This role for hemoglobin involves neither enhanced bacterial virulence nor lowered host resistance, and it would be of importance not only in peritonitis but also in problems where hemolysis and infection coexist.  相似文献   

HpaII methyltransferase is mutagenic in Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A genetic reversion assay to study C-to-T mutations within CG sites in DNA is described. It was used to demonstrate that the presence of HpaII methyltransferase (MTase) in Escherichia coli causes a substantial increase in C-to-T mutations at CG sites. This is similar to the known mutagenic effects of E. coli MTase Dcm within its own recognition sequence. With this genetic system, a homolog of an E. coli DNA repair gene in Haemophilus parainfluenzae was tested for antimutagenic activity. Unexpectedly, the homolog was found to have little effect on the reversion frequency. The system was also used to show that HpaII and SssI MTases can convert cytosine to uracil in vitro. These studies define 5-methylcytosine as an intrinsic mutagen and further elaborate the mutagenic potential of cytosine MTases.  相似文献   

HeLa MR cells were exposed to radiation emitted from a man-made spontaneously fissioning isotope, californium-252. The neutron to gamma-ray ratio in the radiation dose was measured to be 2.0. The extrapolation number of the dose-survival curve was 1.3 and the Do was 200 cGy. A dose-dependent increase in mutation to 6-TGr (6-thioguanine resistant) was observed. The relative biological effectiveness (r.b.e.) for cell killing of the neutrons from 252Cf, calculated relative to high-dose-rate X-rays, was 2.6 at 50 per cent survival. The r.b.e. for mutation induction was 2.7 at a mutation frequency of 5 X 10(-5) per surviving cell.  相似文献   

Overexpression of vsr in Escherichia coli is mutagenic.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Overexpression of vsr in Escherichia coli stimulates transition and frameshift mutations. The pattern of mutations suggests that mutagenesis is due to saturation or inactivation of dam-directed mismatch repair.  相似文献   

Use of nonselective medium for plating cells following mating has revealed that Rec recipient strains of E. coli may be killed as a result of conjugation. Sensitivity of RecA-, RecB-, and RecC- recipients increases with ratio of donor: recipient cells in mating mixtures and with time of mating. A Rec+ recipient shows no lethal zygosis in these experiments performed without aeration. Cell contact does not seem to be responsible for the sensitivity of Rec- strains, since lethality is prevented when cell contact is permitted but DNA transfer is not. Thus, an event(s) occuring subsequent to entry of donor DNA appears to cause lethality in Rec- recipients.  相似文献   

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