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Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) undergo 8- to 11-year population cycles caused by direct and/or interactive effects of overwinter food shortage and predation. However, the demographic significance of food shortage during cyclic population lows remains unclear. I evaluated the importance of overwinter food limitation to the demography (numbers, age and sex ratios) of low-density hare populations during two winters in Manitoba. Also, I examined whether the hypothesized differences in demography of fed and unfed hare populations could be explained by altered movement patterns or social dynamics. Bimonthly live-trapping revealed that food failed to have a direct long-term effect on the number, or change in number, of hares estimated to be on the three supplemented areas, relative to three control areas. Modest numerical responses to supplementation tended to be short-term (i.e., restricted to winter) and related to pre-supplementation densities, with the study area characterized by the highest hare density displaying the strongest and most consistent response to added food. During winter the percentage of females was remarkably variable among study areas and time periods, but added food may have augmented slightly the proportion of females captured in traps. There tended to be slightly more juveniles on supplemented areas during winter periods, and this effect was strongest during the first winter (1991–1992). I found that immigration rates and percentage of hares that were considered to be transient animals were similar on supplemented and control areas, and that spatial distribution of radio-collared animals on versus off of study areas also was similar. Because the overall effect of food on hare populations was small and short-lived, and could be explained largely by small increases in survival and reproduction, I conclude that the study population was not subject to overwinter food limitation. Received: 22 February 1998 / Accepted: 12 February 1999  相似文献   

Summary A snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) population on a 9-ha area was supplied with extra natural food by chopping down large white spruce (Picea glauca) and aspen (Populus tremuloides) trees throughout 3 winters from 1981 to 1984. Hares fed vigorously on the downed trees, but the phase of decline of the ten-year cycle occurred equally on control and experimental grids from 1981–1983, and we could detect no improvement in survival or reproduction on the food area. Growth rates were improved on the food grid during the first winter of the decline (1981–82). We concluded that food shortage is not necessary for the cyclic decline of snowshoe hares in the southern Yukon.  相似文献   

A necessary condition for a snowshoe hare population to cycle is reduced reproduction after the population declines. But the cause of a cyclic snowshoe hare population's reduced reproduction during the low phase of the cycle, when predator density collapses, is not completely understood. We propose that moderate‐severe browsing by snowshoe hares upon preferred winter‐foods could increase the toxicity of some of the hare's best winter‐foods during the following hare low, with the result being a decline in hare nutrition that could reduce hare reproduction. We used a combination of modeling and experiments to explore this hypothesis. Using the shrub birch Betula glandulosa as the plant of interest, the model predicted that browsing by hares during a hare cycle peak, by increasing the toxicity B. glandulosa twigs during the following hare low, could cause a hare population to cycle. The model's assumptions were verified with assays of dammarane triterpenes in segments of B. glandulosa twigs and captive hare feeding experiments conducted in Alaska during February and March 1986. The model's predictions were tested with estimates of hare density and measurements of B. glandulosa twig growth made at Kluane, Yukon from 1988–2008. The empirical tests supported the model's predictions. Thus, we have concluded that a browsing‐caused increase in twig toxicity that occurs during the hare cycle's low phase could reduce hare reproduction during the low phase of the hare cycle.  相似文献   

Prevalence and intensity of the tick, Haemaphysalis leporispalustris, were monitored during 1963 to 1976 in a cyclic snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) population near Rochester, Alberta, Canada. Prevalence was near zero from December through March, and near 100% among adult hares from May through September. Prevalence among juvenile hares approached 100% by age 2 mo. Intensity peaked for both adults and juveniles during May-June and again in August. Mean intensities were significantly higher among adult males than adult females in 5 of 13 yr, and almost significant in two others. Tick intensities were lowest during 3 yr, 1969 to 1971, when hare densities were highest. Tick intensities in spring were correlated with intensities the previous fall. Survival of marked adult and juvenile hares was unrelated to intensities of infestation. Mean numbers of corpora lutea and embryos tended to be lower among adult females with heavy tick infestations, and intra-uterine losses rose steadily from about 3 to 13% as tick intensities increased from none to heavy. Comparison of average tick intensities on adults 1-, 2-, and greater than or equal to 3-yr-old yielded no evidence of increased immunity with age.  相似文献   

1. Survival rates and natalities for a population of snowshoe hares in the Yukon were estimated independently of and simultaneously with estimates of population change during the increase phase of a hare cycle.
2. Simple demographic models are used to show that even though the estimated survival rates and natalities were high relative to previously published estimates, the observed demographic parameters are unable to explain the extent of population increase, and we conclude that some of these parameters must be underestimates.
3. A sensitivity analysis is used to examine the potential influence of changes in these demographic parameters on the population growth rate. During most years of the hare cycle the population growth rate is potentially most sensitive to changes in juvenile postweaning survival. Only during crash years is adult survivorship likely to be a more important determinant of the rate of population change.
4. Examination of previously published data sets on two full population cycles suggests that while survival rates are positively correlated with population growth rates, their incorporation into demographic models results in frequent underestimation of the rate of population increase.  相似文献   

1. Snowshoe hare ( Lepus americanus Erxleben) populations were studied in south-west Yukon during the low phase of the 10-year population cycle. Food availability and predator abundance were manipulated in a factorial design to determine the importance of each factor in hare dynamics during this phase.
2. Food was abundant during the low phase, and snowshoe hares were not food limited.
3. Survival of hares was higher than at any other phase of the cycle, and predators were scarce, but >75% of hare deaths resulted from predation.
4. Food addition resulted in higher hare densities and better body condition than on control sites. There were no observable effects of food addition on population rate of increase, recruitment, survival or age structure.
5. Mammalian predator reduction resulted in higher hare densities, higher survival, better body condition and an older age structure. Relative to control populations, recruitment was lower and population rates of increase similar.
6. The joint manipulation of food addition + predator reduction had greater positive effects on hare density and body condition than either single factor manipulation. Survival was better than on control sites, and the age structure was older than on control sites. Population rates of increase were similar, but recruitment was higher on the control areas.
7. We conclude that snowshoe hare dynamics at the low of the cycle are dominated by the interaction of food and predation. Risk of predation also had indirect effects on snowshoe hare age structure and body condition.  相似文献   

The influence of habitat quality and population density on occupancy dynamics may surpass that of traditional metrics of area and isolation, but often this is not considered explicitly in studies of spatially structured populations. In landscapes that are not easily characterized as binary habitat/non‐habitat (e.g. variegated landscapes), this influence may be even more important and occur at both local and landscape levels. It follows that occupancy dynamics may be driven by disparate processes depending on how extinction or colonization relate to habitat quality and population density. We examined the relative influence of area, structural isolation, habitat quality, local population density, and neighborhood population density (i.e. population density in the landscape around a site) on the probability of extinction and colonization of snowshoe hare Lepus americanus across an expansive forest mosaic landscape (encompassing the northern third of Idaho). Habitat quality and population density were highly influential in determining extinction and colonization, whereas patch area and isolation were much less important. Sites with heavier vegetative cover at the site or landscape‐level were more likely to be colonized and less likely to go extinct, and sites with greater local population density in the previous time step had lower probability of extinction. Sites embedded in high density neighborhoods also were less likely to go extinct, but not more likely to be colonized. We found a significant interaction between local and neighborhood population density on extinction in 1 yr, suggesting that the strength of demographic rescue may vary dependent on local site densities. Our results add to a growing literature showing that factors outside of structural metrics of area and isolation are important drivers of occupancy dynamics. Given the multi‐scaled influence of habitat quality and population density on occupancy dynamics, our work also indicates that research on snowshoe hare must extend beyond simply assessing local factors to understand the spatial dynamics of populations.  相似文献   

Paul C. Griffin  L. Scott Mills 《Oikos》2009,118(10):1487-1498
A full understanding of population dynamics of wide-ranging animals should account for the effects that movement and habitat use have on individual contributions to population growth or decline. Quantifying the per-capita, habitat-specific contribution to population growth can clarify the value of different patch types, and help to differentiate population sources from population sinks. Snowshoe hares, Lepus americanus , routinely use various habitat types in the landscapes they inhabit in the contiguous US, where managing forests for high snowshoe hare density is a priority for conservation of Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis . We estimated density and demographic rates via mark–recapture live trapping and radio-telemetry within four forest stand structure (FSS) types at three study areas within heterogeneous managed forests in western Montana. We found support for known fate survival models with time-varying individual covariates representing the proportion of locations in each of the FSS types, with survival rates decreasing as use of open young and open mature FSS types increased. The per-capita contribution to overall population growth increased with use of the dense mature or dense young FSS types and decreased with use of the open young or open mature FSS types, and relatively high levels of immigration appear to be necessary to sustain hares in the open FSS types. Our results support a conceptual model for snowshoe hares in the southern range in which sink habitats (open areas) prevent the buildup of high hare densities. More broadly, we use this system to develop a novel approach to quantify demographic sources and sinks for animals making routine movements through complex fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Spatial population structure has important ecological and evolutionary consequences. Little is known about the population structure of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), despite their ecological importance in North American boreal forests. We used seven variable microsatellite DNA loci to determine the spatial genetic structure of snowshoe hares near Kluane Lake, Yukon during a cyclic population peak. We sampled 317 hares at 12 sites separated by distances ranging from 3 to 140 km, and used 46 additional samples from Alaska and Montana. The level of genetic variation was high (13.4 alleles/locus, 0.67 expected heterozygosity) and the distribution of alleles and genotypes was not homogeneous across the sites. The degree of differentiation was low among Yukon sites (FST = 0.015) and between Yukon and Alaska (FST = 0.012), but the Montana site was highly differentiated (FST = 0.20). A weak pattern of isolation by distance was found over the Yukon study area, with an indication that local genetic drift may be important in shaping the regional genetic structure. Landscape barriers expected to influence gene flow did not consistently affect genetic structure, although there was evidence for a partial barrier effect of Kluane Lake. The high level of inferred gene flow confirms that snowshoe hare dispersal is widespread, successful and equal between the sexes. A stepping-stone model of gene flow, potentially influenced by the synchronous density cycle, appears to best explain the observed genetic structure. Our results suggest that despite their dramatic fluctuations in density, snowshoe hares in the northern boreal forest have a large evolutionary effective population size and are not strongly subdivided by either physical or social barriers to gene flow.  相似文献   

Mathematical models of the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) and Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) population cycles in the boreal forest have largely focused on the interaction between a single specialist predator and its prey. Here, we consider the role that other hare predators play in shaping the cycles, using a predator–prey model for up to three separate specialist predators. We consider the Canada lynx, coyote (Canis latrans) and great horned owl (Bubo virginianus). Our model improves on past modelling efforts in two ways: (1) our model solutions more closely represent the boreal hare and predator cycles with respect to the cycle period, maximum and minimum hare densities and maximum and minimum predator densities for each predator, and (2) our model sheds light on the role each specialist plays in regulation of the hare cycle, in particular, the dynamics of the raptor appear to be crucial for characterising the low hare densities correctly.  相似文献   

Summary We show that Alaskan woody plants respond to browsing in two ways that might destabilize a plantherbivore interaction and account for snowshoe hare population cycles. (1) Browse production of preferred, earliersuccessional woody plants increases in response to moderate levels of browsing. Such yield increases are potentially destabilizing. Later successional woody plants show decreases in yield after moderate browsing, which is consistent with the persistence of snowshoe hares in late successional refuge habitats (Keith 1966, Wolff 1980). (2) Many woody plants are destructively overbrowsed or girdled at the peak of the snowshoe hare cycle. The more palatable and plastic, early to mid successional plants respond by sprouting accompanied by juvenile reversion. Sprouts are markedly less palatable than mature shoots. We show here that sprout palatability and twig biomass are restored in 2–3 years for earlier successional plants, but palatability may not recover for 4–10 years in sprouts of some mid to late successional plants. The decrease in palatability helps to account for the snowshoe hare crash (assuming that damage to more palatable plants is widespread during the peak), and the 2–3 year time lag for recovery of more palatable species could account for (May 1974) the observed 8–11 year period of the hare cycles. Browse yield increases acting during the snowshoe hare population nadir and increase, and sprouting with juvenile reversion acting during the hare peak and decline can in principle account for the oscillatory nature and the observed 8–11 year periodicity of the snowshoe hare cycle.  相似文献   

G. E. Belovsky 《Oecologia》1984,61(2):150-159
Summary Moose (Alces alces) and snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) appear to compete with each other. This was determined using the natural experiments of populations found in sympatry and allopatry on islands at Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, and manipulated exclosures. The population densities from these areas are fit to a series of competition models based upon different competitive mechanisms (Schoener 1974a), using non-linear regression techniques. A model of competition for food where the food can be separated into exclusively used and shared categories is found to predict observed densities of moose and hare best. Finally, the competition model's parameters (fraction of food shared and competition coefficients) are shown to agree with values predicted independently from a foraging model.  相似文献   

Parasitism in a declining population of snowshoe hares   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prevalence and intensity of six endoparasites were determined in 346 snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) obtained at Rochester, Alberta, during December-April 1981-1982, the second winter of a cyclic population decline. The data were analyzed for (1) differences among host sex and age classes, and among months and sample sources, and (2) evidence that parasitism was of demographic significance to the hare population. Prevalence and intensity of Obeliscoides cuniculi were consistently highest among adult hares, but rose most sharply from February to March among juveniles. In contrast, prevalence and intensity of Nematodirus triangularis were highest among juveniles; prevalence reached 90-100% by January, whereas intensity continued to rise through April. Prevalence and intensity of both Trichuris leporis and Protostrongylus boughtoni were highest also among juvenile hares; neither parameter exhibited a definite trend over time. Prevalences of Taenia pisiformis (cysticerci) and Eimeria spp. were unrelated to sex, age or month; but Taenia intensity was highest among juveniles, and Eimeria intensity tended to decrease from December to April. Intensities of Nematodirus, Protostrongylus and Eimeria were higher in male hares than in females. Prevalence and intensity were correlated directly in Obeliscoides, Nematodirus, Trichuris and Eimeria. Hares that died during trapping and handling, or from natural predation, had greater intensities of Obeliscoides than did animals killed on purpose. There was no indication, however, that risk of death was increased by the other parasitic infections. Age-related immune responses to parasitism (except Obeliscoides) were evidenced by reduced or stabilized prevalence and/or intensity among older hares. A multiple-regression model predicted depressed body weight with increasing intensities of Nematodirus, Trichuris or Protostrongylus. Other body-condition and reproductive indices were unassociated with parasite intensities. Within the hare population, Obeliscoides, Trichuris, Protostrongylus and Taenia had overdispersed distributions (typical of many endoparasites) that did not differ from a negative binomial. The frequency with which each possible combination of helminth species occurred within individual hares was consistent with the assumption that such infections occurred independently. There was no compelling reason to believe parasitism was a significant factor in the overwinter decline of this population of snowshoe hares.  相似文献   

Mortality by moonlight: predation risk and the snowshoe hare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optimal behavior theory suggests that prey animals will reduceactivity during intermittent periods when elevated predationrisk outweighs the fitness benefits of activity. Specifically,the predation risk allocation hypothesis predicts that preyactivity should decrease dramatically at times of high predationrisk if there is high temporal variation in predation risk butshould remain relatively uniform when temporal variation inpredation risk is low. To test these predictions we examinedthe seasonably variable response of snowshoe hares to moonlightand predation risk. Unlike studies finding uniform avoidanceof moonlight in small mammals, we find that moonlight avoidanceis seasonal and corresponds to seasonal variation in moonlightintensity. We radio-collared 177 wild snowshoe hares to estimatepredation rates as a measure of risk and used movement distancesfrom a sample of those animals as a measure of activity. Inthe snowy season, 5-day periods around full moons had 2.5 timesmore predation than around new moons, but that ratio of theincreased predation rate was only 1.8 in the snow-free season.There was no significant increase in use of habitats with morehiding cover during full moons. Snowshoe hares' nightly movementdistances decreased during high-risk full-moon periods in thesnowy season but did not change according to moon phase in thesnow-free season. These results are consistent with the predationrisk allocation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Wild-type recombinants were obtained at high frequency from coinfections of BHK cells involving temperature-sensitive, conditional-lethal mutants of snowshoe hare (SSH) and La Crosse (LAC) bunyaviruses. Analyses of two of the recombinants indicated that they have the genome compositions SSH/LAC/SSH and SSH/LAC/LAC for their respective L, M, and S virion RNA species. This evidence, together with that for the genetic stability of the recombinants, indicates that they were derived by segment reassortment of the competent genome pieces of the parental viruses. The SSH/LAC/SSH recombinant appears, from polypeptide analysis, to have the SSH type of nucleocapsid protein (N), whereas the SSH/LAC/LAC recombinant has the LAC nucleocapsid protein, suggesting that the viral S RNA codes for the N protein.  相似文献   

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