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文章首次报道了纵纹腹小Xiao Athene noctua不同亚种之间第1枚初级飞羽外羽及最外侧1枚小翼羽的斑纹特征,爪的累积长度及左脚中趾爪长的差异.增补了小Xiao在国内新的分布点,在国内的4个亚种中,A,n.ludlowi栖息于最冷,多风的高海拔地区,它的羽色最深,体形最大,翅也最长;A.n.crientalis分布于较干热的沙漠地区,体色明显变白,是国内亚种中羽色最淡的,我国甘肃、青海一带  相似文献   

报道纵纹腹小鸮在国内的换羽情况,初级飞羽的脱换是从6-7月到9-10月份,方式是由内向外逐渐进行,左,右两翅的脱换程序几乎同步,每翅上仅有2-4枚(平均3枚)飞羽同时脱换;尾羽的换羽时期与飞羽几乎相同,方式是各尾羽几乎同时进行。  相似文献   

许多鸟种因具有较强的适应性而分布广泛,例如家燕(Hirundo rustica)。在不同纬度地区研究其繁殖生态学特征有助于了解家燕对不同环境的适应。家燕mandschurica亚种在国内仅分布于黑龙江省,且该亚种的繁殖资料少有报道,为此,于2016和2017年每年的4至10月,在哈尔滨对其繁殖生态特征开展研究,并与国内目前已发表的家燕gutturalis亚种繁殖生态特征进行对比。家燕mandschurica亚种4月底或5月初迁来哈尔滨,9月下旬或10月初南迁;窝卵数为4~6枚(n=19);卵长径(18.7±1.4)mm(15.9~22.5 mm)、卵短径(13.0±0.5)mm(12.2~14.2 mm),卵重(1.6±0.1)g(1.3~1.9 g),n=35;孵卵期为(16±2)d(14~18 d,n=19);育雏期为(17±1)d(16~18 d,n=6)。雏鸟的体长、翅长及尾羽长的生长曲线能与Logistic较好地拟合;体重、嘴峰和跗跖在5日龄左右生长最快,体长和翅长在7日龄左右增长最快,雏鸟的生长模式符合能量分配假说。与我国南方的家燕gutturalis亚种相比,在哈尔滨繁殖的mandschurica亚种的卵更小、更轻,二者孵卵期相似,但后者育雏期更短。这或许与不同地区食物丰富度及亲鸟喂食策略有关。  相似文献   

青藏高原褐背拟地鸦表型特征的性别差异与地理变异   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
将数值分类用于鸟类分类学研究时,对于雌雄的形态特征差异没有被重视,尤其是对于雌雄同形的鸟类。本文以雌雄同形的褐背拟地鸦Pseudopodoces humilis为材料,运用SPSSl0.0FORwINDOwS统计分析软件对108号褐背拟地鸦标本(51♀♀,57♂♂)的数量性状(体长、跗跖长、翅长、尾长、嘴宽、嘴高、上喙长、下喙长、嘴裂、第3趾爪长、第1趾爪长)的原始数据进行分析,结果表明雌、雄性状在翅长(n=51,P=0.012)和嘴高(n=57,P=0.043)上有明显差异,但在体长、跗跖长、尾长、嘴宽、上喙长、下喙长、嘴裂、第3趾爪长、第1趾爪长等数值特征上却没有明显的差异。所以在以后对于褐背拟地鸦的地理种群变异和亚种分化的研究中,翅长和嘴高两特征应该根据雌雄分别讨论。通过对不同性状量度和纬度的相关回归分析,发现在测量标本所涉及的采集地范围内,即主要在青藏高原东南部地区,褐背拟地鸦体长和雄乌的翅长在地理分布上随纬度的增加而变小,而其它性状特征没有明显的地理分布纬度上的变化。  相似文献   

记述了中国眼蝶亚科Satyrinae黛眼蝶属Lethe Hbner,18191新种和1新亚种——浅色黛眼蝶Lethe tingeda sp.nov.,比目黛眼蝶宝兴亚种Lethe proxima baoxingensis ssp.nov.,模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。比目黛眼蝶宝兴亚种,新亚种Lethe proxima baoxingensis ssp.nov.(图1~7)新亚种与比目黛眼蝶指名亚种Lethe proxima proxima Leech相似,主要区别是:后翅正面亚缘只有2枚眼斑;前翅反面外横带不规则弯曲;后翅反面Cu2、2A脉间外横线强烈弯折。淡色黛眼蝶,新种Lethe tingeda sp.nov.(图8~14)新种与棕褐黛眼蝶Lethe christophi(Leech)相似,主要区别是:颜色较浅;雄蝶后翅性标斑小,水滴状,覆有黑色毛簇,而非烙斑状;后翅反面cu1室内无眼斑;m3室内眼斑瞳点不扩大;翅反面前后翅外横线不连贯;雄性外生殖器囊突较粗短;钩突近端部背侧隆起较强。  相似文献   

在整理西藏的标本时,发现下列鸟类是我国过去未曾纪录过的,现简报于后。1.红喉山鹧鸪Arborophila r.rufogularis Blyth 1?。墨脱县,背崩(海拔850米);1977.7.25。翅长122。 本亚种体形较小,颏和上喉几白色,下喉棕色;棕色后面具明显的黑缘,形成一个完整的黑带,与胸部相界,明显有别于A.r.intermedia和A.r.euroa亚种。  相似文献   

芳香木蠹蛾中国亚种Cossus cossus chinensis是Rothschild(1921)在Seitz编著的《世界大鳞翅》(Macrolepidoptera of the World)一书中首次描记的,模式产地为中国山东省的青岛,以后Daniel在“古北区木蠹蛾科专论”(1956,Mitt.munch.ent.Ges.,46:255)中也把它作为芳香木蠹蛾Cossus cossus的一个亚种。但芳香木蠹蛾原产于欧洲的指名亚种 Cossus cossus cossus L.以及分布于远东地区的亚种Cossuscossus orientalis Gaede等胸部背面和翅基片褐灰色,后足胫节中距发达,基跗节明显膨大,另外抱器背突呈“M”形,骨化较弱。而Cossus cossus chinensis Rothschild胸部背面和翅基片全为黄色,后足胫节中距常退化,基跗节不膨大,抱器背突骨化明显,呈长马蹄形;此外,根据地理亚种的定义,一种之内不同地理亚种不可能分布在同一地区,而Cossus cossus chinensis Rothschild和Cossus cossus orientalis Gaede却在陕西、河南、山东等广大地区重叠在一起。很显然,把Cossus cossus chinensis Rothschild 作为芳香木蠹蛾Cossuscossus的亚种是不合适的,而应将它提升为种,即Cossus chinensis Rothschild。由于该种昆虫胸部背面全为黄色,所以山东省林科所方德齐先生称其为黄胸木蠹蛾,很恰当。 根据文献记载及所收集到的标本,黄胸  相似文献   

东方田鼠长江亚种和指名亚种基因组DNA序列比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据东方田鼠基因组DNA序列片段(CenBank登录号:AF277394),通过PCR方法扩增东方田鼠长江亚种(Microtus fortis calamorum)和宁夏指名亚种(Microtus fortis fortis)基因组DNA,得到-670bp左右的特异扩增片段。将PCR扩增产物克隆到pGEM-Teasy裁体,进行DNA序列分析,并用生物信息学方法比较东方田鼠长江亚种与指名亚种之间该序列的差异。结果表明:在东方田鼠两个亚种中共发现19个不同的等位基因,不同的个体在该序列存在广泛的单个核苷酸多态性(SNP),多态性位点多达25个;变换类型包括:转换(G→A、A→G、T→C、C→T)、颠换(G→T、A→T、T→A、C→A)、插入(CA)和缺失(TGTTTT)。东方田鼠长江亚种和指名亚种两个种群之间存在明显差别,尤其是在146、192、223、224、235位,但两种群间同源性仍高达98%。同时采用系统发育树(phylogenetic tree)分析方法,对两个亚种的亲缘关系进行了分析和比较,结果显示,东方田鼠长江亚种和宁夏指名亚种基因组DNA明显的分为两大组别。  相似文献   

通过对日本稻蝗、中华稻蝗台湾亚种和小翅稻蝗的种间交配、交配后精子传送等的研究,探讨了其生殖隔离机制及其进化意义。结果表明: 有共同分布区域的日本稻蝗与中华稻蝗台湾亚种及日本稻蝗与小翅稻蝗的交配率显著低于种内交配,即使交配也无精子的传送,存在强烈的行为隔离和完全的机械隔离。分布不重叠的中华稻蝗台湾亚种与小翅稻蝗之间,小翅稻蝗的雌虫与中华稻蝗台湾亚种雄虫的交配率显著低于种内交配,反向交配时则和种内交配率无显著差异;正反交配都能完成精子传送,显示出不对称、不完全的行为隔离,而无机械隔离的存在。分布不重叠的中华稻蝗台湾亚种与小翅稻蝗生殖隔离的进化速度慢于分布重叠的日本稻蝗与中华稻蝗台湾亚种及日本稻蝗与小翅稻蝗。  相似文献   

云南青鳉鱼类的分类和分布(鳉形目:青鳉科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经研究,云南的青鳉鱼类有2种:(1)分布于西双版纳的小青鏘 Oryzias minutillus Smith为中国境内首次记录;(2)另一种是新亚种,定名中华青鳉 Oryzias latipes sinentis subsp.nov.广泛分布于云南及中国其他地区。本新亚种与产自日本的指名亚种日本青鳉 Oryzias latipes latipes Temminck et Schlegel的主要区别在于:本新亚种的第一肋骨连接第二而不是第三脊椎骨上;平均脊椎骨数为29.2±0.6而不是30.3±0.5;胸鳍条多数为9而不是多数为10枚;染色体数目2n=46而不是2n=48。这些差异,明显地表示了由于地理隔离而引起的亚种分化。  相似文献   

Advertisement calls of the cricket frog, Acris crepitans , show statistically significant variation among populations in all call variables measured. Call variables show strong clinal variation resulting in calls of lower frequency, longer duration and slower call rates produced by A. c. blanchardi in open habitat in the west of the range, and calls of higher frequency, shorter calls and faster call rates produced by A. c. crepitans in the pine forests in the eastern part of the range. This clinal variation does not result from pleiotropic effects of body size or any other morphological characters we measured.
The two subspecies usually reside in different habitats, but some A. c. blanchardi reside in an isolated pine forest in central Texas. By comparing the calls of this subspecies in open and forest habitat, and by statistically removing the effects of clinal variation for all populations, we determined that habitat explains some of the variation in call structure; this is not true of subspecies.
Our data reject several hypotheses that purport to explain the evolution of mate recognition signals. (1) We reject the notion of Paterson and others that there is strong stabilizing selection on species-specific mate recognition signals. (2) There is no support for the hypothesis that call variation is primarily due to pleiotropic effects of body size or other morphological characters over the geographic range we examined. (3) There is no evidence for reproductive character displacement. (4) Our data, as well as experimental studies of habitat acoustics, support the hypothesis that some differences in calls among habitats result from environmental selection on call structure to enhance call transmission. We suggest that the latter hypothesis does not explain the strong clinal component of call variation. This might result from the passive effects of gene flow between populations at the extremes of the range under selection generated by habitat acoustics.  相似文献   

Life-history variations in male and female fluvial sculpins, Cottus nozawae, were studied in a small mountain stream in Hokkaido, Japan, primarily by using capture-mark-recapture methods. At three study areas established along the stream course, the majority of marked sculpins were recaptured in their original location over one or more years, indicating their long-term occupation of each restricted habitat area. Sculpin densities increased toward the upstream habitats, whereas individual growth rates were more rapid downstream. In both sexes, sculpins distributed downstream matured at a larger body size and later in life than upstream sculpins, clearly demonstrating a clinal variation in these respects. A comparison of life-history variations in C. nozawae with those in amphidromous C. hangiongensis suggests that intrapopulational life-history variations in the former might be environmentally induced, and that one of the most important determinants for the variations in Cottus species might be population density.  相似文献   

A new subspecies of the Fazila’s Lycian Salamander Lyciasalamandra fazilae is described based on material from ten localities in the Köyce?iz, Ortaca and Dalaman area in south-western Turkey. It is distinguished from the nominotypical subspecies by differences in the colouration pattern, morphometry and the mitochondrial molecular marker 16S rRNA. The distribution area of the new subspecies is located mainly in the western part of Dalaman River except for two seemingly intermediate populations (?erefler and Sarsala-Kap?karg?n). New localities for the species are reported.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zwei im Jahre 1959 geschlüpfte Steinkäuze (Athene noctua) dienten zur Untersuchung des zeitlichen Verlaufs ihrer ersten, 1960 einsetzenden Großgefieder-Mauser.98 Tage () bzw. 99 Tage () nach der ersten Schwungfeder fiel die letzte Schwungfeder aus. Die Flügelmauser setzte beim am 13. Juni, beim am 8. Juni ein. Ihr Verlauf geht aus den Diagrammen 1 und 2 hervor.Die 12 Armschwingen wurden wie beiStrix aluco von drei Foci aus erneuert, nämlich von A 12 bis A 8 descendent, von A 1 bis A 4 ascendent und von A 5 bis A 7 gleichfalls ascendent. — Die vier Federn des Daumenfittichs fielen in descendenter Reihenfolge, die 6 Steuerfeder-Paare beim nahezu synchron (binnen 4 Tagen), etwa zugleich mit dem Ausfall von H 3.
Summary The sequence and chronology of the first moult of flight-feathers has been studied in two captive specimens of the Little Owl,Athene noctua. The result is shown in the diagrams 1 and 2. InStrix aluco, the sequence (diagr. 3) agrees in principle with that followed byAthene noctua.

记述了寄生于北京猛禽体内的2种合饰带属线虫,其中一种为新种,一种为中国新纪录种.标本保存于北京师范大学生命科学学院.红角鸮合饰带线虫Synhimantus(Dispharynx)oti sp.nov.(图1~7)新种与Synhimantus(Dispharynx)capitata(Molin,1860)和S.(D.)buccalis(Gogoi and Sarmah,1988)较相似,但新种在第5对肛后乳突内侧有1对无柄乳突,左交合刺末端分叉,饰带长而与S.(D.)capitata有明显区别.新种与S.(D.)buccalis的主要区别为肛后乳突5对,左交合刺短,颈乳突三叉状位于饰带之后,阴门位于体中之前.正模♂,副模♀,采自红角鸮Otus scops(Linnaeus,1758)的食道.词源:新种的种名来自宿主名.纵纹腹小鸮合饰带线虫乌兹别克斯坦亚种Synhimantus(Dispharynx)noctuae uzbehistanica(Sultanov,1950)中国新纪录(图8~10)从纵纹腹小鸮Athene noctua(Scopoli,1769)的食道和口腔中采到3条雄虫.作者所采标本与Sultanov(1950)的原始描述基本相同,但前者饰带稍有波浪状的弯曲而原始描述为直的.  相似文献   

Abstract Four new taxa of Delias from the Solomon Islands are described. Two are races of a new species, D-messalina sp.n., which may be closely related to D.nigrina Fabricius and is distributed over three islands. The nominotypical subspecies, D.m.messalina subsp.n., occurs in Bougainville while D.m.orientalis subsp.n. is found on Santa Ysabel and Guadalcanal. The other two, D.alberti guava subsp.n. from Bougainville and D.alberti tetamba subsp.n. from Santa Ysabel, represent new subspecies of D.alberti Rothschld. Couplets for the inclusion of the new taxa in the standard key in Talbot are provided. In addition, a list of Solomon Islands Delias is given, together with brief distributional data.  相似文献   

中国羚牛分类、分布的研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
吴家炎 《动物学研究》1986,7(2):167-175
羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor)这种大型偶蹄类仅产于亚洲,它的个体大小可与云南野牛(Bos gaurus)及青藏高原的牦牛(Bos grunniens)相比,但体型又酷似羊类,特别是它具有隆起的吻鼻、低矮的臀部、成兽下颌的长须以及短小的尾巴,给人以似牛非牛、似羊非羊的印象。 羚牛体型粗壮,成兽体重约200—300公斤,体长在1.8—2.1米,四肢健壮有力,肩高一般在1.3—1.4米之间。肩高大于臀高。雌雄皆具角,一般雄角较粗大。角形特别,先由头顶略靠内侧向上长出,然后以90°方向向外侧弯曲,在角的1/2处又向后方弯转,  相似文献   

Cercopithecus aethiops can be classified into four subspecies by morphology and by geographic distribution. However, the phylogenetic relationship between these subspecies is unclear. We previously found five distinct haplogroups of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the subspecies C. aethiops aethiops at the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) level, and found that those haplogroups are parapatrically distributed in their habitat. To determine the relationship between subspeciation and haplogroup formation in a subspecies, we compared mtDNA control region and 12S rRNA gene sequences (approximately 700 bp) in C. a. aethiops, two other subspecies of C. aethiops, and two species of Cercopithecus: The diversity between haplogroups in C. a. aethiops was almost the same as that between subspecies. This similar level of diversification between and within haplogroups may explain why a previously obtained mtDNA tree did not show monophyletic branching according to subspecies.  相似文献   

黄佳亮  梁伟 《动物学杂志》2017,52(4):565-573
部分鸟类在繁殖过程中,为避免被捕食、减少繁殖投入等而选择占用其他鸟类的巢。2014~2016年每年的4~8月,在吉林向海国家级自然保护区记录到4种占用喜鹊巢进行繁殖的鸟类,其中绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)8巢,纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua)4巢,长耳鸮(Aiso otus)5巢,麻雀(Passer montanus)6巢。大部分(82.6%)为利用喜鹊的废弃旧巢,而绿头鸭(1巢)、长耳鸮(2巢)和纵纹腹小鸮(1巢)少数侵占喜鹊当年新建的巢。  相似文献   

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