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During intrauterine life microcirculatory bed of the muscular coat is forming and developing in accordance with its differentiation, growth and functional changes at various steps of its ontogenesis. This step-like differentiation in the parts composing the microcirculatory bed and the whole microcirculatory network of longitudinal and circulatory layers of the muscular coat is genetically connected with differentiation taking place in the wall of the sigmoid colon during the developmental period studied and, in the end, reflects morphological maturation of the sigmoid colon at different stages of its individual ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Cutaneous microcirculation parameters were studied with laser Doppler flowmetry in healthy volunteers. To investigate endothelial-dependent peripheral blood flow oscillations the iontophoresis of 1% acetylcholine solution was carried out. To estimate the contribution of rhythmical components in blood flow signal the continuous wavelet-transform spectral analysis was used. To reveal correlation between microcirculation parameters under study the correlation analysis was used. The microcirculation index was shown to be the factor producing cross-correlation dependences. The only positive significant correlation between the blood flow oscillation amplitude in the range of endothelial activity normalized to mean microcirculation index at rest and maximal microcirculation index during the iontophoresis of acetylcholine was revealed.  相似文献   

The investigation of film preparations and histological sections of human trigeminal nerves impregnated with silver nitrate and treated after Gomori, Falck--Hillarp demonstrated a rich innervation in the intraneural blood vessels. The most various and complex interconnections of the neural structures were noted in arterioles and venules of the node capsule, epineurium and external layers of perineurium of the trigeminal nerve branches. On the vessel walls of these layers, neural plexus were revealed. Sensitive innervation of the neural blood vessels mainly performed by posvalent tissue-vascular receptors. In the walls of intraneural vessels, adrenergic and cholinergic neural plexus are revealed.  相似文献   

The morphological analysis of the state of the heart during hypertermal perfusion with different conservants reveals clear dependence of the microcirculation and the activity of the heart upon the type of the conservant. Perfusion with a salt solution and hemodilution is accompanied by pronounced disorders in microcirculation and unsatisfactory parameters of the cardiac activity. Conservation with cryoprecipitated plasma is characterized by comparatively less microcirculatory disorders, but fails to give a reliable safety of the heart. When using medium 199, changes in microcirculation were found to be minimal and parameters of cardiac activity were satisfactory. In the complex of non-specific changes in microcirculatory vessels the maximum structural lability was revealed in blood capillaries and vessels of the postcapillary-venular link.  相似文献   

In total preparations of the white rat small intestine mesentery, impregnated with silver nitrate, as well as under conditions of vital microscopical observations at certain stages of alimentary experimental dehydration, analogous changes in the microcirculatory bed links have been demonstrated. Comparison of quantitative parameters in decreasing diameters of the microvessels, specific for dehydrated preparations has shown a great importance of these changes in the impregnated preparations at the expense of tissue condensation at their histological treatment. The advantages of a complex application of both methods for estimating dynamics of vascular, intervascular and extravascular changes are proved.  相似文献   

Some morphofunctional peculiarities in microcirculatory pathways of the dura mater of the human spinal cord are described. They are concerned with the structure of arteriolo-venular anastomoses through which a rather large amount of arterial blood is transported into the venous bed. Around the vessels of arterial type running at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the vessel connective tissue fibres of the dura mater, there is a tissue layer intensively impregnated with silver salts and stained PAS-positively. The venous part of the dura mater microcirculatory pathways has a large number of accessory reservoirs in the form of venous "lakes". Functional importance of the peculiarities mentioned above for the dura mater and the perimedullar apparatus is clarified.  相似文献   

Microcirculatory bed of the synovial membranes was investigated in experiments on dogs during venous stasis. Ligation of the femoral vein and circulatory disturbances led to the alteration of the microcirculatory bed of the synovial membranes, to the overfilling of the venules. Capillary walls became thinner and there developed swellings and protrusions. The extent of the vascular wall changes depended on the calibre of the vessels. One month after the ligation of the vein congestive phenomena in the tissue of the joint capsule proved to decline. This indicated development of collateral venous circulation.  相似文献   

Albino female rats were exposed to X radiation (5 Gy, 180 kV, 10 mA, filter 0.5 mm Cu) on days 10-15 of pregnancy. After 3 and 7 days they were sacrificed (under ether anesthesia) and fetuses were extracted. The status of the lympho- and hemomicrocirculatory beds (LMCB and HMCB) of the fetus back skin was studied by the macro- and microscopic methods. As early as day 3 of radiation sickness the diameter of LMCB vessels increased by 1.4-1.9 times, whereas changes in GMCB were less pronounced. On day 7, there was a progressive increase in dilatation of LMCB vessels, alongside with the narrowing of large units (arteries and veins). The development of the connective framework of the fetus skin was retarded.  相似文献   

Recently ophthalmologists got interested in microcirculatory bed of the choroid (the main collector of blood in the eye) because of the vascular layer was studied in 25 eyes of persons who had died suddenly and had no eye pathology during their lives. The age was from 11 to 70 years. V. V. Kuprianov's method of impregnation was used. Structural peculiarities of the choroid microcirculatory bed were presented; its changes were stated to depend on functional importance of the given segment of the eyeground and on the age of the patient. The data obtained could facilitate in studying different pathologic conditions in the eye in order to clarify the role of the choroid microcirculatory bed in genesis of ophthalmic diseases.  相似文献   

By means of the vital microscopy method length, diameter, stipulated area of the longitudinal section have been studied in the nail torus capillaries of students from different regions of the world depending on the climatogeographic zones. The value of the structural parameters in the skin capillaries, which characterize their heat exchange surface, directly, depends on temperature factors of the environment. There is an increase of the heat exchange surface in the capillaris of the person-inhabitants beginning from the moderate towards the subtropical, tropical and subequatorial zone. The exception make the students from the equatorial zone: the structure parameters of their capillaries are less than in the persons from the subequatorial and even from the tropical zones. This is connected with the fact that the equatorial zone is characterized with some extermal amount of heat and moisture.  相似文献   

Early effect of experimentally induced venous congestion on the rat adrenals is evident in dynamical changes in the microcirculatory bed of the glands. As morphometric data demonstrate, the greatest changes take place in blood vessels of the cortical substance: the capillary diameters are dilated in all the zones, the thickness of the wall in subcapsular and capsular arterioles increases at the expense of hypertrophic smooth muscle elements. Subsequently, venous-arteriolar reaction develops, with capillary diameter approaching the initial size. The data obtained are discussed.  相似文献   

The method of detection of lactate dehydrogenase with some modification was used to study the microcirculatory bed in total preparations of serous membranes and plane sections of organs of any square surface. The employment of non-fixed material, the short time (from 15 to 60 min) necessary to obtain preparations of any size and simultaneous determination of the localization and the degree of the activity of the enzyme--are, to the authors opinion, undoubtful advantages of the given method, which can be an addition to the well-known impregnation method of determination of the microcirculatory bed.  相似文献   

Using a complex approach in studying microcirculatory bed of the human heart, possibilities of scanning electron microscopy of corrosive preparations, those of silver nitrate impregnation after V. V. Kuprianov are demonstrated. The silver nitrate impregnation makes it possible to study the wall structure of the microcirculatory pathways, to analyse arrangement of nuclei in the endothelial and muscle cells of the microcirculatory links, to reveal together with the vessels the surrounding tissues. Scanograms of the corrosive preparations of the arterioles demonstrate "circulatory strips", that are absent in the venular part. The relief of the luminal casts of the microcirculatory bed vessels in the human heart is presented as impresses of nuclei of the endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Peculiarities in form and distribution of these nuclei in various links of the microbed are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The structure of the microcirculatory bed in the pleural villi was studied by the method of impregnation with silver nitrate, after V.V. Kuprianov. In human and animal mediastinal pleura, the microcirculatory ways are regulated within polymerously repeated complexes--moduli. A characteristic feature of the pleural villi blood supply is the presence of capillary glomeruli with a vascular peduncle consisting of an arteriole and a venule. Four types of structure are revealed in the vascular peduncle consisting of an arteriole and a venule. Four types of structure are revealed in the vascular peduncle of the pleural villi. They were studied morphometrically. Correlation in the development of the villi microcirculatory bed and that of the vascular peduncle was stated. Participation of villous vessels in the regulation of fluid balance in the pleural cavity was discussed.  相似文献   

The authors propose a complex mathematical method for analysis of the microcirculatory link of the vascular bed of muscles and muscular organs. On the basis of the data of the amount and diameters of the vessels the method permits calculating the following parameters according to the proposed pattern of the table-report and formulas: 1. the square surface of the cross-section of the vascular bed; 2. the square surface of the exchange or contact with the tissue surface of the vascular bed; 3. the density of the vascular network in percentage; 4. the blood volume in the vascular bed in volumetric units and average data; 5. the blood volume in one vessel on the average; 6. the volume of the tissue fed by one vessel; 7. the volume of blood per a unit of the surface of the vascular wall.  相似文献   

The analysis of morphological and morphometrical data of the muscular membrane and its blood microcirculatory bed has demonstrated that their development during the postnatal ontogenesis advances unevenly. An intensified growth and development of the muscular membrane morphological structures, including its blood microcirculatory bed occurs from 3 up to 30 years of life. Their maximal growth is noted from 12 up to 30 years of age. The stages of intensified development of the muscular membrane and its blood microcirculatory bed change into stages of retarded growth, where processes of involutive character preponderate. This is especially noticeable from 60 and more years of age. The stages noticed in the muscular membrane development and its blood microcirculatory bed are characterized both by general and topographical morphofunctional peculiarities specific for every stage of organogenesis.  相似文献   

During fetal life, formation and arrangement of the microcirculatory bed in the serous membrane of the sigmoid colon correspond to the growth and functioning of the latter at different stages of ontogenesis. Two periods in the development of the microcirculatory bed of the serous membrane of the sigmoid colon are revealed: the first period coincides with the first half of the fetal development when capillary growth is considerable, i.e. with the growth of metabolic part in the microcirculatory bed; the second period coincides with the second half of the fetal development when intensified growth of the sigmoid portion of the large intenstine and its transport sections in the microcirculatory bed (arterioles, precapillaries, postcapillaries, venules) are observed.  相似文献   

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