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Wild-type Azotobacter vinelandii strain UW was transformed with plasmid pDB12 to produce a species (LS10) unable to synthesize the structural proteins of component 1 and component 2 of native nitrogenase. A spontaneous mutant of this strain was isolated (LS15) which can grow by nitrogen fixation in the presence or absence of either Mo or W. It is proposed that LS15 fixes nitrogen solely by an alternative nitrogen-fixing system which previously has been hypothesized to exist in A. vinelandii. Under nitrogen-fixing conditions, LS15 synthesizes a protein similar to component 2 (Av2) of native nitrogenase in that it can complement native component 1 (Av1) for enzymatic activity. Isolation and characterization of this second component 2 shows it to be a 4Fe-4S protein of molecular mass about 62 kDa and is antigenically similar to Av2. This protein is also similar to Av2 in that in the reduced state it possesses a rhombic ESR spectrum in the g = 2 region, which changes to an axial spectrum upon addition of MgATP. It is suggested that this second Fe-protein is associated with the alternative nitrogen-fixing system in A. vinelandii.  相似文献   

Thiol reactivity of the nitrogenase Fe-protein from Azotobacter vinelandii   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A procedure has been developed to examine some of the functional roles of the 14 cysteinyl residues in the nitrogenase Fe-protein (Av2) from Azotobacter vinelandii. The reduced form of Av2 was alkylated with iodo[2-14C]acetic acid under a variety of experimental conditions, e.g. reaction in the presence of nucleotides, alpha,alpha'-dipyridyl and nucleotides, or denaturants. The labeled cysteinyl residues were identified and quantified using an analytical DEAE-Sepharose ion exchange chromatography peptide mapping technique based upon the known amino acid sequence (Hausinger, R. P., and Howard, J. B. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 2483-2490). From the results of the labeling experiments, the following features of the Av2 structure have been proposed. 1) Av2 contains no disulfides, hyperreactive thiols, or surface thiols as defined by reaction with iodoacetic acid. 2) Cysteines 97 and 132 are the probable ligands for the Av2 Fe:S center which is bound symmetrically between subunits. 3) MgATP partially protects cysteine 85 from carboxymethylation by iodoacetic acid and may be part of the nucleotide-binding site. 4) Of the five nonligand thiols only cysteines 5 and 184 are completely alkylated when Av2 is denatured in hexamethylphosphoramide, whereas all five nonligand thiols appear to rapidly exchange at the Fe:S center if the protein is denatured in the absence of alkylating reagents. 5) Both Av2 and apo-Av2 appear to undergo a reversible conformational change upon binding MgATP.  相似文献   

Competition experiments between wild-type Azotobacter vinelandii and a mutant lacking Mo-independent nitrogenase 3 indicate that nitrogenase 3 provides an advantage during diazotrophic growth on agar media containing 100 to 500 nM Na2MoO4 but not in liquid media under the same conditions. Expression of nitrogenase 3 in wild-type cells growing on agar surfaces was verified with an anfH-lacZ fusion and by detection of nitrogenase 3 subunits. These results show that nitrogenase 3 is important for diazotrophic growth on agar medium at molybdenum concentrations that are not limiting for Mo-dependent diazotrophic growth in liquid medium.  相似文献   

Chelation of Fe from the Fe-protein component (Av2) of Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenase has been investigated. The chelation, which requires MgATP binding by Av2, is best described as a two-exponential process. The rates for the two phases differed by approximately 10-fold and increased as the concentration of MgATP was increased. The rates for both phases were 50% of maximum at approximately 1.5 mM MgATP. At MgATP concentrations greater than 100 microM, the more rapid phase represented approximately 25% of the total Fe chelated from Av2. However, below 100 microM MgATP, the proportion of the faster phase decreased until at 20 microM MgATP, only a single phase could be detected. The properties of Av2 were studied at various stages of Fe chelation. The partially chelated protein was isolated from the reaction by gel filtration and was subjected to a second MgATP-dependent Fe chelation. Material isolated after the completion of the first phase regained biphasic kinetics in subsequent chelation reactions. However, if MgATP was present during the isolation of Av2, then only a single phase was observed in the subsequent chelation studies. In addition, the enzymatic activity of Av2 decreased concomitantly with total Fe chelation. To account for these observations, a model is presented in which Av2 exists in two conformers. Fe chelation is proposed to occur from either conformer but only when two MgATP are bound. Both conformers bind MgATP with the same affinity but are distinguished by a 10-fold difference in chelation rate. The two conformers are in equilibrium and can interconvert only in the absence of MgATP. That is, MgATP binding prevents the conversion of the two conformational states.  相似文献   

The Azotobacter vinelandii nifBfdxNnifOQ operon is required for synthesis of the nitrogenase iron-molybdenum cofactor. To further characterize the roles of its gene products, specific antibodies against NifB and NifO were generated, and the NifB, NifO and NifQ gene products were visualized and identified in nitrogen-fixing A. vinelandii cell extracts by a combination of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of radiolabelled extracts and immunological detection methods. The three proteins showed apparent pI and Mr values similar to those expected from sequence data, except for NifO, which showed an apparent Mr of ca. 23 kDa (vs. 16 kDa expected).  相似文献   

vnfG and anfG encode the delta subunits of alternative nitrogenases 2 and 3 in Azotobacter vinelandii, respectively. As a first step towards elucidating the role of these subunits, diazotrophic growth and acetylene reduction studies were conducted on mutants containing alterations in the genes encoding these subunits. Mutants containing a stop codon (C36stop) or an in-frame deletion in anfG were unable to grow in N-free, Mo-deficient medium (Anf-). Mutants in which cysteine 36 of AnfG (a residue conserved between VnfG and AnfG) was changed to Ala or Ser were Anf+. Thus, this conserved cysteine is not essential for the function of AnfG in dinitrogenase 3. A mutant with a stop codon in vnfG (C17stop) grew after a lag of 25 h in N-free, Mo-deficient medium containing V2O5. However, a Nif- Anf- strain with this mutation was unable to grow under these conditions. This shows that the vnfG gene product is required for nitrogenase 2-dependent growth. Strains with mutations in vnfG and anfG reduced acetylene to different degrees. This indicates that the delta subunits are not required for acetylene reduction by nitrogenases 2 and 3.  相似文献   

Summary A sequence homologous to the conventional nifH gene has been cloned from a different region of the Azotobacter vinelandii genome. Tn5 insertions were obtained in this clone and the mutagenized plasmid was used for marker exchange with A. vinelandii strain CA12 (nifHDK) to obtain Tn5 mutants. These mutants exhibited a Nif- phenotype in the presence of vanadium, unlike CA12 which was Nif+ on vanadium-containing medium. The gene in the cloned nifH-like region is therefore apparently involved in the vanadium dependent alternative pathway of nitrogen fixation. This gene, nifH2, has been sequenced and encodes a protein of 289 amino acids that is similar to nifH in nucleotide sequence, deduced amino acid sequence, predicted secondary structure and hydrophobicity profile. A second open reading frame downstream of nifH2 codes for a protein of 64 amino acids, similar to the ferredoxin (Fd)-like protein encoded downstream of nifH * in A. chroococcum. Sequence analysis suggests that the nifH2 and Fd-like genes are in a single operon.  相似文献   

The EPR spectrum of the reduced Fe-protein from nitrogenase has been reinvestigated. The dependences on temperature, microwave power, and microwave frequency all suggest that the observed signal represents a magnetically isolated [4Fe-4S]1+(2+;1+) cluster. Also, the signal can be simulated assuming a simple, g-strained S = 1/2 system. However, the integrated intensity amounts to no more than 0.2 spins per protein molecule. It is, therefore, impossible that Fe-protein preparations contain a single type of [4Fe-4S] cluster.  相似文献   

Changes of ploidy during the Azotobacter vinelandii growth cycle.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The size of the Azotobacter vinelandii chromosome is approximately 4,700 kb, as calculated by pulsed-field electrophoretic separation of fragments digested with the rarely cutting endonucleases SpeI and SwaI. Surveys of DNA content per cell by flow cytometry indicated the existence of ploidy changes during the A. vinelandii growth cycle in rich medium. Early-exponential-phase cells have a ploidy level similar to that of Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhimurium (probably ca. four chromosomes per cell), but a continuous increase of DNA content per cell is observed during growth. Late-exponential-phase cells may contain > 40 chromosomes per cell, while cells in the early stationary stage may contain > 80 chromosomes per cell. In late-stationary-phase cultures, the DNA content per cell is even higher, probably over 100 chromosome equivalents per cell. A dramatic change is observed in old stationary-phase cultures, when the population of highly polyploid bacteria segregates cells with low ploidy. The DNA content of the latter cells resembles that of cysts, suggesting that the process may reflect the onset of cyst differentiation. Cells with low ploidy are also formed when old stationary-phase cultures are diluted into fresh medium. Addition of rifampin to exponential-phase cultures causes a rapid increase in DNA content, indicating that A. vinelandii initiates multiple rounds of chromosome replication per cell division. Growth in minimal medium does not result in the spectacular changes of ploidy observed during rapid growth; this observation suggests that the polyploidy of A. vinelandii may not exist outside the laboratory.  相似文献   

A second alternative nitrogenase complex (nitrogenase 3) was purified from a nifHDK deletion strain of Azotobacter vinelandii. The active complex is made up of two components, dinitrogenase 3 and dinitrogenase reductase 3. Dinitrogenase 3 contains two protein subunits (alpha, Mr 58,000, and beta, Mr 50,000) which assemble into at least two active configurations: alpha 2 beta 2 (dinitrogenase 3s) and alpha 1 beta 2 (dinitrogenase 3F). Dinitrogenase 3s contains 24 Fe and 18 acid-labile S2-ions per Mr 216,000, and dinitrogenase 3F contains 11 Fe and 9 acid-labile S2-ions per Mr 158,000. Dinitrogenase reductase 3 is composed of two protein subunits of identical Mr (32,500) and contains four Fe and four acid-labile S2- ions per Mr 65,000. On two-dimensional gels, the protein subunits of the nitrogenase 3 complex comigrated with the four Mo-, V-, and NH4+-repressible proteins originally designated as N2ase B: the nitrogenase hypothesized to exist in the alternative N2 fixation system first described in 1980 (P.E. Bishop, D. M. L. Jarlenski, and D. R. Hetherington, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77:7342-7346, 1980). Neutron activation analysis indicated that the nitrogenase 3 complex lacked significant amounts of Mo, V, Cr, Re, and W. Some Zn, however, was found in the dinitrogenase 3S and dinitrogenase 3F preparations. The pattern of substrate reduction efficiency was H+ greater than N2 greater than C2H2. The maximum specific activity found for N2 reduction was 38 nmol of NH3 per min per mg of protein (dinitrogenase 3S). Nitrogenase 3 was found to be extremely sensitive to O2, and activities could not be reproducibly maintained during freezing and thawing.  相似文献   

经两次DE52和Sephacryl S-300柱层析,从棕色固氮菌(Azotobacter vinelandii Lipmann)突变种UW45粗提液(37 677 mg蛋白)中纯化得到628 mg的NifB-Av1.经考马斯亮蓝R-250染色的SDS凝胶电泳分析表明,该蛋白基本达到SDS凝胶电泳纯,组成它的亚单位的种类与Av1(α和β亚单位)相似.NifB-Av1不能与NifB-Av2重组成具放氢活性的固氮酶,但可使与其保温重组的FeMoco显出高活性.在合适条件下,NifB-Av1可在结晶溶液中析出棕色短斜四棱柱晶体,目前所得最大晶体的二维边长均为0.1 mm.能否出现晶体以及出晶时间、晶体数目、大小、质量和形状等,与沉淀剂溶液各组分的种类和浓度、结晶方法、实验操作等因素密切相关.初步结果表明,所得晶体为NifB-Av1单晶.  相似文献   

A purified preparation of kidney basolateral membrane vesicles is capable of ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake. The reaction has high affinity for Ca2+ (Km about 0.1 microM) and a V of 5.8 nmol Ca2+ X mg-1 protein X min-1 in the predominantly right-side-out vesicular preparation used. It is inhibited by vanadate (K0.5 about 5 microM) and by anti-calmodulin drugs. A stimulatory effect of calmodulin is visible in membranes depleted of the activator. Exposure of basolateral membranes to 125I-azido-modified calmodulin results in the specific labeling of a membrane protein of Mr 141 000, which is tentatively suggested to be the Ca2+-pumping ATPase.  相似文献   

经两次DE52和Sephacryl s一300柱层析,从棕色固氮菌(Azotobacter vinelandii Lipmann)突变利UW45粗提液(37 677mg蛋白)中纯化得到628 mg的NifB^-Av1。经考马斯亮蓝R-250染色的SDS凝胶电泳分析表明,该蛋白基本达到SDS凝胶电泳纯,组成它的亚单位的种类与Av1(α和β亚单位)相似。NifB^-Av1不能与NifB^-Av2重组成具放氢活性的固氮酶,但可使与其保温重组的FeMoco显出高活性。在合适条件下,NifB^-Av1可在结晶溶液中析出棕色短斜四棱柱晶体,目前所得最大晶体的二维边长均为0.1mm。能否出现晶体以及出晶时间、晶体数目、大小、质量和形状等,与沉淀剂溶液各组分的种类和浓度、结晶方法、实验操作等因素密切相关。初步结果表明,所得晶体为NifB^-AV1单晶。  相似文献   

从无钼、无氨而含铬的固氮培养基中生长的棕色固氮菌(Azotobacter vinelandii Lipmann)突变种UW3中纯化得到了部分纯的CrFe蛋白。在试图培养CrFe蛋白大晶体时发现,棕色晶体和砖红色晶体可同时或单独出现。SDS-PAGE和厌氧天然PAGE皆表明,棕色晶体主要由与固氮酶钼铁蛋白(Av1)类似大小的亚基(~60kD)组成,而砖红色晶体则由~20kD亚基组成。免疫分析表明只有~60kD的亚基可与固氮酶钼铁蛋白的抗体反应,而~20kD亚基则无这种反应。在部分纯的CrFe蛋白溶液中,~20 kD的总蛋白含量远低于~60 kD蛋白的含量,表明由这种小亚基组成的蛋白只是CrFe蛋白溶液中的一种污染蛋白。用3,5-二氨基苯甲酸染色的天然电泳表明,形成砖红色和棕色晶体的蛋白是迁移率不同的两种含铁蛋白。质谱分析表明砖红色晶体蛋白为棕色固氮菌的细菌铁蛋白。分辨率为2.34的X射线衍射结果也表明,砖红色晶体属于H3空间群,晶胞参数为a=124.965,b=124.965和c=287.406。即将发表的三维结构解析表明,此砖红色晶体确为24聚体的细菌铁蛋白。  相似文献   

从无钼、无氨而含铬的固氮培养基中生长的棕色固氮菌(Azotobacter vinelandii Lipmann)突变种UW3中纯化得到了部分纯的CrFe蛋白.在试图培养CrFe蛋白大晶体时发现,棕色晶体和砖红色晶体可同时或单独出现.SDS-PAGE和厌氧天然PAGE皆表明,棕色晶体主要由与固氮酶钼铁蛋白(Av1)类似大小的亚基(~60 kD)组成,而砖红色晶体则由~20kD亚基组成.免疫分析表明只有~60kD的亚基可与固氮酶钼铁蛋白的抗体反应,而~20kD亚基则无这种反应.在部分纯的CrFe蛋白溶液中,~20 kD的总蛋白含量远低于~60 kD蛋白的含量,表明由这种小亚基组成的蛋白只是CrFe蛋白溶液中的一种污染蛋白.用3,5-二氨基苯甲酸染色的天然电泳表明,形成砖红色和棕色晶体的蛋白是迁移率不同的两种含铁蛋白.质谱分析表明砖红色晶体蛋白为棕色固氮菌的细菌铁蛋白.分辨率为2.34 A的X射线衍射结果也表明,砖红色晶体属于H3空间群,晶胞参数为a=124.965A,b=124.965A和c=287.406 A.即将发表的三维结构解析表明,此砖红色晶体确为24聚体的细菌铁蛋白.  相似文献   

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