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The study of enamel thickness has received considerable attention in regard to the taxonomic, phylogenetic and dietary assessment of human and non‐human primates. Recent developments based on two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) digital techniques have facilitated accurate analyses, preserving the original object from invasive procedures. Various digital protocols have been proposed. These include several procedures based on manual handling of the virtual models and technical shortcomings, which prevent other scholars from confidently reproducing the entire digital protocol. There is a compelling need for standard, reproducible, and well‐tailored protocols for the digital analysis of 2D and 3D dental enamel thickness. In this contribution we provide essential guidelines for the digital computation of 2D and 3D enamel thickness in hominoid molars, premolars, canines and incisors. We modify previous techniques suggested for 2D analysis and we develop a new approach for 3D analysis that can also be applied to premolars and anterior teeth. For each tooth class, the cervical line should be considered as the fundamental morphological feature both to isolate the crown from the root (for 3D analysis) and to define the direction of the cross‐sections (for 2D analysis). Am J Phys Anthropol 153:305–313, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Methods of measuring tissue area from images of longitudinal thin tooth sections have been used to assess sexual dimorphism in the permanent dentition. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the extent of sexual dimorphism within the coronal tissue proportions of permanent mandibular canines and premolars, using area measurements of the enamel and dentine-pulp core. The sample consisted of embedded "half-tooth" sections from 45 individuals, all of known age-at-death and sex, collected from the St. Thomas' Anglican Church historic (1821-1874) cemetery site in Belleville, ON, Canada. The relative dentine-pulp area of the third premolars and canines displayed high levels of sexual dimorphism, as well as statistically significant mean differences between the sexes. The male canines and premolars have significantly more dentine than their female counterparts, as well as relatively more dentine with respect to overall crown size. The female canines and premolars have significantly more enamel relative to overall crown area than those of the males. These results suggest that relative area measures of crown tissues are more predictable measures of sexual dimorphism than absolute measures, and tissue proportions may remain constant despite intrasex variation in overall tooth crown size.  相似文献   

Studies of dinosaur teeth have focused primarily on external crown morphology and thus, use shed or in situ tooth crowns, and are limited to the enamel and dentine dental tissues. As a result, the full suites of periodontal tissues that attach teeth to the jaws remain poorly documented, particularly in early dinosaurs. These tissues are an integral part of the tooth and thus essential to a more complete understanding of dental anatomy, development, and evolution in dinosaurs. To identify the tooth attachment tissues in early dinosaurs, histological thin sections were prepared from the maxilla and dentary of a partial skull of the early theropod Coelophysis bauri from the Upper Triassic (Rhaetian‐ 209–201 Ma) Whitaker Quarry, New Mexico, USA. As one of the phylogenetically and geologically oldest dinosaurs, it is an ideal candidate for examining dental tissues near the base of the dinosaurian clade. The teeth of C. bauri exhibited a fibrous tooth attachment in which the teeth possessed five tissues: enamel, dentine, cementum, periodontal ligament (PDL), and alveolar bone. Our findings, coupled with those of more recent studies of ornithischian teeth, indicate that a tripartite periodontium, similar to that of crocodilians and mammals, is the plesiomorphic condition for dinosaurs. The occurrence of a tripartite periodontium in dinosaurs adds to the growing consensus that the presence of these tissues is the plesiomorphic condition for the major amniote clades. Furthermore, this study establishes the relative timing of tissue development and growth directions of periodontal tissues and provides the first comparative framework for future studies of dinosaur periodontal development, tooth replacement, and histology. J. Morphol. 277:916–924, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The soft zone in dentine beneath the dentino-enamel junction is thought to play an important role in tooth function, strain distribution and fracture resistance during mastication. Recently reported asymmetry in mechanical properties with tooth side may point at a basic property of tooth function. The aim of our study was to test if this asymmetry was reflected in the nano- and micromechanical properties of dentine. We investigated the mechanical properties of dentine on the buccal and lingual side of nine extracted human teeth using nano- and microindentation. Properties were analysed on the natural log scale, using maximum likelihood to estimate the parameters. Two-sided 0.05-level likelihood ratio tests were used to assess the influences of surface (buccal versus lingual) and dentine depth, measured from the DEJ in crown dentine and from the CDJ in root dentine. Results showed the well known gradual increase in mechanical properties with increasing distance from the DEJ. Coronal dentine showed higher elastic modulus and hardness on the lingual side of teeth for all measurements, while root dentine was harder on the buccal side. Due to the subtlety of these effects and the small number of teeth studied, results failed to reach statistical significance. Results suggest that dentine nano- and micromechanical properties vary with tooth side in agreement with recent literature using macroscopic methods. They also reveal that buccal-lingual ratios of hardness are in opposite directions in crown and root dentine, suggesting compensatory functions.  相似文献   

Dentine root transparency (RDT) has been measured on 70 histological sections of teeth from 46 individuals of known sex and age. In order to obtain the estimates of individual chronological age, Bang & Ramm (1970) equations have been applied to the value obtained by the measurements. Using the percentage ratio hx100/H (after Lemendin & Cambray 1981)--were h is the extension of the root transparency zone (in mm) and H is the total root length (in mm), some regression functions have been elaborated. The error of the age estimates obtained following Bang & Ramm was quite high in percentage, being comprised between +/- 5 years only in 21.13% of the cases.  相似文献   

H Renz  R J Radlanski 《HOMO》2006,57(1):29-50
In root cementum of teeth, alternating dark and light lines become visible in cross-sections under the light microscope. These lines bear an apparent resemblance to the annual rings of trees. Numerous studies have been done to correlate the number of cementum lines with the dental age by examining a great number of teeth of known age. Our study used a different approach. If lines in root cementum develop in an annual rhythm and are thus comparable to annual rings of trees, the same or at least a very similar number of these structures should be found in all areas of the root cementum of the same tooth. We counted cementum lines in the buccal, lingual, distal and mesial region of different sections, all from the middle third of the same root. This was repeated in eight teeth. To our surprise, we had immense difficulty in counting reproducible line numbers in the same cementum area at repeated counts. Nevertheless, the same tooth was found to differ markedly in the number of lines in different sections as well as in different regions of the same sections. These differences cannot be ascribed to variations caused by difficulties with reproducible line counting. Therefore, we are more than skeptical about the reliability of counting lines in root cementum as a method for determining the age of human teeth.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine the effect of water fluoride concentration on the fluoride profile across the entire thickness of the cementum and root dentine of human permanent anterior teeth in adults. Subjects: Twenty-eight human permanent anterior teeth from individuals aged from 30 to over 60 years were studied. Setting: Teeth were obtained from a natural high-fluoride area (West Hartlepool, UK; 1.0–1.3 ppm F in drinking water, WHP) and the other from a non-fluoridated naturally low fluoride area (Leeds, UK; 0.1 ppm F in drinking water, LDS). Design: Cementum and root dentine were sampled using an abrasive micro-sampling technique from the cementum surface to the pulpal surface of root dentine. Results: Fluoride concentration was higher in tooth roots (the cementum and dentine) taken from the naturally fluoridated area (WHP) than from the non-fluoridated area (LDS). Age and average fluoride concentration showed a positive correlation in WHP dentine, middle region of the root (r = 0.78, P < 0.001) and in the apical region of the root (r = 0.67, P < 0.05). WHP cementum had the strongest fluoride concentration correlation with age in the cervical region of the root (r = 0.67, P < 0.01). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the area (water fluoride content), age and number of years lived in the area combined with total age were significant. Conclusions : The fluoride content of cementum and root dentine in adult residents is related to fluoride content in drinking water.  相似文献   

Oral anomalies and dental treatment in a patient with cleidocranial dysplasia (referred to the dental clinic at the age of 40 years) are presented. Five supernumerary teeth were found in the patient: three in the maxilla in the area of molars and two in the mandibula in the area of premolars. Therapy included surgical exposure of impacted teeth in combination with removal of supernumerary teeth.  相似文献   

Peritubular dentine is a mineralised deposit formed centripetally in the dentine tubules with advancing age, so that the tubular diameter is smaller in teeth from older persons. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between age in humans and the amount of peritubular dentine and the extent of the consequent obliteration of the tubules, and to find out whether this relationship was strong enough to be used as a parameter for age estimation. Fifty mandibular central and lateral human incisors were ground on the lingual aspect of the root and examined in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The number of open tubules was counted and the diameter of the tubules measured both before and after etching with 35% orthophosphoric acid. The difference in the number of tubules in unetched and etched specimens was taken to be the number of occluded tubules, and the difference in radii before and after etching to be the thickness of peritubular dentine. The results did not demonstrate a significant relationship between age and the reduction in the number of tubules. One explanation might be that a certain age has to be reached before obliterated dentine tubules can be observed. The correlation between age and the thickness of peritubular dentine was not significant in teeth extracted because of periodontal disease, so these teeth were excluded from the regression analysis with age as the dependent variable. Only the thickness of peritubular dentine was included in the regression (r=0.69); this factor was a better indicator of age than the tubular diameter, but not so closely related to age that it can be recommended for general use in forensic and archaeological age estimations.  相似文献   

Contradictory reports on the interreation of caries and attrition concerning their destructive activity at the occlusal surface of teeth required more investigation. Some suggested that the abrasive action of attrition worked against the progress of decay. Others proposed that attrition facilitated the development of caries in dentine exposed due to the dental wear. A comparison of the condition of teeth in western societies from an intermediate stage, with the preceding period characterized by excessive attrition, and with the following period of ongoing reduction of dental wear, might elucidate the mutual relationship. For this reason the almost complete dental assemblage of fifty men, whalers buried during their short sojourn in the Arctic in the 17th and 18th centuries at a Dutch whaling station, and the data of their contemporaries, were evaluated. The results confirmed the proposition that the rise in caries incidence from (pre-) medieval times on, was associated with an ongoing fall of dental attrition. Within this sample of an intermediate phase, one sees that the percentage of carious molars decreases considerably when the degree of dental wear increases. Besides, at the occlusal surface the decay was almost exclusively located in the natural fissures and pits of teeth, not in the exposed dentine due to wear. These findings strongly suggest a competitive relationship between progress of caries and attrition. The best impression of the attrition rate is gained by linkage of degree of dental attrition (i.e. functional age) to age at death. The wide age ranges fitting to the degrees of molar wear make it hazardous to use attrition for age determination.  相似文献   

Tooth loss and tooth retention in adult South African Bantu-speaking Negroes were studied from data derived from 500 dry mandibles. The tribe, sex, and stated age of the specimens were available. Mandibles were equally distributed over the third to seventh decade of life. The presence of dental units was recorded and analysed within and between decade age groups. The mandibles carried a total of 5,459 dental units. Between the third and fourth decades of life and between the sixth and seventh decades, the reduction of the frequency of dental units was mild and statistically not significant. It was, however, severe and significant between the fourth and fifth, and the fifth and sixth decades. In the third-decade group, most teeth were found in the anterior region with a tendency to diminish in number posteriorly. After the third decade there was a definite persistence of first premolars and canines with significant tendency toward loss of teeth anterior and posterior to them. Only the incisors and third molars showed significant reduction in number from the third to the fourth decade. The reduction of all teeth was statistically significant later, until the sixth decade of life. Although there was loss of teeth from the sixth to the seventh decade, it was not significant for any of the homologous dental units. There is a possibility that some dietary differences existed between the older subjects (50–70 years old) and the younger ones (20–49 years old) which may have had some influence on the results.  相似文献   

The relationship between dental morphology, sex, body length and age of small cetaceans can be used to determine ontogeny, sexual dimorphism and geographical variation. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between dental morphology, sex, body size and age. A total of 91 specimens of P. blainvillei and 80 specimens of S. fluviatilis accidentally captured in fisheries or stranded in northern Rio de Janeiro (21 masculine37'-22 masculine25'S), from September 1988 to November 1996 were analysed. The teeth root diameter in P. blainvillei was significantly different between the sex; the values for females were larger than males. In neither species aid we observed significant in variations dimension and number of teeth, thickness of dentine and cemental layers and in the maximum width of cement as a function of body size. Age was related to increases in tooth length, root and cingulum diameters, and maximum width of cement in individuals of P. blainvillei, and tooth and crown lengths and maximum width of cement in individuals of S. fluviatilis. The observation of a linear growth between maximum width of cement and age in both species indicates that the equations obtained can be used to estimate relative age in P. blainvillei and S. fluviatilis in northern of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   

New material ofSpeonesydrion iani, an Early Devonian dipnoan from New South Wales, has provided additional Information on the dentition and jaws. Two new partial palates have been found, and X-rays of the parasphenoid shows that the structure is well preserved. The palatal teeth are well worn even in partly grown material, and they do not originate at a growth point, but at a thickening of the palate. More mandibles have been collected, and thin sections have been prepared to allow a discussion of their histology. On the mandible the teeth are clear, and they are much more defined than they are on the palate. The dental heel is variably developed, and grows in phases by thickening of the dentine at the contact with the bone. Dentine forms on the bone at the base of the heel, partly by Solution of the bone and the addition of dentine from the pulp canals, but also by direct growth from the pulp canals dorsal to the bone. In the latter case the dentine and bone are in contact, and the two tissues intermingle. The teeth are also formed on a thickened bone and consist of dentine capped with enamel making a crest. Dentine and bone are related as in the heel. We conclude that the teeth inSpeonesydrion are not homologous with the teeth in other dipnoans, and are formed by a different process involving the aggregation of denticles.  相似文献   

Dental caries was investigated in 600 adult dentitions belonging to the identified osteological collections of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Coimbra, Portugal (late 19th/early 20th centuries). The main advantage of this sample compared to an archaeological source is the presence of known demographic parameters such as age, sex, and occupation. The aim of this study is to investigate the issues involved in comparing caries data derived from archaeological death assemblages with statistics compiled from clinical studies of the living. When only the upper dentition was considered, higher rates were observed in females than in males. No differences were found between sexes for lower teeth. In both sexes, both the percentage of carious teeth and the severity of lesions were found to increase with age, demonstrating that caries activity continued throughout life. The slight decrease observed for the age group 70–79 years is probably due to the increased antemortem tooth loss in the elderly. Caries was most common at contact areas (32.9%) and rarest at smooth crown surfaces (6.5%). Root surface caries was graphed in relation to the exposure of roots, and it was confirmed that the degree of root exposure was not strongly related to the frequency of carious lesions on the exposed root surface, although both increased with age. Molars were attacked more frequently by caries as a whole than premolars, canines or incisors. The results are similar to studies of recent living populations with a limited access to professional dental care. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The single previous study on tooth development in great apes (Dean and Wood: Folia Primatol. (Basel) 36:111–127, 1981) is of limited value because it is based on cross-sectional radiographic data. This study considers problems in defining stages of tooth development in radiographs of developing ape dentitions and provides data on tooth chronology in Pongo pygmaeus and Gorilla gorilla by using histological methods of analysis. Crown formation times were estimated in individual teeth, and an overall chronology of dental development was found by registering teeth forming at the same time by using incremental growth lines. The earlier radiographic study correctly identified the molar and second premolar chronology and sequence in great apes, but significantly underestimated crown formation times in incisors, first premolars, and canine teeth in particular. Ape anterior tooth crowns take longer to form than the equivalent human teeth, but the overall dental developmental period in great apes is substantially shorter than in humans. Gorilla root extension rates appear to be fast, up to approximately 13 μm/day. This rapid root growth, associated with early tooth eruption, appears to be the developmental basis for the observed differences in timing between developing dentitions in great apes and humans.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00623.x
Pulp sensibility test in elderly patients Background: The ageing process transforms the histological composition of the dental pulp and may affect the response to pulp sensibility tests. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of age on pulp response time and on pain intensity. Material and methods: Fifty elderly patients and 50 young patients were selected. Different classes of teeth were evaluated. The pulp sensibility test was performed with a refrigerant spray. The pulp response time was measured in seconds and the pain intensity was assessed by visual analogue scale. Results: The Spearman coefficient was calculated and detect a positive correlation between age and pulp response time for maxillary incisors, premolars, mandibular incisors, and mean (p < 0.05). On the contrary, there was a negative correlation between age and pain intensity for maxillary incisors, mandibular incisors, and mean (p < 0.05). Also, the results of elderly and young groups were compared by Mann–Whitney test. Significant difference was noted regarding the pulp response time for maxillary incisors, premolars, mandibular incisors, and mean (p < 0.05). Significant difference was detected regarding the pain intensity for mandibular incisors only (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Pulp response time increases when people get older while pain intensity decreases. There were variations among the classes of teeth.  相似文献   

Enamel and dentin patterns have awakened a considerable interest in phylogenetic studies. However, almost nothing is known about the dental tissue proportions of European Pleistocene hominins, apart from Neanderthal populations. This study aims to assess the three-dimensional dental tissue proportions of permanent canines belonging to the extensive sample of hominin teeth at Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain) through the use of microtomographic techniques. Our results show that early and middle Pleistocene populations from Atapuerca exhibit large coronal and root dentine dimensions, as well as a thinly enamelled pattern, which has been traditionally considered an autapomorphic Neanderthal trait. Therefore, these results might support an early enamel thickness decrease which is already observed 800 kyr ago in Homo antecessor and maintained in later groups such as Sima de los Huesos and Neanderthal populations during the middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Interpretation of dental development of fossil hominids requires understanding of and comparison with the pattern and timing of dental development among living humans and pongids. We report the first study of crown and root calcification in the lower permanent molar teeth among chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) of known chronological age. A series of 99 lateral head radiographs of 16 captive-born chimpanzees were analyzed. Radiographs were taken at irregular intervals throughout the entire postnatal period of dental development from birth to 13 years of age. Permanent mandibular molars were rated on an eight-point maturation scale from initial radiographic appearance through crown and root calcification and apical closure of the root canals. In addition, we were able to document initial crown calcification and completion, as well as root completion and apical closure in incisors, canines, and premolars. Our results show several differences from the widely cited developmental schedule for pongid dentitions of Dean and Wood (Folia Primatol. 36:111–127, 1981). We found a much greater degree of temporal overlap in calcification of the crowns of adjacent molars, a pattern very unlike that usually seen in human dental development, which is characterized by delays between the onset of crown calcification in the molar series. Also, the ages and durations of crown and root formation in our chimp sample differ from the estimates proposed by Dean and Wood. By more clearly establishing the nature of developmental schedules and the timing of major events in the pongid dentition, these results should aid in the ongoing controversies concerning the human or pongid nature of dental development among Plio-Pleistocene hominids.  相似文献   

The teeth of 14 Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) were examined to establish an exact method of determining age by histological observation of dental cementum. The cementum showed annual growth layers, which were especially remarkable in the incisor root and in the molar cementum deposited at the junction of the roots. The layer of cementum formed in winter appears as a dark layer in stained sections and as a translucent layer in unstained ground sections. In the incisor the first dark and light layers are formed at the age of three years, whereas in the molar they do not appear at a definite age. The layers are thick and clear in the upper medial incisor. As a result, the age of a Japanese monkey can be determined by adding two to the number of dark layers and an outer light layer. It is interesting that the formation of the cementum of the first molar begins a few years after its eruption. The relation between this fact and the pressure of occlusion is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of different restorative materials on in vitro dielectric properties of sound dentine was investigated. The studied samples were three-layer materials consisting of successive disks of dentine and silver amalgam or nanohybrid composite resin. Before being tested, the samples were maintained in physiological solution never more than 48 h from the extraction. Also, sections of intact dentine were similarly prepared for electrical measurements. Complex dielectric permittivity of these specimens was determined in a wide frequency range using the parallel-plate capacitor technique. Very similar dielectric responses of intact dentine and amalgam-dentine material were observed. This is explained on the basis of high dc conductivity exhibited by both samples. In contrast, resin-dentine specimen revealed a much more insulating behavior. A simple theoretical model for heterogeneous systems could be applied to these dental three-layer materials. The dielectric properties of restored dentine are strongly dependent on the kind of restorative material employed in each case. This suggests that electrical data should be used carefully in caries diagnosis on restored teeth.  相似文献   

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