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Norberg, R. Å. (Department of Zoology, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden.) Flight characteristics of two plume moths, Alucita pentadactyla L. and Orneodes hexadactyla L. (Microlepidoptera). Zool. Scripta 1 (6): 241–246,1972.–Multiple exposure photographs of up to 100 exposures/sec were taken on two plume moth species in free, unrestrained flight, in order to determine approximate lift/drag ratios and other functional characteristics of their wings, which are of a remarkable structure for insects of this size. In Alucita the forewing is cleft in two fringed lobes, the hind-wing in three, while in Orneodes both forewing and hindwing are deeply cleft in six very narrow, fringed lobes. Wing stroke frequencies are ca. 33 Hz in A. pentadactyla and ca. 40 Hz in O. hexadactyla. During both the downstroke and the upstroke the fringed wing lobes lie edge against edge, thus forming a continuous wing surface. The upstroke seems to contribute no useful forces in A. pentadactyla, possibly some propulsive force in O. hexadactyla. The wings are strongly supinated in the upstroke to minimize drag. From relative wind diagrams, lift/drag ratios of 1.1 and 1.4 (minimum values) can be read for A. pentadactyla and O. hexadactyla, respectively. It is thus clear that these species do not make more use of drag forces than of lift forces. However, in A. pentadactyla the drag force in the downstroke may be almost as large as the lift force. Since drag certainly is small in the upstroke, the drag force probably contributes significantly to useful forces for flight in A. pentadactyla. These plume moths operate at Reynolds numbers of ca. 700. Reynolds numbers are calculated for very small insects. It is obvious that the wings of the smallest insects must be operating at Reynolds numbers of about 1. The fringed wings of small insects are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Propulsive forces generated by swimmers hand/forearm, have been studied through experimental tests. However, there are serious doubts as to whether forces quantified in this way are accurate enough to be meaningful. In order to solve some experimental problems, some numerical techniques have been proposed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The main purpose of the present work was threefold. First, disseminate the use of CFD as a new tool in swimming research. Second, apply the CFD method in the calculation of drag and lift coefficients resulting from the numerical resolution equations of the flow around the swimmers hand/forearm using the steady flow conditions. Third, evaluate the effect of hand/forearm acceleration on drag and lift coefficients. For these purposes three, two-dimensional (2D), models of a right male hand/forearm were studied. A frontal model (theta = 90 degrees, Phi = 90 degrees) and two lateral models, one with the thumb as leading edge (theta = 0 degrees, = 90 degrees), and the other with the small finger as the leading edge (theta = 0 degrees, Phi = 180 degrees). The governing system of equations considered was the incompressible Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the standard k-epsilon model. The main results reported that, under the steady-state flow condition, the drag coefficient was the one that contributes more for propulsion, and was almost constant for the whole range of velocities, with a maximum value of 1.16 (Cd = 1.16). This is valid when the orientation of the hand/forearm is plane and the model is perpendicular to the direction of the flow. Under the hand /forearm acceleration condition, the measured values for propulsive forces calculation were approximately 22.5% (54.440 N) higher than the forces produced under the steady flow condition (44.428 N). By the results, pointed out, we can conclude that: (i) CFD can be considered an interesting new approach for hydrodynamic forces calculation on swimming, (ii) the acceleration of hand/forearm provides more propulsion to swimmers, confirming that some unsteady mechanism must be present in swimming propulsion.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional finite element model of the biofilm response to flow was developed. The numerical code sequentially coupled the fluid dynamics of turbulent, incompressible flow with the mechanical response of a single hemispherical biofilm cluster (approximately 100 microm) attached to the flow boundary. A non-linear Burger material law was used to represent the viscoelastic response of a representative microbial biofilm. This constitutive law was incorporated into the numerical model as a Prony series representation of the biofilm's relaxation modulus. Model simulations illuminated interesting details of this fluid-structure interaction. Simulations revealed that softer biofilms (characterized by lower elastic moduli) were highly susceptible to lift forces and consequently were subject to even greater drag forces found higher in the velocity field. A bimodal deformation path due to the two Burger relaxation times was also observed in several simulations. This suggested that interfacial biofilm may be most susceptible to hydrodynamically induced detachment during the initial relaxation time. This result may prove useful in developing removal strategies. Additionally, plots of lift versus drag suggested that the deformation paths taken by viscoelastic biofilms are largely insensitive to specific material coefficients. Softer biofilms merely seem to follow the same path (as a stiffer biofilm) at a faster rate. These relationships may be useful in estimating the hydrodynamic forces acting on an attached biofilm based on changes in scale and cataloged material properties.  相似文献   

Large eddy simulations (LESs) are performed to study the flow characteristics around two flight posture models of ski jumping. These models are constructed by three-dimensionally scanning two national-team ski jumpers taking flight postures. The drag and lift forces on each component of a ski jumper and skis (head with helmet and goggle, body, arms, legs and skis) and their lift-to-drag ratios are obtained. For the two posture models, the drag forces on the body, legs and skis are larger than those on the arms and head with helmet and goggle, but the lift forces on the body and skis are larger than their drag forces, resulting in high lift-to-drag ratios on the body and skis and low lift-to-drag ratio on the legs. We construct simple geometric models, such as the circular cylinder, sphere and thin rectangular plate, predicting the drag and lift forces on each component of a ski jumper and skis, and validate them with those obtained from LES. Using these geometric models, we perform a parametric study on the position angles of flight posture for higher total lift-to-drag ratio. The flight postures obtained increase the total lift-to-drag ratios by 35% and 21% from those of two base postures, respectively. Finally, LESs are performed for the postures obtained and show the increases in the total lift-to-drag ratios by 21% and 16%, respectively, indicating the adequacy of using the simple geometric models for finding a flight posture of ski jumping having a higher lift-to-drag ratio at low cost.  相似文献   

The northern spearnose poacher, Agonopsis vulsa, is a benthic, heavily armored fish that swims primarily using pectoral fins. High-speed kinematics, whole-body lift measurements, and flow visualization were used to study how A. vulsa overcomes substantial negative buoyancy while generating forward thrust. Kinematics for five freely swimming poachers indicate that individuals tend to swim near the bottom (within 1 cm) with a consistently small (less than 1°) pitch angle of the body. When the poachers swam more than 1 cm above the bottom, however, body pitch angles were higher and varied inversely with speed, suggesting that lift may help overcome negative buoyancy. To determine the contribution of the body to total lift, fins were removed from euthanized fish (n=3) and the lift and drag from the body were measured in a flume. Lift and drag were found to increase with increasing flow velocity and angle of attack (ANCOVA, p<0.0001 for both effects). Lift force from the body was found to supply approximately half of the force necessary to overcome negative buoyancy when the fish were swimming more than 1 cm above the bottom. Lastly, flow visualization experiments were performed to examine the mechanism of lift generation for near-bottom swimming. A vortex in the wake of the pectoral fins was observed to interact strongly with the substratum when the animals approached the bottom. These flow patterns suggest that, when swimming within 1 cm of the bottom, poachers may use hydrodynamic ground effect to augment lift, thereby counteracting negative buoyancy.  相似文献   

The Orientation of benthic marine organisms may be disturbed by flow-induced forces (i.e. drag and lift) caused by wave and current activity. Drag and lift are partly a function of organism size and shape. Consequently, morphology may affect stability (defined as resistance to reorientation, flipping, or entrainment) both during the life of an organism and after its death. An understanding of drag-and-lift effects is therefore essential to the interpretation of paleoecology and biostratinomic processes. An experimental method for quantifying the relative effects of flow-induced forces is described. These forces are measured during flume experiments using transducers and plaster replicas of fossils. As an illustration of the method's potential for taphonomic research, results from experiments investigating the effects of concavo-convex morphologies of articulate brachiopods are presented. Concave-up and convex-up orientations are commonly used to infer paleohydraulic conditions. Two geniculate brachiopods (Rafinesquina alternata and Leptaena richrnondensis) and three flattened forms (a second morphotype of Rafinesquina altemata, Strophodonta demissa , and Tropidoleptus carinatus) were tested in convex-up and concave-up postures and in three azimuthal orientations (hingeline oriented upstream, hingeline downstream, and hingeline parallel to flow). Concave-up orientations consistently exhibit higher drag than convex-up orientations, and this supports the common observation that valved fossils are typically found convex up in paleoenvironments dominated by traction transport. The presence of geniculation significantly increases drag. Lift is relatively insignificant for all models in most orientations. □ Taphonomy, paleoecology, brachiopods, flow-induced forces, transport.  相似文献   

B. Statzner  T. F. Holm 《Oecologia》1989,78(2):145-157
Summary Using Laser Doppler Anemometry we measured current velocities in the median plane around dead lotic macroinvertebrates in a flume which reproduced natural near bottom hydraulics. We investigated specimens of the gastropods Ancylus, Acroloxus, and Potamopyrgus, the amphipod Gammarus, and the larval caddisflies Anabolia, Micrasema, and Silo of various size, various alignment to the flow or which were otherwise manipulated in order to clarify certain questions of adaptation of shape or case building style to flow, or the effects of flow on field distribution patterns. The steepest velocity gradients close to the animals were found near areas of their bodies protruding furthest into the flow. In such regions the rates of potential diffusive exchange processes, the potential corrasion (abrasion through suspended solids), and, for larger specimens, the lift forces (directed towards the water surface) must be highest. Posterior of these areas growing boundary layers formed above those species whose upper contour was approximately parallel to the upstream-downstream direction of the flow. All specimens removed momentum from the flow and thus experience a drag force (directed downstream). From the complete data set we derived the following general conclusions about the physical effects of potential morphological adaptations, taking into consideration diffusion through boundary layers, corrasion, lift forces, friction and pressure drag forces: The physical significance of these five factors generally depends on the Reynolds number of an animal and is largely affected by flow separation, which was significantly related to the ratio of body length to height and the slope of the posterior contour. A simultaneous effective morphological adaptation to all five factors is physically impossible and, in addition, would have to change from life at low (e.g. a young, small specimen of a species) to life at high (e.g. a fully grown specimen of the same species) Reynolds number.  相似文献   

Leaping primates often assume a horizontal position while airborne. When the limbs are spread out in such maneuvers, skin folds between the upper limbs and the trunk are exposed. This has led to the assumption that the animals make use of aerodynamic forces for either gliding, steering, or braking before the landing. In terms of physics, aerodynamic lift or aerodynamic drag can cause the described effects. As coefficients of lift and drag are unknown for flying primates, we have calculated those values that give the animals either a 5% gain or loss in leaping distance. These turn out to be in the range of values for cylinder-shaped "blunt" (unstreamlined) bodies. A significant influence of aerodynamic forces on the flight path can therefore be assumed. The smaller-bodied species (e.g., galagos) are more strongly influenced by their great surface areas. Although frontal areas scale positively allometrically with respect to body mass, air speed gains importance in the larger-bodied species (e.g., sifakas). They cover absolutely greater distances and have the higher takeoff velocities. The actual importance of lift and drag cannot be derived from our theoretical calculations but must be determined experimentally.  相似文献   

Among the hydrodynamic forces experienced by intertidal organisms, drag and the impingement force are thought to have the greatest effect on macroalgae. These forces are modified by biotic factors such as algal morphology, reconfiguration, and the presence of a canopy. However, much of what is known about the hydrodynamics of macroalgae has been garnered from low-velocity laboratory flume studies. Few field studies have measured drag and none have directly measured the effects of the canopy on force. To examine in situ hydrodynamic forces imposed on the turf forming macroalga Chondrus crispus, compact digital force sensors were developed that measure and record the 3-dimensional force imposed on a macroalga without disturbing the surrounding canopy. Sensors were positioned within natural Chondrus beds and the effects of the canopy, algal morphology, and sea state on in situ hydrodynamic force were examined. Additionally, the predictions of a new model for drag on flexible macroalgae were tested by simultaneously measuring force and water velocity. Digital force recordings indicated that Chondrus only experience drag; lift and impingement force were negligible in all combinations of factors. Canopies significantly reduced drag by 15-65%. Morphology and size also influenced drag, such that lower forces were imposed on small planar algae than large arborescent individuals. Further, planar algae experienced low drag in all combinations of sea and canopy state, indicating that these individuals may not be as susceptible to wave disturbance as arborescent individuals. Overall, these data indicate that the ability for Chondrus to grow large, arborescent individuals is dependent on the drag reducing properties of the canopy, while more hydrodynamically harsh habitats may be accessible to planar morphologies. Additionally, these data suggest that drag models for canopy forming macroalgae must incorporate the effects of the canopy to predict drag accurately in situ.  相似文献   

Summary Drag forces and lift forces acting on honeybee trunks were measured by using specially built sensitive mechanical balances. Measurements were made on prepared bodies in good and in bad flight position, with and without legs, at velocities between 0.5 and 5m·s-1 (Reynolds numbers between 4·102 and 4·103) and at angles of attack between-20° and +20°. From the forces drag coefficients and lift coefficients were calculated. The drag coefficient measured with a zero angle of attack was 0.45 at 3v5m·s-1, 0.6 at 2m·s-1, 0.9 at 1m·s-1 and 1.35 at 0.5m·s-1, thus demonstrating a pronounced effect of Reynolds number on drag. These values are about 2 times lower (better) than those of a drag disc with the same diameter and attacked at the same velocity. The drag coefficient (related to constant minimal frontal area) was minimal at zero angle of attack, rising symmetrically to larger (+) and smaller (-) angles of attack in a non-linear fashion. The absolute value is higher and the rise is steeper at lower speeds or Reynolds numbers, but the incremental factors are independent of Reynolds number. For example, the drag coefficient is 1.44±0.05 times higher at an angle of attack of 20° than at one of 0°. On a double-logarithmic scale the slope of the drag versus Reynolds number plot was 1.5: with decreasing Reynolds number the relationship between drag and velocity changes from quadratic (Newton's law) to linear (viscous flow). Trunk drag was not systematically increased by the legs at any velocity or Reynolds number or any angle of attack. The legs appear to shape the trunk aerodynamically, to form a relatively low-drag trunk-leg system. The body is able to generate dynamic lift. Highly significant positive linear correlations between lift coefficient and angle of attack were determined for the trunk-leg system in the typical flight position. Lift coefficient was +0.05 at zero angle of attack (possibly attained during very fast flight), +0.1 at 5° (attained during fast flight), +0.25 at +20° (attained during slow flight) and +0.55 at 45° (attained whilst changing over to hovering). Average slope cL was 0.66±0.07, and average profile efficiency was 0.10. Non-wing lift contribution due to body form and banking only accounts for a few percent of body weight during fast flight. A non-wing lift contribution due to the legs has been demonstrated. The legs increase trunk lift by 23–24%. Reynolds number lift effects are present but of no biological significance. Force and power calculations do not support maximum flight speeds substantially higher than approximately 7m · s-1 relative to the ambient air. At this speed body drag attains 35% and body lift 8.4% of the body weight, and parasite power is 5% of the maximum metabolic power.Abbreviations angle of attack - A area - c drag coefficient - cL lift coefficient - D drag - F force - L lift - P power - Q quotient - Re Reynolds number - density - dliding number - O2 oxygen consumption - W work - v kinematic viscosity - efficiency - v velocity  相似文献   

The mussel Mytilus californianus is the dominant competitor for space in the mid-intertidal zone of wave-swept rocky shores in the Pacific Northwest where it forms extensive tightly packed beds. The rate at which patches are formed in these beds, can play an important rôle in community ecology by controlling the establishment and persistence of fugitive species. Despite the biological importance of physical disturbance, the mechanism of patch initiation has not been adequately explained. Battering by logs can create patches, but is the predominant mechanism only on shores near active logging sites. In other areas, it has been speculated that the hydrodynamic forces associated with storm waves somehow cause patches to form. However, the forces acting along the direction of flow — drag and the acceleration reaction — are unlikely to initiate patch formation. Here, it is suggested that fluid-dynamic lift forces imposed on mussel beds by breaking waves are sufficient to dislodge individual mussels and trigger patch formation. Arguments are presented suggesting that the likelihood of dislodgment by lift is consistent with the observed rate of patch formation in the absence of log battering.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the hydrodynamic characteristics of a realistic model of an elite swimmer hand/forearm using three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics techniques. A three-dimensional domain was designed to simulate the fluid flow around a swimmer hand and forearm model in different orientations (0°, 45°, and 90° for the three axes Ox, Oy and Oz). The hand/forearm model was obtained through computerized tomography scans. Steady-state analyses were performed using the commercial code Fluent. The drag coefficient presented higher values than the lift coefficient for all model orientations. The drag coefficient of the hand/forearm model increased with the angle of attack, with the maximum value of the force coefficient corresponding to an angle of attack of 90°. The drag coefficient obtained the highest value at an orientation of the hand plane in which the model was directly perpendicular to the direction of the flow. An important contribution of the lift coefficient was observed at an angle of attack of 45°, which could have an important role in the overall propulsive force production of the hand and forearm in swimming phases, when the angle of attack is near 45°.  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify the mechanisms by which unsteady hydrodynamic forces act on the hand of a swimmer during a crawl stroke. Measurements were performed for a hand attached to a robotic arm with five degrees of freedom independently controlled by a computer. The computer was programmed so the hand and arm mimicked a human performing the stroke. We directly measured forces on the hand and pressure distributions around it at 200 Hz; flow fields underwater near the hand were obtained via 2D particle image velocimetry (PIV). The data revealed two mechanisms that generate unsteady forces during a crawl stroke. One is the unsteady lift force generated when hand movement changes direction during the stroke, leading to vortex shedding and bound vortex created around it. This bound vortex circulation results in a lift that contributes to the thrust. The other occurs when the hand moves linearly with a large angle of attack, creating a Kármán vortex street. This street alternatively sheds clockwise and counterclockwise vortices, resulting in a quasi-steady drag contributing to the thrust. We presume that professional swimmers benefit from both mechanisms. Further studies are necessary in which 3D flow fields are measured using a 3D PIV system and a human swimmer.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate possible modifications caused by hand paddles in the relative contribution of the lift and drag forces of the hand and in the propelling efficiency, during front crawl swimming. Eight female swimmers swam 25 m with maximal intensity without paddles, with small (116 cm(2)) and with large paddles (268 cm(2)). Four cameras operating at 60 Hz were used to record the images and the Ariel Performance Analysis System was used for the digitisation. The results showed that, although during swimming with hand paddles the hand's velocity decreased, the greater propulsive area of the hand paddle caused an increase in the drag, lift, resultant and effective forces of the hand. However, the relative contribution of lift and drag forces on swimming propulsion was not modified, nor was the direction of the resultant force. Hand paddles also increased the propelling efficiency, the stroke length and the swimming velocity, mainly because of the larger propulsive areas of the hand in comparison with free swimming. However, the significant decrease of the stroke rate, might argue the effectiveness of hand paddle training, particularly when large paddles are used in front crawl swimming.  相似文献   

A novel lifting line formulation is presented for the quasi-steady aerodynamic evaluation of insect-like wings in hovering flight. The approach allows accurate estimation of aerodynamic forces from geometry and kinematic information alone and provides for the first time quantitative information on the relative contribution of induced and profile drag associated with lift production for insect-like wings in hover. The main adaptation to the existing lifting line theory is the use of an equivalent angle of attack, which enables capture of the steady non-linear aerodynamics at high angles of attack. A simple methodology to include non-ideal induced effects due to wake periodicity and effective actuator disc area within the lifting line theory is included in the model. Low Reynolds number effects as well as the edge velocity correction required to account for different wing planform shapes are incorporated through appropriate modification of the wing section lift curve slope. The model has been successfully validated against measurements from revolving wing experiments and high order computational fluid dynamics simulations. Model predicted mean lift to weight ratio results have an average error of 4% compared to values from computational fluid dynamics for eight different insect cases. Application of an unmodified linear lifting line approach leads on average to a 60% overestimation in the mean lift force required for weight support, with most of the discrepancy due to use of linear aerodynamics. It is shown that on average for the eight insects considered, the induced drag contributes 22% of the total drag based on the mean cycle values and 29% of the total drag based on the mid half-stroke values.  相似文献   

Drag and reconfiguration of freshwater macrophytes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
SUMMARY 1. Submerged freshwater macrophytes face large hydrodynamic forces in flowing waters in streams and on wave‐swept lake shores and require morphological adaptations to reduce the drag and the physical damage. This experiment studied five species of freshwater macrophytes and strap‐formed plastic leaves to test the predictions that: (i) increasing flexibility leads to greater reconfiguration and lower drag coefficients, (ii) flexible plants experience a steeper decline of drag coefficients with increasing water velocity than unflexible plants and (iii) plants mounted vertically on a horizontal substratum bend over in fast flow attaining a shielded position of low drag. 2. The results confirmed all three predictions. In fast flow, plants mounted upright on a horizontal platform gradually approached a position aligned with the flow, depending on their flexibility. In the range 8–50 cm s?1 the deflection followed an interspecific negative linear relationship between log (tangent Φ) and velocity, where Φ represents the shoot angle normal to the horizontal level. Above 50 cm s?1, further deflection was reduced perhaps by a combination of the elasticity and packing of shoots and the increasing lift generated by fast flow. 3. Drag coefficients of plants ranged between 0.01 and 0.1, typical of moderately to very streamlined objects. Drag coefficients declined log‐log linearly at increasing velocity, following negative slopes between ?0.67 and ?1.24 (median: ?1.0) because of reconfiguration and formation of a shielding canopy. Drag coefficients declined much less (median: ?0.55) for plants floating freely in the streaming water and which were capable of changing their shape but unable to form a shielding canopy. Drag coefficients declined even less for relatively unflexible plastic leaves (?0.30 to ?0.40), and they remained constant for stiff, bluff objects. 4. The experiments suggest that flow resistance of flexible, submerged macrophytes in natural streams may increase in direct proportion to water velocity because they form a shielding submerged canopy, and high water stages at peak flow may result in greater proportions of the water passing unimpeded above the canopy. In contrast, stiff amphibious and emergent reed plants should experience an increase of flow resistance with at least the square of velocity as reconfiguration is small and former aerial plant surfaces come into contact with the streaming water at higher water stages. Field experiments to test these predictions are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic forces can affect survival as well as limit the movement of motile benthic animals. An animal's danger of dislodgement depends on the hydrodynamic forces it experiences in its microhabitat relative to the force required to dislodge it (tenacity) from the substratum. We measured water flow and substratum characteristics in two different habitats of the shore crab Pachygrapsus crassipes: a wave-swept rocky shore and an intertidal mudflat. The maximum water velocities and accelerations in the microhabitats of the crabs at the wave-swept site were three times and two times greater, respectively, than at the mudflat site. In the laboratory, we measured the tenacity of crabs of various sizes on different substrata, and also measured their drag, lift and added-mass coefficients. Using these data, we calculated the flow conditions under which crabs would be overturned or sheared off the substratum in their two habitats. The net horizontal force (drag plus acceleration reaction) required to dislodge a crab on a rugose rock substratum was an order of magnitude greater than on smooth rock and two orders of magnitude greater than on mud. Our calculations indicate that, under non-storm conditions, crabs will not be dislodged from the substratum in either the mudflat or the wave-swept habitat when grasping the substratum with maximum tenacity. Moving crabs have lower tenacity and our calculations predict that hydrodynamic forces will restrict the mobility of large crabs more than that of small ones on smooth, but not on rugose rock.  相似文献   

We present an unsteady blade element theory (BET) model to estimate the aerodynamic forces produced by a freely flying beetle and a beetle-mimicking flapping wing system. Added mass and rotational forces are included to accommodate the unsteady force. In addition to the aerodynamic forces needed to accurately estimate the time history of the forces, the inertial forces of the wings are also calculated. All of the force components are considered based on the full three-dimensional (3D) motion of the wing. The result obtained by the present BET model is validated with the data which were presented in a reference paper. The difference between the averages of the estimated forces (lift and drag) and the measured forces in the reference is about 5.7%. The BET model is also used to estimate the force produced by a freely flying beetle and a beetle-mimicking flapping wing system. The wing kinematics used in the BET calculation of a real beetle and the flapping wing system are captured using high-speed cameras. The results show that the average estimated vertical force of the beetle is reasonably close to the weight of the beetle, and the average estimated thrust of the beetle-mimicking flapping wing system is in good agreement with the measured value. Our results show that the unsteady lift and drag coefficients measured by Dickinson et al are still useful for relatively higher Reynolds number cases, and the proposed BET can be a good way to estimate the force produced by a flapping wing system.  相似文献   

Bio‐logging tags are widely used to study the behavior and movements of marine mammals with the tacit assumption of little impact to the animal. However, tags on fast‐swimming animals generate substantial hydrodynamic forces potentially affecting behavior and energetics adversely, or promoting early removal of the tag. In this work, hydrodynamic loading of three novel tag housing designs are compared over a range of swimming speeds using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Results from CFD simulation were verified using tag models in a water flume with close agreement. Drag forces were reduced by minimizing geometric disruptions to the flow around the housing, while lift forces were reduced by minimizing the frontal cross‐sectional area of the housing and holding the tag close to the attachment surface. Hydrodynamic tag design resulted in an experimentally measured 60% drag force reduction in 5.6 m/s flow. For all housing designs, off‐axis flow increased the magnitude of the force on the tag. Experimental work with a common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) cadaver indicates that the suction cups used to attach the types of tags described here provide sufficient attachment force to resist failure to predicted forces at swimming speeds of up to 10 m/s.  相似文献   

The work presents results on drag and lift measurement conducted in a low speed wind tunnel on a replica of the entire human arm. The selected model positions were identical to those during purely rotational front crawl stroke in quasi-static conditions. A computational fluid dynamics model using Fluent showed close correspondence with the experimental results and confirmed the suitability of low speed wind tunnel for the drag and lift measurement in quasi-static conditions. The obtained profiles of the hydrodynamic forces were similar to the dynamic data presented in an earlier study suggesting that shape drag is a major contributing factor in propulsive force generation. The aim of this study was to underline the importance of the entire arm analysis, the elbow angle and a newly defined angle of attack representing the angle of shoulder rotation. It was found that both the maximum value of the drag force at 160 degrees elbow flexion angle and the momentum generated by it exceed the respective magnitudes for the fully extended arm. The latter is underlined by a prolonged plateau of near maximum drag that was obtained at shoulder angle range of 50-140 degrees suggesting that optimal arm configuration in terms of propulsive force generation requires elbow flexion. Furthermore it was found that drag trend is not consistent with the widely assumed and used sinus wave profile. A gap in the existing experimental research was filled as for the first time the entire arm lift and drag was measured across the entire stroke range.  相似文献   

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